SaLuSa from Sirius by Mike Quinsey,  September 4, 2015

SaLuSa from Sirius by Mike Quinsey,  September 4, 2015


Dear Ones, what a time you are having as the messages you now receive seem to have a general agreement as to what is shortly coming up. This month is a turning point regardless of whatever takes place, as the incoming energies will to a greater or lesser degree affect all souls. In fact it has already made its presence known by impinging upon your consciousness, with the result that many sense the changes within themselves. The higher energies are bringing love and ultimately a peace that you have only briefly known in your present dimension. The entities on your Earth that cannot raise their vibrations will be guided to an appropriate level that suits their needs. Every soul will find itself at the right level for their future needs, and all things will be exactly as they should be.

This is the time when the truth will gradually emerge until it becomes a crescendo of information that will make your head whirl. There is so much that has been presented to you as “truth” yet is far from it, and intended to hold you in the clutches of the dark Ones. Indeed, it has been largely successful but with the expanding levels of consciousness, it can no longer prevent the truth from becoming known. It means that you are no longer automatically accepting whatever is placed before you, and are more discerning and asking questions. At the same time many Lightworkers are now stepping forward to share their knowledge with you. The truth can no longer be kept from you, and as you prepare to actively take part in the New Age many knowledgeable souls are making themselves known.

Whilst the future is yet to be revealed, it will seem to you that utter confusion is all around you. This will remain for a while but once the activities of the dark Ones are curtailed, they will no longer be able to dictate to you or interfere. The New Age changes will truly start and in quick time you will see the benefits come in quick succession. You must remember that we are not reliant on your knowledge, but have advanced far beyond your present levels. However, you are part way there as for some years now you have benefited from progress made as the result of new technologies that have come through us, or taken from sources other than your own.

You are in exciting times that will lift you out of the lower vibrations, to benefit from new inventions and existing technologies that have been kept from you. Your needs will be fully attended to and eventually you will have so much time for yourselves, without the necessity to give so much of yourselves simply to have a rewarding life. The dark Ones never wanted you to become independent, and their devious plans have purposely kept you as slaves to your work and the money system. It will all change in due course, but first those most in need must be lifted out of poverty and want. It would seem to be a formidable task but with our help you will be utterly and completely surprised how quickly it can be carried out.

People must be prepared to change for the better, and any inconvenience will be well worth it. You will eventually become self-serving and independent, as the days of giving so much of your time simply to provide the necessities of life will change. You will have more than ample time to follow your own pursuits, and venture to different parts of the Earth for whatever pastimes you wish to enjoy. Be assured that the future is certain where these matters are concerned, and God has ordained it shall be so. Wars and any form of aggression will disappear and people will live together harmoniously and in happiness. With permanent peace having been established your Space friends will make more contact and you will enjoy sharing activities with them. It will soon be time to meet other civilisations who also wish to share their knowledge with you, and some are already within your Solar System waiting for the right time to openly introduce themselves.

As an individual your most important challenge is to keep focussed on the Light, and not be distracted by anything happening around you. There will be distractions and false information will abound as those who fear the changes cling desperately to what they know and feel comfortable with. At the same time however, more facts will come to light as to how you have been manipulated by the dark Ones. However, a number of you can now see clearly through the lies that have been told, and even are ready to awaken to the truth. It will spread like wildfire, largely by word of mouth, until the Press and other sources are forced to report the changes that are occurring. The truth will sound right because intuitively you know what to accept, and much will be to your surprise and also welcome as it will be for the good of All. However, be prepared to find your way through the mass of information that will be presented to you.

When you look back you will realise that there has been a deliberate plan to enlighten you that has taken many years to come to fruition. It has been slow to allow time for those who have needed much more help, to break out of the manacles that have held them back. Originally all souls came to Earth from high levels and as they immersed themselves in the lower vibrations, they lost their contact with the Light. You are therefore being given every help to remember who you really are and make your return to the Light as easy as possible. Your Guides will help you on your way so call upon them if you need their assistance. We can also help as we oversee developments to ensure your success and see you safely through this period. There is so much to look forwards to that will thrill you and make every effort you have made feel well worthwhile.

You now face some interesting developments that shall be the commencement of many exciting changes, and leave you in no doubt that that the New Age is truly under way. You are rising up with Mother Earth who has her own Ascension to deal with and looks forward to carrying you up with her. Your actions that are positive will help speed up events and ultimately it is the collective vibrations upon Earth that will determine when you ascend. You have come a long way to reach this most important time in your evolution and the feeling of completion is growing as all souls have the opportunity to lift up. You can help each other through the more challenging times by keeping fear at bay, as the outcome is assured and will take you back to the Light.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and just one of the many Space Friends that follow your progress and where possible guide you to your destined success. In time you will join us as equals, and we shall enjoy going into the Universe and sharing many adventures. However, when you are once more completely of the Light, you shall determine where your travels take you as it will be your choice. Think big Dear Ones as you are destined to fully return to the Light.

Thank you SaLuSa,

Mike Quinsey.

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Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation, July 28, 2015

Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation, July 28, 2015


Let this be the time of a great end to those who in the dark’s name kept all of you doubting who you are and what you were capable of. The time comes to let this realm know that your merciful guardian energies are preparing to emerge and create a new realm filled with peace, cooperation and joy. Hallelujah! A new time of freedom and prosperity is nearly upon us!

I Muluk, 2 Pop, 12 Manik

Dratzo! Much is happening! The various processes chosen by our earthly allies have received working schedules. As usual, a set committee meets at infrequent times with the dark cabal. In these meetings, our earthly allies provide the dark’s emissaries with a series of ultimatums. These ultimatums are usually based upon a series of legal decisions that prove the dark is basically bankrupt and lacks its own oomph to carry out senseless military actions. In short, world opinion is turning solidly against them. The ancient families in particular possess formal IOUs, which have the power to prove the utter weakness of the dark’s fiat monetary system. The dark realizes just how fragile their position is. The end time for this cabal draws ever closer. The ancient families wish to create not only a new system, but as well to create global conditions for the new consciousness to grow and flourish. We constantly remind them that the poor masses of humanity that cover this globe are dying and in pain. Their reply to us is that a process for change is under way and gaining momentum. There is to be a time for everything. We reply that Heaven as well has a most glorious agenda!

When the Atlanteans so ungratefully abandoned humanity, the people were left to starve and eventually die. In this instance the Anunnaki arrived and under a strict agreement with Heaven partially rose up the people and put them under the heinous yoke of their dark rule. Your ancestors were at first appreciative of their help. Deep in their hearts they vaguely knew what had so capriciously occurred. These new dark ones were attempting to replace the Atlanteans and erase their memories of who they really were. This troubled your ancestors as they realized that something wonderful needed to happen to return them to their former state. Eventually as the millennia passed, your ancestors adapted to this limited reality. The golden ages after Atlantis proved to most of your ancestors that there were some rewards for supplication. Nevertheless, the hope of those who remembered the old world was a constant mantra for Heaven to send a true champion. We were secretly appointed to watch over you and await further instructions.

Since the destruction of Atlantis, your ancestors suffered as the Anunnaki mercilessly ruled over them. After the last golden age ended with the great flood, the Anunnaki selected minions to serve in their place as masters of you. The Anunnaki began to divide you into different groups and use this as a means for greater control. Moral rules to govern these societies were passed down and many other rules were given to aid their minions in governing these very diverse groups. The minions were taught about war, hatred and other ways to manipulate a society. By modern day, you had mostly forgotten about your past and accepted many of the precepts passed down from the previous eight millennia. Your present societies are in reality changing how you look at this. The Anunnaki are gone. The minions proved to be a truly inept group. They only know what the very astute Anunnaki taught them. They have had easy access to wealth, power and a general governmental indifference. This creates a kind of stupor, which can be used to finally finish them off.

As consciousness grows, you begin to see how this realm can be changed. The ancient families work partially within the context of the old reality. Something new is needed that can quickly transform these millennia-old predicaments. We believe that a transparent and powerful movement can work to swiftly alter this realm. We have been suggesting this for years. Small groups intent on improving local conditions have popped up all over your globe. These tiny movements are gradually consolidating what is needed as major groups to come together and create networks with power. In other words, to do this with powerful benefactors who use their wealth to advance these numerous projects. To us, this is a more acceptable way. The dark can then attempt to interfere. Let them, and use it to advance the power of this cause. Their corrupt methods can only lead to a true “quiet revolution”. This needed to be done a half decade ago. The result of this growing consciousness can then oust these scalawags from power. The results are the same within a much smaller timeframe.

We are your Ascended Masters! We come with a message for all!! Right now on Gaia, a great energy is moving into your various life zones. Each of these energies is building upon the other. The coming month of August is when these energies are to reach a crescendo. These energies are to become the foundation for another set of even higher energies that are to follow. These energies are activating parts of your mind, heart and body. These organs are the center point for a blessed set of changes that are to make you even more aware of the dimensional transformation. Back in 1972, a number of actions were undertaken to preserve this solar system. These were the initial instance of us aiding your reality. Be aware that to us, Gaia is a special planet as it served as the focal point for the start of this galaxy. Ever since we became Masters, we became deeply aware of what this divine living orb truly is. It is a blessing to know that its preservation is a divine part of our many sacred duties. As you grow in consciousness, you can better sense her immense importance to this solar system.

These new energies are part of a continuing system of energies that began to flow into Gaia at the start of this millennium. These energies are to be the jump starter of the preliminary energies needed to start your changes. At present, most of your aura has been integrated into fields that power Gaia. As she naturally grows, so do you. In August, the next sets are to commence flowing into this orb. We are regulating these energies and the transformations they are to cause. They are, in fact, a type of tonal pattern needed to move you to your next stage of growth. The dark has become aware of what is happening and we are assuring Heaven that our protection extends throughout this surface world. Meanwhile the dark is as well discovering that its plans to prevent these transformations are badly failing. The Light is drawing closer each day to a most blessed victory!

The blessed song of Heaven is reverberating throughout this realm. We ask that you remain positive and use your mostly untapped inner powers to see that this timely change happens as planned. Each of you is in reality a jewel of Heaven. Use your collective abilities to permit these brilliant inner jewels to shine. If you look around you, you can then see this grand energy in action. Visualize this and in so doing allow your brethren to shine with a brilliance so great that it ends the power of the dark and lets the Light of Heaven in. Let this be the time of a great end to those who in the dark’s name kept all of you doubting who you are and what you were capable of. The time comes to let this realm know that your merciful guardian energies are preparing to emerge and create a new realm filled with peace, cooperation and joy. Hallelujah! A new time of freedom and prosperity is nearly upon us!

Today we continued with our weekly messages to inform you of what is happening across this globe. Our space and inner Earth families are providing the grounds for the great set of changes that are currently underway. We thank all who are so graciously aiding all of us in this mission to transform humanity. Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)

Planetary Activation Organization
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Matthew’s Message from June 11, 2013


Turkey; Syria, other mid-eastern countries; China, USA; National Security Agency; Monsanto Protection Act; President Obama; negativity release; nuclear power facilities; nuclear weapons; Bilderberg conference; Canadian Defense Minister, ETs; Hatonn’s comments


With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew.  As we address the issues in which readers have expressed greatest interest, please keep in mind that the “negative” end of the duality spectrum is at its zenith; and that energy, once set in motion, must run its course.  You are seeing the combination of individuals with violent tendencies following their intensified urge to commit violence—whether in random acts or leaders oppressing their peoples—and the playing out of energy in many diverse situations around your world.


Turmoil in Turkey, ostensibly to protect a park, was instigated by the CIA’s “black ops” to stoke the fire between the Sunnis and Shi’ites and lead to a blazing war. Just as all other countries in your world, Turkey has policies that are not satisfying every citizen, but it is economically sound and progressive—and that’s what the Illuminati want to destroy. Although their global network has come apart at the seams, a few peak individuals are stuck in their delusion that they will take over the entire Mideast and move on to control the rest of the world too. Most assuredly, that will not happen, and when the unrest in Turkey subsides, and it shall soon, some reforms will emerge and further strengthen the country’s progressive path.


In mid-eastern countries where the people have ousted despotic or dynastic rulers, freedom is new and it is natural that there is confusion about leadership and governance. Eventually a consensus will be reached in each country and the kind of democratic rule that best suits each will be instituted.


Syria is somewhat different because disparate groups are battling the Assad regime—their purpose is the same, but each group has its own agenda, so to say.  When victory does come, there will be a time of severe dissension led by the most radical in the groups until common sense and wisdom prevail; then a coalition will be formed to move the country toward a peaceful stability.


China’s interest is not in “economically conquering the USA,” but in dealing with its serious internal issues. Among the world’s major nations economically speaking, China and the United States have the largest internal challenges. Due to its authoritarian nature tempered by clear vision, the Chinese government is working on solutions to its problem areas; due to democracy gone awry, action in the United States in regard to troublesome areas is comparatively at a standstill.


This is an appropriate place to address questions that many readers have asked: How can US President Obama defend the National Security Agency’s collection of data from citizens’ private telephone conversations and Internet records?  Why did he sign the Monsanto Protection Act? Congressional actions are public knowledge, but what goes on behind closed doors is not known, and we shall tell you what is relevant to these two situations.


President Obama defended NSA’s data gathering, which was authorized in the Patriot Act passed during George W. Bush’s administration, on the authentic basis that it has led to discovering and thwarting numerous terrorist plans. What the president cannot say—and Bush never would—is that the most extensive terrorist acts that met failure and most of the lesser plots that also got shot down were those devised by the CIA faction under Illuminati control.


Neither can Obama disclose that ETs are working in the NSA and other agencies in that country and in several others. They are collecting and analyzing information on all Illuminati activities around the globe and using it to weaken their operations and obtain evidence for prosecution. When this has served its purpose—bringing to its final moment the Illuminati reign—the Patriot Act and also Homeland Security will come to an end.


As for the Monsanto Protection Act, Illuminati spokespersons told the president that if he vetoed it, Congress would override it. Furthermore, they would intensify their efforts to overturn the Affordable Healthcare Act, block legislation that could relieve some immigration issues, and doom attempts to resolve international conflicts by rational discussions instead of belligerent confrontation.


That is the “down-to-Earth” reason, you could say, that Obama signed the bill, but there is another facet of this that the Illuminati bloc doesn’t know. Despite their threats, the president was not going to sign the Act—he did so because ETs close to him advised it. Their higher perspective was that citizens’ outrage at this insidious bill needs to motivate them to force its nullification. The people must exercise their right and responsibility to demand that their elected officials end stubborn partisanship, stop letting lobbyists’ money dictate their votes on legislation, and start serving the best interests of the country.


By no means does this apply only to the United States!  Governments in every country must start serving the needs of their people because this goes to the very heart of Earth’s Golden Age and soul evolvement!


As mentioned in previous messages, Earth’s populace is in fourth density as far as location, but many have not yet reached this densityconsciously or spiritually. Just as Earth’s ascension was predestined, so was her Golden Age, but when that Age blooms in glorious fullness in your linear time depends upon the people’s collective thoughts, feelings and actions. We cannot emphasize too strongly how greatly your light is needed to help your society advance in conscious and spiritual awareness!


The universal law of attraction is an essential part of advancement. By concentrating on dissatisfaction with governing systems’ injustices and nefarious activities, the populace is sending forth energy that is prolonging situations they want to end!  They need to know that by focusing instead on what they want, they generate the energy that will manifest it. They need to be discerning about information from all sources by asking within, where the truth is known as to whether something is fact or fiction, true or false.



We first spoke of Barack Obama prior to the 2008 primary election in the United States, when we stated that he would be elected president. We have spoken about him numerous times since then, including before the 2012 election when we said he would remain in office and why. After each of our many messages that mentioned Obama went out, my mother was inundated with emails: Advocates of the Republican party’s ideologies vehemently denounce what we tell you about him and his supporters want to know if he can surmount the formidable opposition he faces. Some ask: Is he still a light-filled being?  YES, he is!


We shall add a bit to that, but first we say, it is politics that has subjected Earth’s successive generations to wars’ horrendous death tolls and destruction and has created an unconscionably lopsided distribution of your world’s vast riches. We are not overlooking the part that religions have played, but it is those who rule church and state who drive their followers onto the battlefield.


For long ages the foundation of your world’s political systems was the madness of conquest and bloodshed, corruption and deception. Eventually it created such a mass of negativity that Earth’s very life was at stake. Gaia, the soul that embodied as your planet, didn’t want her body and all of its life forms to die.


Thus, in accordance with Gaia’s request and God’s blessing, far distant civilizations infused the planet with life-saving light and the highest universal council created the master plan for a new era that became known as Earth’s Golden Age.  They asked a soul from a highly advanced civilization to take on one of the most difficult tasks—presidency of the United States, a role that would transcend politics worldwide.


Yes, absolutely Barack Obama is as light-filled as when he agreed to accept the mission to right the wrongs in that country and be in the vanguard of world peace-bringers!  Throughout his time in office, he has been diligently working behind the scenes to dismantle the network that enabled the Illuminati to control everything that impacts life in your world. Their power to stymie or completely derail his efforts has been formidable and largely successful, but when their influence within and beyond the Congress ends, you shall see the truth of our words about Obama.



Now let us put negativity into the context of weather and geophysical events, which you may not have considered as the evidence of change that they are. The intensive light that saved Earth’s life gave her the strength to start releasing negativity via powerful earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and severe storms that resulted in massive death toll and destruction.


The last of the “old” negativity was eliminated about six months ago—that’s what enabled Earth to enter fourth density. “New” negativity caused by ongoing violence is being released through a series of earthquakes in areas where there is little, if any, loss of life or land destruction, and the same with volcanic eruptions. More is being dispersed via torrential rainstorms in some areas and wildfires in others—water and fire are Nature’s cleansing elements.


Never again will negativity amass on the planet and none of the predicted cataclysms will occur!  The darkness that for long ages enshrouded Earth is gone, but “mopping up” what was left in its wake will continue until she reaches the planes where violence doesn’t exist. She won’t get there next week or next month, but aided by light forces within, on and beyond Earth, she is moving toward that space at a speed that is unique in this universe and all along the way, violence will lessen and so will storms, quakes and volcanic activity.


Moving on now to other matters readers are questioning, some time ago radioactive emissions from Japan’s damaged nuclear facility were neutralized to the extent that they posed no new health risks.  Eventually all nuclear power plants, stored waste and other toxic pollution will be technologically dematerialized. In the meantime, crews in your skies are using technology aboard their ships to safeguard nuclear facilities that still are in use.


Concerns about countries with nuclear weapons acting rashly, other countries racing to develop or acquire those arms, and accidental launches are totally unnecessary. By Creator’s decree and God’s authorization, civilizations with the ability to prevent deliberate or accidental nuclear strikes will continue doing that.



During the Bilderberg conference, the Illuminati could scarcely disguise their deepening worries about how much longer they can control banking, lending and investing around the world—they have almost exhausted the means whereby they have been able to keep their fortunes intact. As mentioned earlier, individuals within and outside the NSA have been collecting evidence that the Illuminati acquired those fortunes illegally and unethically; however, until all documentation is presented in airtight cases to the various courts and then justly ruled upon, the funds will remain in Illuminati hands.


It was with joy that we heard about the Canadian Minister of Defense’s acknowledgement of the presence of other civilizations! It isn’t known yet how much this may affect the timing of landings and when ETs living among you will indentify themselves. Mother, please insert Hatonn’s reply to your question about this.


“As encouraging as that acknowledgement is, it’s not enough for landings tomorrow. The word we got is, you have to put your house in better order first. No one expects you to do it by yourselves—that’s why we’re here!


“Suzy, my friend, you know we aren’t going to take over your world but most people don’t. They are curious about us but not convinced that if we landed, it would be to help.  They don’t have a clue about what we’ve been doing for Earth for centuries—they’re more like, Why would ETs be interested in us?


“When they see things moving in good directions and feel more confident about what’s changing, they may not be so leery about strangers dropping in. But, that Illuminati propaganda about ‘ETs may seem friendly but they’re going to enslave you’ is still making Internet rounds.


“Anyway, the bottom line is, God’s in charge. He will know when you’re ready to welcome us and then give the council the GO sign. We’re even more eager for that than you are, Suzy!”


Thank you, Mother, and please copy the link to the short video that also adds energy to speeding the day when you will meet your “space benefactors.” We hope you will feel inspired to support this group’s efforts to spread the word.


Our beloved Earth family, billions of souls want the same as you, to live in a peaceful world where everyone’s needs are plentifully met, where all leaders are wise and honorable and life is in harmony with Nature. But they don’t know how to help make the world that way and you do—you are there to be the way-showers!


By living from your heart, you are exemplifying to everyone around you that LOVE is the way to create the world that they, and you, want. Remember, in the continuum the era of world peace, joy, beauty, kindness, mutual respect, abundance and marvelous adventure already is!





Suzanne Ward


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Anger and Self-Hatred are the Opposite of the I AM Presence – Message from Mother/Father God via Kathryn May, June 12, 2013

Kathryn E. May

Kathryn E. May

Now, Dear Ones, let us continue with yesterday’s discussion.  We told you about the Big Lie – that Love makes you vulnerable.  Our response to that idea is that it’s nonsense.  The opposite is true:  Love makes you powerful, and likely to join with others, which makes you even more powerful.  Now let’s examine why so many people feel helpless and vulnerable.

During the process of development throughout childhood and adolescence, the brain continues to grow.  As it does, the optic nerve lengthens, and the distance from your eye to the operating center in your brain becomes greater.  However, if you have experienced trauma, confusion, painful feelings, they register along the optic nerve channel where the pain is stored, along with the sense of the insult – the people, places, ideas and images which caused the pain.

When the difficulty occurs early and frequently, a corollary connection occurs from the place in the brain along the optic nerve where the pain is registered to the lower (reptilian) brain, where the fight or flight response is generated.  With repeated experiences of fear or pain or both, the channel to the lower brain becomes a major pathway, a trauma superhighway which then comes to serve as the primary response channel.  If used a great deal because of emotional conflict in the child’s environment, the fight or flight channel will become the primary response to any strong emotion, any intense experience, negative or positive.

This explains why some people are afraid of commitment, for instance, or turn away from a loving relationship as if it would cause them terror.  Their brain and emotions are primed to respond with an adrenaline-charged fear response to anything that arouses emotion.  They may even respond to the loving partner with rage when they are actually being considerate and thoughtful.  This is confusing to the partner, and in some cases will make them doubt their own motives and intentions, even when they know they were being loving.

With years of “emotional training” – the experience of fear in response to the behavior of the adults around them – the child grows naturally into an adult with brain circuitry programmed for fear and the resulting behavior, anger, rage, aversion and fear toward anyone who ellicits strong feelings, whether negative or positive.  If you are one of those people, or you are in a relationship with one, know that there is a “cure,” but it is certainly not medication, which will do nothing to rewire the brain.

If you are in a relationship with someone who matches this description, be aware that it is not a trivial matter to correct it.  Behavioral training approaches the problem backwards – dealing only with the response, not the cause.  The work that needs to be done is the rewiring of the brain.  This takes determination and character – to remain mindful every minute of every day in order to rework how you use your brain in response to life’s events.  This is the way the Visual Centering works, by changing the original pathways to a more adult-centered and Heart-centered response configuration.

As you have practiced your yoga meditations, you have learned to breathe and focus on your Heart center.  Now you need to create a new channel in your brain to wire in your intended changes.  It is the pathway of optimal functioning, when the information travels through the eye, all the way back to the center of the brain without interference, to register and be processed where all comes together – breathing, seeing, hearing, taste, touch and smell, and above all, intuition and body intelligence.  At the same time, you will activate the pineal gland, which increases your ability to connect with Us.  Here in the center of your brain, you are able to process the information in a neutral state, without undue emotion.

When you establish this balanced center position as your standard operating procedure, as they say, you will bypass the fight-or-flight connections which have been causing all the problems.  You must then begin a rigorous practice of refusing to use the old pathways (refusing anxiety, rage, disgruntlement, and all forms of fear).  In doing so, the old channels will begin to dissolve and disappear – if you never use them!  The new channels, from the center of your brain to your heart, will replace the old reptilian bypass, and you will eventually find yourself in the fulness of Love, expressing joy in every breath.  This is the achievement of the I AM Presence, the powerful connection with your Higher Self and Us.

You will need to clear away all old blockages along the way – the part of the process which Kathryn teaches – to create a smooth pathway for the information.  This we cannot teach you on paper.  It must be done with the help of the Visual Centering videos and the teacher’s feedback.  Kathryn is now training several people to teach the technique, which will help all of you to prepare for your coming Ascension.

Now, let us add a bit about the practical use of this clearing and centering technique.  You are aware that we have been encouraging you to do your clearing work now, in preparation for the new era.  This means that we wish for you to take the stand with yourself that you will eliminate all old connections to fear and anger.  Yes, it is indeed possible to live a life without fear, and it is possible to control your emotions to the extent that you never find yourself in a state of extreme upset or rage toward another.

The perspective you gain from operating in the center of your brain allows you to see in a new way.  You will have the palpable sense of your own destiny, as well as the destiny of others.  You will see that the current details of life are often not what they appear – there may be long-term contracts or profound personal lessons to be had from even the most dreadful experiences, for you and others.  There may be events unfolding that are beyond the scope of your current Vision, but if you ride it out, the Truth will reveal itself eventually.

Most importantly, you will maintain your loving connection to Us, and We will sustain you through all challenges and difficulties.  Your job is to remain steadfast in Faith and to transmute every interaction, every feeling into Love.  This is the True Way.

You will all be given opportunities every day to exercise your I AM Presence, which will always reveal itself to you with feelings of peace of mind, deep fulfillment and a sense of belonging to the One.  You will never be lonely, you will never need to be vengeful or “right” and you will have no fear of death, of losses, or of yourself.  We have especially stressed the overcoming of anger, because it is an emotion which causes most of the most traumatic discord in your lives, and it has a terrible boomerang effect.  You are developed enough along your path to see that you do not approve of irrational rage as part of your repertoire.  You may even have learned to disguise it from yourself and others by calling it something else, but you know in your hearts that when you do something vindictive or mean, you feel terrible afterward.

Here’s the rub, as our dear Shakespeare said:  feeling terrible about yourself leads to wanting to correct the problem.  Your old familiar strategy is to berate yourself with more anger!  This continues a cycle of self-doubt, self-hatred and fear.  The fear is now about not trusting yourself, not feeling safe in your own skin, feeling shame about your mistakes, and you are off and running again.

In order to avoid the terrible unpleasantness of self-blame, you must instead convince yourself you are Right.  Your vengeance is warranted, self-righteous, even God-given!  (Remember the televangelists who were disgraced by sexual scandals and money scams?  They were all loudly proclaiming their own righteousness, weren’t they?)

Do not fall into the trap of self-hatred.  It is the toxic, destructive opposite of the I AM Presence.  No excuses.  Your poor self does not deserve a beating, no matter what your past mistakes or current difficulties.  In doing so you have usurped our position as your Creators and put yourself in our place.  YOU are not worthy! YOU are stupid!  You are playing God, Dear Ones.  We would never treat you that way, but you insist you know better than We do, and you proclaim yourself worthless.  We object.  Your portrayal of Us is a travesty!

We want you to replace the anger and self-hatred with Love.  Notice: Rage and self-hatred always go together.  Rise instead to a higher level of vibration where you can communicate with Us, breathe the breath of Love we send into your mouths, into your soul. Reach for your connection to your Higher Self – your I AM Presence – which puts you directly into our loving arms.  Do this every moment of every day, until you know the God within you, and that God is Love.

We wish you peace.
We are your Mother/Father God.

Via Kathryn May, June 11, 2013, 10 pm.  Wed. 8:30 EDT
Kathryn E. May, PsyD
60 Lower 27 Knolls Road
High Falls, New York, NY 12440
(914) 466-4250
Part 168 ‘Anger and Self-Hatred are the Opposite of the I AM Presence’  was send by mail through Kathryn May, June 12, 2013

GaiaPortal: Crossings of Dimensions Occur in Each Moment by ÉirePort, June 12, 2013


Crossings of dimensions now occur in each moment, by those attuned to connection of Higher Self and Higher Gaia. Even Gaia processes ascension intentions to allow humanity (small ‘h’) and Hue-manity to coalesce with her. Changes of overall humanity consciousness is matched by Higher Gaia adjustment of process.

Intentions of humanity enmasse now begin to support Gaia ascension.

All releases occurring at this moment produce multi-fold increase in consciousness.





Canadian Minister of Defense Paul Hellyer: We must overthrow the Illuminati, June 7, 2013 (video)






Portal 2012: May Monthly Update by Cobra, June 9, 2013


The May overview is here:
And the transcript here:

You can still continue sending your questions about the planetary situation to and many of them will be answered in the next overview.

GaiaPortal: Dissonant Energetics Are Arising… by ÉirePort, June 10, 2013


gaia_energy1Dissonant energetics currently are arising and may be sensed by many as Gaia sheds destructive themes and slavery paradigms. Many will be “immersed” in energetic regions and physical locations undergoing the dissonant patterns.

We of Èireport community remind all that remaining observant of exposed dark themes and/or dissonant energies is most helpful at this time. Participation in the dissonance is NOT recommended, nor required for these to dissolve. This will occur simply and quickly as they are generated.

Being in Joy and living in Peace during each moment will benefit all in this period.

View original post

Love is Power – Message from Mother/Father God via Kathryn May, June 11, 2013

Part 167, Love is Power

Kathryn E. May

Kathryn May

What a remarkable time it is.  The energies we are sending have had an enormous effect, even beyond our greatest hopes.  We are overjoyed at the outpouring of love and commitment on the part of our energetic Lightworkers, and the rapid response they are getting whenever they set in motion a plan which has Love at its center.  For more and more of you, Love has become what you might call the knee-jerk reaction whenever a moment of decision arises. We appreciate you all the more for this.  You can rightfully take credit for real progress in this regard.

We will briefly address a problem which has arisen in the spiritual community which has been troubling to some of you.  The same energies which make you feel as if you are on fire with inspiration, hope and Unconditional Love can also destabilize some.  You are all sensitive, and many of you are tired.  It is a challenging time for those reasons. Although you know how positive our intentions are, and how hopeful the future really is, there are some frayed nerves, which sometimes leads to frayed egos, and unfortunately  it has also led to internet accusations which fly around at lightning speed.  The originators of these accusations will eventually find themselves feeling regretful and apologetic, since those who are aspiring Masters are not expected to behave aggressively, and it is confusing to followers who have trusted their words.

Let us just say here that we stand behind these messages and those who have been closely associated with them.  A group of our Enlightened Ones is collaborating beautifully, with a seamless, loving sense of camaraderie and mutual respect.  You read in their writings and their voices the deep connection with Us and with all of you.  Their Love speaks for itself.

Now let us address your personal issues.  You are all being tested at this time, as your contracts have provided for.  It is a time of great change and great opportunity, and you have long been aware of the importance of being awake, fully conscious of your own responsibility to take command of your own emotions and actions (including, may we remind you, what you say in this powerful medium of communication, the internet).

Pay attention to your language, your attitudes and your speaking habits.  We would like to address this problem of your current cultures – the tendency to be careless about what you say, using the colloquial expressions and emotional terminology which originated in the 3-dimensional life experience you have recently experienced.  Many of those expressions are aggressive or even hostile, with sarcastic and emotionally cutting barbs which you became so used to hearing that you barely notice them.  Need we give examples?  Listen to any conversation on television and you will hear dozens of them, especially on those programs which promote themselves as family comedy and “reality” shows.

In the transition to higher consciousness, you will need to develop an entirely new language – one which has been expunged of the barbarisms of the Twentieth Century.  In addition to the aggressive and insensitive style of conversation, you will also begin to notice the even more pervasive tendency to discuss emotional states of anxiety, stress, depression and anger as if they were normal and inevitable, even though they are distressing.  How tragic a state of affairs, when humankind has accepted the idea that emotional imbalance is a normal way of life!

It is time, Dear Ones, to look more closely at your emotional states and to question whether any of this is true!  You have been convinced by the Dark Ones that misery and suffering is inevitable, so that when it is inflicted on you, you will simply complain to your close companions rather than try to revolt against the cause of that misery.  How clever of them to come between you and your happiness, was it not? What could be more effective a tool of control than to turn everyone against their very natures, their own identities as human beings?

Are you becoming aware of the massive manipulation of your psychology which has been imposed on you over the centuries?  Read on, Beloved Children, we will arm you with the evidence to break the chains of your emotional prisons.

We wish to underline an idea which Kathryn has presented in her recent teachings.  Here is the Fundamental Lie which has enslaved humankind with invisible psychological chains:
Love makes you vulnerable.  If you open your heart you will be hurt.

This, Dear Ones, is a blatant Lie.  There is not a whit of truth to this statement.  Bear with us now – we hear your protests.

Love does not weaken you, it makes you stronger.  Many of you associate these things because when you were children, the people you loved hurt you.  Now, look more carefully.  You were hurt because you were a child, not because you loved.  All children are weak, and therefore are easily hurt.  Adults are sturdy, fully formed and independent in their choices.  If someone does something hurtful, you are free to leave or take action to defend yourself.  A child cannot do that – they are unable to move out, get a job or a room of their own.  A child is vulnerable.  You are not a child.

Many of you will say, “But I was devastated by the breakup of my relationship.”  We would ask “Why?”  If either you or your partner wanted to leave, what are you mourning?  Do you really want to stay with someone who abuses you or does not want you?  Why are you not celebrating?  The end of a painful relationship is the beginning of a new life, not a trauma.  You cannot stand to be alone?  Such protestations describe the reconstituted pain of childhood, not an adult state.  Adults in full command of their feelings do not feel overwhelmed, or vulnerable, or devastated.

You have all been immersed in the Lie that these everyday painful feelings are normal.  You have not been taught as children that when you grow up, everything changes.  When you are grown, all you need is your own brilliant, intelligent and sturdy self and your connection to your I AM Presence, and you will manifest a life of Love, deep fulfillment, and satisfying friendships.  Love will fill your heart, and you will find peace of mind and joy in the strength you feel increasing every day.  The more you love, the more fulfillment comes back to you, and the more unexpected surprises wrapped in Love will be dropped on your doorstep.  Yes, there are bumps in the road, but because you are NOT emotionally vulnerable (you are gaining in wisdom and flexibility), you would, if not for the Lie, increase your capacity to love with every experience of mastery, every obstacle overcome.

Do you see how pervasive this idea is?  You have learned to mistrust your own human makeup, to think of feelings as dangerous, and to believe the lies about chemical imbalances, neurotic syndromes, depressive disease and uncontrollable anxiety, to such an extent that you believe nearly everyone alive is in need of correction by medication.  Would we have created such a being?  One which is incapable of a natural adult command of their own basic functions?

Another tragic outcome of the Lie is that you have come to mistrust each other.  After all, you must be wary of humans, since they are so unpredictable and “sick.”  It has prevented you from sharing freely, from cooperating and trusting.  It has fed racial prejudice, war, competitiveness, the belief that strangers are dangerous, and immigrants cause scarcity and lack.   Even more importantly, it has prevented you from aligning with each other against those who lied to you.

Arise, Dear Children, it is time for a Revolution!  Shake off the stifling Dirty Lies and reclaim your competence.  Turn your attention to your own considerable faculties which protect you if there should be danger in the environment (which you will not longer invite   into your life).  You have powerful radar, which is completely disabled by anxiety.  This is the source of vulnerability in adults: inattention to your most basic self-protective abilities.  Your intuition, which is connected to your soulbody and your heart, is a powerful source of firm self-confidence and accuracy – far more so than your brain.  The brain is a very nice storage facility, but it doesn’t have the intelligence of your heart.

Here is the third area of devastation caused by the Big Lie – the mistrust and disuse of the Heart as the source of higher level judgment than a brain can begin to give you.  It nearly succeeded in separating you completely from Us, and this was the original, most devious intent.  The Fallen Angels intended to be independent from God, and wanted to create an entire planet of like-minded people.  Their goal was separation, darkness, and  a destructive duality.  They nearly succeeded, but you have begun the Revolution by reclaiming your hearts, and the Love is beginning to flow, between and among yourselves, and toward Us.  We congratulate you on your triumph, and urge you to celebrate your Independence Day with new declarations of Love, with fearlessness born from trust in your own strengths and competence.

Let this be the end to anxiety, depression, paranoia, racial conflict, imagined emotional vulnerability, and closed hearts.  Turn with us toward the sun which rises on the New Golden Age of Planet Earth.  We send you our Unconditional Love to intensify and restore your connection to your I Am Presence, which is the God in all of you.

We are Mother/Father God

Via Kathryn May, June 11, 2013, 1 am. – Wed. 8:30 EDT
Kathryn E. May, PsyD
60 Lower 27 Knolls Road
High Falls, New York, NY 12440
(914) 466-4250
Part 167, Love is Power was send by mail through Kathryn May, June 11, 2013

Ground Breaking Documentary For the People By the People to be released FREE to the public on Youtube on June 15th by HopeGirl and the Fix the World Team! June 11, 2013


Beloved FTW Community, thank you all for being a wave of positive support.  We are pleased to announce the debut of our documentary film on June 15, 2013.  The film consist of stories – your stories – the story of how FTW came into existence.

Our primary purpose for making this documentary consists of telling the stories of the people whose new and innovative ideas, as well as compassionate acts, have been suppressed, and the efforts by the elite to dominate humanity. Their actions over many decades have devastated millions of individuals, families and communities.

Our ultimate goal is to provide tools for building the bridge to get from an old paradigm of corruption, to a new paradigm that we call humanity’s Golden Age.  As ambassadors for Earth and improved quality of life for its inhabitants, we believe our part is to help individuals and communities heal through their very real stories, and distributing the movie to the public at no charge.

Our commitment to you is to support your ideas as we believe you are some of the most brilliant minds on the planet!   As community members who have gathered together here with a mission, let us move forward.

We would be delighted if you could get the word out through your social networks to support our first documentary film.  If you have a website would you consider putting up a widget or link and help us get some of the wonderful projects and stories some exposure.  On Twitter you could use the following hashtag at the end of your message —- #deeperTTV

Link to documentary trailer (copy and paste in your browser):

Let us continue to build a unified world.  We look forward to connecting with you on deeper levels that will be meaningful for all of us.

Hearts filled with gratitude and love

Hope and the Fix the World Team


Compte de Saint Germain’s Blog: Awaken your Inner Chooser, Sunday June 9, 2013

Saint Germain

Saint Germain


My dear ones. Face each day with laughter, and don’t get caught up in the news, as it is mostly controller dialog. What the world needs now is calm, clear and aware minds, as this is what is needed to dissolve their control. Notice how all of today’s “‘news” cancels these mental qualities? Even your alternative news condemns and degrades those with opposing points of view.

A major feature of the drama being planted in mass consciousness today is the cost and availability of those things that are needed to gain independence. We want you to pay no attention to these manipulative declarations. Deleting man’s ability to grow and maintain life will not occur. Do not let this fear tactic be a cause of duress or a reactive answer to the controller dialog. One day these conditions will be over.  Bees will be available again, your food will not be destroyed by corporate decisions, and those companies destroying lives and cohabitation with nature will cease their delivery of nutritionally defunct corn, soybeans and other crops. Government agencies approving the degraded, cancer causing diet additives will have their control cancelled. Food will be cleared of its destructive additives and once again the natural maturation of God’s divine grace in all of man’s needs will be allowed.

Be aware of the choices you make and only chose love in all of them. This will defeat the contamination programs of these offending companies. Cancel the effects of deceptive advertising by following the nudges of your inner voice when you make your choices. Carefully adapt your diet to loving foods only. Face the fact that a great many things you’ve been choosing to buy are not good for anyone, other than the companies that make them. Choose to counter their market by deleting their ability to sell you their products. Say NO to all the drugs they advertise too. Go for only God’s drugs, natural things. God’s medicine does not have dramatic side effects.

When we ask you to make these choices, it is to gather together mass attention and action towards  answers to these unnatural conflicts within cause and effect. Your cause is health of man, beast and Gaia. Your effect will be a natural environment that continues to exist. Freedom of choice will always be yours, and choosing this health decision is calling you to action. Ignorance and apathy can no longer cancel these aggressive attacks on God’s creation when we work together with divine love.

Please paste this comment in an area you often look at:  I AM CHOOSING LOVE!  Whenever you go to the grocery store, act on this love. Only choose the things you know are created with love.  Please do this for the health of your entire earth family and the health of your colleagues in all the other dimensions. May this light bring health and healing to the corrupt attitudes it now has to cope with.

Bless your food, bless the humans it was delivered by, and thank them for making their love a choice in your life. When the masses choose to come together, alterations can be made according to their desire. Non-alignment with them advocates chaos. Making choices against anything is also creating chaos, because being against something attracts to you the very thing you are against. Being for something, en masse, attracts that which you call for. If you change your approach from being against to choosing only what you want, this will make a huge difference.

Inner guidance can let you know what the loving choice is. No need to carry equipment or even read what’s written on the container’s label. All codes for mass consumption are misleading. Test with any device that makes you comfortable, but using your intuition, gut feelings or kinesiology (and choosing to depend on these tools alone), energizes these abilities and calls your attention to them when a decision needs to be made.

Factor in the mistakes you might make while getting started, and let that convince you of the need to get your personal testing meters into active co-creation. Bring these dramas to an end as quickly as you can by simply choosing love over all questionable options.

Give this guidance to all who are against. Make love, not war. Be the change.

Ascended Master Saint Germain
Channeled by Aruna





BREAKING!!! UFO ALIEN DISCLOSURE by Canadian Minister of Defense, May 2013

YouTube_BREAKING!!! UFO ALIEN DISCLOSURE by Canadian Minister of Defense May 2013

Gepubliceerd op 1 jun 2013

Hon. Paul Hellyer – Minister of National Defense
Testified knowing of 4 Alien races actively visiting Earth.
Source Channel:
Producer: Reuben Langdon


Former Special Assistant to the Executive Director of the CIA Victor Marchetti: How the CIA Views the UFO Phenomenon, Second Look, Vol. 1, No. 7, Washington, D.C. (5/1979) — “We have, indeed, been contacted — perhaps even visited — by extraterrestrial beings, and the US government, in collusion with the other national powers of the Earth, is determined to keep this information from the general public.”

Deputy Chief of the Royal Belgian Air Force Major-General Wilfred de Brouwer: “Postface” in SOBEPS’ Vague d’OVNI sur la Belgique – Un Dossier Exceptionnel, Brussels: SOBEPS (1991) — “In any case, the Air Force has arrived to the conclusion that a certain number of anomalous phenomena has been produced within Belgian airspace. The numerous testimonies of ground observations compiled in this [SOBEPS] book, reinforced by the reports of the night of March 30-31 [1990], have led us to face the hypothesis that a certain number of unauthorized aerial activities have taken place. Until now, not a single trace of aggressiveness has been signaled; military or civilian air traffic has not been perturbed nor threatened. We can therefore advance that the presumed activities do not constitute a direct menace.”
“The day will come undoubtedly when the phenomenon will be observed with technological means of detection and collection that won’t leave a single doubt about its origin. This should lift a part of the veil that has covered the mystery for a long time. A mystery that continues to the present. But it exists, it is real, and that in itself is an important conclusion.”

Japan’s Top Government Spokesperson, Chief Cabinet Secretary Nobutaka Machimura and Japan’s Defense Minister, Shigeru Ishiba :
Beliefs and Concerns about UFOs – Japan’s top government spokesperson: UFO’s definitely exist. Chief Cabinet Secretary Nobutaka Machimura said to reporters on December 18, 2007, “I definitely believe they (UFOs) exist.”
3 days later Japan’s Defence Minister Shigeru Ishiba considers how his Self Defence Forces could respond to an attack by space aliens while adhering to limits on military action under the country’s war-renouncing Constitution. “There are no grounds for us to deny there are unidentified flying objects and some lifeform that controls them”, Ishiba said. “Few discussions have been held on what the legal grounds are” for military response. (Bloomberg) by Stuart Biggs

Sworn Affidavit by a Lieutenant Walter Haut concerning his experience of the 1947 UFO crash AT Roswell, NM:
Lt. Walter Haut, public relations officer at Roswell Army Air Field in 1947 left a sworn affidavit concerning his experience with the Roswell UFO crash in 1947. His sworn affidavit was only to be opened after his death. Haut died in December 2005 and sometime in June of 2007 the text contained therein had been released. He describes seeing the UFO and the occupants consisting of alien bodies as well as a high-level meeting with Col. William Blanchard and General Roger Ramey, Commander of the Eighth Army Air Force.

Astronaut Scott Carpenter
“At no time, when the astronauts were in space were they alone: there was a constant surveillance by UFOs.” ~ Astronaut Scott Carpenter – Carpenter photographed a UFO while in orbit on May 24, 1962. NASA still has not released the photograph to the public.

Buzz Aldrin on Fox News
“We just about could have said, ‘Look, we see a UFO out the window going along with us.’ You know what would have happened? The public would have gone crazy! We were smart enough to say, ‘Where is the upper stage rocket? We think we might be looking at that out the window.”

Colonel Joseph J. Bryan III
Founding member of the CIA’s psychological warfare staff, advisor to NATO
“These UFOs are interplanetary devices systematically observing the Earth, either manned or under remote control, or both.”
“Information on UFOs, including sighting reports, has been and is still being officially withheld.”

President Jimmy Carter
Interview following his sighting of a UFO at Leary, Georgia – October 1969
“It was the darndest thing I’ve ever seen. It was big, it was very bright, it changed colors, and it was about the size of the moon. A red and green glowing orb radiated as it hurtled across the southwestern Georgia skies. We watched it for ten minutes, but none of us could figure out what it was. One thing’s for sure: I’ll never make fun of people who say they’ve seen unidentified flying objects in the sky.”

More video’s about UFO / Alien Disclosure during the Citizen Hearing of Disclosure: [].



Join it Now and Every Sunday at 20:00 GMT: Weekly Liberation Meditations Phase 2 (Goddess Vortex)


Every Sunday at: 9:00 am HAST Sunday (Hawaii) 11:00 am AKDT Sunday (Alaska) 12:00 pm PDT Sunday (Los Angeles) 1:00 pm MDT Sunday (Denver) 2:00 pm CDT Sunday (Houston) 3:00 pm EDT Sunday (New York) 4:00 pm BRT Sunday (Rio de Janeiro) 8:00 pm BST Sunday (London) 9:00 pm CEST Sunday (Paris) 9:00 pm SAST Sunday (South Africa) 10:00 pm EEST Sunday (Bulgaria) 11:00 pm MSK Sunday (Moscow) 12:30 am IST Monday (India) 3:00 am CST Monday (Beijing) 4:00 am JST Monday (Tokyo) 5:00 am AEST Monday (Sydney)

If your location is not listed, you can convert time here:

Published March 12, 2013

We are now expanding our weekly meditations into phase 2. The second phase includes the Goddess Vortex technology to speed up the process of clearing the non-physical planes.

More about Weekly Liberation Meditations Phase 2 and Goddess Vortex:… Guided meditation: Weekly Liberation Meditation with Goddess Vortex (Cobra):… We are continuing with our weekly meditation every Sunday at 7 pm GMT. You can find your local time here:… Music: Medwyn Goodall: Celestial Peace The Goddess Spiral The Light forces have asked us to create The Goddess Spiral, a special CD which activates the Goddess consciousness in the listener and helps activating the Goddess Vortex. You can watch the promo video on Youtube to get the taste of what we are speaking about:… You can buy the CD here:… Or download the MP3 here:…

Portal 2012: Cobra’s Update – Intel about The Event, June 5, 2013

Portal 2012_logo

You might want to get some more intel about the Event to increase your own preparedness and also to help assisting others during the time of the transition.

Most of the intel in the following website is a quite reliable interpretation of  information that came from reliable sources. Here it is:








Event Flash


As I was in the process of finishing off this article which is a combination of information from the Cobra conference in LA plus details from different blogs posted on Portal 2012 since the blog site was started by Cobra on the 31st March 2012, I came across the following 30 sentences or so which was the end of a longer blog on the 6th April 2012. I felt it was the best way to start off this hopefully very all-round picture of the coming ‘Event’.

“No human authority will decide when this is about to happen. The final word when the ‘Event’ is to happen is coming directly from the Source. This is an Event of Cosmic Importance. The last planet under the grip of the dark forces is about to be liberated and this is going to send ripples of Light throughout the Galaxy.

Just before ‘The Event’, the Source will send a pulse of Light through the Galactic Confederation and the Pleiadians will instruct the Resistance Movement to use its 300 operatives on the surface of the planet to contact the key people inside the military and law enforcement and then the operation will start.

After the operation is successfully completed, there might be people that would like to take advantage of the situation by setting their own governments, confiscating funds… Because the Cabal will be taken care of, this does not mean that human greed and lust for power will be exterminated. They are simply part of the character for a certain percentage of unenlightened human population. Rest assured that the Resistance Movement knows who those people are, their actions are being monitored and they will not be allowed to take advantage of the situation.

Until a certain degree of awareness on the planet is reached, the Resistance Movement will be working behind the scenes for the benefit of humanity. At a certain point, most likely not long before the First Contact with the positive extraterrestrials, they will make themselves public.

They have created a fund of 120 trillion dollars, which will be given to humanity along with other prosperity packages. They are in possession of very advanced technologies, mostly of extraterrestrial origin. They will provide some background assistance in putting forth 6000 inventions that were developed by geniuses around the world and then suppressed by the Cabal. After that, they will introduce some of their own technologies that are even more advanced”.

‘The Event’ is not 3D Earth Revolution-It is Divine Intervention for Overnight Change to truly begin the Golden Age of Gaia.

The details that Cobra has given us here at the top of this page are an exact description of the Order of Things when the Event happens.

This will not be a 3D Earth type Revolution where there are risks taken to innocent people’s lives. For this reason and this reason only- that there be a peaceful transition from The old 3D reality to a New World overnight – that demands the type of precision that only The Godhead Him/Herself can decide upon.

It is time now for everyone on this planet to understand that this future Golden Age coming into being is NOT in the hands of some mad people who might make wrong decisions that might lead to bloodshed.

Like Archangel Michael said on ‘An Hour with an Angel’ on the 22nd January 2013. This is the beginning of a new chapter, but it is not a day of revolution. We must now stop all the speculating regarding the figures in positions of power here on our planet right now and as to whether or not they might do this or that. It does not matter what they might try to do or not do, for this is in the hands of very capable Spiritual Beings, part of the Oneness like the rest of us. AAM said, You are talking about the old paradigm


of revolution, of the potential for bloody upheaval for armed massacre. That is not the way of the 5th Dimension, and it is certainly not the way of the 7th Dimension.”  He went on to say “Are there plans to correct some of the political, economic, and social injustices, inequities? YES.” “The most significant piece of creating Nova Earth is the letting go – that you are doing – and have done – and have been doing – of the false illusions that were created over eons by the human race. So all of these tendencies…and I have to say the letting go of war – and that is war within, it is war between individuals, and it is war within communities and nations-that is critical. Archangel Michael then asked us to use our swords another way. “Long ago, I gave you my sword and shield, and you have used these in a multitude of ways. But it is also useful to simply use it to disconnect, to cut cords to old beliefs, to old pains, old hurts, and old injuries. And I Am pleased during this time together, this night and every night, to assist you in this undertaking.

So to sum up at this point, I just need you who might read this, to understand perfectly, that this coming ‘Event’ will NOT be a bloody revolution but it will be – on the day that the Source decides- a 24 hour day, in which the entire world are informed as to there now being, Peace on Earth, and a return to Paradise on Earth, and then we will all need, all the help we can get, from all the marvellous people worldwide, working in every area under the sun to use their unique talents to give to the whole, to truly create Nova Earth-together.

So right now we should all be preparing everyone we know, for the day their talents are going to be used for something else other than trying to make ends meet etc. This is not in the hands of any one politician’s moves or decisions anywhere – so let’s stop wasting our energy on all of the speculation of this kind-also let us stop focusing our attention on the USA as if it were the only place on this planet of any importance.

The Plan for ‘The Event’.

There has always been a plan. The Light Resistance movement has been steadily working towards the manifestation of ‘The Event’. They have known there was a way to ‘hack the Matrix’ {=the Computer program that keeps us prisoners in an artificial reality}, Now we know as I write this article on the 3/02/2013 that finally the Matrix has collapsed and it will now only be a question of time, the time for the perfect moment to Initiate ‘The Event’. The increased Light is now bringing to the surface everything, on all kinds of levels that need to be transformed. Because the Matrix has now collapsed this light is now increasing daily and change is imminent. Gradually day by day the ‘matrix’ is disintergrating. The astral and etheric planes are not yet perfect. We need to use the protection of the White Light when negative things we do not have control over bombard us.

A couple of examples of the Light bringing forth the truth is the amazing bravery of the MP Louis Laurent, and his amazing 13 minute talk in the Belgian Parliament earlier this week. You can read his speech word for word by going to the link on my Introduction page. There are hundreds if not thousands of examples of this worldwide now; another is David Willcock whose Financial Tyranny exposure – the truth about all the gold etc. on this planet, has now been shown to over 120 Million people this week in Russia. As I write now it has probably already been translated to English? David was told not to tell about the TV program until it had been shown, as he has known about this for about 6 weeks. There is a link to his article on my Facebook Page. {Therese Zumi Sumner}


What is meant by the ‘Event Flash’ is exactly that – a Flash of Divine energy from the Source, which passes through the Central Sun, and then will be received by the Galactic Confederation {especially Pleiadians} who will in turn give the intelligence to Lightworkers within The Light Resistance Movement. On the receiving of the information the LRM – some 300 Operatives, will make contact with the dark forces to see if they are willing to cooperate. If they are not willing to cooperate they will not be included.

All of this will happen extremely fast. From the time of the Flash to the Event it will take 15 Minutes!

There will be no announcement. There will be no media involved. This will just happen. This will be a complete surprise to everyone not in least to the Cabal. This can happen at any time. When it does we will feel a strong energy.



In the past 25,000 years we have been inside an energetic black hole, a space time anomaly because of the activities of dark forces. 2012 marked the year that WE EXITED THIS BLACK HOLE. The moment you exit the black hole, that is known as the, Event HorizonThis is happening right now. We have forgotten what the Light is. It is so much more brilliant and exciting. WE ARE IN THE EVENT HORIZON NOW.


The Planetary Light-body Activation. The Light Resistance Movement has been working steadily and continuously taking back the vortex’s week after week around the planet. At each of the Cobra conferences there have been successful Vortex meditations. Many people are helping with this process worldwide. The moment when the whole energy grid is ready we will be ready for ‘The Event’ Flash.


In the early hours and days of the Event, there will not be any outside sources to tell you what to do; this will be a time when you must listen to your true heart feelings and Intuition. You will have to ‘know’ what to do. Rely upon yourself. There will be many who react with fear and confusion. You will be a pillar of strength to these people. Rely upon your discernment which will be needed in this time of change. Advice to Lightworkers is simply. 




The Negative groups of people involving – Jesuits, Rothschild’s, Rockefellers’ and Illuminati about 1 – 2000, people will all be removed after ‘The Event’.

The dark forces will be captured and taken from power. After the Event, members of the Cabal will be taken to prisons with zero contact with the outer world whatsoever and will be isolated from each other. An Adjudication process will then start and this will involve humanity as a whole. It will be a mass catharsis and dramatic healing process for humanity to see these criminals finally being held accountable for their actions.  Most members of the Cabal are sociopaths = not capable of the positive emotions and responses, that make us human.

Humanity as a whole will decide what will happen to those individuals so that new balance is created. Amnesty will be granted to some of them. Most of them will be taken to the central sun to be recycled. For more details as to how the Cabal will be dealt with after the Event go to the text with the title ‘Removing the Cabal’ by pressing the following link to Cobra’s article on Portal 2012. You find it in the May 2012 archive. The link is found here.

Mass arrests of the Cabal are not merely a physical operation. So many Lightworkers {and definitely understandable for some who have been working day and night for this now for many years,} have been feeling frustration over the ‘delays’ as one might express it, time and time again. Yet there has never been a date given for ‘The Event’ and several months before December 21st 2012 Cobra informed us that the 21/12 would not be ‘The Event’ date. The delay in ‘The Event’ coming into being is because Spiritual support from Above, Below {Inner Earth evolved Society etc.} and not in least here on the surface, has been necessary, and is now necessary so that when the mass arrests happen human masses will not panic.

At a certain point, energies of the Galactic Central Sun will burn through all obstacles of the Matrix on the astral and etheric planes and all negative entities will be removed. They will be replaced with angels and spiritual guides as one prophecy beautifully states.


“The Net Must Come Down, It Ends, Light Enters.

The final step is simply taking down the net. This has to be done and events will then quickly follow.

The One will put forth all that energy to destroy the net itself and events will kick in almost immediately.

The programs will have no place to hide, no portals, no equipment, nothing. They will be led off and weather pattern of luminosity will begin.”


We know now that The Event is so close because Cobra informed us only days ago*** that the Matrix has collapsed. So any Lightworker can now speed things up with their continued effort in daily meditation to ‘see’ and support the Light Forces on the etheric, astral planes leading the dark entities there to the Light. We receive regular updates from Cobra as to the present state of the ongoing work to rid the astral etheric plane around Earth of the archons who still remain there. To-day May23rd 2013 we just received an update which you can access here.*** I wrote this 3 months ago and now today we are so very much closer but if you would like to understand the delays here due to the necessity of the astral-etheric planes being ‘cleared’ before The Event read the link from Cobra today May 23rd (posted 22/5) here. The Event will NOT be on the 25th May see link here.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013 – Event Horizon –

Vortex meditations worldwide, have, in conjunction with our Galactic Family ships hovering above, as also the Light energy from the 5th Dimensional Agartahan Society and the Light Resistance Movement below surface created a positive energy grid. This has been further balanced and strenghtened by the placing of precious crystals at specific ley line positions. As you will see if you go the above link every single vortex meditation brings us a step closer to The Event. This Portal opening 2 days from now being of extreme importance. See my article on the Event Intelligence page about this.

In the first couple of hours of the Event the Galactic forces will take over the satellite and communication stations, and you will receive intelligence as to what is happening around the globe. The TV will be in the control of The Light Resistance Movement and there will be announcements made. The LRM has infiltrated 300 Operatives inside the Illuminati network mostly in top positions in the military and the intelligence agencies. These people are undetectable and the Illuminati have no idea where they are.

The Resistance movement have constant physical {not telepathic} contact with the Pleiadians and other positive ET races within the Confederation, which give them daily intelligence about every Cabal member, where they are, what they do, even what they think. The Illuminati now have nowhere to hide. Disclosure will involve the release of classified documents. 95 % of these will be released quickly. This will be a great shock to many, but after the initial chock reactions they will be very glad.

For detailed information about ‘Disclosure’ and ‘First Contact’ go ‘The Event’ 2 page. {link at bottom of this one}


At the time of ‘The Event’ there is an initial contact group of Lightworkers who will be contacted first. They will be offered the choice of doing something specific, and will have the possibility of deciding against that if they choose. If so someone else will be contacted. Later anyone might get contacted. People drawn to the Cobra conferences worldwide are potential contact persons for this happening.

The First 3-7 days Max

In the first few hours of ‘The Event’ the Galactic forces will take over the satellites and communication stations. You will be able to receive intelligence as to what is going on around the planet. The Resistance Movement will activate a virus and enter a code into the computer program that is the Rothschild’s Financial System. This has of course already been tested by removing a couple of billion dollars ‘for fun’. So they know that this will work. This virus will shut down the main frame accounts. Credit cards will not work. The banks will close.

There will be no way to transfer money at this time. It would be good to have cash, gold and silver coins.

Some stores will remain open. Some stores will accept cash, gold and silver.  When banks close, people will have a tendency to panic. There is no need for this panic. People should not throw away money, which they might not be able to use in the first week, because this money will be useful later. There will be a few days of confusion until after the arrests are complete.

Because supermarkets can literally be emptied in the timeframe of 45 minutes after the news gets out, you would be wise to have at all times from now on food available to last you from 3 to 7 days max.  A tank full of gas is probably sufficient unless you know personally that you will need to have more in reserve. A week’s supply of everything is all we need to be concerned about. Just be sure you have food and water for these days.

Within a few days there will be a new financial system put into place. Eventually the gold that has been taken by the cabal will be returned to humanity. The Cabal don’t even have real gold, they manufacture Tungsten gold {only outer layer is real gold}. We believe in their illusion and that’s why it works. It costs two cents to make a 100$ bill! When the new system is in place it will be gold backed currency. The new financial system is gold-backed.

After ‘The Event’ there will be a re-evaluation. It will be a time of transition for us all. Everyone will have the basics for everything they need.


There are numerous Divine Ascended Masters and Arch-Angels involved with these changes and supporting humanity through all of this. See bottom of this page. But right here I would like to mention One of them. Commander Ashtar is His name. His last incarnation on Earth was 25000 years ago. His main project is the Ascension of Humanity. Another of Ashtar’s projects is First Contact {with our Galactic Family} which I will also write about in the coming weeks. Another of His projects is training in telepathic communication. At ‘The Event’ He can take over the media. All the TV programs will be broadcasting the message.

No More Homeless People.

After ‘The Event’ there will no longer be any homeless people. Homes will be opened up for everyone who is in need of one.


The new financial system will be a fair and balanced ‘spiritual’ finance system. Half of your money has been going to the Cabal one way or another. The Rothschild’s system is a computer program. In June of 2012 the Light Resistance Movement broke into the banking system of the Cabal as mentioned earlier. The Cabal has a Windows operating system which has ‘a back door’ to control all financial transactions. The Cabal knows exactly how money flows. At ‘The Event’ there will be a virus activated which will shut down the main frame computers. As mentioned earlier there will be no transfers of money. The mass arrests will be taking place. Banks will close. No credit cards will work so you will need cash. All that Gold that they have looted over so many years will be going back to humanity.


The Yamashita gold that was in the hands of the Illuminati has been seized by the LRM in January and February of 2012. It is now in safe keeping in underground chambers of the Resistance Movement and will be returned to humanity after ‘The Event’, and it will serve as the basis-as a reserve, for a new currency which will mean abundance for everyone.

All the accounts belong to the Cabal will be ‘frozen’. All the money they have taken from humanity through fraud will be now used to support humanity.

We will be keeping our present currency initially. There will be re-evaluation. Dinar will not work.

LEGAL: All business agreements that are legal will hold after the event. Common law will be simple and easy to understand.

After the arrest process is over and there has been a re-set, The Federal Reserve and The IRS and BIS will be bankrupt and they will be dismantled. From now on there will only be transparent handling. There will be no 1) Fractional lending. 2) No Interests. And 3) No More Stock Market -it will close never again to open!

Your Money in the Bank

Just so that there is no misunderstanding I am rewriting the info concerning this today Thursday the 23rd May 2013. It does not matter which bank you have your money in at the time of The Event. Everyone with valid bank accounts will absolutely have full access to their money as soon as the banks re-open. Possibly this might take a bit longer for some banks than others. My feeling about this is that the banks which are already more aligned consciousness wise with the new financial system will reopen quicker. Currency rates will be balanced worldwide without any major fluctuations.

Some banks will reopen quickly and things will be transparent. Banks with ties to the Federal Reserve will be dismantled. Everyone will understand clearly what is going on, as we will be informed of the details. For the first few days the money in your bank account will be frozen. If you are Cabal you will be taken. So in line with the above it is clear that if your particular bank is one of those that will be dismantled you need have no worry because your money will still be provided via another bank as long as your account is valid.

The first money to be released will be for humanitarian purposes. A Task Group will look after this. The Resistance Movement will be guiding and watching and remember they can read your thoughts! Pleiadians track all of our actions and they know who does what.



Companies like Monsanto will be bankrupt. Microsoft has been composed of a Good and a Bad part. The Good part of it will be restructured. Some 600-800 Bankers are ‘retiring’. They have no choice they have been forced to retire or else be arrested. This has been happening now for a year or so. Many sites have posted articles about all the retiring bankers worldwide-the majority of these have been in the highest positions.

There were plans already many years ago for NESARA {a detailed re-set of the financial system}. The reason it never happened was because of 9/11 which understandably was initiated to prevent this new and better financial system from coming into existence.


We will have new governments worldwide. After ‘The Event’ we will have new parliaments worldwide. We will all meet up at the United Nations {which right now is still in the control of the Cabal.} This will be broadcast on the mass media. Humanity will be under Spiritual Guidance. Certain places on the planet are being prepared to be Cities of Light.

Regarding the United States Congress it is not a part of the Cabal. The majority of those in Congress have either been bought or blackmailed. The old political system will be closed on the day of re-set. It would not be much of a spiritual hierarchy as a true parliament should be. The Resistance will help, but they do not want to participate. The new Governments worldwide will be much faster and more effective in their decision making.

Tax in the future.

The only Tax in the future will be a 14% tax on new items. Those working within the tax authorities will be unemployed. {Though there will be so many other ‘fun’ things for them to do.}

100,000$ FOR EVERYONE.

The financial reset will not make everyone sudden millionaires. The total real value of all collateral accounts is between 500-1000 Trillion $. This means about 100,000$ will be given to each person.  There will of course be individual negotiations for each person, as some who have debt, will have to pay the debt from this sum. The Cabal will of course not receive any money whatsoever. You should be able to buy a house for 10,000$. You will not need to have concern about health issues costing you money. There will be enough for everyone to have proper housing, food and a fairly comfortable lifestyle, but not enough to spend the rest of your days sipping cocktails by the pool.


Some debt will be forgiven, cancelled out, for example house debt. Country debt will be forgiven. Mortgage debt will be cancelled. Retirement accounts, Health insurance, and Social Security will be arranged.

Lightworkers will be compensated for their work. They will no longer have money concerns or lack of resources in their lives.

Mind Controlled People.

After ‘The Event’ no mind controlled person will have power. They will need healing. An example of this would be President Obama who has been subjected to mind control since childhood. After his mind control has been removed he will be working for the Light. He may resume a powerful position after being healed. 50 % of the Illuminati are simply people who have had the misfortune to be born into these families and not dared to go against family tradition-rule etc. They will be offered healing from their mind control after the Event. There might be some totally new people on the scene.

Archangel Michael said on “An hour with an Angel” recently that President Obama is very much indeed still the President despite much speculation to the contrary. [TZ here next four sentences } I think anyone with a bit of imagination can clearly understand what an enormous role he is playing. He is a Light person who has been prepared for this role in our times. Whether or not the OPPT have another person sworn in here to this position on some official ‘whatever’ or not is pointless in wasting our time discussing. When ‘The Event’ happens President Obama will be in need of a well – deserved rest from all of the trials he has been subjected to, could be he would prefer to do something else {not quite so demanding} after ‘The Event’?


At the time of ‘The Event’ there is a possibility of some social unrest in various places around the world. These will just be isolated cases according to Cobra. The Positive Military is the most powerful positive group on the surface of our planet. They have developed their plans with the assistance of the LRM: The Resistance Movement will back up the military, mainly only with intelligence data about the Illuminati and some logistic advice, but they will mostly stay behind the scenes. The Positive military in the USA, Russia and China, will be cooperating in ‘The Event’. They have clear knowledge since way back as to what their role is in this. They will absolutely not be using weapons. There will be a certain number of Galactic family members involved and they will have the support of ‘weapons’ {for want of a better word} which can freeze people temporarily. {You may have seen this in the movies- like ‘men in black’}. The military and police forces will help out in a positive way.

Police Force Restructured

During ‘The Event’ the military will back up the civilian authority {in the USA for example through the federal marshals and worldwide through Interpol}, which will back up local law enforcement to arrest the members of the Cabal.

After ‘The Event’ the police force will be restructured. Their role will now be another role in serving humanity.

People in Prison.

Most of the people in the prison systems will be released. Some of these will receive psychological help. Tyrants will not be tolerated in our new world.

New Advanced Health System

There will be a more advanced health system introduced. Most diseases can already be cured. This information has been prevented from reaching us through the evil workings of the Cabal and the many multinational pharmaceutical companies who have been working for them.Health care will be free. Healing modalities will become more efficient and be based on true spiritual principles. And this will only be the beginning.

For your health now make sure you are consuming plenty of water daily and that it is as pure as possible. As we are all different, something that Ayurveda explains very well, it is not necessary for everyone to consume an exact amount, it will vary and be somewhere between one and two litres daily. If you would like to start the process of detoxification of your body, then it might be of use to know that good quality colloidal silver helps to eliminate toxins. Any way that you can improve the quality of your food intake etc. is important as this is the way you will receive more Light.

DO NOT GET VACCINATED. See Rothschild faction further down this page and the page ‘Dark Truths’.


The drug trade is CIA – Cabal operated. This will be changed.

New Projects of Every Kind Worldwide.

There are many amazing projects worldwide devoted to ‘fixing the world’ like the one of the same name. There are websites devoted to this, the one that comes to mind is ‘Reality Sandwich’ where people of all walks of life ‘gather’ to discuss the future of technology, engineering, art, business, science, psychology, ecology, multimedia, commons, etc. People with organisational skills will be needed worldwide for all the new projects that will be getting underway IN EVERY AREA OF LIFE after ‘The Event’. What can you contribute? It will be extremely intense after ‘The Event’ and there will be so many projects needing help. The LRM will coordinate and manifest these projects with us. The sky’s the limit!

New Advanced Technology

The first and foremost new technology to be made available worldwide will be Free Energy. This is already available but immediately after ‘The Event’ factories will be built to provide this technology.

There will be great changes in transportation. Within months of ‘The Event’ you will be able to replace the engine of your old car. Why you may wonder – well simply because it can then run on distilled water. Factories will be built fast for this. The 2nd phase will be introducing more advanced cars- levitating cars. The advanced sensors in them will prevent accidents. Keshe technology has already started development of the ‘Flying’ car. This will not be dangerous; on the contrary they will be very safe because the car will brake automatically if it gets too close to another vehicle.

There are many operational working devices that have been prevented in coming to humanity because the Cabal has been controlling their release. Many of these working devices will be immediately maid available to the masses after the Event. All of these new devices will be extremely safe. Everything will be much cheaper to produce, just about everything will be cheaper. Food will be very easy and simple to produce. Prices of nearly everything will go down. The production of energy will be almost free, as will  heating and engines. People will not be ‘greedy’ any longer.


The working day will not be any longer than this. People will finally be free to develop their creative potential. They will now also be able to focus on their Spiritual Development.  Cobra has earlier said that he thinks most humans will be happy to work for a few hours daily, because they will discover that eternal vacations can be boring. Also work will be so much more rewarding, inspiring and creative as we will no longer be slaves to the Cabal.

Gaia- Our Beloved Mother Planet Purified.

We will with new technology have the ability to clean all of the pollution on Gaia. We will clean all the chemical waste. We will purify our water supply everywhere. We will heal the ECO system. Nuclear power stations will be shut down. Free energy will replace it, and it can be distributed to us using the same system-the same buildings. There will be extensive operations to remove the chemical waste. {This might possibly be an area of work for those who will automatically be unemployed after the Event like Lawyers and Tax people?}There will be ULTRA purification of the ECO system.

A one year cycle will be necessary to replace genetically modified grains etc. Monsanto will be dissolved, all genetically modified seeds will be destroyed. Our food will be better. Also there are enough rare Earth minerals available for all our needs.

Archangel Michael said of Gaia on “An Hour with an Angel“ the other week, All of this {flooding of the energy from Mother and Father} is continuing, Gaia in her shift, is also flooding you with the sweetness of being alive, of being in your form, that you have never known before. You may have had moments when you were in a pristine forest or by a lake or an ocean or a cave where you felt this moment of pure blissful connection, but now she is flooding you and this is the new norm.”

Products from the Oil Industry.

The oil producing people and factories have all kinds of materials available. There will be a redirection of planning immediately.

The Animals on Gaia

There will be a general rise in consciousness after ‘The Event’. This will precipitate an awareness of the sacredness of all life which will come to affect the way we look upon our animals living here with us. There will be 0% tolerance to pain to animals regarding food production. Animals will be treated differently and they will be provided with much better food.


It was the Jesuits who started the original education program and with that introduced their mind control. As I write this I can hear the song ‘The Wall’ by Pink Floyd ringing in my ears. The Jesuits school program was pure brainwashing. We must unlearn what we have learned. The vast majority of what we have received is not true. We are going beyond our old programming. The Jesuits created a sophisticated mind control through their universities. Spiritual ideas such as guilt, fear, are all part of Jesuit mind control. Both physical and non physical archons cooperated to this effect.

There will be no more horror movies. After ‘The Event’ most of the movies made will be very positive.

Education will be totally transformed. It will be much more fun and much more holistic. I told my grandson 18 MThs’ ago that we would soon have ‘Harry Potter’ type schools here, and so I bought him and my granddaughter books about symbolism so they could get started. Michael Tsarion has asked of us that we reclaim all of the beautiful symbolism to its rightful use – that has been misused and sullied by the Dark Ones.

The True History of our Planet

We will start to learn the true history about our planet, via the media, in the early days of ‘The Event’. I plan to write an article shortly on this page with some of that information in the near future.


A Timeline is a possible future outcome of a situation on our planet. It is a definition for a potential future of a particular event. Most of the possible future timelines have been collapsing as we have been approaching ‘The Event’. I myself read somewhere that all Timelines ended on the 21/12/2012, which I understand now not to be the case, but that it is ‘The Event’ that is the defining factor for the end of multiple possible future timelines. Up until the 11/11/11 we still had possible negative future timelines-but they all collapsed then, and from that date there is the certainty of a positive outcome for our planet.

Our perception of time itself will change with the expansion of consciousness.

Introduction of Replicators.

Replicators will be available after ‘First Contact’. These devices will need spiritual maturity. This will be the point in our new development where money will become obsolete. The Arc of the Covenant which is an ancient replicator has been in the hands of the Cabal. Now the Cabal no longer have it. It was hidden in a tunnel and transported underground to the Resistance Movement.

Ps The Cabal are confined to the USA or Europe. They cannot move freely.


After ‘The Event’, after the mass arrests, there will be SUCH A BRAKTHROUGH FOR HUMANITY. Now we can finally begin to make our own destiny here without the oppression and control of those who were never actually invited here in the first place.

Ascension – now the real Ascension Time Period will be here.


At-during ‘The Event’ spiritual growth will be easier and people will start going to the 5th dimension. {If you are not familiar with this area see my ‘About Ascension’ Page}. We are now being flooded by the new Energy that started two months ago and will continue for some time, this energy that will awaken us more and more to who we truly are. Archangel Michael addressed the many complaints from people saying “Lord, I do not feel any different. I do not look different. And He said on January 28th this year What I suggest to you is that you take a moment with me, with all of us {Council of Love = Ascended Masters and Archangels Etc.} to reflect back, not to bring it into your being, but simply to reflect back on where you were, what you were thinking, what you were feeling one year ago, four years ago, ten years ago, and not only be the witness and the observer, but truly see where you have been, the growth that you have chosen, not simply has been bestowed upon you. You continue, you know, to be flooded by the energies of the Mother and Father.

For those ready to ascend at ‘The Event’ should understand that there are no limits to maintaining your body in the 5th Dimension. There will be many chances to either stay with Gaia in her Ascension process or go elsewhere to a 3D experience. It is impossible to go back and Cobra said he could not speak of the ‘cut off’ point at this time. There is going to be an enormous spiritual awakening at the time of ‘The Event’. At this time people will have many memories returning to them, memories of contacts with their Galactic Family etc that they have not remebered because it would have put them in  danger.

True information on spiritual matters will be released immediately. People will be given spiritual education. Cities of Light as also smaller communities of Light are being prepared in certain places around the planet.

Humanity will be under Spiritual Guidance. People will be prepared for Ascension both on an individual and on a mass basis.

For more details on this go to the text ‘The Real Ascension to 5D’ on ‘Cobra School’ page.

Someone Asked in LA.

Someone asked Cobra if this time in our history is just part of a cycle – meaning will we be here again at another time in the future? Cobra said “No this will never never happen again. We learned the lesson.” “Evolution goes forward, never backwards in reincarnation. We never go back. Golden Ages disappear, but this Golden Age will last forever because we are ending duality”.

Cobra said in LA:

He told us that he was Told not to plan anything after 21/12/2012. The focus of the next conferences worldwide would be about how to change our world. This would be after ‘The Event’. Here I will let you add the dots all by yourself!

The Order of Things {The Series of Events within ‘The Event’}

After ‘The Event’ things will follow in a certain order. *) We will have a new fair and balanced financial system. *) There will be a release of the true history of our planet. *) There will be release of new technologies especially free energy. *) There will be a new Ascension – quantum leap for humanity. *) There will be an interim Temporary Government. *) Then there will be elections. *) Then we will be gradually prepared for ‘First Contact’ with our Galactic Family.*) The first contacts we have will be with the Pleiadians. *) Then there will be official ‘First Contact’. *) Later there will be Mass Landings. *) Later still Ascended Masters will appear.

Someone in LA wondered if there would not be resistance even to the good coming in, regarding the government structure etc. Cobra replied “People all over this planet are just waiting to know the truth and all the satellites and the media will be in control of The Resistance Movement, and people will very quickly come to know the whole truth, of what has really been going on here on this planet for thousands of years. There will be droves of testimonies coming forward via the TV news.

This is NOT about another mind program. Listen to your heart, check with your own higher self how this works for you. Open your mind. Truth will remain. True happiness and true light doesn’t need anything to define itself. There will be eternal happiness in Paradise when the ‘veil’ is lifted. This is a natural right in the Universe. We have almost forgotten.

This is one of the most special and unique times in history. The Time of ‘Victory of The Light’.

The increased intensity that we feel regarding everything, is a sign that things are moving faster and faster, that we are approaching ‘The Event’.


Lightworkers worldwide are tired and somewhat disappointed that ‘nothing happened’ after all they had been promised on 21/12/12.
The following has to be understood.
As long as the Matrix – the programmed veil around this planet was in place, as long as it was full of archon and reptilian and other entities who were doing their utmost to affect our consciousness, major overnight change on this planet would not be as a harmonious an event as it could be.

Unfortunately much of the channelling done over the recent years has not always come from the Galactics, or Masters or whoever was supposedly being channelled. The reason for this being, that astral entities were affecting channels, and purposely misleading them.

THE MATRIX HAS NOW COLLAPSED. Initially many of the entities there came down to the layer closest to Earth. This layer is approx. 100 metres above and 100 m below the surface.
This area is now day by day being cleared by the LRM and by the work of people meditating worldwide, contributing to the cleansing of these entities in towns and cities all over the globe. Some Lightworkers are out in the ‘field’ doing this cleansing work.

There is now so much more light getting through to us since the collapse of the Matrix and yet as long as the surface 200 metres is still partly occupied by dark entities. The Resistance Movement will not take the chance of starting any operation, that could potentially be a disaster, because people would panic and not be prepared, because the dark ones could spread fear to them etc.

The Light Resistance Movement does not want this risk. So NO DATES WILL BE GIVEN. When the old negative grid is gone, and a new fresh Light Grid is in place, then the rising light energy will quickly bring more people to an awake state. Many more people.

It is better that we all have patience and as Lightworkers keep ourselves busy on our ‘work’. When we do this we will not have the time to feel that ‘nothing is happening’. If you do not have something specific to do then you can devote time daily to support the cleansing of the grid by the Angelics.

The clearer everything is energy wise around and below surface Gaia, the quicker ‘The Event’ can take place without the risks of people panicking. The LRM have worked so hard for so long on this plan, they are perfectionists in the truest meaning of the word. They do not like half measures.

What Will Be Will Be.

This last paragraph is my interpretation of an interview with Cobra by Maarten Horst of ET – First Contact Radio on January 31st 2013.

Archangel Michael would like to Sum Up.

Regarding our desire to start creating Nova Earth now, Archangel Michael said. That desire to see the reflection of what is truly within you in an external, large, grand manner, is becoming almost a drive, not a compulsion, but an instinctual drive. It is as if you are seeking true North and you have a compass set and you are not veering off course.

It matters not what you call yourselves, whether it is wayshowers or pillars or gatekeepers or lightholders or loveholders. You are the creator race and you step into the fullness of that role. It is not something new. If anything, it is something ancient. It is that closing of the circle and the beginning of the new.

I invite you, I hold out My arms to you as do all the Mighty Ones {Archangels}, all the Ascended Masters. The Divine Mother, the Company of Heaven, We hold out Our arms to you and say. Please join with Us now in partnership.”


Thank you to Cobra for the information and to my beloved Mentor Archangel Michael.

Many thanks to my roommate DaNell Glade for great complementary notes.


Written by        Therese Zumi Sumner          04/02/2103             1633


The following articles will be coming shortly. 1) The Light Resistance Movement. 2) Your ‘Mission’ ( as Lightworker) 2) First Contact with our Galactic Family. 3) The True History of our Planet {short}.




Holding us hostage. These are the groups, the controlling forces holding us hostage on this beautiful planet. They create violence and pain worldwide and we pay the price. If the Light Resistance Movement on any level intervenes too much they retaliate and we pay. When the ‘net’ and the surface is ‘cleared’ intervention can take place harmoniously.

¤The Jesuit Faction. Mostly found in the Vatican. Their ‘work’ is mind control – the control of the people. They have the religious indoctrination of sin and hell, and are behind many operations to control populations. They have controlled education.

¤ The Rothschild Faction. They manage the money for the Jesuits. This Cabal faction has totally infiltrated modern medicine; one example is vaccinations. We have been genetically altered through vaccines. The idea behind the Rothschild idea of medicine is to keep us all as working slaves. There are cures and healing for everything. This will all be released and balanced very soon.

The W.H.O. which is Rothschild based, developed vaccinations in the Nazi concentration camps during WW2. Between the years 1945 and 2010 we received those ‘biochips’ implanted there {if we were vaccinated}. Their function was to cut out conscious ability and make us zombie like. The Resistance Movement have now cleared these chips. TZ speaking here, I remember discussing with friends in 1989 how we would never agree to having chips implanted by any authorities. But they were in vaccinations as far back as above dates, plus we all carried bank cards and mobiles etc. so they had no problem keeping tabs on us. I will add here that the resistance movement has managed to clear out 95% of the sex trade worldwide.

¤ The Rockefeller Faction. 1-2000 people involved in Medicine, Science, Nazis and Technology. And that reminds me {TZS} of a million things like the real reason behind vaccinations but i also recall the following.

Fluoridation of our water supply has forcibly medicated an entire population with a carcinogenic chemical drug. According to ‘The Lancet’ Fluoride is a neurotoxic substance that causes the brain severe damage, and interferes with brain function. According to Harvard there is a definite link between fluoride levels and IQ levels. They have identified a link to bone cancer where the highest rates occur in populations drinking fluoridated water. The same findings as Governmwent studies going back to 1990, showing also how it causes kidney damage and impairs Tyroid function.

Therese Zumi recalls on learning about this in the 80s and remembering Mrs Thatcher speaking to the people of Northern Ireland and congratulating them on the introduction of Fluoride to their water system. Telling them how good it would be for the childrens bones and teeth, and I knew then that the main reason for this was to ‘pacify’ the population and reduce the problems Britain was encountering in the ‘North’. Makes me want to puke.

¤ Archons. Their energy field is not human. They are not Reptilian. The few left in physical bodies are to be found among black nobility families in Italy, some among politicians, some in the Vatican.

¤ Reptilians. They are the minions of the Archons. They put pressure on people’s weak spots, working to encourage people to drink more, fear more etc. We should all protect ourselves with White Light and ask for support with clearing these energies. See article ‘Healing Our-self Healing our World’ on the ‘Cobra School’ page where you can find links to people working idealistically to clear energies. Cobra said that most provocations are not part of our own process. The Reptilians can be found both on the Physical and the Astral plane. As I write this on February 14th! my feeling is that they will soon be history, as the LRM are working daily clearing out these entities. {See article ‘The Veil that hides the Truth’}

¤ Blobs. These are Amoeba like – sea-horse like – entities floating in astral space. They do what they are told to do. They connect to human fields and controll emotions. Their job is to create conflict among people especially any warm feelings between couples etc. We have the power within ourselves to reject these emotions with our will.

PS The Cabal had very advanced plans to fake an alien invasion to scare the shit out of us. These plans have all been ‘cleared’ by the Resistance.

Source of information Cobra.

Information written by       Therese Zumi             20/02/2013


Alexandra {Galactic Connection} asked Cobra if he agreed with some of the Internet ‘news’ coming out that there are different ET factions per continent on the planet? His reply was as follows; “In the Cabal yes. You have the Rothschild’s faction which is the Orion. I would say the Orion forces. You have the Rockefeller faction, which is more the Draconians. Then there is the Jesuit faction, which is a mixture of Andromedans and Reptilians. Alexandra wondered if they were basically ‘headquartered’ in various parts of the world. “Oh yes!” replied Cobra, “the Rothschild’s mostly control Europe. The Rockefellers mostly control the USA. Then you have the Jesuits who control the rest of the world.

Written by                         Therese Zumi Sumner                           01/03/2013                       1140am


The Light Resistance Movement

The Resistance Movement here on Earth is connected to a much larger confederation of Galactic beings. One could say that the Resistance Movement along with the Pleiadians is a faction within a confederation known under the name The Guardian Alliance. Cobra describes this group as a loose confederation of positive races inside of this galaxy that have different names. He points out that the important thing here is NOT the name, but the fact that there are thousands upon thousands of positive ET races that have reached a certain point in their evolution and these races have at this point – no more need for negativity. They have created a loose confederation.

At this point in this information piece I Therese Zumi would like to point out that all of the information here comes either, from my meeting with Cobra in LA in November of 2012, or from various interviews with him especially his interview with Alexandra Meadors last July 2012 – see info at the end of this piece. Also to save a thousand italics here and there whenever the text reads “I or we” it is Cobra speaking unless otherwise explained.

So the whole purpose now for the Resistance Movements work around our planet is to help to liberate humanity so that humanity can reach the same stage as mentioned above. Cobra has explained {sadly I TZ might add} that this planet is like a cancer cell in a healthy body. The last cancer cell of the galaxy has to be healed. That is why positive ET races have been and are coming here. These are beings in their physical bodies that look like you and me. They look like everyone else on the surface of the planet – but they have origins from elsewhere.

The rest of the universe has been liberated. It is not a coincidence that we are here on this planet says Cobra. This last planet has not been liberated because it was the last stronghold for the Dark Forces.

The most skilled Galactic warriors have incarnated on this planet in the last couple of hundreds of thousands of years. The reason for this is because it was known that this planet was the toughest one – the hardest one to liberate. I would say that the most advanced souls with the highest possible skills have been incarnated here exactly for this purpose.

Cobra explained that there was a certain testing that was done to determine if we were fit to incarnate here or not. He explained that there were actually not many planets in this galaxy with such strong control of the Dark Forces. Earth has been one of the toughest – an enormous challenge due both to the difficulty of liberating the planet along with the difficulty of the vibrational frequency which exists here.


The Resistance Movement was quite weakened by the constant attack of the Cabal in the time period from 1996 to 1999. The reinforcements came from planet X and now they are very very strong. When things were at their worst here the Resistance Movement were as many as 70 million people. Today they are around 20 million as in the last ten years or so, many returned to their homes as things got so much better here.

In the timeframe in between 1996 – 1999 there was a very strong war taking place underground, in underground tunnels. The Cabal was much stronger then. They had many beings infiltrated from other star systems. They had about 10 – 20 million of their representatives in their underground bases. Some reptilians are trapped in human bodies. There are some of these in the Royal Family. George W Bush Junior is one and another was the earlier finance minister of Great Britain Ted Heath. A Lady whose husband was a politician informed David Icke that she had seen him shape-shift to and from his reptilian form at a dinner in London, and what was even stranger was that “nobody blinked an eye”. It had been a great relief to her to meet David Icke and understand that this was not an isolated incidence, and she had not been hallucinating.


Planet X is a planet that orbits our sun in our solar system. it takes 850 years for planet X to circuit the sun. It is in orbit beyond Pluto in an inclined orbit. There were about 500 million people living there in underground cities. The planet was in control of the Cabal. In 1999 the Resistance Movement managed to liberate this planet. It took three weeks to do so. The people there were less programmed than us. In 1993 after they were liberated, 7 million of the inhabitant’s teleported here to Earth and began clearing reptilian bases. Between 1999 and 2003 the underground reptilian and military bases were cleared out. They also cleared out ‘Area 51’. They cleared out all of the black projects. There are no more reptilians walking around in these or any underground bases, nor is there any remaining exotic military technology.

There are 100 Billion Galaxies. 10 – 15 Galaxies were cleared of dark forces we are the last.


The Cabal has also had cloning factories which have also been cleared out. There was at one point a lot of cloning going on. The Cabal had this technology but this is all gone now. They have not been able to clone anyone now for over 5 years. There are no clones of anybody present any longer.


25,000 years ago the vast majority of the Light forces on our planet retreated underground. They developed cities and they are known as Agarthans. They stayed here to maintain balance on Gaia. They have been helping to stabilize the planet, but they did not interfere with the surface population.

In 1975 there was an intelligence agent working for the Light named Michael. At this point I TZ would like to point out that when Cobra arrived on the scene in the spring of 2012 he told us that he was working for someone called Michael – {personally I thought he meant Archangel Michael at the time, but I do believe now that it is another Michael, yet and this is my personal point of view here, I do believe Archangel Michael to be very much involved in all of this}. Michael went into the underground subway system in New York with a group of like-minded. There are secret entrances to the underground system that they know of. There they created the main operation centre of the Light Resistance Movement hundreds and hundreds of feet below the surface of New York City.

Michael came into contact with the Agarthan network and also with the Andromedans, who gave them technology. Already as far back as 1975 they made contact with people in the military for the plans for mass arrests. The original plan was a military coup. People changed this plan. In the years between 1975 and 1990 the resistance brought in computers and the Internet. Cobra has personally seen the work being done back in the 70s to develop the PCs that we use today. They have been provided from interaction with ETs underground, to connect everyone in a global network. Other technologies were introduced to connect to global communication. In 1996 there was a strong invasion of dark forces. The Cabal had many underground reptilian bases. They were close to destroying the Resistance Movement. The Ashtar Command has now taken their space fleet.

In LA Cobra thanked Michael and the Resistance movement for their work and also for his own life. They are waiting for the right time to be introduced to humanity. Cobra has been informed that they will give physical proof of his intelligence information after ‘The Event’.

Beam-up !


The Light forces below ground exist in many cavern systems which are interconnected to each other. They are connected also to the Agarthan** Society network whose cities of Light are connected to each other by high speed trains. The LRM have had a huge role to play in stabilising the situation on our planet and preventing WW3, as also clearing the threat that bio-chemical weapons pose to us.

Regarding the threat of nuclear war the Pleiadian spacecraft have blocked 90% of these weapons. Surface agents within the LRM have done the rest, deactivating these weapons, so they are not possible to activate using technology that is far beyond our understanding of technology. There is 0% risk of nuclear war now.

** The Agarthan society who went underground 25-26000 years ago has not interfered much over the millennia with the surface population. Interfering in our world here on the surface would have been extremely dangerous for them. Yet they have had a huge role to play in stabilising the situation here by projecting loving thoughts up to us. One major underground city is Telos which is under Mt Shasta. Many Ascended Masters materialise in that area. Inner Earth is part of the 5th Dimension. The 5th Dimension is aligned with higher purpose. As Gaia is now anchored in the 5th Dimension we are on our merry way as a planet to being part of this. Yet there are those not at all ready for the 5th Dimension and its vibratory frequency and they will have a choice to exist on a peaceful 3D planet. {See Tolec and the Biospheres on the Bigger Picture Page cont. :}


The Galactic Confederation in conjunction with the Ashtar Command and the various races helping us, are using high technology to hold the acupressure lines or ley lines to allow a harmonious transition. This is a time on Earth when we would have been subjected to geological upheavals. We have been spared these catastrophes so that as many as possible gain light and transfigure to a higher consciousness.


Cobra gave us information on the Galactic Super Wave that one can find much disinformation about on the Internet. He explained that every 25000 years the sun emits energy. This wave of energy started in 1975 and will continue until 2025. This wave is bringing transformation to our planet. The Cabal are well aware that they cannot control the Galaxy.  There is nothing in the Universe that can stop the Galactic superwave – it is entirely inevitable. It is very powerful energy but it is soft energy. The more Goddess presence we have on the planet, the more peaceful it can be. {See disinformation below.}


There is much dis-information bouncing around the Internet. Here are some facts Cobra has provided.

¤ Planet X is not coming – it is orbiting the Sun.

¤ Nibiru is disinformation. Nothing is going to come close to our orbit.

¤ The Galactic superwave is bringing the Light. We are right now in the middle of this wave. Without the Galactic ships protecting us as they do, by placing the ships strategically around the Sun it could be destructive. The ships are stabilising the frequency of the sun.

¤ There will not be a 3 day period of darkness at ‘The Event’. This information is a part of the Armageddon timeline which has been erased.

¤ It is the galactic pulse that triggers the magnetic polar shift. This is not dangerous. There is a question of two different events here.

Imagine this ‘Grail’ in Crystal Moldavite with 144,000 facets.


1)    The Positive military from the USA, Russia and China who will be behind the scenes providing technology, transport and logistics at ‘The Event’.

2)    Templars. Solomon’s Temple. Hidden below Solomon’s temple is info re Jesus that could threaten the church. In the past the Knights Templar were all arrested by the Cabal on one single day Friday the 13th {now we know where that came from!}. Only a few continued on, some Templars went to Scotland and started Freemasonry. At that time negative Templars went to Italy and became the Illuminati.

3)    White Dragon Society. This is a group of old-ancient Chinese families. The Rothschild’s cut off their power. They want China back. Here there are mixed feelings as some of them want to have a totalitarian China. They are involved in the financial sector fighting for a new financial system. This family also has factories that are developing free energy now. The technology involved will fit into the palm of your hand. Can you imagine what this means.

4)    Brotherhood of the Star. These are advanced beings. They work by projecting to the minds of those who are ready, to bring higher ideals of Light to the human population. There are not many of them on Earth. See This posting was made by Cobra on September 5 2012.

5)   The Order of the Star. This is a task force of 144000 beings from the time of Atlantis who volunteered to work for the purpose of transforming darkness into light. They keep reincarnating again and again to assist. Each person has a unique set of skills for planetary liberation. After ‘The Event’ there will be great need of healing of humanity which they will take part in. The group is like a complex Mandala with individual forms. The ‘Holy Grail’ a chalice made of Moldavite is a reflection of this group and has 144,000 polished facets, each which contains a code for souls to be awakened. It is in the safe keeping of the Galactic Federation.

6)   A group of 15000 Beings incarnated at the time of Atlantis to help heal the separation. They continue to incarnate again and again to this end. This group includes the Buddha, Christ, Templars and Lightworkers. Some of us belong to this group. When this planet is liberated we will enter into the 3rd Atlantis. The final Paradise on Earth with cities of Light and advanced technology. This is part of the plan. When St Germaine was incarnated as Francis Bacon he talked about this time.

7)    The White Hats The person with the code name ’Michael’ that Cobra told us went underground is a White Hat member. He was forced to ‘go underground’ when the Cabal were in pursuit of him. He had a group of agent’s working with him, they also went underground. There are members of the White Hats worldwide. One of them who is well known on the surface is Benjamin Fulford. Benjamin has had numerable attempts made on his life. He was editor in chief for ‘Forbes’ economic magazine for 20 years. Cobra has regular contact with members of this group who work in top positions within financial and administrative positions worldwide supporting the work of the Light Resistance Movement on earth.

8)   Lightworkers. People who invoke the Light and work with the Light. The backbone of the resistance Movement.

Andromeda Galaxy

Forces of Light

¤ Galactic Confederation. This group travel interdimensionally throughout the Galaxy. This group is the overseer of evolution on planets. This is a loose union of all positive races that have received LOVE as their natural state. They exist beyond war, polarities and dualities. They only desire to spread Love. There are about 200,000 species in this galaxy. 70% are humanoid. You would not recognise them; there might be some in this room! {LA Cobra conf. Nov. 2012} The main group are not present on the surface of the planet. They are orbiting our planet – cloaked so they can not be detected. Without their intervention we would have been extinct at this point.

¤ Ashtar Command.  This is a group within the Galactic Confederation. Their mission is to liberate planet Earth. They have gathered many ships around the Earth literally millions of them. Their ships are from 5 – 10 feet to thousands of feet in diameter. The fleet squadron gather on strategic positions. They are here ready to take action when the time is right. The Cabal organised a strong negative campaign against the Ashtar Command in the 90s doing their utmost to create fear among people who heard their name. Ashtar people were in-planted. Now the Light has returned and the group is stronger.

¤ Pleiadians.  Cobra is a Pleiadian incarnate. They contacted him as a child. Cobra wanted to bring Pleiadian technology to Earth and interweave it with ours. Like Dr Fred Bell and ‘our’ Robert Potter he too was in contact with Semjase. The Pleiadians have the closest ties to humanity. They have contacted the surface population many times. Dr Fred Bell was contacted on several occasions by Semjase, and Rob Potter who organised the conference in Laguna Beach and Egypt for Cobra is a contactee who has worked alongside Dr Fred Bell for many years. You can listen to the interview with Robert and Cobra on Coast to Coast Radio in January of this year here on this page. Many Pleiadians were spiritual teachers – or prophets. The Pleiadians said to Cobra that he had to go back to this planet to prevent nuclear war. Each day we are getting closer to ‘The Event’.

¤ Sirians. Some have incarnated here as humans and some as Dolphins and Whales. They are the caretakers of water. They are very aware of their purpose. Most of us involved in New Age interests – most awake beings, are aware of the enormous role our dolphin brothers and sisters have played – are playing on our planet to bring more joy and love and healing, like the healing work worldwide with autistic children.

They hide in the oceans but some get killed. See the beautiful video with Patricia Cori on my Introduction page. This beautiful Lady is a Sirian incarnate and has a website about the Sirians. They also work with balancing of the tectonic plates. They are aware of their purpose.

I {TZ} must take the opportunity at this point to speculate that the amazing author and Nobel Literature Prize winner, Mrs Doris Lessing, may be of Sirian origin, as one of her books is titled ‘The Sirian Experiments’. The first book in her amazing series ‘Canopus In Argos: Archives’ is ‘Re: Colonised Planet 5, Shikasta’. {Shikasta is our own planet – seen during an agonising epoch of its existence, through the eyes of Johor sent here by the powers that have control over this part of the universe}. The second book in this series, read during my studies at Uppsala University in 1983- 84, {see my recommend page cont.; re Doris Lessing} was the one that brought me on a path to the point I am in all of this today.

Other races helping us with our liberation in one way or another are the Andromedans {see the following articles by two Andromedan Representatives, on my ‘The Bigger Picture’ page.} Article 1) Tolec and the Biospheres. 2) Creative Communities. Another race are theArcturians and there are many more.


Extra Note of Interest. 

There are certain places on Earth where Ascended Masters materialise and pay visits to us. One of these places is in the Mount Shasta area.

The entire Universe is gathering to watch your birth at this moment, from a being of separation and fear into a being of unity, oneness and unconditional love.




The Ascended Masters are beings who have liberated themselves. They have taken the cycle of Earth incarnations but are in touch with their own I AM. Throughout the course of human history there have been about 70 who have managed to Ascend.  Some of them are:


Sananda is really two beings. Christ, who was Krishna and Jesus Christ. The Christ became enlightened as Krishna. Krishna was Jesus Mentor when he walked the Earth. Jesus Christ was in constant telepathic communication with Krishna and they worked together. The purpose and goal of their ‘union’ was to bring the concept of unconditional Love to Earth. While Jesus was living here he had contact with the Sirians especially, a number of times during his life,  as he came from there. Jesus say’s, “I am not following you and I am not leading you, I am walking with you. There is room enough for both of us and for many of us, for all of us on this path.”



This Ascended Masters purpose is to bring abundance and freedom to humanity. One of His projects is to restore and renew the Mystery Schools. Another is to reform Freemasonry. Another is to bring abundance to humanity. When He lived here on Earth He put his gold and jewels in a bank and it is now worth about ten trillion dollars. The purpose of it is to aid Light Workers. There are two parts to this trust which He has protected, 1) The original part, and 2) the money that has developed from that. That money is blocked by the Cabal. We will receive money after the breakthrough sooner or later. Cobra is working with people to do with this. One of St Germaine’s incarnations was as Sir Francis Bacon.



Born as the son of Shiva and Parvati, Sanat Kumara is the brother of Ganesh. In the Bible Sanat Kumara is known as the Ancient of Days. In the Mayan Tradition Sanat Kumara is the great Quetzalcoatl. He is a Master who blesses and protects those who ardently seek his grace. Sanat Kumara awakens our hearts to remember our true self.

Sanat Kumara is the Planetary Logos for the Earth and is its primary overseer. He is responsible for the Ascension of the Earth and Venus. He is from Venus and has assisted humanity from the Light Realms perhaps longer than any other master. See *’Breaking through to the other side’, with Sanat Kumara on the page entitled ‘About Ascension’.



This Ascended Masters mission is to bring healing to humanity, both to our physical and to our energy bodies. He is the Master behind all the projects for the new medicine a synthesis of western and natural medicine. His work is the healing of the personality and the connection of the soul.

He say’s “now is the time to lovingly care for yourself, to be gentle with yourself and your energies because you may not realise that you have just completed a major cycle of transformation.” When you feel in need of healing ask Kuthumi like this.

“Beloved Master Kuthumi, My Beloved Guides, My Beloved Soul and Beloved Creator, I ask that you observe and oversee my current process of awakening, supporting and encouraging my healing at all times”.



He works with leaders and decision makers. He has been working inside banking and the mass media. He has a tough job.  He has been searching out those of influence that can help while we are still in the Matrix, helping our liberation through telepathic impressions to the masses through the media etc.




The Buddha means ‘The Enlightened or Awakened One’. The Buddha incarnated in the year 500 BC as Prince Gautama Siddhartha.

The Buddha is a transmitter of Cosmic Energy between the Galactic Central Sun and the Ascended Masters. Buddha say’s, “The entire Universe is gathering to watch your birth at this moment. Your birth from a being of separation and fear into a being of unity, oneness and unconditonal Love”.




Ashtar’s last incarnation was 25000 years ago. He escaped before the quarantine. {See coming piece on our history} His main project is the Ascension of humanity. Another of his projects is ‘First Contact’. A third is training in telepathic communication. At ‘The Event’ Ashtar will take over the media. All the TV programs will broadcast the message. He helped to develop, the PC and the Internet. His work includes stabilising the Earth Grid – preventing 90-95% of Earth changes. The Tectonic plates are very sensitive. His ships are preventing a Polar shift. The Ashtar Command rescue teams have been involved in some Earthquake catastrophes preventing total disaster. The prevention of nuclear war is his area too. The majority of nuclear weapons were blocked by the Light in February of 2012. In June 2012 the last ones in the hands of the Jesuits were taken over. Now there is 0% chance of nuclear war. This has been a huge step forward. NB This fact is the main reason why Cobra was allowed to come forward at this time. Because of disarmament he can now speak, it was much too dangerous before that. Now their bombs cannot detonate and they will never be able to figure out the reasons why their toys don’t go off.




She is the Twin Flame of Ashtar. She was known as Inanna by the Sumerians, as Astarte by the Greeks, Isis by the Egyptians, Ishtar by the Semites and also as Aphrodite and Venus, all the same being. Her purpose is to bring the Goddess energy back to the planet. The picture is of course merely symbolic as it’s not easy to choose a ‘correct’ one.




Mother Mary was the Mother of Jesus when He incarnated here. Mother Mary tells us “You and the entire Universe of the Creator are being asked to place your trust in the Creator more than ever before. We realise that it is difficult to trust when things seem uncertain and you are unsure, as to what will occur within your Being and reality. With your passing through this ‘Initiation’ you will reap a greater trust in yourself and a stronger bond of connection in the Creator, which will serve you in the next stages of Ascension. Allow yourself to cultivate with tremendous love your trust in yourself and the Creator”.

INVOCATION: ‘I call upon my soul to activate and express the purest vibration of love into my entire being and reality on the Earth. I am my soul, I accept the love of my soul, I am ready to emanate and enact the love of my soul on the Earth’.



The Following words are the words of Archangel Michael the first time he spoke to us here on Earth via radio, via the channel called Linda Dillon. Linda works with Steve Beckow on Golden Age of Gaia {earlier 2012 Scenario}. It might seem strange to you to that AAM would want to talk to us like this, yet the entire Council Of Love including many of the Ascended Masters, Archangels, Gaia and not in least Divine Mother herself have such a great desire to communicate with us, now as we come closer to becoming One with our Galactic and Spiritual Families in a way we have not been able to for as long as we can remember. This channel Linda Dillon has been chosen for this work with In-Light radio, a long time ago when an agreement was made. I personally find these ‘sessions’ both enlightening and comforting. On many occasions I am moved to tears during the shows which are once a week, and called An Hour with an Angel. I wanted to say a few words to introduce you to AAM and ended up following the very first radio show with him on the 13th December 2011. His words then are just as important still as we get closer and closer to the Changes. The following lines are excerpts and if you would like to read or hear the entire Hour from that date just go the following link, at the bottom of the text.

AAM: Yes I Am Michael, Archangel of Peace, warrior of love, bringer of truth. And I welcome all of my beloved friends this night, this time of unfoldment upon the planet of Earth, Of Terra Gaia, and Nova Earth. Let us begin this way.

This unfoldment that you have been in has been in process for some time. I have given you this. We have travelled together through dark times and through brilliant times, which you often refer to as darkness and light. And so I want you to know this. Everything is in Divine order. We did not simply pick a year in Earth time for this unfoldment, for this plan.

If there is one thing I would ask you to do with me, with the Company of Heaven, with the Council of Love, with your own guides and friends, with your own human circle, it would be to point yourself, steer yourself, aim yourself towards the light. As we start listen with your heart, listen with your flame, and prepare yourself to step forward in peace, in truth, and in the wholeness of who you are.

For each of you are unique and part of this mosaic. Each of you are necessary. That is why you are reading or listening to this. When you are in a new relationship, whether it is with a child or a loved one, a partner or friend, there’s the beginning, and there’s the excitement and the electricity – and a little craziness. And that is what many of you felt on 11/11/11. Now with 12/12/11, feel the relationship maturing, deepening into a sense of trust and knowing that you are genuinely in a partnership.

And in that relationship – with Us, with each other, with yourself – there’s a deeper anchoring of balance and of inter-connectedness to all, to all forms, not just your human collective, to all elementals, to your Star Brothers and Sisters. This is how shift happens. It’s when trust and love are restored. Its when the heart opens enough and is balanced enough to begin to move into living in trust and in beingness. Now I use that term and it does not mean sit still.  Often I have asked you find your joy. Remember my friends you live in an infinite ever-expanding universe. That means that the joy the love is also expanding.

So I ask of you, with My sister Gabriel {Archangel Gabriel}, to sit in your heart, to feel My blue flame, and Hers of gold, and allow the joy to penetrate you.

The information about the presence of your Star Brothers and Sisters has been known for a long, long time. But there has been this very strong wave of denial. But now there is an eagerness in the air. The difficulty is the governments who would make such announcements are wondering who is going to be the first. And it’s because of some of the economic ramifications. And let me tell you about the fear with the economy. It’s because when they come, when that announcement is made, or when they simply appear and we say, oh my, we’ve visitors, they know the technology and the science that was required to get here. They have known about these gifts for a long time. When they come the global economy will shift because things that are valued today will assume a different value.



There will be new technology, new uses for resources, new understandings about cleansing the Earth, getting her ready for her journey homeward. Gaia is one of the most diverse, abundant planets anywhere. Yes her purpose is love but she was created so there would not be want or need. So those of you working as bank managers and tellers and middle management, know you are there holding the light! It will come from all kinds of sectors. Because there will be a fresh breeze that blows across the globe.

Your Galactic Brothers and Sisters will appear humanoid. Yes, they might be slightly taller, they may have distinct features, but by and large, because they also have this capacity, they will appear much like the humans that are listening. But let Me suggest to you that should someone from Andromeda be on a mission to another Universe or place, they also have the capability to shape-shift. As do you. You just haven’t realised it.

At this point Steve commented to AAM that he would like to shape-shift younger. And AAM replied. That’s part of the plan. You know, it’s a package deal. And the rejuvenation – that’s another way you can also see who has gone through the portal and gateways, {Ascended}to the fifth, to the seventh. And you can see that they look and begin to look younger and younger. They are being rejuvenated.

{Regarding Barack Obama}. Now in his desire to be conciliatory, in some cases he has not lived up to his potential and to his promise of change. He has been weighed down by the politics, and, yes, seeking the truth and the balance. But he has also been guided, as you all are – but let Us be very clear about this, it’s like a strategy that’s in unfoldment. And yes, there’s much criticism. So We say some of its legitimate.

But then I ask of you – because I spend much time walking those halls – where’s your heart? Do you abandon those you love and cherish so easily, or do you rally behind them and help them, if they’ve lost their way or miss-stepped.? Do you encourage them, as we encourage you, to go forward, to hold that line, to go forward with things that would be in some situations unpopular – such as disclosure, which will happen very soon, by the way:

There are many cities of light that are being activated all over the globe. And these will be places of equality, of compassion – of qualities that have been forgotten. It will be where all thrive and where all are welcome.

You will welcome beings from other worlds. You will share. You will walk with Masters. You will have the wisdom vision. You will see and you will hear and you will not have this belief that has been so engrained as separation.

It was never intended that you would be stuck here, on Earth, with the inability to hear us, or to see us, or to be with us. That is the plan.

It’s a plan that we are all awaiting, that’s well underway. We know sometimes you are tired, and you feel as if you have been run over and defeated. When this happens turn to me. Let us restore you. Let us lift you up and gently remind you who you are. Let us wrap you in the Mothers cloak and cuddle you until you are healed. That is what we are here for, not only to show the way, but to assist and take care of you.

When you look at the sky, see how it shifts and changes. When the announcement comes, as it will, hold the centre of peace. Do not engage in the drama. Be the voice of reason, be the anchor. Go in peace.

Excerpts chosen and reposted by                 Therese Zumi Sumner                   supported by Archangel Michael My Boss.

Link to complete text on Golden Age of Gaia. Many thanks to Steve Beckow and Linda Dillon and all the gang at In-Light Radio, for your Loving devotion.

An Ascended Master can exit and enter a body at will. At a certain point you do not need to be born. You can work with matter.

When we were gathered for the conference in LA at the end of Nov. 2012, we were still as Cobra put it ‘occupied in the matrix of quarantine – the technology based reality created by the Cabal’ which he said was about to crack at any moment. And now it has. The doorway into Oneness is open now. See

Short Situation Update’ 22/01/13 on .

SIGHTINGS WORLDWIDE. We all know that the sightings worldwide are not reported by the Rothschild controlled mainstream media. At all the Cobra conferences worldwide and indeed at other conferences of many of the sites mentioned on this website they have also had ‘visitations’. In LA Cobra informed us that there was a space platform above the building we were in about 9 miles up. He told us there were cloaked ships in the canyon. Then several of the attendees gave us their sighting experiences.

The film ‘The Matrix’ was given to Hollywood by the Resistance Movement.


Isis had just finished her afternoon with us, in which Cobra took part. Now as I write these lines I realise it was not Cobra but Isis who ended the conference with these words. { we had all 70 or so persons danced a lot of the afternoon under Isis guidance }.


When I was a girl I was always dancing. It felt very natural. Different Goddess’s entered my body and gave me different energies. Swirling to the left is feminine – to the right masculine. You turn into the spiral. When I first met Cobra he said “I will take you home”.

We dance to accept ourselves as we are, then our body starts to change. A healthy feminine aspect is that we do not compete. You live to your highest potential and you cooperate and support each other. Respect each other. We will all dance the dance of liberation the dance of joy. The new society – the Goddess energy is to respect and support each other.

When you look at another person, look at them with adoration. Learn to adore. Adore Nature adore the Ocean. It is the time for us to learn to adore. Adore another being. See the spark of God and Goddess. Have compassion for another being. If you heal your weakest points you become soft. Experience the tenderness or the extreme power and passion. Learn again the passion and compassion that lives in you, as also the joy of Light and celebration.

Goddess energy is surrendering to the Light. You can dance the Goddess dance anywhere. The Ocean is the emotion of Gaia. Hug a tree. Dance with the leaves of the air. She is everywhere, embracing everywhere, dancing everywhere. Awaken your inner Tarzan or Jane. When a man invites the Goddess energy in, he becomes more masculine. He becomes a gentle, strong respectful man that respects life and women.

Be a strong woman. Stand up to your suppression. It is so important to balance male and female energy. Say your truth with love. Don’t bother with ego. Don’t fight. Stay in your presence of who you are. Speak your truth. Feel it with love. Connect with the eyes of another person. And surrender – you are great! Thank you very much for coming.

Finally Cobra mentioned that he was Told not to plan anything beyond the 21/12/2012. He said that the focus of the next conferences worldwide would be ‘How to change the world’. This would be after ‘The Event’.

Lightning struck the Basilica in Rome a few hours after the Pope resigned.

Signs in the Sky

This information is directly from a posting that Cobra made to-day the 20/02/2103. I have just given the text and removed the links to more information on these various signs. If you want to check out the links just go to Portal 2012 to see the full post.

1)  The first sign that appeared was the lightning that stroke the dome of St. Peter’s basilica in Rome within hours after the Pope resigned:

2) The second sign was the meteorite that fell near Chelyabinsk in Russia:This meteorite was a natural body, it was not a UFO and there was no involvement of the Cabal in this event.

3)  A few hours later on the same day, another completely unrelated cosmic body made a very close approach to Earth:

4)  The next sign in the sky is the comet Panstarrs, visible in March: and another comet Lemmon, also visible in March: And towards the end of the year, another spectacular comet will be visible:

All these events are natural cosmic occurrences and are part of the plan for the planetary liberation that is coming directly from the Source. The purpose of all these signs in the sky is to lift the consciousness of the human population beyond the third dimension in order to prepare it for ‘The Event’ and the coming planetary changes.

Posted by Cobra on the 20/02/2013





Blossom Goodchild and the Galactic Federation of Light, June 5, 2013


Blossom: Here we are again! Hello to you! Today I would like to follow on with another question from one of the translator team. Again I TRUST myself … as it is pushing my boundaries somewhat … yet good to do so and good for the whole! OK … here goes … What is the true explanation for the different races and languages on our planet? Over to you!

GL: We welcome you in Love this day and we are accepting of the inquiries posed. Firstly may we begin by admitting to you that through our conversations we are finding that the interest of such matters is allowing for the ‘self’ to come forward and at the same time allowing the ego to retreat. This is most pleasing to ‘see’ within the energy of each.

So … one would like to know the exact position of the ‘need’ to express … in words … and would we say in different tongues?

As you would expect … it is that on many other plains and planets and vibrations … there is no need for such things. Words are superficial in their interpretation by the individual. And although one may think they have a grasp on ‘meaning’ … much over time has been ‘ flattened’ … in that the spoken word that once was … has now lost much of its ‘energy.’

Originally it was ‘sound’ through Light that proposed an interesting ‘target’ of communication. By expressing pure LOVE … the Light that emanated … through Divine design would automatically produce a ‘humming vibration’. This … in its beginnings of language was simply a sound that radiated from a soul and ‘gave off’ that which it was FEELING. It was not an intentional ‘speak’ … yet a natural one. It simply took on a life of its own. Very much likened perhaps to the sound of a breeze or the rustling of leaves. They each have their own unique sound which is ‘from them’ … as opposed to ‘coming from them’.

Blossom: Can you clarify the difference?

GF: A bird when it sings … is aware that it is singing … yet if it was silent … it would still have a vibrational sound coming from it … EVERYTHING  DOES. Even when you are not speaking … there are instruments that could measure your vibrational pitch. This pitch alters depending on the ‘energy’ of one at any given time. One resounds a lower pitch when one is low in thought and vibration … compared to the much ‘Lighter’ … in density … pitch of Joy and laughter.

You yourself Blossom, have said how you Love to hear the ‘silence’ of the night’ … and yet you can definitely hear the hum that ‘belongs’ to it.

Blossom: Ok … so … how did it then form into language?

GF: By resonating with intent. The human was given a voice box … part of an experiment to express in a different form. Many ‘species’ do not have the need … for telepathic thought is recognized by one to another.

Many of you have heard of Light Language. A language spoken by … shall we say some ‘off world Beings’.  We would suggest that it is the vibration of many sounds that is produced and yet it is not of a ‘word format’ that is delivered. It is of a mixture of tones and ‘super tones’ that ‘give out’ an expression of Light … that is then received by another through ‘signals’ of vibration.

This is how ‘language’ began.

Again … remember the human race is an experiment. We were aware of the given voice box for sound communication … yet it was not US that developed language … it was you. Through expression of soul.

You found in the beginning that automatic ‘wave lengths’ would emit from the mouth … which were derived from a FEELING within the heart. This is why we express often to go with the FEELING … for over time … words have developed into superfluous energy much of the time.

Do not misunderstand … the development of expression of the soul/heart has beauty within much of it … when one TRULY listens … yet much has transformed into a level of low energy … that really would be a very good idea to remove from ones vocabulary.

So the experiment of sound into ‘expression of feeling’ developed as one resided longer upon the Earth plane … in some cases.

Blossom: And in others?

GF: They came along with you. Some advanced races introduced certain ‘languages’ from other systems … because their ‘scripture’ and symbolic design have within them codes … that are of deeper rooted significance.

Blossom: Which is clearly for another day!  I am assuming you are speaking of ‘Egyptian? … Hebrew perhaps?

GF: A few of many.

Blossom: So … unless I am mistaken … you are clarifying here that although ‘we humans’ are an experimental form of life … we have definitely been assisted by those from other systems … that came down to help us along. Was this always part of the plan?

GF: We smile … for although there IS the OVERALL DIVINE PLAN … what is good for you to understand is that THE PLAN IS TO CREATE THE PLAN. An experiment in which the nature of its course is determined through FREE WILL.

Blossom: I felt you were going to say FREE … YET DIVINE WILL … which sent my brain in a whirl … and off onto another subject … shall we??

GF: Of course it is FREE and of course it is DIVINE. EVERYTHING …as we shall continue to reiterate IS DIVINE … even when you cannot possibly see the Divinity or FEEL the Divinity within it .

Blossom: I know many would ask … where is the Divinity in a village being blown to smithereens or abuse of young children … I could go on and on .

GF: And we would say ‘Find it’.

Blossom: Struth … I didn’t expect that for an answer. Do you mean through our hearts … find the LOVE? … or do you mean ‘offer’ the LOVE to that situation? Two different things.

GF: And yet both are advisable.

Blossom: I KNOW to offer Love out to a given ‘lower vibration’ situation … but to actually find the LOVE within it is rather different.

GF: Yet that is what we are asking to do.

Blossom: How?

GF: By accepting that EVERYTHING is DIVINE. It cannot be anything else. How you choose to ‘investigate’ a particular happening somewhere on your planet is through the ‘ego-self’ … for you cannot see it from the grander perspective. This  … as always … we find difficult to express to you ‘IN WORDS’.

Yet we say that if you were to FULLY TRUST YOUR KNOWING … by simply FEELING that there is DIVINE LOVE in ALL THINGS … then that KNOWING  … although confusing if you allow thought … through words to come in … that KNOWING of TRUTH could be accepted by you.

Blossom: Yet … you have said that through free will,this experiment has gone horribly wrong! So how can it be Divine?

GF: That is a very good question.

Blossom: Wanna answer it?

GF: Although something may appear ‘horrible’ … or ‘painful’… or ‘full of hate’ … or ‘disgusting’ …or ‘abominable’ … IT IS STILL LOVE … Just a different level of vibration from something say of  ‘great joy’ … or ‘peace giving’ … or ‘of gratitude’ …

The opposite sides to the coin have shown a great deal of learning to all … These ‘illusions’ within this ‘reality’ are servers of great knowledge and enlightenment .

Blossom: Then with all respect … how can it have gone horribly wrong?

GF: Because through free will …. there are those who have lost themselves within the density of ‘Satan’.

Blossom: Good grief! You have NEVER mentioned that word before … as I recall … and as it came into my head … I really had to pause to check I was ‘picking you up’ correctly.

GF: Indeed you are. For it is our intention to discuss this. It is a word used … and conjures up an immediate force of darkness does it not?

Blossom: Yes. Yet I KNOW there is no devil. Well that’s my TRUTH.

GF: And it is a TRUE TRUTH. It is created through thought … so to some the devil is real. Yet only if one chooses to acknowledge it as an existing energy. It is the same with everything. You have so many conflicting ‘beliefs’ … because there are so many different thoughts for each one. Which avenue one chooses to walk down … is again … very much down to free will.

Blossom: So when you say some are lost within the density of Satan … are you just meaning ‘lost in the dark’?

GF: Indeed. Yet we felt it necessary to describe it that way … in order to assist you in understanding that ‘ones world’ is created in ones thought pattern … Even though you are residing on the same planet …  it does not mean that your world’s perspective is the same … depending on your choice of thought …. LOVE OR FEAR.

We did not have within our ‘state of Being’ the KNOWING that LOVE could reach such alternatives of itself. Yet … through acceptance … we became aware of the interesting dynamics that it presented and came to realize that duality had far more representations of TRUTH within its LIES!

Blossom: I stumbled over that word too. Lies?

GF: For they too are of assistance to the soul. To be able to be discerning of what is TRUTH and what is not … is an integral part of one’s growth.

Blossom: We seem to have veered off course from the original question … which is often how it goes … Yet may you give us an answer before you go … about the different races … colors of skin … cultures etc.? How/ why did they all form?

GF: Briefly for now we would say that much was developed through an ongoing natural progression.

We FEEL that it would be sensible to discuss this at another time when we are not at the end of a conversation … but at the beginning … for the brain may scramble at this stage … and it is best for clarity and freshness of mind to be in order when we speak to you of this.

Blossom: Ok … That’s fine … perhaps next time. Thanks so much … I always enjoy these conversations … even though they take on a life of their own and take us down streets I hadn’t intended. A never ending story I guess.







GaiaPortal: Clarification of Intent for Humanity-General… by ÉirePort, June 4, 2013




Clarification of intent for humanity-general occurs as Higher Dimensional gateways are opened for all. Higher Purpose is revealed in ways that are undeniable to each.

Forces of movement previously restricted to Hue-manity are now available to humanity-general. Questioning of all outdated paradigms by humanity-general becomes “the normal”.

Hearing and trust of Higher Self is now accepted as “the normal”.





GaiaPortal: Movement of Gaia Surface Energies has Smoothed Disturbances… by ÉirePort, June 2, 2013




Movement of Gaia surface energies has smoothed disturbances arising from Gaia energetic restructuring. Mass movements of humanity-general, as well as Hue-manity particular, has shifted into what may be called an “Eternally Upward” direction.

Awakenings of humanity-general proceed at quickened rate, as the smoothed Gaia surface energies allow undisturbed free thought. Such smoothed energies encourages open mindedness in individuals.

Gaia now speeds what could be called, “heart openings”, although perhaps better described as “Soul Being Contract openings”, to occur in all individuals.

Méline Lafont ~ Energies of June, Choices and the Emotional Body ~ As channeled from Self, June 3, 2013




We are going through the wringer of perfection and change. All that is coming forth now, is a reflection of your personal growth and enlightenment. All that you should not to cope with anymore is leaving your fields, your Self and your heart. All sorts of reflections are coming your way now as they represent what you are, what keeps you busy in the mind and what you were until this point. These reflections are required to be presented to you, as they come in your life and your reality to become noticed as a reminder to work on or to just release them.

Life is about heart choices you make in your life, precious hearts, and there is never a wrong one to make. You, as a beautiful being of Light, represent the Unconditional Love of Gods Presence, the One of “All that Is”, so you are eternal and so are your choices in life. You continue to move forward in your chosen path and whatever that may bring into your life, into your consciousness or being, it is all for the benefit and for your highest best at that time.

Your heart knows what is right for you, what you need to experience at this time and what your part is in another ones life as a lesson or experience. You are all intertwined and connected into this giant Cosmic Web of I AM Presences, forming this beautiful grid of Love, compassion and Being. All parts of this web form the Oneness and this is where you are part of, what you are forming and what you ARE, all together and as a single heart as well.

As we are going through this wringer of fire, One has to be careful not to become fearful, or doubtful about One’s Self. You all Precious hearts are being brought to this rather uncomfortable position, where the energies are forcing you to make heartfelt choices in life as well as releasing a lot of old energy and emotions. See this as a precious gift, for it is helping you to understand more, to grow more and to detach you from the illusion and set you free!

The ego and mind will be very powerful at times, trying to mislead you into the thought of holding on to your comfort zone and to old patterns, for it is losing grip as the ego is fading away and making place for the heart as the ruler and your center. This process of change and rebirth in your True Self of Light is not only a long one to take place, but also a hard one at times for the ego has been your leading center for aeons of time.

The more you are your heart and the more you linger in your heart, the smoother the transition goes and the faster your evolution and growth continue. You might be confronted with difficult issues and situations at times, but know that this has a meaning and that it is showing you that this needs to be worked on or removed first, in order to be able and continue this chosen path of yours.

My precious hearts, this is what the month of June of this linear time is all about: the continued process of developing your heart feelings, skills and birth into yourself.  Whatever needs to be confronted first will be played out now at this very moment, for time has been a long one where you have been prepared to do this job.

The point has now been reached to start acting, doing and changing this so called reality and world that you are in. Therefore this month will be a lot about change, moving forward as well as about the continuing cleansing and finding the balance in your emotional self and your physical self. The emotional and mental body might get under a lot of pressure this month, due to the changes and choices that might be your reality at this time.

The emotional body is going to integrate more Light and energies of your higher Selves. I speak of higher Selves because you are more than 1 energy, being aspect of All That Is in numerous Galaxies and Dimensions, planets, Universes and so on… This is what your emotional body is integrating right now, and being a multi Dimensional Being, a lot of energy and information is coming in, being integrated and absorbed in your emotional body at this time. This can show some slight to huge emotional reactions, for the balance will therefore be needed to re-establish itself, with all those new activations and integrations, for you are all Ascending WITH your physical body, which means all the other 4 bodies as well. (The lower mental, the higher mental, the emotional and the etheric one)

Know, Precious hearts, that this might be the most challenging part at this time, for the emotional body is the largest one of all your 4 fields around your physical self. After this process, the etheric body will start integrating more, which is your spiritual self and this is the stage of the Ascension process where more will be seen and felt in a tangible manner, concerning your gifts, creations and enlightenment.

So beautiful progressions are just around the corner, precious hearts, remember to continue your devotion to Self and your chosen goals in this life experience, with this beautiful prospect in the back of your mind.

Never forget that we, the Ascended Masters, are all Present at this time with you and in you, for you are all part of our Being.  With my most Loving heart and wishes, I bless you all ♥

Eyah Asher Eyah

Méline Lafont/ Lady Portia


Copyright ©  by Méline Lafont. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy and distribute this material, provided the content is copied in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, and this copyright notice and links are included. and






Lord Emanuel Daily Messages of Wisdom and Inspiration – Positivity, June 4, 2013



Greetings Dear Ones! It is I, Lord Emanuel come to be with you again this day. And as always Dear Hearts, it is my great pleasure and deep honour to be with you, to be allowed in by you, to have your attention for this time that we have together. As always Dear Ones, take in a deep breath as deep into your belly as you can and exhale out a long slow deliberate breath and see with it leaving, all your tension, anxiety, negativity. Take as many of these breaths as you feel comfortable doing, 7 is ideal. Your breath, Dear Ones, is such powerful tool, it is the connector, connecting your consciousness to your body. From this connected place, feel my presence with you as you read my words that you may receive a deeper healing from them.


Dear Ones, you can not fail to notice that your world seems to be falling even deeper into chaos. Please may I remind you that it APPEARS that way for many reasons. The most apparent reason is that if the only source of your information is mainstream news and media, then that is all that is reported. As I have said many times here in these messages, your mainstream news does not report the truth but only a distorted version which paints the required picture for those in control, the picture they  want you to believe of any events transpiring in your world.


On top of that Dear Ones, the mainstream news and media will only report that which instils fear and division. Again, I have imparted this information before here, the energy of fear is required by those who are really in control of this planet, therefore an extremely biased view of the world is presented to you in order that you think negatively and react to these atrocious situations being played out on  Earth with high running emotion and fear. There is no balance. You are just not  seeing all the incredible positive events that ARE happening around the world.


Now I know you know what I have imparted here. But even if you are aware of the bigger picture, even if you are aware of the tactics employed by the dark forces, even if you have all the knowledge of this, it is still very challenging to stay  positive in the present circumstances. Many of my messages of late have been upon this subject but I will stay with this subject until the time has passed and it is no longer important. It is still required of me to help keep you on track at this crucial time.


Dear Ones, you may think knowing the agenda makes you immune from emanating fear and adding to the negativity. I tell you Dear Ones, in no uncertain terms this is not always the case. Please do not take this as harsh judgement upon you for not only is that not possible, it is not my intention here, for I am laying out for you all the reasons it is so very challenging for you to stay out of the trap of fear and negativity. These are very challenging times Dear Ones as you know so very well.


If your news reporting was well balanced and truthful, the mindset of the people of Earth would be so very different, Dear Ones if you could see the number of slumbering peoples of Earth that are stirring, becoming restless and discontent with the status quo, the number of people who are finally beginning to say enough is enough, finally beginning to realise there has to be a better way. Dear Ones this is happening by the million as we speak. This is the commencement of real awakening for many millions of Beings and it is truly happening right now.


Dear Hearts, peaceful civil unrest is the most incredibly encouraging positive sign imaginable that things are changing upon your Blessed planet,  a tangible sign that you can see is happening. I do not condone violence in any form but it is understood here in the Ascended Realm that freedom fighters often have little choice when defending their families and their homes. May I ask of you that you send out Love to all the volatile trouble spots on Earth and that you pray for peaceful solutions to be brought about swiftly. You have it in your power to stop the violent oppression of innocent people by your conscious thought and intention right now.


Dear Ones, the conflicts on your Earth rumble on, the conflict within your families and friendships, work relationships and neighbours rumble on but please understand this is a very necessary POSITIVE step toward Global World Peace.


My Dear sensitive Hearts, you are doing so well in a world that seems so cruel and harsh, keep on moving forward with Love and Grace, the Kingdom of Heaven awaits you. This is my Promise to you. I AM Lord Emanuel, as sure as God you will return.

God Bless you.


Transmitted through Gillian Ruddy.

This message is a gift, please freely copy and share it. However, I claim the Universal
copyright to this message in the name of the Ascended Master Lord Emanuel.
Archives available at


Lord Emanuel Messages | PO Box 2012 | Waterside | Lesmahagow | South Lanarkshire | ML12 0HP | United Kingdom

Galactic Love, Divine Love, Your Love by Kathryn E. May, PsyD on June 3, 2013

Kathryn E. May

Kathryn E. May

Part 165, Galactic Love, Divine Love, Your Love

Where shall we begin?  We have received many questions, and much is happening on the Planet in the past few days.  We will first bring you up to date on an issue we have not discussed in depth here, but which has been circulating on the internet, so we decided to address it.  It is the matter of the stabilization of Planet Earth to prevent her from flipping on her axis.  It would have been part of the natural process, like that which has occurred many times in the past.  But this time, the Galactics, the population of humanity on Earth, and We did not want to see the destruction of all on the planet in a sudden and dramatic moment.  We wanted to help you continue your work, to make the Ascension process possible not just for Mother Earth, but for her children as well.

And so it has been decided to offer the most strenuous help to stabilize and steady the planet as she expands.  There will be earthquakes and storms, some very dramatic weather, but the casualties have been minimized tremendously so far.  In order to do this, massive ships have been placed in a ring around Gaia, using the power of their magnetic generators to hold her in their arms, watching moment by moment as the shudders and fracturing continues as Mother Earth’s crust expands.  Many variations on the plan have been considered and some tried in recent months.

You have not been aware of any of this, and there was no need for you to be.  There was always the plan, put in place more than 70 years ago, that in case of sudden disaster, the ships would land and whisk away the inhabitants of the planet in a genuine rescue mission to avoid the mass destruction of humanity.  It would require only that all inhabitants be willing to hurry onto the ships in order to be saved.  We would have hoped they would all be intuitive enough to board, but it is always possible that the fear-mongering of the Dark Ones would have prevented the successful execution of the plan.

With the knowledge that Earth was extremely unstable, we have continued to work with you to help you raise your vibration so that you could help with your own vibration to stabilize the Earth’s growing pains and magnetic instability.  You are electromagnetic begins of Light, just as Mohter Earth is.  With your combined power it would have been possible to anchor the Earth’s center, from where you stand, as everyone else would do, and so help to delay or prevent the pole shift, which has happened on many other planets in your solar system, by the way.

Gaia was not able to hold steady by herself, and so she called for help from the Galactic Federation.  They responded with the most powerful technology available, and the most brilliant scientists and engineers.  You, dear Earth beings, are truly the center of attention and focus for the Universe at this time.  It is a heroic task, and our dear Crew has been successful so far, but we can tell you now that it has been a matter of great concern and massive activity for several months.

During the past month there were times when those in charge of the (literally) Herculean task feared it would not be successful, and indeed the first efforts were not.  To add power to the ring of crafts which were holding the planet, a new task force has been added.  It is the presence of extremely large (hundreds of miles in diameter) ships, positioned at strategic positions around Gaia, to apply some different strategies to create stability.  Gaia herself is straining to maintain control, like a mother in childbirth managing the birth process to protect her child from harm.  She is able to work with the new ships in a more comfortable way, even as she continues her Ascension and expansion.

This was one of the reasons we were so intent on helping you to meet the December 21 date you have set for yourselves; in fact we were all but convinced you would hurl yourselves across the finish line then, but as you know, the highest timeline leap was not accomplished at that time as we so dearly hoped.  We saw the developing instability problems and were not certain of the success of the stabilization options at the time.

As many have been working to stabilize the military situation, which could have set off a disastrous destabilization of the planet, others worked to improve the international political situation and many more to restructure the financial systems to prevent chaos on the surface, and as you who are reading this have been working to encourage Disclosure for the reasons you were already aware, of and many more.

So you see, there is much happening behind the scenes which has affected all the other plans for the smooth transition of Earth and her inhabitants.  All is being watched carefully by Us and overseen by Prime Creator.  Such a massive attempt at stabilizing a planet in Ascension has never been attempted before, although similar projects of lesser magnitude have been tried.  You are truly blessed among all in the Universe, Dear Ones.

Why does the entire Universe reach out to help their small, distant cousin Planet Earth and her human inhabitants?  What do they see in you that touches their hearts and stirs their imaginations?  Why are the Agarthans, the Arcturians, the Sirians and Pleiadians, among many others, drawn to be of service here in this corner of the galaxy?  Why have they left their homes to travel so far to be of service at this time of need?

First, it is because they are compassionate in their natures and nurturing in their ways, but it is more than that.  They are deeply moved by the long history of valiant struggle which they have watched with keen interest over the millennia, aware that this new strain of humankind, known across the Universe as “The Creator Race,” carries a unique combination of intense emotional energies and the DNA potential for high intelligence.

They have watched your struggle against the Dark Ones, which ebbed and flowed over the centuries, but seemed to create such heroism in certain individuals, and such bursts of Divine Light that the observers gasped with wonder.  It is this dramatic struggle which captured their hearts, and inspired them to gather here to help.  They are also captivated by your Sponsoring Agents – the brilliant Kumaras, the Elohim, the Archangels and our Legions of Light who have represented Mother Earth, ever supporting her cause and the welfare of her humankind in the Councils while she – and you – have struggled to Ascend to Membership in the Galactic Federation of Light.

With the current status assuring more safety from catastrophic global changes for the time being, we encourage you to continue your work to elevate yourselves on your own paths toward the Light.  Every day brings you closer to a time when you will be given the option to Ascend into the Light, to be completely One with Us.  Is it truly what you want to accomplish – for it is an accomplishment, the achievement of a goal which is far more heroic and meaningful than anything else you have ever done in your life?

Will you forgo your intellectualizations, your doomsday imaginings, and your persistent attachment to 3-dimensional thinking?  Will you continue to imagine that We do not understand your use of time (when we invented it) or your suffering (when we live through every moment of it with you)?  Will you cling to the suffocating religious beliefs in a Vengeful God, and point to every misfortune or pain as proof of our cruelty and our refusal to help you?

We have tried to help you to understand that it is just those misfortunes and pains which finally bring you closer to Us, to receive our Love and our sustenance.  We have explained the Universal Law of Flow, which guarantees that what you place in the atmosphere around you, in energetic terms, creates the life experiences which come next.  Yet, you continue to complain about your life circumstances as if you had no influence on them.

We acknowledge that there may be an occasional blow from out of left field, but it does not come from Us – generally it is a part of your overall contract which includes challenges as well as triumphs.  But you, Dear Ones, are short on the triumphs because you tend to look for, plan for, and therefore create illness, financial distress, and interpersonal discord.  Has a marriage every survived a prenuptial agreement?  Does someone with life insurance live longer?

Today we ask you to believe Us.  Try to live your life for one entire 24 hour period in a state of Unconditional Love – for yourself, for your fellow man, for your children, your family, neighbors, mailman, gas station attendant, boss, co-worker and auto mechanic.
Live as if this were the day which will decide your entrance into the high energy-calibrated Ascension portals.  Give everything you have to everyone you see.  Revel in the freedom you feel when you discard all worry, fear and any thought for planning for the future – for just one day.

Announce yourself to yourself in the mirror in the morning: I AM  the true God Presence on Earth.  I am the gift to myself and to everyone around me when I shine my Light and claim my place among the Angels.  I am here to create Light, to breathe Light, to use and shape and spread the Light.  I am my own happiness, my own comfort and good company.  God Loves Me.  I Love God.  I AM Light.

We promise you will finish your day with a smile and a heart that is full.  Then try the next day, and you will feel twice as blessed.  We will be cheering you on.

We love you Unconditionally,
We are Mother/Father God

Via Kathryn May, June 3, 2013, 10 PM  Wed. 8:30 PM EDT
Kathryn E. May, PsyD
60 Lower 27 Knolls Road
High Falls, New York, NY 12440
(914) 466-4250

Portal2012: Cobra’s Short Update about the Irvine/Laguna Conference, May 30, 2013

Our conference was a huge breakthrough. Our location was the main anchor point for the vortex which activated the Portal. This is one of the main energy breakthroughs needed before the Event can happen.


The focus of our conference was to create task groups which will assist the surface population during the few weeks transition period around the time of the Event. These task groups will develop practical tools which can be used throughout the surface population at the time of the Event to calm the masses and guide humanity through the transition.




Although the civil authority and the Resistance Movement will provide their own infrastructure at the time of the Event, it is very important to have grassroots infrastructure as well. Our alternative infrastructure will fill in the gaps and will ensure that the transition will be smoother and more harmonious.


Six task groups were created: planetary leadership group, healers group, media group, new renaissance group, new technologies group and financial group. All these groups will develop practical tools which can help easing the transition in their specific area.


We have created a special website which will contain detailed instructions for the general surface population for the time of the Event:


Each of our task groups will upload their specific content to the website. It will be upgraded and developed during the next few weeks and when it is fairly complete, it will be time to make it viral throughout the awakened part of the surface population.


Victory of the Light is near!






Lord Emanuel Messages – Daily Messages of Wisdom and Inspiration – Perception, May 28, 2013


Greetings Dear Ones! It is I, Lord Emanuel with you this day! How wonderful Dear Ones, that I can be here with you writing these words and as the words are taken down it feels to me like I AM writing to each and every one of you in person and indeed as you well know by now, I AM with each and every one of you in person as you read these words whether you are aware of my presence or not. It does not matter. I AM right with you whether you perceive me or not.

Perception, now there is an interesting topic of discussion, is it not? Something that the messenger herself is playing with at the moment. She has to be very clear about that which is coming from her own thoughts and mind and that which is coming from mine. As I have just explained to her, this process of channelling is quite different to anything she may have read about or been aware of in the past. Dear Ones, I will not go into great depth here as this is really between me and the messenger but the method used here is quite unconventional and is happening in this way for a specific reason and serves a specific purpose. It does require a different level
of perception on behalf of the messenger and is perhaps one of the more challenging methods of receiving information in terms of the human perception of what is occurring. As we speak the messenger is running her own questions and this is very humorous
to me today, as she was only just pondering the subject herself and so it is an extra challenge to be very sure of that which are my thoughts and that which are her own.

This is the challenge of many people who claim to channel information and it is why one must always be wary when reading channelled information, I have imparted this truth many times Dear Ones and my Beloved Mother Mary came though specifically to speak on this subject, ALWAYS listen to your heart AT ALL TIMES. Even with these messages, I urge you, empower yourselves and go within. Listen to your heart at all times and if the words do not resonate with you, then they are not your truth, it is as simple as that. If at any time something does not feel right, then it is not right, for you. Always follow this above all else.

But let us return to perception. I was beginning this discussion by pointing out that it does not matter if you perceive my presence with you or not, I AM here regardless. Is that not a very interesting thing Dear Hearts? I AM with you whether or not you can sense my presence. That is an act of perception. Does it not fascinate you that the human mind can only base it’s reality on that which it can perceive? Meaning that the majority of human beings believe that their reality is exactly as they perceive it. Can you see how unbelievably open to conflict that makes each one of us when we believe our reality is the only reality? When you consider that
the human being can only ‘see’ a fraction of what there actually is to see in the outer world. And yet some human beings will stand so firmly in their own reality, believing that to be the truth of everyone, that they will invade other countries and drop bombs on other people, ruthlessly kill upon this unwavering belief that  their reality is the only reality. If you could only ‘see’ the full picture Dear
Ones, you would understand that you live in a world of illusion.

Now you will have heard this many times before, I am quite sure, that this reality is an illusionary one but how many of you actually know what that means? You live in a dream world because it is based on perception, individual perception which you project onto the external world no matter what the external world really looks like. Do you get my meaning Dear Ones? Do you now understand what it means to live in illusion? In a dream?

The reality of the world is limited by the perception of the perceiver of that reality. Therefore it is not the truth, it is a limited distortion of the truth. And herein lies the world of separation and duality.

Dear Ones, there is only Love. That is a Universal Truth. Anything in the outside world that you perceive as anything less is simply not true. As soon as you can shift your perception of your reality in line with this Truth the sooner your external world will show you this is the Truth. Anything you perceive outside of this Truth is not real. It is an illusion. This is my Promise to you. I AM Lord Emanuel and
it has been my absolute pleasure to be with you this day. I Love you Dear Hearts.
God Bless you.


Transmitted through Gillian Ruddy.
This message is a gift, please freely copy and share it. However, I claim the Universal
copyright to this message in the name of the Ascended Master Lord Emanuel.

Lord Emanuel Messages | PO Box 2012 | Waterside | Lesmahagow | South Lanarkshire | ML12 0HP | United Kingdom


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GaiaPortal: Substantial Shifting of Gaia Energy Structures Occurs at this Moment… by ÉirePort, May 31, 2013





Substantial shifting of Gaia energy structures occurs at this moment. Although the process of reshaping Gaia’s Higher D energetic patterns has been ongoing during the past 12 years, significant acceleration occurred during the end of year gateways, and in this now moment, particularly, increase in rate of formation of structures, leading to final so-called “Golden Age” grid, is occurring.

Those aware of these energies may have sensed a strong energetic shift during the past several hours. Tiredness and “out of place” sensations are due to this shifting out of outgrown Gaia energetic patterns and acceleration of formation of Golden Age patterns.

Light Worker types attuned to the needs of Gaia will understand necessary movement patterns required by them for assisting the planet into the final grid arrangements. Understanding that movement is being called for this Higher Purpose, will ease any incurred disruption energetics.

We of ÉirePort say, to all those called to service, “Enjoy the Ride…”

Adama is the High Priest of Telos Which is the City Beneath Mount Shasta in Inner Earth – See Message Below From Adama to Nancy on May 26, 2013



Bob Tells of Our Meeting Adama in Weed, California, Near Mt Shasta in the Winter of 2012


The four of us involved in this event have all reviewed this write up of what we saw and agree that this write up is what we saw took place.

When Nancy Tate and I, Bob Towers lived in Mt Shasta from the Fall of 2011 to end of July 2012 we had a surprise visit from Adama. In early July 2012 Peter Olson, and Anakhanda Mushaba were visiting us at our home.  One morning we all decided to go to Weed, CA to have breakfast at the HiLo Cafe where  Nancy, Peter and I had eaten there many times.  HiLo Cafe was about 5 miles away from our home.

Upon arriving at the HiLo we were seated at a round table located in the front of the cafe in the corner the farthest from the front door as you walk in. Nancy was seated in a direction that allowed her to see in the direction of the front door of HiLo. At some point Nancy saw a very, very tall man outside the front door, and as he came in he had to bend down to miss the top of the door frame with his head. We all turned to look at him as he came into the cafe.

He was taller than any basketball player we have ever seen. We estimate his height at nearly 8′. His hair is hard to describe but it had a certain glow or beauty to it. His clothes were quite simple, neat but nondescript.  He sat down on one of the stools at the counter not too far from our table and view. I think we were all dumbfounded at what we were seeing at that moment and we all turned to look at each other and we all seemed to say to each other, “Could this be Adama”?

Then in a few seconds we all looked back toward where this man was sitting, but he was not there. This was even more puzzling because none of us saw him leave the cafe. I thought maybe he went into the restroom, so I got up and went there to see. He was not in the restroom. As I came back toward the table Peter took the photograph (above) just as I reached the stool the man had been sitting on. When Peter showed us the picture we could not believe our eyes because, as you see in the photograph, there is a globe of light right where he had been sitting.

What is really interesting is we were told that when we went to live in Mt Shasta we might have a encounter with Adama, and this did come to pass. If we all had not been in such a shock when we first saw him sit down we would have tried to ask him something. This whole episode only lasted just minutes in our recollection of this event.

This is Nancy, and as I was finishing this page to post on the ‘Tree’, I felt Adama’s presence, so I tuned in and here below is what I received.




Adama Speaks

“That was indeed me and I was there to give you something to take back with you to present to the people who read this message. I saw that this day would come and that there would be a timely piece of information that they would be able to assimilate and take with them into the next few months. I tell you this:

It is time for you all to give yourselves the knowledge on a conscious level that you are about 75% awake, on average, and in the coming times you will find that there will be events in your minds and in your outer world that will tell you that it is no longer a matter of waking up to who you are. It will be all over the media and the planet’s surface that we do exist, and that there is life beyond this planet and all through the universe.

As we are, so shall we be, for it is the time for the truth to come forward and show itself in the lives of all humanity. We love you dearly and we are here within your planet to welcome you back to yourselves, our family of the Universal Truth.”




GaiaPortal: Sonic Streamers of Higher Energetics Make Themselves Known… by ÉirePort, May 30, 2013


Sonic streamers of Higher Energetics make themselves known to those with Higher Aural awareness. Such Sonics are means of connecting with the complete Hue-man, and are balanced with the Higher Visual and other Higher Senses.

Powerful Sonics currently are being projected through multiple layers of Gaia consciousness, and particularly are designed to eliminate shadow-intentions. Those attempting to maintain shadow-status-quo find the Higher Sonics particularly “annoying”, and rapidly surrender all further attempts at such.

Those Hue-Beings aligned with Higher D frequencies’ intention may hear some “unheard before” tones, however, these pass quickly as alignment with Higher Mind is refined.






Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation, May 28, 2013

Ummac Dan

Ummac Dan


6 Etznab, 3 Pax, 9 Eb

Selamat Jarin! We come with many things to tell you! The dark cabal continues to search for a way to escape from its many predicaments, but every turn they take leads them into a dead-end. There remains no way for these dark ones to resolve their ever-deepening dilemma. Meanwhile, the world their ancestors built proceeds to crumble around them. We continually draw their attention to the new economic and political reality that is starting to manifest before them. Truly, their only hope is to surrender and place themselves at the mercy of the Ascended Masters’ sacred secret societies, in whose keeping they can confess and seek the inner remorse that can provide the relief each one of them so dearly seeks. This course of action is also truly compassionate considering what they have perpetrated on humanity. If they spurn the offer of surrender, their deleterious activities marks them for a dark fate if they choose the option of a civil arrest and likely vengeful prosecution. As their powers decline, these groups need to take a good look at where they now stand and acknowledge the spiritual assistance being offered. But the cabal seems frozen in its tracks and unwilling to compromise with the inevitable.

The Light is working its sacred magic, putting all its dominoes in place. Soon a great fall is to overtake the dark, along with the release of a lot of previously unknown facts that are to become common knowledge. Humanity, unavoidably, will be outraged by some of the content of this sudden flood of startling information, the nature of which will be so appalling that it will successfully prevent any inclination to return to the old, callous ways of the dark and allow the new realities to be welcomed in. The power of the few will end and prosperity for all will wash over the planet. Further, a formal disclosure will permit us to interact directly with you. In a series of truly astounding broadcasts the very foundation of your reality will be first shaken and then reduced to rubble! Our appearance alone is to shatter your core beliefs about yourselves, namely, that you are alone and unique in the universe. All your histories, the tales of your origins (religious and anthropological), and your self-perception are to be changed forever. In one grand swoop your long romance with limited consciousness ends!

Waiting for you with open arms is the embrace of full consciousness. Our mentors intend to provide you with a thorough understanding of what this divine state implies. Their teachings are part of the last leg of the journey which culminates in your individual Light Chambers and the crowning transformation of your Beingness into a fully conscious Being of Light. This process will remove your millennia long state of amnesia and reunite you with your Heavenly Self, enabling you, first of all, to become responsible for the stewardship of Gaia and her magnificent diversity of Life. This responsibility will be expanded to include guardianship of this entire solar system and the cornucopia of life forms which inhabit her worlds. Your rise in consciousness will also make you eligible to take part with others in creating a Lightbody for those Beings who were used by Anchara to spread chaos and strife throughout this galaxy. This is to bring us all a true and enduring galactic peace. At the same time it will bring you the fame and accolades you truly deserve.

As you move through the coming days, know that you are experiencing the final moments of your time in limited consciousness. Take these moments to reassess who you are, consider what you have accomplished, and what you feel you are here to do. Take this personal vision and prepare for it to be enhanced by the information your mentor brings you. These two interweaving information streams will form the foundation of what you will shortly become. Your mentors comprehend how consciousness operates and fully intend to impart these abilities to you. Armed with this knowledge you can get a better understanding of how your particular life contract was negotiated by your heavenly council of guides and you. This heavenly document is a living contract and thus changes slightly as you move through your life on Earth. It is one of the subjects you will discuss fully with your mentor as you need to learn how your contract can be transformed once you become fully conscious. Truly, if you could see the many fascinating vistas that are to open up to you during your final journey to full consciousness, it would take your breath away!

Namaste! We are your Ascended Masters! We appear to you at this time through our messages which continue in the blessed vein that has marked our recent reports to you. The Divine continues to ensure that the dark cabal and its covert adherents are graciously pushed from power by the overwhelming transformative powers of the Light. Meanwhile, we focus on the plans for the upliftment of all. Each of us, at one time or another, proved able to ascend into our full spiritual and physical potential, and this ascension ceremony is to be provided for you when you begin your own sacred ritual in your personal Light Chamber. This blessed ceremony is to give you access to wonders and abilities that have been denied you since your ancestors’ fall in Atlantis some 13 millennia ago. Think of this procedure as a sacred dispensation that Heaven is granting you en masse. This amazing technology, devised in part by Heaven, is simply the vehicle chosen to realize the divine promise made to you just prior to your fall.

The Light Chamber eclipses the necessity for many generations of intense spiritual focus, which all of us Ascended Masters were required to undertake, and is being allowed only by a most special, divine dispensation. In the short space of three days, you are being permitted to forgo reams of special prayers and practices that were our supreme taskmasters. During this short period, you will be infused with a Light that unzips all the biological elements imposed by the dark on your ancestors, and your forgotten memories and vast creative abilities are to be ‘plugged back in.’ Your responsibility is to use this potential to reactivate your grand status as a full-fledged physical Angel. You will have our assistance during your post-Light Chamber training, and once this is finished you will require a lot of information concerning the setting-up of your galactic society. Here you will be assisted primarily by the Agarthans and by each of us.

Establishing a new, fully operational galactic society has implications beyond just creating a new star-nation: one of your first responsibilities will be to put together a group dedicated to using its unique abilities to assist others and thereby firmly cement into place a most needed galactic peace. This special star-nation, which carries such a powerful energy of ‘home,’ is to be the site for a series of conferences focusing on the expansion of the Light’s jurisdiction to galaxies so far distant that their known location from us is measured in quadrillions of parsecs. We are to be blessed with sacred duties which are to unfold the divine plan and permit us to carry out our many sacred tasks. These activities will permit us to cast out the dark and bring in the Light to every part of this sector of physicality as prophesied eons ago. You have reached the end of your harrowing odyssey through the shadow lands and are now to blossom in the glories of the Light!

Today, we continued with our discussion of what is unfolding around you. Your surface realm is poised to transform from a land of ever-tougher survival and hardship into a place which can soon be reunited with the Light realm that is Inner Earth! This reunion will initiate a new star-nation which is to be a most welcomed addition to the Galactic Federation of Light! Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed Yours! So Be It!

Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!



Planetary Activation Organization | Mailing Address: P. O. Box 4975, El Dorado Hills, CA 95762 USA
Voicemail: 530-327-9432 | E-mail: | Website address:

Portal2012: Cobra’s Update – Opening of the Portal Report, May 28, 2013

We have opened the Portal! For the first time in human history, the energy of divine grace has entered the surface of the planet directly from the Galactic Central Sun.

This has drastic and long lasting consequences on the etheric and astral grid around our planet. All etheric and astral matrix, all Archons and reptilians and their technologies have been squeezed into a very thin layer which extends around 100 feet ( 30 meters ) upwards and downwards from the surface profile of the planet. All areas further up and further down from the surface profile have been completely cleared and liberated. This is a huge victory of the Light and one of the main necessary steps needed before the final victory and the Event.

You might being to feel that there are less attacks and less influence from the negative non-physical entities.
The activation of the ALMA vortex has insured that humanity will finally begin to connect with its Soul.

GaiaPortal: Massive Influx of Galactic / Cosmic Higher Light Occurs at this Moment by ÉirePort, May 28, 2013



Massive movement/transport/influx of Galactic/Cosmic Higher Light occurs at this moment. Broad band of Higher Frequency Light sweeps all surface and inner Gaia realms and removes all remaining shadow entities. Transformation of Planetary consciousness to Light-Intent-Only results from this influx.

Seminal Energies are released within this Higher Light matrix, and establish direction of Gaia to Light-Beingness. All accompanying individual Hue-man entities experience rapid upgrade and expansion of consciousness. This also applies to all Hue-man group entities.

Gaia processing has achieved sufficient awareness levels to accept this current Galactic/Cosmic Higher Light influx.





GaiaPort: Staggered Layering of Gaia Energies… by ÉirePort, May 27, 2013




Staggered layering of Gaia energies has been constructed to allow multiple groups to rise in consciousness simultaneously. This construct aligns groups of differing consciousness levels in a manner that supports all such groups (which prior to this would be “at odds”) at the same time.

Gaia Consciousness ‘leaps’ may now be observed, at many levels, in many (prior to this moment) disparate-thinking groups.








Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright 2013

Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright 2013


VIDEO (recommended!) 



Greetings Friends, We Are Your Lemurian Family!


Sweet Ones,

It is time now to renew our friendship and to come closer to you than ever before in the last Millenniums.


This is because you, beloved friends, are soon to join us again in consciousness, and with love and joy!


The signs are here, and they arrived heralding our soon to occur unification, as you are rising your vibration now to a degree you have not been able to for a very long time on earth.


Cosmic signs are favorable and it is due to the incoming new energies and light on the planet that you are capable to adapt your own frequency to ours, step by step and more and more, until yours are matching ours.  This will  be the moment when we meet, either physically or telepathically, or while you are aware of our subtle presence.


There are many of you on the planet who are awakening and start to remember their past on ancient Lemuria, a past that was full of the wonders of the 5th and in some cases the 6thdimension. At that time you had not developed your separation to understand yourself as an individual that was seemingly isolated from the rest of creation, an island of singleness, a being contracted on itself, that considered itself as “different” and “other” from everything else.  This experience of separation was the beginning of a strange and from your original Divinity alienated phenomenon: fear!


Fear can only arise if you believe that you are a separate being, singly, and ‘over against’ everybody and everything else. For those who have been part of our ancient Lemurian society, fear was unknown. Because we lived in the realization of unity and non-separation. You experienced yourself as One with our ancient civilization where you were  One at heart with all and All.


The Divine was Centered at your Heart, and your Heart was One with All Hearts. In your Heart there was no difference but Unity or Love. Each one of you has been dancing with all and All your unique dance, in service to the Divine. There was no dance you danced for “yourself”, but all you did was dancing in praise of the Divine Source. And your dance was a dance of Love in your service. Our whole culture was turned to Source and therefore there was no conflict between members of our civilization, because it was not about ‘them’, but about Source.


When you look now at your present society, it is really mainly about “you”, the individual and while you are spiritually awakening, how the Divine would express Itself through your individuality. And therefore there are all these conflicts among those who do not know how to cooperate with one another, as they serve themselves more than they are serving the Divine, self-forgotten, and fully One in their Heart with Source.


You see, this turn around, this upside-down movement, this twist in consciousness, is the reason  that brought about on the surface of earth the downfall of humanity. Remember that your ascension process will reverse this error and confusion, deeply rooted in the wrong perception of “self”.


By now most of you understand that this downfall had to do with the creation of the “Fallen Ones”, that separated you from Source and your once natural intimate Union with Source. Your fallen state turned this correlation around and creation became more “important” than Source Itself, and the consequence of this imbalance was separation from Source.


This separation is breathing now its last breath! It has for so long been maintained by what you call the “matrix”, a sub-creation by the Fallen Ones that held you tight in a spell of delusion. Suffering, darkness, scarcity, loneliness, error, confusion – all these experiences were the consequences for your choice to live in this illusion.


Yes, it was your choice, dear ones. You understood at the time of your fall that you needed to know separation from your Divine Source and its implications, in order to be reborn into your Union with Source, – after you came to the point where you had exhausted your experience of it. This process was serving to overcome the possibility for imbalance inherent in Divine Creation itself.


But when this process is fully and on all levels completed, you are Standing this time Unshakably in Truth, a Victory of the  Divine. What seemed to be an error of creation is now coming rapidly to an end, as you recognize, forgive and integrate what you have tucked away at the time of your fall into your subconscious, so that it became unconscious. This suppressed part of you then was allowed to appear “outside” of you in the form of “malevolent” invaders on your planet, to create for you the matrix of illusion.


We admire your spiritual strength, beloved human family, and how you, with your invocation of Unconditional Love, are re-invocing your Divine Source and thereby incarnating forgiveness, and the integration of the shadow of the unconscious!


Through your heroic act of this integration the ‘error’ in creation is being repaired to the point where a New Divine Creation can emerge, a Creation that is able to fully express, and without failure and flaw now, the Ultimate Glory of Divinity! In this New Divine Universe there will be no falling back ever into forgetfulness of the Radiant Divine Source.


What has been your weakness has become your greatest Strength. The Divine has – through your devotional endeavour – Realized a New Magnificent Universal Creation, that you soon will fully Realize yourself too.


When you do, you will Know that there is Truly Only One Source, forever Inseparable and One with all  Creation. And It Is This One You Will Glorify and Celebrate with all Your Heart, Hence Your Oneness with All, forgotten separateness, but still dancing your unique dance of Love for the Divine. All One Great and Single Happening and Consciousness. All Conscious, nothing unconscious. All Divine, All Light, All Love.


This New Creation is far more than what we lived together in ancient Lemuria, and it is you, who agreed to immerse into full darkness and forgetfulness, to  make this New Victorious Creation Happen.


It is time now for you to  remember and while you fully remember, to allow to be drawn into the Brightness of Source again to fulfill the promise of the New Cycle of Creation. There, there will be no separation, no other, no fear, but Union, Joy and only Love, a never-ending Celebration of the Divine.



We Love You and We Thank You!

We Are Your Lemurian Family!


Message conveyed by Ute



Copyright© 2013. All rights reserved:

Ute Posegga-Rudel
Sharing of this message is only allowed together with this information and without  changes, including the title. If you have questions, please contact me via Thank you.



Be Humble. Live The Teaching. A Message from Lord Buddha through Elizabeth Trutwin, May 26, 2013


Giving Selflessly. Doing Selflessly. Without Expectation. Seva – Selfless World Service – is all around. When the Sun shines it light, this is Seva. When the river waters flow, this is Seva. When the birds sing their song, this is Seva. When the tree gives abundant fruit, this is Seva. Seva is all around. Seva is Your Mission. Having kindness, generosity, compassion and do whatever you can without getting something for it is the Path. If someone cannot do that – help without a thank you – then that drastically needs to be addressed. The Greatest Seva is To Serve The Divine Cause. Seva purifies the Body – Mind and Seva purifies the Heart. How can you place yourself at the feet of Your Beloved if you have a dirty heart? A heart needs cleansing before going before Divine Grace. Scrub the heart clean by living Seva. Seva must spring from your heart. It is a spontaneous act where you become an instrument for Divine Love benefitting everybody. If you make a deal it is not Seva. If you get something for giving something it is not Seva. Feel the Joy and Happiness for doing so. One should try and include everything that is possible and do not entertain depression and frustration. Be Happy! This is TRUE living. Learn and Serve will give you an easy Path.


The Buddha energy is merging with the Christ energy this weekend. What does it mean? The Buddha represents the Cosmic Mind. The Christ represents the Cosmic Heart. Cosmic Mind and Heart merging helps us surrender to Love, Wisdom and Grace. A great fire burns through the mind and heart to dissolve any energy which still resists the great surrender. Allow the energy to burn through this mind and heart bringing a higher level of surrender to all that is for your Highest Good.


The portrayal of the Buddhaʻs life is much different now than it was. Just as in Jesus life. Much of the writings have been lost and what is presented now is a man made summary and a minuscule representation of the original life and teachings of the Master. Buddha set out for the forest the night his newborn son was born. He left behind his beautiful wife and child determined to become Enlightened. Upon his return he talked with Yasodhara and Rahula. His wife asked him: Why did you have to leave us to become Enlightened? Why couldnʻt you do that right here with us?


When Buddha was born the Vedic priests were teaching that the many gods could produce results for the individual only through rituals performed by the priest only after payment. This resulted in the priests wielding power over their followers. At that time beside the Vedic traditions, metaphysical philosophies were cropping up in competition to the teachings. This resulted in a lot of confusion, immorality and unnatural practices. It was right timing for a Great Master to incarnate and show the True Path. Vishnu had 24 incarnations on Earth and this included his Avatara forms of Maitreya, Krishna, Rama, Sanat Kumara, Guru Kalipa and Buddha. Vishnu has come on Earth as a descending Soul for the sake of Humanity to seek, grow and be fulfilled 24 times.


Buddha as Siddhartha set out to learn how to become free from aging, sickness and death. The gravity of Maya or Illusion makes everyone set to a certain world view. In the Illusion you may be given money, you may have money taken away. Your attachment to money effects your ability to free your mind from the constraints of Illusion. Siddhartha left his family seven years following the life as an aesthetic. After putting his mind and body through many rigorous tests he decided that was not the Path to Enlightenment.
He took food in his body and went into a deep meditation called samadhi under a great Bodhi tree. He was determined to stay in meditation until he was Enlightened or until he passed from his body. Whichever came first. It was during this meditation he became The Awakened One. He had conquered the Mind and become liberated from the attachments of the Great Illusion.


When he then returned to his wife and son he told them he had to be in silence to accomplish this goal. He had to be alone to realize his goal – free of desires and responsibilities. He had learned how to live in this world without being a part of the Illusion. The programming. The attachments. He told his wife he was not useful to her before he was Enlightened. He invited her to begin their relationship anew on this day. They had a long happy life together with their son all serving Divine Grace through the Ashram. He had conquered right thought, mindfulness, concentration, understanding, action, livelihood, effort and speech. He then went on to teach others how to obtain Enlightenment for their own lives. It could not be said in words. Each Soul needed to experience it for themselves. No one can reach Enlightenment without a Supreme Effort. There is no easy way out.


Many today are suffering from lack. Lost jobs, lost homes and lost money. What they are slow to realize is they have created this by staying attached to the Illusion. Everyday there is a choice. Will you become a student of the highest truths? Will you change your lifestyle to live the teachings? Will you avail your heart and mind and time to integrating these teachings into your life? Will you take this Path without feeling ashamed that maybe it is not normal? You may be One who has a lot of knowledge already. You are a teacher. Even so, do you have right relationships in your life? Are you a nice person? Do you show everyone kindness or do you give in to jealousy?


What you water grows. Invite the Highest Knowledge into your life. Spend time developing your Cosmic Mind and Cosmic Heart. Integrate these teachings into everything you do. Go back and forth between the ʻrealʻ world and the ʻspiritualʻ world all day, everyday. Be in this world but not of this world. Apply what you know to raising the consciousness of others. Accomplish this not by conversion but by being an example of Abundant Love. Be Wealthy. Make Love. Raise Happy Children. Enjoy Your Work. Live in a Cozy House. Live the Middle Way. Have all you need and give the rest to others. Obtain wealth, build and sustain wealth and share all the extra with others. This is the key to happiness. The first step is to live a stable life. This is accomplished by Learning and Serving others. Mind how you spend your time. Time is short.


Blessings To You. Call On Me For Guidance I am Always With You. Take My Hand. Walk With Me. Namaste.

This is Buddha through Elizabeth Trutwin, May 26, 2013.


© All Rights reserved.  |  |





Blossom Goodchild and the Federation of Light, May 27, 2013



Hello. So many loved your last communication. Thank you. Today I would like to ask a question if I may?

Welcome to you all. That would be suitable and we are eager to explain that which you wish to ask.

Oh good.  So I am assuming you know my question then? I have noticed lately more beauty in the very air … in the trees … the stars and moon at night etc. In my thoughts I realised that these things have not become more beautiful … they have always been that way … yet now … I am able to appreciate that beauty due to ‘lifting up’ a little. That’s all cool. I accept that. It makes sense. Then I got to thinking about this ‘hologram’ that we are told we are in. If we are moving up to 5D … then I am assuming that is not going to be a hologram … so how come we are ‘experiencing’ more of the 5D when we are ‘looking at’ the same hologram of the 3D we are in. Does that make sense? And also … please answer as if you are explaining to an eight year old as I have no idea what I am talking about … I just don’t understand the ‘hologram’ thing … AT ALL! Thank you.

You have indeed chosen a subject that may confuse many. It is for us to give to you knowledge that will enhance your daily lives and we feel that the stage one explanation of this … is ready to commence.

 I’m all ears.

Yet … you are not … You are all LOVE. You are an expression of LOVE that is living in a reality that is not real.

Confusion No 1! It is real to me … for it is all I know …

It is all you have created … for yourselves. Yet, would we say … it is super imposed.

Confusion No 2! Is this going to be too hard??

Only if you allow your mind to get in the way.  So with grace … let us ‘rattle off’ a few ‘KNOWINGS’.

That which is Earth is a reality … and yet at the same time … it is not. For do you see?


Therefore EVERYTHING that is created is from LOVE.

It is a creation of thought. That which you choose to KNOW as real … is TRULY A FIGMENT OF YOUR IMAGINATION. There is no reality other than the energy of LOVE . So we would then add that there is nothing that is actually REAL … for there is only LOVE.

You know of energy that is transformed into matter. This is not new to you. So … we suggest you take that thought a little further and imagine that the entire cosmos is an illusion. For it was created through thought to ‘experience’ LOVE.

Yet … if you say everything is created from THE LOVE Energy … then the LOVE energy is real … so is not that which is created from it real ?

It is a thought transferred into action. Your thoughts are real … yet you believe … many of you … that THEY control YOU … rather than YOU controlling THEM. We do not wish to divert away from the original question …

You assume that the 5D concept will not be a hologram. Yet EVERYTHING IS! Because it is created through LIGHT.

So when we enter into 5D reality … that’s a hologram too?

Yes. For there is nothing! Only that which you choose to create from your thoughts … no matter how long ago … these first impressions were ‘thought of’.
You consider your bodies to be real. They affect you … you find ailments and patterns that these vehicles undertake. Yet you have created them … either for your learning (or so you think) … or because you BELIEVE that this is what ‘can’ happen to a body. Yet … if you were to change your thought patterns and KNOW that although IT FEELS like the body exists … it is only in ‘your reality’ that it does. What happens to it when the soul presence leaves? It disintegrates for it is no longer of use.

Ahha! So it was there then … in physical reality.

Let us delve deeper. In your physical reality … you FEEL that you can touch … you imagine that you can ‘see’ … you experience that which you consider necessary for your growth in a physical manifestation. Yet … it is just an expression of energy.

So does it actually exist then?

In YOUR creation.

How about in yours?

Of course … your creation is part of A CREATION! A manifestation of a mass movie … that extends itself in each ‘take’.

It HAS to FEEL REAL to you in order for you to ‘get’ that which you decided you needed for evolvement of the soul.

You must remember that it is a game. One that has been taken far too seriously. You have forgotten your vast capacity to create and why you chose to be part of it. Oh the miracles that you are capable of.


Yet you have ‘trapped’ your minds into  a ‘not knowing’.

Would you say it was ‘us’ that have trapped it … or would we not say that ‘we have been trapped’ by those who wish us harm?

Those who have fallen by the way side have led you to the place in which you find yourselves. Yet … we say to you …


The more you learn of the ‘traps’ that you FEEL are ‘out of your control’ the more you wonder how you shall ever free yourselves from them. Yet … you are trapping yourselves within that ‘regime’ … by ‘thinking that you have no control’ over it.



The Awakening process is growing with each moment of your time … and with that Awakening comes the KNOWLEDGE that you are FREE.

YOU WERE GIVEN FREE WILL.  You do not understand this fully.

Well, some would say that FREE WILL has been taken from us … with all the mind control via media etc. and all the poisons that we have been ‘fed’ in one way or another … without our KNOWING. The more that is revealed … the more we find out how we ‘ARE being controlled’. Sometimes it feels so hopeless for many … as there seems no way out.

That is their choice of thinking.

THERE IS NOTHING THAT TAKES AWAY FREE WILL … Even though many of you could come up with an argument to the contrary.


I understand then that perhaps we are breaking free … yet wouldn’t you say that we have been ‘caught up’ in it all … not through choice?

What have you as a race learned? What have you as an individual learned through this ‘entrapment’? You have learned more of LOVE. If you were not in a position to experience the duality … how would you know what LOVE is? … There is nothing to ‘compare it with’.

Yet the duality is ALL LOVE right? Some wonder how you can say that even the dark ones are an expression of LOVE?

They ARE! You look at all the atrocities they have imposed … yet you do not look at how those atrocities have taught you to BE.


Such matters have stirred the very core of humanity. They have created a way out! For each is now searching for a better way TO BE.

That which is not of service has been of great service.

Again we say the bigger picture is too big for you to comprehend from the density of vibration that you HAVE been residing.

You have said that we came down here as LOVE and free will would not be interfered with. Although you have also said that there has been the need for certain laws to be reviewed.  Why /how did we ever get in such a mess in the first place … if we only ever knew LOVE … when we arrived?

The ‘mess’ as you call it … and indeed we have ‘thought sometimes’ of this expression … and yet it is just part of what occurred. This game plan COULD NOT KNOW WHERE IT WAS HEADING. For it is being created as you go. Therefore … as spoken of in other times … we did not KNOW where it was going until the game was well underway. And there certainly has not been another experiment like it .

How come we did not stay in the HIGH LOVE VIBRATION that we arrived in? Where did the ‘lower vibration’ come from if we did not know it?

It was created through ‘thought’. It was an unusual concept that one would FEEL envy or greed.

So if we only knew LOVE … where did that thought come from?

It came from a FEELING that entered in due to the experiment. It was for one to ‘continue forth’ on their Earthly journey in ‘their own creation’ of that journey. 
Different ‘ideas’ were introduced through an individual’s creation of ‘self’ … which then ‘sparked’ the FEELING within another that they wished they had had that ‘thought idea’.  They wanted what another had.

Yet how could LOVE want that?

Because LOVE was experimenting also. All aspects of it. There is infinite expression of LOVE itself.

That expression is CREATION.

That expression is each one of you. It is everything that ‘doesn’t exist!

So … would you say that things may appear to exist for a time whilst it is in our thought energy?


Oh rats! I thought I was onto something there! You did note I said ‘appear’ to exist did you?

We did. Yet we would say it does not exist … for nothing exists other than LOVE. You just believe it does.

So what then are we actually creating if nothing actually exists?

You are creating a hologram!  A game!

Yet our very souls are involved in this ‘game’ …

And that is the most relevant aspect of the entire scenario.

Your soul is LOVE. You have been given this opportunity to express LOVE in a 3Dimensional version of this game.

And what of the 5D? We have been told this is a whole New World that we are moving into. Where war and famine are no longer … And that 5D shall be our reality.

Indeed … you have created a 5D reality long ago … that you are now preparing to move into.

Yet it’s not real?

Nothing is real!

Yet as you move up into Higher Dimensions … your self expression of LOVE shall CREATE a FEELING that is more like a TRUE REALITY for you. As you move on up throughout the Higher Dimensions … each shall BECOME more like a TRUE reality for you … because you are moving back into your TRUTH … LOVE.

Those souls who can only now reside in THE HIGHEST REALMS are TRUTH.


They are ‘beyond’ … THE GAME.  Yet so very aware of the game itself.

Remember dear friends … that the closer you return to your TRUTH … the closer TRUTH is acknowledged through/by you.


We thank you for the ‘flow’ Blossom … We thank each one for your consideration of who you are … for in doing so … we consider you to be ‘THE GREATEST SHOW ON EARTH’.

Until YOU arrive!!

And we shall. You KNOW we shall.

Indeed I do my little ‘Lovemonauts!’ … Did you put that in my head ? I love it.


Many thanks to you … many thanks indeed! Love and Light all ways!





Saint Germain ~ The Heartcenter and the Ego ~ As channeled by Méline Lafont, May 27, 2013


Dear Ones, I impart my very best wishes and love for all of you during these intense shifts and manifestations occuring on your Earth. Much clarity and lucidity will ensue within humanity and within each of your hearts, because a lot of energies are laying the foundation for renewal and manifestation of your personal life and your Self as well as of the collective world and Being.


What is crucially paramount nowadays is to continue staying in your heartcenter and even though you all are duly in the know through countless messages pointing out to that fact, it cannot be stressed enough as it is of the utmost importance to be able to cope with the upcoming energies and times with as little difficulties and emotional upheavals as possible.


What we mean by staying in your heartcenter is to ground yourself as much as possible and to feel and see yourself through your heart, to have only loving thoughts and to respond in a loving way to yourself and to others. One single negative thought, one negative word or criticism, one judgment is sufficient to pull you straight out of your heartcenter, catapulting you in your ego involvement.


Lightworkers often have the intention to stay in the heart and mean well with everyone, but it is sometimes forgotten that negative comments or thoughts such as judgments (whether it refers to a personal opinion or not) are not part of your light but belong to the ego. Do not stray off in such thoughts or situations, but respect everyone’s work and energy, respect what they bring forth. Judging has a negative connotation. Rather, it’s better to release everyone in his/her essence and to show respect for each heart.


This attitude is an intrinsic part of the entire process of staying in the heartcenter, operating only from your heart. There are countless attempts to try and keep you in your ego and hence it is your task and responsibility to handle and circumvent those, to go through them without responding at all and to just stay who you are in your essence which is Love.


When a heart dwells only in Love and service, it cannot be influenced as it will in essence only attract love and it will repel everything of a negative disposition. You can only attract what you are in essence, my dear ones. There are sometimes exceptions in the guise of souls who continue to stick to being manipulative, who continue sending out negativity to Loving souls. Even that is OK as it contains lessons for both parties involved and that is what it is ultimately all about. Expressed negativity will simply turn and fall back to the one that sent it out, where as a result Love will be the only thing one is wishing for and what is wished for will be accomplished in every loving context and manner.


Let’s transmute the very last negativity from this beautiful Gaia and let’s convert it into only Love.  The time for turning the tide is now and that’s why you are present here, to contribute your part and to anchor your Light. The more there are loving souls, the more joy will prevail and the more joy that prevails, the more intense the Love and the Light will become. Hold a focus these coming days to think in loving terms about someone you have issues with or who you have to forgive or receive forgiveness from, acting that way will effectuate a lot due to the current energies. Apply this principle also to the dark facets within yourself as well as within others who have treated you unlovingly for lifetimes. The time to transmute this all and to convert it into Light is here and now! Leave it all behind you and forgive everyone and everything including yourself for all the deeds, words and thoughts that were unloving.


The upcoming energies will only intensify and only the ones who have achieved Mastery over themselves will go through this and will become even stronger because of it. On the other hand, those who have not yet reached that state will be severely tested but will nevertheless receive the chance to reach Mastery and the only ingredient for success for those ones is Love and the respect from the heart.


Now is the time to leave duality and her polarity behind and all it entails, such as negativity and the ego. The time for enlightenment and for unconditional Love from the heart has arrived, the time for truth and for liberation and, most important of all, the time for your own insights and your deliverance from illusion.


With the utmost of respect and Love, I am residing within your hearts lighting up the threefold flame located there and I keep it burning with my almighty Violet Flame and my essence of Being.


I AM that I AM, Master Saint Germain, your friend and Master of the Light.


Copyright  ©  by Méline Lafont. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy  and distribute this material, provided the content is copied in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, and this copyright notice and links are included.  and





Ashtar: Bulletin From the Bridge, May 21, 2013 – Teleconference with President John Fitzgerald Kennedy on May 28, 2013


“Greetings, Beloved Family! As the changes continue to lead the way into the Golden Age, we are here to announce a most special Gathering, on my ship, The New Jerusalem, which shall be on Tuesday next.*  For it is that many seeds were planted in your immediate past history/herstory, but it has taken all this time for them to sprout and grow, as it were.
“Nevertheless, here they are, with their Truths visible for all to see!!!  And, so, as they gather strength and take root in your mainstream more and more, they are having the effect of communicating wake-up calls to those who still slumber.  More importantly, they are empowering and validating the Golden Age visions held by you, the Lightworkers and the Radiant Ground Crew members of my command!
“And so it is that we shall have as our guest speaker, a great visionary – a dreamer and a doer – who planted so many of the seeds of which I speak.  He comes to tell us of his visions, and of the actions he was in the process of taking when he left the 3D World.  Nevertheless, he has left his legacy of the seeds which he planted, and now, the crops are ready to harvest and distribute, Worldwide!!!
“I invite you to join with us in welcoming President John Fitzgerald Kennedy to our call!!!  And, as so often occurs, the timing of his appearance is most opportune, for many of you will be observing Memorial day on May 27th.  We shall also be celebrating JFK’s birthday, which is on May 29th!  We shall then be empowering his great visions for the Golden Age Lifestyle with a Crystal Exercise led by Sekhmet!  Our Beloved A&A News Team will also be with us, to give us the latest updates!**  All in all, we shall enjoy a most dynamic and joyful Gathering, and we see our success already in sharing our loving and compassionate energies with each other, with Planet Earth, and with the Universe beyond!!!  Salut!”
*  Tuesday, May 28, 2013
** Tara and Rama


Given through Susan Leland, May 21, 2013.
©Ashtar On The Road Publications 2004-2013. All Rights Reserved.  




Portal2012: Cobra’s Update May 24, 2013 – Last Update Opening of the Portal

Opening of the Portal Last Update

During this weekend, Jupiter, Venus and Mercury will create a triangle of Light through which the energy for the opening of the Portal will be channeled from the Galactic Central Sun towards the surface of this planet. You can see this triangle of planets in the western sky shortly after the sunset:
Let’s do this! Let’s open the Portal!

Where Do We Go From Here? by Patricia Cota-Robles, May 24, 2013


 Do you feel like you are in a blender? Well, you are not alone. The good news is that you have the ability to transcend the chaos, and the entire Company of Heaven is standing in readiness awaiting the opportunity to help you do just that. In your heart-of-hearts you know the Truth of that statement; in fact, that is why your God Self, your I AM Presence, has magnetized this information into your sphere of awareness. Please open your heart and mind and allow your I AM Presence to reveal to you the magnitude of YOUR Divine Plan during this unprecedented moment in the evolution of Planet Earth.

Whether you have noticed it or not, with the shifts in energy, vibration, and consciousness you have experienced since the beginning of 2013, you are now able to “see with new eyes and hear with new ears.”  All you have to do to prove that to yourself is to go within to the Divinity in your heart. Once you are there, focus on the unfathomable Love that is now reverberating through your Heart Flame with every breath you take. Revel in the wonder of this new 5th-Dimensional frequency of Transfiguring Divine Love and allow it to permeate every fiber of your Being. When you tangibly experience this Gift from On High, no person, place, condition, or thing will be able to dispute your Inner Knowing that something miraculous has taken place on this Planet, and that YOU now have a critical role to play in the Divine Plan that is now unfolding.

Because of the incredible Light you and the rest of awakening Humanity added to the world during the past 26 years, the Earth and ALL Life evolving upon her God Victoriously Ascended through the Shift of the Ages. In 2011, Lightworkers joined together in Unity Consciousness to cocreate a NEW Planetary CAUSE of Divine Love. In 2012, we again joined together in Unity Consciousness and birthed a Renaissance of Divine Love. These life-transforming events allowed the Earth to reclaim her rightful place in our Solar System on December 21, 2012 as she aligned with the Galactic Core of the Milky Way. This victorious Ascension into the 5th-Dimensional Realms of Light created the sacred space for the Birth of the New Earth which was successfully achieved on December 22, 2012.

The success of these events cleared the path in unprecedented ways for the next phase of the Divine Plan. This will involve Earth’s transformation into the patterns of perfection for the New Earth, and Humanity’s shift of consciousness from separation and duality to Oneness and Reverence for ALL Life. As is always the case, this will not occur by happenstance. It will occur through the unified efforts of you and me and every other willing Lightworker on the Planet working together in harmony with the entire Company of Heaven. This should not come as a surprise to you. After all, this is the Divine Plan you have been preparing lifetimes to fulfill.

I know that many people thought that with the victory of Earth’s Ascension in the Light their mission would be complete. But the Truth is that this is just the beginning of what we have all been training for lifetimes to accomplish. The difference is that now our work is going to be much, much easier. We are no longer going to feel like we are walking through tar into 150 mile an hour winds to accomplish the slightest trace of progress. In the 5th-Dimensional frequencies of the New Earth that we are now abiding upon, everything is much more rarified and the changes we are going to work together to accomplish will manifest much more easily.

The reason that things seem so chaotic and that we have not experienced the full joy and bliss of the New Earth is because we are actually walking with our feet in both worlds. On one level, we are walking in the higher frequencies of the New Earth and we are assimilating the patterns of Oneness and Reverence for Life associated with this 5th-Dimensional Love-based Planet. But on another level, we are being inundated with the denser frequencies of the old Earth and the painful human miscreations that are being pushed to the surface to be healed and transmuted into Light.

These miscreations are the things that Humanity created either deliberately or inadvertently through our negative thoughts, feelings, words, actions, and beliefs. These human miscreations which are based in the consciousness of separation and duality are responsible for all of the pain and suffering in the world. It is very important for us to realize that this is a transitional situation and that we are not supposed to stay trapped with our feet in both worlds. On the contrary, we are supposed to quickly transcend this part of our Ascension process. This is in fact the next phase of the Divine Plan that we are ALL BEING CALLED TO FULFILL.

According to the Beings of Light in the Realms of Illumined Truth the greatest need of the hour is for willing Lightworkers to assist Humanity out of this dichotomy. Our sisters and brothers in the Heavenly Realms said the fulfillment of this facet of the Divine Plan will help to raise the consciousness of people in profound ways. This will secure a critical mass of the Family of Humanity in the 5th-Dimensional frequencies of the New Earth. Once a critical mass of the collective Family of Humanity is secured in the frequencies of the New Earth, we will experience an unstoppable shift of energy, vibration, and consciousness. This will allow Humanity to easily detach from the oppressive frequencies of the old Earth. When we are fully embodied in the higher frequencies of the New Earth, we will be able to project the new 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Violet Flame into Humanity’s human miscreations and transmute them and the residue of discordant frequencies from the old Earth into Light, without having to be immersed in the dense and painful frequencies of that surfacing chaos.

Even though this may seem like a daunting task, remember that during the past 26 years our unified efforts have changed the course of history. We actually transcended even the greatest expectations of Heaven. Through miraculous Activities of Light and unprecedented acts of Divine Grace, the I AM Presence of every man, woman, and child was given permission to decide, on behalf of that person’s lower human ego, whether or not he or she was willing to do what was necessary in order to transmute their karmic liabilities, so they could move forward in the Light with the Earth and the rest of our Solar System. With that unprecedented Gift of Divine Grace from our Father-Mother God, every single person on Earth chose to move forward in the Light. With the fulfillment of that miracle, our Father-Mother God issued a Cosmic Fiat and the two Earths became one, thus allowing every person evolving on this Planet to Ascend up the Spiral of Evolution into the next octave of his or her learning experience.

We have now birthed the New Earth, and our I AM Presence is at long last able to take full dominion of our physical, etheric, mental, and emotional bodies. Through our unified efforts, we are now going to accomplish the miracles that will fulfill the prophecies of old and transform Humanity and the Earth in “the twinkling of an eye.” The Divine Plan that will God Victoriously accomplish this has been set into motion by the Company of Heaven. This plan will require the conscious participation of you and me and the myriad Lightworkers around the world who are willing to be the Open Door for the Light of God. This monumental influx of Divine Light from our Father-Mother God will permanently raise a critical mass of the Family of Humanity into the frequencies of the New Earth.

The vehicle that will be used to accomplish this vital facet of the Divine Plan is the 27th Annual World Congress on Illumination which will take place August 10-16, 2013, in Tucson, Arizona. This annual event is a powerful Activity of Light that has been building in momentum for 26 years. It began with Harmonic Convergence in 1987. Since that Cosmic Moment, every year hundreds of thousands of people all over the world participate in this unique opportunity to add to the Light of the World. Some are inspired by their I AM Presence to be physically present at this event so they can serve as an Instrument of God and a surrogate on behalf of ALL Humanity. Others are guided to join with us in consciousness and to add their Light to this event from wherever they are on the Planet.

The World Congress on Illumination is not like other conferences. It is orchestrated each year through the unified efforts of embodied Lightworkers and the Company of Heaven, and it is designed to fulfill the greatest need of the hour on behalf of Humanity and the Earth. Every year the Beings of Light in the Realms of Illumined Truth evaluate how much Light has been added to the World through the conscious efforts of Humanity. Then it is determined how that Light can be utilized to serve the greatest need of the hour, and to fulfill the Divine Mission that will most effectively help Humanity to move forward in the Light. Once that decision is made from On High, the mission is revealed to those who have volunteered to organize this global outer-world Activity of Light. We then consecrate our hearts, and our very Lifeforce, to bring this facet of the Divine Plan to fruition through the World Congress on Illumination.

This year the Annual World Congress on Illumination is being raised to a new and infinitely more powerful Activity of Light by the Company of Heaven. This is possible because of the victory of Earth’s Ascension into her rightful place in our Solar System, and the birth of the New Earth. It is also being made possible because of the Divine Alchemy that has taken place within the physical, etheric, mental, and emotional bodies of Humanity since the dawn of 2013, this wondrous year of New Beginnings.

The Beings of Light want you to know that every person who has ever added his or her Light to the Annual World Congress on Illumination is a perpetual Open Door for this Activity of Light. Through your dedication to the Light and your heartfelt participation, the Light of God flows through your Open Door year after year to accomplish the Divine Mission of fulfilling the greatest need of the hour for Humanity and Planet Earth. For this, our Father-Mother God, the Company of Heaven, and the I AM Presence of every Son and Daughter of God evolving on Earth are eternally grateful.

Know that during this auspicious time on Earth nothing is happening by chance. This information has been brought into your sphere of awareness by your I AM Presence because you have something rare and precious to add to this Divine Plan. Take this sacred knowledge into the deepest recesses of your heart and ask your I AM Presence how you can best fulfill your part of this Divine Plan.


The Divine Plan

Our Father-Mother God and the Beings of Light in the Realms of Illumined Truth are sending forth a Clarion Call to all embodied Lightworkers, this includes YOU and me. We are being asked to gather within the portal of the most powerful forcefield of our Father-Mother God’s Transfiguring Divine Love. This portal is in the foothills of Tucson, Arizona. Together we will form a mighty transformer through which the Light of God will flow to help raise the consciousness of Humanity. This will secure a critical mass of the energy, vibration, and consciousness of the Family of Humanity in the 5th-Dimensional frequencies of the New Earth. Once a critical mass of the collective Family of Humanity is secured in the frequencies of the New Earth, we will experience an unstoppable shift. This will allow Humanity to easily detach from the oppressive frequencies of the old Earth. This will greatly accelerate our efforts to manifest the patterns of perfection for the New Earth in the physical world of form, which will tangibly affect all of our lives in wondrous and powerful ways.

It is critical that Lightworkers from around the world be physically present to form through their unified Heart Flames the transformer through which the Light of God will flow to fulfill this facet of the Divine Plan. Listen to your heart, and Trust your inner guidance. All of the Lightworkers who have been prepared to serve in this wondrous way on behalf of Humanity and all Life on this sweet Earth will know who they are through the inner promptings of their heart. Pay attention. Your Light is needed now!

In addition to those who are inspired to be physically present, there will be Lightworkers who will join in consciousness from points of Light around the world. These Lightworkers will project the Light flowing through their Heart Flames into the Portal of Light where the Lightworkers are physically gathered in Tucson, Arizona. Thus our unified efforts will expand a thousand times a thousandfold.

Every Lightworker will be in his or her right and perfect place. No facet of this Divine Plan is any more important than another. What IS important, is that we respond to whatever our I AM Presence is guiding us to do. We must Trust and KNOW that if we are being guided to be physically present within the Portal of Transfiguring Divine Love, then our I AM Presence and the Company of Heaven will assist us in paving the way. This is true whether we need assistance with time, energy, or money to accomplish this facet of our Divine Mission.

The vehicle that will be used for this gathering of Lightworkers is the 27th Annual World Congress on Illumination. This event will take place August 10-15, 2013. We will gather at the beautiful Loews Ventana Canyon Resort in Tucson, Arizona. This exquisite resort exists within the heart of the Portal of Transfiguring Divine Love. All of the information you will need to participate in this wondrous opportunity is available on our website through the link below.

(If this link does not work please copy and paste it in your browser.)

God Bless YOU, for your willingness to be the Open Door that will secure the patterns of perfection for the New Earth in the physical plane. This is our New Beginning. It is the beginning of the New Earth that Humanity is destined to cocreate in the physical world of form as we live, move, breathe, and act out of this new reality. Let’s do this together.

This sacred conclave will be a celestial experience for everyone involved. We have wonderful and inspired presenters, musicians, meditations, and various other activities of Light that will enlighten you and guide you through this profound experience. Each day, as we successfully fulfill one phase of the Divine Plan, the Company of Heaven will reveal the next phase of the plan to us. As we sojourn through the various activities of Light, under the Divine Guidance of our Father-Mother God and the Company of Heaven, our mission will be victoriously accomplished.

The World Congress On Illumination is truly a life-transforming event that will provide you with the opportunity to meet old friends from around the World with whom you have been serving for aeons of time. Fellow Lightworkers will join hearts with you and support you in your monumental service to the Light.

The entire Universe is supporting us in this wondrous endeavor. The Beings of Light have been given permission to assist us in miraculous ways, but the Lightworkers on Earth are the predominant force bringing this Divine Plan into physical manifestation.

Our responsibility is enormous, but as we join our hearts together, we have the absolute ability to succeed God Victoriously.

Just for a moment, go within to the Divinity of your Heart Flame, and experience the overwhelming Gratitude and Love pouring forth from the Legions of Light in the Heavenly Realms. Feel the deep appreciation they are sending to you for your willingness to serve Humanity during this critical moment in the evolution of this sweet Earth. We are truly blessed beyond measure to be able to assist all Life evolving on this New Earth in this wondrous way.

(If this link does not work please copy and paste it in your browser.)


Patricia Cota-Robles

New Age Study of Humanity’s Purpose

a 501 (c) 3 nonprofit educational organization

FAX: 520-751-2981

Phone: 520-885-7909

New Age Study of Humanity’s Purpose

PO Box 41883,

Tucson, Arizona 85717


This article is copyrighted, but you have my permission to share it through any medium as long as it is offered for FREE, it is not altered, and the proper credit line is included. Thank You.

©2013 Patricia Diane Cota-Robles

The information in this monthly sharing is being given to Humanity by the Beings of Light in the Realms of Illumined Truth. The Divine Intent of these celestial sharings is to encourage, empower, uplift, and inspire Humanity by allowing us to see the bigger picture during these wondrous but often challenging times.


Delivery of “Sirius” DVD & 7 Nights Under Stars with Dr. Steven Greer, May 24, 2013




Delivery of “Sirius” DVD – preorders and incentive gifts

We know so many of you have been waiting to see “Sirius” with your own DVD.
We apologize for the delay in getting them out.  The filmmakers have been upgrading the sound quality and have been correcting and adding to the subtitled languages. We are scheduled to get the new master from the filmmaker next week and production to start as soon as the master can be tested.  The plan is for the fulfillment house to begin fulfilling orders mid-June.

We appreciate your patience and hope you will enjoy the film as much as the crowds at the Los Angeles, DC and VA premieres have.

See “Sirius” on the big screen:

May 31, 2013 to June 6 2013 you will be able to see “Sirius” on the big screen in Los Angeles and New York City.  It really makes an impact when seen in the theater!

For Los Angeles (Beverley Hills) :  check out . search Sirius

For New York City (Greenwich Village) : check out . go to “coming soon”.





7 Nights Under Stars with Dr. Steven Greer

UK Crop Circle Expedition and Contact Training – July 27 – August 3, 2013 


Join Dr. Greer for 7 nights under the stars learning the effective Contact Protocols featured in the “Sirius” film.  Learn how to develop your remote viewing skills, your observational and evaluation skills.


From one of the UK expeditions as described in ” Contact: Countdown to Transformation”

“During one evening, we were sitting on tarps on the grass.  Dr. Greer, Shari and I were looking towards the side of the house with a big tree to the left and a big tree to the right.  We saw a brilliant ‘star’ that looked like Sirius, large, bright and flickering red, green and white.  It rose from behind the tree on the left. Over a period of an hour and a half, it moved 30 degrees until it went behind the tree on the right.  during this same time all the other stars in the sky moved in the other direction.  This ‘alleged star’ was a huge craft.  Unless you had been still for over an hour, you might not have noticed it.  It was moving so slowly that if you had just walked out and looked at it, it would have appeared stationary.”


Go to for information about the expedition and to fill out an application.

We have hotel rooms reserved but have to give the hotel our numbers by June 2  so please apply now.


World Puja with Paola Harris – Friday May 24, 2013  

starting at 11 a.m pacific time


The International View – the Big and the Small    With Paola Harris ( , Dr. Greer will update on the most recent international findings about UFOs and Extraterrestrial Intelligence. While the “Sirius” film featured a little 6-inch being, there are artifacts of 15-foot beings on Sardinia that Ms. Harris has been researching. What does this mean? And what else is going on internationally? 


Portal2012: Cobra’s Update May 14, 2013 – Opening of the Portal 5-25-2013


It is time to take action again! It is time to take the destiny of our world in our own hands! Therefore we will meet in groups large and small, as individuals and couples, at the time of full moon this May. Many of us will gather and visualize the liberation of our planet from the tyranny of the negative energy grid so that for the first time in our history we will have the chance to create our own destiny as free citizens of the Earth and thus fully empowered surrender ourselves to our Ascension process.


Our visualization will support the plan for planetary liberation, so that it manifests as soon as possible, as non-violently and smoothly as possible. We can do it! It needs to go viral! We need to reach many people, so that the critical mass of people actually doing it is attained. Please post it on your websites and blogs. If you know an alternative media outlet, you can send it to them.






A few hours before the opening of the Portal, a penumbral lunar eclipse will assist in the buildup of energies to prepare us for that event. This is the time of Wesak, which is a period of spiritual blessing for humanity and an outpouring of Light for the entire planet. The main vortex for this is centered in the Himalayan mountains where many Initiates and Masters will gather to anchor the Light for the Earth at this time of the full moon in May. Although according to some traditions Wesak festival has already happened at the full moon in April, a very strong outpouring of Light always happens during the full moon in May. A very strong timeline runs through the date of May 25th. On May 25th, 1975 the whole 50 year proceess of the planetary liberation has started. On May 25th, 2010 a special portal called Mission Blue Shield was activated and it marked the beginning of the downfall of the Archons. And now on May 25th, 2013, we will open the Portal. The purpose of the Portal is to liberate humanity from the grip of the negative energy grid that was enslaving humanity since late Atlantis.


We will all be doing this visualization at the same time, at the moment of the opening of the Portal, which comes on May 25th at 12 hours 12 minutes PDT.


You can view the exact time of the activation for many places here:


Please note that the time of opening of the Portal in this link is 12:10 PDT, which is 2 minutes before the actual opening and is thus a good time to begin with your meditation.



1.  Relax your mind and body by watching your breath for a few minutes
2. Call upon the presence of your Soul (higher self) and the presence of your spiritual guides, angels and Ascended masters
3. In the name of your higher self, say aloud a decree that you cancel and nullify all your past agreements, attachments and contracts with the dark forces regardless of their content
4. In the name of your higher self, say aloud a decree that you are now a free and sovereign being of Light
5. Visualize a pillar of golden Light, descending from the Galactic Central Sun and going through your body
6. Visualize that golden Light expanding through your heart and your hands in all directions, transmuting all darkness of the non-physical planes into the Light, clearing all contents of your implant hemisphere, which is a hemisperical field with a diameter of 100 feet (30 meters) around you. Continue emanating that golden Light until your implant hemisphere is completely filled with Light
7. Now visualize the whole implant hemisphere filled with a Flower of Life pattern which will stabilize and increase the vibrational frequency in the energy field around you:



8. Visualize the same golden Light transmuting all implant hemispheres worldwide
May people are expecting spectacular results when each of the planetary portals or doorways opens. You need to understand that planetary liberation is a gradual prcess which culminates in the final Event, which will be spectacular indeed.




Go to the video posted on Youtube



Opening of the Portal will NOT trigger the global coastal event which Cliff High is predicting nor global financial reset. No massive catastrophic events will happen in the near future and the financial reset will only happen at the Event. The timing of the Event is not yet to be disclosed now, but the final victory of the Light is near.
Updates about the Opening of the Portal:





PYRAMID POWER by Stever Rother and Group

Hi Friends, I would say that this message is one of the most important ones of this time.

Mike Quinsey.


Steve Rother

Steve Rother




All of humanity has turned a corner, and in doing so your attachments to those things that reflected your power has been quietly released. Many of you have seen the remnants of those who put the protective shields in place originally to protect Earth.  This is when you talk about who built the pyramids. Much of the unexplainable becomes explained when you see from where humanity is now. Many of the artifacts of Earth still have no traditional explanation about where they came from or what they are doing on Earth.


These shadow memories have been intentionally blocked from you by your own design.  The pyramids have always formed a protective shield around Earth, even though they have been covered and forgotten in many places on Earth. These are not all pyramids because some are manmade pyramids that have copied the original designs with varying degrees of effectiveness.


Pyramid Power at Work


 The network of pyramids on Earth have formed a protective shield around the planet, which has kept specific meteors and comets from hitting it. That has been released and for a very specific reason. You have heard about the two big meteors that have come in and made the front pages of your newspapers, but you are not aware of all the small ones that are coming in now.


Because  this protective shield  that was in place from almost the beginning of Earth has been released, you will receive a planting of these comets in November of this year toward the end of the month. You will have a comet that will come by and sprinkle life on Earth. We tell you that specifically, because all life was planted originally from comets.


Your scientists do not agree with us on this point, but we will tell you, you are not from Earth nor is anyone. You have been very carefully placed here by yourselves. Now you are going through an evolution. It was always necessary for you to die and leave the physical body, then go Home to recycle and reincarnate to come back and do it again.


This is the first time that humans walked through the gate without going Home, without dying.


You are walking in an ascension process right now and every step of the way you are higher than you were yesterday; all of this is a beauty that you hold in front of you. All of you have control of this. Do not fear these comets, as they are bringing a new form of life for they are sprinkling life forms. You have been losing life forms on planet Earth for a very long time and now it is being re-seeded in a new way so watch and celebrate the November comet. You have already given it a name, but I will hold off on telling you because my names are not the same as yours.


Your scientists know of this comet that is coming and it is sprinkling dust along the way. It is basically disintegrating every time it passes and when it does, it will sprinkle cosmic dust on planet Earth. In fact, your scientists are now trying to calculate to see if you will actually be able to see the dust falling. That is how much dust they are expecting from this November comet.


In fact, the comet would have never hit Earth except that you went through the portal and released every part of it. It is not going to hit Earth; it is going far away from it and hooking around the sun, but it will sprinkle all these beautiful seeds of life on planet Earth. You are here, dear ones, at an incredibly beautiful, critical time in all of humanity and all the timelines of Earth herself, the entire energies of Earth are being re-energized—even the ley lines, the magnetic ley lines that form the magnetic grid that carries your Earth are reducing.


Your magnetic structures on planet Earth have reduced 12% over the last 100 years. That is also leading to your awakening from the dream. Very beautiful. You have done well; you have carried it here and you are here. You made it. Not only did you make it, but you are sitting here asking what can you do next?


You are in the perfect position to be conscious creators of planet Earth and we hope that you enjoy this journey, dear ones, for you have signed up and waited an eternity for the opportunities that now lie in front of each of you. You know the way Home and if you will stop thinking with the brain and start feeling with the heart, it will lead you Home. You know the way and we will greet you with the most incredible open arms and welcome you Home when you finally do decide to shed those bodies to re-turn.


Dear ones, even now you are the greatest angels that have ever lived and we mean that in all sincerity. We have never seen what has happened on Earth and we are so proud of you. You have created magic with your eyes wide open. It is with the greatest of honor that we ask you to treat each other with respect. Nurture one another and hold those doors open every chance you get and play well together. Espavo.


The group


Stever Rother

Message send by Michael Quinsey [ ]

The Next Live Beacons of Light Re-minders from Home is:

Sat May 25, 2013
11:am US Pacific Time



The Alchemy of Creation – Message from the Arcturians and IlliaEm by Suzanne Lie, May 13, 2013

Message from the Arcturians
The Alchemy of Creation
Transmutation of Consciousness
Dear Ascending Humans,
We will speak to you today about the alchemy of creation. Alchemy is a process of changing matter by raising its resonance into a higher frequency. Hence, the alchemy of creation is actually transmutation. In the third dimension, creation is a time-bound concept, which is the polar opposite of destruction. However, beyond time there are no opposites, no birth and no death. Instead, there is transmutation.
One form of transmutation is the process through which encasements of consciousness (bodies and/or form) raise their resonance into a higher frequency of atomic and/or energetic oscillation. In a physical body, the atoms of third dimensional matter spin to a higher frequency, resulting in a higher resonance.
If the matter/body raises its resonance before the inhabitant raises his/her state of consciousness, the human consciousness may not be able to maintain calibration with the body. In this case, the consciousness will separate from the body, which on the physical plane is often thought of as death. However, death is actually only a condition of the form.
If the resonance of the form rises faster than the human’s consciousness, which seldom occurs, the inhabitant will be returned to the Astral Plane to wait assignment of a new body. However, a human of a higher frequency of consciousness can then inhabit the form if there has been a Soul agreement with the previous inhabitant. This scenario occurs with “Walk Ins.” In other words, when the inhabitant of the form cannot maintain calibration with the ever-escalating form, that inhabitant can decide to leave that body and allow a consciousness of a higher resonance to inhabit it.
On the other hand, there are occurrences in which the consciousness expands beyond the frequency rate of the physical form. When this occurs, the consciousness ascends beyond the confines of the physical form and abandons the physical form because its resonance has become too low for the consciousness to comfortably inhabit that body. Throughout Earth’s history this experience was known as personal ascension.
A third example of transmutation is when both the physical body and the consciousness transmute in a manner in which the consciousness and the form remain entrained to each other. Hence, the frequency of resonance of the consciousness and the body transmute into higher frequencies while remaining in calibration with each other.
In this manner, a person can accelerate their consciousness into the frequency of the fifth dimension and beyond, while their form matches the rise of the resonance of the consciousness and vice-versa. In this case, one can mediate for many years and greatly expand their consciousness. Simultaneously, special treatment is given to the body regarding food, exercise, etc.
When the inhabitant’s consciousness is high enough, the inhabitant can use his/her highest states of conscious to connect their opened Third Eye with their High Heart. With this connection the human consciousness can direct their body to release certain hormones. This hormone release occurs while the inhabitant is in a delta wave consciousness so that he/she can instruct the cerebral cortex to consciously direct certain chemical changes.
For example, experienced Yogis can sit on the snow and cause it to melt, go into hibernation for weeks and/or consciously direct the Pineal Gland to give certain messages to the Pituitary Master Glad, to increase its frequency rate of the body. Many rituals regarding eating, sleeping and movement work together so that the body can raise its resonance enough for the higher consciousness to still inhabit that form.
However, in order to achieve this higher state of consciousness one has to direct all their attention towards this endeavor. Hence, it is mostly those who live an isolated life in which they can meditate many hours every day while their community cares for them who can dedicate themselves to this process. In other words, these people usually need to dedicate their lives to illumination. In fact, they usually enter their spiritual community as a child.
On the other hand, what is occurring in your NOW is that the higher light is activating your 97% DNA and creating evolutionary changes in both your state of consciousness and your earth vessel. Once this DNA is fully activated it facilitates the recall of multidimensional thinking, which leads to higher states of consciousness. The DNA also works on the cell bodies to initiate the transmutation of the body into a higher resonance.
In this case, an outside source is assisting both the consciousness and the container/body to resonate to a higher frequency. However, this higher light is not confined to a Temple situation. Thus, humans are experiencing the great challenge of returning to multidimensional thinking, expanding their consciousness and totally shifting the frequency of their form while continuing with their 3D obligations and duties.
Through raising the resonance of your consciousness, you can survey the inner adjustments in the frequency of your form. Thus, your consciousness is actively involved in your physiological changes and the entire body works as ONE being to keep all vital organs and other life supporting mechanism working in harmony with the expanding resonance of your consciousness.
This type of immense transmutation of form begins in Source. The Immaculate Concept of any changes in form emanates from Source. The Elohim are the holders of form who receive that Immaculate Concept from the Source and initiate the process of stepping down that concept into the lower worlds. IlliaEm, the Elohim of Arcturus will describe this process.
Our beloved Ones in human form,
We, IlliaEm, have not spoken with you through this conscious form in many years and are pleased to be called upon again. We Elohim receive the Immaculate Concept from the Source of All That Is and begin the long process of merging spirit into matter to create a form for every Divine Ideal. Our process begins in the eleventh/twelfth dimensions and continues into worlds of matter.
You may think that matter is only physical, but there are different forms of “matter” at different frequencies of reality. All matter begins as a Divine Ideal, which is actually a divine thought-form. Once we Elohim receive a Divine Ideal we initiate the process of stepping it down through the formless realities of swirling light so that the Ideal can be fed with unconditional love, which is the highest frequency of light.
This unconditional love intermingles with the Divine Ideal to create a collective format similar to a matrix. The matter of each dimension can adhere to the matrix via the bonding force of unconditional love. In the frequencies above the seventh, form is continually shifting and changing, like a huge ocean or outer space. These shifting energy patterns will be perceived very differently by the different consciousness streams that experience it.
In the higher frequencies of reality, swirling lights of consciousness resonate in the mutable form of streams of possibility. These swirling lights are units of collective consciousness that have gathered in unity. When a collective vibrates in perfect unity to the Flow in any given energy pattern/matrix they share in ONE experience. This collective gives a loose form to this energy pattern via their unified interactions and reactions.
If the collective wishes, they can step-down this energy pattern into a lower frequency of reality. In the frequencies of the seventh through higher fifth dimensions, form exists for as long as a conscious collective of awareness maintains its attention upon this pattern/matrix. Thus when a collective consciousness Flows into this pattern and bonds with it via its unconditional love they feed life into the Divine Ideal.
If this pattern is of an ideal, behavior and/or concept, it can be passed on to collectives in lower frequencies of reality where the possible reality can become a light matrix of form. Each expression of consciousness interacts with this light matrix of a Divine Ideal according to the frequency of its consciousness and the intention of its interaction.
Thus, the same matrix can be experienced quite differently by diverse frequencies of light consciousness. Some of these collective consciousness entities may desire to step-down a matrix into the frequency of universal, planetary and/or personal form. Hence, the Divine Ideal enters the realm of potential form. This, the matrix can be stepped-down into a frequency of reality where form is more constant and ideals, behaviors and concepts interact with emotion.
Unconditional love is not an emotion. It is the higher frequency of light. However, unconditional love is a constant through all frequencies of reality, which becomes an emotion in the lower, form-based worlds. If an energy matrix is successfully stepped down into these lower frequencies, the emotion of love can collect it into a form.
It does not seem that “behavior” can take a form, but it does. As the matrix begins to hold a more constant form it elicits its own energy field. This energy field stimulates a consistent behavior in the beings of this reality. Behavior is a reaction to stimuli. Reacting to stimuli, rather than the higher dimensional surrendering to stimuli, further lowers the frequency of this Ideal into the third/fourth dimension.
In this manner, universes, galaxies and planets have consistent intentions that result in collective reactions that stimulate collective behavior. Then, streams of consciousness that desire the experience of form can chose a universe, galaxy or planet that will provide them with the experiences that will provoke a specific behavior. Hence, the behavior is replicated again and again to become the primary behavior for that collective reality.
For example, those who have chosen to take a form in the Milky Way Galaxy, the Solar System of Sol and the planet of Earth have chosen to experience a polarized reality, which is ruled by time, space, separation and limitation. Those of you who have spent many incarnations in that version of reality may wonder why any life stream would choose your world.
However, the challenges of your world provide an immense variety of stimuli such as the concept of time and the illusion of polarity, separation and resistance. These experiences can be quite attractive to a consciousness whose every thought and emotion comes into instant manifestation. These potential humans desire the experience of manifestation in slow motion with myriad interception patterns influencing their creations.
Just as you may be choose to go “back to work” after a long vacation, these life streams have chosen Earth’s third/fourth dimension to experience the challenges of a physical world. Furthermore, many higher beings have entered incarnation on Earth to assist Gaia with Her return to Her Higher Expression. Often, they are naive regarding the many pitfalls of the density of physical reality, but they will learn about them soon enough.
On the other hand, the planetary being of your 3D Gaia feels complete with the experience of polarity. In fact, Gaia is quite fatigued with the constant threat to Her planetary existence. Fortunately, the area of space through which Earth is currently traveling is basking Her planet with higher frequencies of light.
This higher light is upgrading Earth’s third dimensional operating system to a multidimensional operating system. In order for this upgrade to integrate into a personal matrix, each human will need to close his or her old, third dimensional systems. If these old systems, behaviors, actions, thoughts and emotions are not shut down, the planetary upgrade will not be available for their personal use.
The above scenario is exactly what has occurred on Earth. Humanity was intended to be the most evolved forms of life on Earth. However, many humans have refused to shut down certain behaviors, thoughts and emotions. Therefore, the planetary upgrade has been stalled. In fact, some humans on Earth do not want an upgrade. They are very attached to the lower frequency of power-over-others.
Hence, they are resistant to the descending Divine Ideal of transmutation of Earth into Her fifth dimensional expression. Those who desire to maintain power-over-others perceive this divine matrix as a threat to their personal power. Therefore, they do not want to participate in the manifestation of this Ideal. In fact, some have tried to stop it. However, a human is unable to interfere with the manifestation of a Divine Ideal, no matter how much power they appear to yield over “others.”
The concept of power-over-others has been battled in the Milky Way Galaxy for millions of years. Fortunately, most of these galactic battles have ceased because those who wanted power-over-others have recognized that they attain a great expansion of consciousness when they switched to power-within their SELF. However, this battle has continued on Earth, especially during that last 2,000 of Her years.
Gaia tires of war and conflict and has come to the decision that Her planetary being is in grave danger if she does not complete this upgrade of a new operating system. Therefore, she is moving forward, with the full support of her plant and animal kingdoms. However, many of the human animals have resisted this shift because their consciousness has become so low that they cannot even imagine unconditional love, which is the basis of the new upgrade.
However, the other humans who support the change have allowed their consciousness to accept the higher frequencies of light that are now bathing planet Earth. These humans of Gaia are gaining more and more access to the frequency of unconditional love. When their consciousness is infused with unconditional love they hold far more potential for creation than those that have maintained their lower consciousness of power-over-others.
Therefore, as the percentage of human population that resonates to unconditional love increases, which it is steadily doing, the percentage of human population resonating to fear-based behavior of being a victim-to-others and power-over-others will diminish. Eventually, many will fully accept the shutting down of certain behaviors, concepts, thoughts and emotions that are the foundation of the old polarized operating system.
This old operating system is in the process of being replaced with a quantum operating system that works directly with photons of light to instantly create via thoughts fleshed into form by unconditional love. Hence, new forms are actually arising on Earth that can only be experienced by those whose consciousness, and thus perceptions, resonate to the fifth dimension and beyond.
Those who maintain the lower states of consciousness of victim or victimizer will not be able to experience the new forms of earth life because they will not be able to perceive them. Their mental matrix and frequency of emotional reactions/creations cannot perceive frequencies that resonate above that of third dimensional form.
Hence, they will soon “drop out of the game” as they will no longer be able to perceive the playing field. They will continue with the third dimensional illusions that were perceived as reality according to the old third dimensional operating system. They will not be able to perceive or participate in the higher frequencies realties, as one can only participate in a reality that one can perceive.
Meanwhile, those who are accepting the multidimensional operating system will be able to experience the manifestation of Divine Ideal of planetary ascension in their daily life. Those who once played in the lower frequency field of reality will turn their attention, and thus their perception, to the higher frequency fields to experience an entirely different reality.
This process will be much like viewing a movie in the basement of a theater, then choosing to leave that view screen to climb the stairs to the main lobby to view a different version of that movie. The basement movie is based on power-over-others and the resulting fear and subjugation, which changes when the warriors fight and win so that another group can have power over the ones they just fought.
On the other hand, the move in the main lobby is based on humans learning to release all attachment to conflict. In fact, these humans are refusing to participate in the illusion of separation and limitation for they have discovered a different reality based on unconditional love. They have discovered this realty by expanding their consciousness into the higher frequencies in which unconditional love is normal and fear is long forgotten.
Which movie do you want to watch?
First messages from IlliaEm:
More about Walk Ins from the Arcturians (Arcturian Lessons  Chapter 11) click:


Hi Suzan… Heather Carlini here… just sending you the latest notice that I am sending out to my readers.  I thought you might be interested that over the past 24 hours we had no less than 25 solar flares… two of them were X solar flares.  I have been researching this for years and I have never seen it happens like this before… just so you can ask the Arcturians what is going on.
May 13, 2013 Important Notice regarding multiple Solar Flares in the past 24 hours.
In the past 24 hours we have had 26 solar flares as reported by Solar Flares Today (Tesis) along with two X Class Flares which are high energy.  Many are emailing me about their symptoms and they don’t know what is happening to them.
As I tell everyone be sure to drink extra water as these energies use a lot of water to process through the body.  The consequence of not having enough water is that we become dehydrated and light-headed.  Something else you need to know is that coffee, and black tea both reeve up the system even more, along with further dehydrating it.  Also alcoholic drinks and sugar tend to dehydrate the body faster at this time.  I suggest taking vitamin B complex for the brain along with omega 3 and omega 6.  The brain is the part of the body that deals with this incoming energy so we want to give it all the help we can.  Showers help and bathing in Epsom salts helps the electrical qualities of the body. For more information please check out my website at
Heather Carlini C.M.Ht.

Lord Emanuel Messages through Gillian Ruddy: Hold Steadfast, May 23, 2013



Greetings Dear Ones! It is I, Lord Emanuel, so cheered to be with you again this fine day! And as always Dear Hearts I AM really with you, right now as you read these words, do take a moment of your time to feel my presence. Take a deep breath in and a long slow exhale out and really feel me with you. I AM right here. So many troubles in the world today Dear Ones you would be forgiven for allowing the events of the external world to affect you. As the energies of the Earth are lifted ever higher in vibration, so the shaking off of all discord is unfolding all around.

This means in reality Dear Ones that more atrocious events will unfold and are unfolding right now causing so many of you to despair and lose faith but I tell you Dear Ones in no uncertain terms that now is the time to be strong, now is the time to be steadfast in the Light, now is the time that you find out what you are made of and why, out of the billions of life streams, you were chosen to be incarnate upon this Earth at this time. Now is the time, when all others around you seem to be losing their senses that you rise your head up and out of the sludge to see the Light of God Perfection on the horizon.

This is the difference between you and those who are yet to awaken and still slumber. Remember this and remember it well Dear Hearts, this does not make you better than the mass of the people! They are just not yet awake and so cannot and must not be judged because they are still being played and are a victim to life and the external environment in which they find themselves. They do not have the advantage of sight that you have Dear Ones, they are not armed with the same knowledge, yet. This does not make them less than in any way imaginable. Please bear this in mind in the days ahead as many actions come to Light that will have your skin crawling and your tolerance tested to the limit. Do not judge them Dear Ones for they know not what they do.

But you are armed with information and a knowing in your heart and this is the time to put this into practise, you can rise above, you can lift your eyes out of the depths of duality and all the madness that entails, all the horror and all the discord does not deserve your attention. Look away Dear Ones, look away and focus on only that which you WANT. Peace on Earth and a riddance of all evil and a return of your beautiful Mother Earth to her pristine condition. Now, more than any other time, it is imperative that you look away from the news headlines and invent your own! I do not suggest that you totally cut yourself off from the world, it is wise to have a rough idea what is transpiring around your world but please, I urge you to choose wisely the source of your information. Look not the major TV networks or newspapers for you information for they do not tell the truth. They depict only what those in power want you to read and they are often so far from the truth some stories contain nothing but total fabrication.

Dear Hearts, you know by now that the world is controlled by those few in power that do not have your best interests at heart. They control everything that touches your daily life and have manipulated this world into the place it is today where such atrocities as recent terror attacks and the constant warring is allowed to continue and is actively supported and perpetrated by those who have illegally taken over and control this planet.

You know this therefore you can rise above it. See the acts of terror for what they are instead of being caught up in the drama and emotion, which is exactly the intended outcome. The dark forces in control of your planet require the energy of fear and over spilling emotions of hatred and intolerance in order to survive. By reacting to the negative events of your world, you are playing into the hands of those that create such events.

Dear Ones I urge you, hold steadfast in the Light. Have strong faith in your hearts, believe not what you see on your TV screens but know that the Light is on the brink of toppling the dark once and for all. No matter what comes you way, no matter what news you hear of atrocities, do not be sucked into their game.

Rise above Dear Hearts, rise above. Hold Love in your heart for here lies your weapon. We will not win this with bullets and violence we will win this with Love and Light. In the Light of God, dark cannot exist and in the presence of Love all evil, no matter how vile, simply has no power. NO POWER HERE. Hold strong Dear Hearts, hold strong.

The Light of God never fails, the Love of God is always Victorious. On whose side do you stand? Stand up in the Light my brave hearts and stand strong. Victory is yours. This is my Promise to you. I AM Lord Emanuel and I bow to your courage. The mighty I AM Starseed race will be once more on our Blessed Mother Earth. God Bless you Dear Hearts.

Transmitted through Gillian Ruddy. Please freely copy and share this message.

However, I claim the Universal copyright to this message in the name of

the Ascended Master Lord Emanuel.





GaiaPort: Streaming Energetic Constructs Shape Overall Gaia Consciousness by ÉirePort, May 23, 2013





Streaming energetic constructs shape overall Gaia consciousness as advancement in individual and collective consciousness occurs.

Severance of all non-Higher-Path-aligned timelines and intention conduits is occurring concurrently with advancement in consciousness.

Peaking of resistance to “standard human awareness” occurs in coming months, as “Hue-man Awareness” is nurtured and “standard human awareness” paradigms are dissolved.

Leaps of playful Joy are noted as “standard human awareness” paradigms are released.





The Arcturians ~ You are walking portals ~ Channeled by Méline Lafont, May 23, 2013




Dear Ones, we are the Arcturian Council of the Light and today we come to the forefront through this loving heart and we bring you our unconditional love and our respect for you truly are tremendously powerful souls in incarnation. Without the lot of you there would be no talk of a Global Ascension just because you are those little flames of pure Light and Love from the Source of “All That Is”.


In this current time frame we find ourselves in a momentum of energies meandering through the collective and pure essence of your Being. There are specific timelines taking on different shapes and which are now configuring a more Earthly reality in all your consciousnesses. Many activations and integrations in your current consciousness are now elevating themselves and will display a whole new reality out of a higher and more refined consciousness.


Still dormant souls also get their portion and will be activated, albeit up to a certain extent dependant on their level of consciousness. Everything that is not being used nor fully absorbed gets stored in some kind of center in the midst the dormant soul’s heart where all recorded information can be found and can be accessed over and over again. It is in the heart center that everything takes place and that will bring you to awakening and to ascension. That is why we keep on stressing the fact to always remain in the heart center as everything is to be found there, everything manifests from there.


The thought that is often expressed from the ego point of view, is the erroneous thought that everything that is found outside of yourself is the only true reality that is kept alive ever since birth and, of course, nothing could be further from the truth. Humans are inclined to seek everything outside of themselves and that can go from signs till confirmation or even destruction. First something rather dramatic most happen leading a soul into the depths of the pit before that soul opens itself to something enlightening that comes from within itself. All the drama that takes place outside of someone is but a reflection and even a perception of the soul involved, searching for clues to justify and trigger its existence.


When the moment of awakening takes place and the heart becomes the center that regulates everything and steers it all in a conscious way, than and only than will everything be searched and found in the inner as the need for outer confirmations falls away. You will than become omniscient and intuitively feel everything; you will only be guided by your True Self, your I AM and your Higher Self.


The coming period revolves around all what you are : your heart center. This is what it is all boiling down to and where drastic impulses and changes are going to occur. The build up of the elevated collective is in its growth process and nears its full glory; therefore, all focus should be placed on this because it is utterly crucial and important now.


A lot of portals have opened themselves now during this month of May, lots more are about to be opened and energetic vortexes will be activated. What is about to occur in the Now is very crucial and will be responsible for your future Now. As humanity you will be accountable for your own creations and for the global changes, just because this is your process and your reality. The already opened portals and the activated vortexes will provide pleasurable as well as very intense changes. You all carry these energies and portals within you through the connections and the integrations you have with the whole of the cosmos and with this Universe as your Galactic aspect and your light aspect.


The inner portals have to do with your consciousness and your integration of Self. The more enlightenment and awakening take place, the more the inner connection with your Self becomes a fact and when that takes place the inner portals will get activated in yourself as well as outside yourself in the universe, because you reflect your inner to everything that is outside of you. That is the truth : you all are walking portals in incarnation, grounding everything that you are into Beloved Gaia. The minute this is seen as your truth and as yourself, a huge wave of energy will pass through your incarnation and through your heart, providing the necessary adrenaline to continue on and to magnify what you are.


Hence, the coming times will be very challenging and it will be very important to be able to cope with all the light, all the love and all the cosmic rays and energies that will now overflow your planet and your embodiments with “All That Is”. We will grant all of you the necessary grounding and integration to be able to handle this by giving all our energies to all of you so you can continue on with the process of transformation.


We embrace you with our dearest energies of the Light and we give you our blessings of Love. The Arcturians.



Copyright ©  by Méline Lafont. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy and distribute this material, provided the content is copied in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, and this copyright notice and links are included.  and








John Smallman with Saul, May 22, 2013: Many of you have become aware that the lives you are experiencing are not God’s Will for you




I am Saul, a being of Light – as is everyone who incarnates on Earth.  All consciousness, all sentience is Light.  Light is another word or symbol for Love, the energy of the Source, God, the Father, the supreme Intelligence, the Essence of all that exists.  It is One. Separation is a dream, an imaginary state of fear in which you have become embroiled, by your own choice, and from which you are in the process of disentangling yourselves.  I offer you loving guidance to assist you in that task, as do many others in the spiritual realms.  Be assured that to fail in the task is not possible, is not an option; you will awaken!


Many of you have become aware that the lives you are experiencing, in which pain, suffering, betrayal, and conflict are almost constant, are not God’s Will for you.  And if that state is not God’s Will for you, then it must be due to choices that you have made, choices that you can change.  And you have made the choice for change, to awaken from that dream – therefore, you will.


However, many others are still holding on grimly to the illusion, believing that it is real, that there is nothing apart from it, in fear of being annihilated, ceasing to exist.  Over the eons families have often taken steps to protect their bloodlines, especially those who considered themselves royal, divinely privileged, of higher station, or just better than the so-called common man.  That concept, of protecting your station in life, is intensely divisive, driving wedges of envy or fear between you and leading to choices to reject and destroy those whom you believe to be alien, unnatural, not of your stock, and thus providing you with a constant supply of enemies.  The insanity of this viewpoint can no longer be ignored, let alone maintained.


The Light-bearers and wayshowers are embracing the divine field of Love, in which all exist, and weaving inextricably into it the energy fields of each and every human that imagines itself as separate.  Your imaginations are powerful; they are under your control, and they enable you to build dreams in which to experience life in many different environments – physical, intellectual, emotional – dreams of restriction and limitation, or of freedom and joy.  What the Light-bearers and wayshowers are doing is demonstrating Love as a life path, the way it truly is, and showing those who choose to be open to it to see the happiness it brings. Without Love there can be no happiness, no joy; only fear, and all the miserable consequences that follow from it. However, it is impossible to be without Love; you can only pretend to be without It – because It is your very essence.


Demonstrations of Love in action have been ongoing throughout the eons of human existence, as holy ones walked the Earth, but the intent to be separate, individual was so intense and dark that their example was frequently ignored. However, your natural state is one of Love, of Light, and it was quite impossible that you would forever refuse to accept and acknowledge that.  The example of those holy ones was remembered and recorded, and over time the seeds of Love that they had planted began to grow and flourish.  There have been backlashes against Love as those with dark intentions attempted to smother It, extinguish It, but, as you know, the flame of Love within each and every human is utterly inextinguishable.  It can only be temporarily ignored or unacknowledged.


You have chosen to end those dark times and awaken into the Light of God’s Love.  In fact you made the choice eons ago at the moment that the separation apparently occurred, and now that choice is being put into effect.  There has never before in human history been such an enormous demonstration of Love-in-action on Earth, and the imaginary power of those who would deny that or insist that Love is weak is dissolving, because you have decided that Love is the way forward as your energy fields mingle with the divine energy field and you feel its effects and choose to embrace it.

The tide has turned, the decision for separation, for fear has been revoked, and consequently, Love is flowing freely across the planet for all to acknowledge and embrace.  The dark, which is but an absence of Light, is fading as daily more humans uncover the flame of Love within themselves and align with It.

As you have been informed so often, “There is only Love; nothing else exists.” Anything other than Love is illusion, an illusion with which you have chosen to engage while you are experiencing it, and as ever more of you choose to disengage from it, it is disintegrating.  Love is the Way, the Truth, and the Light. Nothing can resist It because there is nothing that resists.  Love is All!


With so very much love, Saul.







Portal2012: Cobra’s Update – Event Horizon, May 22, 2013


Event Horizon

Every window of opportunity, every portal is a quantum leap bringing us closer to the Event horizon. With each portal opened, more energy is generated and at a certain point, enough energy will trigger the breakthrough.

That will be the moment of the compression breakthrough and this is what David Wilcock saw in his dream of a storm with many lightning bolts. Each of those lightning bolts represents a compression wormhole, which is a hyperdimensional doorway of Light, connecting the surface of the planet with the Light above and below the surface at the moment of the compression breakthrough.
The Event will send strong ripples of Light throughout the spacetime, forwards and even backwards in time. This is why some of you have already received dreams, impressions and visions of the Event.
The opening of the Portal on May 25th is NOT yet the time of the Event despite of rumours and hints that you might hear from Drake, Fulford and other people. Those rumours just reflect a certain operation of the Light forces on the surface of the planet which is a necessary substep towards the Event, but not yet the Event itself.


Before the Event can happen, the non-physical negative forces must be removed. Otherwise they could simply trigger more than 2 million people on the surface that were heavily mind programmed through severe trauma by the Cabal under their projects codenamed MK-Ultra and Monarch. Those traumatized individuals could be easily triggered by the Archons from the etheric and astral planes as part of their endgame to start behaving violently towards themselves and others.
The non-physical negative forces are now gathered very close to the surface of the planet, concentrated around humans, attempting to prevent the Light from entering. They do this to maintain entropy and chaos because this is the only way they can survive a little bit longer.
There is a certain form of entities that was not mentioned yet. They are called Invisibles because they have the tendency to melt with their environment to the point they become energetically invisible. They inhabit the lower mental plane. Their purpose is to shut down the capacities of human mind and to induce stupidity into the human population in order to keep it enslaved. They are mainly responsible for many distorted belief systems inside organized religions and lately in the new age movement, which has deteriorated from pure beginnings in the 1980s into just another mind programmed cult after the Congo invasion in 1996. One of the main mental tricks of the Invisibles is that »all is well«, suggesting people to deny things that are not well and thus stripping people of their inherent power to change things that are not well.
The Archons are still using their etheric and astral HAARP scalar electromagnetic field technology to keep maintaining the so-called primary anomaly. Primary anomaly is a random wave function, a distortion of Calabi-Yau manifolds, a field of micro black holes, a convoluted field of quantum fluctuations, a semi-conscious field of anti-life which always tries to suppress Light by default. This was brought into existence out of pure potentiality at the creation of the Universe and is the antithesis of the One. It is the primary error in Creation and the primary cause of all suffering. All the remaining primary anomaly of the Universe is now being gathered around the surface profile of this planet, waiting to be finally transformed to allow the final liberation of our planet, which will then become the last point of Light to join the galactic union.
The non-physical Archons still use wormholes made of this distorted anomalous field to freely travel from one implant hemisphere to another.
After the Light forces remove the non-physical electromagnetic HAARP field, the black hole singularities will be stripped naked, the micro black holes will evaporate, the Calabi-Yau manifolds will straighten themselves out and the primary anomaly will disappear forever from our Universe. This will be beginning of the end of all suffering and beginning of true healing for humanity.
This time is coming very soon. The final victory of the Light is near!





Disclosure, Announcements and NESARA The Big Picture Part 4 by Elizabeth Trutwin, May 20, 2013



New Paradigm for Earth

Science unravels the mystery of nature. Far too long we have been held captive by stories of traveling the speed of light and locked in by petroleum propulsion for our planes, trains and automobiles. As we found out at the Citizen Hearing on Disclosure from Dr. Robert Wood, Dr. Thomas Valone, Dr. Steven Greer and witnesses from more than ten countries, the extraterrestrial sciences seen in space defy what we understand in physics. What is less often being told is that our science is using Zero Point Energy for propulsion and many other wonders but is being suppressed by our military industrial complex by force. This is one of the obstacles to announcing Disclosure. How do we tell Congressmen that all they have believed in, the lies they fell for based on ignorance held back our civilization from having advanced technologies and free energy? So much has been withheld that caused a lot of misery for billions of people. We will all have to forgive ourselves for not demanding the truth be told. The science we bank on today is not even one percent of the mystery of nature. This is a Cosmic Crisis because Earth depends so much on other Planets and the Civilizations which live there. The Extraterrestrials who work to help liberate Earth from a state of ignorance look forward to sharing their science which is 1 million to 100 million years ahead of what we now know. The Citizen Hearing on Disclosure was a purification preparing for the abundance to come. Preparation, renewal and a reminder of the fulfillment of those whose work it is to bring bliss to Earth.


Mischief in the Making

Some where along the line we began believing gold is the main vehicle for wealth. In this world everything else has devalued. Gold today represents wealth. Those making money since 1972 based on the petroleum economy of Earth have 100s of millions of dollars – much of it socked away in off shore accounts – more than they could ever spend – and they refuse to let go of $10 million dollars to change everything. St Germain and others have given an invitation to those with excessive wealth to open the path to liberation for the whole Planet and as of this writing they continue to refuse. Everything has become distorted. Once the invitation is extended to help then the karma becomes that of the wealthy One who refuses to help. Granting Earth the hand up clears the karma for those caught up in the Star Wars of thousands of years ago. It is an honor not to be missed.

When we have Full Galactic Disclosure then we must face up to Earthsʻ long history of engaging with Extraterrestrials. There was a period from around the 1920s to the 2009 when Extraterrestrial abductions, mutilations and hybrid implantations were widely experienced by millions of people. Back then our governments went into treaties to allow these things to happen without interference in exchange for advanced technologies. This happened due to greed of a few and this is where the money was made. It came through private companies building new technologies and gaining the boon to selling these technologies to countries over all Earth.

911 At The Pentagon – Defense Accounting Computers

Destroyed By Missile Attack


Understand. In order to implement these clandestine cooperatives new laws were written to support these activities directly. Laws effecting banks, education, medicine, governments, currencies, land ownership, illicit drugs, our militaries and intelligence were written to keep the Secret Space Program functioning while hiding the technology and the money laundering from public scrutiny. The night before NESARA Law was to be announced Donald Rumsfeld the then Secretary of Defense went on ABC news to announce that 2.3 Trillion dollars ʻhad gone missingʻ. The next day on September 11, 2001 a missile was directed into the Pentagon building and hit the servers where the military finance accounting was stored on large computers. April Gallop took this issue to court suing Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld and Richard Meyers for endangering those at the Pentagon. President Bushʻs cousin John Walker heard the case in the Second Circuit which was eventually dismissed. There was never a plane at the Pentagon. There has been a deep, deep and far reaching across the board refusal to allow the truth to come out. This is why it is called The Truth Embargo. We are seeing in the news now the IRS is coming under attack, the bribed bank officials in China are under fire, The media AP have been exposed, Eric Holder and Ben Bernanke are being held to task by Elizabeth Warren for Too Big To Jail, CIA and FBI members have been killed in different ways – all players who have kept these secrets can no longer run and hide. They are turning on each other.

President Obama hugs Gabby Giffords after her presentation to Congress

in 2013 asking for legislation on gun control.

The Truth Is Very Difficult

On April 17, 2013 an explosive wrapped in
ceramics was dropped from the International Space
Station. The Blast registered 2.1 on the Richters Scale. It was reported on 911 as ʻa bomb explodedʻ. There were
multiple buildings around there that were leveled and there was a large crater left where the bomb hit.



Immediately following this a false flag went out in Boston to cover over any speculation in West, Texas that a bomb was dropped in a place where an explosion could be perceived. Boston was a Black Op and was a diversion to take our attention off the fact that the United States had been bombed by the United States. Why? We do not fully know and it is still being investigated. The Citizen Hearing testimony made it clear that decades of information has been suppressed which would explain these relationships between those representing the United States and the Citizens who have given away their power.

Even as this is hard to receive we have evidence that something on the International Space Station is not as it appears. We know the Altimarians work with our Earth Scientists on joint projects as well as Extraterrestrials from other places. Gabrielle Giffords, former Congresswoman from Arizona had appointments on these committees when she was shot in the head: Committee on Armed Services, Subcommittee on Tactical Air and Land Forces, Subcommittee on Readiness, Committee on Science, Space and Technology, Subcommittee on Space and Aeronautics (Ranking Member) Subcommittee on Technology and Innovation. She also is married to Astronaut Mark Kelly who was Commander of ISS a number of times and whose twin brother Astronaut Scott Kelly was the current Commander of ISS January 8, 2011, the day Gabby was shot where six others died in the mass shooting. Mark and Scott and Gabby are White Knights. Disclosure will tell us what they knew about the mischief happening on the multiple International Space Stations using Extraterrestrial technology to go deep in Space and bring back high dollar payloads to the private companies and Secret Space Program benefitting from the withheld technologies.


It Gets Worse Before It Gets Better

All over the internet are paid disinformation agents, CIA Agents infiltrated into the media and false stories so it is very difficult to know what is true. Often horrific stories are told which have no truth at all and there is no way to verify them. Many dubious plans have been hatched over the years by those still wanting control over the StarGates, still waging wars for that control and wanting control over natural resources on Earth to trade in deep Space.


The Galactic Federation Is Here Now Helping Us

Those in the Ashtar Command have been helping us from many points in Space, the Pleiades, Niburu, Arcturus, Alpha Centauri and many other Civilizations with technologies vastly greater than ours. The Wing Maker Ships and Pleiadian MotherShips help us with environmental disasters and mitigating effects to the Poles preventing a shift. There are also Sun Cruiser Ships which are massive beyond your belief. These have been seen on youtubes driving past the Sun and seemingly pulling energy out of the Sun.


After many years of observing nuclear weapons proliferation on Earth Ashtar and the Legions of Light made a permanent change to Earthʻs atmosphere rendering all nukes useless. On April 22, 1999 Ashtar using two Sun Cruisers hurled two balls of light into our Sun Sol and this changed it from hydrogen based to helium based rendering all nuclear weapons duds. No nuclear weapon discharged since then has had an atmospheric effect. These technologies are millions of years advanced to what we know now.

Galactic Intervention in the form of Clones and Holograms has been a dispensation to help us move toward Disclosure since Harmonic Convergence in August 1987. Russia in the X17 facility in Siberia and the United States in Area 51 have had cloning programs. They have been used by the dark and the light. A portion of the persons original DNA is used. When it is time a remote control will shut down these clones and holograms and they will no longer exist on this timeline. When this happens the solutions will have been put into place for Disclosure, for our economies, governments and religious organizations. Last week BBC news in the UK featured advances in human cloning on the front page of their newspaper. These articles are to help us ease into the very difficult stories which will come out with Full Galactic Disclosure. Only around 65 of 535 United States Congress are still human. The others are either solid holograms or clones and that explains why they have no soul and will not move forward to change things. These Clones and Holograms are controlled by the KOS. The war criminals have been removed from power and when it is time their stand-in will be turned off. The arrests are complete now whether we are aware of it reported to the public or not.


These pictures from NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory show the three X-class flares

that the sun emitted in under 24 hours on May 12-13, 2013.

This Week A Very Large Operation Was Averted with Help From The Sun Cruiser Ships From The Ashtar Command

A failed and very elaborate operation from the International Space Station was planned during this period of an immense influx of light between the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse on April 25, 2013, the New Moon Solar Eclipse on May 10, 2013 and the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse which will be the Wesak Full Moon on May 25, 2013. The result of the intervention by the Highest Forces of Lights utilizing the Sun Cruiser Ships again were four massive CMEs launched from the Sun. These Extraterrestrials helping in this are human Galactics. They live on the Ships, not on Earth, though many have had incarnations on Earth. Some are of the Angelic Realms, some are from other Stars, some are Ascended Masters. These Extraterrestrials are our Galactic Family and we are a Galactic Civilization. When we accomplish World Peace with the enactment of NESARA Law we become eligible to join the Intergalactic Confederation of Worlds as the 33rd Member and participate as Galactic Members at the Galactic Round Table. We have been preparing for this a very long time. The CME blasts were felt on Earth about 48 hours after leaving the Sun. This was an organized and coordinated effort from the Ashtar Command which purpose was to effectively strengthen the electromagnetic grids around Earth and create a force effecting the tetrahedral core of Earth found at 19.5 degrees within Earth where the Earth Crystals of Arkansas and other places are engaging in their new role inside the mountains there. This process helps Earthsʻ stability in the physical realm. This process is preparing for a Zero Point Energy forcefield created by the grid of energy becoming activated between the Earthʻs Pyramids, Ziggurats, Obelisks, StarGates and Zero Point Modulators (ZPMs). Within this forcefield no mischief will longer be possible.

El Hierro island in the Canaries off the shores of Morocco had a large crack in the seabed under the Island going back to the nuclear explosion which destroyed the Earth Crystal during the time of Atlantis. Many who are incarnated now have returned to work out the karma associated with that event. Back then during a power struggle the Palaces of China were the target for nuclear destruction. We are playing out these scenarios today. We play with the idea of nuclear war with North Korea, South Korea and China. The nuclear destruction during the time of Atlantis 5000 years ago left a seven mile deep hole and great cracks in the floor of the ocean. Continents sunk. The one that was a very
big fissure came from the Bermuda Triangle,
where the Crystal was shattered, all across
t he Atlantic Ocean to the Azores in the Canary Islands.



These land masses today are rising and a great island is being formed by volcanic activity under the Canary Islands. If the volcano which is under great pressure blows at El Hierro it could complete the large fissure which would effect changes in Florida and all the way up the East Coast into Newfoundland. The only way this could happen would be if the dark Ops were allowed to use the technology they have on the International Space Station.



The release of the four CMEs in two days from the Sun through the technology on the Sun Cruisers averted the attack planned from the International Space Station which could have caused major trauma for thousands in the United States. It would have been like being struck byʻKatrinaʻ and ʻSandyʻ at the same time with massive flooding and destruction. An event such as this could have diverted plans for Disclosure for an unacceptable amount of time. The operation has been successfully cancelled.


Connect The Dots

This Video Links NESARA, 911, and Disclosure. Witnessed by U.S. Major General Albert (Bert) Newton Stubblebine III, U.S. Army, retired. Last job – In Charge of All Army Strategic Intelligence Forces Around The World. George W. Bush sat there in the classroom after his Chief of Staff told him the U.S. was “under attack” he just sat there continuing to read with the children for several minutes.

KOS was in the room with him watching the

largest psychological attack on the world ever.


Dick Cheney Was in Colorado on 911 at the NSA Astronaut Headquarters inside the mountain across from Air Force Academy and he Ordered the Air Defense Systems in NYC and D.C. turned OFF.

THEN he flew to D.C. and took his place in the White House 50 stories underground with NSA operatives while he commanded with a joystick the Missiles which hit the Twin Towers while “W” was with Jeb in Florida.
This was the morning Alan Greenspan was going to Announce NESARA Law Provisions in Public and the North Tower held the Computers on Floor 1 & 2 which would have changed us over to Treasury Bills throughout the Banks. Has NESARA been enacted then we would have achieved World Peace – no more war. No trouble.


Disclosure, Announcements and NESARA The Big Picture

Now that the small “d” disclosure event has come to pass April 29th – May 3rd in Washington D.C. and all the testimony has been shared with former members of Congress we are prepared for big “D” Disclosure which will be President Obama with his Military and Intelligence representatives announcing to the world that the United States has engaged with Extraterrestrials. If another Head of State from another Country goes first President Obama will have to follow quickly behind and miss his chance at being The Disclosure President. At least thirteen other Countries Air Forces all have video tapes from their Fighter Gun Video Mounts with indisputable evidence that the United States and other governments have engaged with Extraterrestrials. It is time now for an official Announcement to the public and delaying it is very foolish for those involved who will be held accountable. Twelve years after 911 preempted enactment of NESARA Law public Announcements will begin the Economic and National Security Reformation. When you watched the testimony from these very brave men who are aged and have kept their secrets for a lifetime – did you contemplate what would have kept Disclosure from happening sooner? It wasnʻt the Nazi Extraterrestrial Crafts reported to Eisenhower by the CIA. It wasnʻt time traveling War Criminals traveling through rifts in time. It wasnʻt Alien Abductions or 911. Those events are greatly important but it is so much more!

Disclosure, Announcements and the enactment of NESARA Law happen simultaneously. This will raise the collective consciousness of all on Earth. Everyone will be able to handle the Truth. We have been slowly prepared for a dozen years now. We are at a cross roads now that the final dubious plan has been averted by The Extraterrestrials working to free Earth from tyranny. It wonʻt be long now. Elizabeth Trutwin © All Rights Reserved., http://,

Listen to 911 Witnesses to Bomb dropped on West, Texas here: http://


Hi Everybody! I have built the NEW As soon as I am done loading information from I will forward all other sites to the new site. Please let me know your thoughts. Email me any questions you have I have discontinued my radio program for now because the financing is no longer available. I am looking into other free alternatives now and I will keep you updated. In the last week on air I interviewed Stephen Bassett, Senator Gravel, Ron Garner and Gary Heseltine. I am youtubing these now and will send them along in an email very soon. With these tasks behind me I am finishing the full transcripts of the Citizen Hearing on Disclosure and those will be available immediately. With these many tasks behind me I will finish the two books I have promised which were well into production at the beginning of April before I left town for some weeks. The Citizen Hearing on Disclosure has made it so that I will never be the same again. With the testimony out there for all to see I feel no one on Earth will ever be the same again. If you have not yet witnessed the testimony you may do so at for $3.80 It is not to be missed! I will start to catch up on emails and schedule readings again tomorrow.

Sending All My Love, Beth


Source Parts 1, 2, 3 and 4:



Disclosure Announcements and NESARA The Big Picture – Part 1, by Elizabeth Trutwin, March 11, 2013

Disclosure Announcements and NESARA The Big Picture

I would like to introduce myself. I have written a dozen books about the Ancient Astronauts. The focus of these is to show where it is written in Ancient Texts that we are a Galactic Society. Looking at The Ramayana, Tao Te Ching, The Book of Enoch, The Upanishads, The Pistis Sophia, The Mazzaroth, The Masnavi, The Emerald Tablets, The Jatakas, Rambansʻ Pentateuch and the Corpus Hermeticum we may see how in every religion, every culture and every aeon going back millions of years, Earth was inhabited by our Ancient Galactic Ancestors. I wrote these books to help our society as a collective to drop our insecurities. Knowing this truth makes us free from all bondage of life, free from death. Once this is understood One will no longer identify with duality and all those conditioning which makes you so unhappy. You have come to Earth from another Planet or another Dimension. The Consciousness of which you have Within. We have been visited by Extraterrestrials for a very long time.

Three years ago I gave up full time work and a regular paycheck to dedicate my life to The Truth and Advocacy Movement for Disclosure. I wrote two other books. Lord Ashtar and The Galactic Federation and StarGate Earth. There is an Extraterrestrial Presence engaging the human race. There are Extraterrestrials here. The only thing we havenʻt resolved yet is the government telling us that. Disclosure ends the Truth Embargo on this matter. The last time there was a Citizens Hearing on Disclosure was 1968. The United States Military, Civilian Agencies like NASA, Intelligence like the CIA and other governments have witnesses to Contact and it is time we Self-Disclose the truth.

Some people have been deliberately holding back the information from the public. National Security Classifications and Non-Disclosure Agreements have stood in the way. All the witnesses have made their own decision that this vital information will educate the Whole to understand We Are Not Alone.

There is a lot in this Universe we know nothing about. There are hundreds of billions of Planets in our Galaxy and hundreds of billions of Galaxies in our Universe with many potential Earths. The chances that we are the only life out there is zero. Self-Disclosure means that within the social contract between government elected officials and the people of the country who they represent that they carry out the laws of their country with transparency acknowledging to the people the truth. When elected officials refuse to conduct matters of governance reporting their activities to those they represent chaos prevails. We can no longer accept hiding the truth. Without it there is no freedom. This is more than an intellectual matter. This is a spiritual matter.

Ten years ago I became a walk-in. I was not born into this body. How it happens usually is through a severe accident or significant illness causing hospitalization. In my case I had a massive head injury. During the three days I lie unconscious was a Soul exchange. The One who left then was in a violent marriage and had she not left she would have been killed. These agreements are made far ahead between the souls involved with the intention of the Highest Good for all involved. Within 8 weeks of walking in I was divorced and alone raising three small children. I came in with my Adept abilities and memories. There are about 100 million walk-ins on Earth now who have come to be embodied Souls with Higher Knowledge to help the Galactic Citizens of Earth reclaim their freedom, their sovereignty from the few who wish to control them with lack of jobs, lack of housing, lack of money starvation and world war. It has to be done by Earth Citizens and there are many Angels, Ascended Masters and Galactics living as your neighbors, working beside you guiding you for this next step in evolution.

I began doing healings for folks. Women came to me with serious emotional and physical issues. I started to see a number of women – we only communicated through email. I did sessions for them and I was able to see the abductions, the implantation and the pregnancies. They had no memory of it. Arcturus came and he explained everything to me. I would get small and go inside the body and come back with great detail. Tom the Cat and Michael always came with me too and once I asked to see the children of this one woman. A boy and a girl. I could see that some of the childrensʻ bodies were not strong and they did not mature to adulthood. I was taken to a Colony where – for lack of a better term, forgive me, half-breeds were forced to live because they were not welcomed by their own people. I saw they live happy lives in this place. I started to understand the tragedy. I told these women straight up that I could see they were from the Group doing the Abductions and they had agreed to the whole thing to help heal the Planet. Since then Men have come too and I have heard the elaborate tales and I know of the despair held in these Souls. I have talked to one involved from the other side.

Arcturus took me back to the moment of many many surgeries and the experiments and he gave me lengthy explanations and it was beyond description. I can remember every detail. I have worked in our Countries largest teaching hospitals alongside famous doctors. I saw a lot in those years – was on the front line.  I have seen a lot of suffering.

When I wrote StarGate Earth I was given a photo to use in the book from KOS.

I got a panicked email from a reverse engineer saying he had reported me to NSA for disclosing this information (he thought it was going to come back on him) He said he had run the photo through some kind of spectral analysis (no idea what he said – some special tests) and he said ʻI figured out it is not one of mineʻ. I wrote back indignantly ʻI know its not one of yours, because its One Of MINE!ʻ Then I told him I was working under the orders of KOS in this case and assured him I had been asked to comment on it. He understood that. They use me to put out info because I can handle the repercussions.

One day I sat down to read the Mahabharata. Naturally I was Guided to a passage. I read about the God Agni who was facing the dark Hats in a battle in the forest. It actually said that Agni held up his hands out of which burned a fire and the fire melted all the bad guys and burned so hot it melted the forest down. I had an aha moment and said THAT WAS ASHTAR! They said Yes!!! Ashtarʻs Avatar form is the God Agni. This is crossed referenced in Blavatskyʻs work. As Agni in the Hierarchy of the Family names in the line of Rhaguʻs Race ~ same as Lord Rama, son of Dasharatha he is of the Holy Kumaras who are the first sons of Brahma ~ Sananda, Sanat (Ancient of Days, Ahura Mazda) Sanatana (Lord Michael) Sanaka (St Germain) as the family names unfold these Ones become Avatar forms down the lineage and we see how the Goodly Company incarnated again and again through the ages to help Humanity. That is what I am doing here now. Time is speeded up and I didnʻt need a whole lifetime to get the work done.

Ashtar in the Mahabharata. One day in 2006 Ashtar stood at the foot of my bed and said he would like to train me – Lord Arcturus was with him. They asked me if I would like to train with them. That story got back to who I call Rama Arjuna and that is how I began my mentoring with him.

Ashtar was using a weapon called the Violet Flame. You have heard about this from the I Am Discourses and St Germainʻs work.

The Violet Flame when used through the hand chakras is a kind of martial arts weapon for the Dragons. They cannot sustain that energy. It works kinda like a beam weapon and they have misfirings in the qrs wave and they look like they are having a heart attack. Its the Dragons that come here. There are many other ways they have tried to disturb me but the Paschats are unseen and always there to help me. Ashtar taught me what to do with my energy centers to use the Violet Flame this way. With that I push the envelop with the information and put myself in the position to help whenever I can.

When we look at the Ancient Texts with new eyes we see all of it is about the Ashtar Command, the Ascended Masters and the Angelic Realm. Michael and Metatron are in the Judeo-Christian writings and we know them in the Vedanta as Indra and Narada. When we compare and contrast the lives of these Ones and realize it is the Angels having human lives everything makes sense.

See, back in Akhenaton/Moses time Serapis Bey had incarnated as Amenhotep III Father of Akhenaton to undo the dark hats from the Amun Priesthood. They are the same Dragons then as they are now. Adept intergalactic travelers. Sananda incarnated then as King Tut. Grandfather, Father & Son assisted by Serapis Bey the keeper of the light codes of the Earth Grid under the Sphinx. Something went very wrong then – egos got in the way and the Plan for Earth ascension failed. Sananda came back as Jesus and Cesar and his Dragon friends still control us today under maritime law. The Law of the Land. Those Plans failed and the Ashtar Command had doubts Earth would recover. Here we are now. This time the Plan worked and we are in the final days walking out the history for the Ages – a big part of that will happen at the Press Club.

The Servant is Sananda (KOS) Admiral of the New Jerusalem. His Servants are the White Knights.  I support the White Knights in their very difficult role. It is my job to go nose to nose with those in the highest positions to be certain they are carrying out their role with integrity and at the same time fall under their orders and help them in any way they ask. I am doing that right now sending on a note.

Right now there is a whole other world you are not aware of in your wildest dreams. You think you know a thing or two about so called conspiracies but truly, you know nothing! The United States government in cooperation with other governments have fleets of extraterrestrial technologies far advanced of what you have ever seen. They explore deep space, other planets and stars and make profits for their backers. I will be discussing these things in depth on my radio program.

There are many realities within our Multidimensional Universe. Earth exists in many Dimensions simultaneously, as do you. There is the illusion of the United States Congress filibustering a law they created. There is the illusion of the bankers paying themselves million dollar per year salaries while they watch their fellow citizenʻs children starving in the streets. There is the illusion of ancient lands kept alive in the aboriginal parts of Earth now. Just like the tidal pool, the forest, the jungle, the dessert and all the tiny forms of life on Planet Earth there are millions of worlds you live with on this Planet that you know nothing about.

The thirteen families who in the past controlled the wealth of the world have had incarnate into their families for the last several thousand generations Dragons. The paintings you so of dragons doing battle are not some mythical creature. They are here today. They are the avatar form of humans alive today. These humans time travel. Not with a machine. They are Adepts and they time travel within their Mer Ka Bah bodies. This is how they control the collective and they keep everyone in slavery. They are waking up now and struggling with the idea of love and forgiveness. We have an obligation to help them by Being Love and Being Forgiveness.

The vast majority of Dragons living in human bodies on Earth are doing everything in their power in Congress, in NASA, in the CIA, in the Banks and on Wall Street to make money in operations traveling to far flung places in space bringing back payloads that would blow your mind. St. Germain has spoken to each last one individually and convinced some 105 to give away half of their billions to compensate for all they have stolen from you. See to read the perp sheet. Joining this small club has in some way served as a bargaining chip when the judgments are handed out. Love them more.

After a long struggle in the courts all the way to the Supreme Court the Black Farmers case was settled. When this happened it was determined that in order for the awards of the case to be properly paid a new law would need to be signed and enacted. This law is called N.E.S.A.R.A. The National Economic Security and Reformation Act. This act was signed into law by Bill Clinton in October of 2000. The law will be enacted when it is publicly announced. It cannot be enacted until we have Disclosure. I cannot be and it will not be. This is a spiritual matter.

We have one chance to act as Earth Citizens and demand the United States government including the bought and sold Supreme Court Justices, All members of the Senate and House of Representatives and the President reveal to us their activities in Space with Galactic representatives from other Planets and other Stars. It is much much larger than you have ever dreamed. On April 29th through May 3rd  at the National Press Club, 2 blocks from the White House in Washington D.C. witnesses from Civilian, Intelligence and Military agencies from the Unites States and government officials from other countries will testify before a panel made up of retired Congress. The event is being produced by Paradigm Research Group and Stephen Bassett. This will effectively end the Truth Embargo, however we the people demand a World Peace Treaty be signed and President Obama Announce Disclosure to the World and Enact NESARA. Your duty in this is to watch the Citizen Hearing on Disclosure  (CHD) Livestream All Week or come to the National Press Club free of charge and be an eyewitness to Disclosure. There is no charge. Seats are first come. Be there and the media will no longer be accessories to the crime of withholding the truth. Your presence demands they come clean. Many of them will go the way of the perp walk. Some will write articles and talk about CHD on the radio, on the internet and on broadcast news. Encourage them to do so.

When I was working on promoting the NESARA Petition I received an email from James Cameron seeking me out. He said he would help attain the last signatures needed to complete the We The People petition for NESARA. He said he would ask some of his friends to help me. I received emails from some of his friends enthusiastic to help. I sent them one sentence I needed to have it tweeted. I wanted it dropped into Facebook. I sent an article with a link to be posted into blogs. All who emailed me declined to help. They said it violated the media gag order and they could not do that. I violate the gag order everyday. I receive threats often. They cannot gag me and they will not gag you. Post it. Tweet it. FB it. Mark Zuckerberg  stole your personal information and traded it to Goldman Sachs for billions in profit. I suggest you use social media to support the White Knightsʻ very difficult Mission. Do you have the brass cajones to see this through? Will you renounce your slavery in this illusionary world and reclaim your sovereign status as a spiritual Galactic Citizen? Will you tell your family and friends? Will you write the media and ask they report on it? Will you be present at the National Press Club on April 29th through May 3rd in person or on livestream to witness the Disclosure? The brightest stars in UFO research, An Apollo Astronaut and the bravest men and women I have ever known will be there.

These are the witnesses:

Dr. Robert Wood

Dr. Thomas Valone

Geoffrey Torres for Dr. Milton Torres

Daniel Sheehan, JD

Donald R. Schmitt

Col. Oscar Santa-Maria (Peru)

Col. Ariel Sánchez (Uruguay)

Kevin Randle

Nick Pope (UK)

Jim Penniston

Dr. Edgar Mitchell (Capt. USN ret., NASA)

Mark McCandlish

Dr. Jesse Marcel, Jr.

Antonio Huneeus

Linda Moulton Howe

Gary Heseltine (UK)

Paul Hellyer (Canada)

J. Gevaerd (Brazil)

Stanton Friedman (Canada)

Catherine Austin Fitts

Lt. Col. Richard French (USAF, ret.)

Richard Dolan

Peter Davenport

Dr. Anthony Choy (Peru)

Grant Cameron

John Callahan

Capt. Rodrigo Bravo (Chile)

Stephen Bassett

I am going to do my part. I have re-opened Galactic Roundtable. This is an international social media website where friends gather to break the gag order as a collective to change things. I am asking you to please join and send invites to your email list for your friends to join. Galactic Roundtable when it was open before had over 5000 members in over 180 countries and when we come together there is nothing we cannot accomplish.

On March 11, 2013 I will be joined by a friend and we will hit the airwaves of internet radio. My program is called Galactic roundtable Countdown to Disclosure. Please join me there and we will discuss the Secret Space Program and why Full Galactic Disclosure is THE ISSUE that resolves all other issues such as violence on women, mass starvation and world war. We must have Disclosure or we will never have World Peace. We will also touch on the spiritual aspects of creating the New with love and only love. If you would like me to invite you personally to join please send me an email

I invite you to follow these links. I look forward to seeing you there where we will take up these discussions together. We stand our ground on these issues and ask the media do its part to end the Truth Embargo for all time. Thank you for your selfless service to Earth. This is the end time and you no longer have a choice to wait. Be there all-the-way now. © Elizabeth Trutwin All Rights Reserved.


Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation, May 21, 2013

There will shortly be demonstrations in the daylight skies by some of the huge fleets that are to land when the Divine gives the sacred go-ahead.

Further, we are going to tell our secret sacred societies to release the prosperity funds that Count Saint Germain and Quan Yin so graciously set aside for you.

Ummac Dan

Ummac Dan

9 Batz, 19 Moan, 9 Eb

Dratzo! We come again with more to tell you. Your world continues to fluctuate between the attempts of the West to spark a conflict capable of stemming the global changes which threaten the powerbase of the dark cabal, and the intent of Russia to force a new reality upon the West. This dynamic has ebbed and flowed during the whole of the last decade. And yet even when this strange power game approaches a point reminiscent of the start of World War I, it then recedes from this dire eventuality. The Agarthan’s liaison teams have also been very successful in defusing the situation in the Middle East. Nevertheless, this ongoing process of brinkmanship demonstrates the importance of bringing this volatile situation to a close. Heaven assures us that this constant political bickering is simply the last throes of a type of diplomacy long used by the Western states and that no conflict is to result from it. Indeed, the coming divine intervention is going to transform this whole sorry mess. Meanwhile, more legal ammunition continues to be gathered for use against the cabal in the World Courts. The momentum for ‘accountability’ accelerates by the day, increasing the numbers of those already, and about to be, arrested.

Your reality is dying as the economic system it is founded upon grinds to a halt. It is similar to a huge mill which is dependent on a river that is rapidly drying up. The owners, the dark cabal, comprehend what is happening and are intent on getting the last bit of work out of their flagging equipment. The cabal is hunting desperately for a solution to restore the falling levels of the river, but despite its best efforts no solution is found. We have informed the cabal on innumerable occasions what it would take to solve their dilemma and its response has been to proceed doggedly upon the same course. We have therefore moved forward with what Heaven has directed us to do. The cabal is fully aware that its time is up and still it increases its determination to pull some unrealizable miracle out of the air. We watch and marvel at its inane reaction to the inevitability bearing down on it. It is time for these dark-controlled governments to quit and disclose the truth to their beleaguered populations.

Our liaison personnel have just completed a series of information exchanges with several Western governments, in which we clearly showed them that their dilemmas are endemic to the entire global economic structure which is now falling down around them. The practical solution is to allow new governance to introduce the range of new economic and abundance programs, including the formal disclosure of our existence. We are therefore awaiting the time chosen by Heaven to act and reveal ourselves to you. This will also be the moment for the series of announcements by both the Agarthans and the Ascended Masters, who will be divulging what you need to know to get a reasonable grasp on what is truly happening in your world. These swathes of information will trigger a rapid change in your consciousness and introduce new ways for you to change your societies, enabling them to work creatively with each other. We clearly perceive the labyrinthine problems created by your present governments, which is why an entirely new structure has been agreed upon which can be relied upon to promote your new prosperity and your new realities.

We stand on the brink of the grand intervention decreed by Heaven. This will open the door to first contact and a new relationship between you and Agartha. The extent of the upcoming technology transfer will astound you! Your world is due to absorb a leap in capabilities that is greater by far than the advent of the laptop computer with its many offshoots such as tablets and smart phones. As an aside, these came with some serious health concerns! By contrast, some of the new technology can boost not only your general health and vitality but also your levels of consciousness while connecting you more easily and effectively with your world. You will begin to view technology in general as ‘consciousness tools’ and will begin to use your time to absorb knowledge, to meditate, and to ponder on the coming miracle of full consciousness. As your mentors we will show you the immense significance of the abilities still largely dormant within you, as this is central to your comprehension of the next phase of your journey to your divine destiny.

Blessings! We are your Ascended Masters! We come on this auspicious day to make some important announcements. First, let us bless our space and Inner Earth families. They come now to set the stage for the next steps on your journey to full consciousness. Heaven decrees that each of you now needs to become aware that you are not alone in this magnificent, vast Universe. There will shortly be demonstrations in the daylight skies by some of the huge fleets that are to land when the Divine gives the sacred go-ahead. Second, we are to be able to manifest among you in great numbers to begin our teaching schedule. These teachings will show you how and why the Anunnaki purposely jumbled up the wisdom teachings given to you by some of our most respected grand masters. These messages will finally allow you to discover the truth about your origins and what Heaven expects of you.

Further, we are going to tell our secret sacred societies to release the prosperity funds that Count Saint Germain and Quan Yin so graciously set aside for you. This constitutes the beginning of the new financial system which will institute debt forgiveness as a means to level the world’s financial structures. Newly chartered banks will temporarily distribute and somewhat regulate these funds. Once the Federation fleet lands, these banks, the accompanying financial system, and your perceived need for ‘money’ as such, will be subsumed into a type of precursor of your new galactic society. The intention, dear blessed Ones, is to use physical abundance for a short time to heal the dark manipulations which twisted you into believing in want and limitation rather than adhering to your divine responsibilities. The mass influx into your lives of your individual mentors will change all that immediately! We are then to introduce you to the responsibilities that come with higher consciousness and assist you to understand their significance.

Your primary responsibility is to become effective overseers of your precious home world. Mother Earth is gleefully looking forward to your wonderful ministrations. New technologies are to heal the surface world and prepare her for her grand transition to a fully unified, fully conscious globe. You are to play a major role in these initial proceedings, after which it will be time for the culmination of your auspicious return to full consciousness via the use of your Light chambers. Then, once you are acclimatized to the joys and powers of full consciousness, you will be ready to work together with us. We have joyously anticipated this most special time as we are destined to create a most heavenly star-nation together. Heaven informs us that what we have been told about is then to manifest and our long sojourn on this planet takes on a new and gracious path. Hallelujah! Hallelujah!

Today, we brought you another message about transforming the old and bringing in the new. It is the magic time when the dark leaves your world and a bright, fully conscious one begins to manifest. It is when the wonders and exaltation of freedom and prosperity return! Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed Yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!

Planetary Activation Organization | Mailing Address: P. O. Box 4975, El Dorado Hills, CA 95762 USA
Voicemail: 530-327-9432 | E-mail: | Website address:


Here Comes the Handoff – Get Ready to Carry the Ball – via Kathryn May, May 19, 2013

Kathryn E. May

Kathryn May

There are very exciting things under way.  We know that some of you became disinterested in the process of Ascension when it didn’t happen as fast as you thought it would, but the energies continued to flow across the planet to all of you, you continue to be awakened to your own talents and abilities and to the need for you to serve your fellows as this work continues.

Many of you have listened to Zorra of Hollow Earth this week, and heard his pronouncements about what is coming for all of you.  It is true that the coming month is going to be a blockbuster, as you would call it.  May 25th will bring the lunar eclipse which will begin another flow of energy which will surpass the December 2012 energies which caused so many to have headaches and Ascensionitis, as we called it then.  This will be more powerful than that.  Those of you who are awake will feel the rising tide so strongly that you will feel you are being lifted off your feet.

Remember the feeling that some of you described as the sensation of dropping fast in an elevator, or the odd whirly feelings you get when you have jet lag?  You absorbed those energies already, and you will now take another step upward in the vibrations you can absorb.  You have acclimated well to the rising tide and are ready for the next shift.  Others who complained and suffered illnesses during the last round will probably feel difficulties this time as well, but you will be better able to explain to them and encourage them to meditate, concentrate on deep breathing, adjusting and opening their chakras, and relaxing into it in order to ride it out.

All of the month of June will offer you intense rising energies which are designed to lift all the people of planet Earth to the next level of 5th dimensional experience.  Little by little, you are accommodating to the new energies and the new life it requires.  All around you, more people are awakening, looking around them and realizing there is something wrong with the life they have lived, something wrong with the way your world is organized.  They are noticing the cruel practices and violent ways and questioning why it has to be this way.  More and more people are fervently envisioning peace, an end to the suffering and poverty caused by war, and an end to the stranglehold of powerbrokers who control the flow of money and use it to enslave whole countries.

The Citizens’ Hearings for Disclosure brought real results.  There was in attendance a representative from the U.N., who understood that the Disclosure process could not be left to any one person or country, but must be proposed to the entire General Assembly, as was suggested in the Hearings.  A plan was hatched:  the proposal will be to designate a day of meditation to invite the Galactics to come forward, to show themselves to us.  It was well understood in the meetings that there is nothing to fear – many countries have already acknowledged that – and that the problem has been the policy of secrecy and cover-up, especially in the U.S.

Now, all of you can have a powerful effect on the outcome of these continuing efforts.  Remember our request that you create another Harmonic Convergence?  Now is your chance.  It is very important that you begin by sending your group envisioning power to the members of the General Assembly of the U.N.

Here is what we propose:  Use the handy numbers 11:11 and 12:12 as your rallying times, so that at least twice a day all across the globe, people will be sending the strong suggestion to the representatives who will be asked to vote on this proposal that they enthusiastically support it and vote “Yes” to naming a Day of Meditation to Welcome the Galactics – soon!  Picture the gathering, the representatives smiling at one another, the lifting of hearts, and the positive sense of anticipation and joy at joining together to make such a thing possible.

Begin as soon as you read this message.  It will be your work – all of you who read this message, and there are many thousands of you – to join together to accomplish the first phase of this project.  Your previous meditation was effective; it spawned the hopeful idea in so many people that the Galactics are indeed friendly.  Now, take the next step.  Make it your purpose to join in placing the psychic “bomb” under the behinds, as you might say, of the U.N. members.  Blast them out of their seats, to clap and cheer for the proposal, and it will be done.

The following phase will be for all of you to pass the word to everyone you know to publicize the date of the Meditation Day and to keep the attention building.  So you see, you will have an ongoing job to meditate each day twice to create the monumental force which will carry the movement forward.  It may take some time – you know how large organizations move – but your persistence will create the sense of urgency to make it happen, at each step of the way.

You have gathered here to read these messages as a group, expanding your numbers with each passing week.  There are now enough of you – some 10,000 strong – to create a Harmonic Convergence of your own, if you put your minds and hearts to it.  Do not underestimate the power you possess as a living organism of Light, capable of changing the course of the world with the energy of your group mind in action.

This project will indeed test your patience and your resolve.  We ask that you begin now and that you continue to meditate twice a day for 5 or ten minutes with all the intensity you can muster, for as long as it takes.  Begin with the U.N. members, then later with spreading the word with your actions and continued meditations each day.  In this way you will keep the energy focused on the process with such intensity that it will be impossible for your intention to be ignored.

With the increased energies flowing across your dear planet, your intentions will be carried on the flow of Light and Love to every corner of the world, and others will begin to envision the celebration and joy of greeting their brothers and sisters and Twin Flames who will arrive on the ships.

Many of you have written to Kathryn or called in to the radio show to ask what your path is, what you can do to be of service.  You were unsure of how to proceed, but sensed that you have an important mission here at this time.  Well, here it is.  Do your part to change the world.  Do not underestimate for a moment the power you have as an individual to change the world by the force of your intention.  And do not underestimate the power of all of you together!

What a wonderful thing it is, to have this internet which can act as a lightning rod to send the message of peace and Light to every corner of the world!  We did not have this simple means of communicating in 1987, and yet it was possible for the people involved in the Harmonic Convergence to create such an energy flow on their own that they were able to create a wave which was recorded by the scientific instruments at the time, and it is still felt to this day.  This time you will have more help and more convenient tools to make it happen.

This request is a test of your Faith.  Are you serious about making your contribution to this historic Shift, or will you wait to see if it works before you are willing to believe in the power of Intention?  Will you work with the Universal Law as we have explained it to you, or will you sit back and watch to see what others accomplish before you will make the effort to put your shoulder to the wheel?

Some will scoff and say, “I’ll believe it when I see the ships land.”  Well, of course any fool will believe it when the ships land, no matter how blind they may have been previously.

So, Dear Ones, here is your chance to make your stand, between you and yourself, between you and your God.  Will you cast you fate with Us, and put your energies where they matter?  Will you create the peace and prosperity you have been demanding of Us?  Reach deeply into your hearts; join mind and heart to create a force of Love and Light such as has never been felt before on the planet.

We will be sending the energies to help carry your Intentions to fruition.  We are creating the conditions to make the Dream of Dreams possible.  All the Masters and Guides are working overtime to help create the conditions on the ground which will allow you to ride the rising tide to victory.

With your help we have assembled the most powerful team in the history of the planet.
Now we need for you to carry the ball to the goal line.

You are our great hope.  We love you more than words can ever describe.

Mother/Father God.

Via Kathryn May,

Kathryn E. May, PsyD
60 Lower 27 Knolls Road
High Falls, New York, NY 12440
(914) 466-4250