Living in the NOW: What can we learn from a loving kind person..?

Living in the NOW: What can we learn from a loving kind person..?

‘An intelligent person will open your mind,
a beautiful person will open your eyes
and a loving kind person will open your heart…’


The Divine Mind ~ In Union with the Heart… by The Queen of Light, the Pleiadian Delegate, April 15, 2015

The Divine Mind ~ In Union with the Heart… by The Queen of Light, the Pleiadian Delegate, April 15, 2015


The Clarity and Purity of the Divine Mind is the unparalleled Genius of All That is.

The Divine Mind ~ is in Union with the Divine Heart and Soul. They function as One in complete Harmony.

The Lower Mind ~ The Ego personality ~ revels in denial of truth and exists through Fear through the lower self Identity that experiences itself as separated from Divine Consciousness.

The Divine Mind is the Awakened Conscious Observer of All ~ The All Seeing Eye ~ The Eye of Ra ~The Overseer of All of Creation.

The Divine Mind is Pure Imagination ~ Pure Divine Vividness ~ Pure Creator God Creativity in All Moments.

Being the Observer and Living as the Divine Mind ~ in All Moments ~ is the Pure Freedom of Divinity ~ In Union with the Heart ~ Living ~Heaven on Earth.

Move out of the Lower Mind ~ Ego Personality ~ (and all of its myriad reactive responses through your karmic memory) which denies the truth of the Divine Mind ~ which IS ALWAYS Observing ~ and is always in Harmony with your Heart and Soul. With All That is.

Move deeply into the conscious awareness of the Divine Mind and Heart ~ in All moments.


I Am Forever Yours, My Beloved!

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Ashtar Speaks: “Communication in the New Age” – through Philipp, July 24, 2013


You know that you are about to enter an exciting and energetic time. The Lion Gate is just around the corner and brings a burst of energy which has never been experienced before on your dear planet. You will all greatly benefit from this explosion of energies.
We would love to see that you use this time to get in contact with us. Use this sacred time to connect actively with our energy. Instead of reading channellings as your preferred way of contact, try to use the direct link and tune in our energies.
This time of the Lion Gate assists and helps you to achieve the desired connection. And if you allow us to give you a hint on how to connect with us and All That Is, we are happy to do so.
Of course you are connected with All That Is every second of your Earthly life. Although you have very successfully built up an illusion which suggests that you are separated, you know in your heart that this is nothing but an illusion. In truth, you are a spark of the Source and separation is simply not possible – you cannot sever the connection between you and All That Is.
Consequently, by asking you to contact us, we do not mean that you shall re-establish the connection with us because you never lost your connection. We simply mean that you shall enhance your conscious alliance with us, and I am here today to help you achieve this if you allow me to do so.
There are plenty of ways in which you can improve your contact with us. The following technique is just an example. Use this as your starting point and find your own individual way – let your heart guide you and you will not be disappointed.
  • Find a quiet moment and relax.
  • Stand with your feet firmly on the ground.
  • Take some deep breaths.
  • Imagine a ball of Light emanating from your heart and surrounding you. This is your own protection.
  • Enhance this protection by asking your Guides, the Ascended Masters, Angels or Archangels to protect you and set your intention firmly in connecting only with Beings of Light.
  • Imagine a ball of Light above your crown chakra and pull this ball of Light into your heart. This ball of Light represents the Light of All That Is.
  • Let the ball run through your body down into the heart of Gaia.
  • Imagine how the heart of Gaia expands due to your Light and pull this Light up through your body into your crown chakra.
  • Activate your crown chakra with this Light: Visualize your crown chakra as a plain plate which starts to spin. Imagine how the spinning plate enhances the bright Light that you pulled up from Gaia’s heart in your crown chakra, and pull this bright Light into your heart.
  • Now call a certain contact who you would like to speak to, or simply ask us to come forward to have a chat with you.
You can use this technique for all kinds of communication and please be assured that all Light Beings are eager to answer your call.
Why not ask Gaia how she is doing? Or just send a hello to your Star family? Why not get in contact with your brothers and sisters from Agartha, or with the realm of the Elves?
The possibilities are endless – and feel free to just play like a child. Have fun by exploring your new way of communication, but don’t set your expectations too high – you will need some practice. And by this we mean that you have to practice to trust yourself.
Each and every one of you can establish contact with us and All That Is in this manner – you just have to try and to accept the result. Maybe we will ask some of you to spread our words but this is not the primary target of this exercise. What this is all about is that you will have fun by consciously connecting with your family.
We will answer each and every call individually and in the way that is best for each of you – just trust the procedure. If you only knew how much we are looking forward to your contact calls!
Finally, don’t forget that our contact goes primarily through your heart and not by spotting our spacecrafts in your skies.
I am Ashtar who provides you with this message because we are eager to strengthen our connection with our deeply-loved family on the surface of Gaia. We are curious to see how many of you will follow our call.
Soon we will be reunited, but until then we would love to have a wider and more direct communication with each of you.
With so very much love
Channeller: Philipp

Translated from German – English: Petra ST

Available in 21 languages

GaiaPortal: “Steeled” resolution from the Higher Heart is called upon at this time, by ÉirePort, July 24, 2013


“Steeled” resolution from the Higher Heart is called upon at this time. The Steeled” resolution means a strong resolve to purpose intention to needs of Gaia.

All prior conflicting messages and conflicting intentions are resolved as each “steels” within, from Higher Heart Center.

Gaia calls each in their own way, for their own particular strengths, for Light service at this moment.

And thanks all who heed the call.



The Quantum Awakening Newsletter July 2013 issue 173




The Mayan New Year begins July 26, 2013  YELLOW GALACTIC SEED

SIRIUS RISING 2013: From Star Heart to Earth Heart



You Can Be Nothing Less, But You Can Always Be More



Thule of Atlantis Crystals



7th Annual GATHERING OF SHE 2013  ‘The Timeless She’







The month of July offers us an opportunity to see with the eyes of a honeybee, at a 1000 different angles and patterns, we are asked to look below the sea of emotions into the underlying reefs. Fragile AND in need of our attention. We try so hard to block what hurts, we buffer it anyway we can. Eventually all comes full circle in a 24 hr day and one comes face to face with that which you ran away from. The she crab carries her shell hither and fro, shielding herself.

As the clock strikes midnight on 7/7/ 2013 we come to a holy intersection of time and ancient sacred days. A great stellar pulse comes forth from our daystar straight into the heart of all matter. This month begins the first pulse of power as we slowly move step, by step forward. Sidestepping as many issues as possible. Stuffing the emotions with the sweetness, you are not finding in life.

On July 25th we will enter the day out of time portal, a place were all and nothing exists simultaneously, side by side. A place that would tie the ‘string theory in knots’ if they ever met. The Mayan ‘day out of time’ is the last day of the galactic year in the Mayan calendar. (13 moons of 28 days = 364 days) the extra day, the 365th day, is July 25, called the day out of time.  In ancient times on July 25th, Sirius (the Dog Star) rose before the sun. This day is observed as a day free of time. This ‘free day’ re-aligns the 13 Moon calendar and solar year. It is aligned with the feminine aspect of nature a day of reverence and respect for all life, dedicated to no time.  Each and everyday we need to allow a few moments to ‘step out of time’ realign our energies. To swim deep into the void for that eternal minute and realign with your heart and souls desire. To see the multi-verse with all your failed and forgotten dreams come to life, built in Technicolor and surround sound. Everything you had given up on and tossed to the wind landed in the sacred place known as ‘the day out of time’.

This years day out of time is called BLUE RESONANT NIGHT. Blue night is the dark mystery within, the journey into self; Blue Night’s abyss holds the potent evolutionary playing field of all possibility. Here, as in the aboriginal dreamtime, there are no distinctions between then and now, real or imagined, dream or dreamer. In this expanded field, all things are not only possible but are constantly in the process of creation

Dreamtime holds powerful opportunities. It is a field where potential, past, and future are held in the same matrix as the present moment. If such a construct is foreign to you, stretch your mind and entertain the possibility that you could help to dream a different reality into being. Enter into the mystery where reality is actually created. Through trust, you journey to the place of ‘no time’ and limitless light. There you will undergo the transformations to embody solar heart and mind. Standing in simple self-acceptance, craft a light body from the column of light in your spine. Open your lotus to the world. You are the gift. Accept yourself unconditionally. Freed from the need for outside confirmation, stand open to your full mystical power.


The Mayan New Year begins July 26, 2013  YELLOW GALACTIC SEED

You are a starseed! You contain a holographic ‘seed packet’ of your evolution into the Mind of Light and the energy that directs you toward wholeness. This resonance offers an expanded view of the larger self and new ways of perceiving reality. Through self-acceptance, you are gifted with this journey. like a cosmic milkweed explosion of resonant is the launching pad from which you can hear the rumble of the rocket of your accelerated evolution.

Yellow Seed is the ordered pattern of growth. You and your life are the fertile soil, and the mystery blooms within you through the power of your intention or seed thoughts. Just as a seed contains the hologram of its completion, the process of manifestation follows a natural order. In this gestation process, your intention is quickened by Spirit. The charged seed, your true desire or vision, becomes the focus for germination. Cosmic consciousness is not just ‘out there’; it is also resonating within you. Be sacredly rooted where you are. You are made of the Earth! Look through the ‘eyes’ in your feet. Your body is the present focus of your consciousness – through it all gifts are received. Remember, too, that your environment is alive and reacts to your awareness of it; therefore, the way you perceive the Earth and your physical form affects the information you receive.

The greatest gift you can offer to the planet is to simply to be the love. Believe in yourself and your dreams and visions! Remember your special gifts, your path of service on Earth, your promise to serve the light. Everything you are connects to the greater whole. You are starseed!. Believe in your dreams. You are the hope

These excerpts were taken from the book, “The Mayan Oracle – Return Path to the Stars” by Ariel Spilsbury & Michael Bryner 



From Star Heart to Earth Heart

On the morn of July 22, in the tradition of the ancients (or there about for different parts of the world go to to calculate for your part of the world– For Dandridge TN, Sirius rises before sun on July 29 thru August 3,  2013 ) an ancient alignment takes place. The star Sirius rises before our sun, it is a helical rising issuing a declaration that the ‘ATLANTEAN, EGYPTIAN, and SIRIAN NEW YEAR’ has begun.


The heliacal rising of a star occurs when it first becomes visible above the eastern horizon, for a single moment just before sunrise.  Each day after the heliacal rising, the star will rise slightly earlier and remain visible for longer before the light from the rising sun makes it disappear. The same star will reappear in the eastern sky at dawn approximately one year after its previous heliacal rising. Because the heliacal rising depends on the observation of the object, its exact timing can be dependent on weather conditions.

Sirius rising in 2013 is a doorway of unparalleled opportunity to swim forward on the stellar surge of light  that precedes the daylight.  Sirius has been honored since ancient times. In Atlantis, the mysteries were created on information received from the Sirian Star Masters. After the third fall of Atlantis, the Sirian mysteries spread into ancient Egypt. As early as 3000 BC the Egyptians started celebrating the helical rising of the star Sirius declaring this the New Year as the Nile flooded its banks in the time of the great lion, in the month of Leo.

Sirius is the home of Cosmic Christ for this entire Galaxy. It has ‘always’ been a spiritual prototype for Earth.  As the rays from Sirius arc onto earth via the sun, we have another opportunity to activate the Cosmic Christ seed within. The little solar jewels that are dormant DNA encodings, wait for stellar emanations to open sealed cellular files. When Sirius rises in your part of the world go out before dawn and look to the east. Whether cloudy or dark seen or unseen, the star Sirius will rise to meet you energetically. It is in the quiet times in-between words and thoughts that you will find the key that unlocks what has been unseen until now. Go outside, face east, and allow the pre-dawn energies to enter you. Ask to be released of all that no longer serves you and be filled in completion with that which serves your highest soul path and spiritual evolution.

Visualize the emanations and radiance of Sirius coming forth into your earth Heart from your star heart. Sirius gives you the gift of the ‘cycles of Time’, reconnecting all sacred spaces through time and space, on and off planet. The tone of creation sounds in every cell of your body on earth and cycles through all 144 levels of your light. Announcing to long lost parts of earth to arise from a deep  sleep into full alertness. Without the help of humans, the light from deep space, far off galaxies and event horizons would just continue to travel endlessly without ever stopping. Light needs you as much as you need light; it is a symbiotic relationship, sacredly arranged.




As received by Gillian MacBeth-Louthan

You sit at an intersection of who you once were and who you shall become.  You read the roadmap of your past actions and reactions and expect to find the future in those directions.  You see where you have fallen and none have picked you up.  You wait for the world to exhale so that you can breathe in what was once good, and purposeful. The carbon monoxide of other’s fears waif through the air.


You try to escape what is too human, what has become undone, what has become frayed.  From the time of July 7, until the time of August 8, you will enter a corridor of time where circumstances that were once hidden are exposed.  They ask to get down and smell the trail of your life.


Do you truly believe that you inherently house the Cosmic Christ DNA that will escort you into the many mansions of the father Universes? Do you think you house the ability to move beyond time, space, and recreate in a dialog with a life that brings you peace instead of upheaval?


The last several years of time have asked you to look at your vulnerabilities your humanness, your desires to stay or to leave the earth.  In the last few years you have questioned God/ the Universe/love and life.


You have faltered in the storms, you have faltered in your choices and you have faltered in the hastening that asks you not to believe what your eyes see but to focus only on what lives in your heart.  Time lapses upon itself.  All that you have learned comes to a place of reforming.


Everything in your life that you see as a blockage can only be dissolved through the amplification of love. All darkness came from the light all darkness returns to the light, send love and light into whatever darkness seems to block your own light and divine mission. Many are being influenced by energies that wish to keep them in a lesser state, afraid and cowering in their lives.  You can either be a victim or live in victory.  Every one of you are grand masters of light, living light vortices and you have forgotten because the smallness of everyday life has piled itself up and you cannot see beyond it.


It is time for you to reaffirm your vows with the light, and your promise to hold the light thru all changes and challenges on earth.  You cannot ask piece of another country until you find your own peace within.  So many of you have given up on your freedom, on your heart’s desires, on what brings you joy. We ask you to believe not just for yourself, not just for your planet and your people but for all that exists throughout time and space that depends on the outcome of earth’s ascension or dissension.


In the fullness of light we stand in front of all shadows, all doubts, and all fears. In the fullness of time we appear to be seen by heart and inner eye.   In the fullness of heart we enter gently as your family of stellar light. We are the Pleiadian Council of 23.  We work within the sacred geometry of humanity’s outpost.  We represent the schematics of what is human of nature with five appendages all extending in the many directions in the search for self.



You Can Be Nothing Less, But You Can Always Be More


As received By Gillian MacBeth-Louthan

As we move thru this year, the weight of our do’s and don’ts seem to get heavier, denser and more solid than anytime in the past.  They gather around and cement themselves at our feet, creating an immovable sinking feeling. Our intentions chomp at the bit, our soul gives us the green light, but our human little self-stands tall and still.  We sink deeper and deeper into despair and dis-repair, as we beat ourselves with the proverbial wet noodle.  We spend vast amounts of energy disagreeing with ourselves.   Trying to tame what seems to be the wild beast of indecision, the monster that holds us back, always blocking our way into happiness, into love, and into abundance.  With the amount of energy that we spend on arguing with ourselves, we could build malls, erect towers, sculpt obelisks, and maybe even a great pyramid or two.


we stand still, as we sink deeper in the quicksand, into the quagmire of non-action.  We continually sabotage our dreams our desires, our future, in an effort to save the rainforests of the old self.  We hold tight to that which once served us.  Numbing our ability to move into the new, the shinier, and the bright future of our dreams.  Why are we afraid to move forward?  Why are we afraid to take action, to act on?


Everyone on earth is feeling the transformation.  We all know that there is no staying in the comfort zone, the null and void zone.  We know it is time to get up off the benches of the old self of the past and move into the playing field of the new, the now.  Yet when it comes our turn to bat, we freeze.  Frozen still in all of the possibilities, the new doorways the wonders of our future.  Embracing our ‘Popsicle consciousness’.  Like Frosty the snowman, waiting fearfully for spring, knowing the change is inevitable.  Frosty could move into a pattern that assisted this change, but chooses not to.


Humanity is destined and designed to change and for change.  Like water, we each have the potential to experience many forms.  We have our liquid days, our solid days, our vaporous days, and our evaporated days.  We can be as an iceberg, a stream, a cloud, a raindrop, mist, or an ocean.  We are 90% water.  We ebb and flow with every new thought, every sunrise, and every storm, every eclipse.  Yet year after year, we yearn to stay still, stay stuck, stay constant and in our comfort zone.  The only true constant that we really have is the fact that we will always shift and change!


Understand that the restlessness and yearning within you are promptings from the Universe, Gentle reminders it is time to let go, Nothing can grow in your resistance.  You are not moving into a future that is less than; change always walks hand and hand with the energy of ‘more.’ You can be nothing less, but you can always) be more


as received by Gillian MacBeth-Louthan

You are a multi-dimensional universe within your cell structure, your biology, as well as your emotional and mental being.  This year has escorted you into doorways of thoughts beyond your earthly perception of time, space, light and sound. This year shows you the worlds within worlds in which you reside simultaneously.  For your true spirit is not limited and linear, your soul belongs to all worlds, to all universes, and to all particles of light.  You are not just a universe – you are a multi-verse.

The light is your brethren and the asteroids your distant cousins.  Everything in your existence was cooked in the same cosmic crock-pot.  You came from the same cosmic soup with the same celestial lineage.  Every Being that exists between time, within time, around time, is a part of the expressions of the Universe and the Multi- Verse.

Each and every day as you begin your day, do not separate yourself from your experience, but pour yourself into your life.  The separateness that you have long denoted as truth is no longer as such.  For your world has passed the parallelisms of itself and it now creates a new sentence, a new understanding, and a new diagramming of the explanation of whom it knows itself to be.  By keeping separate in your thinking, in your workday, in your relationships, in your hopes and dreams, in your fears, and tears – you create a ripple effect of separateness.

Source has stretched itself to the very edge of its ability to procreate from this angle of life.  Imagine stretching a rubber band as far as it can stretch without breaking it That is where earth sits at this time in her life experience. She has stretched as far as she is able and now begins to contract in an effort to alleviate her growing pains and enter a higher level of light. The essence of expansion has been seen as grandiose and wondrous but in truth has placed many stretch marks upon the body of humanity and earth herself.

It is time to stop pulling and chomping at the bit of your life.  Burdening yourself with the relentless pursuit of “more”.  More money, more time, more material! The creator and the co-creators (everyone on earth) have stretched themselves to the zenith of material pursuits. Now all of life contracts in order to expand and heal itself.

This new dimension has expanded as much as it can. As it contracts, you find yourself in spheres of light. it is a doorway into instantaneous manifestation. In this dimension, you will move closer to your original pure form.  You will grow in strength, in character, in knowing, and remembrance.  As you contract fully to an expanded, yet singular thought– you will then be escorted into the next level of light.

Yes, dear ones, it feels as though you are contracting, it feels as if you are moving backward through time itself, like Dorothy’s house in the Wizard Of Oz.  Your bodies feel heavier as you move into your center, into your fulcrum, even though everything around you is formless. From that point of purity, you will expand.  The balloon of life cannot be blown up anymore then it is without popping at the seems/ seams.  As you contract, you will let go of weight and waiting, (time waits for no one) you will let go of the need for stuff, and you will let go of needless fears.  In the contraction, thoughts are fine-lined, expectations are thicker, knowledge is deeper, and remembrance is clearer.

Imagine a Universe that is so vast that you cannot comprehend the edge of it.  No form, no end. Now think about a Universe where the edge is coming closer and closer to you.  Everything eventually comes back to its original form.

This summer people will truly see one another for who they are.  No hiding from the truth. Imagine if every mirror in your world reflected the real luminance beautiful you. That, my children of Light, is about to happen. The reflections of your light in the mirrors and windows of your world will show the true-light of your being.  You will see the cellular structure of your being change from day to day.  Your skin, your hair, your expectations are continually being transformed and fine-lined.   There is a time lapse a pause, between thought and when the message reaches the body.  The body runs on programs from the past – it holds the instructions that you gave it years ago.  The time- space sequence in-between thought and receiving is shortening.  Your body will listen to the instructions of the higher mind as you come into more awareness of this contractual agreement that you have..  Your body will not be picture perfect, but it will be what suits you’re thinking, what suits your needs.  You will be pleased with what you have sculpted.  For sculpting best describes what happens as intentions of the mind are manifested with clarity and are received by the body with no lagging time in-between.   You will become purified and fine-lined like a beautiful ice-sculpture at a celebration, defining and re-defining your lines of light.

We are The Council One. Everything shifts for you as you ‘contract into expansion’. It is not something you do.  It is something you are.  It is not something that happens to you – it is something you are.  It is your birthright.  It is your destiny. At this time, we will leave you with these patterns of thinking and understanding.  Each of you has taken giant steps into evolutionary understandings.  Focus only on love and grace and peace and joy.  And then it shall be yours.  We leave you with your light more beautiful then when we entered.



The Ancient One showed her the ancient city of Thule as it once existed in another time and place.


These bold and beautiful vibrationally pure Brazilian crystals are Atlantean of nature. Atlantis is so much a part of who we are and who we will become, as a people and a world. They come as a calling card to remind us of times that have past and times to come. They house within them instructs that are aligned with promises we all made in the days and time of Atlantis, the star, and the earthen continent. Within the memory of Atlantis lives many layers of emotion coated with love and fear.


These crystals come to help us understand and remember what it is we have promised to do at this time and place in order to heal the Heart of Atlantis and allow her to finally fulfill her destiny. The ancient Egyptians were many of the Atlanteans that moved from the continent to other holy lands, Thoth the Atlantean is the one that built the Great Pyramid for all to remember the majesty and beauty of Atlantis and her timeless secrets. The entire world is filled with Atlantean relics and technologies,  from the crystal skulls to modern day computers.


When you get your crystal you will feel a sense of remembering and a peace that you have not had in a very long time. Like an old friend that has shown up on your doorstep unannounced a peace of home will enter your heart. A great healing will begin to occur as you and your crystalline friend will have many a conversations and dream sessions. You will find that your clouded psychic abilities begin to clear and you are more tuned in than you have been in a long time. With so much energetic static we have all bowed out gracefully from


In classical literature, Thule is a distant place, usually an island. Ancient European descriptions and maps locate it either in the far north maybe Iceland, maybe the Orkney  or Shetland Islands.  Thule in medieval denotes any distant place located beyond the “borders of the known world. “The Scottish Gaelic “Innis Tile”, means literally the “Isle of Thule. This presence of Thule of Atlantis is aligned with the star Betelgeuse in the constellation Orion, which embodies the theme of a kingly male warrior, authoritative and strong in heart and action. Betelgeuse stirs us to energetically respond to what is occurring in the present. Betelgeuse challenges existing systems, stimulateing the flow of evolution, Forcing you to know yourself no matter what the cost.

I am Thule of Atlantis, traveler of time-lines and time-loops, explorer of all possibility and warrior of light in its highest form. I journey to this place and time to give a strong reminder of the Atlantean blood connection and DNA. Your stellar connection marks its anniversary, as all are escorted into a different place of being. Inescapable truths ooze thru the cracks of the soul and issue a declaration of independence. Being one who stands for what is right and light, I and the vibrations of the 3 stars in Orion’s belt download my energies in these crystalline beings that seek new longitudes and latitudes to weave and display there forgotten truths. Barnacles have grown on your heart, as you have been afraid to enter the time of remembering a disastrous and devastating period in earth history. Atlantis, the good and the bad cannot be erased or ignored. It is engrained and eloped around your soul structure and original DNA.  How deep you love comes from the place of Atlantis, her rise and fall. In the time of Atlantis the earth shook and raged as I went to the sacred islands of the Orkneys, the isle of Thule it was once called. There I stayed in ceremony holding the vibration of the master stones the standing stones pointing me to the stars with their truths.  All the days and the nights that the earth shook I protected myself within a barrier of light as the seas raged about me. The waters lost their minds in a global confusion. The earth tossed and turned and our collective hearts stopped at the unimaginable loss and deep pain of what was left.  Safe I was, on the Isle of Thule, as it was not my duty to perish, nor would the world be destroyed. I was to hold the Gate of Time that linked the gate of man, keeping it open for future generations to come. These crystalline beings hold within them raw Atlantean truths that seek to be remembered in a holy way. Timeless teachings that will hold the ceiling of light up during the onslaught of change. So many seek Mu/Lemurian and other times of history ignoring their Atlantean lifetimes like a dirty little secret, a past mistake soon forgotten. Atlantis was you backbone your mother matrix, all else is built upon it. All that incarnate now, were alive during the time of Atlantis and the great flood. Within you lives an encoding of the time and place of Atlantis the star and Atlantis the continent. These truths are as children that were never birthed, yet were so needed. Each of them brings to the surface a love that has not breathed in eons of time.

These energies signify and represent a circuit of light that makes its way home to a place within an earthen heart that has hurt for too long. It is only thru this deep unbending love will the earth survive, as she sheds her skins of old. Use the spirit within these crystalline beauties to wield as a sword. Like a great knight of old, move forth-thru overwhelming odds and sandstorms of fear, but never give up what is in your heart.

I Thule of Atlantis leave you with these truths, be brave enough to embrace them.  These crystals are Atlantean by nature. They are strong beautiful and powerful. They have waited a long time to come to the surface. Touch them, often to activate their truths.

You are part of a divine instruction that is larger than life and the price of living. Events come to lessen your value and worth to keep you distracted and your life force lowered. You are vast beings that have waited your entire existence for this playing field of life. There is no lack in the universe it is overflowing with all possibilities. The universe does not know how to spell limitation. These crystals come as instructors of time to assist in holding a higher clearer vision for the future.





These crystals are authentic natural Golden Healers from Brazil. These Golden Healers house a powerful golden encoding, embracing the sacred geometries of the Golden Christ Ray. Gold strengthens all fields of the body & spirit and helps awaken latent healing abilities. Golden Light holds within it the power of the sun. Golden energy is a “Master Healer”, it’s a natural energy generator and remover of blockages.  It has the power to strengthen, amplify, and conduct.


Golden energy represents the alchemy of consciousness. Golden Healer crystals are master healers, accessing the gold ray, the highest vibration of light the human body can receive and sustain. Thus raising the body’s frequency, to dissolve and release blockages. Connecting with the inherent golden sun within of original light. sending that healing ray into every cell of the body replenishing it on a cellular level, restoring the body’s natural peaceful rhythm .


Golden energy symbolizes the purity of spirit and the power of cell regeneration.  It spurs the regeneration of neurotransmitters in the brain and creates a balance between creative and logical thinking. Golden energy has the power to ease tension, feelings of inferiority, irritability, and anger.  It also helps the nerves to improve the flow of information through the body. It is the strongest color to help cure illness, it Illuminates the heart, and gives one courage.


Golden healers are true “ascension stones”, and raise the vibrational frequency of the whole energy field.   Golden healers put the healer within one in touch with the guidance they need.  Golden healers are key crystals that access very high Cosmic Christ awareness allowing healing is a multidimensional level.   Each point of healing has an opposite point, in a mirror world / string theory./ that heals as well. When a healing occurs in the past or future, your light is shifted into a higher place and will continue healing from that point forward into all places of time. Healing is about owning your fear and then dissolving it in the light of a higher truth that fits all dimensional learning’s. Like a young mother with twins, all daily decisions affect every level of ones lives.


These striking crystals come to show you how to become the Golden Healer yourself, through all time and space. They offer the guidance to complete a cycle of returns and create a new orbital pattern allowing one to bypass the chaos created by fears. These golden healers rush towards us and embrace us like a long lost friend you once knew in a faraway time. They are touchstones filled with magic. Embracing the Golden Healer within will give you an opportunity to believe in the invisible, to dance with miracles everyday, and stand your ground in an ever-changing universe. Gold is the strongest color to help cure all illness. It strengthens all fields of the body and spirit, Illuminates the heart, and gives one courage. Golden energy helps increase financial blessings, prosperity, wisdom, and illuminates the highest path.


The universe has provided us with some very extraordinary crystals to help with the opening of the earth heart/ human heart in a gentle yet very powerful and loving way.  Remember dear ones when you came to Earth to experience all of her bounty you borrowed a piece of her body to wear as your guise. The vibration of what is deeply golden in character asks to be embraced. It is time to cleanse the body of toxins and regenerate at a higher level. We of the family of light, hold a great light that we have collected for some time… now it is time to reveal that light via every cell of the body.  To become sun-like and radiant. These Golden Healer crystals  come to help us do just that. Sit with these golden beauties allow them to do their job, without pushing or prodding or trying to make them obey. Listen to their soothing teachings allow them to blend with you, healing you with liquid love.


To be added to the Quantum Awakening Crystal List or Quantum Enewsletter

go to and sign up


The Seventh Annual


‘The Timeless She’

2 Days of Healing the Goddess thru Time & Space

OCTOBER 19-20, 2013



Event Held at

‘The Bluff View Conference Center

Hidden Mountain Resort, Sevierville TN


$166 PRE-PAY before October 1, 2013

$188 after and day of event

The Gathering of She is a Spiritual Retreat for Goddesses,

no cooking no cleaning, no worry,

just a time of receiving for the Divine SHE within!  


Cost includes all Speakers workshops BOTH DAYS

Continental breakfast, Lunch, Desserts & Beverages both days

(dinner on your own but doubt if you will be hungry)

Goddess Party Saturday night 7:00- 9:00 pm

Everyone welcome. Come Dance, have fun, laugh, & partake of Cosmic Cocktails. Theme will be ‘girls just want to have fun’.  Dress accordingly




Accommodations at Hidden Mountain. Resort are a Separate Cost.

Nice affordable Cabins near Conference Center, or lots of motels

(book early the leaves will be in full autumn colors lots of tourists)

Bring a friend and share Cost and the Smokey Mountain Healing energy.


Call to book Cabin at


Ask about group discount

865-365-0503 or go to


Gillian MacBeth-Louthan is your Hostess of Light and Creator of the SHE Event. She a Channel of Light, a Seer & Visionary, born with the gift of Knowing.  Gillian writes and publishes ‘The Quantum Awakening ENewsletter’ She is keeper of the Star Languages and a Crystal Whisperer.

Mignon Manin Erixon is a Powerful, fun loving South American Shaman. She travels from Washington DC where she works at the Smithsonian Institute. Come Journey thru the Cosmos with Shaman Manin. Galactic Ambassador.  Manin will introduce the Council members’ energies to all participants. Prepare to receive a major DNA upgrade, spread light throughout Mother Earth’s ley lines

BARBARA TREECE is Keeper of the Sacred Peruvian Whistling Vessels. For 100’s of years, they have been silent, and now they are reawakening. Every year these get more powerful. Come add your divine breath. You will never forget the vessels once you have experienced them.

LAUREN LANE POWELL is a powerful harmonic healer. The Voice is the Breathe of God and has a great healing ability. This year she brings us the healing tones and codes of the Goddess & the sound of the Great Smokey Mountains.   

PAGE BRYANT has been an intuitive counselor, teacher of Ancient Wisdom, radio & TV personality, author lecturer for the past 40 yrs.  She has written 12 books STAR MAGIC, STAR-WALKING, SECOND COMING OF THE STAR GODS.

Space is Limited

To reserve your seat at this years SHE Event


Please send payment via


Send check to n

Gillian MacBeth-Louthan

PO box 217

Dandridge TN







Ad’s are inexpensive ($30 PER MONTH) for newsletter and web page a great way to reach 1000’s upon 1000’s of Real Light*Workers and support the Quantum Website




I sherpa very well!

I’ve decided to take the year off and travel.

I am Charlaine:

Brilliant off the charts; Psychic as all get out;

I typically talk with Spirit, Angels, Aliens and Multi-dimensional beings.

Capable beyond belief in all situations; with passport in hand ready to travel.


OR Available to keep your precious pets and home while YOU travel

(ask Gillian’s horses/ dogs/cats/fish/rooster/ I am the gatekeeper while she goes to Tucson AZ to buy crystals))

My big advantage? I’ve got the time. Plus, it will be FUN for all of us!

Laughter, with me, is guaranteed. June, July and August is Wide OPEN with no trips planned until Labor Day.

Contact Charlaine Jones



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May love & light…always be your guide



Support Where You Receive Your Spiritual Truths

Gillian MacBeth-Louthan
PO Box 217
Dandridge, Tennessee



Matthew’s Message from July 4, 2013


US “independence”; God: politics, three levels of participation, assessing candidates; multiple effects of prevailing vibrations; memory loss; dietary benefits; balance

With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. From our vantage point, Earth looks like a sea of strobe lights as people are responding to the prevailing vibrations. You are feeling what is going on much more than seeing developments.


We will get back to that, but first we want to give you an important glimpse of history that relates to the United States’ celebration of its independence from England with traditional Fourth of July parades, patriotic speeches and fireworks.


The highest universal council meant for the colonies that fought for independence from British rule to be a showcase of souls’ sovereignty. Once united, this nation was to have shown the rest of the world that when people are free to exercise God-given rights, they live peacefully, cooperatively, creatively and prosperously.


Successive waves of early settlers followed their urge to “be free” and the founders of the United States acted upon their divinely inspired mission to form a nation that guaranteed civil liberties, however limited those were in the beginning since many in the population were excluded. The darkness that was heavily entrenched on the planet enabled slavery to flourish and denied women the right to vote.


Those exclusions mattered not a whit to the Illuminati whose power, in part, was seated in England’s royal family. They were not about to forfeit control of the “free” populace or the land’s vast wealth of natural resources, and they swiftly extended their European empire across the Atlantic. Through the top figures in industries, banks and government—and later sneaking into law the Federal Reserve System that in no way is a federal institution—the Illuminati regained control of the United States.


During the centuries since they extinguished the beacon that nation was intended to be for your world, they kept spreading their network of corruption and deception until it was global. Now that the network is losing the remaining remnants of its former power, step by step you are consciously claiming the sovereignty that always has been yours as the god and goddess selves you are.


Now then, whenever our messages include politically-related information, readers email their objections. This is one of the more gracious comments: “If the messages are to prepare us spiritually for ascension, as Matthew has said, he should stick to that and stop trying to influence our political opinions.”


Rather than explain again why we speak about political issues and their importance in the context of ascension—Earth’s and your society’s—I have asked my mother to copy what God said about this.


[The following, an excerpt from the chapter “Be Informed and Act” in Voices of the Universe, was transmitted October 4, 2003.]


The politics that controls all countries, all peoples, all economies and resources of your planet homeland has been instrumental in bringing your world to the devastated state it’s in.


      In no country on Earth are people free. For millennia the dark souls of civilizations beyond your planet have been influencing their willing Earth brothers and sisters in leadership positions to deceive and intimidate the rest of the people. Regardless of who holds national leadership roles, they rule by the dictates of those forces that are unknown to the people and perhaps even to the rulers.


      The influence of those dark alien puppeteers has resulted in all declarations of war and all decisions regarding economies and resources of the world. Their secondary aim is increasing the control and wealth of Earth’s leaders, whose greed for power makes them eager puppets, thus today you have a world with unprecedented concentration of vast riches, impoverished nations, willful environmental destruction and corruption oozing out of corporate connections with governments.


      The ultimate aim of the puppeteers is annihilation of your planet. That will NOT happen, but beneficial changes for all require a change in the character of your world’s leaders. Voices must be raised with demands for leaders of spiritual integrity—that kind of character is exemplified, not merely proclaimed.  I don’t mean that no leaders ever have been strong in virtues or that no voices ever have been raised to protest injustice and inequities—indeed there have been those individuals. Many of those brave souls suffered or died for that, and much of their good works has been undone by succeeding generations who blindly followed self-serving leaders. 

      Now, the collective will of the people is rising to expose and oppose this situation. As lies are exposed, more lies are being told, and those will be exposed too. Tyrannical regimes must and shall change. Although plans are afoot for this peaceful revolution through a joint effort between your civilization and many of your space family, that does not absolve any of you who desire a finer, brighter world from the responsibility of helping to create it. You all chose to be where you are at this time precisely so you could do exactly that!  Actually, some of you embodied in other lifetimes as great leaders on Earth and well beyond, and you are back now to take on similar inspirational and constructive roles.

      It is on three levels that you must act so that honorable governing bodies will be achieved. The first level is spiritual, and I’ll tell you what spiritual is NOT: It is not membership in any of the multitude of your religions. It is not the self-righteousness that is evident in great abundance.  It is not escaping into a head-in-the-sand “prayer life.”  It is not believing that neither good nor evil exists because those are only judgments.  It is not accepting that everything is in divine order and will run its course without your participation.  It is not refraining from seeing what is going on in your world because you’ve been told it’s all an illusion anyway.  I am not saying that there is no truth in any of that; what I’m saying is that spirituality is not an inherent aspect of any.

      The spiritual level on which you will change your leaders from being darkly-ruled themselves to people worthy of being leaders—true leaders with spiritual integrity—is within your hearts. That’s your usual depiction of where love resides, is it not?  Actually, the sensation of love is a province of the soul, but it has strong physical effects at the heart that instantly spread throughout your entirety to uplift you in spirit, mind and body.  

      Love starts with self, with living so that loving self is as natural as breathing. Only then can you give and receive love. Love is contagious, unlimited, omnipresent. It is what changes bleakness of spirit into fullness of spirit, illness into health, lack into prosperity. It is the absence of love that breeds all the woes of your world, and it is filling the void with love that will cure the woes. This is not asking you to love what brings misery and deprivation and harm!  It is asking you to simply feel love so you can send forth that energy—it will seek its way to the void.  

      The second level is mental—deeply thinking to discern what is truth and what isn’t instead of buying into what candidates say. The catch is, what information is truthful and what is not?  What sources can be trusted?  You have been deceived for eons by a few souls in one generation after another after another whose intent is to retain the control over you, so access to the truth is not easily come by.  How can I put this so it is not a series of Don’ts?  Always I prefer to be positive in statements, and I’ve already compromised that by my explaining what being spiritual isn’t.  

      Very well, I know how to proceed—think of what you want in your world.  If that is peace and harmony and cooperation, that’s where to focus your thoughts.  What will bring that to the world?  Think of what will: Respect and dignity for all races and faiths and genders; help wherever help is needed; equitable sharing of Earth’s massive riches; cures of all diseases; education, fulfilling work and comfortable homes for everyone; honesty, kindness, compassion, fairness, harmony, sharing, justness, forgiveness.      

       Think of all those qualities and circumstances and let your heart and conscience guide you to the candidates you most closely identify with them.  The words of campaign promises are worthless without a candidate’s heart and soul in them. Let your heart and soul, not just your eyes and ears, lead you to the persons who exemplify the love and light that’s needed to uplift your world.

       The third level is action. If you want leaders whom you trust and respect, work toward that end.  Publicly and financially support the people you want in office, but if that isn’t possible, then put forth your intention through the power of your energy focused on those personsactually holding the positions—I can’t emphasize too strongly the power of intent! You can be sure that the current people in power will have their supporters actively working because those folks get the trickle-down largesse in exchange.  You who want love, peace and harmony will receive those incomparably greater victories in exchange for the energy you put forth to create them.


Thank you, Mother, and now we return to our statement that you are feeling what is happening more so than seeing it. No one is immune to the effects of the highest vibrations that bodies ever have had to adjust to. This is all to the benefit of everyone who is absorbing light—their cells are transitioning from carbon structure to crystalline, and if uncomfortable physical, emotional or mental sensations are adjustment-related, they will pass.


The most unsettling effect may be momentary memory loss. Perhaps you can’t remember the name of someone you know well or a specific word eludes you. When you walk out of a room or get into your car, you forget where you intended to go and why. Or maybe, once you are in the grocery store, you can’t think of the item you went there buy. If you are experiencing those or similar kinds of lapses, dear ones, please do not fret about it!


Mother, please copy what our friend from a highly advanced civilization said about this memory situation. Readers may appreciate hearing from another source the same information that we would give.


[Saminten’s explanation during one of our conversations in 2003 is in the chapter by that name in Illuminations for a New Era.]


You decry the loss of time that seems to be zipping by and another loss you lament is memory. Neither of these aspects of third dimensional awareness is being lost, dear ones.  “Time” never has been as you devised it with 24 hours each day and 12 months in a year and so forth.  This has served you well, but no longer is this happening.  Your time structure is collapsing as energy is moving at its lighter density speed, and your periods of light and dark are coming with more velocity.  So rather than time being lost, it is speeding up. 


      The memories that many of you speak of as “gone,” are not.  With the acceleration of everything within the universe, it is natural that the cells of your body are reacting to being lifted into a higher survival mode.  Most of all, this is affecting your brains—the computers that turn on your thinking and reasoning processes—and this is necessary!  The light being absorbed by your cells is allowing your brains to slough the layers of forgetfulness and programming that have denied them full functioning ability.


      If you are not experiencing any memory loss or a sense of scattered thinking, then you are stuck in the third density that not much longer will be the status of Earth’s being.  So it is desirable for you to feel not quite firmly in touch with the reality of the day or the environment. 



Thank you, Mother. The prevailing vibrations also are changing physical needs, and along with expanding your conscious and spiritual awareness, accommodating your bodies’ requirements is of paramount importance.


Sufficient sleep is essential—give your body the rejuvenation time it needs to perform well. Drinking a lot of pure water also is essential—it helps to eliminate the toxins you absorb through your polluted environment and adulterated foods, and it helps to keep bodies’ electrical systems working properly. Exercise in accordance with physical ability aids in those respects too, and it helps circulatory and respiratory systems to behave smoothly.


If you aren’t as hungry as you used to be, that’s good—the more light in a body, the less food it needs. Eat wisely. Fresh fruits and vegetables, foods that contain the most light, will hasten crystalline cellular growth and boost energy levels. Cut back on dairy products—they do not contain the nutritional value that is claimed and they clog circulatory systems.


If you aren’t ready to eliminate meat and seafood from the menu, reduce the quantity—most food animals live and die in horrible conditions and the energy of their traumas is passed on to consumers. Please understand that this is meant only to enlighten you and in no way is it intended as criticism of non-vegetarians!


Contrary to your expression “sugar high,” digesting processed sugars lowers energy levels.  Choose whole grain cereals and breads, and if you have no allergies to nuts, almonds and walnuts are the best choices.  All well and good if chocolate, coffee and tea cravers are having no ill effects from caffeine; however, if you are having digestive problems, caffeine may be a contributor. Drinking red wine in moderate amount can enhance the blood stream—this suggestion does not apply to persons who have drinking problems!—and sodas are not good for anyone.


Those are general diet guidelines for a typically healthy person, but the bottom line is, pay attention to your body—it will tell you what it needs for optimum operation. In blessing your food, asking that it serve your highest good and feeling grateful for the plants and animals that provided it adds light to whatever you are eating—doing that silently is as effective as audibly.


During this stage of adjusting to lighter energy, mood swings and phases of inertia or unusual nervousness are natural, and drugs prescribed to relieve those conditions instead exacerbate them. If you are taking medications for other health issues, talk with your caregiver about dosage reduction.


Even better, ask if remedies with natural ingredients can offer the same measure of treatment. The proliferation of chemicals in drugs and engineered food interferes with bodies’ self-healing mechanisms and other natural processes, and that makes it difficult to maintain balance. Find out if fatigue and other distress may be due to an imbalance in hormone levels or body chemistry—if so, learn which natural supplements can treat the condition.


We cannot emphasize too strongly the importance of balance!  The universe is in a constant balancing act and so is every life form within it; however, for the long ages that darkness enshrouded Earth, the planet and her residents were severely deprived of the light that attaining balance requires. If you think of the balancing act as an internal teeter-totter that is perpetually moving in accordance with your condition in body, mind and spirit, you can see that the optimal motion is gentle rocking.


Meditation is especially helpful in maintaining or regaining that motion, and there are ways other than sitting in silence or listening to lovely sounds composed especially for achieving a relaxing meditative state. Spend time out in Nature, enjoy the companionship of animals, read poetry. Listen to your favorite music—unless it’s heavy metal, which shatters balance, and the tones of classical compositions are the most effective in restoring balance. Make time for solitude—even a brief period can be restorative.


Laughter is good for the soul and so is anything that evokes feelings of tranquility. In leisure time, choose lighthearted reading and the same quality of TV programs and movies. Spend time with dear friends and family. When it isn’t possible to avoid unpleasant encounters, envisioning light permeating the situation will help to alleviate stressfulness. Give thanks for blessings in your life—gratitude, like hope and optimism, is filled with light.


The prevailing vibrations also are intensifying energetic differences and many individuals are feeling a strong desire to make a major change. Perhaps look for a different job, end a relationship or start one, pursue a new field of studies, relocate to an area you know or maybe a place you know of but never have visited. We are not speaking about rashly acting upon an impulse, but rather heeding a growing sense of urgency to act upon an idea that has been simmering—this is the soul speaking increasingly loudly to the consciousness: This is what you chose in your soul contract.


Why are we offering guidance that we have mentioned, albeit more briefly, in previous messages or is available in any number of down-to-earth sources?  We are telling you, our beloved Earth family: Please take care of yourselves!


The energy streamers that will be swirling with increasing forcefulness are prime opportunities to absorb light, and the sounder you are physically, mentally and emotionally, the more greatly you will benefit. You chose this lifetime so you could participate in your world’s transformation and spiritual renewal, and soul evolvement is the purpose of every lifetime—both require balance in body, mind and spirit. Letting mundane matters interfere with self-care or ignoring your soul’s messages causes imbalance and that dims your light, the light you need to experience what you chose and to evolve!


Dear ones, love yourselves as much as we love you, and take care of yourselves! 




Suzanne Ward


[If you would like to receive these messages directly instead of as a forward or reading on-line, please follow the instructions at the top of “Matthew’s Messages” page on]


Blossom Goodchild and the Galactic Federation of Light, July 4, 2013


Well … here we go with attempt number 4! I know you are always around … yet are you around to have a chat with me?

We would answer yes.

Oh good. About time … what have you got to say for yourselves!!

We see the humour in your energy and we offer much gratitude for your perseverance. In times past we have found ourselves to be expendable and we care to say that without us ‘having chats’ you have found yourselves perfectly fine. The wisdom we chose to bring through … as you FEEL Blossom has a certain ‘ring’ to it and at times it seems you wonder what this is all for and where indeed it is leading you.

Don’t get me wrong … your wisdom has made such a difference to my life … along with my mate White Cloud … it’s just that sometimes .. I feel like I am in limbo and question as to whether or not anything concrete will ever take place in the time I have left upon the Earth plane.

We listen to your thoughts …

Oh dear!

We accept entirely that we are not where you are … or having to experience the lower vibrational frequency on a day to day basis. We hear many of the ‘pleas’ from all of you and yet we cannot ‘change history’ before it is meant to be changed.

I get that … and I know I am probably being very selfish and childish … yet so many write in with suggestions … in that … a little … or big something from you , would seriously assist us to have the ‘oomph’ to carry on.

You are therefore saying that our words are not enough?

Sort of! I LOVE what you have to say and I LOVE communicating with you … We all do what we can to lift our vibration … yet … even so … looking out at the night sky … our hearts want more .

Yet would you not say that the KNOWING in your hearts as you see the twinkling of the stars allows you to have the ‘more’ that you are seeking.

It indeed helps me to KNOW my TRUTH … The FEELING I have looking up into the awesomeness of the night cannot be denied. Yet a lot of the time I am saying  ‘Come on … show me YOU!’.

And you think perhaps the rest of your days will be spent FEELING the same?

Yes … sometimes … The wait has been so long. Our TRUST KNOWS YOU. Our FEELING KNOWS YOU. Yet how good would it be some time soon for us to have that little ‘party piece’ … in order for us to have a boost … To convince us that indeed we are on the right track.

We smile Blossom. For you KNOW this in your heart do you not?

Yes I do. But you seem to be avoiding the issue! Surely with your intelligence … you can come up with something to delight us Earthlings. Something tangible?

Indeed we can. Yet you must understand the reason why … as yet … we have not done ‘The Big Display’ that you are all asking for.

So many of you KNOW us. So many of you have awoken and KNOW without question we are with you. Even though you may have your human doubting days. 
Yet so many of you have not awoken and we would simply put so many in to fear and panic and this is not how we wish our welcoming to be.

But this is what I mean. KNOWING what you KNOW … there must be a way that you could ‘pop through’ that would allow everyone to know that you come in peace!

What would you suggest?

Oh Struth … I don’t know … stand on the top of the dome of your ship and give us a little tap number??  There must be a way that THE LOVE that you are can ‘get through’ to us? The LOVE that is YOU can surely emanate from your craft so that people KNOW you are here to be friendly.

Dearest Blossom … even though you think this would work … it would not.


Because those that remain in fear to this day … would STILL consider us a threat.

But then … if this is the case … how many more years will it take for everyone to be free from fear?

This is what we are working on.

Well, in my books … looking at the state of the people in general … we might as well call it a day. So many are still so deeply asleep. Yes many have awoken … yet in general … doesn’t look good. Don’t get me wrong I am in a perfectly good mood today … just chewing the cud so to speak. Many FEEL you should just go for it. Some will wake some will run … yet surely this has to take place at some point … if we wait for fear to leave this planet … well … I’d take a long holiday if I was you .

Dearest Blossom … that which we are to say comes only through Love for that is what we are.How many times have we said that one day you will all understand the Greater Picture?

Too many!

Yet … this is our TRUTH. We cannot and would not change it to give false hope.

So are you seriously saying that until all fear has gone … you’re not going to show?

No. We are not saying that at all. What we choose to say is that WHEN the time comes for your world to KNOW in TRUTH and EVIDENCE of our existence … then you can rest assured that all possible reaction scenarios shall have been taken into consideration.

I know you have only our best interest at heart. I am blessed to have these conversations with you I know that. It’s funny … I go on at you for repeating yourselves … yet I do just the same. I’ve said all this before too. Yet … I wouldn’t mind a visit from one of you. Many FEEL the same. It doesn’t have to be a worldwide event … could you not ‘say hello physically’ … yet individually to so many of us that would be ok with it? You must KNOW who we are by our energy?  The thing is … I don’t mean ‘in our heads’ … I mean actually show up … physical to physical. Is that too hard? What would that involve?

It would involve a great deal more than the majority of you think. We are not saying it is difficult and we are not saying it cannot be done …

Then what IS the reason you don’t?


What? On whose behalf?

The Whole.

For what gain? I would say so many of us have been faithful  … yet I FEEL this is not about being faithful to anyone but ourselves… am I right ?



By remaining faithful to yourself you are putting into play the very reason for your existence. You are allowing therefore … by having faith within yourself to bring about the entire CHANGE that we are speaking of.


 This is why deep down you know that ‘all this’ is not about an appearance from ‘off world species’. You know in your core essence that YOU … THE LOVE THAT IS YOU … THAT YOU ARE … IS HERE TO BRING THIS NEW WORLD ABOUT.

Yet … with your assistance … no?

Indeed. And at this stage of the experience we are assisting you as much as we are able. The time will come dearest soul … our family … when that which you seek NOW will assuredly come about.

We do not play games with you in the sense of leading you on and on and on for no equivocal reason. That certainly is not our style or our intent. We come to assist you in preparation for that which is to befall you.

Ok …. I know what ‘befall’ means … yet I had to look it up because I thought it was a ‘dodgy’ word to use … but I’ll let you off. Its True definition is ‘to happen, to occur’.

We accept your inquiry. We would not wish for any one of you to follow us blindly.

Let us tell you this.




Sorry to keep interrupting …  but if we are not ready … then why were you going to show up way back in Oct 2008?

Because that was the plan in the now of that now. Yet NOW we see how many more have been awakened since that time. And we would say … every cloud has a silver lining.

You have assisted me and so many it seems in getting a grip on this LOVE thing! I KNOW without doubt that in ALL THINGS … LOVE IS THE ANSWER. That is what you continue to speak to us about … I am wondering how much there is to say about it in order for us to continue to progress? We are becoming a little ‘bored’ … I KNOW THAT IS ENTIRELY THE WRONG WORD … yet trying to help you understand where we are at. Perhaps ‘familiar’ would be a better expression. Please don’t think I am being ungrateful … it’s not of that …

Yet you need excitement within it all is that not so?

Perhaps …

Then we suggest to each one … that you do as we have suggested.




You want excitement? Go search for YOU!



We do not desire to leave you feeling ‘under par’ by not yet having discovered the fullness of yourselves. We picked up that you interpreted us wrongly Blossom. It is not within us to ‘have a go at you’ as you would say.


You all feel that by our initial arrival … the excitement of such a ‘feat’ would keep you High for the rest of your days.

We say to you … the initial arrival of YOUR TRUE SELF is way beyond any upliftment that an appearance of a vessel may bring.





Ok … accepting that … what do we do then? I keep saying we just have to … keep on keeping on … what choice do we have? Your words of wisdom can inspire and uplift … yet HOW …. HOW HOW HOW do we find this TRUTH? I know I have asked this before … As much as I KNOW what you are saying IS TRUTH … I seem very far from finding that which you speak of … in me.   So very far away … yet not saying it is not there. HOW DO WE FIND IT? We are all so very keen to.

You are travelling towards it with every breath that you take. When you FEEL good … really good … and alive and Loving … you can grasp a part of it all and you KNOW you are walking in the right direction. When you do not FEEL so good … you are NEVER travelling backwards … just a little wandering off the main path that is all. The more you follow that which your heart FEELS in LOVE … the closer … ever closer you become to finding that YOU which you seek.

It sure has been a long journey home so far. With all the wrong turns and obstacles on the pathway.

Yet … ever nearer with every step along the way … do you FEEL the warmth of the ‘home fires burning’. 
If you allow yourselves … you would see all those that march onwards with you.


There are many times when those ‘unseen’ have picked you up as you fell. Many times they have whispered in your ear words of encouragement. Many times they have sent offerings of Love to the DIVINE CREATOR OF ALL to ask for assistance on YOUR BEHALF.

KNOW or do not KNOW these things as TRUTH. It is entirely up to you as to how you FEEL about them.


The ONLY evidence you have of us is YOUR FEELING! … For now.

Then in MY TRUTH … hand on heart … I KNOW I LOVE YOU! Got the nod … time to go. Nice to touch base again. In love … so very much of it … and gratitude …
Me and all of us!





Wes Annac: This is Reality, June 27, 2013

I find myself exponentially motivated and completely sure of what I’m here to do, and the resulting metaphysical perception I’ve been able to unlock has been nothing short of amazing.

I surfaced doubts surrounding my mission and sought guidance about them in a channeled interview with the Pleiadians a couple of months back, and since that surfacing, my faith and concrete knowing of the reality of what I’m doing has remained unbridled.

I’ve even been blessed already with my first bold ship-sighting of the summer.

Last summer, I’d routinely look at the sky and would receive gentle and brazen sightings at times, and some of what I experienced and saw came about as a result of telepathic requests to witness sightings.

Thinking back to those sightings alone completely reaffirms my knowledge of the reality of everything that’s been discussed in spiritual circles, which, to an “ordinary” person, would seem bizarre or unreal.

Part of the reason I felt the doubt I did (which has long faded) is because I recognize the seemingly-bizarre nature of much that’s discussed surrounding the Galactics, channeling, etc. to a person who hasn’t been opened-up to the actual reality of these things.

I recognize that to somebody who hasn’t or won’t open up to these concepts and consider them as reality for even a moment, much of what’s discussed could seem near-fantasy. The problem is that we’ve been conditioned to believe-in and accept a certain version of reality.

With the various Earthly things around us, we’re conditioned to accept that what we and billions of others experience must be the only existence, simply because it’s so prevalent and established.

Some people don’t stop to think that humanity, as we function right now, could be heading in a spiritually and physically wrong direction with our disbelief in and near mocking of any concept we perceive as too far outside our current perception.

Perhaps in general, humanity isn’t heading in the best direction as we currently function.

Perhaps our “every man for himself” mindset should give way to one of working in harmony with every fellow citizen of this Earth, and building a society that works for everyone. Perhaps we can work together, rather than the few staying ahead by deceiving and enslaving all the others.

Even to just humor the possibility that what we experience and feel could be a true distortion in the face of what we can experience and build together – maybe we should open ourselves up, collectively, to much of what would seem pure fiction.

If even half of the people on this world individually opened themselves up to the idea and possibility of brimming realms beyond our conscious understanding, and equally-brimming evolved beings who wish to actively assist us in our evolution, perhaps they too could have the experiences I’ve been blessed with having.

As I’ve said before, I recognize that I’ve been given the experiences I have so I can work to help humanity evolve.

I recognize that I’m likely the only person in my town and in the few towns around me who’s actually witnessed a UFO sighting as a seeming response to a request for me to witness one (which has happened multiple times).

Nevertheless, I remain unwavering in my belief.

I recognize that liberal or conservative pundits (there’s corruption on every side) could laugh away the majority of what I believe all day long on television, and have their audiences agree and yet they haven’t experienced what I have.

They haven’t felt the deep states of consciousness a pure meditation provides.

They haven’t felt the equally-deep and brimming states of consciousness a good, long and pure channeling session will provide for the channeler. They haven’t felt the things I’ve felt, which are much, much more real than anything I’ve ever felt or experienced on this Earth.

They just haven’t had the affirming experiences I have, or felt the deep states of consciousness of Heaven enough to believe or know much of what I do, in a concrete manner. I see that this sets me apart from the vast majority of the rest of the collective, and honestly, I don’t see that as a bad thing.

I’m happy to go against the established means to think and live by.

I’m happy to recognize myself as a Divine being in the midst of billions of equally-Divine yet unawakened people, who accept what’s in front of them more than what cannot yet be seen or felt without real effort and belief.

My ego would perhaps panic over the thought of isolation from much of the rest of the world because of what I feel and know, but my heart recognizes that I’m here to uplift this world. I’m here to help everybody who doesn’t and just can’t believe in what so many of you reading this know to be true in your heart, to open themselves up to the truth and reality of their existence.

If I take flack for my stance, so be it. I remain a strong warrior for the Light, and I remain an embodiment of the strength of the Lion-spirit.

I stand strong in my personal Light, and do not falter in the face of a ridiculing or rejecting collective. Rather, I seek to awaken these dear children, or at the very least, to help open them up to something beyond what they see and experience currently.

Like so many others, I see that this is my ultimate mission for being here on this Earth. As such, I remain steadfast and strong in my absolute knowing of the reality of what I believe in, and I continue to receive brazen sightings and genuine affirmations of this very reality.

In short – I think I’ve found heaven on Earth.

Wes Annac – Growing and evolving into greater understandings of the reality of our existence, and seeking to spread the resulting Love and knowledge.


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Saint Germain and Merlin ~ The Growpath to YourSelf ~ As channeled by Méline Lafont, June 26, 2013



Picture: Méline Lafont, New Zealand


Saint Germain

Greetings my most beloved friends. With the highest esteem and respect I offer you once more my loving energies and I bathe all of you in my essence of violet colours and my fragrances of Love. I am permitted to step forward again in this Now moment of your reality and, as always, I am grateful for this.

The last message I have given through this beloved Twin Flame of mine dealt with Love and the aspects of Twin Flames. It was my pleasure to bring a message about those topics but today I am going to talk about something entirely different if you allow me.

Today I would like to elaborate on the coming times where the next constructive energies are getting ready to build your reality in your lives and in your experiences. There are 2 choices you can make concerning those energies. EITHER you choose to not do anything with them although you integrate them for a later date when you feel you will be ready OR you start working and effectively do something with them. No matter what choice you make, all will be accepted with the heart and the Love and will be respected from our position of Being.

No Master of the Light will force you to take a road you don’t want to take even if it is the one you ultimately will choose to take later on, or even if it is the best choice for you as seen from the stance of having an enlightened experience. No, my beloved friends, we as Masters of the Light do not work that way. We merely watch what you all choose to experience and to create and only when we feel that certain loved ones experience hard lessons and are having difficulties than we jump in to assist wherever we can. We never leave a beloved soul on its own, never!

Now I hear questions arise such as for instance :”why do we never notice or sense anything of this?” Well, my beloved friends, this happens for two reasons and two reasons only …. Just as duality and polarity have two sides, you have two halfs and various energies, light and dark, male and female… Either you are too open and absorbed by it all in such a way that you start looking in places where it cannot be found and by that I mean : outside of you. In such case it will never really be clear as long as you keep looking on the outside world of separation and division.

The solution to this is simple : stay within yourself, seek and sense us within your heart. When the heart glows with warmth and love it is a sign of our presence. The more you feel us inside yourself, you being a part of our Being and we being a part of your Being, the more this reflects in your Being and, as a consequence, also in the world around you. It is a matter of having faith in your connection with us, but above all, believing in the connection with yourSelf.  Accepting and loving yourSelf, opening up to yourSelf is a prerequisite for you to accept yourself in the heart. Only than can the connection be made with us; another You.

The other reason can simply be that you do not believe in it, that you do not trust it or that you do not open yourself to it. This in essence implies that you choose to not accept us in full confidence mostly because of fears, lies, anger, mistrust, lack of self-love… the list goes on and on, don’t you agree?!  In such case it is just a matter of working on this by accepting yourself in all love and trust. “Time” and the process of awakening both play an important role in all of it and even this has to be respected as each of you has his/her own alarm clock programmed to wake you in time out of this dualistic dream, for it is just that, all things considered.

Well, now that we have amply explained this issue, we can proceed with a deeper knowledge about yourSelf. You all are a spark of Love, God’s Being. This you have certainly been told many times and now it should once and for all be known and accepted fully, don’t you think my beloved friends? It doesn’t involve the ego nor self-aggrandisement, you being a spark of God is a fact so do not let your ego tell you this but feel it in your heart when you say to yourself :’I Am God’s spark of Love’. How does that feel? Does your heart begin to glow in the fire and flame of Love? A little tip from me to you : when you want to know when your ego is talking or when the truth is revealed is through the heart. You can only FEEL it, you cannot get the truth through reasoning, only through feeling.

Before we continue now with the essence of yourSelf we arrive at the next possible obstacle which implies all outside influences. Yes, my friends, this is the greatest challenge by far! You are right as this is indeed a most awkward obstacle when you get lost in this through your ego. It is in the meantime commonly known that all outside influences are all too often reflections and mirrors of yourself and your inner emotions. It might deal with karmic contracts but it could just as easily be average reflections of yourself.

What to do when it deals with a mirror of yourself? That’s an important question to ask, wouldn’t you agree? It certainly is! Well, my beloved friends, the solution is way easier than originally thought. Let me explain why. Whenever you are confronted with such a reflection of your inner self, the first reaction is often the feeling of confrontation followed by indignation and even denial while you know very well that it is you doing or creating it. There’s nothing wrong with that, with this creation, as it obviously happens for a reason. Even the reason for this is simple : you effectuate it because you need to shift this and your perceptions have to be adjusted, tweaked, fine-tuned whereafter you will get reflected on your path what you need to feel, experience and be in order to be able to reform these perceptions and, accordingly, to make your shift in this.

So look through it all and do not let your ego tell you how to respond because responding is not the right method to deal with this. Rather, feel from your heart and grow because of it, that’s the best method. If need be, place yourself in a cocoon of love and light when you feel tempted to respond through emotions (pertaining to the ego) and rather be your heartfeelings which reflect your genuine, deep self.

Once all those challenges are but a mere insignificant small sticky thing that tries to attach itself to your soul, you will be able to reject what others think, feel or say about you. It is completely dissolved! From than on you can evolve into your true essence of being.

The essence of your being. Ah yes, we are truly growing or rather re-growing into that essence. My beloved friends, there is no reason to fear yourSelf, to deny yourSelf this beautiful spark that you are. You carry all the aspects of your Being inside yourSelf and you are huge in consciousness and extremely beautiful in Light. Would  you please accept this once and for all from your heart and allow yourself to grow, further and further, until you reach your destination : being the Goddess/ the God that you truly are, that you are a part of. You are deeply loved by everything and everyone, by the whole of the universe! So why is it that you cannot accept yourself, 1 single person in incarnation?! Firstly you will have to start loving yourself before you can love another you and accept in your life. Love is all, Love really is what it is all about; Love is all that is! Including you!

So love yourself, accept yourself. I can guarantee you, my beloved friends, we accept  you, we love you and we are always ready for you! With all my deepest love, respect and friendship, I greet you.

Master Saint Germain and Merlin; aspect of Saint Germain.


Copyright ©  2012-2013 by Méline Lafont. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy and distribute this material, provided the content is copied in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, and this copyright notice and links are included.  and


Galactic Channelings: The Galactic Federation of Light, June 23, 2013




Good Day!,

My name is Daniel ‘Trinity’ Jackson. I am a Channel for the Galactic Federation of Light, a Professional Astrologer, Author and Workshop Presenter. I am also known in the Angelic Realm as Derestanne.

The following message was recently sent to me over a period of several days in “installments” by several members of the Galactic Federation of Light. Sanat Kumara was the principal source of this information.

I and They would like to see this message reach the widest possible audience. Thank you sincerely!

Bright Blessings,

Daniel ‘Trinity’ Jackson

Precepts of the Divine Heart

1) There is one particular thought and one particular way of living that constitutes the difference between Human Beings and Divine Beings and that thought is: “There is no such thing as impossible”. If you believe that “impossible” is possible then you are a human being. If you think, live and breathe that impossible does not and cannot exist, then you are operating in the realm of the Divine. Think and embrace this with all your Heart and your journey into the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth has begun!

2) In any situation whatsoever that life presents to us, it is always best to act with Love and kindness rather than with anger and force. Applying Love will take less of a toll on your nerves, health and peace of mind and it will always produce the best results in the long run for all concerned. And if the desired outcome cannot be accomplished through Love then no amount of anger and force will accomplish that particular outcome, assuming that it was desirable to begin with!

3) Love is so essential to the Divine Plan that each individual soul contains an unlimited number of soul mates within it. Even though loneliness is an illusion, to experience it serves as a constant reminder that Love is the true essence of all. Your success in life depends upon how well you participate in the spreading of Divine Love and Joy! The very cells of your body communicate Love from one to another!

4) Love is more passionate than fire, more rarefied than the purest air, more real than Earth and more flowing than water. Like water, if you try to stop the flow of Love then it simply finds another place to flow. One who encourages the flow of Love is inviting a torrent of all good things into their life!

5) Your personal role in the Divine Plan will unfold in the best possible way when you avoid unnecessary confusion and entanglements and keep everything simple and straightforward. Like electricity, the Divine always takes the path of least resistance. If you want blessings to flow into your life, be certain at all times that like electricity, you are a suitable conductor!

6) All EnLIGHTenment begins with light and that is why the first thing that God spoke was “Let there be light”. Begin by sitting comfortably and visualizing white light surrounding you, three different times each day, for thirty days. Use soft light at first and gradually intensify the light each day. The light you visualize must gradually become so strong that it can reach deep into every cell of your body. When this intensity of light is reached the cells of your body will initiate a self-illumination process. This is known as Lightbody Activation.

7) Your Heart is a gateway to infinity! You are nearest to God in every moment of your greatest joys and raptures! The Creation intends for every Heart to be filled to overflowing with Love, Joy, Wonderment, Wisdom and Bliss! Unleashing the Limitless Potential of the Divine Heart is Key to all personal and spiritual development. This is the essence of all Religion and the beginning of all genuine Enlightenment!

8) Upon reaching a state of Oneness with the Creator you will realize that the Universe contains two principal polarities and both of them exist within you and within the All That Is in every Dimension. These are the Inquisitor or “the Seeker” and the Unlimited Potential or “The Creation”; in the East these are called Yang and Yin. This was done by The Creation to ensure that Love would perpetuate through time, space and Eternity! One must then create a Sacred Covenant with God for the purpose of defining how the Inquisitor and The Creation will unfold further soul growth and progress together. Remember always that an unlimited number of Answers, Angels, Comforters and Healers are available instantly to every sincere Seeker!

9) Your Relationship to God is no more and no less your relationship both to yourself and to all else in your awareness and beyond. Therefore increase your world with many diverse companions and think twice before ending any friendship. Let your arms stretch across spacious galaxies and let your heart embrace every distant star!
Channeler: Derestanne







Beloved Ones,

As you watch the old world systems crumble and the weather patterns change all across the planet with all its ramifications, remain still within your heart and keep your vision strong for your intention for a peaceful change into a better way of life. Hold your intention for the raising of awareness of all of Earth’s inhabitants. As they meet these challenges, what wells up from within them is their innate goodness and the comprehension and understanding that all are one and that what happens to one happens to all and these ones open their hearts wide to encompass their sisters and brothers in their time of need.

Send your love and healing energy to those who are in tribulation as they deal with their losses and come to terms with what is really important in their daily lives. Praise the human spirit in all its diversity and hold the space for all to emerge more connected to the truth of their Being. All upon this planet at this time are those who have chosen to experience the changes and transformation that is now occurring. They are the souls who knew they had the strength and tenacity to withstand the trying and challenging situations they are in the midst of experiencing. Many inner revelations come during these occurrences which will assist them to remain strong.

As each person changes within their hearts and allows their heart to move them forward to a greater comprehension of the wider scope of events that are now before them, a reassessment takes place within them of the qualities of the human soul that truly matter. The qualities of compassion and generosity for their sisters and brothers emerges from within and a remembrance of the value of the human life and experience. So it is that each soul emerges from the tribulation with a greater understanding of what is important to nurture and foster within one’s own mind, heart and soul. These are insights that remain to guide these ones along their journey.

An understanding of the temporary nature of materiality creates a desire to connect with that which is of greater value to each soul. These lessons and insights move the human spirit to seek a better way and so there will be a mass movement of those who look for answers, healing and wholeness by seeking out those who are ready to serve in this capacity. There will soon be a great influx of humanity searching for understanding of the events that are so obviously happening right before their eyes. No longer can these events be denied as separate from the whole of the planet. These souls will be using their tools of technology to provide them with their answers.

For those who have already passed through these tests of the human spirit and who have made themselves ready, now is the time when the gifts that you bring will be sought and found. Be ready to go into greater service on behalf of humanity. There is a quickening of consciousness that is occurring and humanity is ready to find the next step. This is the role that you Beloved ones can now fulfill through your portals on the world-wide web. Stay strong and centered and remember to replenish your own energies in the ways that work for you.

Until next week…

I AM Hilarion

©2013 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana (Soo-tam-ah) Keeper of the Symphonies of Grace

Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been changed, or altered in any way and Scribe’s credit, copyright and website is included.

Thank you for including the above website link when posting this message.

HILARION 2013 – The Rainbow Scribe.

Montague Keen’s Message for Sunday, 16th June 2013


Every day, it becomes more obvious to you, why many find it so difficult to wake up. Everything they believed is now shown to be false. Every institution they supported, trusted, and believed in, is now exposed as the opposite of what they were taught it was. They feel that the very fabric of their lives is being torn to shreds, and they are frightened. They want to close their eyes to all of this. This is why they call it “conspiracy”; because it scares them.

It takes courage to look with clear eyes at what was kept secret, up until now, and see it as it is: the control and take-over of your planet and the human race. You need to be confident and strong in your conviction that you must stand up for truth and justice. All the information that you need to expose the truth is flowing into the public domain every day. You need to take every opportunity to explore it and digest it. Your very existence depends on you doing this with an open mind, discarding all the mis-information you have been fed throughout your lives.

The cabal has always used fear to control you. It is time to reject this conspiracy of lies that was forced upon you. This great crime against humanity was the result of two factions coming together and planning the take-over of Planet Earth, the destruction of the religion of love, and the distortion of history; thus forcing you to believe that everything began in the East and moved West.

Archeology proves that everything began in the West. The Earth produces more evidence of this, every day. This is why the cabal is so desperate to start World War III. They fear exposure, and what they see as the waking of “the common man”, his rejection of all that the cabal stands for, and his refusal to comply with their orders. Those of you who are awake, know that the game is up for the cabal. They can no longer hide within what they saw as the safe and secret hands of the Vatican, anymore. As promised, this house of cards is now on very shaky ground. It will not be able to withstand exposure. It is responsible for the death of so many souls throughout its terrible existence.

You were justly delighted to find actual evidence of Irish missionaries in West Virginia [Ogham writing, this being ancient Irish writing], 1000 years before Columbus was supposed to have discovered America. Yet another lie exposed. The Vatican wants you to believe that the Irish were savages when their so-called St Patrick and his armies went to Ireland to destroy all the evidence of the real truth of who we are and our true history. I remind you, once more, that Ireland is the key that will unlock everything. All the answers are there, in one place. The timing is right to uncover everything.

The corruption began in what is now known as the Vatican. It will end when its corruption is fully exposed and understood by those who blindly accept what the Vatican has decreed to be truth. It believes it controls your planet and all the life on it. Through the act of baptism, you give them this power. But there is no truth in what they teach. The real truth is so simple. Go into your hearts, for it is there, waiting to be discovered. Love is what you need to guide you, and it will do so. Leave the hellfire and damnation where it belongs – in the Vatican – where it was created by evil minds to ensure that you followed its commandments out of fear.

This is a time of learning, for all of you who wish to move forward into the new era of truth, light and love. Share all your findings and communicate with each other. This will give you the strength to become the 99%, and this light will then remove all the darkness from your world. Learn to see the light in those around you. Share your light and help others to find theirs. When you meet people, look carefully, and ask yourselves, “Do I connect with this person?” If you do, acknowledge that this is a sign that this person was known to you in past lives and that they are now part of your path. Feel safe with them. This is all part of the great coming-together of the light. Do not be lured off your path by false promises of financial gain and public recognition. These have been used since time immemorial to lure people off the path of truth. What you will achieve when you return your planet to the light, will far outweigh all the wealth now available in your world. Together, you are creating a world that, up until now, you could only dream of. Imagine visiting other planets for the first time, and actually reconnecting with all the other species of life in the universe. I promise you that exciting times are ahead of you.

So much knowledge has been kept from you about Planet Earth, that when the prison walls are removed, you will see for the first time, the Earth in all its glory and all its beauty, and you will be enthralled. We are doing our utmost to bring all this about without too much disruption. We need you to work with us, and to stand up for truth and justice whenever possible.

You are many, they are few. All their secret societies are being laid bare before you, exposing their control system, thus enabling you to see the signs all around you of who these people are, and what they have controlled, up until now. It was all hidden in plain sight. You just failed to recognise the signs. Now that you are awake and aware, you cannot be fooled again. They have everything to lose: you, on the other hand, have everything to gain. Namely, peace, justice, and harmony, with love guiding the way forward, bringing humanity together again.

The cabal uses ridicule to scare people from standing up to declare the truth. No-one knows this better than David Icke. Fortunately, he has the strength of character to withstand all that is thrown at him. Look at him now: a perfect example of someone brave enough to stand up for justice and truth. Now, those same people who once ridiculed him, go to his lectures and read his books. The Dark Ones have failed to bring him down. The light of truth, and the conviction that he was on the right path, have given him the strength to become what he is today. He is revered by so many, and rightly so. He is a man of courage and conviction.

You know, my dear, I was once a Knight Templar, when it was an honourable organisation. This was before it fell into the hands of what is now called the Vatican. This is yet another example of what was good, being taken over and changed out of all recognition, for evil ends. The Vatican has even managed to take control of countries without the people having any knowledge of it.

All this information, until now, has been kept in the dark, for it was indeed dark and sinister. Even the person who rules the Vatican hides in the shadows, out of public scrutiny. Again proving that nothing is as it seems.

Yes, my dear, the truth is shocking. But it must be faced in order to move forward. Together, as people of the light, you will succeed. Truth will triumph over evil, be assured of that.

My dear, those who travel along this path with you, have been chosen to do so. Each one brings with his, what you need to succeed. They will support you and they will be at your side when you need them to work alongside you; just as I, myself, am with you at all times. Trust that the right decisions will be made at the right time.

Rest, my dear, and allow others to help you. Everything will fall into place as it should.

Always, your adoring, Monty.


Website: The Montague Keen Foundation 

Saint Germain ~ The Heartcenter and the Ego ~ As channeled by Méline Lafont, May 27, 2013


Dear Ones, I impart my very best wishes and love for all of you during these intense shifts and manifestations occuring on your Earth. Much clarity and lucidity will ensue within humanity and within each of your hearts, because a lot of energies are laying the foundation for renewal and manifestation of your personal life and your Self as well as of the collective world and Being.


What is crucially paramount nowadays is to continue staying in your heartcenter and even though you all are duly in the know through countless messages pointing out to that fact, it cannot be stressed enough as it is of the utmost importance to be able to cope with the upcoming energies and times with as little difficulties and emotional upheavals as possible.


What we mean by staying in your heartcenter is to ground yourself as much as possible and to feel and see yourself through your heart, to have only loving thoughts and to respond in a loving way to yourself and to others. One single negative thought, one negative word or criticism, one judgment is sufficient to pull you straight out of your heartcenter, catapulting you in your ego involvement.


Lightworkers often have the intention to stay in the heart and mean well with everyone, but it is sometimes forgotten that negative comments or thoughts such as judgments (whether it refers to a personal opinion or not) are not part of your light but belong to the ego. Do not stray off in such thoughts or situations, but respect everyone’s work and energy, respect what they bring forth. Judging has a negative connotation. Rather, it’s better to release everyone in his/her essence and to show respect for each heart.


This attitude is an intrinsic part of the entire process of staying in the heartcenter, operating only from your heart. There are countless attempts to try and keep you in your ego and hence it is your task and responsibility to handle and circumvent those, to go through them without responding at all and to just stay who you are in your essence which is Love.


When a heart dwells only in Love and service, it cannot be influenced as it will in essence only attract love and it will repel everything of a negative disposition. You can only attract what you are in essence, my dear ones. There are sometimes exceptions in the guise of souls who continue to stick to being manipulative, who continue sending out negativity to Loving souls. Even that is OK as it contains lessons for both parties involved and that is what it is ultimately all about. Expressed negativity will simply turn and fall back to the one that sent it out, where as a result Love will be the only thing one is wishing for and what is wished for will be accomplished in every loving context and manner.


Let’s transmute the very last negativity from this beautiful Gaia and let’s convert it into only Love.  The time for turning the tide is now and that’s why you are present here, to contribute your part and to anchor your Light. The more there are loving souls, the more joy will prevail and the more joy that prevails, the more intense the Love and the Light will become. Hold a focus these coming days to think in loving terms about someone you have issues with or who you have to forgive or receive forgiveness from, acting that way will effectuate a lot due to the current energies. Apply this principle also to the dark facets within yourself as well as within others who have treated you unlovingly for lifetimes. The time to transmute this all and to convert it into Light is here and now! Leave it all behind you and forgive everyone and everything including yourself for all the deeds, words and thoughts that were unloving.


The upcoming energies will only intensify and only the ones who have achieved Mastery over themselves will go through this and will become even stronger because of it. On the other hand, those who have not yet reached that state will be severely tested but will nevertheless receive the chance to reach Mastery and the only ingredient for success for those ones is Love and the respect from the heart.


Now is the time to leave duality and her polarity behind and all it entails, such as negativity and the ego. The time for enlightenment and for unconditional Love from the heart has arrived, the time for truth and for liberation and, most important of all, the time for your own insights and your deliverance from illusion.


With the utmost of respect and Love, I am residing within your hearts lighting up the threefold flame located there and I keep it burning with my almighty Violet Flame and my essence of Being.


I AM that I AM, Master Saint Germain, your friend and Master of the Light.


Copyright  ©  by Méline Lafont. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy  and distribute this material, provided the content is copied in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, and this copyright notice and links are included.  and





Where Do We Go From Here? by Patricia Cota-Robles, May 24, 2013


 Do you feel like you are in a blender? Well, you are not alone. The good news is that you have the ability to transcend the chaos, and the entire Company of Heaven is standing in readiness awaiting the opportunity to help you do just that. In your heart-of-hearts you know the Truth of that statement; in fact, that is why your God Self, your I AM Presence, has magnetized this information into your sphere of awareness. Please open your heart and mind and allow your I AM Presence to reveal to you the magnitude of YOUR Divine Plan during this unprecedented moment in the evolution of Planet Earth.

Whether you have noticed it or not, with the shifts in energy, vibration, and consciousness you have experienced since the beginning of 2013, you are now able to “see with new eyes and hear with new ears.”  All you have to do to prove that to yourself is to go within to the Divinity in your heart. Once you are there, focus on the unfathomable Love that is now reverberating through your Heart Flame with every breath you take. Revel in the wonder of this new 5th-Dimensional frequency of Transfiguring Divine Love and allow it to permeate every fiber of your Being. When you tangibly experience this Gift from On High, no person, place, condition, or thing will be able to dispute your Inner Knowing that something miraculous has taken place on this Planet, and that YOU now have a critical role to play in the Divine Plan that is now unfolding.

Because of the incredible Light you and the rest of awakening Humanity added to the world during the past 26 years, the Earth and ALL Life evolving upon her God Victoriously Ascended through the Shift of the Ages. In 2011, Lightworkers joined together in Unity Consciousness to cocreate a NEW Planetary CAUSE of Divine Love. In 2012, we again joined together in Unity Consciousness and birthed a Renaissance of Divine Love. These life-transforming events allowed the Earth to reclaim her rightful place in our Solar System on December 21, 2012 as she aligned with the Galactic Core of the Milky Way. This victorious Ascension into the 5th-Dimensional Realms of Light created the sacred space for the Birth of the New Earth which was successfully achieved on December 22, 2012.

The success of these events cleared the path in unprecedented ways for the next phase of the Divine Plan. This will involve Earth’s transformation into the patterns of perfection for the New Earth, and Humanity’s shift of consciousness from separation and duality to Oneness and Reverence for ALL Life. As is always the case, this will not occur by happenstance. It will occur through the unified efforts of you and me and every other willing Lightworker on the Planet working together in harmony with the entire Company of Heaven. This should not come as a surprise to you. After all, this is the Divine Plan you have been preparing lifetimes to fulfill.

I know that many people thought that with the victory of Earth’s Ascension in the Light their mission would be complete. But the Truth is that this is just the beginning of what we have all been training for lifetimes to accomplish. The difference is that now our work is going to be much, much easier. We are no longer going to feel like we are walking through tar into 150 mile an hour winds to accomplish the slightest trace of progress. In the 5th-Dimensional frequencies of the New Earth that we are now abiding upon, everything is much more rarified and the changes we are going to work together to accomplish will manifest much more easily.

The reason that things seem so chaotic and that we have not experienced the full joy and bliss of the New Earth is because we are actually walking with our feet in both worlds. On one level, we are walking in the higher frequencies of the New Earth and we are assimilating the patterns of Oneness and Reverence for Life associated with this 5th-Dimensional Love-based Planet. But on another level, we are being inundated with the denser frequencies of the old Earth and the painful human miscreations that are being pushed to the surface to be healed and transmuted into Light.

These miscreations are the things that Humanity created either deliberately or inadvertently through our negative thoughts, feelings, words, actions, and beliefs. These human miscreations which are based in the consciousness of separation and duality are responsible for all of the pain and suffering in the world. It is very important for us to realize that this is a transitional situation and that we are not supposed to stay trapped with our feet in both worlds. On the contrary, we are supposed to quickly transcend this part of our Ascension process. This is in fact the next phase of the Divine Plan that we are ALL BEING CALLED TO FULFILL.

According to the Beings of Light in the Realms of Illumined Truth the greatest need of the hour is for willing Lightworkers to assist Humanity out of this dichotomy. Our sisters and brothers in the Heavenly Realms said the fulfillment of this facet of the Divine Plan will help to raise the consciousness of people in profound ways. This will secure a critical mass of the Family of Humanity in the 5th-Dimensional frequencies of the New Earth. Once a critical mass of the collective Family of Humanity is secured in the frequencies of the New Earth, we will experience an unstoppable shift of energy, vibration, and consciousness. This will allow Humanity to easily detach from the oppressive frequencies of the old Earth. When we are fully embodied in the higher frequencies of the New Earth, we will be able to project the new 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Violet Flame into Humanity’s human miscreations and transmute them and the residue of discordant frequencies from the old Earth into Light, without having to be immersed in the dense and painful frequencies of that surfacing chaos.

Even though this may seem like a daunting task, remember that during the past 26 years our unified efforts have changed the course of history. We actually transcended even the greatest expectations of Heaven. Through miraculous Activities of Light and unprecedented acts of Divine Grace, the I AM Presence of every man, woman, and child was given permission to decide, on behalf of that person’s lower human ego, whether or not he or she was willing to do what was necessary in order to transmute their karmic liabilities, so they could move forward in the Light with the Earth and the rest of our Solar System. With that unprecedented Gift of Divine Grace from our Father-Mother God, every single person on Earth chose to move forward in the Light. With the fulfillment of that miracle, our Father-Mother God issued a Cosmic Fiat and the two Earths became one, thus allowing every person evolving on this Planet to Ascend up the Spiral of Evolution into the next octave of his or her learning experience.

We have now birthed the New Earth, and our I AM Presence is at long last able to take full dominion of our physical, etheric, mental, and emotional bodies. Through our unified efforts, we are now going to accomplish the miracles that will fulfill the prophecies of old and transform Humanity and the Earth in “the twinkling of an eye.” The Divine Plan that will God Victoriously accomplish this has been set into motion by the Company of Heaven. This plan will require the conscious participation of you and me and the myriad Lightworkers around the world who are willing to be the Open Door for the Light of God. This monumental influx of Divine Light from our Father-Mother God will permanently raise a critical mass of the Family of Humanity into the frequencies of the New Earth.

The vehicle that will be used to accomplish this vital facet of the Divine Plan is the 27th Annual World Congress on Illumination which will take place August 10-16, 2013, in Tucson, Arizona. This annual event is a powerful Activity of Light that has been building in momentum for 26 years. It began with Harmonic Convergence in 1987. Since that Cosmic Moment, every year hundreds of thousands of people all over the world participate in this unique opportunity to add to the Light of the World. Some are inspired by their I AM Presence to be physically present at this event so they can serve as an Instrument of God and a surrogate on behalf of ALL Humanity. Others are guided to join with us in consciousness and to add their Light to this event from wherever they are on the Planet.

The World Congress on Illumination is not like other conferences. It is orchestrated each year through the unified efforts of embodied Lightworkers and the Company of Heaven, and it is designed to fulfill the greatest need of the hour on behalf of Humanity and the Earth. Every year the Beings of Light in the Realms of Illumined Truth evaluate how much Light has been added to the World through the conscious efforts of Humanity. Then it is determined how that Light can be utilized to serve the greatest need of the hour, and to fulfill the Divine Mission that will most effectively help Humanity to move forward in the Light. Once that decision is made from On High, the mission is revealed to those who have volunteered to organize this global outer-world Activity of Light. We then consecrate our hearts, and our very Lifeforce, to bring this facet of the Divine Plan to fruition through the World Congress on Illumination.

This year the Annual World Congress on Illumination is being raised to a new and infinitely more powerful Activity of Light by the Company of Heaven. This is possible because of the victory of Earth’s Ascension into her rightful place in our Solar System, and the birth of the New Earth. It is also being made possible because of the Divine Alchemy that has taken place within the physical, etheric, mental, and emotional bodies of Humanity since the dawn of 2013, this wondrous year of New Beginnings.

The Beings of Light want you to know that every person who has ever added his or her Light to the Annual World Congress on Illumination is a perpetual Open Door for this Activity of Light. Through your dedication to the Light and your heartfelt participation, the Light of God flows through your Open Door year after year to accomplish the Divine Mission of fulfilling the greatest need of the hour for Humanity and Planet Earth. For this, our Father-Mother God, the Company of Heaven, and the I AM Presence of every Son and Daughter of God evolving on Earth are eternally grateful.

Know that during this auspicious time on Earth nothing is happening by chance. This information has been brought into your sphere of awareness by your I AM Presence because you have something rare and precious to add to this Divine Plan. Take this sacred knowledge into the deepest recesses of your heart and ask your I AM Presence how you can best fulfill your part of this Divine Plan.


The Divine Plan

Our Father-Mother God and the Beings of Light in the Realms of Illumined Truth are sending forth a Clarion Call to all embodied Lightworkers, this includes YOU and me. We are being asked to gather within the portal of the most powerful forcefield of our Father-Mother God’s Transfiguring Divine Love. This portal is in the foothills of Tucson, Arizona. Together we will form a mighty transformer through which the Light of God will flow to help raise the consciousness of Humanity. This will secure a critical mass of the energy, vibration, and consciousness of the Family of Humanity in the 5th-Dimensional frequencies of the New Earth. Once a critical mass of the collective Family of Humanity is secured in the frequencies of the New Earth, we will experience an unstoppable shift. This will allow Humanity to easily detach from the oppressive frequencies of the old Earth. This will greatly accelerate our efforts to manifest the patterns of perfection for the New Earth in the physical world of form, which will tangibly affect all of our lives in wondrous and powerful ways.

It is critical that Lightworkers from around the world be physically present to form through their unified Heart Flames the transformer through which the Light of God will flow to fulfill this facet of the Divine Plan. Listen to your heart, and Trust your inner guidance. All of the Lightworkers who have been prepared to serve in this wondrous way on behalf of Humanity and all Life on this sweet Earth will know who they are through the inner promptings of their heart. Pay attention. Your Light is needed now!

In addition to those who are inspired to be physically present, there will be Lightworkers who will join in consciousness from points of Light around the world. These Lightworkers will project the Light flowing through their Heart Flames into the Portal of Light where the Lightworkers are physically gathered in Tucson, Arizona. Thus our unified efforts will expand a thousand times a thousandfold.

Every Lightworker will be in his or her right and perfect place. No facet of this Divine Plan is any more important than another. What IS important, is that we respond to whatever our I AM Presence is guiding us to do. We must Trust and KNOW that if we are being guided to be physically present within the Portal of Transfiguring Divine Love, then our I AM Presence and the Company of Heaven will assist us in paving the way. This is true whether we need assistance with time, energy, or money to accomplish this facet of our Divine Mission.

The vehicle that will be used for this gathering of Lightworkers is the 27th Annual World Congress on Illumination. This event will take place August 10-15, 2013. We will gather at the beautiful Loews Ventana Canyon Resort in Tucson, Arizona. This exquisite resort exists within the heart of the Portal of Transfiguring Divine Love. All of the information you will need to participate in this wondrous opportunity is available on our website through the link below.

(If this link does not work please copy and paste it in your browser.)

God Bless YOU, for your willingness to be the Open Door that will secure the patterns of perfection for the New Earth in the physical plane. This is our New Beginning. It is the beginning of the New Earth that Humanity is destined to cocreate in the physical world of form as we live, move, breathe, and act out of this new reality. Let’s do this together.

This sacred conclave will be a celestial experience for everyone involved. We have wonderful and inspired presenters, musicians, meditations, and various other activities of Light that will enlighten you and guide you through this profound experience. Each day, as we successfully fulfill one phase of the Divine Plan, the Company of Heaven will reveal the next phase of the plan to us. As we sojourn through the various activities of Light, under the Divine Guidance of our Father-Mother God and the Company of Heaven, our mission will be victoriously accomplished.

The World Congress On Illumination is truly a life-transforming event that will provide you with the opportunity to meet old friends from around the World with whom you have been serving for aeons of time. Fellow Lightworkers will join hearts with you and support you in your monumental service to the Light.

The entire Universe is supporting us in this wondrous endeavor. The Beings of Light have been given permission to assist us in miraculous ways, but the Lightworkers on Earth are the predominant force bringing this Divine Plan into physical manifestation.

Our responsibility is enormous, but as we join our hearts together, we have the absolute ability to succeed God Victoriously.

Just for a moment, go within to the Divinity of your Heart Flame, and experience the overwhelming Gratitude and Love pouring forth from the Legions of Light in the Heavenly Realms. Feel the deep appreciation they are sending to you for your willingness to serve Humanity during this critical moment in the evolution of this sweet Earth. We are truly blessed beyond measure to be able to assist all Life evolving on this New Earth in this wondrous way.

(If this link does not work please copy and paste it in your browser.)


Patricia Cota-Robles

New Age Study of Humanity’s Purpose

a 501 (c) 3 nonprofit educational organization

FAX: 520-751-2981

Phone: 520-885-7909

New Age Study of Humanity’s Purpose

PO Box 41883,

Tucson, Arizona 85717


This article is copyrighted, but you have my permission to share it through any medium as long as it is offered for FREE, it is not altered, and the proper credit line is included. Thank You.

©2013 Patricia Diane Cota-Robles

The information in this monthly sharing is being given to Humanity by the Beings of Light in the Realms of Illumined Truth. The Divine Intent of these celestial sharings is to encourage, empower, uplift, and inspire Humanity by allowing us to see the bigger picture during these wondrous but often challenging times.


The Heart’s Intuitive Intelligence: A path to personal, social and global cohere (video)

Channeled Interview with the Pleiadians: Galactic Bases, Interpreting Higher Dimensional Impressions and Humanity’s Creative Responsibility – trough Wes Annac, March 25, 2013



The following is an automatic writing-based “interview” with the Pleiadian High Council.

Wes Annac: Greetings on this beautiful day, dear friends. Per your suggestion at the end of our last communication, I would like to ask you about the underground bases of yours we have heard so much about. Are they associated with the Galactic Federation and/or your Councils?

The Pleiadian High Council: With warm greetings and Love to each of you absorbing this communication and to you, our dear scribe, we welcome you to our collective energies, or our “energetic abode”, as you may call it. Indeed, our bases are a part of our Federation and we act from these bases on a plethora of different missions we have set out for ourselves related to the ascension of your Earth and specifically, to the rising of the colony of Atlantis unto the surface of your beautiful planet.

Benevolent Studying & Taking Care with Sightings

We perform many actions from our underground bases and worry not, dear souls; we do not serve a malevolent purpose or agenda from within these bases and we will happily be showing them to you in the time ahead so that you can explore them and further understand exactly what we are doing. As has been said, many of us are scientists who are studying various parts of your world, and we take bases underground, within large cavernous mountains and under your oceans and even some rivers.

We cannot make ourselves known too boldly when exiting such places however, as we would not want to startle any dear human or animal soul who would not understand our presence or what our craft is, as they see us exiting our bases and in some cases literally coming up out of the water to do so.

We are very careful and cautious of course, with any facet of showing ourselves but an initial aspect of our contact with you will be for us to show you these bases and for us to explain how we have been stealthily entering and exiting them so that your militaries or any unaware soul who would be too overwhelmed by witnessing us does not know of our presence.

Observing & Mitigating “Earth Changes”

Wes: I see, thank you dear friends. So what specifically do you do in these underground bases?

PHC: We study; we explore; we make observations of the ongoing physical happenings presenting themselves that are related to the “Earth changes” many of you have heard of, which we are working to mitigate and heal altogether in the instances that we can. We work from our underground bases to make sure that no event, on your world or outside of it, can impact Life in a negative way or in one that is not in alignment with the future you are heading into.

At present, you are still dealing with a weakening force of individuals who would and have tried to orchestrate natural disasters, as well as the falling down and crashing to the Earth of obscure yet heavy “space junk”, and we have been (largely) instrumental in stopping such things. We monitor every facet of your Earth with the monitors we have in place, which we view from our Motherships, our starships and of course, from the bases we have been discussing with you.

We have also held meetings with your cabal heads, to negotiate the bringing-about of peace and abundance for every soul on your world to find a happy and easy experience of their Lives from, and the meetings that are held amongst the entirety of our Federation are at times, held in our specific underground bases.

Wes: By “your specific underground bases” do you mean bases that are specifically Pleiadian-designated?

PHC: Indeed dear soul, but we do not want it to seem as if other races are not allotted to be in our space as well! (Laughter).

Positions Constantly Changing

Yes, each race has a base under the surface of your dearest Earth and at times, we will convene amongst each other from our respective bases. Though, the “station” we are at upon communicating changes in every moment, and at times we could be speaking from a Mothership while other times we will speak from our bases.

Our positions are constantly reverberating as our mission changes or expands to include something different, and if we see the necessity to travel to a different “station” than where we would currently be, we are able to travel there instantaneously through the enhanced powers of the fifth dimensional mind and heart.

While we do use our craft to travel, we do not always use it to get where we are going and we can travel anywhere with the natural abilities that you will all discover upon ascending.

These abilities are waiting to be made known within you and while we can feel that so many of you will indeed be so very excited to explore our underground bases and the bases we have established within some of your mountains, what you will see will be easily understandable by the time you have evolved to the states of consciousness wherein you will be able to handle witnessing such things.

Our underground bases are very, what you would call, higher dimensional and just as is so with our craft sightings, we cannot overwhelm you dear souls with the pure awesomeness that is many of our bases but in the time ahead when you will have expanded and found your higher states of consciousness again, you will be able to explore and understand our bases, our ships and so many other things you will enjoy and remember exponentially.

Effects of Channeling the Higher Realms

Wes: Thank you for that, dear friends. I have to say that as I’m channeling you, I feel such a state of purity in myself; a state of bliss. Can you offer any comments as to the effect channeling has on the mind and heart of the channeler?

PHC: We would be so very happy to, dear Wesley, and you have already begun to discover what channeling the higher realms can bring forth for you, perspective-wise and feeling-wise. Yes, bliss and joy can permeate the minds and hearts of any soul who becomes opened to the higher realms and the brimming energies and communications we of the higher realms have to offer, and what you are feeling specifically dearest Wesley is the after-effect of our energies having descended down upon you and our communications having come through.

Of course, we do not wish to promote ourselves as being “holier than thou”; it is simply that we have grown into fifth dimensional states of consciousness and as such, the energies and impressions we have been able to find in ourselves are continually radiated out to every soul we come in contact with. We are in contact with you at present dearest Wesley, though you must know that there is a time “flub” between our giving and your receiving of our communications.

Working with the Distortion of Time

What we mean is that we exist outside of your concept of time and as such, are delivering our communications to realms with different and more distorted concepts and temporarily-fixed means of experiencing your Lives, which we work within the perimeters of when delivering our communications.

Wesley, you could see this communication as having already been brought forth and what you are feeling now are the impressions of our collective, having been expressed through dear SanJAsKa and through our technology that is funneling our energies through for you to absorb and pass on to your fellow awakening souls.

Wes: I see, that is very interesting dear friends. So what about when I stop channeling you? Eventually the impressions become even more “lingering” and fade away.

PHC: Indeed, because the impressions of our collective as they are brought through are very strong, and you will continue to feel the after-effects of our communications long after they have been given.

The Heart Receives, the Mind Interprets

You can and will still feel the blissful and harmonious vibrations far after the heart has received our energies, as your mind will spend the extra time decoding them and actually performing the act you would call channeling. Wesley, can you imagine that this entire communication has already been brought forth? Every question you are to ask us and every response we will give has already been given and received by your heart, and your mind is now decoding the entire communication and bringing it forth for others to absorb.

Wes: But what about the question-answer exchange? Has my heart already received the idea of the question I will ask, or is that spontaneous?

PHC: In a deeper sense dear Wesley, your heart already knows exactly what you are going to ask. So yes, your heart has already received the questions you are to ask us; not from us, but from deeper aspects of your Self who wish for you and those who will absorb this communication to know specific things about us, our activities and our technologies that are meant to garner and raise awareness as well as assist you along your processes.

A deeper part of you already knows what you are going to ask and even say to others, before you do. This is because you are all deeply-rooted and multidimensional beings, and you exist in multiple spheres of perception in this very moment.

Wes: Thank you so much for such an understandable answer, dear friends. I recognize that we were getting into complex and potentially mental territory, but I wanted a bit more information about the whole exchange. Thank you for providing it!

PHC: As you know, we are so very happy to assist and to help you reach those “aha!” moments that we know you so enjoy reaching.

The Rapidity & Progress of Free Energy’s Introduction

Wes: Thank you so very much. During our last “interview”, you said that disclosure is being given in small doses at present and that that will continue until the most brazen of manifestations commence. Are there any updates on that front?

PHC: Events are moving along at a fine pace indeed, and you will still continue to notice small and soft pieces of disclosure concerning us as well as other Earth-like planets coming out. Your organization NASA has been established as a front to hide the space activities of the cabals, and that organization has not achieved as much in decades as you are to achieve in such a small amount of time when the technologies that are on your world in this very moment are fully made known.

We wish to stress the fact that (information concerning) free energy and the devices it powers will be a strong aspect of the initial announcements and already, you are seeing many things about free energy and such devices that are showing that humanity is ready for the miracles they will provide and are not slowing down in the production of such things.

While the advances in your most recent society have largely been cabal-controlled and much of the technology you have been given is based off of our technologies and those of the Zeta race, you will notice that in just a few short decades humanity has entered a technological age of proportions perhaps unexpected in your forties and fifties. We ask you to imagine such a technological evolution magnified exponentially and brought about in a much, much smaller timeframe.

Earth’s Restoration will be Continual

By this, we mean that the most brazen and initial manifestations and technologies you will be given will not take decades upon decades to be developed. However, it is important to remember that the full restoration and repair of your world will be an ongoing process and as such, centuries will be spent on the (full) repair of the surface of Gaia but we remind you all that you will be doing the bulk of work from higher states of consciousness, with advanced technology and as a collective. (1)

Whereas Earth’s future does not seem very strong from a point of view of not understanding our presence and the assistance we are here to offer you, the future you are entering into is indeed much more wonderful and advanced than you could possibly expect, and we expect for humanity to be delighted with what you will turn your world into after the initial manifestations are brought forth and some of the harder truths to digest are given and collectively digested.

Crystal-Planet Revelations & Native Home-Planet Bases

More revelations about planets made of diamond and crystal will begin to surface in your mainstream media, and science and spirituality will merge dramatically as more and more revelations are exposed and while some of you feel as if nothing is happening on the surface of your beautiful world at present, nothing could be farther from the truth and this truth is becoming apparent to anyone who looks at how events on the world stage are progressing.

Wes: Thank you so much, dear friends. I think I’ll ask one more question before having you wrap this up: do you have underground bases on your respective home planets too?

PHC: Indeed we do; we have underground bases and bases clearly on the surface of our worlds, and the bases we have established on, in and around your dear planet are connected via a stargate with the bases and ships of our respective races and planets.

We maintain a constant connection with each other, and in the bases on our home planets we perform many of the same or similar tasks we are performing for your world, for our planets.

Indeed, in the fifth dimension (and beyond) we do still monitor things, as nothing will ever shift out of control and no negative potentials exist as they do on your Earth, but we still keep an eye on every facet of our worlds via our bases and via the natural connection you will all discover with every facet of the Life around you whenever you open up to the states of consciousness we are delightfully speaking to you from.

If only, dear scribe, we could launch into a full explanation of our home planets and the various structures and bases on our planets and their purposes, but we will express that many of you who are a part of our Ground Crew and who are absorbing this communication have been exposed to and worked in our bases; both on your Earth and on our (worlds).

Taking Responsibility for your Creations

Wes: Many thanks for the answer, dear friends. I’ll go ahead and let you speak uninterrupted for a while before wrapping this up.

PHC: You have our full appreciation and gratitude, dear Wesley. Beautiful awakening souls, we ask you to open yourselves up to the possibility of truly anything happening for you, because you have entered a time in your evolution where you have been given full Creative control of absolutely everything that manifests in your realities.

Previously, more control of your manifestations was given to subconscious or ascended aspects of your Selves who helped you to steer your Creations in certain ways, but you have been initiated into much purer states of consciousness and this has begun to become evident for so very many of you who are finding harmoniously pure and vibrant states of consciousness permeating every aspect of your being and every cell in your beautiful, evolving bodies.

As you have reached this stage in your evolution, you are truly able to Create and do anything you wish and while for some this may seem as a scary notion, we say that your Creation powers are truly anything but scary as you are casting aside old shackles and illusory limitations that have attempted to teach you that you could not Create your realities and that control of them must be relinquished to those aspects of your Selves who have been happily assisting you for so very long.

Now, you are realizing the illusion that has been cast over you and you are asking for the responsibility of your own Creations back, and with a full responsibility for what you Create will come near-instant manifestation. Absolutely everything you put your energy into or sew for yourselves to experience will come back at you, and we ask for you to aim your positive and Lighted vibrations to any facet of your world or your personal Lives that you feel needs improvement.

Collectively Convening & Frequency-Based Technology

We have and will continue to discuss your power as a collective body, and we will forever encourage your collective mediating and meditating upon so very many issues facing your world at present that too many souls do not understand will be easily solvable with the technology waiting in the wings to be utilized.

This technology we speak of has been shelved and used only for the benefit of the souls who have shelved it, and higher frequency technology with a plethora of benefits has been distorted into lower frequency technology that is used to initiate natural disasters, among dong so many other things that are out of resonation with the peaceful new paradigm you are entering and building in every moment.

Our perspective of events playing out on your world breeds a natural understanding of how quickly events are to manifest once the initial disclosures and revelations are brought about, and this is in part why we are so easily able to continually encourage you and let you know that things on your world truly are changing for the better based upon your collective and individual actions, thoughts and intents in any and every moment.

Enjoy your Experience

Enjoy the experience playing out before you, dear souls, for it is unique and absolutely unlike any other lower dimensional experience that can be had.

Those of you who have accessed and found the Light within have done an enormous and amazing thing indeed, and you are welcomed to enjoy the new perspective you are breeding for yourselves as you see so many aspects of your Earth that reflect the natural, uplifted and harmonious vibrations of the fifth dimension, which is descending upon your current third and fourth dimensional realities as you all grow further and further toward it.

Oh dear souls, so much beauty, harmony and joy await you and while the experiences you’re currently having can indeed be difficult and painful, your transmutation of every last bit of pain, anger and fear will see you Living a Life of joy and bliss unlike anything you have expected to Live.

No lower dimensionality will exist in your minds or hearts any longer, and what were previously clogged-up chakras will brim with the higher dimensional energy so many of you are just beginning to re-familiarize yourselves with. We leave you with our Love and our sincere appreciation for your attunement to our frequencies and impressions during this communication.

You will see us on your surface, when the collective vibrations are sufficiently lightened for us to be able to make ourselves and our technology known. Until then, continue to raise and refine your own personal vibrations, for doing so is affecting the collective much more than you would expect or realize.

Thank you to the Pleiadian High Council.

(1)-We should remember that upon growing into higher states of consciousness, we will no longer run along the distortion of time and will do all of the work we will do from such states of consciousness, in the never-ending moment of Now. I think that the PHC were using the term “centuries” to describe just how ongoing the repairing of the Earth is to be, and not as a literal marker or as a means to suggest that we will still exist under the distortion of time for centuries. I am of the belief that we will not.

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