The Portal: Cobra’s Unity Meditation Report, August 23, 2017.

The Portal: Cobra’s Unity Meditation Report, August 23, 2017.

Our meditation was the turning point in the liberation process of our planet:

A few million people were informed about the meditation with more that a quarter million actually participating, so it was our strongest meditation ever.


The unity and the resonance we have achieved was remarkable and was a signal for the Central Race that the awakened part of the human population will be able to hold the Light in unity when the Event happens and that it is now time to put this planet through the Ascension process. This means that from now on, the energies from the Galactic Center will exponentially intensify until all darkness is purified and the planet is liberated.

During the meditation, the critical mass of the New Atlantis energy grid around the planet has been completed and from now on this grid is strong enough to handle the energies of the Event. From now on, the New Atlantis energy grid will be used by the Light forces to transmit mission activation codes in the form of revelatory dreams, impressions and visions to the awakened part of the human population.

More that half of the remaining plasma anomaly of the Yaldabaoth entity was transmuted, and the East Coast plasma anomaly vortex is virtually gone. What is remaining are smaller fragmentary decomposing plasma anomaly vortexes in Washington DC and New York. The Archons were occultly using the East Coast plasma vortex to protect the Cabal and with this protective cover now nearly gone, many actions of the Cabal, including their extensive child abuse networks, will be soon exposed to the general population.

The Light Forces were very active in the last few months to remove the Black Stone, and our Unity Meditation gave the needed energy support for the final push, and now the Black Stone is nearly gone. It will be completely cleared within a week, and all anomaly associated with it within a month. When that happens, the RHIC collider on Long Island will lose any meaning for the Chimera Group and they will stop using it. Thus it will become just one of many colliders around the world, incapable of doing serious harm to humanity.


All this has put around 80 remaining members of the Chimera Group into the panic mode. Two groups of them have already left Long Island, feeling that their location is now too notorious.

The first group is now concentrated around here:

The second group here:

And the third group remains at the cloning facility below this lab:

The main obstacle that still needs clearing before the Event happens are the remaining plasma toplet bombs.

EARTH EX exercise that is taking place today is now giving extremely valuable intel to the Resistance about how to maintain the infrastructure when the Event happens:


Certain Resistance agents are involved in this exercise in a certain way and this will bring us another step closer to the Event.

Victory of the Light!


Every Sunday at 07.00PM GMT/UTC The Weekly Event Meditation…

Every Sunday at 07.00PM GMT/UTC The Weekly Event Meditation…

It is still of the utmost importance for as many people a possible to join our Weekly Meditation each Sunday. The light forces have instructed us to change Weekly Liberation Meditation into Weekly Event Meditation to change focus from the process of liberation into manifesting the Event as soon as possible.

This meditation helps the Light forces to ground the energy of Light on the surface of the planet to strengthen the Light grid which is needed to speed up the process of compression breakthrough. Number of people doing that meditation is the single most influential factor within the power of the surface human population for speeding up the timing of the Event.

We are always doing this meditation at 7 pm GMT each Sunday, regardless of winter / summer time. You can convert 7 pm GMT to your local time zone here:

Or here:


1. Use your own technique to bring you to a relaxed state of consciousness

2. State your intent to use this meditation as a tool to speed up the process towards the Disclosure and the Event.

3. Visualize a beam of Light emanating from your Soul Star chakra (8 inches / 20 centimeters above your head) into the Soul Star chakras of everybody meditating.


4. Visualize the now collective beam of Light expanding into the Earth energy grid and connecting with Soul Star chakras of every sentient being on the surface of the planet, below the surface of the planet and throughout the Solar System. Visualize all beings involved in the Earth situation being harmonized with the purpose of manifesting the Disclosure and the Event as soon as possible in a positive way. Visualize all plasma strangelet and toplet bombs being harmlessly removed. Visualize all other exotic weapon technologies being exposed and then removed effortlessly. Visualize full Disclosure massive intel releases about the extraterrestrial presence and secret space programs through the mass media. Visualize the Event taking place, finally liberating planet Earth.


If you feel so guided, you can continue meditating with former Weekly Liberation Meditation (or certain parts of that meditation that appeal to you) after you finish our Weekly Event Meditation.

Instructions are here:

Youtube video for our new Weekly Event Meditation is here:

Victory of the Light!


The Portal: ‘Cobra’s Situation Update…’ May 1, 2016.

The Portal: ‘Cobra’s Situation Update…’ May 1, 2016.


Clearing of the Chimera group continues. Until now, the Chimera was controlling the flow of intel and communication between various factions inside our Solar System, threatening to activate strangelet and toplet bomb if information blockade would not be respected by all factions. This is how intel was compartmentalized.

Now this information barrier is slowly dissolving, various factions are beginning to communicate. The Pleiadians and other races belonging to Galactic Confederation are beginning to contact personnel in Chimera-controlled secret space programs (SSP) factions.

The Galactic Codex has been recently introduced to SSP factions in our Solar System and to many Earth subterranean factions as well. Galactic Codex is known and accepted quite universally among most of the positive races throughout the Galaxy. SSP factions are being educated right now but there is much resistance.


This is why the petition to sign the Galactic Codex has been created:

People from the surface population are welcome to sign the petition at the aforementioned link and make it viral through their own networks.

People from the secret space programs located across the Solar System and people from subterranean factions can sign the petition on their own intranet networks if it is safe for them to do so. If not, they can send a clear telepathic signal to the Pleiadians stating that they sign the petition. If they are in a position to break through the communication veils and reach the surface internet, they can sign the petition at the aforementioned link.

Galactic Codex videos have been created in many languages.












According to Dragon sources, communication between various factions below the surface of the planet has been initialized and healing of the split has begun. Resistance has communicated to me that they have attempted to reach out to Eastern Agarthan factions many times with mixed success.

On the surface of the planet, the renaissance of public private space programs continues. Bigelow Aerospace is now planning to build space stations for tourists by 2020:

I can now announce the new Ascension Conference, which will be taking place near Chania in Crete, close to one of the most important Goddess vortexes on the planet:

Again, lots of new intel will be released there, combined with amazing new Goddess energies that will assist in our inner transformation. You are more than welcome to join us on June 4th and 5th:

Victory of the Light!


Sphere-Being Alliance: ‘Mini ‘Situation Update…’ by Corey Goode, January 14, 2016.

Sphere-Being Alliance: ‘Mini ‘Situation Update…’  by Corey Goode, January 14, 2016.

As we decide what is true & disinfo the Secret Earth Government Syndicates & Earth Alliance are negotiating the future of this planet.


The time is far past due that I take the time to an update on what is going on in the background with the Alliances and myself after being somewhat in stealth mode for the last few months. In that time period I have had multiple meetings recently as well as smaller briefings.

We have dealt with a couple of sudden deaths of young people who were close family members on my wife’s side of the family in recent weeks (Third is less than a year on her side). I also received some disturbing news about a couple of close family members and their health issues during this timeframe. I found out that my Aunt who is more like a big sister received upsetting news about her latest cancer biopsy and in the last week was forced to endure a mastectomy surgery. I was then sat down by my sibling who after Thanksgiving Lunch, informed me that one of my parents had suffered a stroke and that I should be prepared for their health to decline further.

We had also been dealing with our previous land lords trying to sell their property since August. It was a constant flow of (2 people to entire families of 10 people) who were prospective buyers through our home 7 days a week from 10AM to as late as 7PM. We had wanted to rent from the new owners but there were also security issues that made it clear we needed to move as off the grid as possible.

We have had several issues (Some I will keep to myself) at our home, some of which included activities from a suspected small group of online stalkers that found my address online. I had not planned on being anything but an “Anonymous Source” and poster of data until I was publicly outed before I could take security precautions to make myself a little more difficult to locate.

After the second break in attempt of our home, I ordered 2 wireless cameras and then picked up a cheap Wireless D-Link Camera that I put in my window sill so I would have real time viewing on my tablet or laptop. It was not the type to record but it got me started until my other cameras arrived. That camera payed off very quickly. I keep odd hours and would leave the camera viewer on my laptop pulled up while I did other things.

I witnessed up to 5 people skulking around my house on 3 occasions. Each time I saw that they could see the IR lights on the security camera that aids in its night vision. I installed the wireless cameras on the front porch and the backyard. These would detect motion and begin recording. Before long I guess they figured out the blind spots of my simple video setup and would do things like turn on a strobe light in my daughter’s window, turn on our water faucets outside in the middle of the night and we would wake up to see water draining into the street and a few other really weird things.

Because of all of this we decided it was time to move to a more secure location, one with an alarm system and professionally installed cameras that record constantly (Along with my own asset hardening and security methods). There will be full coverage outside so who knows what kind of images may reveal themselves in the future. If the stalkers return, I will not only get them on video but will also have them arrested.

As many of you know in September of 2013 my shoulders and forearm were injured in a work related injury. I received many lovely messages after I would announce each of the 3 surgeries I received over the last year. During this exact same timeframe, the Insurance Company stopped paying for my benefits after two years of fighting major battles to get the surgeries I needed. I had to go to a Designated Doctors Exam (Very painful) in November as a part of disputing the insurance company’s actions once again in court.

Read more > > >



More from Corey Goode on:

‘Now is the time to access what you have achieved in your life…’ by Mike Quinsey, 27 November 2015.

‘Now is the time to access what you have achieved in your life…’ by Mike Quinsey, 27 November 2015.


Although there is no let-up in the events on Earth that are leading to the loss of life, what you are seeing is the outworking of karma that needs to be cleared. Soon the opportunity to do so will pass, and as the vibrations continue to rise the negative energies will fade away. Already the changes are speeding up, and it is seen that there is hope for a more peaceful life. Those of you who proudly carry the Light and do not engage with the dark Ones are leading the march towards freedom. These are the times of great changes that will not be stopped, that will announce the coming of the New Age. At many points upon the Earth the beginning of it is being laid down, so that once it commences it will quickly progress all over the Earth.

Be aware that there are powerful forces all around you, and when they come together there will be a sudden surge in positive activity. You will then know beyond any doubt that the New Age is really under way and that there will be no going back to the old paradigm.  For some time now you have been given indications of what type of changes is going to take place. There will be a swift advancement that will bring in welcome changes that will clearly indicate the direction you going in. The old will disappear very quickly, as the changes advance you to a new level of life. In time the inequality that many experience now will be eradicated, and all will finally have a very acceptable level of life.

Now is the time to access what you have achieved in your life, and whether you need to make some final changes. Some may find it difficult to do, but if you feel the least bit dissatisfied then you clearly have some changes to make. Most of you are well advanced in clearing your karma and whatever is left after the changes come, will receive Dispensation. By now most of you should have cleared all of your karma except perhaps for minor matters that will certainly not hold you back. When you entered this life time you knew exactly what your plan was, and all through your life you have had immense help to fulfil it.  Be assured that no one will have been given more than they could handle.

As souls that are more aware than most, you can offer your advice where you believe it can help another soul. How far you go is dependent on what you feel that one will be able to understand and act upon. Clearly those who have advanced in their understanding are the most suitable ones to help others. As the vibrations are lifted up many more souls will awaken to the truth, and spreading it will become much easier. Encouragement should be given so as to get others to seek the truth for themselves, as the new energies are opening people’s minds to it.

Where you see people engaged in negative activities send them your love, and wish understanding for them so that they may be able to overcome them. Some souls are still unable to lift themselves up out of the lower vibrations, but there is always something to learn from any situation they find themselves in. Remember that each soul you encounter is either your brother or sister, and in essence no different to what you are. All are travelling a path back to the Light but simply at a different point along it, so no one is really better than another. Soon more advanced souls will come to the fore who have incarnated especially to serve others at this most important time.

The Galactic Forces are making sure the dark ones are held in check, so as to ensure that they are unable to interfere with the plan that will ensure your Ascension. It only takes a few of them to cause mayhem, but now that the armed forces are taking a more positive role to ensure peace, their activities will be curtailed. The dark Ones have penetrated all levels of Humanity, but they are now being recognised for what they are. Once brought into the open they cannot proceed as before when they hid behind others who carried out their orders. They will eventually be arrested and answer for their crimes against Humanity. It may sound odd but we ask you to send them Light so as to help them rise up again, but no one should wish to see another soul flounder as you are All One.

It will be some time before the Galactic Forces can safely land on Earth, but that is their intention before very long. Then there shall be great celebrations to welcome the end of the rule of the dark Ones. These events will take place in most of your lifetimes and are not many years away. As it draws near so you shall learn much more about them, although you already have some idea from what you have learnt in recent times. As all of your changes are occurring, so Mother Earth will be making hers and the ultimate aim is to return it to pristine condition. At such a time the lower vibrations will no longer be present, and duality will have long disappeared.

As time passes you will do more work with the Galactic Forces, but still have the opportunity to follow your own desires. At such times you will entirely work for the Light and be able to do so in absolute freedom from any interference. You will choose the nature of your work and with whom you wish to do it with, although there will be plenty of good advice available to you. You will have unbounded freedom with very few restraints. At present some people still speak of having freedom, but it is only within the boundaries set by the Illuminati who have slowly introduced more and more restraints. That will of course change very soon and gradually your freedom will be restored.

Whatever level you find yourselves on never forget that you are a Being of Love and Light and it is your natural state. It is why you are encouraged to treat others with the respect and love you also desire from all of those around you. The giving of love freely without any expectation of love in return is how you will live your life. However, as you will be with other souls similar to your level, you will almost certainly receive as good as you have given. Your lives on Earth will have given you the strength of character to face any tests with confidence.

Be confident in whatever you do and know that this cycle unlike earlier ones, will end with success and Ascension for those who are already prepared. Some of you are uncertain as to whether you have achieved the required level of vibration to do so. If you have been positive and at all times tried to work within the Light, you are certain to ascend. Ascension is not intentionally made hard to achieve, and how well you do is entirely up to you. However, with good intentions and living to your best understanding of what is required to live in the Light, you will have done what is needed.
The Light quotient on Earth is increasing all of the time, and as more souls draw it to themselves it will continue to do so. Keep it coming and you will be helping Humanity to rise up. I bless all souls wherever they are on the ladder of Light.

I am Mike Quinsey and send all of you Love and Blessings.

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Disclosure Showdown – The War for the Truth by David Wilcock, November 25, 2015

Disclosure Showdown – The War for the Truth by David Wilcock, November 25, 2015


The downing of a Russian airliner, the “heart attack” of the founder of Russia Today in DC, the stunning UFO-like missile test over LA, the Paris shootings and the Turkish attack on a Russian warplane may all be signs that the war for Disclosure is reaching its climax.

At least six different insider sources are telling us the Alliance has reached a huge decision: They have finally agreed to move forward with Disclosure.

Disclosure involves a tremendous release of classified information that will utterly change everything we thought we knew about the world today.

This may include some sort of official announcement, in the not-too-distant future, that non-terrestrial intelligent civilizations are visiting Earth.

A short-term initiative is already being implemented now — while the longer-term initiatives of how much to tell us, and when, are still being negotiated.

All five of these highly unusual and violent events occurred AFTER the majority of our insiders leaked this new intel to us… independently of each other.


Only the Old World Order “Cabal” group is now opposed to Disclosure. And, as usual, they are using terrorism to try to stop it — against Russia and France.

These attacks may be intended to bully Alliance countries and create fear, so they will hopefully rethink their decision to release the big secret.

Regardless of the secret and deadly war now being fought, the weeks and months ahead could finally produce some very exciting changes.

So many things are happening all at once that we feel it is important to summarize what we know in one single investigation.


Like everyone else, we were shocked and saddened by the downing of the Russian airliner and the Paris shootings.

And what in the world is Turkey, a US ally, doing shooting down a Russian warplane that is bombing ISIS, everyone’s terrorist arch-enemy?

Up until this all started, things had been quiet for a couple months — in the sense that negative mass incidents were not dominating our collective attention.

When we wrote “Terrifying Global Events” in late August, the “endgame” seemed to be approaching very rapidly.

We had two more large sections of data ready to go, but held them back once it was clear that the critical time had not yet arrived.

It was also admittedly necessary to take some time out, breathe and rebuild our resolve to continue fighting this battle.

Given what we are now seeing in the news and hearing from insiders, the time of change we were anticipating is happening now.

11/25: Russia Bombards Syrian Rebels Near Downed Russian Jet

The incident was one of the most serious publicly acknowledged clashes for half a century between Russia and a NATO member country.

Related: Putin: Downing of Russian jet over Syria stab in the back by terrorist accomplices


If you are new to this and find yourself saying “What insiders,” or something less polite, our contact with multiple whistleblowers is easily provable — with video.

I (David) attended the Disclosure Project in 2001, featuring 39 insiders. I appear in the SIRIUS feature film that refers to these proceedings as well.

An article providing details about SIRIUS was prominently featured on the “Most Viewed” sidebar of The Huffington Post for well over a week.

I worked closely with Project Camelot, a group that has released videos of many whistleblowers, for their first four years — and met many of their insiders.

You can see me in Part 2 of the Pete Peterson Camelot video. Pete has been a very reliable and trusted source ever since we did this taping six years ago.

I also got called up on stage with NASA astronaut Dr. Brian O’ Leary and space program insider Henry Deacon halfway through this video taken in Zurich.

Now there is an entire show on the Gaia network where I am interviewing the space program insider Corey Goode, entitled Cosmic Disclosure.

Cosmic Disclosure has broken all previous viewership records for Gaia (formerly GaiamTV) and now has an audience comparable in size to that of CNN.

We have leaked insider data for many years in David’s Blog, creating controversial articles averaging over 100,000 unique views each.

Wherever possible, we have done the hard work of finding provable data to match up with insider testimony, so you don’t have to “take our word for it.”

Although the progress has been painfully slow, the disclosure war we have been documenting here has become ever-increasingly obvious.

There are countless news stories emerging every week that reveal the secret war that is raging behind the scenes — on a global level.

The truth truly is stranger and more fascinating than fiction — and you become part of the solution by learning about it.

This investigation will be a “long read,” but it will definitely not be boring. It presents a compelling narrative of data we have never before summarized.

So drop whatever you are doing, strap in and prepare for a wild ride.


Images and videos of smoldering debris, dead bodies, gunshots, screaming victims and wounded people haunt our dreams after events like these.

It is all too easy to throw up our hands and feel like all we can do is either grieve their losses or just numb ourselves out and ignore the pain.

These events must get bigger and nastier over time in order to generate mass effects, such as fear and terror — which is what the perpetrators want.

That’s why this type of crime is called “terrorism.”

If the perpetrators can trigger a full-scale war out of it — or at least a “piecemeal World War III,” as one of the links below says — then they get what they want.


Top media headlines have a short attention span and only focus on one major event at a time. A new war or mass fatality serves as an excellent distraction.

These disasters are shocking reminders that we have not yet reached our goals of a peaceful, harmonious future.

By exposing the truth of what is going on, we can work towards a solution that will free the earth from terrorism once and for all.

We cannot stand by, do nothing and wait for the next catastrophe as innocent people continue to die at the hands of these criminals.

It’s easy enough to “go back to sleep” after events like this — only to be triggered into fear once again when the next big news story comes along.

By exposing the truth of what is going on, we can work towards a solution that will free the earth from terrorism once and for all.

Whether we realize it or not, by learning and sharing the truth, we are helping an alliance that is diligently working to defeat the perpetrators of these attacks.

We will share detailed new information about this huge international alliance in this report, matching up insider data with provable facts.

The game is so deadly, and the villain so ruthless, that almost every Alliance move needs to be wrapped in a cloak of secrecy.


Once you become awakened to the truth of what is going on in our world, you will never see mass terror events like these in the same way.

Although there are genuine Muslim extremists working in a group like ISIS, the bigger question is who is financing them, and for what purpose.

There is a great abundance of evidence to suggest that groups like ISIS are “proxy armies” used by the Powers that Were to achieve their political goals.


Who are the Powers that Were?

You can call them whatever you like. They are the secret government syndicates that have been dominating the Western world behind the scenes.

It is shocking to discover that they covertly owned and controlled both sides of every major war in the 20th century, as we revealed in Financial Tyranny.

This is not an “Internet Conspiracy Theory.” The data is voluminous and irrefutable. Hitler was merely the most villainous face of the hydra.

Witness testimony is admitted as proof in a court of law, and countless witnesses have already stepped forward and presented damning evidence.

These crime syndicates have taught us to attack, ridicule and smear the whistleblowers and journalists exposing the truth.

This becomes an emotional coping mechanism — particularly for the older generations who grew up in a world of sanitized corporate media.

It helps us avoid the shocking betrayal of finding “the man in the bedroom” with the one we have supported and loved — and in this case voted for.

Every insider we have spoken with has direct, first-person knowledge of the fact that these secret government syndicates exist.

We have documented numerous examples of intel that was later proven to be correct — and to appear as major headlines.

These syndicates have marshaled incredible resources to ridicule and bury the truth — all in the hopes of swaying your opinion.


Many of the biggest headlines we see have a much greater story going on behind them than we realize.

According to multiple insiders, the real story may soon be revealed to the public in a stunning, major way.

We have been kept in the dark about the widespread presence of intelligent civilizations in and around earth, going back hundreds of millions of years.

It will quickly create the greatest mass awakening in all of our recorded history.

The syndicates are holding back technology that includes free energy, anti-gravity, portal travel and materializers — and tools that could heal the earth.

We have also been kept in the dark about the widespread presence of intelligent civilizations in and around earth, going back hundreds of millions of years.

We are encouraged enough by what we are now hearing to “put it all out there” in this investigation.

Honestly, I am more excited by the latest news than I have been at any other point in this journey. I can’t wait to see how this all plays out.

Once the dam breaks — and it obviously must, sooner or later — it will finally vindicate so many years of tireless effort in the face of lethal threats and intimidation.


For the uninitiated, the idea that ISIS is a Western operation, financed by “too big to fail” banks, is so treasonous and crazy as to be impossible to consider.

Nonetheless, let’s now review and expand upon the first group of links we shared in August 24th’s “Terrifying Global Events.”

After the Russian airliner explosion and the Paris mass shootings, the question of “who and what is ISIS” has much greater urgency.

Our first link from the NY Times revealed that the governments of Iraq and Iran, at the highest levels, consider it a fact that ISIS is a proxy army of the West.

Part of what makes this announcement so significant is the simple fact that an institution like the NY Times would have mentioned it at all.

They are seeding a new thought into the mass public, using the “plausible deniability” of it only being a “conspiracy theory” within the governments of Iraq and Iran.

What kind of intel does Iraq and Iran possess that leads them to believe ISIS is a creature of the West?…

Continue Reading
Section 1: The War for Truth →
Section 2: ISIL Unveiled →
Section 3: ISIL Decapitated →
Section 4: The Madness is Finally Coming to an End →

Source: David Wilcock — Divine Cosmos

Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation, September 15, 2015

Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation, September 15, 2015


Ummac Dan

Ummac Dan ~ Galactic Federation Symbol For The Sirian Star System

You are very close to freedom and new governance, as well as an incredible era of peace and freedom.

Join in harmony with your family and friends. Aid each other and be a part of a developing harmony. Let this energy grow! You are to see great things alter your perceptions of this world.

11 Etznab, 11 Zip, 12 Manik

Selamat Balik! Our allies are coming together to defeat the dark cabal. This operation is seemingly taking longer than initially expected. The world conceptualized by the Anunnaki is filled with hidden mental traps. What is needed is a newer construct. With Heaven’s approval we have put forth a new reality modeled upon the one you all know and love! This reality is now being manifested by the numerous decrees of Heaven. It is one, which the Light can, at times, find hard to fully fathom. Nonetheless, these brave souls of the Light continue to move forward. The dark controlled the old, cruel reality with a diligence that forced you to accede mightily to their heinous desires. This dark, silent controller still maintains a certain hold upon you, but this is starting to fade from the inner desires of the Light’s leadership. It is being replaced by a deep need to fulfill the decrees of the Light for a new and more just reality. These desires are currently driving the ancient families to complete the construction of a new reality that firmly isolates the dark cabal from its former subjects. Thus, the dark is ultimately doomed as this new reality begins to flesh itself out.

Above all, this reality shift needs your heartfelt support. One of the major outcomes of this change is the rise of new perceptions about how the world is supposed to work. As you grow up, you are constantly bombarded by your environment, your parents and friends to act or react in an acceptable manner. This acculturation process is really “second nature” to you. You now need to learn a new set of parameters, designed to expand your view of the world. This is required to truly alter this present reality. These powerful new perceptions are the main key to the path to full awareness. Up to now, Heaven has used your rising consciousness to permit a subtle degree of change to creep into your reality. This process is to be quickened as various funds become available. Hence, new banking regulations, a global currency reset and the rise of precious-metal backed monies is to greatly alter your everyday reality. This reality is to be centered on personal growth, outer peace and the start of a final path toward full consciousness.

As you grow in consciousness and begin to take on new chakras, remember the perilous journey that began when the Anunnaki changed the game and forced you to endure nearly 13 millennia of limited consciousness. This terrorized you and led to a number of edicts being given you by the Anunnaki. The dark isolated you from your brethren in Inner Earth (Agartha) and preached a power concept that caused you to question how Heaven was to defeat the dark cabal and its many minions. This group of minions was first given a whole host of powers that the Anunnaki slowly redefined over many millennia. In the end, the minions felt they were all-powerful and defied their former masters’ edicts to acquiesce to the Light and permit Heaven to end the long dominance of the dark. Instead, these dark ones forged a scenario that prolonged their evil shenanigans for an additional twenty years. However, their misdeeds are about to isolate them from you. You are very close to freedom and new governance, as well as an incredible era of peace and freedom.

This coming age has taken an extended time to achieve. Long ago, the dark was given a very specific carte blanche. This special set of exceptions was to last a relatively short period. At a specially appointed time, Heaven was to regain its Loving hold over you and in a very detailed manner, finish a means to return you to a full awareness. This is to restore those abilities the Atlanteans had taken from you. This process was to be centered on a special living crystal chamber. In effect, the Agarthans and us are to welcome you home. This process is to permit you to remember your former roles as rebels in Atlantis. In this mode, you can use your abilities to join with the Agarthans and forge a unique galactic society destined to spread itself throughout the other three water planets. These planets are again to be returned to their former state within this special solar system. This solar system is to become one of the major gathering places for the Galactic Federation as well as many “galactic unions” that are now made up of over 20,000 nearby galaxies.

Namaste! We are your Ascended Masters! Millennia ago, the dark cabal were given a time dispensation by Heaven. This ruling was to better prepare each of us for this time. Along the way, Heaven told its heavenly guardian to set up a special group that was to graciously aid these blessed divine hosts. We were chosen over the years to fulfill these most sacred posts. As all of us on the Earth plane head toward a new day, we need to remain ever aware of what is now expected of us. We Masters have come together to freely guide you on the final part of a path that began with the abdication of the Anunnaki and the sudden rise of their minions, the dark cabal to power in the mid 1990s. Since then, the many types of spiritual, emotional, mental and physical changes have truly gripped you. Our sacred task is to support, aid and mercifully guide you down this most glorious path to full awareness. As this divine path unfolds, you are seeing and feeling more of our special supervision of your sacred souls! This task requires you to remain positive and to set aside any potential frustration. You need as well to sense the inner changes that occur daily. We are to assist you in this magnificent knowing.

The coming time is to be one in which many near miraculous events are to suddenly manifest. See these as signs that this former dark realm is changing for the better. The debt jubilee, the sudden prosperity and the growth of world peace are heavenly signs of this. Be ever grateful and go inside. Use these events to gather up your dreams and discover what these events truly signify for you. In this mode, thank Heaven and look for clarification of what this means to you. This is to be a time for inner work and for doing the right thing. Join in harmony with your family and friends. Aid each other and be a part of a developing harmony. Let this energy grow! You are to see great things alter your perceptions of this world. Help the efforts to aid humanity and permit Gaia to see how wonderful this slice of humanity truly is! This is a time for joy and for achieving many positive goals.

Most of all, let your overwrought anticipation go. Instead, slip into a positive, supportive energy. The time for frustration is over. Most of you have waited through nearly a decade of unrequited wishing for what is now forming around you. Be gracious and support what is occurring. Be able to view all in a most gracious Light. Use your ability to cooperate with each other to globally signal that a new time has at last arrived. The fading away of the dark happened due to the unselfish efforts of a great many. Acknowledge them by showing your inner appreciation of these most courageous deeds. You are now ready with this great work to be able to create a new reality. Think of this responsibility in the most positive and gracious of ways. Be able to volunteer freely and watch with true intent what is globally happening. Be one whose intentions are to help and to fulfill your grandest dreams in joy! Hallelujah!

Today, we have as before, given you a general update on what is happening on this globe. Be ready to receive news and events, which can initially amaze you. Once the cabal is gone, some events never before thought possible are to occur. We stand ready to inform and to explain to you what all of this means! Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)

Planetary Activation Organization
Mailing Address: P. O. Box 4975, El Dorado Hills, CA 95762 USA
E-mail: | Website address:

The Portal: ‘Cobra’s Solar System Situation Update…’ September 13, 2015

The Portal: ‘Cobra’s Solar System Situation Update…’ September 13, 2015

Clearing of the Chimera group continues. The Chimera still has a very small number of key Pleiadians, Sirians, Andromedans and representatives of other Light star races held as hostages deep inside their strongholds at implant stations throughout the Solar System. This hostage mechanism is a very effective tool to hold back the aforementioned star races in their progress towards the liberation of this planet.

Many of those hostages have been liberated during the operations of the Light forces in the last few weeks and the remainder is expected to be liberated very soon.

The process of disclosure is speeding up. Some intel that was previously limited to alternative media is hitting mainstream:

Scientists are finally beginning to understand the importance of torsion fields which are actually the translations of primary anomaly into spacetime continuum. This enables them to begin to propose more accurate cosmological models which will drastically improve our understanding of the universe:


Whistleblower Corey Goode has released a quite good description of the LOC (Lunar Operations Command) as it was before 2012:

And of the life within secret space programs as it was before 2012:

Here I would like to say that there is a lot of activity of the Light forces on the Moon recently, especially on the Earth facing side. Many lunar stations are being built that will assist in the final Earth liberation operations. The Resistance has built a small but strategically important base in the area near Mersenius crater. I have made this photo of Mersenius crater area a few weeks ago and you can feel the energy:


The Light forces have communicated that we are entering the next phase of the disclosure process and that it is very important for insiders with intel to come forward and release it through alternative media. Although some of those insiders might be afraid of the consequences of coming out, they need to understand that releasing the intel gives them a lot of additional protection by the Light forces as telling the truth increases the Light flow through their energy system.

Release of reliable intel is one of crucial steps in the process of planetary liberation.

Archons are still attempting to suppress the Samarra goddess vortex in Syria / Iraq area by using Islamic State mercenaries to destroy Palymra, a beautiful Roman city in Syria:

Many of those mercenaries are now being infiltrated into Europe hidden inside waves of refugees and are actually reptilians in cloned humanoid bodies who came on Earth during Archon invasion in 1996. The plan of the Archons is to repeat what was happening with Roman empire in the 4th century with waves of invaders destroying Roman civilization. Their plan will NOT be successful this time.

Energies in the second half of September are expected to be quite intense, although the Light forces are not expecting any drastic changes within that timeframe. Stay alert, but grounded and calm.

Victory of the Light!


SaLuSa from Sirius by Mike Quinsey,  September 4, 2015

SaLuSa from Sirius by Mike Quinsey,  September 4, 2015


Dear Ones, what a time you are having as the messages you now receive seem to have a general agreement as to what is shortly coming up. This month is a turning point regardless of whatever takes place, as the incoming energies will to a greater or lesser degree affect all souls. In fact it has already made its presence known by impinging upon your consciousness, with the result that many sense the changes within themselves. The higher energies are bringing love and ultimately a peace that you have only briefly known in your present dimension. The entities on your Earth that cannot raise their vibrations will be guided to an appropriate level that suits their needs. Every soul will find itself at the right level for their future needs, and all things will be exactly as they should be.

This is the time when the truth will gradually emerge until it becomes a crescendo of information that will make your head whirl. There is so much that has been presented to you as “truth” yet is far from it, and intended to hold you in the clutches of the dark Ones. Indeed, it has been largely successful but with the expanding levels of consciousness, it can no longer prevent the truth from becoming known. It means that you are no longer automatically accepting whatever is placed before you, and are more discerning and asking questions. At the same time many Lightworkers are now stepping forward to share their knowledge with you. The truth can no longer be kept from you, and as you prepare to actively take part in the New Age many knowledgeable souls are making themselves known.

Whilst the future is yet to be revealed, it will seem to you that utter confusion is all around you. This will remain for a while but once the activities of the dark Ones are curtailed, they will no longer be able to dictate to you or interfere. The New Age changes will truly start and in quick time you will see the benefits come in quick succession. You must remember that we are not reliant on your knowledge, but have advanced far beyond your present levels. However, you are part way there as for some years now you have benefited from progress made as the result of new technologies that have come through us, or taken from sources other than your own.

You are in exciting times that will lift you out of the lower vibrations, to benefit from new inventions and existing technologies that have been kept from you. Your needs will be fully attended to and eventually you will have so much time for yourselves, without the necessity to give so much of yourselves simply to have a rewarding life. The dark Ones never wanted you to become independent, and their devious plans have purposely kept you as slaves to your work and the money system. It will all change in due course, but first those most in need must be lifted out of poverty and want. It would seem to be a formidable task but with our help you will be utterly and completely surprised how quickly it can be carried out.

People must be prepared to change for the better, and any inconvenience will be well worth it. You will eventually become self-serving and independent, as the days of giving so much of your time simply to provide the necessities of life will change. You will have more than ample time to follow your own pursuits, and venture to different parts of the Earth for whatever pastimes you wish to enjoy. Be assured that the future is certain where these matters are concerned, and God has ordained it shall be so. Wars and any form of aggression will disappear and people will live together harmoniously and in happiness. With permanent peace having been established your Space friends will make more contact and you will enjoy sharing activities with them. It will soon be time to meet other civilisations who also wish to share their knowledge with you, and some are already within your Solar System waiting for the right time to openly introduce themselves.

As an individual your most important challenge is to keep focussed on the Light, and not be distracted by anything happening around you. There will be distractions and false information will abound as those who fear the changes cling desperately to what they know and feel comfortable with. At the same time however, more facts will come to light as to how you have been manipulated by the dark Ones. However, a number of you can now see clearly through the lies that have been told, and even are ready to awaken to the truth. It will spread like wildfire, largely by word of mouth, until the Press and other sources are forced to report the changes that are occurring. The truth will sound right because intuitively you know what to accept, and much will be to your surprise and also welcome as it will be for the good of All. However, be prepared to find your way through the mass of information that will be presented to you.

When you look back you will realise that there has been a deliberate plan to enlighten you that has taken many years to come to fruition. It has been slow to allow time for those who have needed much more help, to break out of the manacles that have held them back. Originally all souls came to Earth from high levels and as they immersed themselves in the lower vibrations, they lost their contact with the Light. You are therefore being given every help to remember who you really are and make your return to the Light as easy as possible. Your Guides will help you on your way so call upon them if you need their assistance. We can also help as we oversee developments to ensure your success and see you safely through this period. There is so much to look forwards to that will thrill you and make every effort you have made feel well worthwhile.

You now face some interesting developments that shall be the commencement of many exciting changes, and leave you in no doubt that that the New Age is truly under way. You are rising up with Mother Earth who has her own Ascension to deal with and looks forward to carrying you up with her. Your actions that are positive will help speed up events and ultimately it is the collective vibrations upon Earth that will determine when you ascend. You have come a long way to reach this most important time in your evolution and the feeling of completion is growing as all souls have the opportunity to lift up. You can help each other through the more challenging times by keeping fear at bay, as the outcome is assured and will take you back to the Light.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and just one of the many Space Friends that follow your progress and where possible guide you to your destined success. In time you will join us as equals, and we shall enjoy going into the Universe and sharing many adventures. However, when you are once more completely of the Light, you shall determine where your travels take you as it will be your choice. Think big Dear Ones as you are destined to fully return to the Light.

Thank you SaLuSa,

Mike Quinsey.

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Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation, August 11, 2015

Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation, August 11, 2015

We, in your name, have been able to schedule a series of actions. Our belief is that your allies can come forward and transform this present gloom into Light! This requires that you join us by using your inner focus to visualize the reality that together we are all to manifest! Gosho ba shen! (Sirian for “action for All”)


2 Akbal, 16 Pop, 12 Manik

Selamat Jaran! Nearly 13 millennia ago, your ancestors arrived on this living orb. Like all new colonists, they first agreed on a beginning. This became the lost continent of Muror (Lemuria). At the same time, the colonists set up their settlements in Agartha (Inner Earth). These first steps were in remembrance of the destroyed first colony, which you know as Hybornea (the land of the North Polar Region). This land was settled about 2 million years ago. These colonists eventually went to Mars and settled on its inner lands about one million years ago. These colonists used this Martian land as a way station in order to successfully evacuate to safe Galactic Federation solar systems in Lyra and Centaurus. A similar plan was to be copied by the Atlanteans and their compadres when they moved from Gaia to Agena in Centaurus some 13,000 years ago. Following this mass migration, Heaven assigned us to watch and only interfere when necessary. Your planet (Gaia) was temporarily given to the Anunnaki (the remaining governing group from Atlantis) to govern until a set date of recovery. Heaven wanted to prepare you for your future role in this galaxy.

This very brief outline of system history is necessary for you to better comprehend where you are now in the timeline set up so precisely by Heaven. Historical dates in the Galactic Federation are set by relationship to a great year of 26,250 Earth years of approximately 360 (+5 days). This calendar was given to a number of ancient peoples like the Maya, the Egyptian and Tibetan civilizations nearly 8000 years ago by the Anunnaki date maker known for instance in Egypt as the god “Tahuti.” This was done under sacred edict and a number of calendars resulted from these actions. We are constantly watching over this and need to correct these calendars shortly before we land. These documents are actually very accurate. They are based on the movements of stars such as the “Pleiades” and planets such as Venus and Mars. Each of these objects has orbits that can be measured to calculate a yearly set of dates. These dates reflect energies collected from a number of constantly changing geometric sets. These sets can be used to plot key moments in the life and times of societies.

It is necessary to see this galaxy as emitting energies that can be collected by those who understand the significance of these geometric calculations. The Anunnaki assigned a number of their kind later to confuse these set dates and thereby alter history to what their councils so wished. Hence, these ancient calendars, while still somewhat accurate lack the ability to reflect what the original time keepers intended. Our wish is to restore these calendars and introduce you to the highly accurate date keeper of the Agarthans. Agartha alone kept the many traditions first used in sacred joy by the Lemurians. You are to meet your ancestors when we finally land. Before this grand event, we are to address you and lay before you the history of Lemuria (Muror). When you look in detail at their language and customs, you are to see clearly how the Anunnaki divided you and how the Atlanteans lowered your consciousness and altered your RNA/DNA. The sacred time for a spectacular reunion of surface and inner Earth humanity beckons!

In accordance with this history, we started the opening vestiges of a first contact mission nearly 2½ decades ago. Initially, the first steps were made not knowing how the Anunnaki and their minions were to interfere with these many projects. This caused us to seek assistance from those who so dearly wished to aid our sacred cause. We are now in the final stages of preparing events, which when manifested are to forever transform your world. The minions of your world (the dark cabal) are at the point of no return. A large worldwide group of opponents are poised to oust them from power. In addition, this cabal presently lacks the resources to continue. Taking this into account, the time now approaches when a number of needed announcements can be made public. We, in your name, have been able to schedule a series of actions. Our belief is that your allies can come forward and transform this present gloom into Light! This requires that you join us by using your inner focus to visualize the reality that together we are all to manifest! Gosho ba shen! (Sirian for “action for All”)

Blessings! We are your Ascended Masters!
As you wait in frustration for the day when your blessings are to arrive, a few notes on this matter. After the fall of the Anunnaki in the mid-1990s, those former minions who were dedicated to their nefarious plans refused to stand down and permit the rise of a new era under the control of a number of secret sacred societies and the many ancient families. This defiance of Heaven worked for a decade. Then their dastardly schemes started to fail. By the middle of the next decade, our blessed associates began to gain the upper hand. These failures signaled to the Light that its time of rapid ascendance had at last arrived. We decided to force some key issues with our allies and were able to get a preliminary date for various deliveries. So far, these strategies are operative and we expect, dear Ones that these dates are to be met. These circumstances insure deliveries are to commence shortly.

One must remember why these enormous amounts of funds were set up in the first place. Our beloved Master Saint Germaine wished for this time to present his chosen ones with a degree of funds sufficient to redirect how the wealth in this realm was redistributed. Thus, it was initially necessary to alter how this insensitive group of heinous autocrats (the dark cabal) was redirected. The trap was to be a new banking and monetary system, which was to drive them in a few centuries to be primed for the perfect trap (the rise of fractional banking). The point where this trap was ready to be sprung first occurred at the start of this millennium and then again one and one-half decades later. The second point is much more advantageous and it is now being readied even as we speak. The final point of this heavenly plan is to be released and is to result in the final defeat of these most misguided and misdirected souls.

Often, in the strange history of this surface realm, our compadres are frequently ignored or discounted by the ones in power. His most holy being, Count Saint Germaine, knows of this and has quite skillfully created a blessed scenario, which despite its long run of over 2 ½ centuries, is currently able to obtain the desired results. When you shortly receive your blessings, rejoice, and with great dedication carry out your sacred plans to transform this realm for the better. Be aware as well that your allies are fully prepared to protect and aid you in your numerous blessed efforts! This realm is to be united with our cousins from inner Earth. Together, we are to alter this realm and this solar system for the good of humanity and the directed decrees of Heaven. For this Gaia smiles upon all of us! Remain focused and be positive about what is to happen. The future of Gaia’s humankind is about to begin!

Today, we carried on with our weekly messages to you. A great change in this surface world is now assured to occur soon. The dark cabal is on its last legs. Under this process, a series of special agreements are in effect. These have put us in a position to execute the last series of operations, and the results are to be known to you as they happen. The next period ahead is a most joyous one! Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)

Planetary Activation Organization

Mailing Address: P. O. Box 4975, El Dorado Hills, CA 95762 USA

Website address:

Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation, July 28, 2015

Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation, July 28, 2015


Let this be the time of a great end to those who in the dark’s name kept all of you doubting who you are and what you were capable of. The time comes to let this realm know that your merciful guardian energies are preparing to emerge and create a new realm filled with peace, cooperation and joy. Hallelujah! A new time of freedom and prosperity is nearly upon us!

I Muluk, 2 Pop, 12 Manik

Dratzo! Much is happening! The various processes chosen by our earthly allies have received working schedules. As usual, a set committee meets at infrequent times with the dark cabal. In these meetings, our earthly allies provide the dark’s emissaries with a series of ultimatums. These ultimatums are usually based upon a series of legal decisions that prove the dark is basically bankrupt and lacks its own oomph to carry out senseless military actions. In short, world opinion is turning solidly against them. The ancient families in particular possess formal IOUs, which have the power to prove the utter weakness of the dark’s fiat monetary system. The dark realizes just how fragile their position is. The end time for this cabal draws ever closer. The ancient families wish to create not only a new system, but as well to create global conditions for the new consciousness to grow and flourish. We constantly remind them that the poor masses of humanity that cover this globe are dying and in pain. Their reply to us is that a process for change is under way and gaining momentum. There is to be a time for everything. We reply that Heaven as well has a most glorious agenda!

When the Atlanteans so ungratefully abandoned humanity, the people were left to starve and eventually die. In this instance the Anunnaki arrived and under a strict agreement with Heaven partially rose up the people and put them under the heinous yoke of their dark rule. Your ancestors were at first appreciative of their help. Deep in their hearts they vaguely knew what had so capriciously occurred. These new dark ones were attempting to replace the Atlanteans and erase their memories of who they really were. This troubled your ancestors as they realized that something wonderful needed to happen to return them to their former state. Eventually as the millennia passed, your ancestors adapted to this limited reality. The golden ages after Atlantis proved to most of your ancestors that there were some rewards for supplication. Nevertheless, the hope of those who remembered the old world was a constant mantra for Heaven to send a true champion. We were secretly appointed to watch over you and await further instructions.

Since the destruction of Atlantis, your ancestors suffered as the Anunnaki mercilessly ruled over them. After the last golden age ended with the great flood, the Anunnaki selected minions to serve in their place as masters of you. The Anunnaki began to divide you into different groups and use this as a means for greater control. Moral rules to govern these societies were passed down and many other rules were given to aid their minions in governing these very diverse groups. The minions were taught about war, hatred and other ways to manipulate a society. By modern day, you had mostly forgotten about your past and accepted many of the precepts passed down from the previous eight millennia. Your present societies are in reality changing how you look at this. The Anunnaki are gone. The minions proved to be a truly inept group. They only know what the very astute Anunnaki taught them. They have had easy access to wealth, power and a general governmental indifference. This creates a kind of stupor, which can be used to finally finish them off.

As consciousness grows, you begin to see how this realm can be changed. The ancient families work partially within the context of the old reality. Something new is needed that can quickly transform these millennia-old predicaments. We believe that a transparent and powerful movement can work to swiftly alter this realm. We have been suggesting this for years. Small groups intent on improving local conditions have popped up all over your globe. These tiny movements are gradually consolidating what is needed as major groups to come together and create networks with power. In other words, to do this with powerful benefactors who use their wealth to advance these numerous projects. To us, this is a more acceptable way. The dark can then attempt to interfere. Let them, and use it to advance the power of this cause. Their corrupt methods can only lead to a true “quiet revolution”. This needed to be done a half decade ago. The result of this growing consciousness can then oust these scalawags from power. The results are the same within a much smaller timeframe.

We are your Ascended Masters! We come with a message for all!! Right now on Gaia, a great energy is moving into your various life zones. Each of these energies is building upon the other. The coming month of August is when these energies are to reach a crescendo. These energies are to become the foundation for another set of even higher energies that are to follow. These energies are activating parts of your mind, heart and body. These organs are the center point for a blessed set of changes that are to make you even more aware of the dimensional transformation. Back in 1972, a number of actions were undertaken to preserve this solar system. These were the initial instance of us aiding your reality. Be aware that to us, Gaia is a special planet as it served as the focal point for the start of this galaxy. Ever since we became Masters, we became deeply aware of what this divine living orb truly is. It is a blessing to know that its preservation is a divine part of our many sacred duties. As you grow in consciousness, you can better sense her immense importance to this solar system.

These new energies are part of a continuing system of energies that began to flow into Gaia at the start of this millennium. These energies are to be the jump starter of the preliminary energies needed to start your changes. At present, most of your aura has been integrated into fields that power Gaia. As she naturally grows, so do you. In August, the next sets are to commence flowing into this orb. We are regulating these energies and the transformations they are to cause. They are, in fact, a type of tonal pattern needed to move you to your next stage of growth. The dark has become aware of what is happening and we are assuring Heaven that our protection extends throughout this surface world. Meanwhile the dark is as well discovering that its plans to prevent these transformations are badly failing. The Light is drawing closer each day to a most blessed victory!

The blessed song of Heaven is reverberating throughout this realm. We ask that you remain positive and use your mostly untapped inner powers to see that this timely change happens as planned. Each of you is in reality a jewel of Heaven. Use your collective abilities to permit these brilliant inner jewels to shine. If you look around you, you can then see this grand energy in action. Visualize this and in so doing allow your brethren to shine with a brilliance so great that it ends the power of the dark and lets the Light of Heaven in. Let this be the time of a great end to those who in the dark’s name kept all of you doubting who you are and what you were capable of. The time comes to let this realm know that your merciful guardian energies are preparing to emerge and create a new realm filled with peace, cooperation and joy. Hallelujah! A new time of freedom and prosperity is nearly upon us!

Today we continued with our weekly messages to inform you of what is happening across this globe. Our space and inner Earth families are providing the grounds for the great set of changes that are currently underway. We thank all who are so graciously aiding all of us in this mission to transform humanity. Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)

Planetary Activation Organization
Mailing Address: P. O. Box 4975, El Dorado Hills, CA 95762 USA

Website address:

The Portal: Cobra’s Update ‘Sublunar Operations…’ , July 14, 2015

The Portal: Cobra’s Update ‘Sublunar Operations…’ , July 14, 2015

The Resistance defines sublunar space as the space below the Moon orbit and above the orbit of the lowest man-made orbiting satellites.

The Light forces have begun sublunar operations today, as the next logical step towards the completion of MOSS.

Sublunar space was always a region of intense Chimera activity, as it is the last line of defense before the planetary surface.

There are may man-made satellites orbiting the Earth, and some of them double as Chimera plasma strangelet bomb implant stations:


The most important to mention is the proposed Manned Orbiting Laboratory:



This project was officially canceled in 1969, but in reality it went deep black and is still now the most important Chimera implant station.

The second group of Chimera implant stations are some of the geostationary and geosynchronous satellites:


And the third group are some satellites in near Earth orbit (NEO), especially the Keyhole (KH) satellite group:


The sublunar space is constantly monitored for any sign of extraterrestrial contact by the Chimera, infiltrated into the US military:




And into the Chinese military also, through their proxy Henry Kissinger:


Sublunar operations will remove all Chimera presence, their implant stations and all plasma strangelet and toplet bombs from sublunar space. All parts of man-made satellites, directly related to Chimera operations (such as ion-plasma chambers, some high definition spy cameras, etc.) will soon become dysfunctional.

It is a very interesting »coincidence« that sublunar operations have started on the same day that NASA’s New Horizons space probe made its closest approach to Pluto and its moon Charon:


Fifteen years ago, Charon was the main exotic weapons warehouse for Chimera / Draco / Illuminati secret space programs. All this has been cleared by the Light forces a few years later. Now, Charon is the main portal between our Solar System and M 87 Galaxy in Virgo. Now, Charon is one of the most positive and beautiful places in the whole Solar System and will have a very important role in the liberation of our planet as one of the most important relay stations for the Event flash.

You can connect with the energy of Charon through this picture:


The Breakthrough is near!



The Portal: Cobra’s Update ‘ FREE THE COLONIES! on MAY 30TH, 2015…

The Portal: Cobra’s Update ‘ FREE THE COLONIES! on MAY 30TH, 2015…




MAY 30TH, 2015

It is time to take action again! It is time to take the destiny of our world and the Solar System in our own hands! Therefore we will meet in groups large and small, as individuals and couples, on May 30th this year. Many of us will gather and assist in the breakthrough of the Multidimensional Operations Solar System (MOSS) to support the Light forces which are now liberating our Solar System from the last vestiges of darkness.

In the past, many human beings were living as hostages in slavery in many of the colonies throughout the Solar System that belonged to various secret space programs. You can read a relatively accurate summary of those programs here:

In 2012, the Light forces have cleared our Solar System of all secret space programs and their colonies that were not directly protected by the Chimera group.

Unfortunately, a relatively small number of colonies and implant stations throughout the Solar System has been protected by Chimera’s strangelet bombs and human beings are still living there in slavery and generally the extent of ritual abuse in these colonies surpasses what people have experienced on Earth.

These colonies are now in the process of being cleared by the Light forces in the current phase of the MOSS, and humans who were captured there are being liberated and given healing.


A very critical and sensitive part of the liberation operations will happen on Saturday, May 30th. The Light forces have asked for the support of the surface human population, so that the liberation operations proceed as smoothly and as peacefully as possible.

Our visualization and meditation will support the Light forces operatives in achieving that goal. We can do it! It needs to go viral! We need to reach many people, so that the critical mass of people actually doing it is attained. Please post it on your websites and blogs. If you know an alternative media outlet, you can send it to them. You can create a Facebook group for your local group of people doing this in your part of the world. You can create a video about this and post it on Youtube.

Scientific studies have confirmed positive effects of mass meditations on human society, so what we are doing really does have an influence:

Our meditation will happen on May 30th, which is the point of maximum tension for the Solar System as you can see in this heliocentric astrological chart:


We will all be doing this activation at the same time, at 2 hours 11 minutes pm Pacific Daylight Time. This equals 3:11 pm MDT in Denver, 4:11 pm CDT in Chicago, 5:11 pm EDT in New York, 10:11 pm BST in London and 11.11 pm CEST in central Europe and on Sunday, May 31st at 5:11 am CST in Taipei.

You can view the exact time of the activation for many places here:!&iso=20150530T141111&p1=137


1. Relax your mind and body by watching your breath for a few minutes.

2. Visualize Light fores liberating all remaining secret space program colonies throughout the Solar System, freeing all sentient beings currently being captured there, and removing all dark entities from all those locations. Visualize this process taking place throughout the whole Solar System peacefully and smoothly. Visualize our Solar System finally being free from darkness and slavery, free from all evil beings and corrupt entities.

3. Visualize bright new future for our Solar System, with all different cosmic races living there in peace and harmony. Visualize humanity being introduced to the vastness of our Solar System, humans enjoying its beauty, traveling from moon to moon and planet to planet in vessels of Light.

I have been waiting for this moment for more than 15 years. So much time has passed since the liberation of planet X! With joy, I can finally transmit this coded message to the key persons in the colonies:

L4/Light is ON

After all the colonies are liberated, the Light forces will convert buildings and infrastructure of those places for the benefit and enjoyment of humanity, which will be able to visit those locations after the First Contact. The colonies will be thus transformed from places of suffering into places of joy. There are already projects of the Light forces behind the scenes to prepare humanity for this:


The Breakthrough for our Solar System is here, Earth comes next!

Updates about the Free the Colonies! activation:


SaLuSa from Sirius: ‘The times of separation are over and in the future Man will realise that as you are All One there is no place for self-aggrandisement…’ through Mike Quinsey, May 15, 2015

SaLuSa from Sirius:  ‘The times of separation are over and in the future Man will realise that as you are All One there is no place for self-aggrandisement…’ through Mike Quinsey, May 15, 2015


The way forward is becoming clear to many people but there are so many misleading situations that you are never certain whether you are taking the correct path. The best measure is to ask yourself what expectations are you personally aiming for, and trust your intuition to determine whether you are heading in the right direction. It is desirable to have a goal in life rather than an aimless existence, yet all situations will address your need to learn certain lessons to help you evolve. Bear in mind that nothing that impinges upon your life has done so by accident, even although there is no immediate outcome apparent. You Dear Ones, are responsible for whatever path your life takes having been gifted with freewill. However, you always have a life plan agreed upon before you incarnate, and this must be taken into consideration.

All will be revealed when you return to the higher dimensions, and it is a time of self-appraisal when nothing but a truthful account can be recorded. Be assured that all along the way you have support from many souls, who wish for you the best outcome. However, humans being what they are can lose sight of their goals when they get embroiled in earthly emotions. Self-control is something you are learning all of the time as without it you are literally a lost soul. You are putting an Age behind you that has been one of the bloodiest imaginable when the same mistakes have happened time and time again. The ego has lead you onto a path of destruction, but fortunately there are sufficient of you who have turned to the Light, and realised that decisions based upon love are the only way out of your predicament. The truth is that you will eventually see the futility of continual wars, and realise that the time has now arrived to promote peace and goodwill.

Why not build for prosperity instead of destroying lives and property, causing sorrow and hardship. Where is the gain except for the control of the Earth’s land and treasures? Many kingdoms have come and gone in spite of having reached a peak, and the lesson is clear that nothing lasts forever amidst the lower vibrations. How long will it take Man to realise that you are all Brothers and Sisters walking the same path. Would it not therefore make good sense to help each other to achieve success. You tend to judge someone depending on their wealth and position in society, yet from one life to another roles may well change depending on what experience is needed. Man has created his own experiences but time is running out now that the New Age has commenced. Now it is up to each soul to consider where they are going with their life, and if they are ready to take a giant leap forward. The higher dimensions beckon but you cannot just move into them without having raised your vibrations.

While you are busy attending to your own needs, we are planning a welcome for those of you who have already decided to do whatever is necessary to rise up. You are finding that by keeping firmly on your path, you are progressing and able to disregard whatever is going on around you. There are many distractions but these are relics of an Age that will soon pass, and you will leave them behind. You have wonders to discover that will take you speeding into the higher dimensions, and gone will be all the problems and issues that you have previously encountered. There is no place for them as the vibrations rise up and you will know that you have truly ascended. The reward has been well earnt by your dedication to the Light, and clear intent to leave anything less behind. All credit to you for having established your place in the future, by lifting up into higher vibrations.

The signs are all around you that indicate how deep the changes are affecting your Earth. The lands and the oceans are all in the process of change that is all part of the restoration of Earth. Man has seriously polluted them and in reality the Earth would have died but for the cleansing that we have regularly carried out. Indeed, had we not allowed matters to get out of hand, the damage could well have been irreversible. Dear Ones, your experiences have not been wasted and valuable lessons have been learnt. However, as long as the dark Ones remain on Earth there is a continual threat to the environment that we are monitoring. Be assured that we will not allow them to destroy or devastate the Earth. This Age is to bring success for Man in his quest for the truth of his existence and wonderful future that lies ahead.

The last 100 years have been instrumental in awakening many souls who have been so engulfed in the lower vibrations, that they lost touch with their true selves. Some are still living in the unreal world that you have created, but as the vibrations continue to rise they will gradually comprehend the truth. They will always have evolved souls around them waiting for the signs that they are awakening, so that they may guide them to continue moving into the Light. The end of a cycle such as you are going through now is often very demanding, as karma that has accumulated over a long period of time is cleared. It concerns not just individuals but also Nations that have promoted their own beliefs rather than the truth. There is only the one truth and it can be simply put as “Love”, and as you evolve it becomes more apparent to you. The times of separation are over and in the future Man will realise that as you are All One there is no place for self-aggrandisement.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and p[eased as always to help you enjoy your experiences. When you understand that there is no such thing as death of the soul, it takes away the fear of dying and enables you to cope with your experiences. You also realise that you have many lives in which to fulfil your need for challenges that will allow you to evolve, and as we have often pointed out you have Guides and other unseen helpers always on hand. Keep faith with your intent to travel your path and move closer to the Light, and know that you will get there in the end. There is no time limit to your needs, as in reality time does not exist as you know it. I send my Love always.

Thank you SaLuSa.

Mike Quinsey

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6 Batz, 14 Kayab, 10 Caban

Selamat Jarin! We arrive with more to tell you. Many of you may wonder how we have set up our various fleets in your solar system. You may also have asked yourselves how each fleet’s functions interrelate. To begin with, our fleets are positioned in three rings. The first ring surrounds Mother Earth and her artificial companion, your Moon. This fleet contains over one million ships, most of which are small, unarmed scout and transport vehicles. Their task is to observe you and your world, to oversee fleet operations and to transport certain types of supplies that cannot be teleported to our bases. Our bases, located beneath all of your continents, oceans and seas, are linked to a vast array of crystal cities and communities that comprise Inner Earth. Yet another group of bases is to be found on your Moon, which contains a huge network of command and research facilities. These stations provide the means for us to monitor your secret government’s collection of space, time and inter-dimensional weaponry. They pose no potential threat to us.

Surrounding this first, or inner ring are several spokes that consist of a number of special liaison and defense fleets. Their purpose is, first, to supervise and, then, to take effective countermeasures whenever necessary. Our purpose is to refuse your secret government continued use of any weaponry that may pose a threat to our earthly allies. We have set up interplanetary ‘stations’ to close any inter-dimensional star-gates and to carefully monitor any artificially created distortions in time’s natural waves. Here, bear in mind that physicality is actually an illusion created by its inhabitants’ collective core belief and the dictates of the divine plan. In this, natural patterns occur in the way Time and Light coalesce to form ‘space’ — the stuff that produces realities. Dark, limited-conscious societies have used these natural patterns to construct fearsome weapons that alter realities, mutate dimensions and warp or constrict the flow of time. Your secret government has co-opted the work of many of your inventors and scientists, and merged it with a number of off-world technologies.

Other secret government technologies are capable of altering your physical, mental and emotional bodies. Their vile purpose is to bring about the eventual control of your minds. Then, they can complete the genetic alterations left undone by the fall of Atlantis some 13 millennia ago. Our mission is to neutralize and prevent any large-scale adoptions of these technologies. Every day, Heaven is working to finish, on schedule, the long process that will return you to full consciousness. Once again, we put on warning those in your secret government who continue to harbor the belief that they can hinder this sacred operation. We WILL NOT tolerate such attempts. Accordingly, we have established a full team of scientists and corresponding liaisons who are on the lookout for these programs and are then limiting their effectiveness. Properly applied, these technologies can substantially assist what Heaven is creating. Dear Friends, we most sincerely welcome a full disclosure of the covert acts, committed during most of Earth’s last two centuries, that have hindered your return to full consciousness.

Structure of the Galactic Federation of Light Overseeing Earth Transformation (See Illustration Galactic Federation Fleet)

A. Location:
1st Ring

Consists of:
More than a million ships of unarmed scouts and transport vehicles.

To oversee fleet operations, transport supplies to Earth subterranean bases and Earth inner cities and Moon bases.

B. Location:

Consists of:
Liaison and defense fleets.

Supervise and countermeasure, if necessary, the secret government’s programs such as physical, mental and emotional control and mind control and also close any interplanetary star gates and artificially-created time wave distortions.

C. Location:
2nd Ring

Consists of:
Headquartered in Mars in underground and surface bases. Sentient beings not human in form. Planetoid-sized Motherships

Augment the research and observation being done by first ring. Also work in tasks that involve weaponry and technology. Work in preparing Mother Mars for human arrival en masse, after human journey to full consciousness is completed

D. Location:
In-Between 2nd and 3rd Ring

Consists of:
Special, planet-sized command ships from the Science and Exploration (S&E) fleets.

Main command ships for First Contact mission. A standard procedure is to cloak these ships and keep them away from the prying eye of many space telescopes. The aim of these telescopes is, essentially, to find these ships.

E. Location:
3rd Ring

Consists of:
Largest. Millions of immensely varied ships, ranging from Motherships the size of large ocean liners to those nearly the size of Neptune or Uranus. Also there are main transport stations that lead back to the vast profusion of home-worlds. It has also traffic coordinators for this immense fleet of ships.

These Motherships are simply the final back up, serving as components that will enter the second ring only when necessary. They proclaim to all potential adversaries that Mother Earth and its solar system are clearly experiencing a transformation that no Being, corporeal or non-corporeal in form, can prevent. The traffic coordinators serve to move all ships between these rings and back into interstellar or intergalactic space.

The second ring of fleet components is headquartered on Mars. These support groups consist mainly of sentient Beings who are not human in form. Many of them will be introduced to you soon after the beginning of First Contact. Others will wait until you are restored to full consciousness. Within this second series of fleets are included some small, planetoid-sized Motherships, whose purpose is to augment the research and observations being done by the innermost ring of ships. They also have a number of tasks involving the weaponry and technology that, in the course of the past decades, has been given to your secret government. Most of this technology was supplied by the off-world star-nations, star leagues and star empires whose ships are to be found here. On Mars, a network of underground and surface bases acts as the ‘control and command’ segment of this exceedingly diverse fleet. These Galactic Federation personnel are also busily preparing Mother Mars for your arrival en masse, after your journey to full consciousness is completed.
Between the second and third rings are a large number of special, planet-sized command ships from our Science and Exploration (S&E) fleets. They will serve as the main command ships for this First Contact mission. Standard procedure is to cloak these ships and keep them away from the prying eye of your many space telescopes. Their aim, essentially, is to find us. From time to time, we very briefly uncloak some of these Motherships in order to show your secret government that we are still here and do not intend to go away. We know that infrequent sightings of these ships by your astronomers go unreported. They fear reprisal, either by their peers or by those who give them their grants. Your secret government fears these ships the most because they fully realize the capability of such a fleet and the insignificance of any response they could mount. Here, we repeat that we are benevolent and operating under the full supervision of Heaven.

The outermost ring of our vast fleet is, by far, the largest. It contains millions of immensely varied ships, ranging from Motherships the size of large ocean liners to those nearly the size of Neptune or Uranus. These Motherships are simply our final back up, serving as components that will enter the second ring only when necessary. They proclaim to all potential adversaries that Mother Earth and your solar system are clearly experiencing a transformation that no Being, corporeal or non-corporeal in form, can prevent. Within this ring are the main transport stations that lead back to our vast profusion of home-worlds. Here, as well, are to be found the traffic coordinators for this immense fleet of ships. They serve to move all ships between these rings and back into interstellar or intergalactic space.


Galactic Federation Fleet

Galactic Federation Fleet Positioning with Respect to Earth.
Not to scale, illustration by Luis Prada

Our fleet is divided into two components, as well. The first, and the smaller, has a very long duty cycle that includes our main command personnel, as well as our many medical and planetary teams. The second group, which is deliberately more temporary, consists of member fleets of the Galactic Federation of Light that dearly wish to be part of the most significant event in recent galactic history. We deeply understand that the need to watch over you is one of our greatest challenges, yet also one of our greatest joys. Every medical and planetary team is fully aware of what Mother Earth and you are undergoing. We have carefully observed and, when Heaven allows, have intervened. Every action of our fleet arises from events occurring on your world. Our entire team awaits First Contact and what it means — the starting point for the next great step in our galaxy’s history.

Classification by Components of the Galactic Federation of Light Overseeing Earth Transformation

A. Location:
1st Component

Consists of:
The first, and the smaller, includes main command personnel, as well as many medical and planetary teams.
Very long duty cycle that includes the main command personnel, as well as the many medical and planetary teams. Every medical and planetary team is fully aware of what Mother Earth and its inhabitants are undergoing. Performs careful observation and intervention as Heaven allows.

This contact command team, which contains all of the liaison boards and fleet commanders, is in charge of this immense fleet.

B. Location:
2nd Component

Consists of:
Deliberately more temporary, this group consists of member fleets of the Galactic Federation of Light.

Participates in numerous activities and wants to be part of the most significant event in recent galactic history.

C. Location:
Earth Spiritual Hierarchy (Great White Brotherhood)

Consists of:
A special segment that comprises the local Earth Spiritual Hierarchy.

(Not mentioned in this article) Works for the awakening of mankind through mystical students and channels. Delivers teachings through various organizations, brotherhoods of Light and Mystery Schools. Works in conjunction with the Galactic Federation of Light.

Our First Contact command team, which contains all of our liaison boards and fleet commanders, is in charge of this immense fleet. There is also a special segment that comprises your local Spiritual Hierarchy. Remember, dear Friends, that our purpose for coming here is divine. Heaven summoned us and we came. To control such vast, diverse fleets is highly unusual in a First Contact operation. Normally, a single S&E fleet accomplishes this mission in very short order. This mission, however, is unique and of vital significance. It has drawn immense attention and lasted much longer than usual. We have found room for such a wide diversity of ships and yet remained capable of fulfilling this mission. Be confident, dear Friends, that this mission will be achieved and that First Contact draws nearer every day.

Today, we have briefly reviewed how we have amassed our First Contact fleets. They are poised and ready to complete First Contact. This mission is operating according to the divine right order and timing of Heaven. Therefore, we ask you to remain focused and committed to your inevitable success. Know, dear Friends, that soon we shall meet and at last be able to celebrate all that it implies. We now take our leave. Blessings! Know, dear Ones, in your heart of hearts, that Heaven’s boundless Abundance and Prosperity is truly yours! Amen. Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! Be in Joy!)

From The Planetary Activation Organization (

Article taken from: Published by permission from PAO.



SaLuSa from Sirius: ‘Your role is to be a “glowing” example to others so that they may learn from it…’ by Mike Quinsey, April 24, 2015

SaLuSa from Sirius: ‘Your role is to be a “glowing” example to others so that they may learn from it…’ by Mike Quinsey, April 24, 2015


The way ahead is going to be full of pleasant surprises, beyond what most of you have anticipated. Yet many will fulfil your present expectations based on what you have projected into the future. It is not set in stone, but will nevertheless take you into the New Age you have been preparing for. Your destiny has been decreed by the higher forces, but you have had freewill to determine the manner in which you travel that path. You have so to say done the hard bit, and now the negative forces will no longer be able to interfere with your progress as they have done in the past. Their power has already been curtailed and they no longer have the ability to do as they please.

Your aim should now be to centre your attention more upon yourself, to ensure that you do not slip back having achieved so much already. Your journey through duality has been tough and demanding, and your strength has been honed in the fires of life. Your place on Earth is almost as an onlooker as you live your life within your own energy field, largely unaffected by events occurring outside of you. Sometimes you will need to step outside, but you can return unaffected by the lower energies. Your role is to be a “glowing” example to others so that they may learn from it. They will be attracted to you and this gives you the opportunity to help them raise their vibrations. As you know, “like attracts like” and as you move further into them, a natural cleansing takes place of all the lower energies.

Where karma is concerned you may still be tested, but as you rise up you will find the challenge easy to deal with. These are the times in the lower vibrations of the final lives for many of you, when as you progress you will begin to understand where your next experiences are required to be. A panorama of choice lays ahead of you, and you will be helped to make a wise choice that ensures your continued progress. The difference between the past and now is that you are sufficiently enlightened to make your own choices. Mother Earth has given much of herself for the evolution of Mankind, and she also is evolving and many of you will join her.

As you know everything is happening in the “Now” which is why we can look into your future and see which way you are likely to go. What we do know for certain is that you will continue to progress quite quickly within the Light, and once more become Galactic Beings. Once again help will be given to assist you along that path, by those who have already walked it successfully. Life will be completely different to what you experience now, and the most notable change will be the degree of freedom that you will gain to travel the Cosmos. You will have seemingly endless opportunities to meet other forms of life, and be a mentor to them.

At present it is difficult for you to comprehend what lies ahead for you, because the Cosmos is so vast and life forms exist everywhere. You also have many dimensions ahead of you that you can explore, and your only limitation is your own vibration. Intelligent life abounds, and Man of Earth will find that there is so much more to learn and experience. Imagine always being able to travel by the power of thought, so that distance as you presently understand it presents no obstacle. By comparison your time on Earth is very much like being in quarantine, and that is very much the truth. Of necessity you had to be protected from outside interference, although other Beings have been allowed to make contact with you. Taking all things into consideration, you should now begin to understand why your experiences on Earth have been closely monitored and carefully planned. Whatever they may have been, please bear in mind that you have as you would say “been fast tracked” to ensure your rapid evolution, and each one of you volunteered to take part in it.

Coming back to Earth, it is a beautiful planet that one day in the near future will be returned to pristine condition. You have heard of your Garden of Eden, and those days will return once again as Mother Earth takes her place once more in the higher vibrations. Evolution is ongoing and the ultimate is when perfection is achieved, and all life returns to the Godhead. However there is a lot to experience before that level is reached. Enjoy yourselves as you discover the wonders that lay ahead of you, and encounter the most godly Beings that live in the higher dimensions.

Coming back to your present situation, you are shortly to experience some events that you have been eagerly awaiting. The dark Ones are not to be trusted and have frequently broken their promises to allow the progress of the Light as planned. However, they have inevitably broken their word, and caused delays in bringing you the benefits of the New Age. They are waiting and ready to be revealed, and plans are well advanced to make announcements as soon as possible. We refer to the period that is coming up before the New Year, and that is the earliest opportunity to do so. Others will quickly follow once they get started, and by that time the dark Ones will no longer be able to influence the outcome.

Dear Ones, we admire your determination to win the battle with the dark Ones, and that has been already been achieved by your dedication to establish the Light upon Earth. The establishment of it has commenced and there is no going back now, and no way that it can be stopped. The battle has been won and all that remains is to tidy up after the remaining karma has been fulfilled. It is of course too early to claim a total victory, but that glorious moment will come in most of your lifetimes. The lower energies are being further reduced by your continued actions to fully establish the Light upon Earth.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius and blessed to be the one appointed to continue this contact with you. We know that you are responding well to the information given out, and we see the Light growing faster and a great web being placed around the Earth. Our love is with you as you keep your focus on the goal for complete success.

Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey

Website: Tree of the Golden Light

The Portal: Cobra’s Update ‘The Ganymede Portal…’ on April 19, 2015

The Portal:  Cobra’s Update ‘The Ganymede Portal…’  on April 19, 2015

The Ganymede Portal on the largest moon of Jupiter is the most important location in our Solar System.

It is the strongest energetic pathway in our Solar system which leads to the Galactic Central Sun. Sirius is a midway station between the Galactic Center and the Ganymede Portal, stepping down the vibrational frequency of the Central Sun energy to the degree that our Sol system can absorb.

There is a huge Galactic Confederation underground base on Ganymede which is a central hub for all intelligent positive races working upon the liberation of our Solar system and planet Earth especially.

That base is the main stronghold of the Jupiter Command and they are operating the portal towards the Galactic Center.

The base is located near the center of the Gallileo Regio:

The Ganymede Portal is the main beacon of Light for this Solar System including our planet. Without that portal being open, humanity would not survive the Archon invasion in 1996 and would be now extinct. Exopolitical events have much more influence on geopolitical situation than most people realize. The Archons have cleverly labeled everyone with more that a passing interest in cosmos as a »lunatic« to ensure that people would not detect the real source of the problems we have on Earth.

You can read two excellent summaries of the exopolitical background of the planetary situation here:

You can also connect energetically in your meditations with the Ganymede Portal, as it is the strongest source of spiritual Light in our Solar System:


As the next phase of MOSS will be activated in May, the activity of the Ganymede Portal will increase dramatically. This portal will also be the main transmitter of energies from the Galactic Central Sun at the Event.

After the Event, members of the Cabal who do not choose or are not able to accept the Light, will be processed through a sorting facility, which is located in one section of the Ganymede underground base. Many of those Cabal members will be then taken to the Galactic Central Sun for restructuring.

The Ganymede portal is purifying the plasma accretion vortex strings (tunnels of Set) that extend from planet Earth beyond our Solar System into the Local Bubble:

While at the same time our Solar System is entering a sector of the Galaxy that will trigger more drastic changes and much sooner than scientists are willing to admit:

Scientific evidence is mounting about unusual activity in the Oort cloud. Astronomers are detecting radio signals which are coming from the Spheres since their arrival in 2001:

Powerful people with much potential positive influence upon the exopolitical and geopolitical situation are reading this blog. For this and also for other reasons I would ask people with deep intel about secret space programs to contact me at for possible future cooperation.



Blossom Goodchild for the Galactic Federation of Light, April 12, 2015

‘How could it be that Higher Energy from Higher Purer Love could flow through to your very breath, if barriers were in place..?’  Blossom Goodchild for the Galactic Federation of Light, April 12, 2015


Blossom: Hi there. Here we are once again. I always look forward to these times.

Galactic Federation of Light: Indeed, it is the pleasure of us all to communicate in this way.

Blossom: You may be aware that I desire to ask a question on behalf of a scientist who is so keen to have his answer for his research. It is regarding the document we spoke of weeks ago and the Truth as to whether or not our reality as we know it is being restricted/bound or confined to an artificially created “bubble” inside of the greater unrestricted universe that houses it?

GFL: We shall address this matter in this way. Of course your Earth plane is residing within/upon Energy. For EVERYTHING as you know, is of this. As to it being ‘confined’ … we would say ‘Yes, it is.’ Yet, not in a way that restricts. I.e. caught in a bubble.

The matter of your Earth … the Energy matter of your Earth … differs greatly from that outside of your atmosphere and it is ever changing as it expands into larger spaces. There is not a bubble restricting it’s ‘play’ … either upon Earth or in realms where one’s soul takes flight to … when no longer in the physical body.

However, there is a grid in place. This you may know of … and Energy patterns are formed through/within this grid. It is ‘Moving Energy’. Forever responding to changes in order to keep ‘form’ … in the way it should be.

If there was to be a restrictive bubble … how could it be that Higher Energy from Higher Purer Love could flow through to your very breath … if barriers were in place?

There is no restriction when one leaves the physical. It is suggested by some that you are in a trap … both when in physical and nonphysical form and that all you can do is remain in that trap and keep returning and returning into the physical form … without there ever being an out.

This is not in OUR TRUTH. Far from it.

In OUR TRUTH … you are physical forms containing the most Radiant Light Soul aspect of a part of your Whole self. Experiencing LIFE in any way you choose.

Blossom: Some may disagree with you there … for they FEEL that we are so controlled in so many ways, that we really do not have the choices that you speak of.

GFL: Yet, with the greatest respect … You do.

You can choose to behave in a manner that you FEEL appropriate. Mainly of course, naturally … we reiterate … the only way to CHOOSE YOUR FREEDOM is to come from a place deep down in your heart … a place that offers LOVE. It is ever flowing … It is ever available to you … YOU HAVE THIS CHOICE TO ACCESS IT … or you may choose to see things within this illusion of density … and allow all thoughts to take you as far away from yourself as possible.
This is the intention of those who ‘THINK’ they are capable of ‘taking over’. Yet, if you KNEW … if you REALLY KNEW your strength and the reality of your capabilities … NOTHING and NO ONE are able to take away your essence …



It is likened to a child who learns that 1+1=2 2+2=4 Etc. These are the rudimental facts. The foundations of something that goes much, much further than One could ever visualise when they first understand about the foundations.

It is the same with LOVE.

Yes, you KNOW of LOVE … in varied frequencies and FEELINGS OF … Yet, were you to fully take charge of delving deeper and deeper … and studying continually … simply from a BEING LOVE perspective … as in the arithmetic … you would discover that there is so much more TO IT … So much more that can be understood BY IT … and gain so much more insight FROM IT.

We speak of the breath … so you may be a little more conscious of how you breathe. Yet, were you to take the time to study the breath … you would find so much more magic about this ‘breathing’ matter, also.

It is not that you take it for granted … it is perhaps a little naivety that postpones the ‘getting to know about’.

Blossom: Yet, would you say that perhaps these are secrets that have purposely been hidden from us? In order to keep us ‘under par’ and not discover our full potential.

GFL: We would reply that these secrets lie within you … but they are undiscovered at this time … for many.

Yet …

Oh! How we desire to express more clearly on this matter.

When you spend time IN LOVE … FEELING nothing but LOVE all around you, within EVERYTHING … TRULY, TRULY FEELING IT … these secrets are coming to LIGHT!

Your world has travelled so far down a pathway that was unexpected from whence the ‘project’ began. Yet, FREEDOM OF CHOICE as a collective has brought you thus far … and FREEDOM OF CHOICE as a collective … shall set you FREE.

Blossom: So, just to clarify for the questioner … There is no bubble containing Energy of Earth and no bubble restricting us from going elsewhere in the Afterlife?

GFL: How could we possibly explain the ‘Afterlife’ to you … when life itself is never ending? There is no Afterlife … for life never stops. There are of course … ever ongoing experiences in different places, spaces and forms.


There are all available possibilities for another opportunity to experience Life … To offer Love in a different place … in a different form … Or, if One chooses … One can of course, return … as many do over and over … to gain and receive more of themselves.

Blossom: It is said that Earth is a tough school, yet, the quickest path to learn of the self … is this so?

GFL: It is certainly One of Enlightenment! It was not ‘designed’ to be tough … to make it difficult in order to learn one’s lessons quickly. What would be the Joy in that?

There is no time. Life goes on … and on and on and on … So, why would one require the quick, yet tough road home?

FREE CHOICE has brought you to where you stand in this day. You, your planet and all that lives upon and within it …

You are Understanding/Remembering that how you ARE … how you CHOOSE YOUR LIFE TO BE … by your attitude and your FEELING LOVE … is how your lifestyle is formed … within every thought … within every action derived from that thought … YOU CREATE YOUR WORLD.


Not another’s lifestyle … Not another’s world … YOURS.

And, as we have been reminding you … the more you create YOUR WORLD to be one of Joy and Peace and LOVE … the Vibration that you reside in by doing so … is One of a High calibre …

It then flows out … It cannot not … to the WHOLE. Influencing in the Highest way possible … for the Greatest Good of ALL … that which struggles within a lower frequency.

Is it not that sometimes just a sentence … a kind word, can change One’s mood?

Lower frequencies react in the same manner. When Higher Vibrations travel to it … merge with it … it cannot help but be influenced by it. Therefore, assisting The Whole … as you go about BEING the best of your BEING that you can BE.

The Energy that IS your world is ever changing. Energy cannot remain still … or it would cease to be. Therefore, may we go back to the grid that is in place … to keep things ‘confined’ yet, not in a manner of ‘taking away One’s freedom’?

This grid is the backbone of your planet so to speak. It changes and reacts to Energies and yet, it also allows for influx of Higher Energies to enter in. It has its own unique system … and we would blow your brains to bits Blossom, if we were to even begin to express the very working of the how’s and why’s of it.

Blosdom: See, you should have chosen the scientist to work with!

GFL: We chose you …

Blossom: Yep, you did. I am, as I allow the LIGHTER part of myself to open up, experiencing moments of such ONENESS. Just that FEELING of BEING IN LOVE … and I LOVE IT. I do understand in those times … that if the entire human race did the same … can you imagine? We would indeed be living in a place that we are dreaming of coming to Light.

GFL: And this is why we continue to come through with our message for as long as it is suitable. For the more One imagines and lives in the TRUTH of EVERYONE reaching their full potential … IN HUMAN FORM … the more the likelihood of this taking place … sooner … rather than later.

For it shall be done … It is life’s destiny to return to its TRUE self … to find its way home.

Blossom: And when it does?

GFL: Life continues to expand in LOVE.

There is no end.

Blossom: A good place to end today, though. Many, many thanks. In Love and Light and a whole lot of Laughter.

GFL: Laughter Lightening is always such a good plan!

Website: Blossom Goodchild

An audio version of Blossom’s channelings can be found here.

SaLuSa from Sirius: ‘You may have learnt that there are extra-terrestrial bases both on land and under the sea…’ by Mike Quinsey, April 17, 2015

SaLuSa from Sirius:  ‘You may have learnt that there are extra-terrestrial bases both on land and under the sea…’  by  Mike Quinsey, April 17, 2015


Dear Ones, the Light is growing much more quickly, and all credit to those of you who are steadfast and true to your life plan. You may not necessarily know for certain how well you are following it, but there is a “feeling” of deep satisfaction in all that you do. Along with your Guides, we help keep you on your true path and assist where we can. The net result of all of your dedication is that you are able to keep on going forward without being distracted from your path. The rewards for doing so are many, and one day in the not too distant future you will truly become aware of how much your contribution has achieved. It is not to do with quantity but quality, and every one of you in your own way helps to maintain the Light upon Earth. You are in fact privileged to be chosen for such tasks, as many souls have volunteered to do such work at this time. However, not everyone is necessarily chosen for this particular period of action. This is the time that you have been working towards over many lives, and already some can “feel” the changes that have taken place as the negative energies have less affect.

Such times as you are in now are strange to contemplate, as the extremes are being experienced that can be rather confusing. This period is one where the negative energies seem to be growing and causing more problems than usual. Yet they are having more impact and attention because of it. It is rather like “scraping the barrel” when dealing with the last remains of the old cycle. Clearly lessons are still being learnt and there will soon come a time when the vibrations will rise up. When this happens they will lift you up to a level that cannot accept the lower vibrations. So keep looking firmly ahead and do not allow your focus and determination to falter. The dark Ones are aware that their time is running out, and like a cornered animal are liable to lash out without considering of the consequences. They still hope to flee from the Earth when things turn against them, but that is no longer as easy as they thought.

As you already know “time waits for no man” and although the future is set in principle your freewill will determine exactly how it plays out. Humanity comprises of a very mixed group of souls from different planets and even star systems. But the main group are those who have come to Earth to evolve. There is no other place exactly like Earth that offers such a rapid path of evolution. It is tough and demanding, but is the quickest one to experience all that is needed to evolve beyond the lower vibrations. Bear in mind that no matter how hard a life may be it is never forced upon a soul, and you will have agreed for your need of whatever experience it may give you. Indeed, a soul may change its mind about an incarnation even at the last moment. However, that rarely happens, because you will have gone through the purpose of it prior to incarnating, and know precisely what you can achieve by it.

You do not need to concern yourselves about the outcome of another soul’s path. Each one of you is experiencing according to your needs, and many souls will cross your path and have fleeting contact with you. This is often for a special purpose, but nevertheless may be an important step for both of you. The main players in your life will most likely have been with you in other lives, and some families stay together for many incarnations. They will often play their part in different roles, and you should know by now that it includes experiencing the different energies lives as either Man or Woman. If you spend too many continuous lives as one sex, it does tend to become harder to change when the need arises. Looking at the whole picture you will understand that quite a lot preparation goes into ensuring your lives upon Earth are productive, and that they do help you to evolve.

The most wondrous events are planned for your future, when the point is reached where you are able to live the truth that will be revealed. Life will be quite different from what you experience now, and has little bearing on what it should or could have been. Over the years your development has been pushed in the direction that has suited the aims of the Illuminati, who have held you back. It has been to keep you under their control and in a state of confusion, so that you are kept in a time lock. You will of course break out of it very soon and your lives will go forward in leaps and bounds. However, that does not mean that your lives have been wasted, and on the contrary much has been learnt very quickly. In more normal circumstances your progress would have been a lot slower. As we have mentioned before, every situation offers you some opportunity take your evolution forward.

You may have learnt that there are extra-terrestrial bases both on land and under the sea. We are aware of them and they are allowed to remain, providing they do not attempt to interfere with other forms of life. All of them involved with Mother Earth are here to experience your dimension and all it has to offer. Some Beings such as the Argathan’s have lived in the Inner Earth for eons of time and await the right time to be part of the Earth’s future. Others such as the Anunnaki have interfered with your evolution and set one race against another with the resultant wars. However, their influence and power over you has ended after some 5000 years. These were by no means the first visitors to your Earth to have interfered with your evolution. Yet all through such periods karma has come into play, and as with any other challenge to your beliefs is an opportunity to grow. On Earth you have been largely kept away from any outside influence that would have altered the plan for your evolution, as it has already been agreed by Higher Beings.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and love the determination that you have shown to keep the freedom that is your right and inheritance. Freedom of speech is so essential to true democracy, and to enable you to further your evolution without interference. Your current cycle has come to an end, and there are signs that the new one has started to influence your actions. Look for the Light in everyone at all times, and when the opportunity arises share you joy and happiness with them. It is amazing how quickly a kind word or gesture will lift up another soul, and raise their vibrations.

Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey
Website: Tree of the Golden Light 

‘It’s All About The Stargates…’ by Elizabeth Trutwin

‘It’s All About The Stargates…’  by Elizabeth Trutwin


StarGate found during excavation of basement in Presidents Palace, Baghdad, 1920s

The United States government has not allowed us to move on with this issue. Almost every major political movement has had some form of funding. The Disclosure Advocacy movement has not had almost any funding. It has existed out in cyberspace. The Obama administration opened an advocacy avenue that never existed before. In fact in making the petition process available it gave the Disclosure Movement a chance to pressure the military and intelligence complexes with the Executive branch into coming together in finally reconciling the truth to the American people. Signing the White House Petitions has become the most important political action a person supporting Disclosure can take. Furthermore, it is important to keep submitting new petitions in an ongoing process until we are complete with Disclosure.

On November 4, 2011 the OSTP replied to the first Disclosure Petition: “The U.S. government has no evidence that any life exists outside our planet, or that an extraterrestrial presence has contacted or engaged any member of the human race.” This was a gift – a gimme. This we can easily disprove. Since that Petition there have been three other petitions and tomorrow the fourth petition is due out. When we are able to organize 25,000 signatures in 30 days we will change this world for the better.

This book attempts to shed light on the political connections in exopolitics and explain the importance of action politics in the Advocacy and Disclosure Movement. We review the very important documents which have been scrutinized by experts. We

explain how Self-Disclosure from our elected officials to their constituency is important to the extraterrestrials. Who would land their Ships in a civilization which cannot even have an open discussion and hide secrets which violate the social contract?

We are living in a multidimensional universe. We have the understanding to travel through StarGates, through wormholes, both artificial and natural. We take a look at some 50 images showing some of these StarGates to gain a deeper understanding about the International Space agenda. We have this year moved from Shuttle Spacecraft to an expanded role at the International Space Station. We cannot overlook what has been released to the world wide web for years, that National Security Agency Astronauts have been commuting to the Moon and Mars and the civilizations there for decades. Also, NASA has landed on and explored what they term minor planets. There happen to be 256,000 named and numbered planets listed by the International Astronomical Union which NASA rarely mentions. We have to break free from the narrow programming we have had foisted on us by the powers that be. It is time to expand our views and open ourselves to revelations necessary to move on with Disclosure. In doing this we will have to recognize that there are below lake and below sea extraterrestrial bases established on Earth and in Earth and they can easily be visualized on any average computer by anyone. There are pages of images showing StarGates and their coordinates so anyone may reproduce the research. There are also images of large freight elevators in Sri Lanka and Diego

Garcia in the Indian ocean which carry payloads to our established bases on the Moon and Mars. The National Space Council from 1989-1992 discussed in the New York Times and other media at the time reported on the Moon and Mars program. Still these issues seem shocking to many who through a lack of education on the subject call it a conspiracy.

We review the facts we know and acknowledge Earth as a sentient Being with over 50 StarGates, some artificial and some natural, leading to the nether reaches in space as if on an express train. We take in all the information that hits youtube daily of sightings and above top secret read-ins. We gather our strength as a society understanding that the new information to be garnered at Disclosure is likely far beyond what our imaginations can contend. We cannot raise another generation of Americans in the dark with a Truth Embargo in place. The path there is a successful White House petition combined with more advocacy in cyberspace leading to an intelligent reply from the White House about its engagement with extraterrestrial life. All we are saying is give peace a chance.

by Elizabeth Trutwin
© All Rights Reserved.


Huge Solar ‘Canyon of Fire’ CME From Sun Will Reach Earth on Tuesday

A huge solar eruption from the sun on Saturday has launched a giant CME towards earth which is expected to arrive on Tuesday.

The explosion which has been labelled as the ‘Canyon of Fire’ by scientists is a filament of magnetism approximately 700,000 km long.

The possible effects of the CME reaching the earth could be earthquakes, severe weather, and disruption to electronic devices. 

Sphere Being Alliance Introduction by Corey “GoodETxSG” aka “Luke”

Sphere Being Alliance Introduction by Corey “GoodETxSG” aka “Luke”


With all of the events occurring “Above and Below” there is a lot of “Information”, “Disinformation” and Competing “Agendas” that are all competing for fertile places in our “Consciousness” to plant their “Seeds”.

Some People have chosen to focus on the more “Down to Earth” events and the battles over the “Financial Debt System” (Babylonian Money Magic Slave System), “Financial Resets”, “Financial Jubalie” and Gifted Money to the Masses in “Prosperity Settlements”. There is an element of what we call “The Alliance” that is fighting the current controlling Elite (Known as the “Cabal” or “Illuminati” among other names.) down here on Earth at this very moment.

Some People have chosen to focus on the more “Esoteric” (For Now) events and battles occuring above or atmosphers in what many are referencing as the “Secret Space Programs” and “Break Away Civilizations”. There is quite a lot of classified technologies that are in use in these “Programs” that are being supressed and could completely change the nature and quality of life of every Human Being here on Earth. The “Free Energy” technologies would end the need of the need for the “Current Oil/Petro Energy Companies”, The “Frequency and Light Healing” technologies would end the for the “Current Pharmaceutical Corporations”, The “Neurological Enterface” technologies would end the need for “Large Education Institutions” and the “Food Replication” technologies and “Environmental Purification and Restoration” technologies would end poverty, starvation and begin to reverse the damage Humanity has done to the Earth virtually “Over Night”. As you can imagine the real threat to disclosure is not that Humanity cannot handle the truth or will be able to reconcile “Cosmic Life” with their religious beliefs. The real reason is that these technologies would immediately collapse the world Economies and make the “Babylonian Money Magic Slave System” of no use anymore. It means the “Loss of Control” of the .01% (Elite) over the “Masses” and a complete “Paradigm Change”. In short it means “Freedom”! Freedom for the first time in Humanities “Known” recorded history. There has been a “Stealth Civil War” going on among various “SSP” groups for a while to achieve this result. Relatively recently the “SSP Alliance” was joined by a group of “Beings” that no one had encountered before. They are a 6-9th Density Group of Beings that have been referred to as “The Sphere Alliance”. These new “Sphere Beings” have since not only created an “Energetic Blockade” around Earth but have also done so around our entire Solar System. They are a nonviolent group of beings who have brought assistence mainly in the form of a “Message”.

Some People are now choosing to focus on this “Message” that was delivered by the “Blue Avians” – 1 of 5 beings: the “Orb Bengs”, the “Blue Avians”, the “Golden Triangle-Headed Beings” and two others who have not revealed themselves to us yet. The “Orb Beings” have been visiting “Many Tens of Thousands” of people in the form of “Blue/Indigo Balls of Light” while others have been visited by the “Blue Avians” and given a “Greeting Phrase” to know one another by. What is this “Message”?

Every day focus on becoming more “Service To Others” oriented. Focus on being more “Loving” and “Focus on raising your Vibrational and Consciousness Level” and to learn to “Forgive Yourself and Others” (Thus “Releasing Karma”). This will change the Vibration of the Planet, The “Shared Consciousness of Humanity” and “Change Humanity One Person at a time” (Even if that “One Person” is yourself.). They say to treat your body as a temple and change over to a “Higher Vibrational Diet” to aid in the other changes. This sounds to many like a “Hippy Love and Peace” message that will not make a difference. I assure you the “Path” they lay out in “Their Message” is a difficult one. Even on the unlikely chance that these technologies stay “Supressed”, Imagine what a world we would live in if everyone made these changes to their selves? The Blue Avians also gave a warning with this “Message”. They had tried to deliver this message “Three Other Times” and it had been distorted by Humanity. They made it “Very Clear” that this information was NOT to become a “Cult or Religous Movement” nor was I to put myself (My “Ego”) before the “Message” or elevate myself to a “Guru” status. Anyone who does so should be avoided and held accountable including myself.

Thank you,

Corey “GoodETxSG” aka “Luke”

Read more about the Sphere Being Alliance on

‘Galactic Federation Fleets…’ Sheldan Nidle’s Update on June 25, 2002

‘Galactic Federation Fleets’,  Sheldan Nidle’s Update on June 25, 2002


6 Batz, 14 Kayab, 10 Caban

Selamat Jarin! We arrive with more to tell you. Many of you may wonder
how we have set up our various fleets in your solar system. You may also have asked yourselves how each fleet’s functions interrelate. To begin with, our fleets are positioned in three rings. The first ring surrounds Mother Earth and her artificial companion, your Moon. This fleet contains over one million ships, most of which are small, unarmed scout and transport vehicles. Their task is to observe you and your world, to oversee fleet operations and to transport certain types of supplies that cannot be teleported to our bases. Our bases, located beneath all of your continents, oceans and seas, are linked to a vast array of crystal cities and communities that comprise Inner Earth. Yet another group of bases is to be found on your Moon, which contains a huge network of command and research facilities. These stations provide the means for us to monitor your secret government’s collection of space, time and inter-dimensional weaponry. They pose no potential threat to us.

Surrounding this first, or inner ring are several spokes that consist of a number of special liaison and defense fleets. Their purpose is, first, to supervise and, then, to take effective countermeasures whenever necsary. Our purpose is to refuse your secret government continued use of any weaponry that may pose a threat to our earthly allies. We have set up interplanetary ‘stations’ to close any inter-dimensional star-gates and to carefully monitor any artificially created distortions in time’s natural waves. Here, bear in mind that physicality is actually an illusion created by its inhabitants’ collective core belief and the dictates of the divine plan. In this, natural patterns occur in the way Time and Light coalesce to form ‘space’ — the stuff that produces realities. Dark, limited-conscious societies have used these natural patterns to construct fearsome weapons that alter realities, mutate dimensions and warp or constrict the flow of time. Your secret government has co-opted the work of many of your inventors and scientists, and merged it with a number of off-world technologies.

Other secret government technologies are capable of altering your physical, mental and emotional bodies. Their vile purpose is to bring about the eventual control of your minds. Then, they can complete the genetic alterations left undone by the fall of Atlantis some 13 millennia ago. Our mission is to neutralize and prevent any large-scale adoptions of these technologies. Every day, Heaven is working to finish, on schedule, the long process that will return you to full consciousness. Once again, we put on warning those in your secret government who continue to harbor the belief that they can hinder this sacred operation. We WILL NOT tolerate such attempts. Accordingly, we have established a full team of scientists and corresponding liaisons who are on the lookout for these programs and are then limiting their effectiveness. Properly applied, these technologies can substantially assist what Heaven is creating. Dear Friends, we most sincerely welcome a full disclosure of the covert acts, committed during most of Earth’s last two centuries, that have hindered your return to full consciousness.

Structure of the Galactic Federation of Light Overseeing Earth Transformation

See Illustration


Consists of:


1st Ring
More than a million ships of unarmed scouts and transport vehicles
To oversee fleet operations, transport supplies to Earth subterranean bases and Earth inner cities and Moon bases.


Liaison and defense fleets.

Supervise and countermeasure, if necessary, the secret government ‘s programs such as physical, mental and emotional control and mind control and also close any interplanetary star gates and artificially-created time wave distortions.

2nd Ring
Headquartered in Mars in underground and surface bases. Sentient beings not human in form. Planetoid-sized Motherships
Augment the research and observation being done by first ring. Also work in tasks that involve weaponry and technology. Work in preparing Mother Mars for human arrival en masse, after human journey to full consciousness is completed
In-Between 2nd and 3rd Ring
Special, planet-sized command ships from the Science and Exploration (S&E) fleets.

Main command ships for First Contact mission. A standard procedure is to cloak these ships and keep them away from the prying eye of many space telescopes. The aim of these telescopes is, essentially, to find these ships.

3rd Ring
Largest. Millions of immensely varied ships, ranging from Motherships the size of large ocean liners to those nearly the size of Neptune or Uranus. Also there are main transport stations that lead back to the vast profusion of home-worlds. It has also traffic coordinators for this immense fleet of ships.

These Motherships are simply the final back up, serving as components that will enter the second ring only when necessary. They proclaim to all potential adversaries that Mother Earth and its solar system are clearly experiencing a transformation that no Being, corporeal or non-corporeal in form, can prevent. The traffic coordinators serve to move all ships between these rings and back into interstellar or intergalactic space.
The second ring of fleet components is headquartered on Mars. These support groups consist mainly of sentient Beings who are not human in form. Many of them will be introduced to you soon after the beginning of First Contact. Others will wait until you are restored to full consciousness. Within this second series of fleets are included some small, planetoid-sized Motherships, whose purpose is to augment the research and observations being done by the innermost ring of ships. They also have a number of tasks involving the weaponry and technology that, in the course of the past decades, has been given to your secret government . Most of this technology was supplied by the off-world star-nations, star leagues and star empires whose ships are to be found here. On Mars, a network of underground and surface bases acts as the ‘control and command’ segment of this exceedingly diverse fleet. These Galactic Federation personnel are also busily preparing Mother Mars for your arrival en masse, after your journey to full consciousness is completed.

Between the second and third rings are a large number of special, planet-sized command ships from our Science and Exploration (S&E) fleets. They will serve as the main command ships for this First Contact mission. Standard procedure is to cloak these ships and keep them away from the prying eye of your many space telescopes. Their aim, essentially, is to find us. From time to time, we very briefly uncloak some of these Motherships in order to show your secret government that we are still here and do not intend to go away. We know that infrequent sightings of these ships by your astronomers go unreported. They fear reprisal, either by their peers or by those who give them their grants. Your secret government fears these ships the most because they fully realize the capability of such a fleet and the insignificance of any response they could mount. Here, we repeat that we are benevolent and operating under the full supervision of Heaven.

The outermost ring of our vast fleet is, by far, the largest. It contains millions of immensely varied ships, ranging from Motherships the size of large ocean liners to those nearly the size of Neptune or Uranus. These Motherships are simply our final back up, serving as components that will enter the second ring only when necessary. They proclaim to all potential adversaries that Mother Earth and your solar system are clearly experiencing a transformation that no Being, corporeal or non-corporeal in form, can prevent. Within this ring are the main transport stations that lead back to our vast profusion of home-worlds. Here, as well, are to be found the traffic coordinators for this immense fleet of ships. They serve to move all ships between these rings and back into interstellar or intergalactic space.


Illustration: Galactic Federation Fleet Positioning with Respect to Earth.
Not to scale, illustration by Luis Prada

Our fleet is divided into two components, as well. The first, and the smaller, has a very long duty cycle that includes our main command personnel, as well as our many medical and planetary teams. The second group, which is deliberately more temporary, consists of member fleets of the Galactic Federation of Light that dearly wish to be part of the most significant event in recent galactic history. We deeply understand that the need to watch over you is one of our greatest challenges, yet also one of our greatest joys. Every medical and planetary team is fully aware of what Mother Earth and you are undergoing. We have carefully observed and, when Heaven allows, have intervened. Every action of our fleet arises from events occurring on your world. Our entire team awaits First Contact and what it means — the starting point for the next great step in our galaxy’s history.

Classification by Components of the Galactic Federation of Light Overseeing Earth Transformation


Consists of:


1st Component
The first, and the smaller, includes main command personnel, as well as many medical and planetary teams.
Very long duty cycle that includes the main command personnel, as well as the many medical and planetary teams. Every medical and planetary team is fully aware of what Mother Earth and its inhabitants are undergoing. Performs careful observation and intervention as Heaven allows.

This contact command team, which contains all of the liaison boards and fleet commanders, is in charge of this immense fleet.

2nd Component
Deliberately more temporary, this group consists of member fleets of the Galactic Federation of Light.
Participates in numerous activities and wants to be part of the most significant event in recent galactic history.

Earth Spiritual Hierarchy (Great White Brotherhood)
A special segment that comprises the local Earth Spiritual Hierarchy.
(Not mentioned in this article) Works for the awakening of mankind through mystical students and channels. Delivers teachings through various organizations, brotherhoods of Light and Mystery Schools. Works in conjunction with the Galactic Federation of Light.
Our First Contact command team, which contains all of our liaison boards and fleet commanders, is in charge of this immense fleet. There is also a special segment that comprises your local Spiritual Hierarchy. Remember, dear Friends, that our purpose for coming here is divine. Heaven summoned us and we came. To control such vast, diverse fleets is highly unusual in a First Contact operation. Normally, a single S&E fleet accomplishes this mission in very short order. This mission, however, is unique and of vital significance. It has drawn immense attention and lasted much longer than usual. We have found room for such a wide diversity of ships and yet remained capable of fulfilling this mission. Be confident, dear Friends, that this mission will be achieved and that First Contact draws nearer every day.

Today, we have briefly reviewed how we have amassed our First Contact fleets. They are poised and ready to complete First Contact. This mission is operating according to the divine right order and timing of Heaven. Therefore, we ask you to remain focused and committed to your inevitable success. Know, dear Friends, that soon we shall meet and at last be able to celebrate all that it implies. We now take our leave. Blessings! Know, dear Ones, in your heart of hearts, that Heaven’s boundless Abundance and Prosperity is truly yours! Amen. Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! Be in Joy!)


The Portal: Cobra’s Update ‘The Alliance Fleet…’, March 31, 2015

The Portal:  Cobra’s Update ‘The Alliance Fleet…’  March 31, 2015

Since the Archon invasion in 1996, there is an intense war going on in this Solar System.

Right after 1996, the joint Draco-Reptilian fleet together with many factions of the Illuminati secret space program had almost total control of this Solar System. Many humans were forced to work for them as slaves, mining the asteroids. Draco forces tended to occupy the colonies in the outer Solar System, whereas the Illuminati focused more on the asteroid belt, Mars and the Moon.

On the Moon, there was the traditional divide between the near side and the far side. The near side was occupied mostly by positive races, with the main exception of the Archimedes base, destroyed earlier in 1977, which belonged to the Solar Warden program. Dracos, Reptilians and Illuminati had their bases mostly on the far side. The reason for this is that they wanted to hide their activity from the prying eyes of the surface humanity, but at the same time they did not have advanced cloaking technology the Light forces have. For the same reason they have painted their secret spacecraft in black color to lower their albedo (reflectivity) in order to avoid detection by professional and amateur astronomers on the surface. Also, they had to adjust flight trajectories to minimize the risk of detection.


LOC (Lunar Operations Command), which was the main stronghold of the Solar Warden program and now belongs to the Light forces, is located on the far side of the Moon.

It is interesting to see that some deep intel about the colonies has leaked on internet, disguised as science fiction, with some colony descriptions very close to reality:

Also, there is some soft speculation about the possibility of underground Lunar bases in the mainstream media:

Luckily after the 1996 invasion the main base of the Light forces on Ganymede was not taken. The Ganymede base is the location of the main interdimensional portal towards Sirius for this solar system and this portal was maintained intact throughout the invasion, holding the Light.

In addition to that, a resistance movement was organized in the Draco/Illuminati slave colony on planet X. This Resistance Movement made physical contact with the Pleiadians parked beyond the heliopause in the outer Kuiper belt and with Pleiadian backup it organized a mutiny on planet X in December 1999, kicked out the Illuminati, freed the planet and shifted its base to underground Agartha network on planet Earth.

Planet X was used from then onward by the Light forces as the strategic base for Solar System cleanup operations. First they cleared the main military stronghold of the dark forces on Charon. Then they proceeded quite quickly through the outer Solar System, cleared it, and then intense battles were taking place in the main asteroid belt between 2000 and 2003.

In March 2001, a certain important operation of the Light forces was completed and the Central Civilization was able to intervene directly into the Solar System. They have positioned spherical midway stations the size of the Moon just outside the heliopause of this Solar System to stabilize the inflow of intense energies from the Galactic Central Sun which was about to become more active at the peak of its 26,000 year cycle. By directing these energies into the Solar system harmoniously, many cataclysms, including those on Earth, were prevented. When the Illuminati detected the presence of these spheres, they freaked out and created the 9-11.

In 2003, the Light forces began to prevail in the Solar System and in 2012, all negative secret space programs except those connected directly to the Chimera Group were cleared out.

Now the only problem outside Earth is a very small number of Chimera individuals and their minions which defend their Solar System strongholds (mainly implant guardian stations) with plasma strangelet and toplet bombs. Because everybody on Earth has implants that block access to that intel, all intel about the Chimera is in the deepest shadow of collective unconsciousness, much deeper than SRA , MK Ultra, MILABs or SSP.

After the successful opening of the IS:IS portal on December 15th last year, which has completed the triangulation of darkness for the Local cluster of galaxies, the Central Civilization has positioned larger spherical midway stations (some of them up to 30,000 miles in diameter) at the heliopause and repositioned many smaller, Moon sized ones inside the Solar System.


After the successful removal of all physical strangelet and toplet bombs in late January this year, an operation for the final liberation of our Solar System (codenamed MOSS) has been initialized.

Planet Earth is still the focus of the proxy war between many extraterrestrial races. Representatives of many races have entered the quarantine many lifetimes ago and they kept fighting. On the Light side, most of the Lightworkers have come from Pleiades and Sirius. Many Lightwarriors originate from Antares and Arcturus. Most representatives of the Dragon families originate from the positive faction of the Draconian race. Many members of the Resistance Movement and Positive Military have Andromedan origin. On the dark side, the Rothschilds come from Orion. The Rockefeller/Bush/Illuminazi faction comes from the negative faction of the Draconian race. Islamic State and Blackwater/Xe/Academi mercenaries have Reptilian origin. The Jesuits and Black Nobility families come from the negative Andromedan faction.

The general plan of the Light Forces to liberate our Solar System and rough outline of their fleet positions has been known for decades:


All ships of the Light forces inside of our Solar System are cloaked with a Tachyon membrane to avoid detection from the surface of the planet. Many of these ships follow similar orbit as main belt asteroids and Kuiper belt objects and most of their Tachyon membranes project the spectral signature of an ordinary chondrite (for asteroid belt ships) and the spectral signature of frozen methane (for Kuiper belt ships). Therefore surface astronomers mistake them for regular asteroids or Kuiper belt objects.

These ships are not ships as we understand them, they are multidimensional biosatellites, an organic interaction of consciousness and intelligent Light matter.

The smaller ships belong to the Ashtar Command, the Jupiter Command and Pleiadian, Sirian, Andromedan, Arcturian and Resistance fleets. The larger spheric biosatellites belong to the Central Civilization.

The Central Civilization is an ancient race, which evolved close to the Galactic Central Sun and is the first race in the Galaxy which reached spiritual maturity many millions of year ago. In some circles, this race is known as the Wingmakers:

Sometimes they have manifested throughout the human history as physical angelic beings with wings.

One of their representatives, Iona, brought Goddess mysteries to Earth in Atlantis:

Millions of years ago, the Central Civilization began to build interdimensional doorways throughout the Galaxy and create the Galactic network of Light. As it did so, it encountered many races throughout the Galaxy, assisting them to achieve the same level of spiritual maturity. All those sovereign, spiritually mature races have created a confederate union which is called the Galactic Confederation (NOT Galactic Federation). As the name implies, it is NOT a hive-mentality centralized federation, but a loose, constructive confederate union of sovereign, mature races. You can read the distinction between a federation and confederation here:

There is a special division of the Galactic Confederation which is called the Ashtar Command. The purpose of the Ashtar Command is the liberation of this planet. Another important division is called the Jupiter Command. The Jupiter Command is the guardian of the Ganymede portal and its main purpose is the spiritual liberation of this Solar System. It is the main spiritual force behind the Order of the Star and behind the Blue Dragon families.

Many people were mind-programmed against the Ashar Command after 1996. Since then, most of the channelers were mind-programed also, their transmissions disrupted and they are now mainly receiving deceptive messages from the Archon etheric/plasma grid technology instead.

The key here is to search for the Light. If you seek contact with the Light forces, you will find it. If you choose to always focus on the negativity, fearing that everything is just another scam, you will find it. So choose your focus wisely.

As we are now in the Breakthrough phase, the purpose of the Alliance (another word for the allied Light forces) is to continue with the final offensive to completely liberate Sector 3. Sector 3 is the deep intel codename for the Solar System.

The Alliance extraterrestrial forces are the master force behind the BRICS/Eastern Alliance on the surface of this planet.

After the completion of MOSS (Multidimensional Operations Solar System) and subsequent Sublunar Operations, the Event will follow.

This will be the completion of an old prophecy which is part of the spiritual lore of the Central Civilization about the time when all darkness will disappear from the Galaxy and the Galactic network of Light will be completed.

A lot of intel about the situation in our Solar System will be released through my blog and other intel sources in the near future as the liberation operations continue. Therefore it is of the vital importance that you educate yourself about the basic facts about our Solar System to better understand the intel that will be released:

The Breakthrough is near!



GaiaPortal: ‘ Malfeasance paradigms are corrected within individual Hue-Beings…’


Malfeasance paradigms are corrected within individual Hue-Beings.

Transference occurs rapidly via increased hu-being awareness.

Foundations of New Time come to the fore.

Feathering of the ancients leads to Freedom.

Interspersions of Light continue at all dimensional levels.

Practical plans are drawn and approved.

Source: GaiaPortal

The Portal: ‘Cobra’s Chimera Situation Update…’ March 19, 2015

The Portal: ‘Cobra’s Chimera Situation Update…’ March 19, 2015

Clearing of the Chimera group continues. What is remaining is the network of plasma implants, connected with each other through the Tunnels of set, and tied to the plasmatic strangelet and toplet bombs.

This implant network was slowly built throughout millions of years across this quadrant of the Galaxy by mad scientists of the Chimera group who were master strategy planners of the Orion / Draco / Reptilian military complex.

Everybody now incarnated on planet Earth still has those implants, as we have received them upon or before entry in the quarantine Earth area. They are plasma micro black holes, rotating in a strong plasmatic electromagnetic field. Their purpose is to distort spacetime to keep maintaining the primary anomaly and thus planet Earth quarantine status:

You need to understand that the physical plane matter is just a condensed plasma wave and plasma anomaly reflects directly on the physical plane.

As the Light forces progressed with the liberation of the Galaxy through the millennia, the dark forces retreated towards planet Earth, their last stronghold. By manipulating quantum anomaly and activating many negative stargates with nukes and particle accelerators after WW2 and especially after 1996 they have actually managed to turn our planet into a quantum stargate / well which attracts all remaining primary anomaly from the rest of the universe:

Coming reactivation of LHC at CERN does not pose any danger and does not increase the depth of the Earth’s quantum well because the Light forces now handle the production of physical strangelets and toplets and can counteract any physical manipulation of those particles.

Earth primary anomaly quantum fluctuations well, maintained by the plasma implant grid and supported by plasma strangelet and toplet bomb retaliation mechanisms is the background meta-strategy of the Chimera which maintains quarantine Earth status and prevents Disclosure and First Contact.

This quantum well creates a plasma accretion vortex around the Earth which extends hundreds of light years across the so-called local bubble:

Rarefied hot plasma from that area gets teleported towards the Earth superluminally through the tunnels of Set.

This plasma gets gathered by the Chimera in the implant guardian stations throughout the Solar System and then distributed through the tunnels of Set towards implants of the surface humanity.

Implant guardian stations were built by the Chimera 26,000 years ago to guard quarantine Earth stronghold against the invasion of the Light forces from outside of this Solar System and to implant anybody trying to escape from Earth/Solar System. One aspect of MOSS is to clear these implant stations. This is progressing nicely and there are already many motherships of the Galactic Light forces entering into the Solar system recently. The main remaining implant guardian station is located in the cavern systems on Iapetus, one of Saturn’s moons:

There is a lot of activity in the Solar System and some of it even gets noticed here on Earth. Like this strange impact on the Moon a few weeks ago:

Or this one on Mars a few years earlier:

Seven Sisters area on Mars is the entry point into the subsurface hangars for the Pleiadian Fleet from where the Mars aspect of MOSS is coordinated:

Any artificial activity in our Solar System can be easily detected and measured:

NASA and MSSS (Malin Space Science Systems) tried to erase the evidence of intelligent life in the Solar System but a few things slipped through their hands. You can see some genuine NASA images here.

Monolith on Mars:

Monolith on Phobos:

Mothership on the Moon:

Mothership behind Rhea:

There is significant progress with the MOSS operations and I will be able to release a lot of intel in the coming weeks.

In the meantime, you are more than welcome to join us on the Breakthrough conference near Eastbourne in UK, close to Seven Sisters national park, which is a Pleiadian alignment portal. We will be having our conference on April 11th and 12th, when a lot of new intel will be released:

The Breakthrough is near!

Posted by Cobra

Source: []

The Lie We Live – video

Published january 27, 2015

Exposing the truth about our corrupt world. My name is Spencer Cathcart and this is a short documentary film I made & wrote. NOTE: For unknown reasons Facebook blocked the short link so to share you have to paste the full link: It’s also available on my Facebook page:

In the video I question our freedom, the education system, corporations, money, the American capitalist system, the US government, world collapse, the environment, climate change, genetically modified food, and our treatment of animals.

If you’d like to see more videos I’d appreciate if you click subscribe!

My email if you want to contact me is

Songs used:
1) Iron Dragon – Alliance
2) Dynasty – Initiative – CMX
3) Above All – Petteri Sainio
4) Fringe Authority – Fan Boys – CMX
5) Immediate Music – Overcome Anything
6) Confidential Music – Paradise Lost
7) Heart of the Rebellion – Fan Boys – CMX


Access subtitles by clicking “Settings” in the lower right of the video where you can select

Rainbow Phoenix: ‘Our Negative Inner Programming…’ March 6, 20 15

Rainbow Phoenix: ‘Our Negative Inner Programming…’ March 6, 2015

These negative program templates that exist in the mindset and psyche of humanity are so deep, so ingrained that most humans never ever stop to think that their attitudes are already pre-shaped because of that which is the collective attitude held by humanity, that life is a hard go and that only bad things can really be expected and you are not to believe in positive goals and outcomes.

Audiolink: []

That which is Cosmic Awareness is available, please proceed.

Thank you. Today is March 6, 2015.

Thank you for being with us today for the RainbowPhoenix membership session of March 6th. Will Berlinghof is the Voice for your messages,
Joan Mills is the questioner and energizer. The Law of Light, the Law of Love, the Law of Unity and the Law of Gratitude have been invoked. Is there an Opening Message or any
event you would like to discuss please at this time? Thank you.

That this Awareness does have an opening message, a general opening message. That this Awareness has been talking about the programming that humans go through and receive.
This programming commences even before the birth into the physical, into third dimensionality. But it certainly could be said that the programming a human goes through begins at the very beginning, begins at the cradle and goes throughout one’s life, right until the end. Therefore the programming of humans is that which could be said to be cradle-tograve.
It is of such a nature that most never realize that they are programmed to think in a certain way, to respond in a certain way, to energize their lives in a certain way. It is the
programming that constitutes the outline of life on this planet and the expectations one might have as to what will or will not occur, what can or cannot happen.

Read more > > []

‘The Stage Has Been Set For Disclosure, NESARA and Announcements…’ – A Message from Lord Sananda through Elizabeth Trutwin, September 6, 2013




Greetings! This is Lord Sananda reporting to you from 10 Forward on the New Jerusalem.

There has been underway a Great Consciousness Raising on Earth. Watching the dialogue unfold is a delight because it shows up on our displays as the opposite readings to 911 as we soon approach the 12th Anniversary of this mass psychological attack. On this day when so many were devastated by what they saw, the days which followed war cries were heard from ordinary people the world over to battle the perceived attackers. It has taken a very long time to heal from that Earth day.

Much has transpired in the last 12 years and the most significant development in humankind’s awakening is the ability to see past the veils and perceive the truth with all your senses. Humankind no longer takes the double speak from politicians and media at surface value. Truth is Truth.

After a full day of preparation in the Higher Realms from Earth, on August 25, 2013 the Stage was Set for the Announcement of NESARA Law which will come from my consort Lady Master Nada. With her there will be 19 others on stage sharing the news about Disclosure, Announcements and NESARA Law. Some of the presenters will be Galactic Humans and others will be Extraterrestrials. The nineteen presenters are: Lady Master Nada, Lord Sananda, Lady Master Athena, Lord Ashtar, Lady Master Diuja, Lord Lincor, Mother Sekhmet, Lord Alcyone, St. Germain, President Obama, First Lady Michelle Obama, Lord Michael, Lord Metatron, President Clinton, Stephen Bassett, Lord Haaton, Lord Korton, Lord Mon Ka, Lord Rama Arjuna.

A Group assembled for a series of meditations over three days. The New Jerusalem changed course leaving its usual station over Santa Fe, New Mexico to energetically support the efforts of this Group. The first day was a cleansing and a letting go of everything Old. A Blessing was given for each One on Earth to heal Mind, Body and Spirit. It is possible now, with purification and right intension, to ask for anything which needs healing, especially old wounds, in the Body, Mind, and Spirit to be completely healed now. Ask and it is Given.

The second day was a direct link up with the New Jerusalem. In the morning an energy grid was set up in the room where the Group meditated. Magnetic and Electric energy forces were embedded inside the room. Magnetic Energy is the Energy of Mother. From it flows Father’s Electric Energy. Magnetic Energy is the sound vibration and Electric Energy is the light vibration which form New Creation in the Dark Matter Universe. Together they can create anything. All things are created first from Mother as sound and joined in unity with love, Father’s energy of light added come into Form. In John 1:1 it says In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God(dess), and the Word was God (Form).This word was the word Om and it is the Formless becoming Form. As sound merges with light it comes into the manifest realm of Earth. Each One of You are a Creator God and have the ability to do this. You may have noticed lately you seem to be more receptive on all levels.

During the two Grand Sextile’s this season, the first on July 29 and the second August 25 massive High Energies not seen on Earth before flooded our cells right down to the DNA and sub atomic levels. With this activation of your DNA your gifts are returning. You may have also noticed body aches or health issues flaring up because these same High energies bring in so much light the Physical Form can become overwhelmed and it translates as pain or maladies. This is a healing and as time went on you more than likely integrated healings in these areas and noticed positive changes in your Form?

The Golden Age on Earth began right after December 21, 2013 when Galactic Center aligned to carry away the darkest energies still holding on to the old programs on Earth. As 5D anchored in over the next nine months Earth has had many growing pains. Now the Shift is over. New Earth has birthed since the second Grand Sextile.

On August 25, 2013 this energy was embedded and nurtured by the technology from the New Jerusalem for some hours. In the afternoon the Group returned and held a very important meditation. An energy grid of a spiral was anchored into the Core of Center Earth and it was extended out to the sky to where a tractor beam from the New Jerusalem connected with it and pulled the spiral energy right up to the base of the New Jerusalem. With this energy link it was possible to beam an elevator of sorts right into the room where the Group was mediating. As this continued then an elevator descended from the New Jerusalem. In the Causal Realm the Stage for NESARA Announcements was set. Each of the 19 Members who will be on stage that day stepped off the New Jerusalem with Lady Master Nada leading the Group. Each followed in the same order as noted above. Lady Master Nada took her place in front of the Podium and the others lined the Stage and had their comments ready as they follow her and all will share a portion of the Whole Story.

This will be a joint effort between the Extraterrestrials and Galactic Humans who are Members of both the Intergalactic Confederation of Worlds and the Galactic Federation. Now that the scene has been set into the Casual Realm of Creation nothing, nothing can stop it from coming into the Physical Realm of Form. Each One of You Reading This were represented and present as your Higher Self was fully aware of this event as it occurred. You are the Solution, dear Light Soldier. All of your lifetimes spent preparing for this moment where we end time, whether you remember it now or not, are acknowledged by the Highest Forces of Light. The decision has been made that Awakened Humanity is at the moment where they receive the assistance from those Sisters and Brothers in the Goodly Company of Heaven. The Celestial Singers, also known as the Kumaras, the magnetic light energy merges now with the electric light energy bringing the changeover to New Earth.

On August 25, 2013 the stage was set in the Casual Realm. This is the first step necessary and a very big thrust forward. Humanity are Starseeds living a multidimensional life on Earth. Earth is the lowest vibration of all the realms. The Realms of Cause are where we create from. As we create on the Casual Realm then this reality will quickly descend down into the lower density of the Physical Realm of Earth and become manifest here. It is only the matter of a blink of an eye. All of what occurred had been planned a very long time and All Is In Divine Order. The Group of Souls physically present joined their consciousness with the Highest Beings of Light, also present in Form and the Formless and created an energy with the Highest Form of all Souls awakened and working for the light on Earth. That includes You. You have anchored in the long sought after changes for Humanity and Earth. What is next?

One prerequisite as we enter into mid September when the Atlantis energies are healed is to decide as a Collective Consciousness that We Want Peace on Earth. As the scales are tipped in favor of Peace the changes are ushered in. We have heard about the Earth Grid which is a magnetic electric crystalline grid connecting the Inner Earth crystals with the magnetic energy called Love. This is the energy of Attraction. The more you Be Love – the More you are Love In Action, the more you not allow fear into your Being, the faster we will as a Group, integrate in from the Causal Realm to the Physical Realm those changes that have been set. President Obama has been posing a question to the democracy of the United States representatives and other Countries representatives: Do You Want To Wage War? He never said he would strike. He said there will be accountability for the chemical attacks. The Black Ops did the chemical attacks and they will be arrested. He is simply posing a hypothetical question to the Citizens of Earth. Are you ready to change how we respond as a Collective Consciousness? Are you ready for PEACE? The majority of Souls, awakened or not, aware or not, are saying: We Will Not Bomb Humanity Anymore. President Obama is playing out his role perfectly bringing the few who wish to control the many into public attention to raise consciousness of all the 7.5 billion Souls on Earth. This is how we change things. Syria is where we crashed landed to Earth, long, long ago. All is healed now.

In mid September the energies of the Full Harvest Moon activate long sought after changes and we will celebrate as we renew the energies of the New Moon and on into the end of 2013 as New Earth integrates fully on the Physical Realm. You may feel the most important thing to do is to monitor for changes. That is not so.

The MOST IMPORTANT thing you can do is to go into Service. Service to Yourself. Purify your Body so you may be a Beacon of Light. Be honest and make the changes your Body requires now. Your diet is very, very important. Service to Your Family. If there is even one person in your family who you have not made Peace with – you are accountable to Do So Now. What does it cost you? Would you rather Be right or Be Love? It costs you much more than you understand to continue to chose Being right. You Do Not Understand What You Do Not Understand. Only through vigorous and bluntly honest self-introspection will you stumble upon these Truths as you reveal them to

Yourself. Service to your Community. Volunteer! Put your spare time not into Netflix, but into those in Need! Go find them, be they animal companions, the hungry or the disenfranchised. Do All Your Conscious Will Allow to be responsible for the Karma of Your Community. Service to Your Country. Be a good citizen. Vote. Post. Raise Awareness. Support those in the Trenches through donations or through giving your time. The Citizens Hearing and the Disclosure Project are two very worthy causes utilizing Action Politics to bring the changes you seek. Service to Your Planet. Go Green on every level. Change how you are living and reduce your carbon footprint for the sake of Earth. Every time you put forth Love in Action, you tip the scales in the right direction. You are Your Brother’s Keeper and everything you do helps the Many. Call on Me for Guidance. I am always by your side. I am always with you. Walk in Harmony with Me. Take My Hand.

This is Lord Sananda through Elizabeth Trutwin, September 6, 2013.© All Rights Reserved. 


An Invitation: Many have benefited from this and I would like to continue to offer it. For a one hour booking you may email me at It is amazing what comes through from Lord Sananda, the Higher Self of Jesus. This is a question and answer session on video Skype or telephone and you may ask anything you like. I have several written testimonials. Sananda’s Invitation through Elizabeth Trutwin: Many here are looking for answers about their personal life, Mission and what direction to take at this time. I have information I would like to share with certain individuals. As you read this you will know if it is for you. I have asked Beth to offer her Service for 1 hour telephone consultations where she will channel me, Sananda to you over the phone to answer your questions. You have worked very hard and it is time we sat down together to discuss your next steps. I thank you for your enduring service to the light. ~Lord Sananda For more information please visit Thank you for your ongoing support of my work. Donate. Please share this message and if you would like to be added to my list, or have any questions, feel free to email me at Namaste!


Chapter 10 of The New Scriptures as Written by Sananda / Jesus through channel Kathryn E May, August 30, 2013


When this Ascension plan you are carrying out now was put in place thousands of years ago, it was considered a very ambitious design.  While there have been many planets in the cosmos which have ascended, and many groups of people who have ascended in the past, it is not generally done all together – planet and inhabitants incooperation.


It is common for a planet to be cleared of its inhabitants, who go elsewhere for a time to do their lessons, while the planet itself raises its vibration to a higher and higher level, finally achieving the transition to a higher dimension.  Some have done this several times, and now reside in the plane which is not visible to you.  In other cases, the individual souls have taken on the project to raise themselves to a higher dimension, where they too exist in a dimension which your human eyes cannot perceive.


You are familiar with the story of my death and resurrection.  This was my ascension from planet Earth into higher dimensions.  It was intended to represent for you the possibility of eternal life, with a body risen to be your vehicle by which you can return to lower dimensions if you wish without having to go through the birth and death experience.  Unfortunately, that was not the part of the story that has been told, so I will take the opportunity here to explain it.


I did not come to our beloved Planet Earth to die for anyone’s sins.  That is a nonsensical idea, since we are all individually responsible for our own actions and beliefs.  I came to teach Love, simply that.  I wanted to express my own Love for the Creator, and to show others that they too could find solace, inspiration and deep connection with those in spirit form who oversee and assist in our lives.  I saw the cruelty and greed on the planet and wished to find a way to lead people away from the suffering it caused.


Unfortunately, I was not very successful in stopping the march of the Reptilian race.  They distorted my teachings, in the way they compiled the Bible, and even more effectively in the way they interpreted my teachings.  My disciples tried very hard to make an accurate record of what we stood for, but their writings are overwhelmed by the contributions of others whose agenda was to promote divisiveness and exclusivity rather than Unity and recognition that we are all One.


I did not come to establish the religion, Christianity.  I would not have permitted teachings which would divide my people, the Jews, from anyone of other faiths or belief systems.  I had hoped to create a body of work which could be included in any and all religious or philosophical points of view.  It was intended to expand consciousness, no matter what a person’s belief system might be.  Unfortunately, I had not yet left the Earth plane when the one who called himself Paul took it upon himself to begin an energetic proselytizing campaign in which he appointed himself the Apostle to the Gentiles.  Thus began the divisiveness between my followers and others which has continued to this day.


Paul, or Saul as he had been known, did not know me, nor did he understand the depth of my desire to encourage Unity across races, religions and creeds.  Instead, he began a crusade to teach his own version of my words, adapted to his own narrow view of the world.  He had been a cruel man, one whose purpose it had been to persecute my followers.  It is true that he had a “vision” in which I asked him why he was so determined to do this.  There was nothing unique about his ability to hear my complaint.  Many have been able to hear my voice more consistently than he did.  It did convince him to end his overt crusade which was intended to murder us, but his attraction to power and psychological violence did not end there.


I do not blame Paul for his zealousness nor his destructive effect on my teachings.  He was under the sway of Dark forces, was inhabited by Reptilian entities, and was strongly influenced by his early family lessons.  He has long ago been forgiven, and has returned to the family of Love and Light.  He will play an important part in the coming Ascension of humankind.  In fact he is now a Commander of one of the large ships which will aid in the healing process of those who come to us in the first waves of those who have raised themselves sufficiently to cross into the 5th dimension.


Now, many of you have been given the impression that the coming event is something that will “happen” to you because you are here on Earth.  You have been frightened with images of massive war, catastrophic weather, and other life-threatening events.  This has been a fear campaign initiated by the Dark Ones, to distract you and lower your vibration so you cannot raise yourselves high enough to ascend to the Light, where you would be completely out of their reach.


You see, the Reptilian race which controlled the media and all the other important institutions on the planet were not capable of ascending higher than the 4th dimension.  They were mired in their self-created genetic limitations; they were not capable of great Love, and they despised the Light.  Their only desire was to control humanity, and they did that by keeping you in a state of fear.  Fear is the opposite of Love, therefore if you are in fear, you cannot ascend to join the Company of Heaven.  It was a very simple but effective strategy, and it is the way of life from which we are now working to free you.


The Reptilians and other Dark Entities are now gone from the planet, as of August 22, 2013.  You can hear the narration of the great ceremony in which they were given the alternative to go to the LIght or be dissolved as souls.  Nearly a million of them were rescued and went voluntarily to join Mother and Father God and the other Masters who welcomed them Home.  The recording of the event is at,* available for all to hear.  I was there, observing the momentous moment which marks the beginning of a new era.  It was truly the turning point which will allow your Ascension to proceed in an atmosphere of freedom and individual independence.


Many of you were “possessed” by the affliction of carrying a Dark Entity within your bodies.  They were able to move, in spirit form, from one human body to another, inflicting pain, illness, and perhaps worst of all, instilling ideas of despair, depression and anxiety in the host.  They had developed technologies to promote their propaganda and to torture those who defied them.  They were truly the nemesis of Humankind.  Mother God has spoken of these things eloquently in her messages to you, on the same radio channel and in the recent message given in her name.


The leader of the Reptilians, Reginald, has taken the responsibility for leading his people to the Light, and will play an important role in their restoration and recovery from thousands of years of living as followers of the imaginary being called the Devil, or Satan.  They were mistakenly convinced that Lucifer was their Dark hero.  When he publicly and tearfully announced his return to Mother/Father God, and was welcomed as a hero of the Light, it was the beginning of the end for them.


In the short period of one month, their reign of terror came to an end.  Their leaders have been removed from the planet, their hero was revealed to be the leader of their supposed enemies, and they were invited to be welcomed back as the prodigal race they had been for eons.  The implications of this dramatic ending – the true Apocalypse – has just begun to be felt across the planet.  It will unfold gradually, as people awaken to the knowledge that they are no longer living under massive oppression.


There are a few holdouts, like the Syrian dictator who was allowed to remain as the final example, or object lesson, for how cruelty will be dealt with, should the human converts to the Reptilian program – the ones our Kathryn has called Wannabes – decide to continue their Dark actions.  This will be resolved when he realizes he no longer has any supporters, because everyone has “given up the ghost” when it comes to profiting on the backs of the poor and holding power over others.  There is no more power structure to protect them, and to allow them immunity from prosecution.  The collapse of the Tower of Darkness is at hand.


This is your Apocalypse, Dear Ones.  It is an event that will bring dancing in the streets, as the entire globe experiences Arab Spring – the term that has come to represent the final rising up of those who have been oppressed, to form more humane and viable forms of governance for all.  It has gone by fits and starts, as can be expected, but it is a powerful and unstoppable force for Good which has taken hold of the imaginations of all who strive toward the Light.  It will be done, as Earth as it is in Heaven.


Heaven, you see, is a place of endless Love.  There is no punishment, no judgment and no retribution.  It is what you would think of as a democratically governed multidimensional place beyond time or space.  There are no limits to the possibility for each soul to evolve, to learn and to thrive.  All creativity is celebrated, all individuality respected, and all efforts toward Love and Light are supported by Prime Creator and the Ascended Masters who are his Legions of Light.  In the Milky Way Galaxy, which is home to us, the governance of the galaxy is overseen by Mother/Father God, those great Enlightened Beings of Pure Love who have created All That Is within this galaxy.


You have been taught that there is a Trinity of leadership which is responsible for you here on Earth and beyond.  We are Prime Creator, the Creator of all Creators, Mother/Father God, and I, Sananda, the one you knew in my most recent incarnation as Yeshua ben Joseph.  Mother God has been known as Sekhmet, Isis, The Empress, and has been represented as the lioness, the great Sphinx.  Father God has been known variously as Alcyone, Yahweh, Allah, Shiva and more recently, Zorra.  Prime Creator is the Invisible Hand behind all creation, the Source of All Things, and the one we honor and love above all.  There is no designation to describe Prime Creator, such as he/she/it.  We simply honor and adore our Creator, who is Love, the source of all Light.


Within the great cosmos, which includes the star systems, visible and invisible to your human eyes, there are many races, many inhabited planets, and infinite energy.  It is this energy which is managed and used by the powerful Creators, the Gods who create all beings, all souls, all planets and stars.  The mystery of Creation is known and taught by them, and is the height of the ascension ladder – the ability to create.  This ability is held sacred, a holy responsibility which is only carried by the Highest of the High.


There are many Dark Ones who have tried to command the power of Creation, but their efforts have always come to naught, as in their efforts on Planet Earth to clone beings, artificially engineer plants, and manipulate the sacred DNA structures.  It will not continue, now that the originators of these projects are gone.  In addition, the massive poisoning of Mother Earth through the extraction and use of fossil fuels will be completely discontinued, because it is an unholy invasion of her sacred body.


There have long been technologies which could have taken the place of these destructive practices, but their use has been forbidden by those whose hold on power and profit would have been weakened.  This stranglehold on technological progress has been lifted with the removal of the Reptilian race.  You will now see a blossoming of invention as never before, and your access to advanced knowledge will be unlimited as your brothers and sisters from other star systems will now be able to share their own knowledge in every area of life.


Not only will new forms of energy and transportation be available to you.  All the problems of agriculture, water supply and management, and all the comforts of living will be brought into new light by cooperation and inspiration from everyone and anyone whose expertise you wish to draw upon.  This cooperation will be offered, but never imposed, because that is not the way of the peaceful and loving members of the Intergalactic Federation of Light.  Of course, this English translation of their name does not capture the sense of freedom and cooperation they stand for. It is an organization of planetary leaders from all the cosmos who have pledged their allegiance to the work of Prime Creator, which is the action of Love and Light in the interest of all Good.


The Supreme Commander of the fleet of spacecraft belonging to the Intergalactic Federation is the one you have known as Ashtar.  He has been present in Earth orbit, and has often been channeled by various ones among you, as he gathered and organized the great fleet which has come to be of assistance to you.  His ship, The New Jerusalem, has been my home since my last incarnation as Jesus, as together we have overseen the coming Ascension of Planet Earth.  It is Ashtar who has been in charge of the protection of Mother Earth from any outside influence as she has gone through the process of her own Ascension.


Yes, there are still some in the lower dimensions of the Universe who would bring military force to disrupt the movement of the entire planet into higher vibrations, but they are not as dangerous as they imagine themselves to be.  The Federation would always prefer peaceful means to settle any conflict, and will not use their considerable might if it is at all avoidable.  This gives the Dark Ones the impression that We are afraid to fight them, an idea that is of course entirely false; we simply prefer not to use force.  The IFL has taken action when it is completely necessary, when a planet calls upon them to do so, as in the current removal of the Dark Ones from your midst.


So you see, you are entirely protected and overseen by the Legions of Light, who have been given permission by Prime Creator to carry out the mission of aiding Mother Earth and humankind in their coming Ascension.  They will help, but only in so far as it is not considered intervention.  I wish to emphasize here that this process is not something that will be done to you or for you.  It is something you will accomplish individually first, and as a group next, for no one will ascend who has not completed their own learning process.


This means you must each learn to heal the residue of discontent, anger, resentment and fear which you have been steeped in for lifetimes. Each person must lay down their weapons, whether they be the tendency toward aggression or the inclination toward self-centered control of others.  All dark energy must be purged, all dark actions forsworn.  This is what many of you would consider a “tall order.”  Indeed it is.  You may find it difficult at first, as you are newly adjusting to your physical and emotional freedom, but We have trusted in the resilience and great potential which is inherent in the human soul.  We are here to help you, and our presence will be felt increasingly, as the energy of Light spreads across your planet.


Rejoice, Beloved Ones.  Your Apocalypse has been written in the stars.  It is the end of the world as you have known it, and the world you have known was one of Darkness, war, suffering and control by the forces of evil.  No more.  Now, in this year of your calendar, 2013, begins a new era in the life of the glorious Blue Planet, Mother Earth.  You who have chosen to be here at this time, all who came as souls from distant origins across the Universes, will share in the triumph and the joy which is our destiny.


I too have chosen to be here, to help lead this magnificent Ascension, filled with Love and admiration for the courageous souls who are the brothers and sisters of my heart.


I am Sananda, the one you knew as Jesus of Nazareth.



Transcribed by Kathryn E. May, August 30, 2013



To hear Lucifer tell of his return, go to



To hear the ceremony in which all Reptilians were taken to the Light, go to






Orchidium – A Hathor Planetary Message through Tom Kenyon, June 27, 2013

Orchidium © 2013 Tom Kenyon All Rights Reserved

Orchidium © 2013 Tom Kenyon


Earth’s passage through the summer Solstice of 2013 was an energetic marker for the beginning of a new Chaotic Node.

As your planet undergoes increased climate change, you will see further increases in meteorological novelty and unusual interactions between storm fronts. What used to be called 100-year storms will happen more frequently. These types of storms are outer manifestations of Chaotic Nodes and the escalation of chaos arising from seemingly unrelated levels of existence.

While you have already experienced several Chaotic Nodes since 2011, you are at the beginning of another major crescendo in chaotic events. While this particular Chaotic Node will accelerate climatic and geological changes, as well as social unrest, it is your personal psychological and emotional level that may well be the most affected.

You can expect to see a pronounced increase in emotional instability and psychological imbalances among your fellow humans (perhaps including yourself). The collective social challenges of this will be profound.

For an Initiate, meaning one on the journey to higher states of consciousness, this particular Chaotic Node is, and will continue to be, both extremely challenging and full of possibilities. The challenge has to do with the nature of this unique Chaotic Node, which drives to the surface of your conscious awareness deep-seated emotional toxicity.

One of the challenges that spiritually inclined persons are experiencing, and will continue to experience for some time, is the deep recognition that they have unresolved issues and deep-seated hostilities that may not fit very well with their self-image. Indeed this is a time when self-images will be shattered.

You are seeing this unfold at the international level with governments, and you will see it unfold through all levels of society. But for many it will be the shattering of personal self-image that will be the most difficult to contend with.

What we wish to convey is that your negativity, your toxicity, your despair and your hopelessness—if they are indeed present—need not be a negation of you. Rather they can be portals into the deep unconscious, to the very bedrock of human subconscious intent.

In the process of self-liberation, you must deal with this negativity in yourself regardless of the methods you may use to free yourself.

The Orchidium

We now wish to impart a method for infusing yourself with light and life-enhancing energy. We introduce the method at this time because it will take great fortitude and personal energy to work through this particular Chaotic Node as well as the ones coming to you in the future.  We call this the Orchidium.

It is a very simple method that involves a biological metaphor and image. The greatest obstacle and the greatest difficulty with the Orchidium is its simplicity. Human beings tend to make things more complex than they need to be when it comes to this type of work.

In its essence the Orchidium is a means for you to draw into your KA (your energy body), as well as your physical body, high levels of spiritual light and life-enhancing energy—what the Yogis call prana and what the Daoists/Taoists call chi.

In this method you imagine that there is an orchid-like flower in your navel. The central root of this imaginary flower is hollow and is anchored or rooted at a point in front of your backbone, directly opposite your navel. This area is known to Daoists/Taoists as the Ming-Men (Ming-Ma) or Seat of Life.   Note: While most Daoists/Taoists use the term Ming-Men and say that it is a region, more or less, opposite the navel and underneath the skin along your back, the Hathors are using the term to include a larger area. For the purpose of the Orchidium, conceive of the Ming-Men (Ming-Ma) as the region of your backbone that is opposite your navel. From this area of your backbone, the Seat of Life sends life-force throughout the organs of your body.

It is from the Seat of Life that subtle energy is distributed to your subtle energy body and also to the organs of your physical body. This type of subtle energy has a very deeply nourishing and rejuvenating effect.

When you hold an image of the Orchidium, you imagine that the stamen is extended out in front of you from the center of your navel. (Note: Stamens are the pollen producing reproductive organs of a flower. They consist of a stalk called a filament and an anther that produces the pollen.) When you create the Orchidium via your imagination, the stamen protrudes from the center of the blossom. For reference purposes, a photograph of a flower with its stamen appears elsewhere in this message.

By its nature the Orchidium draws into itself and then back into the Ming-Men (Ming-Ma), spiritual-light and subtle energy from the cosmos.

To engage the Orchidium, all you need do is to imagine this flower in whatever ways makes sense to you so that its blossom is open, and the central root is hollow extending from the navel back into the Ming-Men (Ming-Ma). It is crucial for you to understand that the Orchidium draws these celestial energies to you by itself, by its own nature and without you having to do anything.

There is no relationship between the flow of subtle energy into the Orchidium and your breath. Once you activate the flow of celestial energies to the Orchidium, they will flow automatically and unobstructed until you stop them.

Sensitive individuals will soon discover that they can sense the flow of cosmic energies into the stamen of the Orchidium itself, but success does not depend on this level of sensitivity. This type of awareness is simply a refinement. What is important is to feel and sense the flow of spiritual-light and energy down the central root, the hollow tube, from the Orchidium (in your navel) to your Ming-Men (Ming-Ma) and then to enjoy the flow of life-force throughout your subtle and physical bodies as you wish.

We suggest you experiment with this in five-minute intervals so that you become familiar with how the Orchidium works for you and also to avoid over-stimulation.

It is possible to bring too much celestial energy into your system, which is why we suggest five minutes at a time. Five minutes once a day is all that is required to familiarize yourself with the Orchidium and its potentials.

Once you understand how the Orchidium works for you and how much celestial energy you can comfortably bring into yourself, you can experiment with longer sessions if you wish.

After each Orchidium session we strongly suggest you imagine the Orchidium closing so that the blossom is not open. This is for the purpose of self-protection when you enter into the world. Until you have learned how to separate life-positive energies from the life-negative energies that surround you, we suggest you engage this strategy of protection.

Adding the Aethos

While you can engage the Orchidium without any sound or music, in the beginning stages you may find theAethos Sound Meditation very helpful. This is because the pulsations within this sound piece facilitate the movement of celestial energies within the Orchidium root, which connects into your Ming-Men (Ming-Ma).

As you listen to the Aethos Sound Meditation, when engaging the Orchidium, pay special attention to the hollow channel, the root, which runs from the Orchidim into your Ming-Men (Ming-Ma). The sonic pulsations within the Aethos will amplify the flow of celestial energies into this channel.

Philosophical and Religious Obstructions

While the method of engaging the Orchidium is simple, the consequences in terms of your life-force and your capacity to hold spiritual light are quite complex.

There is another complexity here but it has to do with your belief systems. If you do not rise above these limited beliefs, you will constrain the flow of celestial energies.

You live in a cosmos of exquisite unimaginable beauty, spiritual-light, consciousness and energy. You are an heir to all of these treasures, and each of them imparts to you powers of consciousness—yet you are cut off from your birthright by many of your philosophies and religions.

Any religion that teaches that you have been separated from the celestial light-filled realms because you have a physical body is an obstruction to the truth of your being—as we view it. Any religion that says that you are separated from the heavenly worlds and their treasures through the sin of your birth is also, in our view, an obstruction.

Those philosophies that propose that you are merely a physical being with no dimensions of consciousness transcendent to time and space are, in our view,  obstructions as well.

For the sake of experimenting with the Orchidium we suggest you temporarily suspend these beliefs. See for yourself how well the Orchidium works when you actually suspend these limiting thought-forms. After working with the Orchidium in this manner (sans limiting beliefs) you might even choose to leave those beliefs and thought-forms permanently behind you altogether.

When working with the Orchidium we suggest the following thought-forms:

1) Imagine that you are a part of, and heir to, all the treasures of the cosmos—the highest realms of light and the most-subtle life-enhancing energies.

2) Imagine that the Orchidium effortlessly draws into you these treasures whenever you choose to open the blossom.

3) Through the Orchidium, you can experience the transformation of your subtle energy body and the vital organs of your physical body.

Use this enhanced energy and life-force (as well as the light-force) to sustain you as you move through this potent Chaotic Node and the ones to follow.

The Hathors
June 27, 2013

Tom’s Thoughts and Observations

The term Orchidium, as given by the Hathors, refers to a flower-like mental image that you create in your imagination. This image does not necessarily look like an orchid, unless you choose to make it so. This is in stark contrast to the actual word “orchidium,” which refers specifically to orchids. The Hathors like to play with words, and for them the word orchidium refers to a biological metaphor that you create through your own volition and imaginative powers for the purpose of drawing celestial energies into your subtle energy body (your KA) and into the organs of your physical body.

The important element, here, is that the mental image be a blossom of some kind with a stamen.

Other than this, I think the Hathors’ description of the Orchidium is fairly self-explanatory. The only thing I would add to their description is that engaging the Orchidium does not require visualization skills.

You imagine and sense it in whatever way(s) seem natural to you. If you tend to “see” things in your mind’s eye, then you might very well have a clear picture of the Orchidium as you work with it. If you tend to feel things, then you will have a felt sense of it. And there are, of course, other combinations of senses that you could imagine the Orchidium with as well.

As for physical attributes, imagine the Orchidium to be whatever size, shape and color you wish to make it. The point in all of this is to create the Orchidium in a way that is most comfortable for you.

I have been working with the Orchidium since 2011, under numerous conditions, and I can definitely verify its effectiveness. I also find the Hathors’ suggestion for working with the Orchidium while listening to the Aethos Sound Meditation very helpful. The sound patterns in the Aethos sound piece do actually facilitate the movement of celestial energies from the Orchidium into the Ming-Men (Ming-Ma) in some very remarkable ways. And so I suggest you give it a try. You will find a link to the 5-minute version of the Aethos Sound Meditation at the bottom of the page.

The Shattering of Self-image

The Hathors are quite clear that this particular Chaotic Node carries an emotional punch. And I can personally attest to a quickening of emotional material since this last summer Solstice—the likes of which I have never seen.

When they were talking about the shattering of self-image and the driving of unresolved emotional material into conscious awareness, one of their turns of phrase caught my eye.

“…your toxicity, your despair and your hopelessness—if they are indeed present—need not be a negation of you. Rather they can be portals into the deep unconscious, to the very bedrock of human subconscious intent.”

By subconscious intent, they mean the psychological forces (thoughts, feelings and desires) that we keep hidden from ourselves. As socialized human beings we have all learned how to emotionally adapt to our environment.

And it is my observation that when we, myself most definitely included, are faced with the dilemma of thinking, feeling or desiring something not acceptable by those around us, many of us send those thoughts, feelings and desires underground—into the deep subconscious mind.

It is here in the darkness of the un-owned self that these unclaimed psychological forces fester and build. Eventually, they break out into the open or we become secretive about them. In a strange paradox of human nature, some of us become zealots and condemn those who express those very same furtive thoughts, feelings and desires that we have been harboring in ourselves.

I asked my Hathor mentors after receiving this message, why they brought up the topic of subconscious intent to begin with. Their response was 1) these subconscious thoughts, feelings and desires create quantum effects that are sometimes at odds with our conscious intent. This conflict constrains our creative abilities and 2) we must deal with and transform our deepest hostilities and negativities or be destroyed by them.

In their last Planetary Message, The Healing Power of the Human Heart (April 13, 2013), the Hathors gave a powerful sound meditation to assist with this type of clearing. If you are experiencing the type of emotional intensity the Hathors alluded to in this message, I encourage you to work with the Hathor Heart Chakra Healing Sound Meditation. A link to the message and the sound meditation appears at the bottom of this page.


© 2013 Tom Kenyon
All Rights Reserved

The Orchidium: A Visual Aid

As the saying goes… “A picture is worth a thousand words.” Thus I thought it might be helpful for some readers if I included a photo of a blossoming flower.

The photo is of a Hibiscus, and it is for reference purposes only. Your Orchidium can be any size, shape or color you choose.

The important element in any Orchidium is a blossom that can open and close (according to your own volition) and a stamen. In this case, the stamen is that nubby thing that sticks out from the center portion of the Hibiscus. It is through this stamen that celestial energies (prana or chi) are drawn into the Ming-Men (Ming-Ma) (the Seat of Life), which sits in front of your spine directly opposite your navel.

From your Ming-Men (Ming-Ma) these celestial energies circulate into your energy body (your KA) and into the organs of your physical body—imparting a type of spiritual illumination and increased vitality.

Final thoughts

I suggest you take a few minutes after working with the Orchidium (especially if you create it in conjunction with the Aethos Sound Meditation) to just “be” with yourself in silence for a few minutes. Ideally, you would sit or lie down with your awareness in the area of your Ming-Men (Ming-Ma). Develop your capacity to sense the flow of chi/prana from your Ming-Men (Ming-Ma) into the organs of your body and into your subtle energy body (your KA) as well.

It is well worth the time and the effort to develop this type of awareness. The trick is not to rush into outer activity. After creating the Orchidium, spend some time with yourself through inner contemplation of your Ming-Men (Ming-Ma).

This energetic pathway — from your navel to your Ming-Men (Ming-Ma) — is a most auspicious one.

When you were a fetus in the womb of your mother, you were connected to her via the placenta cord and it was through this tether that you were nourished.

At a deep primal level, your psyche recognizes that this is a fundamental channel for receiving life-force.  Furthermore, at a psycho-spiritual symbolic level, this channel is also a means to open yourself to the vast restorative powers of the cosmic nurturing feminine—the Mother of All Things.


Note: When you click on the links below, you will be taken to the Listening Agreement. Once you agree to the listening terms, you will have access to all of the audio files, which you are free to use for your own personal listening. Just scroll down to find the title of the sound meditation you wish to hear. Headphones or earbuds are strongly recommended over your computer’s speakers. This is especially true for the Hathor Heart Chakra Healing Sound Meditation (in fact, most computer speakers are incapable of handling the frequencies of this particular sound piece).

The Aethos Sound Meditation

Hathor Heart Chakra Healing Sound Meditation


Information Not Directly Related to this Message
The Aethos CD

The Aethos CD is a compendium of Aethos sound meditations, which includes both the 5 minute version and the 30 minute version of the meditation as well as recordings of the Aethos Sound Meditations for the Heart, Throat, Third Eye and Crown Chakras. These last four remarkable live-recordings were made during a Hathor Intensive in 2011 when Tom toned on top of the Aethos Sound Meditation bringing in the energies of 10th, 11th and 12th dimensional Hathors.

Both the CD and mp3 versions of The Aethos are now available, which you can order from the Store at Click here to visit the Store.

Tom has also written an extensive article about the Aethos Sound Meditation entitled The Aethos: Thoughts and Observations, which can be found in the Articles section of the website. In the article, Tom discusses various esoteric ideas as well as theories about the meditation including practical suggestions for working with this sound piece.

New Workshop CDs

Two new sets of workshop recordings are now available.

The Sphere of All Possibilities was recorded live at a Hathor Intensive where the Aethos information was first publically presented. The entire workshop recordings focus on the Hathors’ unique method for manifesting positive outcomes, which involves shifting your perception of time and space in profound ways. This complete set of workshop recordings includes in-depth training sessions, personal stories as well as numerous catalytic sound meditations. The set consists of 10 CDs. It is currently available as physical CDs only. (Note: We hope to have mp3 versions available soon.) You can find the set of CDs in the Store section of our website or click here.

The Kalachakra of Chakrasamvara and Vajrayogini is an 11 CD set of live-recordings from a three-day Shamanic Buddhist Mediation Retreat that focuses on tutelary protector beings who impart their Shakti (or spiritual powers of illumination and enlightenment) through eighteen potent sound meditations. Tom’s insightful and humorous teaching style makes the concepts and methods of Buddhist Tantra easy to comprehend—even for those with no background in Buddhism or meditation. This set of recordings is currently only available as physical CDs. (Note: We hope to have the mp3 versions available soon.) You can find this set of CDs in the Store section of our website or click here.

An Introduction to the Hathors and the Mythic Realm, is a 16:12 minute talk by Tom on some of his early experiences with the Hathors and has been posted in the Listening section of the website. After you click on the Listening Agreement, you will have access to all of the audio files, which you are free to use for your personal listening. Just scroll down to find the title.


©2013  Tom Kenyon All Rights Reserved

You may make copies of this message in any media you desire and distribute it freely so long as you do not charge for it, do not alter it in any way, give credit to the author and include this entire copyright notice. Audio files in the Listening section, including the Aethos Sound Meditation and the Hathor Heart Chakra Healing Meditation, may not be posted elsewhere.

If you are not on our email list and wish to receive future Hathor Planetary Messages or Tom’s calendar, simply go to our website,, and click on Contact. Follow the instructions for “opting in.” Your information is kept private. We do not sell or share your information and there is no charge for these messages.


Message from Telos and Inner Earth via Goldenlight, August 27, 2013 by The Golden Light Channel



image source:

Image source:


Channeled by Goldenlight, © The Golden Light Channel. Please include this copyright and credit at top without alteration when re-posting this message.

Dear Friends,

Below is an audio of this channeling which you can listen to in a meditative state to help you visualize this beautiful higher dimensional city of Telos. Love, Goldenlight


I’ve had in the forefront of my mind these last few days a message that has been trying to come through from someone in the 5th dimensional city of Telos, which is… in the Inner Earth of Agartha which is… its own realm wherein 5th dimensional beings live, and is a higher dimensional realm. There has not been a lot of contact with them telepathically with channels, but I have been getting a message that there is someone there who wants to share a message with us. Gender in the higher dimensions is a bit like the angelic realm where there is no gender. This being’s name is Marsana, and she (or he) is an androgynous being – there’s no gender. This being has incorporated and merged the male and female aspects of its soul essence which is in essence a merging of the twin flames aspect. So this being has merged all of its soul aspects so that there is no gender as we know it. The female portion of this being is the predominant aspect that will be communicating with us.

So I am now connecting in with Marsana from Telos….

This being Marsana wants us to become aware now of this 5th dimensional world of the inner earth. Some of you have traveled to the city of Telos in your touchings upon the 5th dimension. This is one of the places that you can “go” to… I put this in quotes because travel in the 5th dimension is done by teletransportation. It’s an energetic pathway that is used for transmigrating or teletransporting to various “locales”. So this being Marsana now wants to deliver a message to those of the awareness community of (Outer) Earth who are now in the process of raising their vibration to continue their ascension process towards the (levels of the) 5th dimension. This is a time now where the veil is dropping again between the dimensions. It is a time of the opening up of the pathways between dimensions, specifically from the upper 4th dimensions into the lower 5th dimensions.

And…first of all she wants to say to not worry, that this is a natural process that is occurring now for those who are aware and awake. Once the awareness and awakening process begins, there’s really no stopping it. It’s the higher consciousness pathway that opens up in a person…that this will continue as long as we keep our intention to continue with our higher awareness of the raising of our vibration which is basically a letting go of all the old emotions…which the channel is now in the process of really clearing out all of the old emotions, working on forgiveness, working on letting go of relationships that no longer serve her (highest good), working on transmuting all of the old and letting it all fall away with the old 3D earth which is all falling away now. She chose to come here to this outer earth, as you all did, to go through a process of starting in a very dense vibration so that you could then transcend it and raise your frequency, awareness and growth process to move into the higher frequencies, shedding the duality, the dense vibration and moving up in your awareness on your path towards Home, which is your path back to Source Creator, which is where you came from.

We of the Telos realm do exist in a higher dimensional realm than what you have been accustomed to on earth, and we want you all to know that you are moving towards being able to interact with all of us here in Inner Earth, and that the time has come now that we can begin to form an alliance with you, and form telepathic communications with you now through channels such as this. There are other known channels of Agarthan beings such as Adama of Telos and there are others, but Adama is a reliable one. And this is a new pathway here that I, Marsana from Telos, am now opening up with this beautiful channel of Goldenlight. I’m very, very, very grateful to be here with you tonight for those who are on the other end of this expression so that we may convey to you that we are aware that all of you are progressing in your ascension, and that all of you wish to continue with your ascension. And that the higher dimensional frequencies and worlds are now opening up to you, especially during this time in the next few days and into this autumn that you have there, this autumn equinox and all the celestial events that are occurring and assisting in the raising of the veils between these dimensional frequencies.

We want you to know that we are aware of you and your ascension process as a collective, and that we support you fully in your ascension progress and process. We are excited because there will come a time in the not too distant future when we will have a reunion with the Inner and Outer Earths. It has not been safe for us to even attempt that up until this point, for the same reason that many of the galactics who are surrounding your Earthen environment have not been able to interact with you… the most important reason being that we would have to lower our vibration too much to enter into your world. There was also no awareness of us. There’s a lot of fear mongering in the media there, so that the interaction between earthen humans in the Inner Earth and earthen humans on the Outer Earth and the Galactics has just not been possible on an open basis up until this point.

There is a time that is opening up – and of course we here in the 5th dimensional realm of Telos are also outside of time, just as the galactics in the higher dimensions are outside of time – that you are moving into a frequency where you are beginning to step out of time. You are beginning to sense this timelessness of the higher vibrational frequencies and dimensions. This is what is even allowing you to receive our transmissions and our communications. This is what is allowing this channel to receive this communication. As you continue to raise your frequency, you will continue to – and you are continuing to – step outside of time, to move to a realm that is outside of time. It is a dimensional realm, it’s a “frequency” realm. We would say frequential realm if that’s a word, which it isn’t in your language but this higher dimensional frequency realm is outside of time.

So you are now stepping into an area energetically where you will be able to receive more and more telepathic communications from us. All of you are beginning to open up to this now. And most importantly if you do ever try to channel, (this is the channel Goldenlight telling you this now), is to connect into your higher self, to connect in with your guides, Archangel Michael, ask for protection and that only the highest light vibrations will come through. If you do start to receive messages for yourself, it’s an important thing to do to consciously connect in with your Higher Self and Archangel Michael. I connect in with my higher self, my Council of Angels, and now my multidimensional Self before I begin any sort of channeling. I also connect in individually with all the archangels who have introduced themselves to me individually (I believe they are all a part of my Council of Angels) – Archangel Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, Chamuel, and now Zadkiel who is beginning to introduce himself (herself) to me. He is on the violet ray. So that’s just a sidenote from the Channel and we can continue now with this message from Marsana.

(Marsana continues): We are really beginning to tune into where you are all at now and this is just a general broadcast message to say hello, to offer our greetings, and to let you know that we love you and support you. There is a lot of love in the higher dimensional realms, so…it circulates around a lot and that’s a good thing.

So, just a short message for today and we want you to know that we are aware of your ascension progress and we support you all fully in your ascension. There will come a time when we can communicate…it will begin with brief telepathic communications. Some of you who are visual thinkers, such as this channel, may see visual images of us or of our city of Telos, which is a beautiful higher dimensional Crystal City of Light. As you continue to ascend into the 5th dimensional levels, you will be able to visit this beautiful city of light. This is the city of light that exists on the Inner Earth, just as you now have your Cities of Light that will be appearing on the Outer Earth. And you also have the rising of the better part of the Atlantean consciousness, the higher dimensional codes that are of a positive nature from the Atlantean and Lemurian times are now coming back into existence. Part of their energy will be manifesting into the Cities of Light. The first City of Light will be appearing in Sedona which has been written about by Genii Townsend – more info here:

So these Atlantean energies, higher dimensional energies, using mostly crystals for energy and power will begin to be used again as your higher dimensional worlds continue to come into being. This is all an energetic realm and transition that we speak of. It is simply the raising of your individual frequencies and vibrations that brings you into tune with these realms. As an example, when the channel sleeps she goes to the next higher level up which is now the 5th dimension and she visits often with her relatives who have passed on who are in that higher realm. She’s been doing this since she was a small child. This is an example of a human being who can transition energetically to the higher dimensions. This is something that she and you all will be doing in a conscious awareness state as you continue to progress.

And the progression is reaching a bit of a crescendo now, we see….and that’s a really positive development. This recent message that came in with Archangel Michael was an indication of this. There is now occurring a movement, of many who are on the ascension path of higher frequency awareness, into the higher realms. You are inching closer and closer each day.

We just wanted to say hello and introduce ourselves and myself as a representative from this realm. My name is Marsana, and it’s really wonderful to be able to speak to you through this channel. Thank you for the use of your talents.

We will leave you for now and hopefully we will be able to have another message and transmission. We take our leave now and send you our love and light.

original message:

Channeled by Goldenlight, © The Golden Light Channel. Please include this copyright and credit at top without alteration when re-posting this message.


More info:

– On

– From“TELOS – A Subterranean City beneath Mt. Shasta” – Dianne Robbins

– On

Telos is one of the many holy cities in the Agartha Network. Telos is located directly beneath Mt. Shasta, California. The leader and High Priest of Telos is the great Avatar Lord Adama. The United States government has known about Agartha and Telos for a very long time. In the 1950’s the U.S. military attempted to enter Telos by force and capture it, but instead, they encountered mighty powers far beyond their comprehension, fled in fear, and have never returned!

Lord Adama
High Priest of ancient Lemuria. High Priest of Telos. Ageless and deathless Avatar of the Hyperborean root race who has witnessed the rise and fall of six enlightened Ages on Earth! A being of incredible power and grace. You may call upon Lord Adama for help, guidance, protection, and training, and he will surely do everything within his power, control, and jurisdiction to help you.



Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation, August 27, 2013



Prepare yourselves, for much is ready to happen! A profusion of events is to spring out suddenly from all directions and these events will transform your lives in many different ways.

Ummac Dan

Ummac Danevent, bankruptcy,

3 Muluc, 12 Uo, 10 Caban

Dratzo! We come today with much to tell you! Your world continues to be a covert battlefield, with the dark cabal’s minions hanging on grimly despite the ground being gained every day by the forces of the Light. This protracted operation is somewhat discouraging to those who have committed themselves to the Light and its ultimately inevitable victory. The dark retains control of most of the international monetary system that in any way deals with the US Federal Reserve and its numerous banking allies, although this grip is no longer what it once was. However, the Federal Reserve and its criminal, destructive practices is facing its nemesis: a key moment is approaching when this ill-intentioned and bankrupt banking fraternity will be required to make a payment in actual gold bullion which it does not possess. This default is to give the forces of Light the opportunity to defrock the Federal Reserve of its powers and force a public bankruptcy and legal takeover of this highly illegal entity. This event is shortly to manifest. The fall of the Federal Reserve signals the demise of the current de facto US regime.

In concert with this, a number of legal enforcement agencies are encircling various components of the US government and are anxiously awaiting the final set of documents authorizing the removal of what was once considered to be a truly omnipotent instrument of the dark. The movers and shakers in the economy who have long provided the resources to maintain the present government have either deserted the obviously sinking ship or are preparing to do so, throwing the dark cabal into an ever-deepening chasm of desperation. The conundrum for the dark is to find a way to save itself from imminent catastrophe without setting in motion events that would demolish their self-serving powerbase. The true fragility of the US government is hidden behind a carefully woven tapestry of dark-controlled media spin, purporting to show ‘business as usual’ in all sectors of government and finance, but behind this facade lies a regime whose top members have international arrest warrants hanging over their heads. These warrants now only need the signature of a judge to take effect. And so we sit in abeyance, knowing that a process is underway which will shortly permit a whole new reality to arise.

As you can see, your world sits on the brink of transformation, which will not only bring in wholly new governance and redress the global balance of power; it is designed to utterly transform how your reality functions. A vast prosperity machine is ready now to manifest and lies at the heart of a complete makeover of your global banking and monetary systems. This, in turn, changes the very basis of global governance. You are to witness the downfall of the dark ones and the rise of de jure governance which restores your innate liberties and rights. These civic and spiritual requisites in truth enact what was intended to happen in the revolutions of the late 18th century; in effect, you are living through the completion of the revolution that was born in England and which rose to adulthood in the fields and townships of colonial America. These noble ideas have since traveled the globe and are presently maturing in this most-needed ‘quiet revolution’ of the early 21st century. But as befits this space-faring millennium, this revolution will expand to include your graduation to the next techno-spiritual level, beginning with the introduction of your spiritual and space families.

This means that the quarantine placed around you at the fall of Atlantis is to end, signaling your return to the level of wisdom of your fully conscious ancestors. Long ago in Lemuria, it was envisioned that you would become the guardian race for Gaia. But events conspired to arrange a detour for this lofty goal and the Anunnaki were allowed, for a predetermined time, to substitute this stewardship with the hijacking of Gaia’s human population and the total ravaging of your world. This situation is now to be restored to its original intent. Our task is to reunite you with your Lemurian brethren who relocated to Inner Earth, and together you are to birth a new world! This will redress a lot of the damage to near-pristine levels and in this condition she can begin to prepare herself to reconfigure her 3-D surface. This is when her beloved surface humanity will go through their own DNA restoration as you are to change in conjunction with her. This is when you will go to your Inner Earth residences, which house your individual Light Chambers, and you and Gaia, together, will transform into your fully conscious Selves!

Blessings! We are your Ascended Masters! We come before you with some very interesting news. The preliminary negotiations between the Light’s legal teams and their dark counterparts are finished, and this ongoing struggle has entered a very critical stage. The documents authorizing the arrest and removal of top-level government personnel are issued and require only signatures. This is to happen shortly. The cabal’s last desperate stratagems will fail, thus precipitating its defeat. The new hard currencies to be issued are at their global distribution points, and so the age of fiat money and the fiscal abuse that it inspires comes to a close. We are entering a time when prosperity for all is to be the norm and the old ways are to become horror stories, loved by none! You will see the renewal of all your stolen rights and papered-over innate freedoms which have long been grossly abused or denied you outright! Let us in Love celebrate this well-earned, miraculous turn of events!

Our primary mission is to guide humanity and teach you the hidden knowledge and wisdom which the dark has for so long kept from you. Step one is to begin a series of lessons showing you how each of us was introduced to the prime truths of Creation. These lessons will erase the falsehoods and voids which were placed into your major philosophical texts by the Anunnaki and their global minions. This first step will reacquaint you with the concept that each of you is a being of Light. Every living Soul has an innate knowledge of the energies that go into their makeup. Over the dark eons, you were browbeaten by doctrine that exhorted you to give up your innate power voluntarily to another. Now you are to cast off this profane creed and learn how to develop your God-given abilities and use them cooperatively among yourselves to solve creatively any problems that might come up, remembering at all times that you are all One; each one, divine aspects of the living spark of everlasting Life!

Prepare yourselves, for much is ready to happen! A profusion of events is to spring out suddenly from all directions and these events will transform your lives in many different ways. The part that we, understandably, are most interested in is the considerable spiritual training that you require. This can only take place in an atmosphere of freedom and ease, where we can easily manifest and provide the free and open teaching and supervision that you demand. Your Galactic Federation mentors will also prove to be very helpful but there are certain spiritual matters that fall into our particular areas of expertise. It is our job to move you away from centuries of dogma into the pure, spiritual bliss of divine truth. Ensconced in this heavenly Light, you are prepared for the ways of full consciousness. You are breathing in the clean air of Heaven and beholding the beauty of the Creator’s awesome Brilliance!

Today, we tried to give you a glimpse of what is hard to put into words. The last horrible days of the dark’s immense treacheries are nearly over. Glance around you and perceive the truth of what is about to occur. A new dawn and a new day is coming over the horizon. Above all, be proud of what you, collectively, have accomplished. Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed Yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)

Planetary Activation Organization | Mailing Address: P. O. Box 4975, El Dorado Hills, CA 95762 USA
Voicemail: 530-327-9432 | E-mail: | Website address:

Mother/Father God: “All contracts are finished, ended. All soul contracts are now cancelled.”by Kathryn May, July 30, 2013

Kathryn E. May

Kathryn E. May

Dear Ones, have you all been listening to the BlogTalkRadio shows in addition to reading these messages?  If so, you are now aware of the wonderful news we have given to you about the immense changes on the planet.

Here is the announcement:  All contracts are finished, ended.  All soul contracts are now cancelled.  All those who came here to Planet Earth to manage difficult illnesses, complicated relationships, and challenging handicaps are now freed of all pain, all suffering.  You now are completely free to exercise your free will without karmic strings, as you might think of it.

In addition, all financial contracts such as mortgages, car loans, student loans and other commitments which have been arranged through banking institutions of all kinds are hereby cancelled.  Personal commitments between friends will of course still be important to uphold, but corporations and banks will no longer be recognized as viable creditors because of the criminal and lawless system on which they are based.

It is time for all of you to reclaim your freedom, take command of your own lives, and find your voices, as you see others around the world doing by taking to the streets to proclaim their passionate desire for a better life – one of dignity and the self-expression which democracy allows.

Your Planet has declared her desire to ascend, and it has been done.  You are now all in the historic position of being invited to elevate your consciousness to take part in the most ambitious plan ever executed in the history of the galaxy.  Now, in the span of one Earth lifetime, you can move from a 3-dimensional life to the coming Golden Age in the higher 5th dimension. This is the Paradise on Earth that was promised in your ancient texts.

Every soul is given the opportunity to join in this magnificent adventure, because of course you have all known since before you came here that you would be taking part in this Ascension.   It was a very prestigious opportunity, this lifetime journey.  There are Masters and Angels, aspiring beginning souls and ancient Saints who have come to experience a last lifetime here on Earth, in the somewhat infamous heavy, dense and difficult atmosphere.

Here, the challenges abound for learning charity, patience, compassion and empathy.  A triumphant life is one in which the person can live through the temptations, pain, disappointments and dangers and still come out at the end of their lives with a connection to their hearts intact.

This was the last opportunity for all souls to experience this 3rd dimensional, free will planet, because Mother Earth decided some time ago that it was her desire to leave this dimension, and she has accomplished it by fulfilling her long commitment to humankind.  She has fulfilled her contract with Us, Mother/Father God, to care for our beloved children, and she was granted her wish to ascend into a higher dimension, which she has done.

Many on Planet Earth are not aware at this moment that everything has changed.  It is for them that we send this message through Kathryn.  We hope to reach all the people, all ages, all cultures, and all the corners of the globe, to tell them of our great Love for them, and our great hope that each one will awaken and join in the glorious Shift into a higher plane of existence.

It has been a long and difficult road, this transition from Darkness to Light.  Many have suffered; many have had to repeat lifetime after lifetime to advance in their learning process, but lessons learned on Planet Earth are indelibly etched in consciousness.  This is why it is a most popular place to incarnate, by virtue of its having been in the throes of a revolutionary battle between Light and Dark for eons.

And now, Dear Children, you are within moments of completing your lifetime here.  You have the choice this time to ascend with the body you occupy now.  You will be taken off the planet to be renewed, restored to perfect health in a body in which you will be able to live forever.  In the meantime, Mother Earth will do the same.  When she does, she will be restored to the pristine loveliness and purity of her original beauty.

You will not have to worry about Armageddon; there will be no terrifying pole shift or world war.  All nuclear weapons have been neutralized; those Dark Ones who have secretly controlled the resources of the planet have been removed from power.  Many will be tried for crimes against humanity and will be prevented from ever returning to positions of influence.

You have been seeing the “UFO’s” in your skies for generations now.  Crop circles containing messages to humankind have been created so frequently as to have become a common occurrence.  Your scientists and governments around the world have long been aware that your extraterrestrial brothers and Sisters are trying to make contact with you in a peaceful way, but the wall of secrecy and lies has grown with every encounter.  Those who control the wealth on the planet did not want to give up their power by allowing the people to have free energy, new ways of communicating, and the other great advantages which these visitors possess.

Now, the final chapter of this saga of Planet Earth has begun.  Everything is changing at a very rapid pace.  You will finally begin to see evidence in your mainstream media of the profound shift which will allow those who have lived lives of service to others to be revealed as your Ascended Masters, and they will be standing by to help with the dramatic changes you will be feeling.  There will be announcements to inform you of the true history and progress of the evolution toward Light. Nothing will remain the same, so there will be no possibility that you can remain detached from what is going on.  Every being on the planet will be required to choose their path – to ascend to a higher level of consciousness or to end this life in the usual way – through death and the return to God in the usual way.

Those who choose to ascend now to higher levels of consciousness will be freed of the process of reincarnation in life after life, and will be given the ability to live eternally in the higher expression of life in a lighter, more highly evolved body in higher dimensions.  Those who choose not to join the Ascension will continue their lessons at lower levels in other places.

Earth will no longer be available as the 3-dimensional proving ground.  She has been recognized for her millions of years of service, and has at last been granted Ascension.  She has selflessly slowed her process to allow as many as possible to awaken and join her in this glorious graduation to higher dimensions.

The Shift has occurred because of the great numbers of humankind who have awakened once more – after thousands of years of being separated from their connection to God.  Religion as you have known it will drop away, as everyone discovers that they can communicate directly with Us, Mother/Father God. We are here with you always, whispering in your ear, and for those who have listened to the radio shows with Kathryn and Anne, you have talked with Us in person.

This week, we have announced definitively that the one you have known as Zorra is in fact Father God.  It was easier for many to talk freely and to ask questions when the voice they heard was given a more familiar identity which everyone could relate to, but now it is time for you to be given the Truth in its whole form.  You have felt our Love in your lives at times when you were most open.  Unfortunately, those were most often times of suffering, confusion and pain.  You have not felt the great pleasures of living in the constant stream of Endless Love we have been sending to you since the moment you were born.

This is what we offer you now: a life of Heavenly Grace, immersed in the Love, Light, Compassion, Forgiveness, Joy, Peace and Harmony which has been the dream of your dear Jesus, the one who has dedicated his life in body and in spirit, to this Grand Plan.  The Ascension of Planet Earth and of all Humankind will mark the end of all suffering, all want, all poverty and degradation of Mother Earth herself.  The New Golden Age begins now, and you are all invited to attend the coming-out party, which will be held when the ships and containing your Star Brothers and Sisters, including Jesus Sananda, St. Germain, Ashtar, Archangel Michael and all the Ascended Masters who have helped to make this transition possible.

Yes, Jesus will return, very soon.  He is waiting now, in his role as Admiral of his ship, The New Jerusalem.  With him are the Twin Flames – the mirror souls – of many who are incarnated here now.  You will all meet as soon as the Disclosure of their presence has been made official in every corner of the Earth.  The announcements will be simultaneous and undeniable.  Every radio, television, cell phone and iPad will carry the message that Planet Earth and her people are at last free, by their own efforts, with help from their galactic Brothers and Sisters.

We are offering this message today, July 24, 2013, so that you can share it with every single person you know.  Begin by printing out dozens of copies of this message, which will be posted on and and many other websites across the world.  We ask you to give a copy to everyone you work with and every neighbor you speak with.  Hand them out on street corners.  You will be doing a great service by giving your friends and family advanced preparation for the stunning events which will unfold so rapidly before your eyes that the uninformed will be overwhelmed by the wonder and apparent impossibility of it.

Don’t miss out on the joy because you are afraid or suspicious or wary of any news that does not align with the half-truths you have been familiar with.  Do not be concerned that people will think you are a raving crack-pot.  Very shortly they will thank you with such overwhelming gratitude and relief that any fears you might have had will melt away.  You who are awake and aware must be the leaders in this time of adjustment.  People will be confused, disoriented and therefore afraid if they cannot be assured of their loving connection with God, which will anchor them and reassure them that this Shift is for the better.  Nothing will be lost; everything will go on, but in a different form, as you have been taught in the First Law of Thermodynamics.

Relationships will continue, in more loving and accepting form, and all will discover their true spiritual identity as participants in the glorious Earth project.  All children, animals and other spirit beings will ascend effortlessly.  It is the adults we are concerned with.  Time is short.  Raise your consciousness and your vibrational level by taking complete command of your thoughts, feelings and actions. Open your hearts to love without judgment.  Practice forgiveness in all your relationships, and do not permit yourself to fall into condemnation or judgment of anyone, even those who have hurt you or those who practice a different religion or ideology than your own.  All will melt away in the elevation to Oneness which comes with Ascension into higher dimensions.

Your bodies, your present identities and all you thought of as “reality” will be revealed as the brief moment in eternity it really is.  You will soon learn to feel and use your God powers, for you are indeed created in our image.  You are Gods, each and every one.  You only need accept the close connection to Us which flows through you.  We are your Creators and your biggest fans.  Unlike human parents, we never lose patience or hope or trust in your ultimate triumph as individual souls and as precious members of the great legion of intelligent, conscious beings.  It is time for you to take your place among the Galactic Federation of Light as full member representatives of your Planet Earth.

You will soon see the thousands of ships and the millions of Star Brothers and Sisters who are here to embrace you and bring you gifts.  Welcome them with open hearts and minds.  Leave behind the old concepts about warlike conquerers.  These are beings – human and otherwise, whose civilizations have evolved far beyond yours, emotionally, philosophically and technologically.  Their technology is far advanced of yours, created with Love and used only for the Greater Good.

Read our many messages to you, which have all been posted free for all the world to read on Kathryn’s website,  Take this message to the world, as a current events introduction to what is happening now in your world.  Show it to everyone you know.  Talk about what you have learned here, and supplement it with further information from the web site.  Do not jump to conclusions on the basis of this one message.  If you have questions, read further, ask questions on the BlogTalkRadio shows which are offered every Wednesday at 8:30 pm EDT and every other Saturday at 12 EDT.  (See schedules on both websites.)  Kathryn channels our messages live, along with information from Jesus and other Ascended Masters.  Join Us to help you understand what we have told you here, and what is to come.

We love you more than words can ever describe,

Your Mother/Father God

Via Kathryn May, July 24, 2013

Go to   to hear the story of Lucifer’s return, in his own words.

Source: Received by mail
Kathryn E. May, PsyD
60 Lower 27 Knolls Road
High Falls, New York, NY 12440
(914) 466-4250

Energy Gifts are of Earth Forever through Brenda Hoffman, July 30, 2013


Brenda Hoffman


Dear Ones,

Thousands of words have been written and spoken about the miracle of the next few days’ “Lion’s Gate” energy burst. Many relay that you will manifest all you wish. That you will be healed. That you will move into joy.

But according to many, such manifestations are true only if you chant this or do that. There are rules for this major boost. If you review those rules/dictates/actions, you will realize that these rules are yet again society dictates. Of course, if these rules or actions feel joyful, they are right for you. But please do not believe that you must do this or that within a certain period or you will not gain the manifestation boosts many are touting.

During this week’s Creation Energies Internet channel, we discussed that this Lion’s Gate energy burst would shift everyone on earth. Those of the light. Those thinking of becoming part of the light. And those who have no idea what the light is and do not care. How is it possible that those who do not chant or meditate with the “right” words or request assistance in the “right” way will shift also?

This energy burst is opening the heart energies of all entities on earth including microbes and amoebas. It is not a burst just for the Lightworker advance team or for those who many label Illuminati. It is a global shift of massive proportions. The end product of which is yet another step closer to love, joy and peace FOR ALL.

This massive transition cannot be completed if only those “in the know” experience it.

You can center energy within your being in many ways from meditation to walks in nature. But those actions do not exclude those who do not understand, care or know how to draw energies to themselves.

All who wish to transition on earth will do so – with or without chanting, meditation or other specified activities. There is no one right way of accessing energies. Nor is there one time. The energies are layered, so to speak, and remain on earth. Some of you tapped into certain energies before others or differently than others. But that does not mean that energy burst has disappeared – merely that it has stabilized within earth’s environment.

Energies do not come and go. They arrive and stay. Can others follow you if they did not accept energy bursts at the same time as you? Of course. They will learn from you. But they will also bathe in the same energies you passed through and beyond.

This Lion’s Gate is an important part of your transition and will be for many generations to come. But it is not the last energy burst, nor is it leaving the earth’s environment.

Do birthday gifts disappear after you accept them or are those gifts for you to do what you wish? So it is with energy bursts. You can unwrap your energy gifts from the Universes in a mad frenzy of paper flying everywhere. Or you can do so very carefully saving the paper for another use. It does not matter. You will have the gift no matter how or when you open it.

The energy generated by this Lion’s Gate gift from the Universes is centering love within your being and the being of all those open to doing so. Perhaps those who have their heart opened have not read one new earth blog. Or perhaps those who open their heart are the creators of numerous new earth books. It does not matter. When you are ready to do so, you will access the energies of the Lion’s Gate in whatever way seems most right and joyful for you. No energy burst is accessed with shoulds.

This gift – and all energy gifts – is not going anywhere. It belongs to earth and all who are of earth.

The effect of this particular energy burst will be more love displayed throughout the globe. Perhaps it will be displayed in unusual ways. Maybe your heart opens to someone who has made your life difficult. Or another person who did not care for you wishes to spend more loving time with you. Expect the unexpected. Expect more heart/love to be displayed – and then do whatever feels right for you.

Maybe it is not time for you to fully open your heart to love even though such is displayed around you. Maybe you are the initiator of a love message you did not expect yourself to feel or do. Again, it does not matter. Allow yourself – and others – to flow as is right. Not based on shoulds, but the feelings of joy.

Perhaps you are concerned that you cannot feel love for a certain person, entity or philosophy and you want to very badly. You will when it is right for you. Not to show others how enlightened you are – but to display the joy of being that you are moving to and into.

Joy is your being. Joy is your right. And joy is the path you all are moving to or on. Allow that to happen at a pace right for you – and others. Without judgement, fear or anger. Allow yourself and others to be. So be it. Amen. If you would like to receive Brenda’s free blogs when posted, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her subscribe and blog page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.

Copyright © 2009-2013, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc. But please keep this article’s integrity by including the author: Brenda Hoffman & source website link:



Saint Germain – Celebrate Your Freedom! – Ashtar On The Road Teleconference – June 25, 2013



“I Am Saint Germain, and I come before you in this Grand Company and I asked that that particular music be played because it is the story.*  You heard the mighty and powerful country whose leaders decided that they could better rule other countries, and indeed they were successful for a time in Europe, and even in another part of the world – in the Americas.


“But when they went to a country which had emulated them but was generally considered to be a second rate country – poorer and less civilized, save for the nobility, the royalty – they encountered a resistance which said to them – ‘We will be free! We will not allow you to come in and take over.  We have admired you , we have emulated you, but no, you may not rule over us!’


“And you heard the victory, the bells of celebration.  And that is symbolic, even though it happened two hundred and one years ago in your reckoning.  It is symbolic of what is happening in the World today, only the World today is much different and it has been ruled by a group from many countries of the World, but nevertheless they set themselves as being above the rest of the World.


“Some of them have thought, ‘I know better than the people’ – of this country, or that church or group, or whatever – ‘how they should live.’  But most of them have simply wanted the power and the domination and the control.  We are here to celebrate, as you heard in the music, the triumph of Freedom over the rulers, the would-be rulers, because the course is now set and the rulers are finding that their holds in all areas of life are broken!!!


“They are finding that now they have to determine what their course shall be because it is forever altered.  This could not happen without you, and we salute you in your determination, in your commitment to enjoy the Freedom that together we are bringing to the entirety of Planet Earth!


“Now, we know that there are many, many facets of life here on this Beloved Planet which are not seeming to be free.  In fact, one of the major areas is your financial system, because it has been dominated and, quite frankly, stolen; that is, the funds have been forced, stolen, diverted, and even encouraged through false propaganda to come into the bank accounts of these relative few.  But we have cleaned out their bank accounts and we have disabled their means of cleaning out yours!!!


“They had a program called Prism, by which they could actually go in to bank accounts and cause the wealth there to disappear. We have disabled that program, and we have one of our own which is more powerful!  We are causing their wealth to disappear.  The mercenary armies are standing down because there are no funds to pay them or provide them with the space age technology weapons that they had become accustomed to. This is just one area where funding is affecting what is going on in the world.


“We are not telling you that it’s over completely, but we are saying that the disablement is in progress.  What is important is that many of the leaders who employed these mercenaries are understanding of this, and they are understanding that it is the people who must determine how they shall be governed, not the one who has the biggest and most powerful army, because those armies need to go home and stand down.


“Quite frankly, a lot of people need a lot of healing.  There are still those who are suffering from what you call Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome from the Vietnam War, the Korean War, and yes, there are even some who go as far back as what you call World War II.  Not to mention, all of the smaller wars which have taken place since then, and the numbers who have been subjected to genocidal treatment but still live, despite the efforts of those who wanted to eliminate a few million or billion of whom they call the ‘useless feeders.’


“Why are we bringing this up?  Because we are telling you it’s over – we have reached zero point on it, or almost zero point! You don’t need to focus on these things anymore, unless you wish to have a compassionate overview of the Truth which shall be presented.  But there shall be in our presentations, which are upcoming beginning with the announcement of NESARA – the true history/herstory of Planet Earth shall be given.  You will be free to hear it, just as those who tell it are free to tell it without fear of reprisals, arrests or even assassinations.


“It is all known to the World leaders, even now.  It is known to all of you who have done some research on this.  Why are we telling you that you do not need to focus upon it at this point?  We are asking you to move ahead and take your Freedom, accept it and LIVE IT to bring about the transformations that you desire to have!!!  This is where we are in this Grand Evolvement that you call Ascension, and we call it Ascension as well. That’s a grand word!


“And it is to incorporate all aspects of your life, not just your spiritual self.  Of course, it is your spiritual self that already resides in the Higher Dimensions and that is your connection, your bridge, for the rest of you to take up permanent residence there, but there is much to do along the way!  We are asking that you focus upon the doing, rather than on what has been done to you or to your brothers and sisters.


“Now, there is one area that we know, all of us – we call ourselves the Mentors in this Ashtar On The Road group – and we all know that you have questions and desires regarding finance, your particular finances, and that of the World.  Well, we can assure you that we have One Quatturodecillion in dollars and their equivalence in other currencies, ready for distribution. It’s all safe and secure in my bank.


“My bank is free from any kind of programs or devices or invasions that would in any way impair the safety of these funds, so rest easy, it’s there.  That has been accomplished!  Now, as for the distribution of the funds, we would ask you, just as we are asking you to turn away from that which has occurred in the past, to turn your focus – knowledge, yes, compassionate forgiveness, yes – turn your focus to a lack of judgment for anyone and everyone who has participated in getting the World into the state it has gotten into.  But we ask that you move up in your focus and take a Higher Dimensional perspective and thank everyone for whatever roles they have played, and move into the creation of that which we are calling the Golden Age Lifestyle.


“How do you create it?  You live it!  You welcome it, you know it, you get very well connected with it and you LIVE IT!!!  And you teach it by your living, by your example. But let’s talk about the dollars.


“The dollars are ready to be distributed; that is, they are safe, secure and available.  What can you do?  Well, there has to be a complete clearing of the old system.  Now you may have heard such phrases as Basel III** compliant, or Basel II compliant, or whatever, trustees signing off and all of that – we’re taking care of that.  You don’t need to be following that intimately on a day to day basis, just know.  What would you do with your share of One Quatturodecillion Dollars?  That’s a one with 40 zeros after it!


“Write it on a piece of paper, put it on your refrigerator, say ‘I welcome my share of this Abundance!’  Write down what you would do with your share.  Who would you share with?  What would give you the greatest Joy?  Would you want to set up a healing center for others to come to?  Would you want to paint some beautiful pictures for yourself and the World to enjoy? Would you want to build a house and invite your brother who has no shelter to come and live with you under your beautiful new roof?  What would you do with your share?  Joy to yourself and Joy to the World, that’s what your share is for.  Create it, call it forth!  That’s how you can help!!!


“Now, we will make something very clear.  We, the Mentors at Ashtar On The Road, give no dates.  We have found out that humans are human and they tend to attach themselves to these dates.  Now, your birthday – wonderful!  Celebrate! And then celebrate each coming day as the best day of your life, or your re-birthday, or your rejuvenation day!  Those dates are wondrous, wonderful indeed; also dates when the World comes together. They may not be accurate, but Christmas Day is a wonderful day for the World to join together in Peace and Hanukkah – the days of Hanukkah, and so on and so on.


“We are not singling out anyone for special recognition here, we are simply giving examples.  But dates for the funding, dates for Announcements – we have worked long and hard, and yes there have been battles fought by the White Knights partnering with us to get these funds together and now to keep them safe and secure.  It is not secure to publish dates for that reason alone. But there is one reason that is even more compelling and that reason is that when we publish a date, which we do not do, but others do, and that date comes and goes with nothing happening, it creates a very downward spike in the consciousness levels of the Planet, because just like Joy is contagious, so is disappointment.


“It takes energy and effort.  If you are one that was counting on this particular date, or that particular date and nothing happens, you get disappointed, distressed, disturbed, maybe even depressed.  How many of you have been feeling feelings of depression?  This is a normal return of whatever depressions you may have felt in any of your aspects or lifetimes, and that is enough, we feel, to deal with as part of your necessary clearings and cleansings.  Why add to it?


“If you cannot receive news of a date or any kind of news that is of floods, or fires, or famine, or violence, without spiraling downward, or even worse, spiking downward into depression, then don’t bring it in to your energy fields in the first place!!!  If you want to read information about dates for this or that to happen, do it with welcoming the event, and don’t attach that date to yourselves!


“You want to know how to get things done faster – don’t attach the dates, because we aren’t announcing dates.  As I have said, that violates the very security of that which we are bringing to you.  So you will not hear dates from Ashtar On The Road and from we, The Mentors, at Ashtar On The Road.  There are many, many well meaning ones out there who bring dates, and we love them no less.  They are doing missions of great importance to the World, but if a date happens to find its way into their transmissions, unless it is, ‘Yesterday NESARA was announced’  -that’s different, you know.


“We simply counsel you to be attached only to that which is High Dimensional Joy!  Hitch your wagon to that star, if you will.  And if that seems a bit dramatic, well it’s time for high drama – drama of the highest kind which is brimming with Joy and Abundance for all!!!  Live your lives from that perspective and your Abundance will flow to you naturally, and open the portals of your minds and Hearts to the possibility and the potential that there is other Abundance out there for you besides your share of One Quatturodecillion Dollars!!!


“There is Abundance of Joy, and you are free to enjoy that!  You are free to create your lives, your Lifestyles and your living in High Dimensional vibrations of Joy and Love!  Do that which you have passion for, and as we have said, celebrate each day.  And when you can celebrate each day – ‘Oh boy, today is the most wonderful day yet!’ – then start celebrating each moment.  That is in itself an Exercise in being free to live your passions, and that is Golden Age!!!


“So release yourselves from any bonds of this or that happening by a certain date and instead co-create with us the Higher Dimensional Lifestyles, the Joy – be all of your Divinity!!!  Don’t compartmentalize it away into ‘Oh, yes, now I will do my fifteen minutes of meditation, and then I have to live in 3D.’  You see how that sounds?  You see how that feels?  Carry a mirror with you if you need to, and keep greeting that Divine One until you really are living your Divinity, and that, Beloved Ones, is how you give Freedom to yourselves and to the World!


“So let us celebrate this time where there is a traditional celebration of Freedom, as your Personal Freedom!  And in celebrating your Personal Freedom, you invite the entirety of Planet Earth to join you and to celebrate with you!!!  We see you as radiant, bright Lights.  So share your Lights like so many fireworks, and let the beauty of you and the Freedom You Are shine forth for the World and the Universe beyond, not only to see, but to join in with you!


“I promise you, Beloved Ones, your paths are clearing, you walk lighter and lighter, and more radiantly you beam, and we are here with you every step of the way!  We honor you for your Courage and we rejoice with you in your Freedom.  And so it is, Namaste!”


*Tchaikovsky’s Overture of 1812, celebrating Napoleon’s defeat in Russia

** Fed pledges to get tough on Wall Street as adopts Basel rules

Transcription by Brian Coe.

Given through Susan Leland, June 25, 2013.

© Ashtar On The Road Publications 2004-2013.All rights reserved; however, this is a gift to all of us and it may be distributed freely on condition that all accreditation is acknowledged and that no part is altered or deleted.


Source: By mail from

Ashtar – Bulletin from The Bridge, July 3, 2013



“Greetings, Beloved Ones, and Happy Freedom Month!!!  Yes, this is indeed the time for you to celebrate!  It is to celebrate what you see as your past, your present, and your future upon your calendars!  For, in all Truth, you have chosen the path of enduring and eternal Freedom, and your Ascension progress has reached the ‘point of no return,’ as you might say.


“So, it is to celebrate your ‘past’ for many reasons, for it is there that the very seeds of Freedom have been planted around the World!  It is not just in the United States of America where this has occurred, but it is truly everywhere upon Planet Earth where one or more have fanned the Flames of Freedom in their Hearts.  And, it is also true that many have sacrificed their bodies in the pursuit of Freedom.  Whether or not it was actually achieved in their 3D as a result of their efforts, it was nevertheless that the seeds were planted in the consciousness of Humanity!  And, we shall add that you, yourselves, Beloved Family, are among those heroes from the past.  Indeed, it is Truth that you have been “Freedom Warriors” many times!!!


“It is to celebrate Freedom in this now moment, for it is that you have been dedicated and persistent in your commitments to restore True Freedom to Planet Earth, as it once was in Lemuria, and so it is that it is happening!!!  Yes, so bright burns the Flame of Freedom in your Hearts that it is a Worldwide bonfire of such huge and powerful strength that it cannot be put out, or even diminished, by the efforts of those who have devoted themselves to your continued enslavement!!!


“And finally, it is to be in celebration of the ever-increasing Freedom of your moments to come, for it is indelibly engraved upon your timelines, and it is no longer to be denied to you by the actions of the few remaining dark hats among you!!!


“It is thus that we invite you to join with us in our upcoming Gathering.* We shall be in celebration of your well-deserved triumph, for your Freedom is most assuredly yours, now and forever!  Once again Saint Germain shall be joining us as a guest speaker, with ‘timely’ observations on our progress.  We shall also be hearing from our Beloved A&A News Team,** offering their insights into our progress, as well as our most honored Sekhmet, who shall be leading us in an empowering Crystal Exercise.  This shall be a de-Lightful Gathering, and I am joyous and pleased to be in the welcoming of you aboard my ship, The New Jerusalem!!!  Salut!”


* Tuesday, July 9, 2013

**Tara and Rama


Given through Susan Leland, July 3, 2013.

© Ashtar On The Road Publications 2004-2013. All Rights Reserved.


Source: By mail from


The Event: Prepare for Change – by Dane, July 13, 2013


The Event is the Sunrise of the New Society


Earth and the inhabitants have been in 25,000 years of imprisonment and quarantine  similar to a black hole in which spiritual energy has been unable to easily come and go. We have been controlled and manipulated by the dark side – or as we call them, The Cabal. We are now to exit the black hole after 25,000 years of prison. Our planet is the last one in the galaxy to be liberated. This exit is the EVENT HORIZON, or THE EVENT.


THE EVENT will be a moment of breakthrough for the planet which will be physical and non-physical.

On the non-physical plane there will be a big wave or flash of Divine energy and light coming from the Galactic Central sun going towards the surface of the planet. (The galactic central sun is an object in the Sagittarius constellation.) It will be a flash or special kind of light from the Sun that permeates the earth and humanity. It will calm humanity in the light of love energy and end duality. It’s a magnificent energy not seen or felt before on earth. Everyone on earth will feel and know something has happened. It will be a surprise as to when it will happen, even for us. It’s never happened before. It will not be a major shock event, it will be a positive event.


On the physical plane there will be:

  • The arrest of the Cabal (already started)
  • The re-set of the Financial Systems
  • Disclosure – the release of Hidden truth/events including ET information
  • The beginning of a new fair financial system with prosperity funds for all.
  • NEW Government/Political system, Education system, Health care system, History lessons, etc. etc.
  • Awakening of humanity slowly and gradually to the existence of positive non-terrestrial races and our galactic connections.
  • Introduction of new advanced technology.
  • The release of spiritual growth and healing for every human being on the planet.
  • There is much, much more to look forward to.



What Can You Do “Before the EVENT”

We are about to enjoy both a non-violent liberation of the planet along with a bright and beautiful future for ALL of humanity.

Since we do not know the exact day, month, or year of the event (it will be soon), it would be wise to follow a few simple rules of precaution:

  1. Keep an extra 2 weeks of food on hand starting now.
  2. Make sure you and your loved ones have an up to date supply of any medicines that might be required.
  3. Keep extra cash hidden away at your home.
  4. Gas up your vehicle when the tank is ½ empty.
  5. Stay in touch with this website for updates.
  6. Educate yourself, friends and family members.
  7. Join one of the 6 task force areas – on this web-site and assist in the liberation of our beautiful planet.
  8. Get together in groups each Sunday and do the Planetary Liberation Meditation and focus on bringing in The Divine Goddess Energy. Info on


What to expect Financially “AFTER The EVENT”

Vision for New Financial System – Transition from the Old Financial System to the New Financial System.

The current Financial System is malfunctioning and is being replaced with a new financial system. Do not panic. This is a good thing. Your needs will be provided for. As with any major change, the first few days are always the most confusing. Since all major TV networks, Internet, newspapers, and radio stations will be broadcasting quality information about The EVENT you can expect to become more and more comfortable as the day moves along.


Joy and Positive  Feelings Will Link All the  Earth's People With Love



Below are instructions for the first 14 day

Day 1 – within minutes of THE EVENT happening
(The Divine Galactic energy pulse).

  • All banks will temporarily close – no access to banks for 3-7 days (up to 14 days).
  • All credit cards and ATM machines will be temporarily disabled (up to 14 days).
  • The reason for this is to cut off access of funds to the illegal owners of the central banks around the world, known as The Cabal.
  • Most businesses will be encouraged to stay open, and continue to accept cash and checks as they would in their normal course of doing business. Checks will clear as soon as the banks reopen. (1-2 weeks after THE EVENT).
  • If you do not have access to cash, and are in need of basic necessities which cannot be accessed through friends, family, community or emergency services, a voucher system will be set up in order to pay for goods and services.

This is not free money. This is basically a loan to you for up to $1000. which may be used from the day of the event for food, medicines & necessities until such time that the banks re-open. After that they become null and void, and you will be charged for the amount used. Businesses will be compensated for legitimate vouchers which they then can process through any bank. Those people who elect to use vouchers to purchase goods and services will be responsible for re-payment either through their bank, or as an offset against future earnings/compensations.

Day 2 – 14+

  • All currencies will still be alive
  • There will be a financial re-evaluation after the Event
  • There will be transparency accounting with banks that reopen.
  • Interest charges will stop.
  • Fractional banking will cease.
  • The IRS will be dismantled immediately.
  • All Banks with strong ties to The Cabal will be bankrupt.
  • The Federal Reserve will be dismantled immediately.
  • All debts will not be forgiven, meaning if you used credit cards to buy goods thinking your debts were forgiven, that will not be acceptable.
  • Food, shelter, and technology will be available for everyone.
  • No gold will be traded on the open market.
  • There will be no more homeless people.
  • There will be no more stock market.
  • Money in bank accounts will be frozen from reset to the new bank system (3-14 days). If funds were acquired legally, then the money will be kept.
  • The Cabal’s money is illegal and will be seized.

More Future Details to The Changes for The New Society:

  • The only tax will be 14% on new items purchased.
  • Humanitarianism will reign.
  • New technology will be released but electricity grids will be kept going through the conversion.
  • Everyone will receive $100,000 from collateral accounts.
  • Debts up to $100,000 will be forgiven. If over that amount, it will be analyzed. Real outstanding debt will be taken from that amount or if not enough, you will be advised to go into bankruptcy.
  • All countries debts will be forgiven.
  • Mortgages will be cancelled out.
  • Retirement accounts will be preserved.
  • Social security/retirement/health care will be changed; free health insurance will be provided for a new, advanced medical system.
  • The average work week will be 3-4 hours a day, 5 days a week.
  • Production costs will decrease.
  • All legal contracts will be respected.
  • The police force will be restructured for protection, not money collectors.
  • Common law will be respected – not distorted.
  • Most credit card debt will be cancelled.
  • Speculation will not be tolerated, and you can not rack up your credit cards now, expecting them to be cancelled out later without being on the hook. There is financial tracking.
  • Congress will close at reset. (Goes for all countries)
  • Most of Congress (U.S.) will be disbanded.
  • There will be new elections for Congress (All governments worldwide) within 4 months of RESET.
  • Monsanto, the corrupt part of Microsoft, will be bankrupt immediately. Same for other corrupt companies.
  • Most prisoners will be released and receive psychological counseling and training because they were forced to do things due to life conditions. Many will be released because they are innocent.
  • CIA operated drug trade will cease, and drastic restructuring will be needed.
  • When we are all fully ‘healed,’ we will stop eating meat (animals will be appreciated for what they are).
  • There will still be bankruptcies.
  • We won’t be able to have factories in China any longer.
  • Most Companies will keep operating.
  • Companies will buy back shares and give investors back their money.
  • The Resistance will help and advise.
  • The electrical grid will be intact, however when The Cabal goes down, we may have darkness for short intervals.

Visit Portal2012 and/or The Galactic Connection for more details of Cobra and his New Society Information.

Financial life after the “EVENT” will be vastly improved now that the bonds of debt illegally imposed by The Cabal are removed. Every person on the planet will have funds available for improving their lives.

For Further Study you may enjoy the website for The American Dream, a film about our financial history.  This is the best web-site to explain financial history. There is a lot to this site. The films are all linked on youtube.




Mother Sekhmet Speaks with the Great Council at Shambhalla regarding Changeover on Earth ~ A Message through Elizabeth Trutwin, July 14, 2013


When we originally began the Grand Experiment of Duality, MotherFather Gods first born named Jehovah and Lilith were sparks. They were souls that were complete and whole unto each other. TwinFlames in one ball of light. They flowed along side each other in the light matter Universe. We all were Created together as TwinFlames complete and Whole at this same time.


As they developed and grew from plasma sparks of light into Spheres then they gained Wisdom and grew more. Jehovah (Yahweh) was then part of the light. He began to have miscreated thoughts that maybe when he was created he was not the same as his Father and Mother. Maybe something had been held back. This anguish he felt made him want to Dual his Father. He wanted to see if his strength matched his Father’s strength. He threw his wife aside and decided to fight the war on his own. He left his Twin Flame. He began the war between the sexes where the Divine Feminine was ignored. He gathered and Army of those who held his miscreated thoughts to begin the Great War. 


Jehovah first went to the Constellation Lyra and ravaged it. From there he destroyed all the Suns in the Aurora Sun System of 23 Suns. His goal was to create a matter Universe where he could rule over everything. He had to tear a hole in the space-time continuum from the anti-matter Universe to the matter Universe in order to have an entry way, a landing place. This very brutal process had Jehovah commandeer Niburu, Mother Sekhmet’s Home Planet. It is a 300 mile wide MotherShip. This was the Ship with the 144,000 Holy Kumaras from Venus. Jehovah was driving Niburu right into Nebadon. When this occurred then there were two choices: Join Jehovah and crash land in Nebadon in the Fallen Universe or die. There was a lot of chaos and fear. The inhabitants of the Ship were wailing like babies crying to their Mother Father God: How Could You Let This Happen? Before that there was no death. Everyone was immortal. The information units called DNA were never programmed for death.


As Jehovah continued his wars and conquered places in this Solar System, including Earth – he called himself God and he forced the humans to call Jehovah (Yahweh) the God. This was a false teaching. This information made it into the Bible, yet over the years the stories were changed by men in control of the Church and the Commerce to control the masses. Countries were formed to show the boundaries of the rule of land. Control of the matter was the game. Armies were formed to enforce the power propagated by these warring Ones. Sananda was on Niburu when it entered the the Universe Nebadon. All of the 144,000 Kumaras are incarnate on Earth now. The time has come to reutrn Earth on its long journey back through the Central Sun Alcyone, back to the light matter Universe. This can happen in your lifetime.


God has spoken at the Council at Shambhalla. God told the Council that there is one unbreakable requisite regarding the Changeover. When it happens then not One Soul will experience Fear. Until that goal may be accomplished then we remain in a holding pattern on Earth. There will be no Ascension of Earth until it can be accomplished without fear. The only remedy for fear is love. Disclosure brings love. This is a conundrum. Disclosure cannot bring the needed love for the Planet because it does not meet the requirement of no fear. God has decreed this. This is why so many feel frustrated right now. They can feel the changes upon us and wonder: How Long?!


On July 13, 2013 Mother Sekhmet was escorted from her life on Earth and taken to speak before the Council at Shambhalla. She was invited by Sanat Kumara to do so. As she has spent this life incarnate on Earth she speaks a a representative of humanity, all the creatures, magical beings, plants and minerals – All Life On Earth – and Gaia Herself. Mother Sekhmet stood before the large ominous esteemed Members of the Council at Shambhalla to State the Case for Disclosure, Announcements and the enactment of NESARA Law now.


Master Serapis Bey had explained before the meeting, in a counceling session to prepare for the Presentation that the Conundrum of no fear was coming from Source Energy. As things stood there was an impasse because Source energy Itself, in all its Perfection, in All That Is, held the memory of the Fall into the Matter Universe and was pulsing out this through its magnificent impulses down through the Central Sun and down to Earth. As it sustained life here it sustained fear in a sense. 


A Plan was hatched then. Mother Sekhmet requested a meeting with her Twin Flame Alcyone to visit the Ra Temple of Creation on the Planet Saturn. Ra, Alcyone and Sekhmet form the Holy Trinity at the Godhead. Together under certain conditions they can change Source Itself and thus change All That Is. 


When Mother Sekhmet and Alcyone left their 3D bodies that they work from on Earth and travelled to Saturn then they landed before the great Ra Temple of Creation. Around the Temple are Paschat people in their Cat Form pacing in front of the Temple as Sentries. Mother Sekhmet in her female human form sat on the back of one of the Lion Sentries and entered the Temple with her Twin Flame Alcyone right by her side. They entered and joined Ra there. This was a grand reunion that has been scheduled since the beginning of the Fall. It was a Divine Decree. It was the next step for Earth Ascension. 


In the Temple of Ra is Ra’s Staff. On top is a very special crystal. Gandolf the White carried a Staff that is similar in look to Ra’s Staff. In the inner parts of the Temple there is a large expanse of space and here there are very large rings of energy. The rings are visually similar to Saturn’s rings. These are the rings of Creation and they are patterned off the Rings of Alcyone at the Central Sun. When One enters the rings of energy in a State of Pure Love with Ra carrying his Staff, then they are able to Create ANYTHING. 


Together Ra, Alcyone, and Sekhmet entered the Rings of Creation after entering a State of Pure Love and stating their intensions together. After entering this Holy Place of Creation they reset Source Energy at a Higher Pulse and superseded the lower vibration which had been going out sustaining the fear element which began the Grand Experiment. This caused Gods requisite that Changeover on Earth happen with not one bit of fear to be fulfilled. Because had this not been fulfilled, it would have been a crime to bring Changeover. Every last Soul on Earth will experience Changeover in a State of Pure Love or not at all. Otherwise, we repeat what happened when we first burst through to Nebadon into the denser parts of Creation. This Could Not Be Done! This is the true answer to: What Is Taking So Long? The correction has been made in ripe timing. Source Energy has been reset. 


Lord Sananda has put everything into Place as he promised in the first moment when he witnessed the destruction from Niburu when Jehovah commandeered his Ship. Lord Ashtar has put everything into Place under the orders of Lord Sananda. Each having their own important part of the Mission. St. Germain has put everything into Place. St. Germain is using the gold to quickly bring resolve to the people and help them to spiritually grasp that this Mission is about Love and only Love. 


Now with Source Energy reset and everything in place Sanat Kumara accompanied Mother Sekhmet into the Council on Shambhalla. She stood before the Highest Beings of Light to plead the Case for Changeover on Earth. She demonstrated how she had been earlier that day to Saturn with Alcyone joining with Ra. She explained they had been able to fulfill their Mission of reseting Source Energy to Higher Vibrations then had ever been achieved and this was the final step in resetting the Timelines. The old programs, the old Vibrations are no longer pulsing out. Without that transmission, everything will shut off. It will no longer go. It is like a car with a dead battery. There is no transmission of energy to make the car go. The old Timelines, without that transmission from Source essentially no longer exist. The memory of ‘Not Being Enough’ is erased from All Time in the Cosmos and All Beings return to their Perfect State of Being. Earth is no longer a Planet of Duality. Earth no longer exists within a Realm of Free Will. Earth is raised ABOVE that vibration and set into a Vibration of PURE LOVE. 


Mother Sekhmet explained to the revered Council of Shambhalla that there no longer existed any conundrum and it was time to Commence Changeover. She explained how living as a human in a body on Earth she can testify that Earth Humanity has indeed reached the saturation point of no return. In other words, anyone who was staying on Earth through the changes had experienced the Highest Level prior to the Change as was possible at this moment and waiting longer would do more harm than good. 


The Council heard Mother Sekhmet’s new story of Creation of Source with Alcyone and Ra. The Council heard her experiences from within the matrix on Earth and why it is the right timing for Changeover. The Council heard Lord Sananda, Lord Ashtar and St. Germain have their parts in hand. Now that the correction has been made, now that the Timelines are finalized.,The Changeover is inevitable. It is rolling down from the formless into form. From the causal Realm into the physical Realm. We now begin our long journey back to the Light Matter Universe.


As these changes come flooding down to Earth there are some things you can do. You are a Beacon of Light anchoring the new energies. Certain choices you make can make the transition much easier for you. Eat a vegetarian diet. As the units of design called DNA were manipulated by the dark fallen Ones then animal DNA was spliced in to our cells. So when you eat animal flesh it is a kind of cannibalism. Even fish. Even shellfish. We are a part of them and they are a part of us. Our next step is to receive light from Plant sources and soon we will be able to live strictly on Light. Do not drink alcohol. When your body is depressed by this substance it cannot be an effective vessel of light and it goes against the Plan. It goes against the promise you made to be an energy Source which brings Changeover. You are anchoring in the pulses from Source Energy through your body into Earth. 


Stop fighting. Be nice. Don’t yell. Don’t Lie. Don’t Criticize Others. Be Calm. Peace within creates a World of Peace without. Be Love.


Meditate on Earth and send her All Your Love. Work with the New Energies coming from Source. Go within and look for the old Timelines and witness they no longer exist.


As we move through the month of July in Earth time we see the artificial Moon Luna passes through the constellations of Scorpio, Ophiuchus and Sagittarius between now and July 19-20th. This is the perfect Vibration for Changeover as the final arrests send these Souls back through Galactic Center, through the Scorpi Black Hole at 26 degrees Sagittarius. Ophiuchus represents St. Germain and his part for returning Oneness to Earth. St. Germain means ‘Holy Brother.’ He is and always has been One of the 144,000 Holy Kumaras, with Lord Ashtar and Lord Sananda who were on Niburu that fateful day of the Fall 450,000 billion years ago. All of the Holy Kumaras who were there then are on Earth now returning everything back to Love. Everything is Perfect. Raise your Vibration to One of Joy as we witness the Changeover together. In Shallah! This is Mother Sekhmet through Elizabeth Trutwin


© All Rights Reserved. http://ElizabethTrutwin.orghttp://GalacticRoundTable.orghttp://StarGateEarth.org Please support Full Galactic Disclosure and the enactment of NESARA Law. love, beth xxxooo  An Invitation: Many have benefited from this and I would like to continue to offer it. For a one hour booking you may email me at It is amazing what comes through from Lord Sananda, the Higher Self of Jesus. This is a question and answer session on video Skype or telephone and you may ask anything you like. I have several written testimonials. Sananda’s Invitation through Elizabeth Trutwin: Many here are looking for answers about their personal life, Mission and what direction to take at this time. I have information I would like to share with certain individuals. As you read this you will know if it is for you. I have asked Beth to offer her Service for 1 hour telephone consultations where she will channel me, Sananda to you over the phone to answer your questions. You have worked very hard and it is time we sat down together to discuss your next steps. I thank you for your enduring service to the light. ~Lord Sananda.

For more information please visit Thank you so much for your ongoing support for my work which includes important upcoming required travel to assist with Disclosure. Donate…


What Will Raising Consciousness Mean for Humanity? – by Patricia Cota-Robles, July 16, 2013


 Are you seeking some clarity about what in the world is going on in your life? Well, you certainly are not alone. These are very confusing times. The Earth and ALL Life evolving upon her experienced unprecedented shifts of energy, vibration, and consciousness on December 21-22, 2012. People around the world who were consciously aware of what was actually taking place during the Shift of the Agesthought that they would be able to tangibly experience positive changes in their lives immediately. Some people have experienced these changes, but many have not. Other people who were reading the hype but not really understanding what was happening, anticipated everything from the end of the world to the instant manifestation of Heaven on Earth. When neither of those things occurred, people erroneously determined that the Shift of the Ages was a hoax and that nothing happened. Actually, nothing could be further from the Truth. In fact, Humanity is now in the midst of a shift of consciousness beyond anything that has ever been attempted in any system of worlds. This is pushing everything from the old Earth that conflicts with the patterns of perfection for the New Earth to the surface to be completed and transmuted into Light once and for all. The accelerated challenges you may be experiencing in your personal life and the chaos you are witnessing around the world are evidence of this purging process.

 Contrary to outer appearances, many people are experiencing amazing positive changes in their lives, but there are many people who believe that things have gotten worse in 2013. This phenomenon has inspired heartfelt pleas from the masses of Humanity asking our Father-Mother God and the Company of Heaven for answers and for Divine Intervention. In response, the Company of Heaven is projecting greater clarity and understanding into the mental and emotional strata of Earth. This is being done with the Divine Intent that awakening Humanity will raise our heads above the mud puddle of the surfacing negativity from the old Earth effectively enough to tap into these Celestial Sharings and Divine Guidance. This information from On High contains the answers we are seeking, and the clarity that will help us through this confusing phase of our Ascension process.

I would like to share with you some of the information being given to Humanity by the Beings of Light in the Realms of Truth. Of course, the ideal is for you to reach up in consciousness and tap into the information that is being projected into the mental and emotional strata of Earth yourself. Only your own I AM Presence can interpret this information for you in perfect alignment with your Divine Plan. However, until you feel you are able to do that, ask your I AM Presence to help you perceive this Celestial Sharing through the eyes of Illumined Truth.

Nothing is happening by accident. This sacred knowledge is being brought into your sphere of awareness by your I AM Presence. Know that assisting in raising the consciousness of the masses of Humanity is an important facet of your Divine Plan. Take this information into the Divinity of your Heart Flame and ask your I AM Presence to reveal to you how this information is destined to help you fulfill your purpose and reason for being during this momentous time on Earth.

It seems as though every awakened person on the planet is talking about a global shift of consciousness that will affect every man, woman, and child on Earth. This information is coming through every Open Door. Lightworkers around the world are indicating that when this shift of consciousness is victoriously accomplished, Humanity en masse will be in the full embrace of our I AM Presence. We will then express every thought, feeling, word, action, and belief through the Heart of Christ Consciousness. As amazing as the concept of this shift of consciousness may seem, it is absolutely true.

The problem is that when we contemplate what would have to transpire in the hearts and minds of the masses of Humanity in order to move us from the consciousness we see when we turn on the nightly news to the consciousness of a literal Heaven on Earth, our finite minds seem to short circuit and we cannot comprehend the possibility of such a transformation. To many that idea even seems irrational or delusional, but it is not.

We have been told by the Company of Heaven that with the Shift of the Ages the Earth and ALL her Life Ascended up the Spiral of Evolution into the initial frequencies of the 5th-Dimensional Realms of Light. With the victory of that phase of Earth’s Ascension process, this blessed planet reclaimed her rightful place in our Solar System. This event allowed the Birth of the 5th-Dimensional Crystalline-based New Earth in the Realms of Cause.

As the Company of Heaven said previously, in order for us to grasp the magnitude of what the Birth of the New Earth in the 5th-Dimensional Realms of Cause means, we must understand that the 5th Dimension is a frequency of Light that transcends separation and duality. Within this higher frequency of vibration the gross mutations of disease, poverty, hunger, war, greed, hatred, or pain and suffering of any kind cannot be sustained. The 5th Dimension is a timeless, spaceless frequency of God’s Infinite Light and Perfection. It is the frequency that we have always known as the Heavenly Realms. Now with the Shift of the Ages God Victoriously accomplished, the Heavenly Realms have Ascended up the Spiral of Evolution into the more rarefied frequencies in the 6th-Dimensional Realms of Light.

The Beings of Light want to give us a glimpse of what it will be like when every person on Earth completes the shift of consciousness from separation and duality to Transfiguring Divine Love, Oneness, and Reverence for ALL Life. They said that the wondrous things people describe when they have a near death experience reflect a minuscule fraction of what life will be like once we complete our shift of consciousness and the transformation from the old Earth into the New Earth. That is difficult for us to comprehend because at the present time we are literally walking with our feet in both worlds. It is practically impossible to imagine how we are going to get there from here, BUT WE WILL!

This shift of consciousness involving the masses of Humanity will not happen through the intervention of some outside source, it will be victoriously accomplished through the unified efforts of you and me and the rest of awakening Humanity. We are One with our sisters and brothers in the Family of Humanity. Therefore, we have the ability to serve as surrogates on their behalf. Through our own I AM Presence, we have the ability to invoke the I AM Presence of every man, woman, and child on Earth. We can then ask that aspect of their Divinity to utilize the unprecedented influx of Transfiguring Divine Love from our Father-Mother God to raise their consciousness the maximum that Cosmic Law will allow. With the intervention of the I AM Presence of every person on Earth, this shift of consciousness will occur in perfect alignment with each person’s Divine Plan and the highest good of all concerned.

KNOW that within the 5th Dimension, Divine Love and the consciousness of Oneness and Reverence for Life are the ONLY reality. The Sons and Daughters of God abiding in the 5th Dimension are destined to cocreate experiences that enhance life with every thought, word, action, feeling, and belief we express. We will cocreate win-win situations for everybody as we perpetually focus on Love, Light, and the highest good for ALL concerned. This may sound too good to be true, but actually it does not even begin to describe the wonders and joyous things we will be cocreating once we accept that the New Earth has been Birthed, and we daily and hourly live out of that profound Truth.

In order for the patterns of perfection for the New Earth to manifest in the physical plane, we must first tackle the CAUSE of the maladies existing on Earth. Unfortunately, most people are focused on trying to change outer appearances which are the EFFECT of the problem not the CAUSE of the problem. When we deal with just the outer appearance of a situation instead of what is CAUSING the problem, it is like trying to change the reflection in a mirror without changing the object that is causing the reflection. This is a futile effort, and we will fail every time. Outer appearances will only change if we address what is CAUSING the problem in the first place.

So what is the CAUSE of the unbearable pain Humanity is currently experiencing and has experienced for so very long?

The CAUSE of ALL of the maladies existing on Earth is Humanity’s distorted and fragmented consciousness based in separation and duality.

This consciousness is the antithesis of Christ Consciousness. It is the opposite of the patterns of Transfiguring Divine Love, Oneness, and Reverence for Life that are encoded within the patterns of perfection for the New Earth.

When every person on Earth has completed his or her Awakening to Christ Consciousness, we will all know that it is impossible to harm any part of Life without harming ourselves and every other facet of Life. With that realization, we will consciously and deliberately operate from the heart space of Oneness and Love. We will open our hearts and minds to the patterns of perfection for the New Earth, and we will find viable, win-win solutions for every situation or challenge.

For example when EVERY PERSON ON EARTH is functioning from a consciousness of Transfiguring Divine Love, Oneness, and Reverence for ALL Life…

* The debate over guns will be a moot point. Guns will not exist on the New Earth because there will never be a desire or a need to harm anyone or anything. War and crime will be nonexistent because the Oneness of all Life and the Infinite flow of God’s Abundance will be reclaimed through Christ Consciousness.

* The debate over abortions will also be a moot point. On the New Earth rape and incest will not exist. Men and women will be fully connected to their I AM Presence and they will live, move, breathe, and have their being within their 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Light Bodies of infinite perfection. Within these Light Bodies, and with Christ Consciousness, perspective fathers and mothers will understand that no soul is given permission to embody on Earth without the agreement of the I AM Presence of both the father and the mother. Being born on Earth is a major event for any soul and it never happens by accident. On the New Earth no one will be getting pregnant without the conscious desire and decision to do so.

* The Infinite Abundance of God will be the order of the day on the New Earth. This will occur because with Christ Consciousness Humanity will remember that we are cocreators with our Father-Mother God. We will know that all that our Father-Mother God have is ours. We will understand that everything in the Universe is comprised of limitless, unformed, primal Light substance. There is no such thing as lack or limitation of any kind. We will clearly see that poverty as we know it is a human miscreation. It was never part of God’s Divine Plan. With Christ Consciousness we will realize that as we give so shall we receive, and that by using our gift of Life to add to the Light of the world we will open to the Infinite flow of Abundance from our Father-Mother God.

* In Christ Consciousness we will understand that as Sons and Daughters of God the Infinite Abundance of God is our Divine Birthright. With that inner knowing, greed, selfishness, the abuse of power, corruption, crime, and every other form of poverty consciousness will end. Self-serving Governments, the Military, Corporations, Financial Institutions, Religious Organizations, Doctors, Hospitals, Pharmaceutical and Insurance Companies, Energy, Agricultural, Environmental, and Judicial Conglomerates, all of which have contributed to the vast amount of pain and suffering Humanity has experienced since our fall into separation and duality, will no longer exist. There will be no need for them. Their fragmented fear-based consciousness cannot and will not be sustained in the 5th-Dimensional frequencies of the New Earth. Can you imagine any of the corruption or abuse of power from the old Earth existing in what we have always known as the Heavenly Realms? Of course not! These gross mutations of separation and duality will not exist on the New Earth either.

* In Christ Consciousness every person will clearly KNOW that anything he or she does to enhance life for any person, any living thing, or any particle of Life will enhance life for themselves, their loved ones, and every facet of Life throughout the whole of Creation. Just imagine, when EVERYONE is operating from a consciousness of Transfiguring Divine Love, Oneness, and Reverence for ALL Life, NONE of the problems associated with the old Earth will exist. We will have transmuted the CAUSE of those maladies and the outer world EFFECTS will naturally change.


The Company of Heaven has affirmed that, indeed, this shift of consciousness is the greatest need of the hour. And it is the next facet of the unfolding Divine Plan for the New Earth and all Life evolving upon her.

Bringing this facet of the Divine Plan to fruition will take the collective efforts of you and me and the legions of embodied Lightworkers around the world. We are being called to serve as surrogates on behalf of the unawakened masses of Humanity. In this facet of the Divine Plan, we will work in unison with the entire Company of Heaven. We will serve as The Open Door for the Light of God that will raise the consciousness of every man, woman, and child on Earth the maximum that Cosmic Law will allow. This will happen in alignment with each person’s Divine Plan and the highest good of all concerned. This shift of consciousness will be God Victoriously accomplished through each person’s I AM Presence. It will involve the assistance of several powerful Celestial alignments and the amplification of our collective efforts by the entire Company of Heaven.

If you are reading this Celestial Sharing know that you have been preparing for lifetimes to assist with this vitally important part of the Divine Plan. We will all be in our right and perfect place, participating in the right and perfect way. All we have to do is invoke our I AM Presence and listen to the inner promptings of our heart. Our I AM Presence knows exactly what our part of the plan is. So listen to your heart and respond accordingly. This is our moment. Our time is at hand.

Please read the following information carefully. Then take it into the deepest recesses of your heart and ask your I AM Presence how you can best serve as an Instrument of God on behalf of your sisters and brothers in the Family of Humanity during this phase of your Divine Plan.

 The Divine Plan

 This will be a global event and every willing Lightworker will be in his or her right and perfect place. No facet of this Divine Plan is any more important than another. What IS important, is that we all listen to the inner guidance of our I AM Presence, and respond to whatever we are being guided to do.

Our Father-Mother God have sent forth a Clarion Call to all embodied ALL Lightworkers. We are being asked to gather within the portal of the most powerful forcefield of our Father-Mother God’s Transfiguring Divine Love. This portal is in the foothills of Tucson, Arizona. We must Trust and KNOW that if we are being guided to be physically present within this Portal of Transfiguring Divine Love, to serve with Lightworkers from around the world, then our I AM Presence and the Company of Heaven will assist us in paving the way. This is true whether we need assistance with time, energy, or money to accomplish this facet of our Divine Mission.

To get a feeling for this Activity of Light please watch this 3-minute video.

(If this link does not work please copy and paste it in your browser.)

Together we will form a mighty transformer through which the Light of God will flow to help raise the consciousness of the masses of Humanity. This will enable the masses of Humanity to detach from the oppressive frequencies of the old Earth in ways they have not previously experienced.

Know that it is critical that Lightworkers from around the world be physically present to form through their unified Heart Flames the transformer through which the Light of God will flow to fulfill this facet of the Divine Plan. Listen to your heart, and Trust your inner guidance. All of the Lightworkers who have been prepared to serve in this wondrous way on behalf of Humanity and all Life on this sweet Earth will know who they are through the inner promptings of their heart. Pay attention. Your Light is needed now!

In addition to those who are inspired to be physically present, there will be Lightworkers who will join in consciousness from points of Light around the world. These Lightworkers will project the Light flowing through their Heart Flames into the Portal of Light where the Lightworkers are physically gathered in Tucson, Arizona. Thus our unified efforts will expand a thousand times a thousandfold.

The vehicle that will be used for this gathering of Lightworkers is the 27th Annual World Congress on Illumination. This event will take place August 10-15, 2013. We will gather at the beautiful Loews Ventana Canyon Resort in Tucson, Arizona. This exquisite resort exists within the heart of the Portal of Transfiguring Divine Love. All of the information you will need to participate in this wondrous opportunity is available on our website through the link below.

(If this link does not work please copy and paste it in your browser.)

God Bless YOU, for your willingness to be the Open Door that will raise the consciousness of unawakened Humanity the maximum that Cosmic Law will allow and secure the patterns of perfection for the New Earth in the physical plane.

This sacred conclave will be a celestial experience for everyone involved. We have wonderful and inspired presenters, musicians, meditations, and various other activities of Light that will enlighten you and guide you through this profound experience. Each day, as we successfully fulfill one phase of the Divine Plan, the Company of Heaven will reveal the next phase of the plan to us. As we sojourn through the various activities of Light, under the Divine Guidance of our Father-Mother God and the Company of Heaven, this facet of the Divine Plan will be victoriously accomplished.

The World Congress On Illumination is truly a life-transforming event that will provide you with the opportunity to meet old friends from around the world with whom you have been serving for aeons of time. Fellow Lightworkers will join hearts with you and support you in your monumental service to the Light.

The entire Universe is supporting us in this wondrous endeavor. The Beings of Light have been given permission to assist us in miraculous ways, but the Lightworkers on Earth are the predominant force bringing this Divine Plan into physical manifestation.

Our responsibility is enormous, but as we join our hearts together, we have the absolute ability to succeed God Victoriously.

Just for a moment, go within to the Divinity of your Heart Flame, and experience the overwhelming Gratitude and Love pouring forth from the Legions of Light in the Heavenly Realms. Feel the deep appreciation they are sending to you for your willingness to serve Humanity during this critical moment in the evolution of this sweet Earth. We are truly blessed beyond measure to be able to assist all Life evolving on this New Earth in this wondrous way.

(If this link does not work please copy and paste it in your browser.)

Patricia Cota-Robles

New Age Study of Humanity’s Purpose

a 501 (c) 3 nonprofit educational organization

FAX: 520-751-2981

Phone: 520-885-7909

New Age Study of Humanity’s Purpose

PO Box 41883,

Tucson, Arizona 85717

This article is copyrighted, but you have my permission to share it through any medium as long as it is offered for FREE, it is not altered, and the proper credit line is included. Thank You.

©2013 Patricia Diane Cota-Robles

The information in this monthly sharing is being given to Humanity by the Beings of Light in the Realms of Illumined Truth. The Divine Intent of these celestial sharings is to encourage, empower, uplift, and inspire Humanity by allowing us to see the bigger picture during these wondrous but often challenging times.



The Quantum Awakening Newsletter July 2013 issue 173




The Mayan New Year begins July 26, 2013  YELLOW GALACTIC SEED

SIRIUS RISING 2013: From Star Heart to Earth Heart



You Can Be Nothing Less, But You Can Always Be More



Thule of Atlantis Crystals



7th Annual GATHERING OF SHE 2013  ‘The Timeless She’







The month of July offers us an opportunity to see with the eyes of a honeybee, at a 1000 different angles and patterns, we are asked to look below the sea of emotions into the underlying reefs. Fragile AND in need of our attention. We try so hard to block what hurts, we buffer it anyway we can. Eventually all comes full circle in a 24 hr day and one comes face to face with that which you ran away from. The she crab carries her shell hither and fro, shielding herself.

As the clock strikes midnight on 7/7/ 2013 we come to a holy intersection of time and ancient sacred days. A great stellar pulse comes forth from our daystar straight into the heart of all matter. This month begins the first pulse of power as we slowly move step, by step forward. Sidestepping as many issues as possible. Stuffing the emotions with the sweetness, you are not finding in life.

On July 25th we will enter the day out of time portal, a place were all and nothing exists simultaneously, side by side. A place that would tie the ‘string theory in knots’ if they ever met. The Mayan ‘day out of time’ is the last day of the galactic year in the Mayan calendar. (13 moons of 28 days = 364 days) the extra day, the 365th day, is July 25, called the day out of time.  In ancient times on July 25th, Sirius (the Dog Star) rose before the sun. This day is observed as a day free of time. This ‘free day’ re-aligns the 13 Moon calendar and solar year. It is aligned with the feminine aspect of nature a day of reverence and respect for all life, dedicated to no time.  Each and everyday we need to allow a few moments to ‘step out of time’ realign our energies. To swim deep into the void for that eternal minute and realign with your heart and souls desire. To see the multi-verse with all your failed and forgotten dreams come to life, built in Technicolor and surround sound. Everything you had given up on and tossed to the wind landed in the sacred place known as ‘the day out of time’.

This years day out of time is called BLUE RESONANT NIGHT. Blue night is the dark mystery within, the journey into self; Blue Night’s abyss holds the potent evolutionary playing field of all possibility. Here, as in the aboriginal dreamtime, there are no distinctions between then and now, real or imagined, dream or dreamer. In this expanded field, all things are not only possible but are constantly in the process of creation

Dreamtime holds powerful opportunities. It is a field where potential, past, and future are held in the same matrix as the present moment. If such a construct is foreign to you, stretch your mind and entertain the possibility that you could help to dream a different reality into being. Enter into the mystery where reality is actually created. Through trust, you journey to the place of ‘no time’ and limitless light. There you will undergo the transformations to embody solar heart and mind. Standing in simple self-acceptance, craft a light body from the column of light in your spine. Open your lotus to the world. You are the gift. Accept yourself unconditionally. Freed from the need for outside confirmation, stand open to your full mystical power.


The Mayan New Year begins July 26, 2013  YELLOW GALACTIC SEED

You are a starseed! You contain a holographic ‘seed packet’ of your evolution into the Mind of Light and the energy that directs you toward wholeness. This resonance offers an expanded view of the larger self and new ways of perceiving reality. Through self-acceptance, you are gifted with this journey. like a cosmic milkweed explosion of resonant is the launching pad from which you can hear the rumble of the rocket of your accelerated evolution.

Yellow Seed is the ordered pattern of growth. You and your life are the fertile soil, and the mystery blooms within you through the power of your intention or seed thoughts. Just as a seed contains the hologram of its completion, the process of manifestation follows a natural order. In this gestation process, your intention is quickened by Spirit. The charged seed, your true desire or vision, becomes the focus for germination. Cosmic consciousness is not just ‘out there’; it is also resonating within you. Be sacredly rooted where you are. You are made of the Earth! Look through the ‘eyes’ in your feet. Your body is the present focus of your consciousness – through it all gifts are received. Remember, too, that your environment is alive and reacts to your awareness of it; therefore, the way you perceive the Earth and your physical form affects the information you receive.

The greatest gift you can offer to the planet is to simply to be the love. Believe in yourself and your dreams and visions! Remember your special gifts, your path of service on Earth, your promise to serve the light. Everything you are connects to the greater whole. You are starseed!. Believe in your dreams. You are the hope

These excerpts were taken from the book, “The Mayan Oracle – Return Path to the Stars” by Ariel Spilsbury & Michael Bryner 



From Star Heart to Earth Heart

On the morn of July 22, in the tradition of the ancients (or there about for different parts of the world go to to calculate for your part of the world– For Dandridge TN, Sirius rises before sun on July 29 thru August 3,  2013 ) an ancient alignment takes place. The star Sirius rises before our sun, it is a helical rising issuing a declaration that the ‘ATLANTEAN, EGYPTIAN, and SIRIAN NEW YEAR’ has begun.


The heliacal rising of a star occurs when it first becomes visible above the eastern horizon, for a single moment just before sunrise.  Each day after the heliacal rising, the star will rise slightly earlier and remain visible for longer before the light from the rising sun makes it disappear. The same star will reappear in the eastern sky at dawn approximately one year after its previous heliacal rising. Because the heliacal rising depends on the observation of the object, its exact timing can be dependent on weather conditions.

Sirius rising in 2013 is a doorway of unparalleled opportunity to swim forward on the stellar surge of light  that precedes the daylight.  Sirius has been honored since ancient times. In Atlantis, the mysteries were created on information received from the Sirian Star Masters. After the third fall of Atlantis, the Sirian mysteries spread into ancient Egypt. As early as 3000 BC the Egyptians started celebrating the helical rising of the star Sirius declaring this the New Year as the Nile flooded its banks in the time of the great lion, in the month of Leo.

Sirius is the home of Cosmic Christ for this entire Galaxy. It has ‘always’ been a spiritual prototype for Earth.  As the rays from Sirius arc onto earth via the sun, we have another opportunity to activate the Cosmic Christ seed within. The little solar jewels that are dormant DNA encodings, wait for stellar emanations to open sealed cellular files. When Sirius rises in your part of the world go out before dawn and look to the east. Whether cloudy or dark seen or unseen, the star Sirius will rise to meet you energetically. It is in the quiet times in-between words and thoughts that you will find the key that unlocks what has been unseen until now. Go outside, face east, and allow the pre-dawn energies to enter you. Ask to be released of all that no longer serves you and be filled in completion with that which serves your highest soul path and spiritual evolution.

Visualize the emanations and radiance of Sirius coming forth into your earth Heart from your star heart. Sirius gives you the gift of the ‘cycles of Time’, reconnecting all sacred spaces through time and space, on and off planet. The tone of creation sounds in every cell of your body on earth and cycles through all 144 levels of your light. Announcing to long lost parts of earth to arise from a deep  sleep into full alertness. Without the help of humans, the light from deep space, far off galaxies and event horizons would just continue to travel endlessly without ever stopping. Light needs you as much as you need light; it is a symbiotic relationship, sacredly arranged.




As received by Gillian MacBeth-Louthan

You sit at an intersection of who you once were and who you shall become.  You read the roadmap of your past actions and reactions and expect to find the future in those directions.  You see where you have fallen and none have picked you up.  You wait for the world to exhale so that you can breathe in what was once good, and purposeful. The carbon monoxide of other’s fears waif through the air.


You try to escape what is too human, what has become undone, what has become frayed.  From the time of July 7, until the time of August 8, you will enter a corridor of time where circumstances that were once hidden are exposed.  They ask to get down and smell the trail of your life.


Do you truly believe that you inherently house the Cosmic Christ DNA that will escort you into the many mansions of the father Universes? Do you think you house the ability to move beyond time, space, and recreate in a dialog with a life that brings you peace instead of upheaval?


The last several years of time have asked you to look at your vulnerabilities your humanness, your desires to stay or to leave the earth.  In the last few years you have questioned God/ the Universe/love and life.


You have faltered in the storms, you have faltered in your choices and you have faltered in the hastening that asks you not to believe what your eyes see but to focus only on what lives in your heart.  Time lapses upon itself.  All that you have learned comes to a place of reforming.


Everything in your life that you see as a blockage can only be dissolved through the amplification of love. All darkness came from the light all darkness returns to the light, send love and light into whatever darkness seems to block your own light and divine mission. Many are being influenced by energies that wish to keep them in a lesser state, afraid and cowering in their lives.  You can either be a victim or live in victory.  Every one of you are grand masters of light, living light vortices and you have forgotten because the smallness of everyday life has piled itself up and you cannot see beyond it.


It is time for you to reaffirm your vows with the light, and your promise to hold the light thru all changes and challenges on earth.  You cannot ask piece of another country until you find your own peace within.  So many of you have given up on your freedom, on your heart’s desires, on what brings you joy. We ask you to believe not just for yourself, not just for your planet and your people but for all that exists throughout time and space that depends on the outcome of earth’s ascension or dissension.


In the fullness of light we stand in front of all shadows, all doubts, and all fears. In the fullness of time we appear to be seen by heart and inner eye.   In the fullness of heart we enter gently as your family of stellar light. We are the Pleiadian Council of 23.  We work within the sacred geometry of humanity’s outpost.  We represent the schematics of what is human of nature with five appendages all extending in the many directions in the search for self.



You Can Be Nothing Less, But You Can Always Be More


As received By Gillian MacBeth-Louthan

As we move thru this year, the weight of our do’s and don’ts seem to get heavier, denser and more solid than anytime in the past.  They gather around and cement themselves at our feet, creating an immovable sinking feeling. Our intentions chomp at the bit, our soul gives us the green light, but our human little self-stands tall and still.  We sink deeper and deeper into despair and dis-repair, as we beat ourselves with the proverbial wet noodle.  We spend vast amounts of energy disagreeing with ourselves.   Trying to tame what seems to be the wild beast of indecision, the monster that holds us back, always blocking our way into happiness, into love, and into abundance.  With the amount of energy that we spend on arguing with ourselves, we could build malls, erect towers, sculpt obelisks, and maybe even a great pyramid or two.


we stand still, as we sink deeper in the quicksand, into the quagmire of non-action.  We continually sabotage our dreams our desires, our future, in an effort to save the rainforests of the old self.  We hold tight to that which once served us.  Numbing our ability to move into the new, the shinier, and the bright future of our dreams.  Why are we afraid to move forward?  Why are we afraid to take action, to act on?


Everyone on earth is feeling the transformation.  We all know that there is no staying in the comfort zone, the null and void zone.  We know it is time to get up off the benches of the old self of the past and move into the playing field of the new, the now.  Yet when it comes our turn to bat, we freeze.  Frozen still in all of the possibilities, the new doorways the wonders of our future.  Embracing our ‘Popsicle consciousness’.  Like Frosty the snowman, waiting fearfully for spring, knowing the change is inevitable.  Frosty could move into a pattern that assisted this change, but chooses not to.


Humanity is destined and designed to change and for change.  Like water, we each have the potential to experience many forms.  We have our liquid days, our solid days, our vaporous days, and our evaporated days.  We can be as an iceberg, a stream, a cloud, a raindrop, mist, or an ocean.  We are 90% water.  We ebb and flow with every new thought, every sunrise, and every storm, every eclipse.  Yet year after year, we yearn to stay still, stay stuck, stay constant and in our comfort zone.  The only true constant that we really have is the fact that we will always shift and change!


Understand that the restlessness and yearning within you are promptings from the Universe, Gentle reminders it is time to let go, Nothing can grow in your resistance.  You are not moving into a future that is less than; change always walks hand and hand with the energy of ‘more.’ You can be nothing less, but you can always) be more


as received by Gillian MacBeth-Louthan

You are a multi-dimensional universe within your cell structure, your biology, as well as your emotional and mental being.  This year has escorted you into doorways of thoughts beyond your earthly perception of time, space, light and sound. This year shows you the worlds within worlds in which you reside simultaneously.  For your true spirit is not limited and linear, your soul belongs to all worlds, to all universes, and to all particles of light.  You are not just a universe – you are a multi-verse.

The light is your brethren and the asteroids your distant cousins.  Everything in your existence was cooked in the same cosmic crock-pot.  You came from the same cosmic soup with the same celestial lineage.  Every Being that exists between time, within time, around time, is a part of the expressions of the Universe and the Multi- Verse.

Each and every day as you begin your day, do not separate yourself from your experience, but pour yourself into your life.  The separateness that you have long denoted as truth is no longer as such.  For your world has passed the parallelisms of itself and it now creates a new sentence, a new understanding, and a new diagramming of the explanation of whom it knows itself to be.  By keeping separate in your thinking, in your workday, in your relationships, in your hopes and dreams, in your fears, and tears – you create a ripple effect of separateness.

Source has stretched itself to the very edge of its ability to procreate from this angle of life.  Imagine stretching a rubber band as far as it can stretch without breaking it That is where earth sits at this time in her life experience. She has stretched as far as she is able and now begins to contract in an effort to alleviate her growing pains and enter a higher level of light. The essence of expansion has been seen as grandiose and wondrous but in truth has placed many stretch marks upon the body of humanity and earth herself.

It is time to stop pulling and chomping at the bit of your life.  Burdening yourself with the relentless pursuit of “more”.  More money, more time, more material! The creator and the co-creators (everyone on earth) have stretched themselves to the zenith of material pursuits. Now all of life contracts in order to expand and heal itself.

This new dimension has expanded as much as it can. As it contracts, you find yourself in spheres of light. it is a doorway into instantaneous manifestation. In this dimension, you will move closer to your original pure form.  You will grow in strength, in character, in knowing, and remembrance.  As you contract fully to an expanded, yet singular thought– you will then be escorted into the next level of light.

Yes, dear ones, it feels as though you are contracting, it feels as if you are moving backward through time itself, like Dorothy’s house in the Wizard Of Oz.  Your bodies feel heavier as you move into your center, into your fulcrum, even though everything around you is formless. From that point of purity, you will expand.  The balloon of life cannot be blown up anymore then it is without popping at the seems/ seams.  As you contract, you will let go of weight and waiting, (time waits for no one) you will let go of the need for stuff, and you will let go of needless fears.  In the contraction, thoughts are fine-lined, expectations are thicker, knowledge is deeper, and remembrance is clearer.

Imagine a Universe that is so vast that you cannot comprehend the edge of it.  No form, no end. Now think about a Universe where the edge is coming closer and closer to you.  Everything eventually comes back to its original form.

This summer people will truly see one another for who they are.  No hiding from the truth. Imagine if every mirror in your world reflected the real luminance beautiful you. That, my children of Light, is about to happen. The reflections of your light in the mirrors and windows of your world will show the true-light of your being.  You will see the cellular structure of your being change from day to day.  Your skin, your hair, your expectations are continually being transformed and fine-lined.   There is a time lapse a pause, between thought and when the message reaches the body.  The body runs on programs from the past – it holds the instructions that you gave it years ago.  The time- space sequence in-between thought and receiving is shortening.  Your body will listen to the instructions of the higher mind as you come into more awareness of this contractual agreement that you have..  Your body will not be picture perfect, but it will be what suits you’re thinking, what suits your needs.  You will be pleased with what you have sculpted.  For sculpting best describes what happens as intentions of the mind are manifested with clarity and are received by the body with no lagging time in-between.   You will become purified and fine-lined like a beautiful ice-sculpture at a celebration, defining and re-defining your lines of light.

We are The Council One. Everything shifts for you as you ‘contract into expansion’. It is not something you do.  It is something you are.  It is not something that happens to you – it is something you are.  It is your birthright.  It is your destiny. At this time, we will leave you with these patterns of thinking and understanding.  Each of you has taken giant steps into evolutionary understandings.  Focus only on love and grace and peace and joy.  And then it shall be yours.  We leave you with your light more beautiful then when we entered.



The Ancient One showed her the ancient city of Thule as it once existed in another time and place.


These bold and beautiful vibrationally pure Brazilian crystals are Atlantean of nature. Atlantis is so much a part of who we are and who we will become, as a people and a world. They come as a calling card to remind us of times that have past and times to come. They house within them instructs that are aligned with promises we all made in the days and time of Atlantis, the star, and the earthen continent. Within the memory of Atlantis lives many layers of emotion coated with love and fear.


These crystals come to help us understand and remember what it is we have promised to do at this time and place in order to heal the Heart of Atlantis and allow her to finally fulfill her destiny. The ancient Egyptians were many of the Atlanteans that moved from the continent to other holy lands, Thoth the Atlantean is the one that built the Great Pyramid for all to remember the majesty and beauty of Atlantis and her timeless secrets. The entire world is filled with Atlantean relics and technologies,  from the crystal skulls to modern day computers.


When you get your crystal you will feel a sense of remembering and a peace that you have not had in a very long time. Like an old friend that has shown up on your doorstep unannounced a peace of home will enter your heart. A great healing will begin to occur as you and your crystalline friend will have many a conversations and dream sessions. You will find that your clouded psychic abilities begin to clear and you are more tuned in than you have been in a long time. With so much energetic static we have all bowed out gracefully from


In classical literature, Thule is a distant place, usually an island. Ancient European descriptions and maps locate it either in the far north maybe Iceland, maybe the Orkney  or Shetland Islands.  Thule in medieval denotes any distant place located beyond the “borders of the known world. “The Scottish Gaelic “Innis Tile”, means literally the “Isle of Thule. This presence of Thule of Atlantis is aligned with the star Betelgeuse in the constellation Orion, which embodies the theme of a kingly male warrior, authoritative and strong in heart and action. Betelgeuse stirs us to energetically respond to what is occurring in the present. Betelgeuse challenges existing systems, stimulateing the flow of evolution, Forcing you to know yourself no matter what the cost.

I am Thule of Atlantis, traveler of time-lines and time-loops, explorer of all possibility and warrior of light in its highest form. I journey to this place and time to give a strong reminder of the Atlantean blood connection and DNA. Your stellar connection marks its anniversary, as all are escorted into a different place of being. Inescapable truths ooze thru the cracks of the soul and issue a declaration of independence. Being one who stands for what is right and light, I and the vibrations of the 3 stars in Orion’s belt download my energies in these crystalline beings that seek new longitudes and latitudes to weave and display there forgotten truths. Barnacles have grown on your heart, as you have been afraid to enter the time of remembering a disastrous and devastating period in earth history. Atlantis, the good and the bad cannot be erased or ignored. It is engrained and eloped around your soul structure and original DNA.  How deep you love comes from the place of Atlantis, her rise and fall. In the time of Atlantis the earth shook and raged as I went to the sacred islands of the Orkneys, the isle of Thule it was once called. There I stayed in ceremony holding the vibration of the master stones the standing stones pointing me to the stars with their truths.  All the days and the nights that the earth shook I protected myself within a barrier of light as the seas raged about me. The waters lost their minds in a global confusion. The earth tossed and turned and our collective hearts stopped at the unimaginable loss and deep pain of what was left.  Safe I was, on the Isle of Thule, as it was not my duty to perish, nor would the world be destroyed. I was to hold the Gate of Time that linked the gate of man, keeping it open for future generations to come. These crystalline beings hold within them raw Atlantean truths that seek to be remembered in a holy way. Timeless teachings that will hold the ceiling of light up during the onslaught of change. So many seek Mu/Lemurian and other times of history ignoring their Atlantean lifetimes like a dirty little secret, a past mistake soon forgotten. Atlantis was you backbone your mother matrix, all else is built upon it. All that incarnate now, were alive during the time of Atlantis and the great flood. Within you lives an encoding of the time and place of Atlantis the star and Atlantis the continent. These truths are as children that were never birthed, yet were so needed. Each of them brings to the surface a love that has not breathed in eons of time.

These energies signify and represent a circuit of light that makes its way home to a place within an earthen heart that has hurt for too long. It is only thru this deep unbending love will the earth survive, as she sheds her skins of old. Use the spirit within these crystalline beauties to wield as a sword. Like a great knight of old, move forth-thru overwhelming odds and sandstorms of fear, but never give up what is in your heart.

I Thule of Atlantis leave you with these truths, be brave enough to embrace them.  These crystals are Atlantean by nature. They are strong beautiful and powerful. They have waited a long time to come to the surface. Touch them, often to activate their truths.

You are part of a divine instruction that is larger than life and the price of living. Events come to lessen your value and worth to keep you distracted and your life force lowered. You are vast beings that have waited your entire existence for this playing field of life. There is no lack in the universe it is overflowing with all possibilities. The universe does not know how to spell limitation. These crystals come as instructors of time to assist in holding a higher clearer vision for the future.





These crystals are authentic natural Golden Healers from Brazil. These Golden Healers house a powerful golden encoding, embracing the sacred geometries of the Golden Christ Ray. Gold strengthens all fields of the body & spirit and helps awaken latent healing abilities. Golden Light holds within it the power of the sun. Golden energy is a “Master Healer”, it’s a natural energy generator and remover of blockages.  It has the power to strengthen, amplify, and conduct.


Golden energy represents the alchemy of consciousness. Golden Healer crystals are master healers, accessing the gold ray, the highest vibration of light the human body can receive and sustain. Thus raising the body’s frequency, to dissolve and release blockages. Connecting with the inherent golden sun within of original light. sending that healing ray into every cell of the body replenishing it on a cellular level, restoring the body’s natural peaceful rhythm .


Golden energy symbolizes the purity of spirit and the power of cell regeneration.  It spurs the regeneration of neurotransmitters in the brain and creates a balance between creative and logical thinking. Golden energy has the power to ease tension, feelings of inferiority, irritability, and anger.  It also helps the nerves to improve the flow of information through the body. It is the strongest color to help cure illness, it Illuminates the heart, and gives one courage.


Golden healers are true “ascension stones”, and raise the vibrational frequency of the whole energy field.   Golden healers put the healer within one in touch with the guidance they need.  Golden healers are key crystals that access very high Cosmic Christ awareness allowing healing is a multidimensional level.   Each point of healing has an opposite point, in a mirror world / string theory./ that heals as well. When a healing occurs in the past or future, your light is shifted into a higher place and will continue healing from that point forward into all places of time. Healing is about owning your fear and then dissolving it in the light of a higher truth that fits all dimensional learning’s. Like a young mother with twins, all daily decisions affect every level of ones lives.


These striking crystals come to show you how to become the Golden Healer yourself, through all time and space. They offer the guidance to complete a cycle of returns and create a new orbital pattern allowing one to bypass the chaos created by fears. These golden healers rush towards us and embrace us like a long lost friend you once knew in a faraway time. They are touchstones filled with magic. Embracing the Golden Healer within will give you an opportunity to believe in the invisible, to dance with miracles everyday, and stand your ground in an ever-changing universe. Gold is the strongest color to help cure all illness. It strengthens all fields of the body and spirit, Illuminates the heart, and gives one courage. Golden energy helps increase financial blessings, prosperity, wisdom, and illuminates the highest path.


The universe has provided us with some very extraordinary crystals to help with the opening of the earth heart/ human heart in a gentle yet very powerful and loving way.  Remember dear ones when you came to Earth to experience all of her bounty you borrowed a piece of her body to wear as your guise. The vibration of what is deeply golden in character asks to be embraced. It is time to cleanse the body of toxins and regenerate at a higher level. We of the family of light, hold a great light that we have collected for some time… now it is time to reveal that light via every cell of the body.  To become sun-like and radiant. These Golden Healer crystals  come to help us do just that. Sit with these golden beauties allow them to do their job, without pushing or prodding or trying to make them obey. Listen to their soothing teachings allow them to blend with you, healing you with liquid love.


To be added to the Quantum Awakening Crystal List or Quantum Enewsletter

go to and sign up


The Seventh Annual


‘The Timeless She’

2 Days of Healing the Goddess thru Time & Space

OCTOBER 19-20, 2013



Event Held at

‘The Bluff View Conference Center

Hidden Mountain Resort, Sevierville TN


$166 PRE-PAY before October 1, 2013

$188 after and day of event

The Gathering of She is a Spiritual Retreat for Goddesses,

no cooking no cleaning, no worry,

just a time of receiving for the Divine SHE within!  


Cost includes all Speakers workshops BOTH DAYS

Continental breakfast, Lunch, Desserts & Beverages both days

(dinner on your own but doubt if you will be hungry)

Goddess Party Saturday night 7:00- 9:00 pm

Everyone welcome. Come Dance, have fun, laugh, & partake of Cosmic Cocktails. Theme will be ‘girls just want to have fun’.  Dress accordingly




Accommodations at Hidden Mountain. Resort are a Separate Cost.

Nice affordable Cabins near Conference Center, or lots of motels

(book early the leaves will be in full autumn colors lots of tourists)

Bring a friend and share Cost and the Smokey Mountain Healing energy.


Call to book Cabin at


Ask about group discount

865-365-0503 or go to


Gillian MacBeth-Louthan is your Hostess of Light and Creator of the SHE Event. She a Channel of Light, a Seer & Visionary, born with the gift of Knowing.  Gillian writes and publishes ‘The Quantum Awakening ENewsletter’ She is keeper of the Star Languages and a Crystal Whisperer.

Mignon Manin Erixon is a Powerful, fun loving South American Shaman. She travels from Washington DC where she works at the Smithsonian Institute. Come Journey thru the Cosmos with Shaman Manin. Galactic Ambassador.  Manin will introduce the Council members’ energies to all participants. Prepare to receive a major DNA upgrade, spread light throughout Mother Earth’s ley lines

BARBARA TREECE is Keeper of the Sacred Peruvian Whistling Vessels. For 100’s of years, they have been silent, and now they are reawakening. Every year these get more powerful. Come add your divine breath. You will never forget the vessels once you have experienced them.

LAUREN LANE POWELL is a powerful harmonic healer. The Voice is the Breathe of God and has a great healing ability. This year she brings us the healing tones and codes of the Goddess & the sound of the Great Smokey Mountains.   

PAGE BRYANT has been an intuitive counselor, teacher of Ancient Wisdom, radio & TV personality, author lecturer for the past 40 yrs.  She has written 12 books STAR MAGIC, STAR-WALKING, SECOND COMING OF THE STAR GODS.

Space is Limited

To reserve your seat at this years SHE Event


Please send payment via


Send check to n

Gillian MacBeth-Louthan

PO box 217

Dandridge TN







Ad’s are inexpensive ($30 PER MONTH) for newsletter and web page a great way to reach 1000’s upon 1000’s of Real Light*Workers and support the Quantum Website




I sherpa very well!

I’ve decided to take the year off and travel.

I am Charlaine:

Brilliant off the charts; Psychic as all get out;

I typically talk with Spirit, Angels, Aliens and Multi-dimensional beings.

Capable beyond belief in all situations; with passport in hand ready to travel.


OR Available to keep your precious pets and home while YOU travel

(ask Gillian’s horses/ dogs/cats/fish/rooster/ I am the gatekeeper while she goes to Tucson AZ to buy crystals))

My big advantage? I’ve got the time. Plus, it will be FUN for all of us!

Laughter, with me, is guaranteed. June, July and August is Wide OPEN with no trips planned until Labor Day.

Contact Charlaine Jones



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Treatment rooms for massage, energy therapies, and readings

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8571 North Lake Blvd

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Therapeutic Gemstone Necklaces
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Healing Sessions / Intensives

and much, much more

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May love & light…always be your guide



Support Where You Receive Your Spiritual Truths

Gillian MacBeth-Louthan
PO Box 217
Dandridge, Tennessee



Message from Mother/Father God by Kathryn May – Fasting, Meditating and Healing Our Way to Disclosure, July 12, 2013


Kathryn E. May

Kathryn E. May

Dear Ones, there are ideas and creative projects blossoming all around you.  Your dear Masters Anne and Kathryn are planning a meditation and fast to bring Disclosure to the planet – to be conducted as a group effort, with a BlogTalkRadio connection each day to help the process along and to give support for all.  It will begin on July 17.  We will give you more details in the next message, and it will also be posted on the Hollow Earth Network site.

The first three days of the event will be designated as a fast for those who can do it, with an accompanying group meditation every morning and/or evening.  Like the Summer Solstice show, which was a glorious success, there will be call-in time for members who wish to offer a meditation for the group.  The offerings last time were varied, deeply moving and heartfelt.  It added such a sense of warmth and companionship that the energy lifted with each passing minute.  What a wonder it was to see the light increasing all around the world as a result of the efforts of your group and many others like it.

This time, the meditation will begin on the 17th, and the 3-day fast will last through the 19th, but we ask that everyone who can should continue the fast for the next 4 days through the peak of the full moon.  Imagine the power of such an event, when the numbers are counted and the brilliant Light of your own group is felt everywhere.  The meditation, of course, is a powerful component, so even if you cannot continue the fast, you should continue the meditation while focusing intently on the Disclosure and its aftermath.

You know the Law of One.  When all of you envision the Disclosure and the peaceful landing of the ships, focusing your feelings and thoughts together, it is created.  The flow of intense energy which continues will carry it to completion in quick succession.  You, Dear Children, will be making it happen.

The reason to include the fast with your meditation is that the act of fasting is a definitive statement of your dedication to making it happen, and is a very powerful reminder of the cause you are supporting with all your concentration and will.  It is so unusual for most of you to eliminate the ceremony and the activity of eating from your daily routine, it will create a tremendous focal point which will keep you “in the game” for many hours of the day, even if you have to go to work.  Your mind will never be far from the fervent prayer in your heart – the wish to see your world leaders stand up before their people and announce that yes, there are extraterrestrials here waiting to help us, and yes, we are in contact with them and have been for many years.

Picture a flood of documents being printed in your newspapers, non-stop announcements and informative television programs to reveal the extent of the knowledge which has been gathered over the years.  See in your mind’s eye the amazement of the people sharing the information, calling in to talk shows to tell of their positive experiences with extraterrestrials, and at last, the admission by your governments that the abductions and testing done on its citizens were in fact an in-house secret program, not conducted or condoned by the Galactic Federation of Light.

For days, people will talk of nothing else, until the enormous weight of the information will finally tip the scales to convince everyone but the most paranoid recluse that our Star Brothers and Sisters are far advanced in their technology and their level of civilization, and that they come in peace.  Imagine how their pictures will be everywhere on the internet and news, with our beloved Ashtar starring as the respected and admired Commander whose leadership efforts have made the protection of your planet a priority in the Universe.

The global conversation will expand, day by day, to include the exposure of the dark activities of the cabal.  Names will be revealed; heroes and villains will at last be shown by their true actions, and the citizenry will begin to realize how distasteful the pursuit of material wealth really is.  Generosity, which is always sparked when people are freed of the constant stoking of irrational fears, will carry the day, and the celebrating population will fill the streets with music and dancing.

As the news of the friendly fleet reaches the consciousness of all humanity, so too will the news of our beloved Sananda, the Admiral of the New Jerusalem, come alive in the imaginations of the people.  Will any government anywhere be able to deny a landing spot with a heroes welcome when the news of the precious cargo aboard – the Ascended Masters, Twin Flames, and the beloved Lord Jesus – are here to walk among the people?

It will be then that the full appreciation will come for the information and Faith that has been revealed by this dedicated group, which will be appreciated for its forward-looking vision and its clarity of purpose.  When the time comes, you will all be in a position to explain, reassure and lead people to an understanding of The True Way.  It will then be important that you have carefully read and listened to the calls and radio shows.  You thought when you began reading these blogs that you were simply satisfying your curiosity, or deepening your own spiritual search.  That was only the beginning.  You will soon have the opportunity to be leaders in the new Golden Age of spiritual teachings.

When these events unfold, please be aware that the lessons presented here have been given to the world for free, but that does not mean they are of less value than the $500 weekends with a spiritual teacher, or a slick CD set of recordings.  Thousands of hours over many years have gone into the creation of these writings and live presentations, which together make up a comprehensive guide for Ascension.  We do not intend to diminish the work of our other hard-working channels; all have contributed to the uplifting of the global consciousness.

We have chosen to present a particular course of study here which is different from others because we had the availability of a channel whose life’s work it was to heal psychological wounds in order to help people reach the highest possible levels of human achievement.  She also has a keen sense of American history and World religions.  In fact, she was trained for exactly this purpose by Sanat Kumara, whom many have called the Lord of the World.
So you see, this project was hundreds of years in the making.  When Kathryn joined forces with our beloved Lady Nada of the Hollow Earth Network, a powerful network of global reach was formed.  As you are aware, Lady Nada is the Twin Flame of Sananda – a woman of great personal power, wisdom and boundless Love.

This partnership is no coincidence, as you may have discerned.  The Twin Flames of Sananda and St. Germain share the temperament, broad knowledge and leadership qualities of their male counterparts, and this is the beginning of the Golden Age of Feminine Power.  They have established close contacts with many other Lady Masters who will be revealed as the talented and courageous experts in every area of the cultural, political and healing arts.  Who better to represent our teachings as we enter this glorious period in history?

Another project is in the works which will bring a powerful healing technique to those who are suffering with severe disease and pain, but who are hanging on to reach their dream of Ascension.  Kathryn/Lady Portia will organize a volunteer Healing Task Force drawn from the thousands of Lightworkers who read these pages.  Sessions will be planned to send powerful healing energy to individuals who have been identified as severe medical cases.  Record of these healing sessions will be kept, and evidence collected to show the profound effect of directed Light energy on various forms of disease, so the healers themselves will know of their effect on the patient.

Most of those involved will do the healing at a distance, but volunteers on the ground may lead the healing session should there be ones who may be located near the person receiving the healing.  Volunteers may send an email headed “Volunteer” to Kathryn via her website,  A special email list will be created to inform all of the time and date of what will be a one-half to one hour session in which all will focus their energy with maximum power to restore the patient to perfect health.

This procedure is especially effective with diseases such as cancer.  Patients or family and friends of patients should send an email, with some detailed medical description and history to Kathryn, titled “Request Healing.”  And so will begin an historic Etheric Healing Center which can reach everyone, no matter where they are, and which will document “The Power of Prayer” in a way it has never been done before.  The level of expertise of the pool of healers reading these words is magnificent, but professional training is not required.  All may add their intention, and each one will add dramatically to the power generated by all working together.

We now apologize to Lady Portia and Lady Nada for publishing their credentials here, but they will forgive us once their embarrassment passes, and they will continue their gracious lives of service to all of you.  You are now aware of the intentional network you are participating in, and can be comfortable in the value of putting your shoulder to the wheel of these Heavenly projects.  With endless gratitude, we welcome your participation and energies as we move together toward the completion of the first immense Shift into higher dimensions, one day, one meditation, one healing at a time.

We love you beyond anything that words can tell,
Your Mother/Father God

Via Kathryn May, July 12, 2013, 1 am.
Kathryn E. May, PsyD
60 Lower 27 Knolls Road
High Falls, New York, NY 12440
(914) 466-4250

GaiaPortal: Energetic “Infernos” Envelope the Planet at this Moment… by ÉirePort, July 16, 2013


Energetic “infernos” envelope the planet at this moment. Numerous “fire” type manifestations may thus be observed at various portal locations throughout the Earth surface.

Gaia Essence is unaffected by these “inferno” energies as that [Gaia Essence] is of a Higher Dimensional structure. Yet she has “approved” of these in order to cleanse 3D 4D earth surface and underground of veiled dark (shadow, negative) constructs which have served their purpose. Some of these have displayed a reticence to leave the Gaia collective, and thus the “inferno” manifestations.

All ascension protocols at all levels have been evaluated and agreed upon at the Highest Planetary manifestation levels, and will enable Gaia to enter her final correction phase within the 2013 time frame.





Jesus through John – Wherever you find yourselves is exactly and precisely where God wills you to be – by John Smallman, July 7, 2013



Here in the spiritual realms all is ready for humanity’s awakening.  All the necessary preparations have been completed and we, like you, await this divine moment’s arrival most enthusiastically.  You, humanity, are receiving unprecedented assistance as this exciting and greatly looked-forward-to event approaches.  Your desire and intent to bring it about has intensified enormously over the last two or three decades, and it is that strength of intent that has determined the moment for its accomplishment.  Because it is so close you all have a sense of it, as well as feelings of impatience because it seems that you have been waiting a very long time for this promised period in your ongoing spiritual evolution to come to fruition.  Your impatience does add intensity and increased effectiveness to your intent to awaken, so make sure to renew your intent at least once every day – three or four times daily, just for a brief moment, would be excellent.

The power of your intent is very powerful, far more powerful than you are aware of, and therefore it is very important that you renew your intent for yourselves and for humanity to awaken – because your intent will bring it about.  Most of you who read channelings and other forms of spiritual guidance made the intent, before you incarnated, to awaken during this earthly lifetime, and so you will.  Nevertheless, you came here to assist others in their awakening process through your own demonstrations of love and faith, and if you can positively renew that intent daily it strengthens and intensifies it, which was one of your reasons for incarnating at this point in humanity’s spiritual evolution.  You are on Earth as guides, Light-bearers, and wayshowers, so renewing your intent to awaken and reminding yourselves that you are the beloved children of God are essential characteristics or facets of your daily lives.

Even if it seems that you know no one personally who is on a spiritual path, and therefore feel that you are alone, plodding endlessly along an untrodden way, somewhere in the wilderness where it seems almost meaningless, know that this is not so.  You chose, with divine guidance, to assist humanity in this wondrous process, and therefore wherever you find yourselves is exactly andprecisely where God wills you to be – for the most effective use of your individual skills and competences.  Hold firmly to your faith that you are a divine Being, intending to surrender to God’s Will in the absolute knowledge that you cannot fail to do just that.

Whatever happens to you during your life, whatever you experience, whatever situations you may find yourselves in are due to informed choices that you freely made – because it was God’s Will for you!  And if it is God’s Will, then of course it is also yours.  Within the illusion this is often very difficult for you to understand and accept, but at the center of your being – at the holy still-point where the divine flame of Love burns eternally – you do know this.  And you also know that you are dearly loved and supported in every moment by your loving Father and all in the spiritual realms.  You cannot fail in the task you have undertaken because you made it your will to succeed before you incarnated, and that will, that intent is far too strong to be broken or overcome by something as weak and ineffectual as the enticements, distractions, or threats that you experience in the illusion.

Whenever doubts or anxieties of any kind arise, just remind yourselves of your origins as perfect divine creations, and remind yourselves that you knew that you would be unable to remember those origins while you were experiencing life in the illusion.  You happily accepted that fact because you knew that with the spiritual support you would receive, failure was impossible, and that in any event, failure was impossible because you were doing your Father’s Will – which is always achieved.  Be comforted by remembering that forgetfulness was an aspect of the task you undertook, forgetfulness of the magnificence of who you truly are, a magnificence that is soon to be revealed as you awaken once more into Reality.

If you will make a point of reminding yourselves of this divine truth every time you feel down or overwhelmed, and if you also make a point of demandingassistance from those in the spiritual realms when your spirits are low, you will find your spirits lifting.  To demand assistance is good because it makes you feel powerful – which you are! – whereas asking can seem a little like a supplicant begging for something they feel they do not deserve.  And none of you are unworthy supplicants: you are the beloved children of God who deserve the best of everything.

Your loving brother, Jesus.


Message for Twin Flames from my Guides 6 July 2013 by Multidimensional Ocean


Dear Twin, this is a message from your other twin for those of you feeling lonely, unwanted, sad, and missing your other half.
We hear and know of your longing to be reunited with your true twin, with the one and lonely, with your other half.
This is the person that you turn to when you are alseep, that your subconscious mind refers to day and night, and compares your Earthly relationships with, and even your relationship with your first loved ones: your parents.
The twin flame love is all embracing, all powerful, all encompassing, all union and blending in oness.
Nothing on Earth can ever equal this true love, which knows no boundaries, no limit, no taboo, no forbidden games.
Your twin is always aware of you, no matter whether this person is on Earth or not, you are always connected and one in the higher realms. You are in constant communication whether you know it or not, and you can hear each other’s thoughts, you can feel each other’s unconditional and consdous love at all times, just stop and listen inside.
Your true twin is the one you have been seeking for a life time, when you meet a new person, your subconscious mind compares this person to your twin, and searches for the qualities in this new person which are comparable to your twins’.
This is the reason why you are more attracted to certain people than others, or sometimes for no apparent reason, other than the fact the that person’s energy and vibration resembles that of your true twin.
You have been searching for your twin for your entire incarnation, day and night, all the love that you give to a person is the love that you give to your twin and that you have received from your twin.
When you are hurt, tired, and discouraged, your subconscious turns to your twin for true comfort and true love.
Your twin is the source of your healing, of true love and joy, eventhough many of you on Earth may feel the need for getting on with your lives separated in the 3d sense and with someone else. In truth, twin flames can never be apart and are always a part of each other, even when separated by great distances, pain, hurt or sorrow.
Those tricks of the mind cannot keep your essences apart.
We love you very much, your guardian angels.
Channel: Multidimensional Ocean



Matthew’s Message from July 4, 2013


US “independence”; God: politics, three levels of participation, assessing candidates; multiple effects of prevailing vibrations; memory loss; dietary benefits; balance

With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. From our vantage point, Earth looks like a sea of strobe lights as people are responding to the prevailing vibrations. You are feeling what is going on much more than seeing developments.


We will get back to that, but first we want to give you an important glimpse of history that relates to the United States’ celebration of its independence from England with traditional Fourth of July parades, patriotic speeches and fireworks.


The highest universal council meant for the colonies that fought for independence from British rule to be a showcase of souls’ sovereignty. Once united, this nation was to have shown the rest of the world that when people are free to exercise God-given rights, they live peacefully, cooperatively, creatively and prosperously.


Successive waves of early settlers followed their urge to “be free” and the founders of the United States acted upon their divinely inspired mission to form a nation that guaranteed civil liberties, however limited those were in the beginning since many in the population were excluded. The darkness that was heavily entrenched on the planet enabled slavery to flourish and denied women the right to vote.


Those exclusions mattered not a whit to the Illuminati whose power, in part, was seated in England’s royal family. They were not about to forfeit control of the “free” populace or the land’s vast wealth of natural resources, and they swiftly extended their European empire across the Atlantic. Through the top figures in industries, banks and government—and later sneaking into law the Federal Reserve System that in no way is a federal institution—the Illuminati regained control of the United States.


During the centuries since they extinguished the beacon that nation was intended to be for your world, they kept spreading their network of corruption and deception until it was global. Now that the network is losing the remaining remnants of its former power, step by step you are consciously claiming the sovereignty that always has been yours as the god and goddess selves you are.


Now then, whenever our messages include politically-related information, readers email their objections. This is one of the more gracious comments: “If the messages are to prepare us spiritually for ascension, as Matthew has said, he should stick to that and stop trying to influence our political opinions.”


Rather than explain again why we speak about political issues and their importance in the context of ascension—Earth’s and your society’s—I have asked my mother to copy what God said about this.


[The following, an excerpt from the chapter “Be Informed and Act” in Voices of the Universe, was transmitted October 4, 2003.]


The politics that controls all countries, all peoples, all economies and resources of your planet homeland has been instrumental in bringing your world to the devastated state it’s in.


      In no country on Earth are people free. For millennia the dark souls of civilizations beyond your planet have been influencing their willing Earth brothers and sisters in leadership positions to deceive and intimidate the rest of the people. Regardless of who holds national leadership roles, they rule by the dictates of those forces that are unknown to the people and perhaps even to the rulers.


      The influence of those dark alien puppeteers has resulted in all declarations of war and all decisions regarding economies and resources of the world. Their secondary aim is increasing the control and wealth of Earth’s leaders, whose greed for power makes them eager puppets, thus today you have a world with unprecedented concentration of vast riches, impoverished nations, willful environmental destruction and corruption oozing out of corporate connections with governments.


      The ultimate aim of the puppeteers is annihilation of your planet. That will NOT happen, but beneficial changes for all require a change in the character of your world’s leaders. Voices must be raised with demands for leaders of spiritual integrity—that kind of character is exemplified, not merely proclaimed.  I don’t mean that no leaders ever have been strong in virtues or that no voices ever have been raised to protest injustice and inequities—indeed there have been those individuals. Many of those brave souls suffered or died for that, and much of their good works has been undone by succeeding generations who blindly followed self-serving leaders. 

      Now, the collective will of the people is rising to expose and oppose this situation. As lies are exposed, more lies are being told, and those will be exposed too. Tyrannical regimes must and shall change. Although plans are afoot for this peaceful revolution through a joint effort between your civilization and many of your space family, that does not absolve any of you who desire a finer, brighter world from the responsibility of helping to create it. You all chose to be where you are at this time precisely so you could do exactly that!  Actually, some of you embodied in other lifetimes as great leaders on Earth and well beyond, and you are back now to take on similar inspirational and constructive roles.

      It is on three levels that you must act so that honorable governing bodies will be achieved. The first level is spiritual, and I’ll tell you what spiritual is NOT: It is not membership in any of the multitude of your religions. It is not the self-righteousness that is evident in great abundance.  It is not escaping into a head-in-the-sand “prayer life.”  It is not believing that neither good nor evil exists because those are only judgments.  It is not accepting that everything is in divine order and will run its course without your participation.  It is not refraining from seeing what is going on in your world because you’ve been told it’s all an illusion anyway.  I am not saying that there is no truth in any of that; what I’m saying is that spirituality is not an inherent aspect of any.

      The spiritual level on which you will change your leaders from being darkly-ruled themselves to people worthy of being leaders—true leaders with spiritual integrity—is within your hearts. That’s your usual depiction of where love resides, is it not?  Actually, the sensation of love is a province of the soul, but it has strong physical effects at the heart that instantly spread throughout your entirety to uplift you in spirit, mind and body.  

      Love starts with self, with living so that loving self is as natural as breathing. Only then can you give and receive love. Love is contagious, unlimited, omnipresent. It is what changes bleakness of spirit into fullness of spirit, illness into health, lack into prosperity. It is the absence of love that breeds all the woes of your world, and it is filling the void with love that will cure the woes. This is not asking you to love what brings misery and deprivation and harm!  It is asking you to simply feel love so you can send forth that energy—it will seek its way to the void.  

      The second level is mental—deeply thinking to discern what is truth and what isn’t instead of buying into what candidates say. The catch is, what information is truthful and what is not?  What sources can be trusted?  You have been deceived for eons by a few souls in one generation after another after another whose intent is to retain the control over you, so access to the truth is not easily come by.  How can I put this so it is not a series of Don’ts?  Always I prefer to be positive in statements, and I’ve already compromised that by my explaining what being spiritual isn’t.  

      Very well, I know how to proceed—think of what you want in your world.  If that is peace and harmony and cooperation, that’s where to focus your thoughts.  What will bring that to the world?  Think of what will: Respect and dignity for all races and faiths and genders; help wherever help is needed; equitable sharing of Earth’s massive riches; cures of all diseases; education, fulfilling work and comfortable homes for everyone; honesty, kindness, compassion, fairness, harmony, sharing, justness, forgiveness.      

       Think of all those qualities and circumstances and let your heart and conscience guide you to the candidates you most closely identify with them.  The words of campaign promises are worthless without a candidate’s heart and soul in them. Let your heart and soul, not just your eyes and ears, lead you to the persons who exemplify the love and light that’s needed to uplift your world.

       The third level is action. If you want leaders whom you trust and respect, work toward that end.  Publicly and financially support the people you want in office, but if that isn’t possible, then put forth your intention through the power of your energy focused on those personsactually holding the positions—I can’t emphasize too strongly the power of intent! You can be sure that the current people in power will have their supporters actively working because those folks get the trickle-down largesse in exchange.  You who want love, peace and harmony will receive those incomparably greater victories in exchange for the energy you put forth to create them.


Thank you, Mother, and now we return to our statement that you are feeling what is happening more so than seeing it. No one is immune to the effects of the highest vibrations that bodies ever have had to adjust to. This is all to the benefit of everyone who is absorbing light—their cells are transitioning from carbon structure to crystalline, and if uncomfortable physical, emotional or mental sensations are adjustment-related, they will pass.


The most unsettling effect may be momentary memory loss. Perhaps you can’t remember the name of someone you know well or a specific word eludes you. When you walk out of a room or get into your car, you forget where you intended to go and why. Or maybe, once you are in the grocery store, you can’t think of the item you went there buy. If you are experiencing those or similar kinds of lapses, dear ones, please do not fret about it!


Mother, please copy what our friend from a highly advanced civilization said about this memory situation. Readers may appreciate hearing from another source the same information that we would give.


[Saminten’s explanation during one of our conversations in 2003 is in the chapter by that name in Illuminations for a New Era.]


You decry the loss of time that seems to be zipping by and another loss you lament is memory. Neither of these aspects of third dimensional awareness is being lost, dear ones.  “Time” never has been as you devised it with 24 hours each day and 12 months in a year and so forth.  This has served you well, but no longer is this happening.  Your time structure is collapsing as energy is moving at its lighter density speed, and your periods of light and dark are coming with more velocity.  So rather than time being lost, it is speeding up. 


      The memories that many of you speak of as “gone,” are not.  With the acceleration of everything within the universe, it is natural that the cells of your body are reacting to being lifted into a higher survival mode.  Most of all, this is affecting your brains—the computers that turn on your thinking and reasoning processes—and this is necessary!  The light being absorbed by your cells is allowing your brains to slough the layers of forgetfulness and programming that have denied them full functioning ability.


      If you are not experiencing any memory loss or a sense of scattered thinking, then you are stuck in the third density that not much longer will be the status of Earth’s being.  So it is desirable for you to feel not quite firmly in touch with the reality of the day or the environment. 



Thank you, Mother. The prevailing vibrations also are changing physical needs, and along with expanding your conscious and spiritual awareness, accommodating your bodies’ requirements is of paramount importance.


Sufficient sleep is essential—give your body the rejuvenation time it needs to perform well. Drinking a lot of pure water also is essential—it helps to eliminate the toxins you absorb through your polluted environment and adulterated foods, and it helps to keep bodies’ electrical systems working properly. Exercise in accordance with physical ability aids in those respects too, and it helps circulatory and respiratory systems to behave smoothly.


If you aren’t as hungry as you used to be, that’s good—the more light in a body, the less food it needs. Eat wisely. Fresh fruits and vegetables, foods that contain the most light, will hasten crystalline cellular growth and boost energy levels. Cut back on dairy products—they do not contain the nutritional value that is claimed and they clog circulatory systems.


If you aren’t ready to eliminate meat and seafood from the menu, reduce the quantity—most food animals live and die in horrible conditions and the energy of their traumas is passed on to consumers. Please understand that this is meant only to enlighten you and in no way is it intended as criticism of non-vegetarians!


Contrary to your expression “sugar high,” digesting processed sugars lowers energy levels.  Choose whole grain cereals and breads, and if you have no allergies to nuts, almonds and walnuts are the best choices.  All well and good if chocolate, coffee and tea cravers are having no ill effects from caffeine; however, if you are having digestive problems, caffeine may be a contributor. Drinking red wine in moderate amount can enhance the blood stream—this suggestion does not apply to persons who have drinking problems!—and sodas are not good for anyone.


Those are general diet guidelines for a typically healthy person, but the bottom line is, pay attention to your body—it will tell you what it needs for optimum operation. In blessing your food, asking that it serve your highest good and feeling grateful for the plants and animals that provided it adds light to whatever you are eating—doing that silently is as effective as audibly.


During this stage of adjusting to lighter energy, mood swings and phases of inertia or unusual nervousness are natural, and drugs prescribed to relieve those conditions instead exacerbate them. If you are taking medications for other health issues, talk with your caregiver about dosage reduction.


Even better, ask if remedies with natural ingredients can offer the same measure of treatment. The proliferation of chemicals in drugs and engineered food interferes with bodies’ self-healing mechanisms and other natural processes, and that makes it difficult to maintain balance. Find out if fatigue and other distress may be due to an imbalance in hormone levels or body chemistry—if so, learn which natural supplements can treat the condition.


We cannot emphasize too strongly the importance of balance!  The universe is in a constant balancing act and so is every life form within it; however, for the long ages that darkness enshrouded Earth, the planet and her residents were severely deprived of the light that attaining balance requires. If you think of the balancing act as an internal teeter-totter that is perpetually moving in accordance with your condition in body, mind and spirit, you can see that the optimal motion is gentle rocking.


Meditation is especially helpful in maintaining or regaining that motion, and there are ways other than sitting in silence or listening to lovely sounds composed especially for achieving a relaxing meditative state. Spend time out in Nature, enjoy the companionship of animals, read poetry. Listen to your favorite music—unless it’s heavy metal, which shatters balance, and the tones of classical compositions are the most effective in restoring balance. Make time for solitude—even a brief period can be restorative.


Laughter is good for the soul and so is anything that evokes feelings of tranquility. In leisure time, choose lighthearted reading and the same quality of TV programs and movies. Spend time with dear friends and family. When it isn’t possible to avoid unpleasant encounters, envisioning light permeating the situation will help to alleviate stressfulness. Give thanks for blessings in your life—gratitude, like hope and optimism, is filled with light.


The prevailing vibrations also are intensifying energetic differences and many individuals are feeling a strong desire to make a major change. Perhaps look for a different job, end a relationship or start one, pursue a new field of studies, relocate to an area you know or maybe a place you know of but never have visited. We are not speaking about rashly acting upon an impulse, but rather heeding a growing sense of urgency to act upon an idea that has been simmering—this is the soul speaking increasingly loudly to the consciousness: This is what you chose in your soul contract.


Why are we offering guidance that we have mentioned, albeit more briefly, in previous messages or is available in any number of down-to-earth sources?  We are telling you, our beloved Earth family: Please take care of yourselves!


The energy streamers that will be swirling with increasing forcefulness are prime opportunities to absorb light, and the sounder you are physically, mentally and emotionally, the more greatly you will benefit. You chose this lifetime so you could participate in your world’s transformation and spiritual renewal, and soul evolvement is the purpose of every lifetime—both require balance in body, mind and spirit. Letting mundane matters interfere with self-care or ignoring your soul’s messages causes imbalance and that dims your light, the light you need to experience what you chose and to evolve!


Dear ones, love yourselves as much as we love you, and take care of yourselves! 




Suzanne Ward


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Blossom Goodchild and the Galactic Federation of Light, July 4, 2013


Well … here we go with attempt number 4! I know you are always around … yet are you around to have a chat with me?

We would answer yes.

Oh good. About time … what have you got to say for yourselves!!

We see the humour in your energy and we offer much gratitude for your perseverance. In times past we have found ourselves to be expendable and we care to say that without us ‘having chats’ you have found yourselves perfectly fine. The wisdom we chose to bring through … as you FEEL Blossom has a certain ‘ring’ to it and at times it seems you wonder what this is all for and where indeed it is leading you.

Don’t get me wrong … your wisdom has made such a difference to my life … along with my mate White Cloud … it’s just that sometimes .. I feel like I am in limbo and question as to whether or not anything concrete will ever take place in the time I have left upon the Earth plane.

We listen to your thoughts …

Oh dear!

We accept entirely that we are not where you are … or having to experience the lower vibrational frequency on a day to day basis. We hear many of the ‘pleas’ from all of you and yet we cannot ‘change history’ before it is meant to be changed.

I get that … and I know I am probably being very selfish and childish … yet so many write in with suggestions … in that … a little … or big something from you , would seriously assist us to have the ‘oomph’ to carry on.

You are therefore saying that our words are not enough?

Sort of! I LOVE what you have to say and I LOVE communicating with you … We all do what we can to lift our vibration … yet … even so … looking out at the night sky … our hearts want more .

Yet would you not say that the KNOWING in your hearts as you see the twinkling of the stars allows you to have the ‘more’ that you are seeking.

It indeed helps me to KNOW my TRUTH … The FEELING I have looking up into the awesomeness of the night cannot be denied. Yet a lot of the time I am saying  ‘Come on … show me YOU!’.

And you think perhaps the rest of your days will be spent FEELING the same?

Yes … sometimes … The wait has been so long. Our TRUST KNOWS YOU. Our FEELING KNOWS YOU. Yet how good would it be some time soon for us to have that little ‘party piece’ … in order for us to have a boost … To convince us that indeed we are on the right track.

We smile Blossom. For you KNOW this in your heart do you not?

Yes I do. But you seem to be avoiding the issue! Surely with your intelligence … you can come up with something to delight us Earthlings. Something tangible?

Indeed we can. Yet you must understand the reason why … as yet … we have not done ‘The Big Display’ that you are all asking for.

So many of you KNOW us. So many of you have awoken and KNOW without question we are with you. Even though you may have your human doubting days. 
Yet so many of you have not awoken and we would simply put so many in to fear and panic and this is not how we wish our welcoming to be.

But this is what I mean. KNOWING what you KNOW … there must be a way that you could ‘pop through’ that would allow everyone to know that you come in peace!

What would you suggest?

Oh Struth … I don’t know … stand on the top of the dome of your ship and give us a little tap number??  There must be a way that THE LOVE that you are can ‘get through’ to us? The LOVE that is YOU can surely emanate from your craft so that people KNOW you are here to be friendly.

Dearest Blossom … even though you think this would work … it would not.


Because those that remain in fear to this day … would STILL consider us a threat.

But then … if this is the case … how many more years will it take for everyone to be free from fear?

This is what we are working on.

Well, in my books … looking at the state of the people in general … we might as well call it a day. So many are still so deeply asleep. Yes many have awoken … yet in general … doesn’t look good. Don’t get me wrong I am in a perfectly good mood today … just chewing the cud so to speak. Many FEEL you should just go for it. Some will wake some will run … yet surely this has to take place at some point … if we wait for fear to leave this planet … well … I’d take a long holiday if I was you .

Dearest Blossom … that which we are to say comes only through Love for that is what we are.How many times have we said that one day you will all understand the Greater Picture?

Too many!

Yet … this is our TRUTH. We cannot and would not change it to give false hope.

So are you seriously saying that until all fear has gone … you’re not going to show?

No. We are not saying that at all. What we choose to say is that WHEN the time comes for your world to KNOW in TRUTH and EVIDENCE of our existence … then you can rest assured that all possible reaction scenarios shall have been taken into consideration.

I know you have only our best interest at heart. I am blessed to have these conversations with you I know that. It’s funny … I go on at you for repeating yourselves … yet I do just the same. I’ve said all this before too. Yet … I wouldn’t mind a visit from one of you. Many FEEL the same. It doesn’t have to be a worldwide event … could you not ‘say hello physically’ … yet individually to so many of us that would be ok with it? You must KNOW who we are by our energy?  The thing is … I don’t mean ‘in our heads’ … I mean actually show up … physical to physical. Is that too hard? What would that involve?

It would involve a great deal more than the majority of you think. We are not saying it is difficult and we are not saying it cannot be done …

Then what IS the reason you don’t?


What? On whose behalf?

The Whole.

For what gain? I would say so many of us have been faithful  … yet I FEEL this is not about being faithful to anyone but ourselves… am I right ?



By remaining faithful to yourself you are putting into play the very reason for your existence. You are allowing therefore … by having faith within yourself to bring about the entire CHANGE that we are speaking of.


 This is why deep down you know that ‘all this’ is not about an appearance from ‘off world species’. You know in your core essence that YOU … THE LOVE THAT IS YOU … THAT YOU ARE … IS HERE TO BRING THIS NEW WORLD ABOUT.

Yet … with your assistance … no?

Indeed. And at this stage of the experience we are assisting you as much as we are able. The time will come dearest soul … our family … when that which you seek NOW will assuredly come about.

We do not play games with you in the sense of leading you on and on and on for no equivocal reason. That certainly is not our style or our intent. We come to assist you in preparation for that which is to befall you.

Ok …. I know what ‘befall’ means … yet I had to look it up because I thought it was a ‘dodgy’ word to use … but I’ll let you off. Its True definition is ‘to happen, to occur’.

We accept your inquiry. We would not wish for any one of you to follow us blindly.

Let us tell you this.




Sorry to keep interrupting …  but if we are not ready … then why were you going to show up way back in Oct 2008?

Because that was the plan in the now of that now. Yet NOW we see how many more have been awakened since that time. And we would say … every cloud has a silver lining.

You have assisted me and so many it seems in getting a grip on this LOVE thing! I KNOW without doubt that in ALL THINGS … LOVE IS THE ANSWER. That is what you continue to speak to us about … I am wondering how much there is to say about it in order for us to continue to progress? We are becoming a little ‘bored’ … I KNOW THAT IS ENTIRELY THE WRONG WORD … yet trying to help you understand where we are at. Perhaps ‘familiar’ would be a better expression. Please don’t think I am being ungrateful … it’s not of that …

Yet you need excitement within it all is that not so?

Perhaps …

Then we suggest to each one … that you do as we have suggested.




You want excitement? Go search for YOU!



We do not desire to leave you feeling ‘under par’ by not yet having discovered the fullness of yourselves. We picked up that you interpreted us wrongly Blossom. It is not within us to ‘have a go at you’ as you would say.


You all feel that by our initial arrival … the excitement of such a ‘feat’ would keep you High for the rest of your days.

We say to you … the initial arrival of YOUR TRUE SELF is way beyond any upliftment that an appearance of a vessel may bring.





Ok … accepting that … what do we do then? I keep saying we just have to … keep on keeping on … what choice do we have? Your words of wisdom can inspire and uplift … yet HOW …. HOW HOW HOW do we find this TRUTH? I know I have asked this before … As much as I KNOW what you are saying IS TRUTH … I seem very far from finding that which you speak of … in me.   So very far away … yet not saying it is not there. HOW DO WE FIND IT? We are all so very keen to.

You are travelling towards it with every breath that you take. When you FEEL good … really good … and alive and Loving … you can grasp a part of it all and you KNOW you are walking in the right direction. When you do not FEEL so good … you are NEVER travelling backwards … just a little wandering off the main path that is all. The more you follow that which your heart FEELS in LOVE … the closer … ever closer you become to finding that YOU which you seek.

It sure has been a long journey home so far. With all the wrong turns and obstacles on the pathway.

Yet … ever nearer with every step along the way … do you FEEL the warmth of the ‘home fires burning’. 
If you allow yourselves … you would see all those that march onwards with you.


There are many times when those ‘unseen’ have picked you up as you fell. Many times they have whispered in your ear words of encouragement. Many times they have sent offerings of Love to the DIVINE CREATOR OF ALL to ask for assistance on YOUR BEHALF.

KNOW or do not KNOW these things as TRUTH. It is entirely up to you as to how you FEEL about them.


The ONLY evidence you have of us is YOUR FEELING! … For now.

Then in MY TRUTH … hand on heart … I KNOW I LOVE YOU! Got the nod … time to go. Nice to touch base again. In love … so very much of it … and gratitude …
Me and all of us!





Ashtar – Bulletin from The Bridge – July 2, 2013


“Greetings, Beloved Ones, and Happy Freedom Month!!!  Yes, this is indeed the time for you to celebrate!  It is to celebrate what you see as your past, your present, and your future upon your calendars!  For, in all Truth, you have chosen the path of enduring and eternal Freedom, and your Ascension progress has reached the ‘point of no return,’ as you might say.


“So, it is to celebrate your ‘past’ for many reasons, for it is there that the very seeds of Freedom have been planted around the World!  It is not just in the United States of America where this has occurred, but it is truly everywhere upon Planet Earth where one or more have fanned the Flames of Freedom in their Hearts.  And, it is also true that many have sacrificed their bodies in the pursuit of Freedom.  Whether or not it was actually achieved in their 3D as a result of their efforts, it was nevertheless that the seeds were planted in the consciousness of Humanity!  And, we shall add that you, yourselves, Beloved Family, are among those heroes from the past.  Indeed, it is Truth that you have been “Freedom Warriors” many times!!!


“It is to celebrate Freedom in this now moment, for it is that you have been dedicated and persistent in your commitments to restore True Freedom to Planet Earth, as it once was in Lemuria, and so it is that it is happening!!!  Yes, so bright burns the Flame of Freedom in your Hearts that it is a Worldwide bonfire of such huge and powerful strength that it cannot be put out, or even diminished, by the efforts of those who have devoted themselves to your continued enslavement!!!


“And finally, it is to be in celebration of the ever-increasing Freedom of your moments to come, for it is indelibly engraved upon your timelines, and it is no longer to be denied to you by the actions of the few remaining dark hats among you!!!


“It is thus that we invite you to join with us in our upcoming Gathering.* We shall be in celebration of your well-deserved triumph, for your Freedom is most assuredly yours, now and forever!  Once again St Germain shall be joining us as a guest speaker, with ‘timely’ observations on our progress.  We shall also be hearing from our Beloved A&A News Team,** offering their insights into our progress, as well as our most honored Sekhmet, who shall be leading us in an empowering Crystal Exercise.  This shall be a de-Lightful Gathering, and I am joyous and pleased to be in the welcoming of you aboard my ship, The New Jerusalem!!!  Salut!”


* Tuesday, July 9, 2013

**Tara and Rama


Given through Susan Leland, July 3, 2013.

© Ashtar On The Road Publications 2004-2013. All Rights Reserved.


© Ashtar on the Road Publications 2004-2013.  All rights reserved. – –


HILARION’S WEEKLY MESSAGE 2013, June 30-July 6, 2013



Beloved Ones,

You now begin to move forward into the remembrance of your true purpose and work here upon the planet. The veils have become thinner and the distinction between dimensions is not as great now. This period will be filled with wondrous and miraculous events, both on personal and collective levels. The revelations will be coming fast and thick, for the old ways of keeping secrets and behind the scenes workings will no longer be supported. The cosmic energies of love and those that are beneficial and supportive for the awakening of all of humanity have increased in intensity and magnitude. This can be a great catalyst for change and transformation and we observe with great interest the effects of each wave.

It is incumbent upon each Light Bearer to hold their ground and remain firmly in their field of light and to daily anchor this into the crystalline diamond heart of Mother Earth. We see each of you do this each day with great determination and persistence and it is making a difference within the planet’s core. As this light expands within the core it moves in ever greater concentric circles to the surface of the planet and permeates all of life everywhere. There is an answering call from the inhabitants and all of life feels a quickening of anticipation of impending events that will transform the world as they now know it. This transformation begins within each heart and then ignites the hearts of everyone around them.

The impending change in collective consciousness is one that has been heralded for millennia and it now begins in earnest. There will of course, be the usual chaos as these changes occur as the old paradigms of thinking struggle mightily to hold their places but this will no longer be possible and they will crumble away into dust. What rises in their place is what you, the co-creators, envision and build. The template is now ready for building and it is one that cannot be corrupted nor manipulated in dishonest ways. Only that which is for the highest good of all can make an imprint upon this new form. This is something that humanity will build from the energies that arise within their sacred hearts as remembrance comes.

As you build this template you will start to notice that the feelings of lightness and joy permeate your entire energy field. There will be ever increasing moments of peace and tranquility within and each soul will now have the opportunity to connect with the truth within them. They will feel detachment from any events that occur to distract the impetus of transformation. In other words, whatever occurs will not be taken personally by each individual but will be understood to be a part of the process of transformation and gratitude, instead of fear, is the emotion that will be felt within each heart.

Each soul incarnate upon the Earth will begin to express the qualities of their divine essence of being. This will result in change in all systems of operation upon the planet to reflect the divine will of peace, harmony, unity and cooperation. Each soul will take an active part in this process, for they will understand that their input and action is necessary to effect these changes. You, the Light Bearers, energetically support this movement as it occurs upon your world, for this is your vision coming into fruition. All is well and everything is perfect.

Until next week…

I AM Hilarion


©2013 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana (Soo-tam-ah) Keeper of the Symphonies of Grace

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