The Portal: Cobra’s Update ‘Sublunar Operations…’ , July 14, 2015

The Portal: Cobra’s Update ‘Sublunar Operations…’ , July 14, 2015

The Resistance defines sublunar space as the space below the Moon orbit and above the orbit of the lowest man-made orbiting satellites.

The Light forces have begun sublunar operations today, as the next logical step towards the completion of MOSS.

Sublunar space was always a region of intense Chimera activity, as it is the last line of defense before the planetary surface.

There are may man-made satellites orbiting the Earth, and some of them double as Chimera plasma strangelet bomb implant stations:


The most important to mention is the proposed Manned Orbiting Laboratory:



This project was officially canceled in 1969, but in reality it went deep black and is still now the most important Chimera implant station.

The second group of Chimera implant stations are some of the geostationary and geosynchronous satellites:


And the third group are some satellites in near Earth orbit (NEO), especially the Keyhole (KH) satellite group:


The sublunar space is constantly monitored for any sign of extraterrestrial contact by the Chimera, infiltrated into the US military:




And into the Chinese military also, through their proxy Henry Kissinger:


Sublunar operations will remove all Chimera presence, their implant stations and all plasma strangelet and toplet bombs from sublunar space. All parts of man-made satellites, directly related to Chimera operations (such as ion-plasma chambers, some high definition spy cameras, etc.) will soon become dysfunctional.

It is a very interesting »coincidence« that sublunar operations have started on the same day that NASA’s New Horizons space probe made its closest approach to Pluto and its moon Charon:


Fifteen years ago, Charon was the main exotic weapons warehouse for Chimera / Draco / Illuminati secret space programs. All this has been cleared by the Light forces a few years later. Now, Charon is the main portal between our Solar System and M 87 Galaxy in Virgo. Now, Charon is one of the most positive and beautiful places in the whole Solar System and will have a very important role in the liberation of our planet as one of the most important relay stations for the Event flash.

You can connect with the energy of Charon through this picture:


The Breakthrough is near!



The Portal: Cobra’s Update ‘The Alliance Fleet…’, March 31, 2015

The Portal:  Cobra’s Update ‘The Alliance Fleet…’  March 31, 2015

Since the Archon invasion in 1996, there is an intense war going on in this Solar System.

Right after 1996, the joint Draco-Reptilian fleet together with many factions of the Illuminati secret space program had almost total control of this Solar System. Many humans were forced to work for them as slaves, mining the asteroids. Draco forces tended to occupy the colonies in the outer Solar System, whereas the Illuminati focused more on the asteroid belt, Mars and the Moon.

On the Moon, there was the traditional divide between the near side and the far side. The near side was occupied mostly by positive races, with the main exception of the Archimedes base, destroyed earlier in 1977, which belonged to the Solar Warden program. Dracos, Reptilians and Illuminati had their bases mostly on the far side. The reason for this is that they wanted to hide their activity from the prying eyes of the surface humanity, but at the same time they did not have advanced cloaking technology the Light forces have. For the same reason they have painted their secret spacecraft in black color to lower their albedo (reflectivity) in order to avoid detection by professional and amateur astronomers on the surface. Also, they had to adjust flight trajectories to minimize the risk of detection.


LOC (Lunar Operations Command), which was the main stronghold of the Solar Warden program and now belongs to the Light forces, is located on the far side of the Moon.

It is interesting to see that some deep intel about the colonies has leaked on internet, disguised as science fiction, with some colony descriptions very close to reality:

Also, there is some soft speculation about the possibility of underground Lunar bases in the mainstream media:

Luckily after the 1996 invasion the main base of the Light forces on Ganymede was not taken. The Ganymede base is the location of the main interdimensional portal towards Sirius for this solar system and this portal was maintained intact throughout the invasion, holding the Light.

In addition to that, a resistance movement was organized in the Draco/Illuminati slave colony on planet X. This Resistance Movement made physical contact with the Pleiadians parked beyond the heliopause in the outer Kuiper belt and with Pleiadian backup it organized a mutiny on planet X in December 1999, kicked out the Illuminati, freed the planet and shifted its base to underground Agartha network on planet Earth.

Planet X was used from then onward by the Light forces as the strategic base for Solar System cleanup operations. First they cleared the main military stronghold of the dark forces on Charon. Then they proceeded quite quickly through the outer Solar System, cleared it, and then intense battles were taking place in the main asteroid belt between 2000 and 2003.

In March 2001, a certain important operation of the Light forces was completed and the Central Civilization was able to intervene directly into the Solar System. They have positioned spherical midway stations the size of the Moon just outside the heliopause of this Solar System to stabilize the inflow of intense energies from the Galactic Central Sun which was about to become more active at the peak of its 26,000 year cycle. By directing these energies into the Solar system harmoniously, many cataclysms, including those on Earth, were prevented. When the Illuminati detected the presence of these spheres, they freaked out and created the 9-11.

In 2003, the Light forces began to prevail in the Solar System and in 2012, all negative secret space programs except those connected directly to the Chimera Group were cleared out.

Now the only problem outside Earth is a very small number of Chimera individuals and their minions which defend their Solar System strongholds (mainly implant guardian stations) with plasma strangelet and toplet bombs. Because everybody on Earth has implants that block access to that intel, all intel about the Chimera is in the deepest shadow of collective unconsciousness, much deeper than SRA , MK Ultra, MILABs or SSP.

After the successful opening of the IS:IS portal on December 15th last year, which has completed the triangulation of darkness for the Local cluster of galaxies, the Central Civilization has positioned larger spherical midway stations (some of them up to 30,000 miles in diameter) at the heliopause and repositioned many smaller, Moon sized ones inside the Solar System.


After the successful removal of all physical strangelet and toplet bombs in late January this year, an operation for the final liberation of our Solar System (codenamed MOSS) has been initialized.

Planet Earth is still the focus of the proxy war between many extraterrestrial races. Representatives of many races have entered the quarantine many lifetimes ago and they kept fighting. On the Light side, most of the Lightworkers have come from Pleiades and Sirius. Many Lightwarriors originate from Antares and Arcturus. Most representatives of the Dragon families originate from the positive faction of the Draconian race. Many members of the Resistance Movement and Positive Military have Andromedan origin. On the dark side, the Rothschilds come from Orion. The Rockefeller/Bush/Illuminazi faction comes from the negative faction of the Draconian race. Islamic State and Blackwater/Xe/Academi mercenaries have Reptilian origin. The Jesuits and Black Nobility families come from the negative Andromedan faction.

The general plan of the Light Forces to liberate our Solar System and rough outline of their fleet positions has been known for decades:


All ships of the Light forces inside of our Solar System are cloaked with a Tachyon membrane to avoid detection from the surface of the planet. Many of these ships follow similar orbit as main belt asteroids and Kuiper belt objects and most of their Tachyon membranes project the spectral signature of an ordinary chondrite (for asteroid belt ships) and the spectral signature of frozen methane (for Kuiper belt ships). Therefore surface astronomers mistake them for regular asteroids or Kuiper belt objects.

These ships are not ships as we understand them, they are multidimensional biosatellites, an organic interaction of consciousness and intelligent Light matter.

The smaller ships belong to the Ashtar Command, the Jupiter Command and Pleiadian, Sirian, Andromedan, Arcturian and Resistance fleets. The larger spheric biosatellites belong to the Central Civilization.

The Central Civilization is an ancient race, which evolved close to the Galactic Central Sun and is the first race in the Galaxy which reached spiritual maturity many millions of year ago. In some circles, this race is known as the Wingmakers:

Sometimes they have manifested throughout the human history as physical angelic beings with wings.

One of their representatives, Iona, brought Goddess mysteries to Earth in Atlantis:

Millions of years ago, the Central Civilization began to build interdimensional doorways throughout the Galaxy and create the Galactic network of Light. As it did so, it encountered many races throughout the Galaxy, assisting them to achieve the same level of spiritual maturity. All those sovereign, spiritually mature races have created a confederate union which is called the Galactic Confederation (NOT Galactic Federation). As the name implies, it is NOT a hive-mentality centralized federation, but a loose, constructive confederate union of sovereign, mature races. You can read the distinction between a federation and confederation here:

There is a special division of the Galactic Confederation which is called the Ashtar Command. The purpose of the Ashtar Command is the liberation of this planet. Another important division is called the Jupiter Command. The Jupiter Command is the guardian of the Ganymede portal and its main purpose is the spiritual liberation of this Solar System. It is the main spiritual force behind the Order of the Star and behind the Blue Dragon families.

Many people were mind-programmed against the Ashar Command after 1996. Since then, most of the channelers were mind-programed also, their transmissions disrupted and they are now mainly receiving deceptive messages from the Archon etheric/plasma grid technology instead.

The key here is to search for the Light. If you seek contact with the Light forces, you will find it. If you choose to always focus on the negativity, fearing that everything is just another scam, you will find it. So choose your focus wisely.

As we are now in the Breakthrough phase, the purpose of the Alliance (another word for the allied Light forces) is to continue with the final offensive to completely liberate Sector 3. Sector 3 is the deep intel codename for the Solar System.

The Alliance extraterrestrial forces are the master force behind the BRICS/Eastern Alliance on the surface of this planet.

After the completion of MOSS (Multidimensional Operations Solar System) and subsequent Sublunar Operations, the Event will follow.

This will be the completion of an old prophecy which is part of the spiritual lore of the Central Civilization about the time when all darkness will disappear from the Galaxy and the Galactic network of Light will be completed.

A lot of intel about the situation in our Solar System will be released through my blog and other intel sources in the near future as the liberation operations continue. Therefore it is of the vital importance that you educate yourself about the basic facts about our Solar System to better understand the intel that will be released:

The Breakthrough is near!



The Event Chronicle: Update from David Wilcock’s Insider “Luke” on the Recent Alliance… March 18, 2015

The Event Chronicle:  Update from David Wilcock’s Insider ‘Luke’ on the Recent Alliance, March 18, 2015


Note: I received the following message last night from “Luke” (David Wilcock’s insider), who has been sharing information about the The Alliance, Secret Space Program (SSP), and the Sphere Beings who have recently entered our solar system.

Thanks for stopping by again Luke, and sharing this new information with us! This is a lot of new information to assimilate and I’m sure many people will have questions. Luke has answered comments here before, so we’ll have to see if he stops by again to answer your questions in the comment section.

See the following two links for background information, and read below for an update from March 3rd, March 11th, and the newest update for today, March 18th. — Editor

David Wilcock: 100 spheres the size of either Neptune or Jupiter have entered our solar system in the last 2-3 years

David Wilcock: I strongly suspect that Putin was having meetings with the Alliance

Hello “LUKE” aka “GoodETxSG” here,

There was a Major “Alliance Conference” at LOC/Lunar Operation Command (Same time frame as “Putin being reported as Missing”). SSP Alliance & “Defectors” from Secret Earth Governments & “Other SSP’s” were present for presentation by “Blue Avian” (Raw-Tear-Eir) & THE “INTRODUCTION”/FIRST VISIT by Second of four “Sphere Alliance” Beings (10+ Ft Tall, Golden/Brown Skin, Triangle/Teardr op Shaped Head etc.). The full description of the Being and the meeting reported thus far can be found at my site.

There will be some very extensive the thorough reports on this information coming out in the very near future. I will be working closely with David Wilcock (As will some of his other SSP Contacts) to break down the current situation and provide information that has been approved for release through DW and Myself.

Please be patient and stand by,

Luke aka GoodETxSG


Update: March 3, 2015:


Originally Posted by (Name Removed)
Hi GoodETsXG, with reguard to the DW information on the cloaked huge sphere ships in our solar system, is there a possibility (as i have read) that they are 4th dimensional and that follows that so are the Sphere Beings and therefore only visible to those with a conscious view into this dimension be they awake or asleep…If this is the case and as some also have hypothesized that the reason for the massive size of these ships is possibly due to the fact that they may be used for evacuation of Earth, does this mean that because they may be 4th dimensional that we “need” to be deceased (dead ) to be evacuated?Sorry if my logic does not follow thru and am by no means wishing to perpetuate fear, just interested in possible scenarios.
They communicated directly to me that the Sphere Beings (Blue, Indigo & Violet Energy Orbs) and the 4 Allies (Including the “Avians”) are 6th, 7th, 8th and 9th D Beings. The “Spheres” can make themselves “visible” to our spectrum of sight at any time (All 3 known sizes of Spheres: Moon, Neptune & Jupiter Sized).They were “Observed” by the VARIOUS Secret Space Programs and Off World Allies when they first “Arrived” Fully “UnCloaked”. When they “Cloak” they are not detectable by “Wide Spectrum Imaging”, “Gravitational Displacement” or “Bending of Light”, “Temporal Energy Signatures” or any other “Known” technological means. Though some have been able to detect them just as they are decloaking indicating there is some sort of reintegration phase in the process. When they “Cloak” they seem to go completely “Out of Phase” physically and vibrationally with our Dimension or Reality. The one that was located and fired on had moved in fairly close between Earth and Mars and had show that it had stayed in its same position after decloaking and re-cloaking over time.
They “Arrived” from 2 directions, From out of the SUN and From Outside the Sol System, Beyond the Oort Cloud. Once they entered the Solar system they then “Cloaked” at some point in our system and then “Parked” and went into an “Observation Mode” for an extended period of time. Many of them seemed to “Park” and “Cloak” around the “Gas Giant Planets” of our Sol System for a yet unknown reason. The others stayed in close orbit of the Sun before moving closer in toward the Earth more recently.

I was told they had been waiting for the Energetic/Vibratory Changes to begin to occur in our sector of the Galaxy (Or “Star Cluster”) before they moved into a more “Active Operational Phase”.

During this time period ALL of the SSP’s, Secret Earth Governments, Ancient Earth Breakaway Civilizations (Who many people STILL think are ET’s from another star system) and Each And Every “ET/ED Group” (Allied with various SSP’s/Secret Earth Governments etc…) also tried to “Reach Out” to communicate with the Sphere Beings via “Technical Communication and ED/Etheric Communication Methods” with “NO REPLY”.

At one point some of the “Most Advanced” of the “Off World/ET/ED Custodian Groups” attempted to “Fire an Earth Based Weapon” at one of the Spheres. It had no effect on the Sphere other than to illuminate it (Bright RED) as the “Energy” was redirected to its point of origin and destroyed the facilities on Earth killing both Humans and “Non-Human’s” that were involved in this ill advised attack. There have been no further attempts to attack the Spheres since this occurred in Late December 2014.

To this point the Sphere Beings have only communicated to me what I briefed DW on along with some other things they wan’t me to be taking part in, in the not too distant future. To be quite honest these are not things that I would have volunteered for or am very excited about doing.

They have not communicated anything to me about “Evacuating” people or animals (Any life forms) off of the Earth (Yet anyway). They have only stated they are here to help us “Prepare for future Events” and “To help ourselves”. A lot of people do not seem very happy about the “Helping us help ourselves” part of the communication as it seems that the majority of people are looking for saviors.

These people cannot be totally blamed for this way of “Thinking/Feeling” since this has been genetically programmed into us by the “Custodian God’s” OR “Custodian ET’s” who have been tinkering with our Genetics for thousands of years and have programmed us to have a need to “Worship” or “Follow” something they perceive “Bigger than themselves”.

There is other information that will be unfolding in the near future, however it seems from reactions already that this is quite enough for most to try to “Chew On” for now…

Thank you for your continued well thought out questions.

Update: March 11, 2015:

3/10 Joint SSP Alliance, Political, Contacted Persons & “Sphere Alliance” Conference where The “Sphere Allies” introduced the 2nd of 4 of their “Allied Beings” (Described Below in Report Summary)

It is time that I bring together the information I have shared on a couple of Forums and with a couple well known Researchers about the relatively “Recent Arrival’s” of the “Sphere Beings” and their “Allies” to our Solar System. I have given some very detailed information to only ONE well known researcher that I have learned to trust and respect.

I had caught a lot of negative feed back from some of the “Programs” because of the nature of the information and the fact that I was not “Cleared” (Or “Chosen”) by “Them” to release the information that I have been releasing for some time now (Although the “Blue Avians” & “Sphere Beings” seem to feel otherwise). The manner in which I released some information in a “Shot Gun” manner in the recent past offended a couple groups and I have been picked up and “Interviewed” for those actions. However some of these “Forces” have urged me to continue in a much more conservative manner beyond the scope of approval of any “Secret Earth Government” or “Other Organizations”… “Blessings”.

(You have to realize the words “Chosen” and “Special” should always raise red flags in any Government Program or “ET Contact” scenario!)

I will be adding the information here in sequence over the next few days. The “Sphere Beings” have “4 Allies” of which only 1 has made them selves known. These are the “Blue Avians” (AKA Blue Bird Aliens).

There are many who are being visited by “Blue, Indigo & Violet Orb Beings” who have seemed to just present themselves and disappear. They have actually been presenting themselves in order to communicate with those persons subconscious or “Higher Selves” and not directly to these people “Consciously”.

These people have reported seeing these (Blue, Indigo & Violet) “Orb’s” appearing in their presence between the size of “Ping Pong Balls” and “Medicine Balls” and “Pulsing” then leaving their presence.

There will be much more information coming in the near future about these “Sphere Beings” and their “Allies” from myself and other sources. However there are a few sources that are putting out some disinformation about these “Sphere Beings” and their “Allies”… Even some of the “Elite” were confused about who they were in the beginning believing them to be the return of “Their Gods”…

This mistake by the “Elites” can be traced back to the information presented by “David Wilcock” recently at the LA “Conscious Life Expo” and the information of the MANY MOON BASES in existence.

David Wilcock: Secret Space Program Livestream – Background Information

(Honestly, This is a MUST VIEW presentation, Audio alone will not do it justice!)

[Editor Note: I agree – It was a fantastic presentation and really is a must see!]


“THEY” (The “Elite”) were very unpleasantly surprised when these “Sphere Beings” turned out to be the opposite of what they were excited about. (NOT The “Return of the Sumerian Gods” as they had suspected since these “Sphere Craft” had first began to appear and suddenly “Cloak” in our Solar System some years ago… Slowly building up their numbers coming in from the directions of both the Oort Cloud and “Entering” the System via the “Sun” (As though it were a “Stargate”)…

The following and recent “Forced quarantine” of the Solar System from the fleeing “Elite” via “Craft” and “Portals” since that time has sent many of them in a state of panic and confusion. These “Beings” in these HUGE “Sphere Craft” ARE NOT who they thought they were…

This is the topic we will delve into more deeply in coming days.

Update: March 18, 2015:

I had what will have to be many briefings with David Wilcock today on the Conference with the SSP Alliance, the New Defectors from other Programs and not only the “Blue Avian” but the Newly Revealed and Second of 4 “Sphere Being Allies”. There is so much information from these meetings that it is going to take some time to organize it and deciminate it properly. Again like the last encounter my 3/4 D mind is still processing a lot of what I experienced as I am sure are the other’s who were in attendance…

MUCH was revealed in this meeting and many questions were asked and answered. Here in addition to the one above that I release that has left some heavy ripples are several more which will be all that will be released for now… (As I said until all the information can be compiled and released in a proper manner by David Wilcock and myself on my blog and his site… )

I’m adding back some of the info I originally posted here then removed later that evening.

There were a lot of things that are going to be abrasive to some currently held belief systems and established reality bubbles. Since this was obviously the case at the conference I figured the adage “As above so below” was an apt one here. The information being presented was what was presented to and through myself at the conference (Making me an unpopular “relay” of a message/communication in that case and from what I have seen online the same is true down here so far). I in many cases do not have any broader of an understanding quite yet of some of the information as I too have the same 3/4D mind that you do.

I am a little more open to the experience being that I was one of the people that shared the actual experience. Between all of the speaking I did at this conference and the debriefing I did since being back my voice is almost gone and very scratchy (I have a very weak voice as it is). I do not profess to know everything or have all the answers, I don’t know all of life or deaths secrets and I am not a “Sage” or anyone special as was once again pushed home to me by these beings and also by seeing the approximately 70 other “Wide Eyed and Excited Regular Folks” that were present at the Conferences as well.

Below is some of the info I had posted minus some that I felt the need to edit out until there is a complete and professionally put together Article producing all of the “Releasable Information” in a coherent way.

– When I first arrived I was directed to the floor of a “Theatre” type conference room that holds about 300 people in very nice swivel chairs. I was told to stand in on spot in the area right in front of all of the people present with no instructions. I was feeling extremely exposed and nervous. I was standing there with my thumbs in my front pockets of my jeans while a couple of the people asked who I was and why I was wearing the cap I was (On my way out I happened to pick up a NASA cap from the rack that I grabbed my wind breaker from) and asked a few other uncomfortable questions. Then all of a sudden they got quiet and those who weren’t already seated did so looking forward. I turned and looked behind me and apparently the two beings standing behind me had just “Appeared” there. It was one of the Blue Avians I was familiar with and the New Being that had been promised to be “Introduced”, though there was no “Real Introduction”.

The New Being was at least 10 feet tall (Taller than the Blue Avian in attendance), was very thin and “Lanky” with “Golden Brown” skin, “NO Uniform” on yet was not “Naked”. For being so tall it has only a 3 foot “Shoulder Breadth”, Long arms and legs with 3 long fingers and toes. It’s neck was a little on the long side and its “Head” looked large compared to the small shoulders. The head was shaped like an upside down Triangle (Pointing Down) with the corners “Rounded Off” in an almost “Tear Drop” shape with a somewhat “Flat Face. The mouth (Remained closed) was small but there was a crease at the corner of the mouth and a small rise where the lips would be (But no color difference). The eyes were completely oval, were “Powder Blue” with a dark “Iris” the shape of a “Diamond”. When it moved it did so in a VERY fluid like manner.

– One person in uniform asked if the Avialn’s were as “Rumored” recently as being the “RA” from the “Law of One” material. The Blue Avian in attendance responded only in this manner which I conveyed and the simplicity set the stage for how they answered many of the questions asked. When asked this question the Avian responded: “I am Raw-Tear-Eir”… (That was it… Raw-Rain-Eir is one of the other Two Avian’s Names that I have been meeting most recently)

– One person in a suit that I recognized as being worn often by some who rotated into some conferences as “Delegates” asked details about Why do they need so many space ships referencing the 100 Spheres. The response was “We require no conveyance, there are far more than 100 spheres that are spaced out equidistantly through the Solar System. They are what you would best describe as devices and are in place to buffer the tsunami of storms of highly charged and vibrational energies entering your system so they do not effect your Star, Planets and Native Life in an adverse way as your system enters into this part of the Galaxy.”

– Another asked “If you are not living in the Spheres where are you going when you dematerialize? The answer came: “Many of us adjust back to our reality while others remain in what you refer as a “Cloaked” status and observe activities on the Earth and your other Colonies and Facilities undetected by those around them.”

– One asked why there was an intervention recently after there was a defection of groups with actionable intelligence that could have made a major difference and helped them win some major victories… The response to this one was info that the various SSP groups understood but I did not (Yet).“Since the defections there have been changes in tactics that have led to Two Atrocities that were unsettling. The extremely destructive incidents on Mars and Earth that caused the large loss of life of innocents was a disturbing sign that these new tactics were taking the Alliance in a direction where collateral damage of this magnitude was considered acceptable.”

– There are a couple main SSP Groups that have been blocked from entering the Solar System since the beginning of the year. A few people lobbied for the “Sphere Allies” to allow the “Galactic League of Nations” (What I have referred to the “Nato Type SSP Group”) to return. They stated the group would return under any demands. The responds was Denied and it was communicated that ALL of the travel within or without of the Solar System will remain suspended for the foreseeable future (This did not go over well with many)…

– One of the “Few Esoteric” questions that was asked by this “Military Minded Group” and “Earth Government Appearing” (By their “Manner of Dress”) “Group Leaders” was: “Is there a “Soul Trap” setup for us after we die?”. The response was: “The only traps we encounter in life and after are the ones we have set for ourselves”. “The idea that there is a soul trap at the end of a white lite was a psyop and a distortion set in place that we can then create with the creative force of our consciousness”. “This is the intent of the creation of this distortion”. The person asking the question did not seem satisfied with the explanation. 3/4 D Human Belief systems that were in place and ranged across the spectrum were in the room so our 3/4D minds or way of thinking especially in a group environment was meeting some resistance and ruffling of “Human Feathers” at times…

A lot of the questions were of a technical and tactical nature, some being when would they be able to empty out the “Embassy Bases” on the Earth of the ET/ED Groups allied with the “Opposition”. When would they be allowed to move “Hard” on the opposition etc… Much of the responses to their questions were not what they wanted to hear or in many instances were things that I was conveying for the Avians to the groups that I did not understand…

I know this is a very short summary of what occurred and many details (Some extraordinary) have been left out for now (Though communicated to DW) until we can compile the complete list of what occurred and the data that was released making sure we release what was asked and keeping classified what was requested as well.

It was thought best not to telegraph the “When” and “How’ this information will be presented at this early point.

The mostly complete recount of the encounters will be presented from the moment I was picked up to the point I was “Dropped Off” back home will be presented in the near future.

“They” again wanted to make sure that this info did not become held in a “cultish nature” or used in any controlling or egotistical ways. It was also interesting that there were approximately 70 normal human beings that were picked up and brought to these meetings who were absolutely blown away. Many of them were in their night time clothing with their hair sticking up and bare footed as though they had no warning of the meetings. There were also some people from a main stream political nature from around the world present, some that I recognized (None of which we would immediately recognize or associate with the “Establishment”.).

The info of the “post conference meeting” where we were transported to the Sphere that was manipulated to allow us to be there physically will be spoken to the Researcher directly when we can talk securely and he will decide how to release the information and present it in the most digestible way. There was only a few “esoteric questions” those having to do with is there a “Soul Trap” awaiting us when we die, Were the Avians the “Ra” beings and a couple other small questions that were answered very interestingly… These “Alliance” group leaders were asking more “Brass Tacks” and operational questions.

That is truly all I have to report at this time… Pardon errors as I am still incredibly exhausted and am still processing quite a lot of raw data and information in general about these experiences.

Note: As ALWAYS with ALL information from ALL SOURCES and RESEARCHERS… Run the information through your own discernment filters. Not just match up what sounds good or already goes along with your established belief system or “Reality Bubble”. Be willing to step outside of that box but always keep your “Discernment Filter” firmly in place and active… IMHO…

More information can be found on Luke’s Blog:

Source: Luke — GoodETxSG, Secret Space Program Blog

David Wilcock’s Blog:

Here Comes the Handoff – Get Ready to Carry the Ball – via Kathryn May, May 19, 2013

Kathryn E. May

Kathryn May

There are very exciting things under way.  We know that some of you became disinterested in the process of Ascension when it didn’t happen as fast as you thought it would, but the energies continued to flow across the planet to all of you, you continue to be awakened to your own talents and abilities and to the need for you to serve your fellows as this work continues.

Many of you have listened to Zorra of Hollow Earth this week, and heard his pronouncements about what is coming for all of you.  It is true that the coming month is going to be a blockbuster, as you would call it.  May 25th will bring the lunar eclipse which will begin another flow of energy which will surpass the December 2012 energies which caused so many to have headaches and Ascensionitis, as we called it then.  This will be more powerful than that.  Those of you who are awake will feel the rising tide so strongly that you will feel you are being lifted off your feet.

Remember the feeling that some of you described as the sensation of dropping fast in an elevator, or the odd whirly feelings you get when you have jet lag?  You absorbed those energies already, and you will now take another step upward in the vibrations you can absorb.  You have acclimated well to the rising tide and are ready for the next shift.  Others who complained and suffered illnesses during the last round will probably feel difficulties this time as well, but you will be better able to explain to them and encourage them to meditate, concentrate on deep breathing, adjusting and opening their chakras, and relaxing into it in order to ride it out.

All of the month of June will offer you intense rising energies which are designed to lift all the people of planet Earth to the next level of 5th dimensional experience.  Little by little, you are accommodating to the new energies and the new life it requires.  All around you, more people are awakening, looking around them and realizing there is something wrong with the life they have lived, something wrong with the way your world is organized.  They are noticing the cruel practices and violent ways and questioning why it has to be this way.  More and more people are fervently envisioning peace, an end to the suffering and poverty caused by war, and an end to the stranglehold of powerbrokers who control the flow of money and use it to enslave whole countries.

The Citizens’ Hearings for Disclosure brought real results.  There was in attendance a representative from the U.N., who understood that the Disclosure process could not be left to any one person or country, but must be proposed to the entire General Assembly, as was suggested in the Hearings.  A plan was hatched:  the proposal will be to designate a day of meditation to invite the Galactics to come forward, to show themselves to us.  It was well understood in the meetings that there is nothing to fear – many countries have already acknowledged that – and that the problem has been the policy of secrecy and cover-up, especially in the U.S.

Now, all of you can have a powerful effect on the outcome of these continuing efforts.  Remember our request that you create another Harmonic Convergence?  Now is your chance.  It is very important that you begin by sending your group envisioning power to the members of the General Assembly of the U.N.

Here is what we propose:  Use the handy numbers 11:11 and 12:12 as your rallying times, so that at least twice a day all across the globe, people will be sending the strong suggestion to the representatives who will be asked to vote on this proposal that they enthusiastically support it and vote “Yes” to naming a Day of Meditation to Welcome the Galactics – soon!  Picture the gathering, the representatives smiling at one another, the lifting of hearts, and the positive sense of anticipation and joy at joining together to make such a thing possible.

Begin as soon as you read this message.  It will be your work – all of you who read this message, and there are many thousands of you – to join together to accomplish the first phase of this project.  Your previous meditation was effective; it spawned the hopeful idea in so many people that the Galactics are indeed friendly.  Now, take the next step.  Make it your purpose to join in placing the psychic “bomb” under the behinds, as you might say, of the U.N. members.  Blast them out of their seats, to clap and cheer for the proposal, and it will be done.

The following phase will be for all of you to pass the word to everyone you know to publicize the date of the Meditation Day and to keep the attention building.  So you see, you will have an ongoing job to meditate each day twice to create the monumental force which will carry the movement forward.  It may take some time – you know how large organizations move – but your persistence will create the sense of urgency to make it happen, at each step of the way.

You have gathered here to read these messages as a group, expanding your numbers with each passing week.  There are now enough of you – some 10,000 strong – to create a Harmonic Convergence of your own, if you put your minds and hearts to it.  Do not underestimate the power you possess as a living organism of Light, capable of changing the course of the world with the energy of your group mind in action.

This project will indeed test your patience and your resolve.  We ask that you begin now and that you continue to meditate twice a day for 5 or ten minutes with all the intensity you can muster, for as long as it takes.  Begin with the U.N. members, then later with spreading the word with your actions and continued meditations each day.  In this way you will keep the energy focused on the process with such intensity that it will be impossible for your intention to be ignored.

With the increased energies flowing across your dear planet, your intentions will be carried on the flow of Light and Love to every corner of the world, and others will begin to envision the celebration and joy of greeting their brothers and sisters and Twin Flames who will arrive on the ships.

Many of you have written to Kathryn or called in to the radio show to ask what your path is, what you can do to be of service.  You were unsure of how to proceed, but sensed that you have an important mission here at this time.  Well, here it is.  Do your part to change the world.  Do not underestimate for a moment the power you have as an individual to change the world by the force of your intention.  And do not underestimate the power of all of you together!

What a wonderful thing it is, to have this internet which can act as a lightning rod to send the message of peace and Light to every corner of the world!  We did not have this simple means of communicating in 1987, and yet it was possible for the people involved in the Harmonic Convergence to create such an energy flow on their own that they were able to create a wave which was recorded by the scientific instruments at the time, and it is still felt to this day.  This time you will have more help and more convenient tools to make it happen.

This request is a test of your Faith.  Are you serious about making your contribution to this historic Shift, or will you wait to see if it works before you are willing to believe in the power of Intention?  Will you work with the Universal Law as we have explained it to you, or will you sit back and watch to see what others accomplish before you will make the effort to put your shoulder to the wheel?

Some will scoff and say, “I’ll believe it when I see the ships land.”  Well, of course any fool will believe it when the ships land, no matter how blind they may have been previously.

So, Dear Ones, here is your chance to make your stand, between you and yourself, between you and your God.  Will you cast you fate with Us, and put your energies where they matter?  Will you create the peace and prosperity you have been demanding of Us?  Reach deeply into your hearts; join mind and heart to create a force of Love and Light such as has never been felt before on the planet.

We will be sending the energies to help carry your Intentions to fruition.  We are creating the conditions to make the Dream of Dreams possible.  All the Masters and Guides are working overtime to help create the conditions on the ground which will allow you to ride the rising tide to victory.

With your help we have assembled the most powerful team in the history of the planet.
Now we need for you to carry the ball to the goal line.

You are our great hope.  We love you more than words can ever describe.

Mother/Father God.

Via Kathryn May,

Kathryn E. May, PsyD
60 Lower 27 Knolls Road
High Falls, New York, NY 12440
(914) 466-4250

Portal2012: Cobra’s Update – Opening of the Portal 5-25-2013 – May 19, 2013 (video)


Opening of the Portal 5-25-2013

(Video with subtitles – ENG/POR/HUN/GER/ITA/F)

Published May 16, 2013

It is time to take action again! It is time to take the destiny of our world in our own hands! Therefore we will meet in groups large and small, as individuals and couples, at the time of full moon this May. Many of us will gather and visualize the liberation of our planet from the tyranny of the negative energy grid so that for the first time in our history we will have the chance to create our own destiny as free citizens of the Earth and thus fully empowered surrender ourselves to our Ascension process.

Read more…

You can view the exact time of the activation for many places here:…
Updates about the Opening of the Portal:
Music:  Future World Music – Voyage to Atlantis / Medwyn Goodall – Medicine Woman


Clarity About the Three Full Moon Festivals of Spring, by Patricia Cota-Robles, April 25, 2013


Today, April 25, 2013, is the Full Moon Wesak Festival which is the 2nd Full Moon Festival of Spring. Even though Spring is only occurring in the Northern Hemisphere, the Light that bathes the Planet during these powerful Celestial alignments blesses ALL Life evolving on this sweet Earth. The Festival of Wesak has been celebrated on the Taurus Full Moon for millennia. This year the influx of Light from the Wesak Full Moon is being greatly enhanced by a Lunar Eclipse. The Full Moon occurs at 12:47 p.m. Pacific Daylight Time and the Lunar Eclipse immediately follows at 1:07 P.M. PDT.

The influx of Light involving the Three Full Moon Festivals of Spring begins five days before the actual Full Moons and expand for five days following the Full Moons, so there is plenty of time to assimilate these Gifts of Light from On High.

I know there is some confusion about whether the Wesak Full Moon is the Full Moon of Taurus or the Full Moon of May, but the Company of Heaven has given us some important information that will clear the confusion and help us to experience all of the Gifts that bless Humanity and the Earth during the Three Full Moon Festivals of Spring. As a note of clarity, when I refer to the Full Moon of Aries, the Full Moon of Taurus, and the Full Moon of Gemini, I am talking about the Sun Cycles in which the Full Moons of Spring occur. Please take the following information into the Flame of Truth pulsating in the Divinity of your heart and allow your I AM Presence to reveal to you the Truth of this sacred knowledge.

Springtime begins in the Northern Hemisphere with the Vernal or Spring Equinox. This takes place March 21st or 22nd every year and initiates us into the embrace of the Sun Cycle of Aries. The energies that bathe the Planet during the Celestial alignment of the Equinox pulsate with the Resurrection Flame. This Gift from our Father-Mother God is a resplendent Sacred Fire that has a Mother of Pearl radiance. The Resurrection Flame is the frequency of vibration that awakens the hibernating animals and resurrects the Nature Kingdom back to life after the respite of the long winter months. It is not by chance that the pageant of Passover and Easter took place during the time of year when the Resurrection Flame was in full force.

The first Full Moon following the Spring Equinox is celebrated as the Passover Full Moon. Easter is the first Sunday following the first Full Moon after the Spring Equinox. That Full Moon is always the Full Moon in the Sun Cycle of Aries. This is the First Full Moon Festival of Spring and it is the celebration of the Path of Divine Love that was revealed to Humanity through The Christ. Every year during this Full Moon Festival, Jesus The Christ, as well as the exponents of Christ Consciousness and the Path of Divine Love throughout Infinity, bathe the Planet with Divine Love and the sacred knowledge revealing the Oneness of ALL Life. This annual influx of Divine Love and Christ Consciousness has been occurring for millennia and has been instrumental in Humanity’s awakening process.

The Second Full Moon Festival of Spring is the Wesak Festival. This is the Full Moon that occurs in the Sun Cycle of Taurus. During this Celestial alignment the Christ and the Buddha join forces to bless the Earth and Humanity with their sacred Gifts. The Christ Light is the embodiment of Divine Love within which every particle of Life lives, moves, breathes, and has its Being. The Buddha Light is the Divine Wisdom, the Enlightenment, that emanates from the Love of God. The Wesak Full Moon Festival is designed to bring the Love of Christ and the Wisdom of Buddha into a sacred space of Oneness within the hearts and minds of Humanity.

During the Wesak Full Moon people around the world focus on the Wisdom and Enlightenment of Buddhic Consciousness brought to Earth by Gautama Buddha. Every year thousands of pilgrims travel to the Wesak Valley deep in the Himalaya Mountains of Tibet during the Full Moon of Taurus to hold the sacred space for the return and blessings of the Buddha.

The Third Full Moon Festival of Spring is celebrated during the Full Moon that occurs in the Sun Cycle of Gemini. This Festival is known as The Goodwill Festival of Humanity. During this Full Moon, the Divine Love of Christ and the Divine Wisdom of Buddha, which have been building in momentum since the two previous Full Moon Festivals, are intensified and greatly expanded through the Mental and Emotional Strata of Earth. This influx of Light enhances Humanity’s ability to unify our hearts and minds with the Divine Heart and Mind of our Father-Mother God. This year the Good Will Festival of Humanity will take place during the Full Moon in Gemini on May 25, 2013. This Full Moon will also be greatly enhanced by a Lunar Eclipse.

On rare occasions there will be two Full Moons during one Sun Cycle. This happens because a Full Moon occurs every 28 days and the Sun Cycles last between 28 and 31 days depending on which months are involved in each cycle. When a second Full Moon occurs in a Sun Cycle it is known as a Blue Moon and it is considered a wonderful bonus. A Blue Moon greatly enhances the activities of Light that were initiated with the first Full Moon of that particular Sun Cycle.

The reason there is so much confusion about the timing of the Wesak Festival is because of some decisions that were made in 1950 at the first Conference of the World Fellowship of Buddhists which was held in Sri Lanka. During that conference the Buddhists decided to make the Full Moon in the Month of May a Public Holiday to honor Buddha. Since the Wesak Festival focuses on Buddha many people began combining the Wesak Festival with the Public Holiday during the Full Moon of May. Unfortunately, that decision disregarded the other two, very important, Full Moon Festivals of Spring.

In Truth, anytime people open their hearts and invoke the blessings of Buddha, he will be there in his full regal Presence. So whether or not the Wesak Festival falls on the Full Moon of May in a particular year, Buddha will bless all who turn their attention to him and invoke the Light of God. The reason the Beings of Light in the Realms of Illumined Truth are reiterating the information about the Three Full Moon Festivals of Spring is not to dispute our present belief systems, but to enhance what we know so we can benefit from ALL of the opportunities we are given throughout the year to add to the Light of the world. This knowledge is intended to accelerate our Ascension process.  The Three Full Moon Festivals of Spring are among the most powerful opportunities given to us through Earth’s annual Celestial alignments.

Please do not let these opportunities pass you by. During these powerful Full Moon Festivals, listen to your heart. Invoke the Light of God and focus on the patterns of perfection you want to cocreate with our Father-Mother God on the recently Birthed New Earth we are all abiding upon.

When you are in a state of Listening Grace, feel the Gratitude pouring forth from our Father-Mother God and the Company of Heaven in appreciation of your willingness to add to the Light of the World. You are Blessed beyond your knowing!

Patricia Cota-Robles

New Age Study of Humanity’s Purpose

a 501 (c) 3 nonprofit educational organization



| ©2013 Patricia Diane Cota-Robles | FAX: 520-751-2981 | Phone: 520-885-7909 |

| New Age Study of Humanity’s Purpose | PO Box 41883 | Tucson, Arizona 85717 |

This article is copyrighted, but you have my permission to share it through any medium as long as it is not altered and the proper credit line is included.

The information in this monthly sharing is being given to Humanity by the Beings of Light in the Realms of Illumined Truth. The Divine Intent of these celestial sharings is to encourage, empower, uplift, and inspire Humanity by allowing us to see the bigger picture during these wondrous but often challenging times.