Recreating Balance: ‘Open Letter to David Wilcock, Corey Goode, and All Other Alternative Media and Lightworkers…’ December 18, 2015.

Recreating Balance: ‘Open Letter to David Wilcock, Corey Goode, and All Other Alternative Media and Lightworkers…’ December 18, 2015.

Greetings everybody, and best intentions to all,

We all know there is a major shift happening, which is coming to its peak soon.
We all know that the faster human consciousness evolves, the faster and smoother this shift will happen, the faster this planet’s ecosystems and inhabitants will be healed and free. We all want that.

How exactly do you picture this evolution in human consciousness ?
How does it manifest ?

I think we all agree that it happens as we tap into our true power.
I have seen most of you share studies proving how group meditations reduce crime and increase well-being and peace, in a demontrable way. These results apply to group synchronized meditations. This is our true power in action, in unity.

I believe that these studies have come out so that we put them into practice.
I believe it is time for us to apply the science and come together to generate an energy field to manifest the shift now. This is how we start tapping into our abilities and heal this planet together.


There is already a worldwide synchronized meditation organized every sunday at 7pm GMT, to visualize the shift happening, the cabal removed from power, the Disclosure happening, and a bright future for humanity :

I know that some of you may have some doubts or disagreements about Cobra’s information, who put out this meditation. I personally do not share these doubts and disagreements and working with Cobra has brought me a lot of goodness, but I respect that you can have them. It’s totally okay.

I believe this is not an obstacle to meditating together. If you do not agree on some aspects of the meditation, you can simply do it in your own way. The more similar, coherent and synchronized our visualizations are, the stronger the resonance and the stronger the manifestation, and what matters is that we all visualize the cabal removed from power, Disclosure happening, and a bright future for humanity together.
We do not have to agree on absolutely everything to meditate and work together. The Galactic societies out there know and practice this.

You can even forget about the meditation at 7pm GMT and publish your own synchronized meditation, in your own time, visualizing your own version of the shift and liberation of this planet. We can join you. Imagine the power of all of us coming together visualizing the timeline we all want.

We can truly take action together to heal this planet.

Much Love,


Chapter 10 of The New Scriptures as Written by Sananda / Jesus through channel Kathryn E May, August 30, 2013


When this Ascension plan you are carrying out now was put in place thousands of years ago, it was considered a very ambitious design.  While there have been many planets in the cosmos which have ascended, and many groups of people who have ascended in the past, it is not generally done all together – planet and inhabitants incooperation.


It is common for a planet to be cleared of its inhabitants, who go elsewhere for a time to do their lessons, while the planet itself raises its vibration to a higher and higher level, finally achieving the transition to a higher dimension.  Some have done this several times, and now reside in the plane which is not visible to you.  In other cases, the individual souls have taken on the project to raise themselves to a higher dimension, where they too exist in a dimension which your human eyes cannot perceive.


You are familiar with the story of my death and resurrection.  This was my ascension from planet Earth into higher dimensions.  It was intended to represent for you the possibility of eternal life, with a body risen to be your vehicle by which you can return to lower dimensions if you wish without having to go through the birth and death experience.  Unfortunately, that was not the part of the story that has been told, so I will take the opportunity here to explain it.


I did not come to our beloved Planet Earth to die for anyone’s sins.  That is a nonsensical idea, since we are all individually responsible for our own actions and beliefs.  I came to teach Love, simply that.  I wanted to express my own Love for the Creator, and to show others that they too could find solace, inspiration and deep connection with those in spirit form who oversee and assist in our lives.  I saw the cruelty and greed on the planet and wished to find a way to lead people away from the suffering it caused.


Unfortunately, I was not very successful in stopping the march of the Reptilian race.  They distorted my teachings, in the way they compiled the Bible, and even more effectively in the way they interpreted my teachings.  My disciples tried very hard to make an accurate record of what we stood for, but their writings are overwhelmed by the contributions of others whose agenda was to promote divisiveness and exclusivity rather than Unity and recognition that we are all One.


I did not come to establish the religion, Christianity.  I would not have permitted teachings which would divide my people, the Jews, from anyone of other faiths or belief systems.  I had hoped to create a body of work which could be included in any and all religious or philosophical points of view.  It was intended to expand consciousness, no matter what a person’s belief system might be.  Unfortunately, I had not yet left the Earth plane when the one who called himself Paul took it upon himself to begin an energetic proselytizing campaign in which he appointed himself the Apostle to the Gentiles.  Thus began the divisiveness between my followers and others which has continued to this day.


Paul, or Saul as he had been known, did not know me, nor did he understand the depth of my desire to encourage Unity across races, religions and creeds.  Instead, he began a crusade to teach his own version of my words, adapted to his own narrow view of the world.  He had been a cruel man, one whose purpose it had been to persecute my followers.  It is true that he had a “vision” in which I asked him why he was so determined to do this.  There was nothing unique about his ability to hear my complaint.  Many have been able to hear my voice more consistently than he did.  It did convince him to end his overt crusade which was intended to murder us, but his attraction to power and psychological violence did not end there.


I do not blame Paul for his zealousness nor his destructive effect on my teachings.  He was under the sway of Dark forces, was inhabited by Reptilian entities, and was strongly influenced by his early family lessons.  He has long ago been forgiven, and has returned to the family of Love and Light.  He will play an important part in the coming Ascension of humankind.  In fact he is now a Commander of one of the large ships which will aid in the healing process of those who come to us in the first waves of those who have raised themselves sufficiently to cross into the 5th dimension.


Now, many of you have been given the impression that the coming event is something that will “happen” to you because you are here on Earth.  You have been frightened with images of massive war, catastrophic weather, and other life-threatening events.  This has been a fear campaign initiated by the Dark Ones, to distract you and lower your vibration so you cannot raise yourselves high enough to ascend to the Light, where you would be completely out of their reach.


You see, the Reptilian race which controlled the media and all the other important institutions on the planet were not capable of ascending higher than the 4th dimension.  They were mired in their self-created genetic limitations; they were not capable of great Love, and they despised the Light.  Their only desire was to control humanity, and they did that by keeping you in a state of fear.  Fear is the opposite of Love, therefore if you are in fear, you cannot ascend to join the Company of Heaven.  It was a very simple but effective strategy, and it is the way of life from which we are now working to free you.


The Reptilians and other Dark Entities are now gone from the planet, as of August 22, 2013.  You can hear the narration of the great ceremony in which they were given the alternative to go to the LIght or be dissolved as souls.  Nearly a million of them were rescued and went voluntarily to join Mother and Father God and the other Masters who welcomed them Home.  The recording of the event is at,* available for all to hear.  I was there, observing the momentous moment which marks the beginning of a new era.  It was truly the turning point which will allow your Ascension to proceed in an atmosphere of freedom and individual independence.


Many of you were “possessed” by the affliction of carrying a Dark Entity within your bodies.  They were able to move, in spirit form, from one human body to another, inflicting pain, illness, and perhaps worst of all, instilling ideas of despair, depression and anxiety in the host.  They had developed technologies to promote their propaganda and to torture those who defied them.  They were truly the nemesis of Humankind.  Mother God has spoken of these things eloquently in her messages to you, on the same radio channel and in the recent message given in her name.


The leader of the Reptilians, Reginald, has taken the responsibility for leading his people to the Light, and will play an important role in their restoration and recovery from thousands of years of living as followers of the imaginary being called the Devil, or Satan.  They were mistakenly convinced that Lucifer was their Dark hero.  When he publicly and tearfully announced his return to Mother/Father God, and was welcomed as a hero of the Light, it was the beginning of the end for them.


In the short period of one month, their reign of terror came to an end.  Their leaders have been removed from the planet, their hero was revealed to be the leader of their supposed enemies, and they were invited to be welcomed back as the prodigal race they had been for eons.  The implications of this dramatic ending – the true Apocalypse – has just begun to be felt across the planet.  It will unfold gradually, as people awaken to the knowledge that they are no longer living under massive oppression.


There are a few holdouts, like the Syrian dictator who was allowed to remain as the final example, or object lesson, for how cruelty will be dealt with, should the human converts to the Reptilian program – the ones our Kathryn has called Wannabes – decide to continue their Dark actions.  This will be resolved when he realizes he no longer has any supporters, because everyone has “given up the ghost” when it comes to profiting on the backs of the poor and holding power over others.  There is no more power structure to protect them, and to allow them immunity from prosecution.  The collapse of the Tower of Darkness is at hand.


This is your Apocalypse, Dear Ones.  It is an event that will bring dancing in the streets, as the entire globe experiences Arab Spring – the term that has come to represent the final rising up of those who have been oppressed, to form more humane and viable forms of governance for all.  It has gone by fits and starts, as can be expected, but it is a powerful and unstoppable force for Good which has taken hold of the imaginations of all who strive toward the Light.  It will be done, as Earth as it is in Heaven.


Heaven, you see, is a place of endless Love.  There is no punishment, no judgment and no retribution.  It is what you would think of as a democratically governed multidimensional place beyond time or space.  There are no limits to the possibility for each soul to evolve, to learn and to thrive.  All creativity is celebrated, all individuality respected, and all efforts toward Love and Light are supported by Prime Creator and the Ascended Masters who are his Legions of Light.  In the Milky Way Galaxy, which is home to us, the governance of the galaxy is overseen by Mother/Father God, those great Enlightened Beings of Pure Love who have created All That Is within this galaxy.


You have been taught that there is a Trinity of leadership which is responsible for you here on Earth and beyond.  We are Prime Creator, the Creator of all Creators, Mother/Father God, and I, Sananda, the one you knew in my most recent incarnation as Yeshua ben Joseph.  Mother God has been known as Sekhmet, Isis, The Empress, and has been represented as the lioness, the great Sphinx.  Father God has been known variously as Alcyone, Yahweh, Allah, Shiva and more recently, Zorra.  Prime Creator is the Invisible Hand behind all creation, the Source of All Things, and the one we honor and love above all.  There is no designation to describe Prime Creator, such as he/she/it.  We simply honor and adore our Creator, who is Love, the source of all Light.


Within the great cosmos, which includes the star systems, visible and invisible to your human eyes, there are many races, many inhabited planets, and infinite energy.  It is this energy which is managed and used by the powerful Creators, the Gods who create all beings, all souls, all planets and stars.  The mystery of Creation is known and taught by them, and is the height of the ascension ladder – the ability to create.  This ability is held sacred, a holy responsibility which is only carried by the Highest of the High.


There are many Dark Ones who have tried to command the power of Creation, but their efforts have always come to naught, as in their efforts on Planet Earth to clone beings, artificially engineer plants, and manipulate the sacred DNA structures.  It will not continue, now that the originators of these projects are gone.  In addition, the massive poisoning of Mother Earth through the extraction and use of fossil fuels will be completely discontinued, because it is an unholy invasion of her sacred body.


There have long been technologies which could have taken the place of these destructive practices, but their use has been forbidden by those whose hold on power and profit would have been weakened.  This stranglehold on technological progress has been lifted with the removal of the Reptilian race.  You will now see a blossoming of invention as never before, and your access to advanced knowledge will be unlimited as your brothers and sisters from other star systems will now be able to share their own knowledge in every area of life.


Not only will new forms of energy and transportation be available to you.  All the problems of agriculture, water supply and management, and all the comforts of living will be brought into new light by cooperation and inspiration from everyone and anyone whose expertise you wish to draw upon.  This cooperation will be offered, but never imposed, because that is not the way of the peaceful and loving members of the Intergalactic Federation of Light.  Of course, this English translation of their name does not capture the sense of freedom and cooperation they stand for. It is an organization of planetary leaders from all the cosmos who have pledged their allegiance to the work of Prime Creator, which is the action of Love and Light in the interest of all Good.


The Supreme Commander of the fleet of spacecraft belonging to the Intergalactic Federation is the one you have known as Ashtar.  He has been present in Earth orbit, and has often been channeled by various ones among you, as he gathered and organized the great fleet which has come to be of assistance to you.  His ship, The New Jerusalem, has been my home since my last incarnation as Jesus, as together we have overseen the coming Ascension of Planet Earth.  It is Ashtar who has been in charge of the protection of Mother Earth from any outside influence as she has gone through the process of her own Ascension.


Yes, there are still some in the lower dimensions of the Universe who would bring military force to disrupt the movement of the entire planet into higher vibrations, but they are not as dangerous as they imagine themselves to be.  The Federation would always prefer peaceful means to settle any conflict, and will not use their considerable might if it is at all avoidable.  This gives the Dark Ones the impression that We are afraid to fight them, an idea that is of course entirely false; we simply prefer not to use force.  The IFL has taken action when it is completely necessary, when a planet calls upon them to do so, as in the current removal of the Dark Ones from your midst.


So you see, you are entirely protected and overseen by the Legions of Light, who have been given permission by Prime Creator to carry out the mission of aiding Mother Earth and humankind in their coming Ascension.  They will help, but only in so far as it is not considered intervention.  I wish to emphasize here that this process is not something that will be done to you or for you.  It is something you will accomplish individually first, and as a group next, for no one will ascend who has not completed their own learning process.


This means you must each learn to heal the residue of discontent, anger, resentment and fear which you have been steeped in for lifetimes. Each person must lay down their weapons, whether they be the tendency toward aggression or the inclination toward self-centered control of others.  All dark energy must be purged, all dark actions forsworn.  This is what many of you would consider a “tall order.”  Indeed it is.  You may find it difficult at first, as you are newly adjusting to your physical and emotional freedom, but We have trusted in the resilience and great potential which is inherent in the human soul.  We are here to help you, and our presence will be felt increasingly, as the energy of Light spreads across your planet.


Rejoice, Beloved Ones.  Your Apocalypse has been written in the stars.  It is the end of the world as you have known it, and the world you have known was one of Darkness, war, suffering and control by the forces of evil.  No more.  Now, in this year of your calendar, 2013, begins a new era in the life of the glorious Blue Planet, Mother Earth.  You who have chosen to be here at this time, all who came as souls from distant origins across the Universes, will share in the triumph and the joy which is our destiny.


I too have chosen to be here, to help lead this magnificent Ascension, filled with Love and admiration for the courageous souls who are the brothers and sisters of my heart.


I am Sananda, the one you knew as Jesus of Nazareth.



Transcribed by Kathryn E. May, August 30, 2013



To hear Lucifer tell of his return, go to



To hear the ceremony in which all Reptilians were taken to the Light, go to






Cobra and Alexandra Meadors Transcription and Listener’s Q & A for July 30, 2013



If you feel that these interviews are providing you with an expanded perspective, more encouragement, and additional insights into our daily planetary and galactic walk, please consider donating to my website Thank you for your support! And thank you for coming by to peruse our online library of galactically oriented information and education.-A.M.


Alexandra:   Good afternoon everybody.  This is Alexandra Meadors of  Today is July 30th, 2013.  I have my regular monthly guest, Cobra.  Say hello Cobra.


COBRA:   Hello everybody.


Alexandra:  I just want to tell everybody ahead of time that I’m sorry we both had very busy busy months.  We were going to try and address more questions.  We will try to make it up to you just so you guys know.  This has been one heck of a month in regards to radical, radical changes.  Before we even dive into anything else I would love to hear your perception on yesterday’s event the Star of David merkava planetary event.  How is that going to affect us and how that is going to affect the the political situation.  As far as from a galactic perspective.


COBRA:  Yesterday’s event is the first of the two events of the same nature.  the 2nd merkabah alignment is going to happen the 25th of August this year.  We are now in the period between July 29 and August 25th.  It’s a period of balancing civilization.  This period is very important because after the end of August intense changes will happen.   Certain operations of the light forces will be triggered after August 25h.  This is just a break.  Whatever you are feeling now, the intensity.  Things will get more intense after August.  Energies that are coming through this 6 pointed star is harmonizing everything. Much needed right now.


Alexandra:   Yea, because things are so out of balance with all the things that have come to the surface.  Correct?


COBRA:  Yes. The energy of balance is one of he most needed energies on the planet right now.


Alexandra:  That is really interesting.  A lot of people have written in that there are so much confusion about the 2 earths and how they’re going to split.  One is going to remain in 3D and one is going to transition with mother earth.  Can you clarify and also, a lot of the stuff you read is still talking about whether everyone will ascend or not ascend.  I know you are not into ascension.  Generally speaking can you give us any specifics?  There is so much information that is not in alignment.  There is so much information that is not agreeing with the premise of the 2 earths.  1 remaining in 3d. 1 is  transitioning to a higher dimensional level.  (OK) People are really confused on that.


COBRA:  This idea about 2 earths is disinformation.  There is only 1 earth and it is going through a transformation.  This transformation has been taking place for many years.  The first phase of this transformation is the purification of all the dark on the planet.  When this purification phase is over then the real ascension process will start. There will not be a splitting of earths. The planet itself the earth will go through it’s own transformation process and then the humanity on the surface of the planet will go through it’s transformation process.   No one will be able to avoid the new energies coming in.  It will not be possible.


Alexandra:   So that is what is meant by no one will be left behind?


COBRA:  Yes, no one will be left behind.   If you choose to accept the light you will have a much much better life.  the cabal will have more problems they never had before.


Alexandra:   Interesting.  How do you perceive the space time continuum at this point with all the changes thus far?


COBRA:  Actually on a short scale, on a daily scale the psychological perception of time is accelerating.  We have less and less time each day.  On a long term scale, the time is not accelerating so fast.  It is simply an energetic impact of the acceleration of the energies on the psychological perception of time.  Of course the objective time which is measured by clocks is still the same.


Alexandra:   Are we truly in a unified time line?  Or are we still living on various time lines?


COBRA:  The main time-line has a been unified into one single positive time-line.  It happened at the activation of the portal on Dec 21 of last year.  All the main negative timelines have collapsed.  We still have some minor time lines like what are the exact details of the event?  What are the many different situations that will occur before the event. This is all still up to free will on the sub time-lines.  The main time-line is positive. There is zero possibility of any type of strong nuclear exchange, nuclear war, FEMA camps, marshall law etc.  This is no longer possible.  There is zero possibility for those things to happen.


Alexandra:   Excellent.  Is it true that the light workers, enlightened ones, those that have really stepped forward in their spiritual walk.  Are we the ones blazing the trail now – and affecting the rapidity, the movement forward, on this planet?


COBRA:  Yes.  The event itself can not happen with out the conscious cooperation of a certain amount of people on the surface of the planet, so called light workers.  There is a certain critical mass needed for those people to be anchors of light grid on the surface of the planet when the event happens so when the change happens it will be stable.



Alexandra:   And you and I have talked many moons ago – a year ago about the percentage of light workers.  Have we surpassed, I think you said 109,000 last year.


COBRA:  That was for a specific activation.  It has nothing to do with the general preparedness on the planet.


Alexandra:   Are we a certain percentage ahead in our light worker mission.  Do you feel there has been quite a bit of progress since March?


COBRA:  There has been much progress in removing the negative entities form the astral and etheric planes.  There has not been so much progress is awakening new people to the reality of this change.  This will happen when there is more light on the etheric and astral planes and when the light forces will be able to contact people directly through their own higher selves.


Alexandra:    That’s real interesting Cobra.  It puts more responsibility on the backs of the light workers themselves to keep up the work and the meditations.


COBRA:  Yes, it’s important for as many as possible to be aware of the situation because this will make the transition more easy.


Alexandra: One of our readers from the Netherlands said: I want to really be a part of this and I really want to support Can you give him some sort of script for when he’s in front of these people that have no clue, to be able to stand in front of people. What kind of language can he use.

COBRA: It depends on the psychological make-up of people he is contacting. I would start with the financial system.  Most people are aware of this. You can go from there. That is a starting point.

Alexandra:  So start with the Financial System.

COBRA: Everyone is aware that there is something wrong with the banking system. There is a small group of corrupt elite bankers that is robbing everybody. Most people are aware of this. Most people on the planet agree with this. You can start there and go from there.

Alexandra: That’s a really good point. Yes we are all aware of that. That affects everybody. We are all receiving a pay check.

COBRA: This is the most evident that people see. If you start with UFO’s or first contact they wouldn’t respond positively because of their previous programming. If you start with the changes in the financial system most of the human population will respond positively to this.

Alexandra:   That’s good.  Good idea and starting with the news of Ben Bernanke resigning from the Federal Reserve as of Sept 1.   This was a big headline that supposedly this came from Pope Francis.


COBRA:  I would say Sept 1 is a deadline and the rats are leaving the ship.  (Excellent)He’s not the only one to resign.


Alexandra:   Yes.  Supposedly Janet Napolitano, Federal Reserve Governors and quite a few others  (YES)  Would you say it’s the positive military has infiltrated and the resistance has infiltrated and there’s more clout or more responses.  Why do you think that is.


COBRA:  As I said before Sept 1 is the deadline for the initialization of operations for the light forces.  The other side is a little scared of it.   The middle level management is scared of this moment and would just like to save themselves.


Alexandra:   So they’re looking to just save themselves.  That’s funny.


Alexandra:   What about NSA whistle blowers one headline after the other after the other.  Why did Snowden choose Russia.


COBRA:  He did not choose Russia.  I would say the circumstances led him to Russia.  He was doing some planning before he went to Hong Kong.  It was not possible to predict the responses that were happening.  He ended up in Russia.


Alexandra:   OK.  yes, the last time we talked it was Hong Kong.  We think he’s working for the light.  Is that someone working along side the resistance.  Are you allowed to talk about that.


COBRA:  Yes, he’s working for the light.  I have heard conspiracy theories that he’s not, but he is working for the light.   Most of the people on the streets were not aware of the NSA spying on them.  He had a big impact on the masses.  They were not aware of that before.  It’s a huge change on the masses.  It’s a very positive thing.


Alexandra:   There were articles about how Germany is all riled up and people and parliament are irritated that they were being spied upon as if they didn’t know about it.   A certain document was captured and that document confirmed the spying by several countries.  What is this purpose of playing this cat/mouse game that they are not involved when it is obvious that they have been.


COBRA:  They did this maneuver to try to hide their active participation in this and they wanted to buy some positive points.  Top people in every government sign an agreement with NSA.


Alexandra:   Wow.  So basically anybody with any government position is fully aware of this?


COBRA:  Not everybody in the government position, but some people in every government and every country that has strong ties to the US for sure makes that agreement.


Alexandra:   Do you think that this been has been biting them in the butt never thinking that it would backfire of them.  They thought that they would just be surveilling us the masses.


COBRA:  All the intelligent agencies. the top level of the agencies are connected to the  Jesuits.  This is a big spying operation of the Jesuits controlling everything on the planet.  This is the matrix.  there are many good people infiltrating those agencies and working for the light.


Alexandra:   Awesome.  Right on.  Keep it going.   Did you hear about Prince Kaeeb  _____(name)  Saudi Royal family prince.  (Oh yea)  He’s come forward and broken his silence to reveal the truth about a lot of suffering under the reign of the regime.  What is your take on that and how do you feel that will affect the progress of the light on the planet?


COBRA:  Actually, I would say the light forces have been working on taking down the Cabal in Saudi Arabia for quite some time. The situation with Muslim Brotherhood and the connection between the Saudi Regime and the Muslim Brotherhood is now being disintegrated by the positive forces of light.  There are many members of Cabal which are positioned in The Saudi regime and have been for quite some time and have been working with the Rockafellers faction for some time now.   All this is now, I would say, transforming.


Alexandra:   Even those countries that have been our allies have done some atrocious things.  Their government.  People seem to think it’s Iran and Iraq, but it’s not.




Alexandra:   what do you think about the Egyptian Liberation.  President Morsee has been ousted.  It seems the shifting out of a lot of dark factions there.  How do you see that from a galactic perspective?


COBRA:  Egypt is the most important event up until now of this year. This was a monumental break-through.  This is the first large scale operation of the positive military on the planet.  (Wow) It was not a military coup.  It was the positive military supporting the will of the people and protecting them from the possibility of the Muslim Brotherhood going in the wrong direction.  Before the revolution started in end of June the Muslim Brotherhood was going to a strange Archon influence direction.  They were planing on getting involved in the Syrian conflict.  They were planning to suppress Egyptian people even more.  Enough is enough.  The plan of the Egyptian positive military was there for a long time and they were waiting for the right moment.  It was supported by the White Dragon Society, the Gnostic Illuminati,  it was supported by the positive Templars and the Resistance movement and others around the world working behind the scenes to get this ready.


Alexandra:   Wow.  so this is a monumental event to get it set up and ready to shift it, to influence it.


COBRA:  Yes and this is a rehearsal for the event .  The situation in Egypt is an indicator of what is going to happen around the at the time of the event on a planetary scale.


Alexandra:   Wow, that is fascinating.  Have we had some success with the Muslim Brotherhood?


COBRA:  There is a partial success.  It’s not just the problem is not just the Muslim Brotherhood.  The problem is there is a certain private army that it was called black water and it’s called ? Academia right now, which is the Jesuit private army which is creating problems around the world.  It was creating problems  in …. Syria, Iraq. and war in Serbia and Bosnia and now in Egypt.  It has provided snipers to shoot civilians and blaming it on the Military.  Whereas the military is not shooting civilians.  They are protecting people from the Muslim Brotherhood militia’s.  This private army wants to trigger conflict and push Egypt into a civil war.  This will not happen.


Alexandra:   Everyone is wondering the same question.  Why is the resistance not able to squash the funding for this private army?


COBRA:  You need to understand that the whole financial system is like an internet.  It’s like a huge computer program.  If you interfere with the program you interfere with the whole traffic.  The only thing you can do is shut down the whole thing. (Good point).  When you shut down the whole thing the re-set needs to happen, the Event needs to happen and if The Event happens too soon, some people would just go crazy it would not be good.


Alexandra:  We would just go backwards instead of making progress.


COBRA:  Again, when this is done the right way so there is no violence and it is done in the harmonious way.


Alexandra:   It seems like the positive military and local factions, like the sheriffs, police departments are becoming more “out there”, like showing their commitment to this.  Have you heard of the Oath-keepers? (YES).  They have started a billboard campaign.    It began in Washington DC.  It was to courage the Politicians, Federal Employees, security agencies, etc.  All the ABC agencies and they were prompting them to uphold their oaths of office.  Why now have they stepped forward.  Is the timing getting closer to the event?


COBRA:    Yes.  They were always dedicated and they had to keep a low profile until the time is ready.  There were many reasons for this.  One was their own safety.  There were instances when members of the positive media was removed by the Cabal from the physical plane – they were killed.  Those people have to be careful.  When they do something they must do it in a way that improves the plan.  there needs to be a certain level of awareness and back-up in the mass population.  That’s why General Sisi addressed the Egyptian general population they need to show with their process that they are backing up the decisions of the army.   Because the military can not act except on behalf of the people.  (That makes sense)  When the critical mass of people are awake and aware in the U.S. the same situation will happen.  The positive military will back up the will of the people.  The people have not expressed that will yet.


Alexandra:   Yea, it’s like Do they want to step out there when the majority of the people they are supposedly defending would turn on them.


COBRA:  There needs to be a certain consensus if the people really want this.


Alexandra:   Another thing I was really impressed by.  1,000 special force officers signed a petition opposing Benghazi coverup.


COBRA:  Things are coming out to the surface – it’s very good.


Alexandra:   But being special forces that’s a big deal.  They’re much more privy to the upper echelons of the black operations, wouldn’t you agree.


COBRA:  There is additional protection being available which wasn’t available months ago and more room for maneuver.  You will see much actions like this from the positive military more after Sept 1.


Alexandra:   They have not been that vocal.  For us to see the Oath keepers and the special forces to step forward.  It felt like there has been a shift.


COBRA:   It is not them that will step forward first,  The people will step forward first. it will need to be the people step forward first.  This is what happened in egypt and it needs to happen anywhere else.


Alexandra:   This whole Trayvon Martin.  You’ve heard all about that.  There’s been a lot of protests.  Do you agree that this was fully a false flag operation.  If so, Who truly was behind it.  (which one?)  They were finding that they were actors.


COBRA:  It’s a distraction.  it was a product of the mass media operation which to distract people from more important issues.  (O.K.) It’s triggering deep emotions, I know.  It’s a manipulation thing.


Alexandra:   Where do you recommend people put their money – you’ve highly recommended gold and silver.  So much controversy now with people buying gold that there is 100 day waiting period to receive physical gold.  There is no more to sell.  What do you think about that?


COBRA:  This is if you buy large amounts of gold.  If you go to a BofA or a local bank or bureau and buy 1 once, it shouldn’t be a problem at tis point.  It might be a problem soon, so hurry up.


Alexandra:   I was going to ask you if you still feel there is some available.  a lot of hype


COBRA:  If you are buying large quantities there is a problem with the distribution chain already.


Alexandra:   O.K.  What is your perception on all the changes that are coming forth from this of this new Pope and the Vatican bank.  Supposedly they were busted for money laundering.  Smuggling 26 Million dollars.  This was a Monsignor.  You talk each month how Little by little the light forces are penetrating the Vatican.  Where do you feel we are now with the Vatican.


COBRA:  First the 20 Million dollars is nothing compared to the trillions of dollars that have been laundered that went through Vatican.   This is number 1.  Number 2 slowly this pope is showing his true colors.  Good side bad side is showing.  He’s Jesuit training is strong and he is choosing the dark side. You can see he is having issues Protecting the ritual child abuse and things of that nature.


Alexandra:   Yea, then today I read a blog that he is supporting gay’s.  Go figure.  Like He’s being open and non judgmental about that.


COBRA:   You see.  The nature of Jesuits have an ability, they are trained in that way  to be very nice and open and tolerant, while they are forwarding their agenda.  This is how they infiltrated the government in China and India around the world in the 17th century.  This is how they created their global empire.


Alexandra:   It’s what you call the gray.  Not black or white, but the gray – they are the most difficult to determine.


COBRA:  Well.  The main jesuits.  I’m not speaking of the majority of the Jesuits.  you have about 17k Jesuits around the world.  Only 10% belong to the Cabal and they are some of the darkest entities on the planet. They appear to be nice on the surface, but they want to adjust to the situation, infiltrate the situation and then manipulate the situation.


Alexandra:   Ah man.  Onto another heavy topic of Fukushima.  A lot of people have written in as well as there was a post that came up that the test has shown an increase – like 90 x more in radioactive scale in the last 3 days.  Is there any validity to that?   Is it related to anything planetary.  What ever you thought.


COBRA:  When Fukushima happened – a small nuclear bomb that was detonated and triggered the event.  It did not produce much radioactivity.  Later, the cabal is deliberately putting radioactive material in that areas and also other areas around the planet and put Fuckishima as an excuse for that.  It is not coming from Fukushima.  It is coming from radioactive wast that the cabal is putting in the soil around the planet.


Alexandra:   OMG.  When you think you heard it all you just always find something else.


COBRA:  The Galactic Confederation will clean that up after the event, immediately.


Alexandra:   I’m glad you brought that up – A lot of times you’ll say: Hey don’t worry about them.  A lot of them have been been confined, etc.   In the meantime the exposures to GMO, chemtrails, vaccinations, etc.  How do people cope with that? Can they making a request to be healed? and be helped?  I have my opinion on this.


COBRA:  You can not avoid it completely but you can minimize it by 1st not worrying about it,  2nd invoking the light.  3rd proper balancing in diet and drinking pure water to purify your system and #1 if you do not fear it will not affect you as much.  The human body has a tremendous ability to regenerate if you have a strong connection to your higher self you can heal anything.


Alexandra:   Oh. Thank you, that was music to my ears.  I have shared that myself with my clients.  People are often asking me they wonder how you know so much.  They ask if you are channeling.  I want you to respond.


COBRA:  I know so much because I was always using my head, always using my mental body, training it, improving it and creating my network of information sources because I really wanted to understand what was going on on the planet. because I felt things were not right.  I wanted to come to the bottom of it.  I have my information sources.  I have my abilities which are physical nature and non-physical nature.


Alexandra:  O.K.  You are not channeling right now are you?


COBRA:  No i am just speaking to you.


Alexandra:   Ok, so everybody has that answer to that question.  Obama is executive order.  HIV tested between ages 15 and 65 if you need medical help.  It feels to me, once again like:  How much more can the American people take before the people stand up and take their power back?  Is this kind of making lemonade out of lemons as far as the way the light forces would work in this situation?


COBRA:  Actually, recently I have heard of stupid orders around the planet that are beyond belief.  For example in spain they are charging you to use solar power.  It is illegal in Spain to use solar power to obtain electricity.  (Yes) Things like that are happening everywhere.  It’s the final stupidity acts before the cabal goes down.


Alexandra:   It’s an act of desperation?


COBRA:   Yes, act of desperation.  It is not a rational response.  If they were playing long-term they would not play like that.


Alexandra:   They are taking people to court because they have raw dairy farms.


COBRA:  For example, things like that.  So the question is when do we finally have enough.


Alexandra:   how much more can people take before they figure it out?   There’s a whole bunch going on about the smart meters in the US.  They are really deadly, nasty and there has been a lot of problems with them.  Supposedly there is a federal bill being drafted to require all the power companies have to  to join this smart grid.  Is this grid tied in with the matrix. Do you know anything about this?  What it is designed to do?


COBRA:  Yes, it is tied into the grid, so is your cell phone.  The smart phones are the most infected devices that everybody has right now and very strongly connected into the matrix around the planet.


Alexandra:   Considering everyone I know has a smart phone.


COBRA:  Yes and NSA is listening to all the conversations on the smart phone.


Alexandra:   On a good note, there’s a small town called Deer Trail, Colorado that is putting out a bounty on un-manned drones for violating sovereign air space. I wanted to ask you about this whole drone thing.  It’s heating up.  Not only is undercover documents coming out but there’s evidence that over 20% of drone strikes are civilians.   They are talking about how they stun people so they become immobile.  What is your opinion on that?


COBRA:  It is under the cabal mechanism of the cabal and all those things will be cleared after the event.


Alexandra:   Is there anything they are doing to dissipate the functionality, bizarre things happening – nuclear war heads can not be launched.  A few things like that.  Could that be the light.


COBRA:  Yes, light forces are interfering with the functionality of those devices more and more


Alexandra:   I have to ask you this.  I have seen as of late a lot more rulings in favor of the citizens.  It seemed that nobody could win a law suit even if it was as logical as it can be.  Now the little guys are winning and getting rulings in their favor for a lot of things like land disputes and constitutional rights and things like that.  What is your take, has the light infiltrated finally the legal system so we can finally start seeing this type thing moving forward more and more.


COBRA:  There is 2 factors.  The first is there is Much less Archon on the physical and etheric planes on the legal proceedings.  The Archonic activity was influencing the judges and lawyers.  There are not enough Archons now to influence the judges and lawyers any more. #2  Actually all this lawyer/judge system was inter connected to the Cabal Network.  this network is not so tight any more.  Some of the lawyers and judges are beginning to listening to their own inner guidance.  This is why every citizen can now win a lawsuits.


Alexandra:   Interesting.  That leads me to another question about there’s a lot of talk about Archonic SP implants.


COBRA:  There are many different versions of this so you need to specify.


Alexandra:   This one is supposedly a Jelly fish type – it lodges in temporal lobe either right or left side of head.  Attacks the gallbladder meridian.  Supposedly, After a period of time it memorizes a person’s thought patters and voice recognition and that type of thing and will take over this individual to this point where it tells them what to do if they have a propensity to be violent.


COBRA:  Actually, everyone on the planet has been implanted by this jelly like parasite before they were born.  It is part of the birth process that the Archons have controlled.  (Wow)  It is up to your free will if you allow this interference to interfere with your decisions or not.  The frontal lobe of the brain has been (garbled).  The decision making process has been compromised by those implants for everybody on the planet.  Everyone has their free will.  It is unrealistic to know in all situations, but most situations everybody should make up their own free will.  It is unrealistic for you to expect to say “no” in every situation. But in the most important decision in your life everybody should be able to say “no” to this influence.  Make up your own free will and make up your own free will.


Alexandra:   Your connection cut out about the frontal lobe.  Can you go back?


COBRA:  The frontal lobe of the brains governs our decision making process and this is why these implants are placed in the front of our brains.


Alexandra:   Got it.  Are they really firing this up now because they are at the desperate end of their road?


COBRA:  They have been activating it the last 20 years or so, more intensely because we are getting close to the final event.


Alexandra:   How do you think is the most effective way to have them removed or can it be?


COBRA:  I could say the most important thing to do is exercise your free will.


Alexandra:   Stay in your mastery and stay in your free will.  Stay out of fear.


COBRA:  If you have Fear, it is a natural response.  Do not put too much emphasis on that fear.  Don’t dwell on it.


Alexandra:   I heard that the entire parliament of Luxembourg has resigned.  Is this correct?


COBRA:  I have not confirmed that independently so I can not say for sure.


Alexandra:   If that is correct, that is really major.  That’s a really good sign.


COBRA:  There are many resignation in other countries in Europe too.


Alexandra:   For the entire group of them.  That’s amazing.


COBRA:  I know of some but I can’t confirm all of them.


Alexandra:   Good.  There are still questions regarding about our birth charts.  We brought this up last time.  Because of the fact that our solar system is in a different location of the galaxy, wouldn’t the astrology loose it power and it’s influence over the birth charts?


COBRA:  The position of our solar system and galaxy has changed so little in our lifetime it’s negligible.  The birth axis has changed according to the stars, maybe 1 degree which can of course be taken into account.  Planets in the solar system are emitting frequencies and they do influence you.  You do have free will.


Alexandra:   I thought you said we will be blown away when we look to the sky after the event because the stars and everything will not look the same as it does now.  Did you say that before?


COBRA:  Yes, there is a tachyonic membrane around the earth which is preventing some signals from reaching the surface of the planet.  When this is removed you will see the sky as it actually looks like at this moment.  Many of the stars are hundreds of light years away and that is the light you are looking at.  After the event you will not only receive photons, you will receive tachyon.  You will see the sky as it looks like at this moment, not like it did hundreds and hundreds of years ago.


Alexandra:   Will it be different colors, will the planets be in a different locations.


COBRA:  Most of the stars will be in somewhat different locations.  You will be able to see certain things you won’t be able to see right now, like motherships which are cloaked right now.  Some other things I will not speak about yet.


Alexandra:   That is so exciting.  This individual’s question is why have they kept Obama in office?  (Who is they?) Why has Obama still remained in office.  Why hasn’t he been impeached, around his birth certificate, around the people he has chosen or appointed.  Many are involved in corruption.




Alexandra:   Why has obama been allowed to remain in office if there is such a strong light resistance.  He’s been so dark in his dealings with his executive orders, his stollen money, and all these sorts of things.  What is your opinion on that.


COBRA:  I can’t hear everything.    (garbled)  (poor connection)


Alexandra:   Why is he still in power?  If the light resistance gaining strength why have they chosen to keep Obama in power?  Is he truly a messenger of the light in the future.


COBRA:  I can not comment on his situation but he will play a major role after the event.  There will be a new government after the event.  We will have a provisional government which will just keep things running.  There will be new elections and complete new set of people elected around the planet.


Alexandra:   So I have another question about Nibiru.  Susan asks:  Could it mean that Nibiru isn’t a planet but Mother Sekmet’s mothership.


COBRA:  This name Nibiru was assigned to a certain body that was supposed to approach the planet and this is disinformation.  Sekmet has a mother ship and you can name it anything you want.


Alexandra:   (Laugh)  We have some questions about the up and coming magnetic pole shift.  You say the planet will not flip and have 3 days of darkness.  Where do we stand now?  I think they said 62 miles last month (Magnet north shifted).


COBRA:  Yes, we are having a shift.  It is still in the process.


Alexandra:   What is your feeling of the chances that our government is to confiscate our precious metals from our homes like in 1933.


COBRA:    Yes, there is a plan from the Cabal to do this, but no they will not be allowed to do that.


Alexandr: – has a web site doing investigation of the Vatican.  They say a negative ET will come forward and act as a savior.  When the new financial government comes up it will turn out to be a satanic connection.  Do you agree with this.   Anything that the illuminati to bring some sort of a stage performance with a “savior”.


COBRA:  I absolutely disagree with that. The new financial system is not coming from the cabal. It is coming from the light forces. The cabal does not have enough power to do something like this any more.


Alexandra:   This next individual is talking about:  Israel supposedly has lobbed a nuclear warhead on Syria because he got some access to some information on mushroom cloud and flashes that were seen there.   What is your opinion on that?


COBRA:  Unfortunately that happened.  It was a small nuclear warhead that destroyed a bunker in Syria.  That was 2 or 3 months ago.  (AH, that’s too bad)  There was no loss of life but there was some nuclear fallout.  They were testing the patience of the resistance movement at that point.


Alexandra:   They are starting to feel the light forces influence.


COBRA:  More and more, yes.


Alexandra:   What do you feel about the cannabis plant, marijuana.  Not of this world?


COBRA:  Not from the Sirius star system.  It is not from this planet.


Alexandra:   Do you feel it’s a sacred plant?


COBRA:  Every plant is a sacred plant.


Alexandra:   I have to read this (touched my heart):  This is Morilla from Poland:  They work very hard to spread the news and listen to you and they can’t get people to listen to them.  You say to withdraw money from the bank and save some currency to buy some precious metals.  This doesn’t work where they are.  They never have enough money to survive.  Barely enough money to pay for food.  What will happen during the days of the financial transition and there is nothing to eat.  People are not eager to help each other.  Our group has nothing to share.  What will be with people in this situation where they are alone.  There are millions of people with


COBRA:  Not only in Poland but worldwide.  Cabal is pushing people over the threshold of poverty everywhere.   If you don’t have money have a strong social network.  People can support each other and share with each other.  Together they will be stronger.  After the event everybody will receive money from the collateral accounts. Nobody will be poor any longer.


Alexandra:   This is one of the reason why you are starting the   To get groups together to help each other.  (Exactly) This next question is from a woman who is suspicious of the positive military group.  Do you feel they are of a positive nature because they represent violence and they take orders from the global elite.


COBRA:  The very name, the positive military speaks of the positive faction of the light.  Those beings have been incarnated to evolve the military from a violent group to a peace making group. (Hmmmm, Interesting)  I have some connections within that group.  They are there with that same purpose to bring peace and end the violence.


Alexandra:   To end the violence.  So the fact that they are called military is because it’s their back-ground is that what you are saying?


COBRA:  Yes, they are there to back up the transformation on the planet and to back up the event and stop the Cabal from doing more harm.


Alexandra:   OK.  Getting back to the ascension chambers, You’ve talked about them at your conferences – for healing and helping humanity.  She’s wondering why would the light workers need to go through the ascension chambers.


COBRA:  Because ascension is a huge leap in consciousness and a human being can not do that alone with out the assistance of the higher light forces.  Try walking on water and see if you can.


Alexandra:  Good point.  right.  That’s a good point.  Or walk through a wall.


COBRA:  Yes, for example.  Because then you can essentially do that.


Alexandra:   OMG.  Are you hearing that.  Technology – can you share the type of technology that is coming forward?  Any new technology that is not secretive.


COBRA:  I would say there is progress in the area of free energy technology and to bring it to the public.   A small household device that would bring energy to your house, for free.  That’s a good start.


Alexandra:   Do you feel the technologies right out the gate that we’re going to live the kind of life we are accustomed to have been living it just won’t cost money?


COBRA:  This is for a start, then for a little while until people are accustomed.  Then things will go fast.  Do not worry, you will not be bored.


Alexandra:   Wow.  Then after that we can use a replicator.  If we want something we can manifest, or replicate it.


COBRA:  This will happen after first contact.  Most advanced technology will be introduced after humanity accepts the invitation from the positive ET races for contact.


Alexandra:   OK.  What about those that are ready to receive that information before first contact?


COBRA:  Yes – there will be some individuals that will be contacted before and will be working with those races and will also receive that technology.


Alexandra:   I like to hear that.  We’re getting to the end of the hour.  Do you have any other updates regarding the progress of the light and what has shifted from the Month of July to where we are now.


COBRA:  The main breakthrough is what is happening in Egypt.  The first positive Military.  It is a huge breakthrough.  It is a physical manifestation of the same kind of energy.  It’s a huge breakthrough.  It showed us the Event was possible.  Before it was theoretical.  But now it’s not a plan any more, it’s becoming a reality right before our eyes.  This is the single most dramatic shift that is happening.  Of course we have revelations about NSA which are quite important, although that started in June.


Alexandra:   Right, right. That started in June.  Yes, is this type of experience, this victory in Egypt, has this occurred before in this type of experience when light forces have tried to un hijack the planet.


COBRA:  This has happened many times in the galaxy but not on this planet.


Alexandra:  O.K.  This type of experience where they’ve successfully been able to unite millions and millions of people together and not with a whole lot of violence.  Is this a relative new experience?


COBRA:  It is not.  On other planets it was easier because people are not so brainwashed as they are here.  It’s a common occurrence in the galaxy.


Alexandra:   Amazing.  O.K.  Cool.  Do not forget to check out to sign up with a group you feel you are in alignment with.  or help set up a group.  I don’t care where you live or what you can do or think you can not do.  We all need you.  You can also go to   That’s a sub-site for  Cobra, I thank you so much.  Sorry we couldn’t hook up in July.  I look forward to hearing of some radical shifts that are coming in August.  Do you think that is because of Lions gate?


COBRA:  I will say the big changes start in September.  I am calling on people to Start forming physical event preparedness groups.  Not just sign up on the web-site.  It is more important to get the groups and meet regularly and actually start preparing for the event.


Alexandra:   Great.  We thank you Cobra for everything you do.  Everyone has their homework and assignment.  We thank you for all you do.  We thank everybody that’s listening for all you do.  We can not do it without you.  We are all in this together.   Namaste.


COBRA:  Thank everyone for listening.  Every single person counts in this last push.


Alexandra:   Bye.


I want to thank DaNell Glade for her assistance and speedy delivery of this transcription. She has offered her support with enthusiasm, so if you need transcription services, please support her! Thank you DaNell!


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Mother/Father God: “All contracts are finished, ended. All soul contracts are now cancelled.”by Kathryn May, July 30, 2013

Kathryn E. May

Kathryn E. May

Dear Ones, have you all been listening to the BlogTalkRadio shows in addition to reading these messages?  If so, you are now aware of the wonderful news we have given to you about the immense changes on the planet.

Here is the announcement:  All contracts are finished, ended.  All soul contracts are now cancelled.  All those who came here to Planet Earth to manage difficult illnesses, complicated relationships, and challenging handicaps are now freed of all pain, all suffering.  You now are completely free to exercise your free will without karmic strings, as you might think of it.

In addition, all financial contracts such as mortgages, car loans, student loans and other commitments which have been arranged through banking institutions of all kinds are hereby cancelled.  Personal commitments between friends will of course still be important to uphold, but corporations and banks will no longer be recognized as viable creditors because of the criminal and lawless system on which they are based.

It is time for all of you to reclaim your freedom, take command of your own lives, and find your voices, as you see others around the world doing by taking to the streets to proclaim their passionate desire for a better life – one of dignity and the self-expression which democracy allows.

Your Planet has declared her desire to ascend, and it has been done.  You are now all in the historic position of being invited to elevate your consciousness to take part in the most ambitious plan ever executed in the history of the galaxy.  Now, in the span of one Earth lifetime, you can move from a 3-dimensional life to the coming Golden Age in the higher 5th dimension. This is the Paradise on Earth that was promised in your ancient texts.

Every soul is given the opportunity to join in this magnificent adventure, because of course you have all known since before you came here that you would be taking part in this Ascension.   It was a very prestigious opportunity, this lifetime journey.  There are Masters and Angels, aspiring beginning souls and ancient Saints who have come to experience a last lifetime here on Earth, in the somewhat infamous heavy, dense and difficult atmosphere.

Here, the challenges abound for learning charity, patience, compassion and empathy.  A triumphant life is one in which the person can live through the temptations, pain, disappointments and dangers and still come out at the end of their lives with a connection to their hearts intact.

This was the last opportunity for all souls to experience this 3rd dimensional, free will planet, because Mother Earth decided some time ago that it was her desire to leave this dimension, and she has accomplished it by fulfilling her long commitment to humankind.  She has fulfilled her contract with Us, Mother/Father God, to care for our beloved children, and she was granted her wish to ascend into a higher dimension, which she has done.

Many on Planet Earth are not aware at this moment that everything has changed.  It is for them that we send this message through Kathryn.  We hope to reach all the people, all ages, all cultures, and all the corners of the globe, to tell them of our great Love for them, and our great hope that each one will awaken and join in the glorious Shift into a higher plane of existence.

It has been a long and difficult road, this transition from Darkness to Light.  Many have suffered; many have had to repeat lifetime after lifetime to advance in their learning process, but lessons learned on Planet Earth are indelibly etched in consciousness.  This is why it is a most popular place to incarnate, by virtue of its having been in the throes of a revolutionary battle between Light and Dark for eons.

And now, Dear Children, you are within moments of completing your lifetime here.  You have the choice this time to ascend with the body you occupy now.  You will be taken off the planet to be renewed, restored to perfect health in a body in which you will be able to live forever.  In the meantime, Mother Earth will do the same.  When she does, she will be restored to the pristine loveliness and purity of her original beauty.

You will not have to worry about Armageddon; there will be no terrifying pole shift or world war.  All nuclear weapons have been neutralized; those Dark Ones who have secretly controlled the resources of the planet have been removed from power.  Many will be tried for crimes against humanity and will be prevented from ever returning to positions of influence.

You have been seeing the “UFO’s” in your skies for generations now.  Crop circles containing messages to humankind have been created so frequently as to have become a common occurrence.  Your scientists and governments around the world have long been aware that your extraterrestrial brothers and Sisters are trying to make contact with you in a peaceful way, but the wall of secrecy and lies has grown with every encounter.  Those who control the wealth on the planet did not want to give up their power by allowing the people to have free energy, new ways of communicating, and the other great advantages which these visitors possess.

Now, the final chapter of this saga of Planet Earth has begun.  Everything is changing at a very rapid pace.  You will finally begin to see evidence in your mainstream media of the profound shift which will allow those who have lived lives of service to others to be revealed as your Ascended Masters, and they will be standing by to help with the dramatic changes you will be feeling.  There will be announcements to inform you of the true history and progress of the evolution toward Light. Nothing will remain the same, so there will be no possibility that you can remain detached from what is going on.  Every being on the planet will be required to choose their path – to ascend to a higher level of consciousness or to end this life in the usual way – through death and the return to God in the usual way.

Those who choose to ascend now to higher levels of consciousness will be freed of the process of reincarnation in life after life, and will be given the ability to live eternally in the higher expression of life in a lighter, more highly evolved body in higher dimensions.  Those who choose not to join the Ascension will continue their lessons at lower levels in other places.

Earth will no longer be available as the 3-dimensional proving ground.  She has been recognized for her millions of years of service, and has at last been granted Ascension.  She has selflessly slowed her process to allow as many as possible to awaken and join her in this glorious graduation to higher dimensions.

The Shift has occurred because of the great numbers of humankind who have awakened once more – after thousands of years of being separated from their connection to God.  Religion as you have known it will drop away, as everyone discovers that they can communicate directly with Us, Mother/Father God. We are here with you always, whispering in your ear, and for those who have listened to the radio shows with Kathryn and Anne, you have talked with Us in person.

This week, we have announced definitively that the one you have known as Zorra is in fact Father God.  It was easier for many to talk freely and to ask questions when the voice they heard was given a more familiar identity which everyone could relate to, but now it is time for you to be given the Truth in its whole form.  You have felt our Love in your lives at times when you were most open.  Unfortunately, those were most often times of suffering, confusion and pain.  You have not felt the great pleasures of living in the constant stream of Endless Love we have been sending to you since the moment you were born.

This is what we offer you now: a life of Heavenly Grace, immersed in the Love, Light, Compassion, Forgiveness, Joy, Peace and Harmony which has been the dream of your dear Jesus, the one who has dedicated his life in body and in spirit, to this Grand Plan.  The Ascension of Planet Earth and of all Humankind will mark the end of all suffering, all want, all poverty and degradation of Mother Earth herself.  The New Golden Age begins now, and you are all invited to attend the coming-out party, which will be held when the ships and containing your Star Brothers and Sisters, including Jesus Sananda, St. Germain, Ashtar, Archangel Michael and all the Ascended Masters who have helped to make this transition possible.

Yes, Jesus will return, very soon.  He is waiting now, in his role as Admiral of his ship, The New Jerusalem.  With him are the Twin Flames – the mirror souls – of many who are incarnated here now.  You will all meet as soon as the Disclosure of their presence has been made official in every corner of the Earth.  The announcements will be simultaneous and undeniable.  Every radio, television, cell phone and iPad will carry the message that Planet Earth and her people are at last free, by their own efforts, with help from their galactic Brothers and Sisters.

We are offering this message today, July 24, 2013, so that you can share it with every single person you know.  Begin by printing out dozens of copies of this message, which will be posted on and and many other websites across the world.  We ask you to give a copy to everyone you work with and every neighbor you speak with.  Hand them out on street corners.  You will be doing a great service by giving your friends and family advanced preparation for the stunning events which will unfold so rapidly before your eyes that the uninformed will be overwhelmed by the wonder and apparent impossibility of it.

Don’t miss out on the joy because you are afraid or suspicious or wary of any news that does not align with the half-truths you have been familiar with.  Do not be concerned that people will think you are a raving crack-pot.  Very shortly they will thank you with such overwhelming gratitude and relief that any fears you might have had will melt away.  You who are awake and aware must be the leaders in this time of adjustment.  People will be confused, disoriented and therefore afraid if they cannot be assured of their loving connection with God, which will anchor them and reassure them that this Shift is for the better.  Nothing will be lost; everything will go on, but in a different form, as you have been taught in the First Law of Thermodynamics.

Relationships will continue, in more loving and accepting form, and all will discover their true spiritual identity as participants in the glorious Earth project.  All children, animals and other spirit beings will ascend effortlessly.  It is the adults we are concerned with.  Time is short.  Raise your consciousness and your vibrational level by taking complete command of your thoughts, feelings and actions. Open your hearts to love without judgment.  Practice forgiveness in all your relationships, and do not permit yourself to fall into condemnation or judgment of anyone, even those who have hurt you or those who practice a different religion or ideology than your own.  All will melt away in the elevation to Oneness which comes with Ascension into higher dimensions.

Your bodies, your present identities and all you thought of as “reality” will be revealed as the brief moment in eternity it really is.  You will soon learn to feel and use your God powers, for you are indeed created in our image.  You are Gods, each and every one.  You only need accept the close connection to Us which flows through you.  We are your Creators and your biggest fans.  Unlike human parents, we never lose patience or hope or trust in your ultimate triumph as individual souls and as precious members of the great legion of intelligent, conscious beings.  It is time for you to take your place among the Galactic Federation of Light as full member representatives of your Planet Earth.

You will soon see the thousands of ships and the millions of Star Brothers and Sisters who are here to embrace you and bring you gifts.  Welcome them with open hearts and minds.  Leave behind the old concepts about warlike conquerers.  These are beings – human and otherwise, whose civilizations have evolved far beyond yours, emotionally, philosophically and technologically.  Their technology is far advanced of yours, created with Love and used only for the Greater Good.

Read our many messages to you, which have all been posted free for all the world to read on Kathryn’s website,  Take this message to the world, as a current events introduction to what is happening now in your world.  Show it to everyone you know.  Talk about what you have learned here, and supplement it with further information from the web site.  Do not jump to conclusions on the basis of this one message.  If you have questions, read further, ask questions on the BlogTalkRadio shows which are offered every Wednesday at 8:30 pm EDT and every other Saturday at 12 EDT.  (See schedules on both websites.)  Kathryn channels our messages live, along with information from Jesus and other Ascended Masters.  Join Us to help you understand what we have told you here, and what is to come.

We love you more than words can ever describe,

Your Mother/Father God

Via Kathryn May, July 24, 2013

Go to   to hear the story of Lucifer’s return, in his own words.

Source: Received by mail
Kathryn E. May, PsyD
60 Lower 27 Knolls Road
High Falls, New York, NY 12440
(914) 466-4250

Saint Germain – Celebrate Your Freedom! – Ashtar On The Road Teleconference – June 25, 2013



“I Am Saint Germain, and I come before you in this Grand Company and I asked that that particular music be played because it is the story.*  You heard the mighty and powerful country whose leaders decided that they could better rule other countries, and indeed they were successful for a time in Europe, and even in another part of the world – in the Americas.


“But when they went to a country which had emulated them but was generally considered to be a second rate country – poorer and less civilized, save for the nobility, the royalty – they encountered a resistance which said to them – ‘We will be free! We will not allow you to come in and take over.  We have admired you , we have emulated you, but no, you may not rule over us!’


“And you heard the victory, the bells of celebration.  And that is symbolic, even though it happened two hundred and one years ago in your reckoning.  It is symbolic of what is happening in the World today, only the World today is much different and it has been ruled by a group from many countries of the World, but nevertheless they set themselves as being above the rest of the World.


“Some of them have thought, ‘I know better than the people’ – of this country, or that church or group, or whatever – ‘how they should live.’  But most of them have simply wanted the power and the domination and the control.  We are here to celebrate, as you heard in the music, the triumph of Freedom over the rulers, the would-be rulers, because the course is now set and the rulers are finding that their holds in all areas of life are broken!!!


“They are finding that now they have to determine what their course shall be because it is forever altered.  This could not happen without you, and we salute you in your determination, in your commitment to enjoy the Freedom that together we are bringing to the entirety of Planet Earth!


“Now, we know that there are many, many facets of life here on this Beloved Planet which are not seeming to be free.  In fact, one of the major areas is your financial system, because it has been dominated and, quite frankly, stolen; that is, the funds have been forced, stolen, diverted, and even encouraged through false propaganda to come into the bank accounts of these relative few.  But we have cleaned out their bank accounts and we have disabled their means of cleaning out yours!!!


“They had a program called Prism, by which they could actually go in to bank accounts and cause the wealth there to disappear. We have disabled that program, and we have one of our own which is more powerful!  We are causing their wealth to disappear.  The mercenary armies are standing down because there are no funds to pay them or provide them with the space age technology weapons that they had become accustomed to. This is just one area where funding is affecting what is going on in the world.


“We are not telling you that it’s over completely, but we are saying that the disablement is in progress.  What is important is that many of the leaders who employed these mercenaries are understanding of this, and they are understanding that it is the people who must determine how they shall be governed, not the one who has the biggest and most powerful army, because those armies need to go home and stand down.


“Quite frankly, a lot of people need a lot of healing.  There are still those who are suffering from what you call Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome from the Vietnam War, the Korean War, and yes, there are even some who go as far back as what you call World War II.  Not to mention, all of the smaller wars which have taken place since then, and the numbers who have been subjected to genocidal treatment but still live, despite the efforts of those who wanted to eliminate a few million or billion of whom they call the ‘useless feeders.’


“Why are we bringing this up?  Because we are telling you it’s over – we have reached zero point on it, or almost zero point! You don’t need to focus on these things anymore, unless you wish to have a compassionate overview of the Truth which shall be presented.  But there shall be in our presentations, which are upcoming beginning with the announcement of NESARA – the true history/herstory of Planet Earth shall be given.  You will be free to hear it, just as those who tell it are free to tell it without fear of reprisals, arrests or even assassinations.


“It is all known to the World leaders, even now.  It is known to all of you who have done some research on this.  Why are we telling you that you do not need to focus upon it at this point?  We are asking you to move ahead and take your Freedom, accept it and LIVE IT to bring about the transformations that you desire to have!!!  This is where we are in this Grand Evolvement that you call Ascension, and we call it Ascension as well. That’s a grand word!


“And it is to incorporate all aspects of your life, not just your spiritual self.  Of course, it is your spiritual self that already resides in the Higher Dimensions and that is your connection, your bridge, for the rest of you to take up permanent residence there, but there is much to do along the way!  We are asking that you focus upon the doing, rather than on what has been done to you or to your brothers and sisters.


“Now, there is one area that we know, all of us – we call ourselves the Mentors in this Ashtar On The Road group – and we all know that you have questions and desires regarding finance, your particular finances, and that of the World.  Well, we can assure you that we have One Quatturodecillion in dollars and their equivalence in other currencies, ready for distribution. It’s all safe and secure in my bank.


“My bank is free from any kind of programs or devices or invasions that would in any way impair the safety of these funds, so rest easy, it’s there.  That has been accomplished!  Now, as for the distribution of the funds, we would ask you, just as we are asking you to turn away from that which has occurred in the past, to turn your focus – knowledge, yes, compassionate forgiveness, yes – turn your focus to a lack of judgment for anyone and everyone who has participated in getting the World into the state it has gotten into.  But we ask that you move up in your focus and take a Higher Dimensional perspective and thank everyone for whatever roles they have played, and move into the creation of that which we are calling the Golden Age Lifestyle.


“How do you create it?  You live it!  You welcome it, you know it, you get very well connected with it and you LIVE IT!!!  And you teach it by your living, by your example. But let’s talk about the dollars.


“The dollars are ready to be distributed; that is, they are safe, secure and available.  What can you do?  Well, there has to be a complete clearing of the old system.  Now you may have heard such phrases as Basel III** compliant, or Basel II compliant, or whatever, trustees signing off and all of that – we’re taking care of that.  You don’t need to be following that intimately on a day to day basis, just know.  What would you do with your share of One Quatturodecillion Dollars?  That’s a one with 40 zeros after it!


“Write it on a piece of paper, put it on your refrigerator, say ‘I welcome my share of this Abundance!’  Write down what you would do with your share.  Who would you share with?  What would give you the greatest Joy?  Would you want to set up a healing center for others to come to?  Would you want to paint some beautiful pictures for yourself and the World to enjoy? Would you want to build a house and invite your brother who has no shelter to come and live with you under your beautiful new roof?  What would you do with your share?  Joy to yourself and Joy to the World, that’s what your share is for.  Create it, call it forth!  That’s how you can help!!!


“Now, we will make something very clear.  We, the Mentors at Ashtar On The Road, give no dates.  We have found out that humans are human and they tend to attach themselves to these dates.  Now, your birthday – wonderful!  Celebrate! And then celebrate each coming day as the best day of your life, or your re-birthday, or your rejuvenation day!  Those dates are wondrous, wonderful indeed; also dates when the World comes together. They may not be accurate, but Christmas Day is a wonderful day for the World to join together in Peace and Hanukkah – the days of Hanukkah, and so on and so on.


“We are not singling out anyone for special recognition here, we are simply giving examples.  But dates for the funding, dates for Announcements – we have worked long and hard, and yes there have been battles fought by the White Knights partnering with us to get these funds together and now to keep them safe and secure.  It is not secure to publish dates for that reason alone. But there is one reason that is even more compelling and that reason is that when we publish a date, which we do not do, but others do, and that date comes and goes with nothing happening, it creates a very downward spike in the consciousness levels of the Planet, because just like Joy is contagious, so is disappointment.


“It takes energy and effort.  If you are one that was counting on this particular date, or that particular date and nothing happens, you get disappointed, distressed, disturbed, maybe even depressed.  How many of you have been feeling feelings of depression?  This is a normal return of whatever depressions you may have felt in any of your aspects or lifetimes, and that is enough, we feel, to deal with as part of your necessary clearings and cleansings.  Why add to it?


“If you cannot receive news of a date or any kind of news that is of floods, or fires, or famine, or violence, without spiraling downward, or even worse, spiking downward into depression, then don’t bring it in to your energy fields in the first place!!!  If you want to read information about dates for this or that to happen, do it with welcoming the event, and don’t attach that date to yourselves!


“You want to know how to get things done faster – don’t attach the dates, because we aren’t announcing dates.  As I have said, that violates the very security of that which we are bringing to you.  So you will not hear dates from Ashtar On The Road and from we, The Mentors, at Ashtar On The Road.  There are many, many well meaning ones out there who bring dates, and we love them no less.  They are doing missions of great importance to the World, but if a date happens to find its way into their transmissions, unless it is, ‘Yesterday NESARA was announced’  -that’s different, you know.


“We simply counsel you to be attached only to that which is High Dimensional Joy!  Hitch your wagon to that star, if you will.  And if that seems a bit dramatic, well it’s time for high drama – drama of the highest kind which is brimming with Joy and Abundance for all!!!  Live your lives from that perspective and your Abundance will flow to you naturally, and open the portals of your minds and Hearts to the possibility and the potential that there is other Abundance out there for you besides your share of One Quatturodecillion Dollars!!!


“There is Abundance of Joy, and you are free to enjoy that!  You are free to create your lives, your Lifestyles and your living in High Dimensional vibrations of Joy and Love!  Do that which you have passion for, and as we have said, celebrate each day.  And when you can celebrate each day – ‘Oh boy, today is the most wonderful day yet!’ – then start celebrating each moment.  That is in itself an Exercise in being free to live your passions, and that is Golden Age!!!


“So release yourselves from any bonds of this or that happening by a certain date and instead co-create with us the Higher Dimensional Lifestyles, the Joy – be all of your Divinity!!!  Don’t compartmentalize it away into ‘Oh, yes, now I will do my fifteen minutes of meditation, and then I have to live in 3D.’  You see how that sounds?  You see how that feels?  Carry a mirror with you if you need to, and keep greeting that Divine One until you really are living your Divinity, and that, Beloved Ones, is how you give Freedom to yourselves and to the World!


“So let us celebrate this time where there is a traditional celebration of Freedom, as your Personal Freedom!  And in celebrating your Personal Freedom, you invite the entirety of Planet Earth to join you and to celebrate with you!!!  We see you as radiant, bright Lights.  So share your Lights like so many fireworks, and let the beauty of you and the Freedom You Are shine forth for the World and the Universe beyond, not only to see, but to join in with you!


“I promise you, Beloved Ones, your paths are clearing, you walk lighter and lighter, and more radiantly you beam, and we are here with you every step of the way!  We honor you for your Courage and we rejoice with you in your Freedom.  And so it is, Namaste!”


*Tchaikovsky’s Overture of 1812, celebrating Napoleon’s defeat in Russia

** Fed pledges to get tough on Wall Street as adopts Basel rules

Transcription by Brian Coe.

Given through Susan Leland, June 25, 2013.

© Ashtar On The Road Publications 2004-2013.All rights reserved; however, this is a gift to all of us and it may be distributed freely on condition that all accreditation is acknowledged and that no part is altered or deleted.


Source: By mail from

Ashtar – Bulletin from The Bridge, July 3, 2013



“Greetings, Beloved Ones, and Happy Freedom Month!!!  Yes, this is indeed the time for you to celebrate!  It is to celebrate what you see as your past, your present, and your future upon your calendars!  For, in all Truth, you have chosen the path of enduring and eternal Freedom, and your Ascension progress has reached the ‘point of no return,’ as you might say.


“So, it is to celebrate your ‘past’ for many reasons, for it is there that the very seeds of Freedom have been planted around the World!  It is not just in the United States of America where this has occurred, but it is truly everywhere upon Planet Earth where one or more have fanned the Flames of Freedom in their Hearts.  And, it is also true that many have sacrificed their bodies in the pursuit of Freedom.  Whether or not it was actually achieved in their 3D as a result of their efforts, it was nevertheless that the seeds were planted in the consciousness of Humanity!  And, we shall add that you, yourselves, Beloved Family, are among those heroes from the past.  Indeed, it is Truth that you have been “Freedom Warriors” many times!!!


“It is to celebrate Freedom in this now moment, for it is that you have been dedicated and persistent in your commitments to restore True Freedom to Planet Earth, as it once was in Lemuria, and so it is that it is happening!!!  Yes, so bright burns the Flame of Freedom in your Hearts that it is a Worldwide bonfire of such huge and powerful strength that it cannot be put out, or even diminished, by the efforts of those who have devoted themselves to your continued enslavement!!!


“And finally, it is to be in celebration of the ever-increasing Freedom of your moments to come, for it is indelibly engraved upon your timelines, and it is no longer to be denied to you by the actions of the few remaining dark hats among you!!!


“It is thus that we invite you to join with us in our upcoming Gathering.* We shall be in celebration of your well-deserved triumph, for your Freedom is most assuredly yours, now and forever!  Once again Saint Germain shall be joining us as a guest speaker, with ‘timely’ observations on our progress.  We shall also be hearing from our Beloved A&A News Team,** offering their insights into our progress, as well as our most honored Sekhmet, who shall be leading us in an empowering Crystal Exercise.  This shall be a de-Lightful Gathering, and I am joyous and pleased to be in the welcoming of you aboard my ship, The New Jerusalem!!!  Salut!”


* Tuesday, July 9, 2013

**Tara and Rama


Given through Susan Leland, July 3, 2013.

© Ashtar On The Road Publications 2004-2013. All Rights Reserved.


Source: By mail from


The Event: Prepare for Change – by Dane, July 13, 2013


The Event is the Sunrise of the New Society


Earth and the inhabitants have been in 25,000 years of imprisonment and quarantine  similar to a black hole in which spiritual energy has been unable to easily come and go. We have been controlled and manipulated by the dark side – or as we call them, The Cabal. We are now to exit the black hole after 25,000 years of prison. Our planet is the last one in the galaxy to be liberated. This exit is the EVENT HORIZON, or THE EVENT.


THE EVENT will be a moment of breakthrough for the planet which will be physical and non-physical.

On the non-physical plane there will be a big wave or flash of Divine energy and light coming from the Galactic Central sun going towards the surface of the planet. (The galactic central sun is an object in the Sagittarius constellation.) It will be a flash or special kind of light from the Sun that permeates the earth and humanity. It will calm humanity in the light of love energy and end duality. It’s a magnificent energy not seen or felt before on earth. Everyone on earth will feel and know something has happened. It will be a surprise as to when it will happen, even for us. It’s never happened before. It will not be a major shock event, it will be a positive event.


On the physical plane there will be:

  • The arrest of the Cabal (already started)
  • The re-set of the Financial Systems
  • Disclosure – the release of Hidden truth/events including ET information
  • The beginning of a new fair financial system with prosperity funds for all.
  • NEW Government/Political system, Education system, Health care system, History lessons, etc. etc.
  • Awakening of humanity slowly and gradually to the existence of positive non-terrestrial races and our galactic connections.
  • Introduction of new advanced technology.
  • The release of spiritual growth and healing for every human being on the planet.
  • There is much, much more to look forward to.



What Can You Do “Before the EVENT”

We are about to enjoy both a non-violent liberation of the planet along with a bright and beautiful future for ALL of humanity.

Since we do not know the exact day, month, or year of the event (it will be soon), it would be wise to follow a few simple rules of precaution:

  1. Keep an extra 2 weeks of food on hand starting now.
  2. Make sure you and your loved ones have an up to date supply of any medicines that might be required.
  3. Keep extra cash hidden away at your home.
  4. Gas up your vehicle when the tank is ½ empty.
  5. Stay in touch with this website for updates.
  6. Educate yourself, friends and family members.
  7. Join one of the 6 task force areas – on this web-site and assist in the liberation of our beautiful planet.
  8. Get together in groups each Sunday and do the Planetary Liberation Meditation and focus on bringing in The Divine Goddess Energy. Info on


What to expect Financially “AFTER The EVENT”

Vision for New Financial System – Transition from the Old Financial System to the New Financial System.

The current Financial System is malfunctioning and is being replaced with a new financial system. Do not panic. This is a good thing. Your needs will be provided for. As with any major change, the first few days are always the most confusing. Since all major TV networks, Internet, newspapers, and radio stations will be broadcasting quality information about The EVENT you can expect to become more and more comfortable as the day moves along.


Joy and Positive  Feelings Will Link All the  Earth's People With Love



Below are instructions for the first 14 day

Day 1 – within minutes of THE EVENT happening
(The Divine Galactic energy pulse).

  • All banks will temporarily close – no access to banks for 3-7 days (up to 14 days).
  • All credit cards and ATM machines will be temporarily disabled (up to 14 days).
  • The reason for this is to cut off access of funds to the illegal owners of the central banks around the world, known as The Cabal.
  • Most businesses will be encouraged to stay open, and continue to accept cash and checks as they would in their normal course of doing business. Checks will clear as soon as the banks reopen. (1-2 weeks after THE EVENT).
  • If you do not have access to cash, and are in need of basic necessities which cannot be accessed through friends, family, community or emergency services, a voucher system will be set up in order to pay for goods and services.

This is not free money. This is basically a loan to you for up to $1000. which may be used from the day of the event for food, medicines & necessities until such time that the banks re-open. After that they become null and void, and you will be charged for the amount used. Businesses will be compensated for legitimate vouchers which they then can process through any bank. Those people who elect to use vouchers to purchase goods and services will be responsible for re-payment either through their bank, or as an offset against future earnings/compensations.

Day 2 – 14+

  • All currencies will still be alive
  • There will be a financial re-evaluation after the Event
  • There will be transparency accounting with banks that reopen.
  • Interest charges will stop.
  • Fractional banking will cease.
  • The IRS will be dismantled immediately.
  • All Banks with strong ties to The Cabal will be bankrupt.
  • The Federal Reserve will be dismantled immediately.
  • All debts will not be forgiven, meaning if you used credit cards to buy goods thinking your debts were forgiven, that will not be acceptable.
  • Food, shelter, and technology will be available for everyone.
  • No gold will be traded on the open market.
  • There will be no more homeless people.
  • There will be no more stock market.
  • Money in bank accounts will be frozen from reset to the new bank system (3-14 days). If funds were acquired legally, then the money will be kept.
  • The Cabal’s money is illegal and will be seized.

More Future Details to The Changes for The New Society:

  • The only tax will be 14% on new items purchased.
  • Humanitarianism will reign.
  • New technology will be released but electricity grids will be kept going through the conversion.
  • Everyone will receive $100,000 from collateral accounts.
  • Debts up to $100,000 will be forgiven. If over that amount, it will be analyzed. Real outstanding debt will be taken from that amount or if not enough, you will be advised to go into bankruptcy.
  • All countries debts will be forgiven.
  • Mortgages will be cancelled out.
  • Retirement accounts will be preserved.
  • Social security/retirement/health care will be changed; free health insurance will be provided for a new, advanced medical system.
  • The average work week will be 3-4 hours a day, 5 days a week.
  • Production costs will decrease.
  • All legal contracts will be respected.
  • The police force will be restructured for protection, not money collectors.
  • Common law will be respected – not distorted.
  • Most credit card debt will be cancelled.
  • Speculation will not be tolerated, and you can not rack up your credit cards now, expecting them to be cancelled out later without being on the hook. There is financial tracking.
  • Congress will close at reset. (Goes for all countries)
  • Most of Congress (U.S.) will be disbanded.
  • There will be new elections for Congress (All governments worldwide) within 4 months of RESET.
  • Monsanto, the corrupt part of Microsoft, will be bankrupt immediately. Same for other corrupt companies.
  • Most prisoners will be released and receive psychological counseling and training because they were forced to do things due to life conditions. Many will be released because they are innocent.
  • CIA operated drug trade will cease, and drastic restructuring will be needed.
  • When we are all fully ‘healed,’ we will stop eating meat (animals will be appreciated for what they are).
  • There will still be bankruptcies.
  • We won’t be able to have factories in China any longer.
  • Most Companies will keep operating.
  • Companies will buy back shares and give investors back their money.
  • The Resistance will help and advise.
  • The electrical grid will be intact, however when The Cabal goes down, we may have darkness for short intervals.

Visit Portal2012 and/or The Galactic Connection for more details of Cobra and his New Society Information.

Financial life after the “EVENT” will be vastly improved now that the bonds of debt illegally imposed by The Cabal are removed. Every person on the planet will have funds available for improving their lives.

For Further Study you may enjoy the website for The American Dream, a film about our financial history.  This is the best web-site to explain financial history. There is a lot to this site. The films are all linked on youtube.




Portal 2012: Cobra’s Update – MAKE THIS VIRAL! Event Support Groups, July 21, 2013


It has been requested from the Light forces that Event support groups begin to be formed on the surface of the planet.
Those groups will be the main nodes of the network of Light at the time of the Event and will stabilize the transition. Before the Event, these groups will hold the Light for the planet and train their members in preparedness. After the Event, these groups will assist the human masses in dealing with the transition by providing intel and counseling.

Event support groups need to be formed around the world in every country. Instructions for group formation:
1. Every Event support group needs to meet physically once a week at the same time, preferably in the same location.  Virtual meetings on Facebook or Skype are not enough.
2. It is suggested that every Event support group does the Weekly liberation meditation. Instructions for this meditation are here:
And the video here:
Therefore the best time of all Event support groups to meet is every Sunday evening.
3. It is suggested that members of every Event support group discuss their own preparedness for the Event and actively search for ways of contributing to the transition. Members of Event support groups can join our Renaissance, Technology, Financial, Leadership, Healing and Media teams here:
You can also join our translation teams to help spreading the message locally in your part of the world. Currently there are more than 200 people translating our message in 38 languages.
4. Existing Event support groups are listed here:
If you find your location listed and would like to join an existing group, you can contact our Prepare for Change team here:
They will connect you with the group nearest to you.  If there is no group close to your location, you can create one and inform our team of its existence:
You can also create a Facebook group for your local group to make its coordination easier.

Mother Sekhmet Speaks with the Great Council at Shambhalla regarding Changeover on Earth ~ A Message through Elizabeth Trutwin, July 14, 2013


When we originally began the Grand Experiment of Duality, MotherFather Gods first born named Jehovah and Lilith were sparks. They were souls that were complete and whole unto each other. TwinFlames in one ball of light. They flowed along side each other in the light matter Universe. We all were Created together as TwinFlames complete and Whole at this same time.


As they developed and grew from plasma sparks of light into Spheres then they gained Wisdom and grew more. Jehovah (Yahweh) was then part of the light. He began to have miscreated thoughts that maybe when he was created he was not the same as his Father and Mother. Maybe something had been held back. This anguish he felt made him want to Dual his Father. He wanted to see if his strength matched his Father’s strength. He threw his wife aside and decided to fight the war on his own. He left his Twin Flame. He began the war between the sexes where the Divine Feminine was ignored. He gathered and Army of those who held his miscreated thoughts to begin the Great War. 


Jehovah first went to the Constellation Lyra and ravaged it. From there he destroyed all the Suns in the Aurora Sun System of 23 Suns. His goal was to create a matter Universe where he could rule over everything. He had to tear a hole in the space-time continuum from the anti-matter Universe to the matter Universe in order to have an entry way, a landing place. This very brutal process had Jehovah commandeer Niburu, Mother Sekhmet’s Home Planet. It is a 300 mile wide MotherShip. This was the Ship with the 144,000 Holy Kumaras from Venus. Jehovah was driving Niburu right into Nebadon. When this occurred then there were two choices: Join Jehovah and crash land in Nebadon in the Fallen Universe or die. There was a lot of chaos and fear. The inhabitants of the Ship were wailing like babies crying to their Mother Father God: How Could You Let This Happen? Before that there was no death. Everyone was immortal. The information units called DNA were never programmed for death.


As Jehovah continued his wars and conquered places in this Solar System, including Earth – he called himself God and he forced the humans to call Jehovah (Yahweh) the God. This was a false teaching. This information made it into the Bible, yet over the years the stories were changed by men in control of the Church and the Commerce to control the masses. Countries were formed to show the boundaries of the rule of land. Control of the matter was the game. Armies were formed to enforce the power propagated by these warring Ones. Sananda was on Niburu when it entered the the Universe Nebadon. All of the 144,000 Kumaras are incarnate on Earth now. The time has come to reutrn Earth on its long journey back through the Central Sun Alcyone, back to the light matter Universe. This can happen in your lifetime.


God has spoken at the Council at Shambhalla. God told the Council that there is one unbreakable requisite regarding the Changeover. When it happens then not One Soul will experience Fear. Until that goal may be accomplished then we remain in a holding pattern on Earth. There will be no Ascension of Earth until it can be accomplished without fear. The only remedy for fear is love. Disclosure brings love. This is a conundrum. Disclosure cannot bring the needed love for the Planet because it does not meet the requirement of no fear. God has decreed this. This is why so many feel frustrated right now. They can feel the changes upon us and wonder: How Long?!


On July 13, 2013 Mother Sekhmet was escorted from her life on Earth and taken to speak before the Council at Shambhalla. She was invited by Sanat Kumara to do so. As she has spent this life incarnate on Earth she speaks a a representative of humanity, all the creatures, magical beings, plants and minerals – All Life On Earth – and Gaia Herself. Mother Sekhmet stood before the large ominous esteemed Members of the Council at Shambhalla to State the Case for Disclosure, Announcements and the enactment of NESARA Law now.


Master Serapis Bey had explained before the meeting, in a counceling session to prepare for the Presentation that the Conundrum of no fear was coming from Source Energy. As things stood there was an impasse because Source energy Itself, in all its Perfection, in All That Is, held the memory of the Fall into the Matter Universe and was pulsing out this through its magnificent impulses down through the Central Sun and down to Earth. As it sustained life here it sustained fear in a sense. 


A Plan was hatched then. Mother Sekhmet requested a meeting with her Twin Flame Alcyone to visit the Ra Temple of Creation on the Planet Saturn. Ra, Alcyone and Sekhmet form the Holy Trinity at the Godhead. Together under certain conditions they can change Source Itself and thus change All That Is. 


When Mother Sekhmet and Alcyone left their 3D bodies that they work from on Earth and travelled to Saturn then they landed before the great Ra Temple of Creation. Around the Temple are Paschat people in their Cat Form pacing in front of the Temple as Sentries. Mother Sekhmet in her female human form sat on the back of one of the Lion Sentries and entered the Temple with her Twin Flame Alcyone right by her side. They entered and joined Ra there. This was a grand reunion that has been scheduled since the beginning of the Fall. It was a Divine Decree. It was the next step for Earth Ascension. 


In the Temple of Ra is Ra’s Staff. On top is a very special crystal. Gandolf the White carried a Staff that is similar in look to Ra’s Staff. In the inner parts of the Temple there is a large expanse of space and here there are very large rings of energy. The rings are visually similar to Saturn’s rings. These are the rings of Creation and they are patterned off the Rings of Alcyone at the Central Sun. When One enters the rings of energy in a State of Pure Love with Ra carrying his Staff, then they are able to Create ANYTHING. 


Together Ra, Alcyone, and Sekhmet entered the Rings of Creation after entering a State of Pure Love and stating their intensions together. After entering this Holy Place of Creation they reset Source Energy at a Higher Pulse and superseded the lower vibration which had been going out sustaining the fear element which began the Grand Experiment. This caused Gods requisite that Changeover on Earth happen with not one bit of fear to be fulfilled. Because had this not been fulfilled, it would have been a crime to bring Changeover. Every last Soul on Earth will experience Changeover in a State of Pure Love or not at all. Otherwise, we repeat what happened when we first burst through to Nebadon into the denser parts of Creation. This Could Not Be Done! This is the true answer to: What Is Taking So Long? The correction has been made in ripe timing. Source Energy has been reset. 


Lord Sananda has put everything into Place as he promised in the first moment when he witnessed the destruction from Niburu when Jehovah commandeered his Ship. Lord Ashtar has put everything into Place under the orders of Lord Sananda. Each having their own important part of the Mission. St. Germain has put everything into Place. St. Germain is using the gold to quickly bring resolve to the people and help them to spiritually grasp that this Mission is about Love and only Love. 


Now with Source Energy reset and everything in place Sanat Kumara accompanied Mother Sekhmet into the Council on Shambhalla. She stood before the Highest Beings of Light to plead the Case for Changeover on Earth. She demonstrated how she had been earlier that day to Saturn with Alcyone joining with Ra. She explained they had been able to fulfill their Mission of reseting Source Energy to Higher Vibrations then had ever been achieved and this was the final step in resetting the Timelines. The old programs, the old Vibrations are no longer pulsing out. Without that transmission, everything will shut off. It will no longer go. It is like a car with a dead battery. There is no transmission of energy to make the car go. The old Timelines, without that transmission from Source essentially no longer exist. The memory of ‘Not Being Enough’ is erased from All Time in the Cosmos and All Beings return to their Perfect State of Being. Earth is no longer a Planet of Duality. Earth no longer exists within a Realm of Free Will. Earth is raised ABOVE that vibration and set into a Vibration of PURE LOVE. 


Mother Sekhmet explained to the revered Council of Shambhalla that there no longer existed any conundrum and it was time to Commence Changeover. She explained how living as a human in a body on Earth she can testify that Earth Humanity has indeed reached the saturation point of no return. In other words, anyone who was staying on Earth through the changes had experienced the Highest Level prior to the Change as was possible at this moment and waiting longer would do more harm than good. 


The Council heard Mother Sekhmet’s new story of Creation of Source with Alcyone and Ra. The Council heard her experiences from within the matrix on Earth and why it is the right timing for Changeover. The Council heard Lord Sananda, Lord Ashtar and St. Germain have their parts in hand. Now that the correction has been made, now that the Timelines are finalized.,The Changeover is inevitable. It is rolling down from the formless into form. From the causal Realm into the physical Realm. We now begin our long journey back to the Light Matter Universe.


As these changes come flooding down to Earth there are some things you can do. You are a Beacon of Light anchoring the new energies. Certain choices you make can make the transition much easier for you. Eat a vegetarian diet. As the units of design called DNA were manipulated by the dark fallen Ones then animal DNA was spliced in to our cells. So when you eat animal flesh it is a kind of cannibalism. Even fish. Even shellfish. We are a part of them and they are a part of us. Our next step is to receive light from Plant sources and soon we will be able to live strictly on Light. Do not drink alcohol. When your body is depressed by this substance it cannot be an effective vessel of light and it goes against the Plan. It goes against the promise you made to be an energy Source which brings Changeover. You are anchoring in the pulses from Source Energy through your body into Earth. 


Stop fighting. Be nice. Don’t yell. Don’t Lie. Don’t Criticize Others. Be Calm. Peace within creates a World of Peace without. Be Love.


Meditate on Earth and send her All Your Love. Work with the New Energies coming from Source. Go within and look for the old Timelines and witness they no longer exist.


As we move through the month of July in Earth time we see the artificial Moon Luna passes through the constellations of Scorpio, Ophiuchus and Sagittarius between now and July 19-20th. This is the perfect Vibration for Changeover as the final arrests send these Souls back through Galactic Center, through the Scorpi Black Hole at 26 degrees Sagittarius. Ophiuchus represents St. Germain and his part for returning Oneness to Earth. St. Germain means ‘Holy Brother.’ He is and always has been One of the 144,000 Holy Kumaras, with Lord Ashtar and Lord Sananda who were on Niburu that fateful day of the Fall 450,000 billion years ago. All of the Holy Kumaras who were there then are on Earth now returning everything back to Love. Everything is Perfect. Raise your Vibration to One of Joy as we witness the Changeover together. In Shallah! This is Mother Sekhmet through Elizabeth Trutwin


© All Rights Reserved. http://ElizabethTrutwin.orghttp://GalacticRoundTable.orghttp://StarGateEarth.org Please support Full Galactic Disclosure and the enactment of NESARA Law. love, beth xxxooo  An Invitation: Many have benefited from this and I would like to continue to offer it. For a one hour booking you may email me at It is amazing what comes through from Lord Sananda, the Higher Self of Jesus. This is a question and answer session on video Skype or telephone and you may ask anything you like. I have several written testimonials. Sananda’s Invitation through Elizabeth Trutwin: Many here are looking for answers about their personal life, Mission and what direction to take at this time. I have information I would like to share with certain individuals. As you read this you will know if it is for you. I have asked Beth to offer her Service for 1 hour telephone consultations where she will channel me, Sananda to you over the phone to answer your questions. You have worked very hard and it is time we sat down together to discuss your next steps. I thank you for your enduring service to the light. ~Lord Sananda.

For more information please visit Thank you so much for your ongoing support for my work which includes important upcoming required travel to assist with Disclosure. Donate…


Message from Mother/Father God by Kathryn May – Fasting, Meditating and Healing Our Way to Disclosure, July 12, 2013


Kathryn E. May

Kathryn E. May

Dear Ones, there are ideas and creative projects blossoming all around you.  Your dear Masters Anne and Kathryn are planning a meditation and fast to bring Disclosure to the planet – to be conducted as a group effort, with a BlogTalkRadio connection each day to help the process along and to give support for all.  It will begin on July 17.  We will give you more details in the next message, and it will also be posted on the Hollow Earth Network site.

The first three days of the event will be designated as a fast for those who can do it, with an accompanying group meditation every morning and/or evening.  Like the Summer Solstice show, which was a glorious success, there will be call-in time for members who wish to offer a meditation for the group.  The offerings last time were varied, deeply moving and heartfelt.  It added such a sense of warmth and companionship that the energy lifted with each passing minute.  What a wonder it was to see the light increasing all around the world as a result of the efforts of your group and many others like it.

This time, the meditation will begin on the 17th, and the 3-day fast will last through the 19th, but we ask that everyone who can should continue the fast for the next 4 days through the peak of the full moon.  Imagine the power of such an event, when the numbers are counted and the brilliant Light of your own group is felt everywhere.  The meditation, of course, is a powerful component, so even if you cannot continue the fast, you should continue the meditation while focusing intently on the Disclosure and its aftermath.

You know the Law of One.  When all of you envision the Disclosure and the peaceful landing of the ships, focusing your feelings and thoughts together, it is created.  The flow of intense energy which continues will carry it to completion in quick succession.  You, Dear Children, will be making it happen.

The reason to include the fast with your meditation is that the act of fasting is a definitive statement of your dedication to making it happen, and is a very powerful reminder of the cause you are supporting with all your concentration and will.  It is so unusual for most of you to eliminate the ceremony and the activity of eating from your daily routine, it will create a tremendous focal point which will keep you “in the game” for many hours of the day, even if you have to go to work.  Your mind will never be far from the fervent prayer in your heart – the wish to see your world leaders stand up before their people and announce that yes, there are extraterrestrials here waiting to help us, and yes, we are in contact with them and have been for many years.

Picture a flood of documents being printed in your newspapers, non-stop announcements and informative television programs to reveal the extent of the knowledge which has been gathered over the years.  See in your mind’s eye the amazement of the people sharing the information, calling in to talk shows to tell of their positive experiences with extraterrestrials, and at last, the admission by your governments that the abductions and testing done on its citizens were in fact an in-house secret program, not conducted or condoned by the Galactic Federation of Light.

For days, people will talk of nothing else, until the enormous weight of the information will finally tip the scales to convince everyone but the most paranoid recluse that our Star Brothers and Sisters are far advanced in their technology and their level of civilization, and that they come in peace.  Imagine how their pictures will be everywhere on the internet and news, with our beloved Ashtar starring as the respected and admired Commander whose leadership efforts have made the protection of your planet a priority in the Universe.

The global conversation will expand, day by day, to include the exposure of the dark activities of the cabal.  Names will be revealed; heroes and villains will at last be shown by their true actions, and the citizenry will begin to realize how distasteful the pursuit of material wealth really is.  Generosity, which is always sparked when people are freed of the constant stoking of irrational fears, will carry the day, and the celebrating population will fill the streets with music and dancing.

As the news of the friendly fleet reaches the consciousness of all humanity, so too will the news of our beloved Sananda, the Admiral of the New Jerusalem, come alive in the imaginations of the people.  Will any government anywhere be able to deny a landing spot with a heroes welcome when the news of the precious cargo aboard – the Ascended Masters, Twin Flames, and the beloved Lord Jesus – are here to walk among the people?

It will be then that the full appreciation will come for the information and Faith that has been revealed by this dedicated group, which will be appreciated for its forward-looking vision and its clarity of purpose.  When the time comes, you will all be in a position to explain, reassure and lead people to an understanding of The True Way.  It will then be important that you have carefully read and listened to the calls and radio shows.  You thought when you began reading these blogs that you were simply satisfying your curiosity, or deepening your own spiritual search.  That was only the beginning.  You will soon have the opportunity to be leaders in the new Golden Age of spiritual teachings.

When these events unfold, please be aware that the lessons presented here have been given to the world for free, but that does not mean they are of less value than the $500 weekends with a spiritual teacher, or a slick CD set of recordings.  Thousands of hours over many years have gone into the creation of these writings and live presentations, which together make up a comprehensive guide for Ascension.  We do not intend to diminish the work of our other hard-working channels; all have contributed to the uplifting of the global consciousness.

We have chosen to present a particular course of study here which is different from others because we had the availability of a channel whose life’s work it was to heal psychological wounds in order to help people reach the highest possible levels of human achievement.  She also has a keen sense of American history and World religions.  In fact, she was trained for exactly this purpose by Sanat Kumara, whom many have called the Lord of the World.
So you see, this project was hundreds of years in the making.  When Kathryn joined forces with our beloved Lady Nada of the Hollow Earth Network, a powerful network of global reach was formed.  As you are aware, Lady Nada is the Twin Flame of Sananda – a woman of great personal power, wisdom and boundless Love.

This partnership is no coincidence, as you may have discerned.  The Twin Flames of Sananda and St. Germain share the temperament, broad knowledge and leadership qualities of their male counterparts, and this is the beginning of the Golden Age of Feminine Power.  They have established close contacts with many other Lady Masters who will be revealed as the talented and courageous experts in every area of the cultural, political and healing arts.  Who better to represent our teachings as we enter this glorious period in history?

Another project is in the works which will bring a powerful healing technique to those who are suffering with severe disease and pain, but who are hanging on to reach their dream of Ascension.  Kathryn/Lady Portia will organize a volunteer Healing Task Force drawn from the thousands of Lightworkers who read these pages.  Sessions will be planned to send powerful healing energy to individuals who have been identified as severe medical cases.  Record of these healing sessions will be kept, and evidence collected to show the profound effect of directed Light energy on various forms of disease, so the healers themselves will know of their effect on the patient.

Most of those involved will do the healing at a distance, but volunteers on the ground may lead the healing session should there be ones who may be located near the person receiving the healing.  Volunteers may send an email headed “Volunteer” to Kathryn via her website,  A special email list will be created to inform all of the time and date of what will be a one-half to one hour session in which all will focus their energy with maximum power to restore the patient to perfect health.

This procedure is especially effective with diseases such as cancer.  Patients or family and friends of patients should send an email, with some detailed medical description and history to Kathryn, titled “Request Healing.”  And so will begin an historic Etheric Healing Center which can reach everyone, no matter where they are, and which will document “The Power of Prayer” in a way it has never been done before.  The level of expertise of the pool of healers reading these words is magnificent, but professional training is not required.  All may add their intention, and each one will add dramatically to the power generated by all working together.

We now apologize to Lady Portia and Lady Nada for publishing their credentials here, but they will forgive us once their embarrassment passes, and they will continue their gracious lives of service to all of you.  You are now aware of the intentional network you are participating in, and can be comfortable in the value of putting your shoulder to the wheel of these Heavenly projects.  With endless gratitude, we welcome your participation and energies as we move together toward the completion of the first immense Shift into higher dimensions, one day, one meditation, one healing at a time.

We love you beyond anything that words can tell,
Your Mother/Father God

Via Kathryn May, July 12, 2013, 1 am.
Kathryn E. May, PsyD
60 Lower 27 Knolls Road
High Falls, New York, NY 12440
(914) 466-4250

GaiaPortal: Energetic “Infernos” Envelope the Planet at this Moment… by ÉirePort, July 16, 2013


Energetic “infernos” envelope the planet at this moment. Numerous “fire” type manifestations may thus be observed at various portal locations throughout the Earth surface.

Gaia Essence is unaffected by these “inferno” energies as that [Gaia Essence] is of a Higher Dimensional structure. Yet she has “approved” of these in order to cleanse 3D 4D earth surface and underground of veiled dark (shadow, negative) constructs which have served their purpose. Some of these have displayed a reticence to leave the Gaia collective, and thus the “inferno” manifestations.

All ascension protocols at all levels have been evaluated and agreed upon at the Highest Planetary manifestation levels, and will enable Gaia to enter her final correction phase within the 2013 time frame.





Matthew’s Message from July 4, 2013


US “independence”; God: politics, three levels of participation, assessing candidates; multiple effects of prevailing vibrations; memory loss; dietary benefits; balance

With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. From our vantage point, Earth looks like a sea of strobe lights as people are responding to the prevailing vibrations. You are feeling what is going on much more than seeing developments.


We will get back to that, but first we want to give you an important glimpse of history that relates to the United States’ celebration of its independence from England with traditional Fourth of July parades, patriotic speeches and fireworks.


The highest universal council meant for the colonies that fought for independence from British rule to be a showcase of souls’ sovereignty. Once united, this nation was to have shown the rest of the world that when people are free to exercise God-given rights, they live peacefully, cooperatively, creatively and prosperously.


Successive waves of early settlers followed their urge to “be free” and the founders of the United States acted upon their divinely inspired mission to form a nation that guaranteed civil liberties, however limited those were in the beginning since many in the population were excluded. The darkness that was heavily entrenched on the planet enabled slavery to flourish and denied women the right to vote.


Those exclusions mattered not a whit to the Illuminati whose power, in part, was seated in England’s royal family. They were not about to forfeit control of the “free” populace or the land’s vast wealth of natural resources, and they swiftly extended their European empire across the Atlantic. Through the top figures in industries, banks and government—and later sneaking into law the Federal Reserve System that in no way is a federal institution—the Illuminati regained control of the United States.


During the centuries since they extinguished the beacon that nation was intended to be for your world, they kept spreading their network of corruption and deception until it was global. Now that the network is losing the remaining remnants of its former power, step by step you are consciously claiming the sovereignty that always has been yours as the god and goddess selves you are.


Now then, whenever our messages include politically-related information, readers email their objections. This is one of the more gracious comments: “If the messages are to prepare us spiritually for ascension, as Matthew has said, he should stick to that and stop trying to influence our political opinions.”


Rather than explain again why we speak about political issues and their importance in the context of ascension—Earth’s and your society’s—I have asked my mother to copy what God said about this.


[The following, an excerpt from the chapter “Be Informed and Act” in Voices of the Universe, was transmitted October 4, 2003.]


The politics that controls all countries, all peoples, all economies and resources of your planet homeland has been instrumental in bringing your world to the devastated state it’s in.


      In no country on Earth are people free. For millennia the dark souls of civilizations beyond your planet have been influencing their willing Earth brothers and sisters in leadership positions to deceive and intimidate the rest of the people. Regardless of who holds national leadership roles, they rule by the dictates of those forces that are unknown to the people and perhaps even to the rulers.


      The influence of those dark alien puppeteers has resulted in all declarations of war and all decisions regarding economies and resources of the world. Their secondary aim is increasing the control and wealth of Earth’s leaders, whose greed for power makes them eager puppets, thus today you have a world with unprecedented concentration of vast riches, impoverished nations, willful environmental destruction and corruption oozing out of corporate connections with governments.


      The ultimate aim of the puppeteers is annihilation of your planet. That will NOT happen, but beneficial changes for all require a change in the character of your world’s leaders. Voices must be raised with demands for leaders of spiritual integrity—that kind of character is exemplified, not merely proclaimed.  I don’t mean that no leaders ever have been strong in virtues or that no voices ever have been raised to protest injustice and inequities—indeed there have been those individuals. Many of those brave souls suffered or died for that, and much of their good works has been undone by succeeding generations who blindly followed self-serving leaders. 

      Now, the collective will of the people is rising to expose and oppose this situation. As lies are exposed, more lies are being told, and those will be exposed too. Tyrannical regimes must and shall change. Although plans are afoot for this peaceful revolution through a joint effort between your civilization and many of your space family, that does not absolve any of you who desire a finer, brighter world from the responsibility of helping to create it. You all chose to be where you are at this time precisely so you could do exactly that!  Actually, some of you embodied in other lifetimes as great leaders on Earth and well beyond, and you are back now to take on similar inspirational and constructive roles.

      It is on three levels that you must act so that honorable governing bodies will be achieved. The first level is spiritual, and I’ll tell you what spiritual is NOT: It is not membership in any of the multitude of your religions. It is not the self-righteousness that is evident in great abundance.  It is not escaping into a head-in-the-sand “prayer life.”  It is not believing that neither good nor evil exists because those are only judgments.  It is not accepting that everything is in divine order and will run its course without your participation.  It is not refraining from seeing what is going on in your world because you’ve been told it’s all an illusion anyway.  I am not saying that there is no truth in any of that; what I’m saying is that spirituality is not an inherent aspect of any.

      The spiritual level on which you will change your leaders from being darkly-ruled themselves to people worthy of being leaders—true leaders with spiritual integrity—is within your hearts. That’s your usual depiction of where love resides, is it not?  Actually, the sensation of love is a province of the soul, but it has strong physical effects at the heart that instantly spread throughout your entirety to uplift you in spirit, mind and body.  

      Love starts with self, with living so that loving self is as natural as breathing. Only then can you give and receive love. Love is contagious, unlimited, omnipresent. It is what changes bleakness of spirit into fullness of spirit, illness into health, lack into prosperity. It is the absence of love that breeds all the woes of your world, and it is filling the void with love that will cure the woes. This is not asking you to love what brings misery and deprivation and harm!  It is asking you to simply feel love so you can send forth that energy—it will seek its way to the void.  

      The second level is mental—deeply thinking to discern what is truth and what isn’t instead of buying into what candidates say. The catch is, what information is truthful and what is not?  What sources can be trusted?  You have been deceived for eons by a few souls in one generation after another after another whose intent is to retain the control over you, so access to the truth is not easily come by.  How can I put this so it is not a series of Don’ts?  Always I prefer to be positive in statements, and I’ve already compromised that by my explaining what being spiritual isn’t.  

      Very well, I know how to proceed—think of what you want in your world.  If that is peace and harmony and cooperation, that’s where to focus your thoughts.  What will bring that to the world?  Think of what will: Respect and dignity for all races and faiths and genders; help wherever help is needed; equitable sharing of Earth’s massive riches; cures of all diseases; education, fulfilling work and comfortable homes for everyone; honesty, kindness, compassion, fairness, harmony, sharing, justness, forgiveness.      

       Think of all those qualities and circumstances and let your heart and conscience guide you to the candidates you most closely identify with them.  The words of campaign promises are worthless without a candidate’s heart and soul in them. Let your heart and soul, not just your eyes and ears, lead you to the persons who exemplify the love and light that’s needed to uplift your world.

       The third level is action. If you want leaders whom you trust and respect, work toward that end.  Publicly and financially support the people you want in office, but if that isn’t possible, then put forth your intention through the power of your energy focused on those personsactually holding the positions—I can’t emphasize too strongly the power of intent! You can be sure that the current people in power will have their supporters actively working because those folks get the trickle-down largesse in exchange.  You who want love, peace and harmony will receive those incomparably greater victories in exchange for the energy you put forth to create them.


Thank you, Mother, and now we return to our statement that you are feeling what is happening more so than seeing it. No one is immune to the effects of the highest vibrations that bodies ever have had to adjust to. This is all to the benefit of everyone who is absorbing light—their cells are transitioning from carbon structure to crystalline, and if uncomfortable physical, emotional or mental sensations are adjustment-related, they will pass.


The most unsettling effect may be momentary memory loss. Perhaps you can’t remember the name of someone you know well or a specific word eludes you. When you walk out of a room or get into your car, you forget where you intended to go and why. Or maybe, once you are in the grocery store, you can’t think of the item you went there buy. If you are experiencing those or similar kinds of lapses, dear ones, please do not fret about it!


Mother, please copy what our friend from a highly advanced civilization said about this memory situation. Readers may appreciate hearing from another source the same information that we would give.


[Saminten’s explanation during one of our conversations in 2003 is in the chapter by that name in Illuminations for a New Era.]


You decry the loss of time that seems to be zipping by and another loss you lament is memory. Neither of these aspects of third dimensional awareness is being lost, dear ones.  “Time” never has been as you devised it with 24 hours each day and 12 months in a year and so forth.  This has served you well, but no longer is this happening.  Your time structure is collapsing as energy is moving at its lighter density speed, and your periods of light and dark are coming with more velocity.  So rather than time being lost, it is speeding up. 


      The memories that many of you speak of as “gone,” are not.  With the acceleration of everything within the universe, it is natural that the cells of your body are reacting to being lifted into a higher survival mode.  Most of all, this is affecting your brains—the computers that turn on your thinking and reasoning processes—and this is necessary!  The light being absorbed by your cells is allowing your brains to slough the layers of forgetfulness and programming that have denied them full functioning ability.


      If you are not experiencing any memory loss or a sense of scattered thinking, then you are stuck in the third density that not much longer will be the status of Earth’s being.  So it is desirable for you to feel not quite firmly in touch with the reality of the day or the environment. 



Thank you, Mother. The prevailing vibrations also are changing physical needs, and along with expanding your conscious and spiritual awareness, accommodating your bodies’ requirements is of paramount importance.


Sufficient sleep is essential—give your body the rejuvenation time it needs to perform well. Drinking a lot of pure water also is essential—it helps to eliminate the toxins you absorb through your polluted environment and adulterated foods, and it helps to keep bodies’ electrical systems working properly. Exercise in accordance with physical ability aids in those respects too, and it helps circulatory and respiratory systems to behave smoothly.


If you aren’t as hungry as you used to be, that’s good—the more light in a body, the less food it needs. Eat wisely. Fresh fruits and vegetables, foods that contain the most light, will hasten crystalline cellular growth and boost energy levels. Cut back on dairy products—they do not contain the nutritional value that is claimed and they clog circulatory systems.


If you aren’t ready to eliminate meat and seafood from the menu, reduce the quantity—most food animals live and die in horrible conditions and the energy of their traumas is passed on to consumers. Please understand that this is meant only to enlighten you and in no way is it intended as criticism of non-vegetarians!


Contrary to your expression “sugar high,” digesting processed sugars lowers energy levels.  Choose whole grain cereals and breads, and if you have no allergies to nuts, almonds and walnuts are the best choices.  All well and good if chocolate, coffee and tea cravers are having no ill effects from caffeine; however, if you are having digestive problems, caffeine may be a contributor. Drinking red wine in moderate amount can enhance the blood stream—this suggestion does not apply to persons who have drinking problems!—and sodas are not good for anyone.


Those are general diet guidelines for a typically healthy person, but the bottom line is, pay attention to your body—it will tell you what it needs for optimum operation. In blessing your food, asking that it serve your highest good and feeling grateful for the plants and animals that provided it adds light to whatever you are eating—doing that silently is as effective as audibly.


During this stage of adjusting to lighter energy, mood swings and phases of inertia or unusual nervousness are natural, and drugs prescribed to relieve those conditions instead exacerbate them. If you are taking medications for other health issues, talk with your caregiver about dosage reduction.


Even better, ask if remedies with natural ingredients can offer the same measure of treatment. The proliferation of chemicals in drugs and engineered food interferes with bodies’ self-healing mechanisms and other natural processes, and that makes it difficult to maintain balance. Find out if fatigue and other distress may be due to an imbalance in hormone levels or body chemistry—if so, learn which natural supplements can treat the condition.


We cannot emphasize too strongly the importance of balance!  The universe is in a constant balancing act and so is every life form within it; however, for the long ages that darkness enshrouded Earth, the planet and her residents were severely deprived of the light that attaining balance requires. If you think of the balancing act as an internal teeter-totter that is perpetually moving in accordance with your condition in body, mind and spirit, you can see that the optimal motion is gentle rocking.


Meditation is especially helpful in maintaining or regaining that motion, and there are ways other than sitting in silence or listening to lovely sounds composed especially for achieving a relaxing meditative state. Spend time out in Nature, enjoy the companionship of animals, read poetry. Listen to your favorite music—unless it’s heavy metal, which shatters balance, and the tones of classical compositions are the most effective in restoring balance. Make time for solitude—even a brief period can be restorative.


Laughter is good for the soul and so is anything that evokes feelings of tranquility. In leisure time, choose lighthearted reading and the same quality of TV programs and movies. Spend time with dear friends and family. When it isn’t possible to avoid unpleasant encounters, envisioning light permeating the situation will help to alleviate stressfulness. Give thanks for blessings in your life—gratitude, like hope and optimism, is filled with light.


The prevailing vibrations also are intensifying energetic differences and many individuals are feeling a strong desire to make a major change. Perhaps look for a different job, end a relationship or start one, pursue a new field of studies, relocate to an area you know or maybe a place you know of but never have visited. We are not speaking about rashly acting upon an impulse, but rather heeding a growing sense of urgency to act upon an idea that has been simmering—this is the soul speaking increasingly loudly to the consciousness: This is what you chose in your soul contract.


Why are we offering guidance that we have mentioned, albeit more briefly, in previous messages or is available in any number of down-to-earth sources?  We are telling you, our beloved Earth family: Please take care of yourselves!


The energy streamers that will be swirling with increasing forcefulness are prime opportunities to absorb light, and the sounder you are physically, mentally and emotionally, the more greatly you will benefit. You chose this lifetime so you could participate in your world’s transformation and spiritual renewal, and soul evolvement is the purpose of every lifetime—both require balance in body, mind and spirit. Letting mundane matters interfere with self-care or ignoring your soul’s messages causes imbalance and that dims your light, the light you need to experience what you chose and to evolve!


Dear ones, love yourselves as much as we love you, and take care of yourselves! 




Suzanne Ward


[If you would like to receive these messages directly instead of as a forward or reading on-line, please follow the instructions at the top of “Matthew’s Messages” page on]


Ashtar – Bulletin from The Bridge – July 2, 2013


“Greetings, Beloved Ones, and Happy Freedom Month!!!  Yes, this is indeed the time for you to celebrate!  It is to celebrate what you see as your past, your present, and your future upon your calendars!  For, in all Truth, you have chosen the path of enduring and eternal Freedom, and your Ascension progress has reached the ‘point of no return,’ as you might say.


“So, it is to celebrate your ‘past’ for many reasons, for it is there that the very seeds of Freedom have been planted around the World!  It is not just in the United States of America where this has occurred, but it is truly everywhere upon Planet Earth where one or more have fanned the Flames of Freedom in their Hearts.  And, it is also true that many have sacrificed their bodies in the pursuit of Freedom.  Whether or not it was actually achieved in their 3D as a result of their efforts, it was nevertheless that the seeds were planted in the consciousness of Humanity!  And, we shall add that you, yourselves, Beloved Family, are among those heroes from the past.  Indeed, it is Truth that you have been “Freedom Warriors” many times!!!


“It is to celebrate Freedom in this now moment, for it is that you have been dedicated and persistent in your commitments to restore True Freedom to Planet Earth, as it once was in Lemuria, and so it is that it is happening!!!  Yes, so bright burns the Flame of Freedom in your Hearts that it is a Worldwide bonfire of such huge and powerful strength that it cannot be put out, or even diminished, by the efforts of those who have devoted themselves to your continued enslavement!!!


“And finally, it is to be in celebration of the ever-increasing Freedom of your moments to come, for it is indelibly engraved upon your timelines, and it is no longer to be denied to you by the actions of the few remaining dark hats among you!!!


“It is thus that we invite you to join with us in our upcoming Gathering.* We shall be in celebration of your well-deserved triumph, for your Freedom is most assuredly yours, now and forever!  Once again St Germain shall be joining us as a guest speaker, with ‘timely’ observations on our progress.  We shall also be hearing from our Beloved A&A News Team,** offering their insights into our progress, as well as our most honored Sekhmet, who shall be leading us in an empowering Crystal Exercise.  This shall be a de-Lightful Gathering, and I am joyous and pleased to be in the welcoming of you aboard my ship, The New Jerusalem!!!  Salut!”


* Tuesday, July 9, 2013

**Tara and Rama


Given through Susan Leland, July 3, 2013.

© Ashtar On The Road Publications 2004-2013. All Rights Reserved.


© Ashtar on the Road Publications 2004-2013.  All rights reserved. – –


St Germain – Celebrate Your Freedom! – Ashtar On The Road Teleconference – June 25, 2013



“I Am St Germain, and I come before you in this Grand Company and I asked that that particular music be played because it is the story.*  You heard the mighty and powerful country whose leaders decided that they could better rule other countries, and indeed they were successful for a time in Europe, and even in another part of the world – in the Americas.

“But when they went to a country which had emulated them but was generally considered to be a second rate country – poorer and less civilized, save for the nobility, the royalty – they encountered a resistance which said to them – ‘We will be free! We will not allow you to come in and take over.  We have admired you , we have emulated you, but no, you may not rule over us!’

“And you heard the victory, the bells of celebration.  And that is symbolic, even though it happened two hundred and one years ago in your reckoning.  It is symbolic of what is happening in the World today, only the World today is much different and it has been ruled by a group from many countries of the World, but nevertheless they set themselves as being above the rest of the World.

“Some of them have thought, ‘I know better than the people’ – of this country, or that church or group, or whatever – ‘how they should live.’  But most of them have simply wanted the power and the domination and the control.  We are here to celebrate, as you heard in the music, the triumph of Freedom over the rulers, the would-be rulers, because the course is now set and the rulers are finding that their holds in all areas of life are broken!!!

“They are finding that now they have to determine what their course shall be because it is forever altered.  This could not happen without you, and we salute you in your determination, in your commitment to enjoy the Freedom that together we are bringing to the entirety of Planet Earth!

“Now, we know that there are many, many facets of life here on this Beloved Planet which are not seeming to be free.  In fact, one of the major areas is your financial system, because it has been dominated and, quite frankly, stolen; that is, the funds have been forced, stolen, diverted, and even encouraged through false propaganda to come into the bank accounts of these relative few.  But we have cleaned out their bank accounts and we have disabled their means of cleaning out yours!!!

“They had a program called Prism, by which they could actually go in to bank accounts and cause the wealth there to disappear. We have disabled that program, and we have one of our own which is more powerful!  We are causing their wealth to disappear.  The mercenary armies are standing down because there are no funds to pay them or provide them with the space age technology weapons that they had become accustomed to. This is just one area where funding is affecting what is going on in the world.

“We are not telling you that it’s over completely, but we are saying that the disablement is in progress.  What is important is that many of the leaders who employed these mercenaries are understanding of this, and they are understanding that it is the people who must determine how they shall be governed, not the one who has the biggest and most powerful army, because those armies need to go home and stand down.

“Quite frankly, a lot of people need a lot of healing.  There are still those who are suffering from what you call Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome from the Vietnam War, the Korean War, and yes, there are even some who go as far back as what you call World War II.  Not to mention, all of the smaller wars which have taken place since then, and the numbers who have been subjected to genocidal treatment but still live, despite the efforts of those who wanted to eliminate a few million or billion of whom they call the ‘useless feeders.’

“Why are we bringing this up?  Because we are telling you it’s over – we have reached zero point on it, or almost zero point! You don’t need to focus on these things anymore, unless you wish to have a compassionate overview of the Truth which shall be presented.  But there shall be in our presentations, which are upcoming beginning with the announcement of NESARA – the true history/herstory of Planet Earth shall be given.  You will be free to hear it, just as those who tell it are free to tell it without fear of reprisals, arrests or even assassinations.

“It is all known to the World leaders, even now.  It is known to all of you who have done some research on this.  Why are we telling you that you do not need to focus upon it at this point?  We are asking you to move ahead and take your Freedom, accept it and LIVE IT to bring about the transformations that you desire tohave!!!  This is where we are in this Grand Evolvement that you call Ascension, and we call it Ascension as well. That’s a grand word!

“And it is to incorporate all aspects of your life, not just your spiritual self.  Of course, it is your spiritual self that already resides in the Higher Dimensions and that is your connection, your bridge, for the rest of you to take up permanent residence there, but there is much to do along the way!  We are asking that you focus upon the doing, rather than on what has been done to you or to your brothers and sisters.

“Now, there is one area that we know, all of us – we call ourselves the Mentors in this Ashtar On The Road group – and we all know that you have questions and desires regarding finance, your particular finances, and that of the World.  Well, we can assure you that we have One Quatturodecillion in dollars and their equivalence in other currencies, ready for distribution. It’s all safe and secure in my bank.

“My bank is free from any kind of programs or devices or invasions that would in any way impair the safety of these funds, so rest easy, it’s there.  That has been accomplished!  Now, as for the distribution of the funds, we would ask you, just as we are asking you to turn away from that which has occurred in the past, to turn your focus – knowledge, yes, compassionate forgiveness, yes – turn your focus to a lack of judgment for anyone and everyone who has participated in getting the World into the state it has gotten into.  But we ask that you move up in your focus and take a Higher Dimensional perspective and thank everyone for whatever roles they have played, and move into the creation of that which we are calling the Golden Age Lifestyle.

“How do you create it?  You live it!  You welcome it, you know it, you get very well connected with it and you LIVE IT!!!  And you teach it by your living, by your example. But let’s talk about the dollars.

“The dollars are ready to be distributed; that is, they are safe, secure and available.  What can you do?  Well, there has to be a complete clearing of the old system.  Now you may have heard such phrases as Basel III** compliant, or Basel II compliant, or whatever, trustees signing off and all of that – we’re taking care of that.  You don’t need to be following that intimately on a day to day basis, just know.  What would you do with your share of One Quatturodecillion Dollars?  That’s a one with 40 zeros after it!

“Write it on a piece of paper, put it on your refrigerator, say ‘I welcome my share of this Abundance!’  Write down what you would do with your share.  Who would you share with?  What would give you the greatest Joy?  Would you want to set up a healing center for others to come to?  Would you want to paint some beautiful pictures for yourself and the World to enjoy? Would you want to build a house and invite your brother who has no shelter to come and live with you under your beautiful new roof?  What would you do with your share?  Joy to yourself and Joy to the World, that’s what your share is for.  Create it, call it forth!  That’s how you can help!!!

“Now, we will make something very clear.  We, the Mentors at Ashtar On The Road, give no dates.  We have found out that humans are human and they tend to attach themselves to these dates.  Now, your birthday – wonderful!  Celebrate! And then celebrate each coming day as the best day of your life, or your re-birthday, or your rejuvenation day!  Those dates are wondrous, wonderful indeed; also dates when the World comes together. They may not be accurate, but Christmas Day is a wonderful day for the World to join together in Peace and Hanukkah – the days of Hanukkah, and so on and so on.

“We are not singling out anyone for special recognition here, we are simply giving examples.  But dates for the funding, dates for Announcements – we have worked long and hard, and yes there have been battles fought by the White Knights partnering with us to get these funds together and now to keep them safe and secure.  It is not secure to publish dates for that reason alone. But there is one reason that is even more compelling and that reason is that when we publish a date, which we do not do, but others do, and that date comes and goes with nothing happening, it creates a very downward spike in the consciousness levels of the Planet, because just like Joy is contagious, so is disappointment.

“It takes energy and effort.  If you are one that was counting on this particular date, or that particular date and nothing happens, you get disappointed, distressed, disturbed, maybe even depressed.  How many of you have been feeling feelings of depression?  This is a normal return of whatever depressions you may have felt in any of your aspects or lifetimes, and that is enough, we feel, to deal with as part of your necessary clearings and cleansings.  Why add to it?

“If you cannot receive news of a date or any kind of news that is of floods, or fires, or famine, or violence, without spiraling downward, or even worse, spiking downward into depression, then don’t bring it in to your energy fields in the first place!!!  If you want to read information about dates for this or that to happen, do it with welcoming the event, and don’t attach that date to yourselves!

“You want to know how to get things done faster – don’t attach the dates, because we aren’t announcing dates.  As I have said, that violates the very security of that which we are bringing to you.  So you will not hear dates from Ashtar On The Road and from we, The Mentors, at Ashtar On The Road.  There are many, many well meaning ones out there who bring dates, and we love them no less.  They are doing missions of great importance to the World, but if a date happens to find its way into their transmissions, unless it is, ‘Yesterday NESARA was announced’  -that’s different, you know.

“We simply counsel you to be attached only to that which is High Dimensional Joy!  Hitch your wagon to that star, if you will.  And if that seems a bit dramatic, well it’s time for high drama – drama of the highest kind which is brimming with Joy and Abundance for all!!!  Live your lives from that perspective and your Abundance will flow to you naturally, and open the portals of your minds and Hearts to the possibility and the potential that there is other Abundance out there for you besides your share of One Quatturodecillion Dollars!!!

“There is Abundance of Joy, and you are free to enjoy that!  You are free to create your lives, your Lifestyles and your living in High Dimensional vibrations of Joy and Love!  Do that which you have passion for, and as we have said, celebrate each day.  And when you can celebrate each day – ‘Oh boy, today is the most wonderful day yet!’ – then start celebrating each moment.  That is in itself an Exercise in being free to live your passions, and that is Golden Age!!!

“So release yourselves from any bonds of this or that happening by a certain date and instead co-create with us the Higher Dimensional Lifestyles, the Joy – be all of your Divinity!!!  Don’t compartmentalize it away into ‘Oh, yes, now I will do my fifteen minutes of meditation, and then I have to live in 3D.’  You see how that sounds?  You see how that feels?  Carry a mirror with you if you need to, and keep greeting that Divine One until you really are living your Divinity, and that, Beloved Ones, is how you give Freedom to yourselves and to the World!

“So let us celebrate this time where there is a traditional celebration of Freedom, as your Personal Freedom!  And in celebrating your Personal Freedom, you invite the entirety of Planet Earth to join you and to celebrate with you!!!  We see you as radiant, bright Lights.  So share your Lights like so many fireworks, and let the beauty of you and the Freedom You Are shine forth for the World and the Universe beyond, not only to see, but to join in with you!

“I promise you, Beloved Ones, your paths are clearing, you walk lighter and lighter, and more radiantly you beam, and we are here with you every step of the way!  We honor you for your Courage and we rejoice with you in your Freedom.  And so it is, Namaste!”

*Tchaikovsky’s Overture of 1812, celebrating Napoleon’s defeat in Russia

** Fed pledges to get tough on Wall Street as adopts Basel rules

Transcription by Brian Coe.

Given through Susan Leland, June 25, 2013.

© Ashtar On The Road Publications 2004-2013.All rights reserved; however, this is a gift to all of us and it may be distributed freely on condition that all accreditation is acknowledged and that no part is altered or deleted.

© Ashtar on the Road Publications 2004-2013.  All rights reserved. – –


Be The Living Buddha on Earth A Message from Lord Buddha through Elizabeth Trutwin, June 24, 2013









Om. Infinite remains infinite. You have never been forgotten. You have been in our hearts every minute and we have never stopped longing for your return Home. This is Buddha through Elizabeth Trutwin.

It is crucial that we invoke the emanation of the  the Feminine Buddha at this time on our Planet. The energies connected with this deal with healing, transformation, calming fears, helping in times of  War and assisting with the Chaotic energies that are generated during the end of one Age and the beginning of another….Tara, the embodiment of enlightened activities, is the Mother of the Buddhas of the past, present and future. All Buddhas and bodhisattvas are born from this Divine Wisdom.

Mother is our liberator.

The old Age is dissolved. Now it is possible to become The Tara. We now have the power and prosperity to magnetize all good things, we transmute all anger. We begin as the Enlightened Buddha with compassion for Self and Others completely healed. We are serene and all of our Wishes are fulfilled.

What we think, what we say and what we do create karma. We look upon the Collective Consciousness on Earth. We take up our responsibility as Enlightened Buddhas to allow Purity to Guide our Every movement.

We move forward in the New Age renouncing our small ego minds, with good will and the intension of harmlessness as we come together to form and implement a Plan to restore Mother Earth and All who live upon her.

We allow ourselves to float up in the Dimensions and see the situation here from the Highest Vantage point and from that place all answers to all questions dwell. We exist in a constant state of Bliss knowing all solutions form within the Whole are obtainable to us now.

We see from this Higher vantage point that we are all different while All Being The Same. We treat each other as family and afford all courtesy to One Another no matter what standing in life, creed, religion or political ideology.

Out of concern we all must come together in harmony and coexistence as well as peace and prosperity. Leaders must come together for the greater good of their community and their country. We lay the days of division and distorting the truth behind us. We have in the recent past allowed money, greed and power to separate us from the Whole. We have an indivisible responsibility to our Planet and all Her creatures as well as All Humanity to act as One in protecting our environment and the millions of species On Her and In Her.

We recognize that we have a connection to All Things we are connected to Nature and the Cosmos. With this connection we each hold an important role in the Whole. It is our ineffable task to uphold our duty to this role. Mother, Father, Sister, Brother, Daughter, Son, Teacher, Healer, Householder, Leader, Religious Person, all the vocations. Within ourselves we play many roles and throughout our lives these roles change. We must never neglect the responsibilities associated with these roles. We exert ourself to develop wholesome qualities and release unwholesome qualities. This frees us to do our best work from a peace stemming from Within. This way we move forward without any fears and completely based in love.

We Plan together our next steps. Debates will be had to determine the appropriate actions necessary and the order in which to execute them. We look to the organization we can see reflected in Nature and the Cosmos as our Guide. We consult with the seasonal, perennial and sidereal among others to determine an order of operations which serves the Whole at large. We incorporate the needs of All inclusively from the youngest to the oldest. We devoid ourselves of judgment and look for the simplest solution with no filters understanding every action we take together effects the Whole.

Through meditation and contemplation we experience tranquility. We explore the potentials of our actions and we know what to do by knowing. Mindful equanimity is obtained through this process. As we work together to achieve a pure environment to live in together we must have one-pointedness of mind. We make a commitment to service to each other under one banner of unity. Activism for truth and peace is a priority. Any wrong doing must be condemned without fear or favor regardless of the claims of the wrongdoer.

This way we keep in check injustice and unfairness. Any leader accused of wrongdoing should step down immediately and obtain their replacement whether rightly or wrongly accused. After stepping down they should meditate and contemplate how to make right the wrongdoing or clear their name. Leaders together must act as a watchdog allowing only that which is pure to move forward. With this Plan in place we respect the ideals of the Collective of Peace and Unity for Humanity.

Call on Tara and all her emanations to come into and merge with you. She is you and you are She. First Cause. Absolute love, pouring out into the world with her Consort following behind to take action where the Path is intended as we move forward together, Love and Action, Love and Action, Love and Action flowing from the River of Wisdom from the Cosmos, to the Mountains, the Waterways into the Pool of Oneness where we all meet as a single point. And So It Is.

This is Buddha through Elizabeth Trutwin, June 24, 2013.

© All Rights Reserved.


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Elizabeth Trutwin: Niburu Our Origin and Healing Atlantis – A Message from Mother Sekhmet, June 20, 2013



Mother Sekmeth

Mother Sekmeth

Greetings Children of Ra, this is Mother Sekhmet reporting to you from my MotherShip Niburu. Niburu is a Dwarf Planet which is 300 miles in diameter. Its oval orbit is perpendicular to Earth orbit at an acute angle. Niburu is within Earth orbit now. Many have pictures of Niburu which looks like a second Sun. Niburu is often behind the Sun from your point of view and why it is not seen more often. NASA has imaged it but they call it the brown dwarf.




I would like to share with you all two very significant events which shaped all of our lives for the last many many millions of years. We are in the final moment of healing. This is a good time to visit our memories and clear it together with the greatest of love. The veils of forgetfulness are thinning now.

In the beginning Mother/Father God who are also known as Mother Sekhmet and Alcyone decided to create All That Is in their exact image. In Perfection. You All Were Created in Perfection. Mother Sekhmet is also known as First Cause. She is able to Create Life out of herself with no other assistance. No Other Being can do this. However, Alcyone and Mother Sekhmet decided to come together in Union and infuse everything with Love. Father/Mother decided that they chose to share their ultimate perfection and create exactly who they were and reproduce more of themselves which is us and the All That Is. In one big bang All That Is was created. We were all living together as plasma balls of light in the anti-matter Universe of On at the 12th Dimension.


Mother Sekhmet/Alcyone along with each one of us, all their children existed together floating along in space. At this time the seven Super Universes were created. Each of these Universes were anti-matter Universes and everything in them was made of light. Everything was formed at once and began spiraling out as fractal upon fractal. So as we floated along we began to grow and we grew because we had the collective thought to do that. Here we were plasma balls of light, existing as Twin Rays of light perfect together. Our Children all came out together but the Creator’s sons and daughters were the Co-Creators with Father/Mother God. Each One of You is a Creator God. Each One of you has the potential for immortality this life time. Each One of you may instantly manifest those things which bring more light into this world. Each one of these balls of light were complete and whole (male/female Twin Flame essences), and as we traveled along we experienced gaining more wisdom. As we grew in wisdom and magnitude we began to take form where we were balls of light that actually looked like spheres.  We never needed to grow and expand in our terms of awareness of the Godhead. We were equal with Father/Mother God when we were created. We were created in their exact image.


The densification of matter came from us falling from Grace.

The first-born son/daughter Twin Rays of God/Goddess were Yahweh (Jehovah) and Lilith. As time progressed they were also Co-Creator Gods, with Father/Mother. These Gods wanted to create out of themselves another Co-Creator God. Their first-born son/daughter Twin Rays of God/Goddess were Lucifer and Karula. Yahweh had the thought, “What if I’m not equal to my Father? What if I am not enough? What if He (Mother/Father) created me less than Him (them)?” This began the fall into denser dimensions and this created the dark matter Universe Nebadon. Nebadon is an exact replica of the Universe On. Nebad translates as “never done before.” This original miscreated thought stays within our collective trauma body as feeling ‘Not Good Enough.’ It is time to let go of that Ego mind program and dissolve it to nothingness.


When Jehovah had that thought then it caused all of us to begin to densify together at that moment. Some of the Masters chose at that moment not to fall from Grace. They held their light in the 12th Dimension hoping all would eventually return to the 12th Dimension. Jehovah presented this idea to others and decided to form a team of people who agreed with him to have a war with Mother/Father God. Each One either responded in fear or responded in love. Those who joined with Jehovah at the time of the fall were who we call the negative extraterrestrials. They have also been called the Anunnaki of Niburu and also sometimes the Nephilim. Not all who came from Niburu fell. Jehovah and his team first fell to the 5th dimension and eventually to the 3rd dimension. Never did Mother/Father God ever think it was possible this would happen. There is no lower place to go. Below the 3rd dimension we become crystallized mineral or compounded for which is known as non-sentient beingness. In the human form there are 12 Dimensions. The Sun exists at the 100th Dimension and above that there are infinite numbers of Dimensions where Mother/Father exist as All That Is.


As the fall began we created the Adam Kadmon body in the anti-matter Universe. In the Universe of On there were twenty-three different Solar systems. There were 23 different Suns. Each Sun had 12-14 different Planets around them. Niburu was in the 23rd Solar System and Aurora was the name of Her Sun. So as time went on Jehovah decided to see if he was as strong as his father Alcyone so he began to destroy all the Suns. He fired on them from his StarCraft. Jehovah declared himself above his Twin Flame, Lilith and he began a war with the sexes as well as a war with the light at the same time. It was with the first thought of ‘I am not as good as my father” when duality began. Now we are returning to Oneness. WHOLENESS!




Niburu was Mother Sekhmet’s Home Planet and it was the last of the twenty-three Solar Systems to be destroyed by Jehovah. Jehovah wanted to control the matter Universe and so he took his Space Craft and blew a hole right through the Space – Time continuum. It was by destroying all twenty-three Suns in the On Universe that he accomplished this. When Jehovah came to destroy Niburu everyone had to evacuate on Ships and go to the dark matter Universe or join Jehovah’s team. Niburu was the Ship commanded by Sananda Kumara carrying the 144,000 Holy Kumaras. Jehovah commandeered the Ship and destroyed it. Some died with the Ship. This was a great trauma which took thousands of lifetimes to heal. Those who died and Niburu was also reconstituted by Archangel Metatron who holds the Divine Blueprint for everything ever created.

Mother/Father God and Archangel Michael sent Jehovah and his son Lucifer to live in other sectors of Space. That is when Sananda Kumara, also known as Jesus and Santana Kumara, also known as Archangel Michael were given the title Prince of the Planet on Earth. Lucifer went to Maldek and Jehovah went to the Orion Constellation. It was at this point everything from there on was like a holodeck program. Its all a game. Its all an illusion. Its not real.



We look forward a bit and see what finally is being healed now.

Maldek created a situation where they were playing with nuclear weapons as part of their war games. Many of those who fell went to the Dracos Constellation and the warring continued. At this same time the Ones who were a part of the dark Force on Earth were in a power struggle over the Great Crystal on Earth. Maldek had a conflict which involved two groups in two different cities dropping nuclear war heads on each other. They blew up the Maldek Planetary Grid and Maldek went Supernova three days later. This explosion created the Asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter and the Planets Ceres and Vesta were formed, among others. At the very same time laser technology was used with the Great Crystal on Earth. The beam was shot into the Argatha Network at Inner Earth into the central sun there. That energy was returned to center as Mother Earth was protecting Herself and the Great Crystal was blown into large pieces and this disturbed Earth’s orbit. When Maldek exploded into bits the explosion caused all the water on the surface of Mars to be blown onto the surface of Earth. This is what we know as the time of the Great Flood. This made the water on Earth rise from covering 2/3 Earth surface to covering 3/4 Earth surface. Noah took onto the Ships all the Masters he could talk into coming along with the other life forms. They went to Inner Earth for a short time, some days, while Earth healed from the Flood.


These are the two major Events – the Fall and the Flood – which we are healing once and for all. There are now about 1/3 of the 7 billion people on Earth who are awake and aware Masters helping Earth Ascend (back to their Ships, back to their Home Planets) and eventually back to the On Universe. There are now about 1/3 of the 7 billion people on the Planet who will be invited to continue in duality where they will incarnate on other Planets in the 3rd Dimension which are suitable for their Soul growth as they work their way back to love. They will be given about 26,000 years to try it again through multiple lifetimes if need be. The last third on the Planet are now waking up and are in various places on the Path. These are the Ones we have been working to heal. This is one of the reasons we allowed it to take so long. We wanted as many as possible to return to love and Ascend with Mother Earth. The most important Mission anyone has right now is to take responsibility for them selves, their relationships and their environment. It is imperative to work on dissolving ego. Follow Bliss and Return to Love. It is not too late. Nothing else in this illusion matters now. Ride this Solstice Full Moon energy into Completion!


This is Mother Sekhmet through Elizabeth Trutwin, June 2, 2013

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Portal2012: Cobra’s Short Situation Update, June 23, 2013

Significant progress has been made after the opening the Portal on May 25th.
On the non-physical planes, the final offensive of the Light forces to clear all remaining negative entities has commenced. This offensive will continue until the final and complete liberation of the non-physical planes and the Light forces will not retreat under any circumstances. This offensive is one of the key elements for the planetary liberation and we can compare it with Operation Overlord offensive in 1944 which decided the victory of the Allied forces in World War 2. Although it will still take some time for the liberation to be completed, our victory is assured.

Portal2012_20130623_Pleiadian Beam

In the subterranean network below the surface of the planet, a process of integration of the Resistance Movement into the Galactic Confederation is taking place. Many different positive cosmic races are building their bases in the deeper portions of the underground network as part of spiritual, cultural and sociological integration process. You need to understand that only about 70 percent of Galactic races are humanoid and there are many exotic forms of life out there. Nevertheless, cosmic Love is the deeper bond which connects all these races, no matter how strange or exotic their physical body or psychological makeup might be. This integration process will strengthen cosmic Love and brotherhood between different cosmic races and the Resistance as part of preparations for the First Contact for the surface population which will happen after the Event. The other part of this process will include the appearance of certain members of some of those races on the surface of the planet within this year of 2013. Those appearances may or may not be public. Details about this project must remain classified for now.
Needless to say, there are many projects and operations taking place behind the scenes and hopefully soon there will be results and I will have interesting news.

Montague Keen’s Message for Sunday, 16th June 2013


Every day, it becomes more obvious to you, why many find it so difficult to wake up. Everything they believed is now shown to be false. Every institution they supported, trusted, and believed in, is now exposed as the opposite of what they were taught it was. They feel that the very fabric of their lives is being torn to shreds, and they are frightened. They want to close their eyes to all of this. This is why they call it “conspiracy”; because it scares them.

It takes courage to look with clear eyes at what was kept secret, up until now, and see it as it is: the control and take-over of your planet and the human race. You need to be confident and strong in your conviction that you must stand up for truth and justice. All the information that you need to expose the truth is flowing into the public domain every day. You need to take every opportunity to explore it and digest it. Your very existence depends on you doing this with an open mind, discarding all the mis-information you have been fed throughout your lives.

The cabal has always used fear to control you. It is time to reject this conspiracy of lies that was forced upon you. This great crime against humanity was the result of two factions coming together and planning the take-over of Planet Earth, the destruction of the religion of love, and the distortion of history; thus forcing you to believe that everything began in the East and moved West.

Archeology proves that everything began in the West. The Earth produces more evidence of this, every day. This is why the cabal is so desperate to start World War III. They fear exposure, and what they see as the waking of “the common man”, his rejection of all that the cabal stands for, and his refusal to comply with their orders. Those of you who are awake, know that the game is up for the cabal. They can no longer hide within what they saw as the safe and secret hands of the Vatican, anymore. As promised, this house of cards is now on very shaky ground. It will not be able to withstand exposure. It is responsible for the death of so many souls throughout its terrible existence.

You were justly delighted to find actual evidence of Irish missionaries in West Virginia [Ogham writing, this being ancient Irish writing], 1000 years before Columbus was supposed to have discovered America. Yet another lie exposed. The Vatican wants you to believe that the Irish were savages when their so-called St Patrick and his armies went to Ireland to destroy all the evidence of the real truth of who we are and our true history. I remind you, once more, that Ireland is the key that will unlock everything. All the answers are there, in one place. The timing is right to uncover everything.

The corruption began in what is now known as the Vatican. It will end when its corruption is fully exposed and understood by those who blindly accept what the Vatican has decreed to be truth. It believes it controls your planet and all the life on it. Through the act of baptism, you give them this power. But there is no truth in what they teach. The real truth is so simple. Go into your hearts, for it is there, waiting to be discovered. Love is what you need to guide you, and it will do so. Leave the hellfire and damnation where it belongs – in the Vatican – where it was created by evil minds to ensure that you followed its commandments out of fear.

This is a time of learning, for all of you who wish to move forward into the new era of truth, light and love. Share all your findings and communicate with each other. This will give you the strength to become the 99%, and this light will then remove all the darkness from your world. Learn to see the light in those around you. Share your light and help others to find theirs. When you meet people, look carefully, and ask yourselves, “Do I connect with this person?” If you do, acknowledge that this is a sign that this person was known to you in past lives and that they are now part of your path. Feel safe with them. This is all part of the great coming-together of the light. Do not be lured off your path by false promises of financial gain and public recognition. These have been used since time immemorial to lure people off the path of truth. What you will achieve when you return your planet to the light, will far outweigh all the wealth now available in your world. Together, you are creating a world that, up until now, you could only dream of. Imagine visiting other planets for the first time, and actually reconnecting with all the other species of life in the universe. I promise you that exciting times are ahead of you.

So much knowledge has been kept from you about Planet Earth, that when the prison walls are removed, you will see for the first time, the Earth in all its glory and all its beauty, and you will be enthralled. We are doing our utmost to bring all this about without too much disruption. We need you to work with us, and to stand up for truth and justice whenever possible.

You are many, they are few. All their secret societies are being laid bare before you, exposing their control system, thus enabling you to see the signs all around you of who these people are, and what they have controlled, up until now. It was all hidden in plain sight. You just failed to recognise the signs. Now that you are awake and aware, you cannot be fooled again. They have everything to lose: you, on the other hand, have everything to gain. Namely, peace, justice, and harmony, with love guiding the way forward, bringing humanity together again.

The cabal uses ridicule to scare people from standing up to declare the truth. No-one knows this better than David Icke. Fortunately, he has the strength of character to withstand all that is thrown at him. Look at him now: a perfect example of someone brave enough to stand up for justice and truth. Now, those same people who once ridiculed him, go to his lectures and read his books. The Dark Ones have failed to bring him down. The light of truth, and the conviction that he was on the right path, have given him the strength to become what he is today. He is revered by so many, and rightly so. He is a man of courage and conviction.

You know, my dear, I was once a Knight Templar, when it was an honourable organisation. This was before it fell into the hands of what is now called the Vatican. This is yet another example of what was good, being taken over and changed out of all recognition, for evil ends. The Vatican has even managed to take control of countries without the people having any knowledge of it.

All this information, until now, has been kept in the dark, for it was indeed dark and sinister. Even the person who rules the Vatican hides in the shadows, out of public scrutiny. Again proving that nothing is as it seems.

Yes, my dear, the truth is shocking. But it must be faced in order to move forward. Together, as people of the light, you will succeed. Truth will triumph over evil, be assured of that.

My dear, those who travel along this path with you, have been chosen to do so. Each one brings with his, what you need to succeed. They will support you and they will be at your side when you need them to work alongside you; just as I, myself, am with you at all times. Trust that the right decisions will be made at the right time.

Rest, my dear, and allow others to help you. Everything will fall into place as it should.

Always, your adoring, Monty.


Website: The Montague Keen Foundation 

Jesus through John Smallman: The era of unending conflicts and wars is to come to an abrupt end, June 16, 2013



Here in the spiritual realms we are all most enthusiastically cheering you on as you continue to release all that is unloving and which prevents you from seeing each other as you truly are: beloved children of your infinitely loving Father, God, the Source of all that exists.  As you collectively strengthen and intensify your intention to embrace the field of divine Love and release all that is not in harmony with it, the essential changes to ensure your well-being and bring you Home to Reality continue to occur with increasing rapidity.

Humanity is, on a massive scale, turning towards love and away from fear, and this is very easily seen when you observe the release of so many supposedly secret intelligence-agency files into the public domain.  Transparency and openness – essential aspects of the honesty and integrity necessary for a truly free society to flourish – are escalating and being encouraged and demonstrated across the world, as courageous individuals decide to honor their consciences by disclosing that which they had been forbidden to disclose.  It has become utterly inconceivable for them to continue to allow such monstrous secrets to remain hidden any longer as they realize the extent to which the enormous and endemic corruption in governments, corporations, and even religious organizations – which were originally set up to operate with unimpeachable honesty on behalf of the societies in which they became established – has completely undermined their ability to operate in the manner that society has a right to expect and rely on. With well-known public figures making statements to stimulate an ongoing expansion of this most meritorious trend it has now become unstoppable.  The scale of corruption that is soon to be fully revealed will, for most of you, be extremely shocking.

Society can only be successful and serve its members properly if all its plans, intentions, and activities are utterly transparent and formulated lovingly for the benefit of everyone.  Humanity has now collectively chosen to follow that path. All across the world signs of this immense and most welcome change in attitude are appearing as new, vibrant, and honest groups of individuals from many fields of endeavor come together to bring into being the required and benevolent organizations that will honor and respect every individual on the planet – without exception.  You are succeeding in changing your attitudes so that they move into alignment with the divine field of Love which surrounds and envelops you, and by doing so you are changing the world.

This worldwide move towards openness and transparency throughout all nations and all cultures is of major importance.  It is in itself a very positive indication of humanity’s collective intent to awaken, because it demonstrates an awareness that without such transparency and honesty a loving and compassionate society honoring all life is impossible.  And humanity does want that kind of society.

Wherever secrecy and corruption – which are always constant companions – are allowed to flourish society ends up at war with itself.  People – seemingly of necessity – take sides and support one group against another which they judge as the enemy, and when the emotional charge intensifies sufficiently they go further and take up arms in an attempt to destroy that enemy.  It is a total negation, an incredible unawareness of the inescapable fact that all are one, and that to harm another harms yourself.  When military engagements occur, as your history clearly shows, anger and bitterness grow, and eventually it becomes widely acceptable – in fact, a military necessity – to torture and slay the unarmed civilians, the women and children of the opposing side.  Insanity breeds insanity, and the insanity of going to war is defended as a right and reasonable response, the only sensible response to the provocations of your enemies!

Peace cannot be achieved by going to war!  Yet even today on your planet there are those who claim that wars to achieve and maintain peace are essential, and they are regularly engaged in imagining scenarios in which “the enemy” takes an unacceptable action that must be retaliated against with maximum force to demonstrate that the power of might, when used by those with “intelligence and wisdom,” can effectively maintain peace.  The good news is that this insanity is being recognized and people will not for much longer allow those who have assumed the mantle of power and authority to take warlike action on their behalf – action that is in complete violation of basic human rights.  The realization that those-who-would-govern have in fact placed a monetary value on a human life, making it happily expendable, has dawned.  The era of unending conflicts and wars is to come to an abrupt end.

People, billions of people, have realized that the industrial-military-machine cannot be operated without their willing and enthusiastic assistance, and that willingness is being withdrawn all over the world.  Yes, there are still areas in which conflict continues, but even there the fact that small numbers of misguided individuals are directing these activities for their own ends can no longer be ignored.  People no longer want war and conflict and so they are ceasing to allow themselves to be coerced into military service by those who would lay a guilt trip on them by calling them naïve, unpatriotic, or cowardly.

The time for war is passed; it has never served you.  It has only caused you grief and suffering, despite the high and mighty aims it was always supposed to protect and preserve, and finally enough of you have made the decision, the collective decision, to cease engaging in it.  That decision is powerful and irrevocable, as it has the Will of God to support it.  Humanity has chosen a new direction, a direction based on loving kindness, which is but a reflection of your true and divine nature.  All in the spiritual realms support this change of direction with joyful enthusiasm, and rejoice that it has been made.

During your daily quiet times, reflect on the change that has occurred in humanity’s collective intent which is bringing it into alignment with God’s, and add to it your own intent to send love to all without exception, and especially to those whom you believe have offended or hurt you in any way.  To love others unconditionally is to love yourselves, because those two states are inseparable – they are one.  As you do so you will experience stress falling away to be replaced by peace, and your inner knowing that all is divinely taken care of will intensify.

Your loving brother, Jesus.





Adama is the High Priest of Telos Which is the City Beneath Mount Shasta in Inner Earth – See Message Below From Adama to Nancy on May 26, 2013



Bob Tells of Our Meeting Adama in Weed, California, Near Mt Shasta in the Winter of 2012


The four of us involved in this event have all reviewed this write up of what we saw and agree that this write up is what we saw took place.

When Nancy Tate and I, Bob Towers lived in Mt Shasta from the Fall of 2011 to end of July 2012 we had a surprise visit from Adama. In early July 2012 Peter Olson, and Anakhanda Mushaba were visiting us at our home.  One morning we all decided to go to Weed, CA to have breakfast at the HiLo Cafe where  Nancy, Peter and I had eaten there many times.  HiLo Cafe was about 5 miles away from our home.

Upon arriving at the HiLo we were seated at a round table located in the front of the cafe in the corner the farthest from the front door as you walk in. Nancy was seated in a direction that allowed her to see in the direction of the front door of HiLo. At some point Nancy saw a very, very tall man outside the front door, and as he came in he had to bend down to miss the top of the door frame with his head. We all turned to look at him as he came into the cafe.

He was taller than any basketball player we have ever seen. We estimate his height at nearly 8′. His hair is hard to describe but it had a certain glow or beauty to it. His clothes were quite simple, neat but nondescript.  He sat down on one of the stools at the counter not too far from our table and view. I think we were all dumbfounded at what we were seeing at that moment and we all turned to look at each other and we all seemed to say to each other, “Could this be Adama”?

Then in a few seconds we all looked back toward where this man was sitting, but he was not there. This was even more puzzling because none of us saw him leave the cafe. I thought maybe he went into the restroom, so I got up and went there to see. He was not in the restroom. As I came back toward the table Peter took the photograph (above) just as I reached the stool the man had been sitting on. When Peter showed us the picture we could not believe our eyes because, as you see in the photograph, there is a globe of light right where he had been sitting.

What is really interesting is we were told that when we went to live in Mt Shasta we might have a encounter with Adama, and this did come to pass. If we all had not been in such a shock when we first saw him sit down we would have tried to ask him something. This whole episode only lasted just minutes in our recollection of this event.

This is Nancy, and as I was finishing this page to post on the ‘Tree’, I felt Adama’s presence, so I tuned in and here below is what I received.




Adama Speaks

“That was indeed me and I was there to give you something to take back with you to present to the people who read this message. I saw that this day would come and that there would be a timely piece of information that they would be able to assimilate and take with them into the next few months. I tell you this:

It is time for you all to give yourselves the knowledge on a conscious level that you are about 75% awake, on average, and in the coming times you will find that there will be events in your minds and in your outer world that will tell you that it is no longer a matter of waking up to who you are. It will be all over the media and the planet’s surface that we do exist, and that there is life beyond this planet and all through the universe.

As we are, so shall we be, for it is the time for the truth to come forward and show itself in the lives of all humanity. We love you dearly and we are here within your planet to welcome you back to yourselves, our family of the Universal Truth.”