Mother/Father God: “All contracts are finished, ended. All soul contracts are now cancelled.”by Kathryn May, July 30, 2013

Kathryn E. May

Kathryn E. May

Dear Ones, have you all been listening to the BlogTalkRadio shows in addition to reading these messages?  If so, you are now aware of the wonderful news we have given to you about the immense changes on the planet.

Here is the announcement:  All contracts are finished, ended.  All soul contracts are now cancelled.  All those who came here to Planet Earth to manage difficult illnesses, complicated relationships, and challenging handicaps are now freed of all pain, all suffering.  You now are completely free to exercise your free will without karmic strings, as you might think of it.

In addition, all financial contracts such as mortgages, car loans, student loans and other commitments which have been arranged through banking institutions of all kinds are hereby cancelled.  Personal commitments between friends will of course still be important to uphold, but corporations and banks will no longer be recognized as viable creditors because of the criminal and lawless system on which they are based.

It is time for all of you to reclaim your freedom, take command of your own lives, and find your voices, as you see others around the world doing by taking to the streets to proclaim their passionate desire for a better life – one of dignity and the self-expression which democracy allows.

Your Planet has declared her desire to ascend, and it has been done.  You are now all in the historic position of being invited to elevate your consciousness to take part in the most ambitious plan ever executed in the history of the galaxy.  Now, in the span of one Earth lifetime, you can move from a 3-dimensional life to the coming Golden Age in the higher 5th dimension. This is the Paradise on Earth that was promised in your ancient texts.

Every soul is given the opportunity to join in this magnificent adventure, because of course you have all known since before you came here that you would be taking part in this Ascension.   It was a very prestigious opportunity, this lifetime journey.  There are Masters and Angels, aspiring beginning souls and ancient Saints who have come to experience a last lifetime here on Earth, in the somewhat infamous heavy, dense and difficult atmosphere.

Here, the challenges abound for learning charity, patience, compassion and empathy.  A triumphant life is one in which the person can live through the temptations, pain, disappointments and dangers and still come out at the end of their lives with a connection to their hearts intact.

This was the last opportunity for all souls to experience this 3rd dimensional, free will planet, because Mother Earth decided some time ago that it was her desire to leave this dimension, and she has accomplished it by fulfilling her long commitment to humankind.  She has fulfilled her contract with Us, Mother/Father God, to care for our beloved children, and she was granted her wish to ascend into a higher dimension, which she has done.

Many on Planet Earth are not aware at this moment that everything has changed.  It is for them that we send this message through Kathryn.  We hope to reach all the people, all ages, all cultures, and all the corners of the globe, to tell them of our great Love for them, and our great hope that each one will awaken and join in the glorious Shift into a higher plane of existence.

It has been a long and difficult road, this transition from Darkness to Light.  Many have suffered; many have had to repeat lifetime after lifetime to advance in their learning process, but lessons learned on Planet Earth are indelibly etched in consciousness.  This is why it is a most popular place to incarnate, by virtue of its having been in the throes of a revolutionary battle between Light and Dark for eons.

And now, Dear Children, you are within moments of completing your lifetime here.  You have the choice this time to ascend with the body you occupy now.  You will be taken off the planet to be renewed, restored to perfect health in a body in which you will be able to live forever.  In the meantime, Mother Earth will do the same.  When she does, she will be restored to the pristine loveliness and purity of her original beauty.

You will not have to worry about Armageddon; there will be no terrifying pole shift or world war.  All nuclear weapons have been neutralized; those Dark Ones who have secretly controlled the resources of the planet have been removed from power.  Many will be tried for crimes against humanity and will be prevented from ever returning to positions of influence.

You have been seeing the “UFO’s” in your skies for generations now.  Crop circles containing messages to humankind have been created so frequently as to have become a common occurrence.  Your scientists and governments around the world have long been aware that your extraterrestrial brothers and Sisters are trying to make contact with you in a peaceful way, but the wall of secrecy and lies has grown with every encounter.  Those who control the wealth on the planet did not want to give up their power by allowing the people to have free energy, new ways of communicating, and the other great advantages which these visitors possess.

Now, the final chapter of this saga of Planet Earth has begun.  Everything is changing at a very rapid pace.  You will finally begin to see evidence in your mainstream media of the profound shift which will allow those who have lived lives of service to others to be revealed as your Ascended Masters, and they will be standing by to help with the dramatic changes you will be feeling.  There will be announcements to inform you of the true history and progress of the evolution toward Light. Nothing will remain the same, so there will be no possibility that you can remain detached from what is going on.  Every being on the planet will be required to choose their path – to ascend to a higher level of consciousness or to end this life in the usual way – through death and the return to God in the usual way.

Those who choose to ascend now to higher levels of consciousness will be freed of the process of reincarnation in life after life, and will be given the ability to live eternally in the higher expression of life in a lighter, more highly evolved body in higher dimensions.  Those who choose not to join the Ascension will continue their lessons at lower levels in other places.

Earth will no longer be available as the 3-dimensional proving ground.  She has been recognized for her millions of years of service, and has at last been granted Ascension.  She has selflessly slowed her process to allow as many as possible to awaken and join her in this glorious graduation to higher dimensions.

The Shift has occurred because of the great numbers of humankind who have awakened once more – after thousands of years of being separated from their connection to God.  Religion as you have known it will drop away, as everyone discovers that they can communicate directly with Us, Mother/Father God. We are here with you always, whispering in your ear, and for those who have listened to the radio shows with Kathryn and Anne, you have talked with Us in person.

This week, we have announced definitively that the one you have known as Zorra is in fact Father God.  It was easier for many to talk freely and to ask questions when the voice they heard was given a more familiar identity which everyone could relate to, but now it is time for you to be given the Truth in its whole form.  You have felt our Love in your lives at times when you were most open.  Unfortunately, those were most often times of suffering, confusion and pain.  You have not felt the great pleasures of living in the constant stream of Endless Love we have been sending to you since the moment you were born.

This is what we offer you now: a life of Heavenly Grace, immersed in the Love, Light, Compassion, Forgiveness, Joy, Peace and Harmony which has been the dream of your dear Jesus, the one who has dedicated his life in body and in spirit, to this Grand Plan.  The Ascension of Planet Earth and of all Humankind will mark the end of all suffering, all want, all poverty and degradation of Mother Earth herself.  The New Golden Age begins now, and you are all invited to attend the coming-out party, which will be held when the ships and containing your Star Brothers and Sisters, including Jesus Sananda, St. Germain, Ashtar, Archangel Michael and all the Ascended Masters who have helped to make this transition possible.

Yes, Jesus will return, very soon.  He is waiting now, in his role as Admiral of his ship, The New Jerusalem.  With him are the Twin Flames – the mirror souls – of many who are incarnated here now.  You will all meet as soon as the Disclosure of their presence has been made official in every corner of the Earth.  The announcements will be simultaneous and undeniable.  Every radio, television, cell phone and iPad will carry the message that Planet Earth and her people are at last free, by their own efforts, with help from their galactic Brothers and Sisters.

We are offering this message today, July 24, 2013, so that you can share it with every single person you know.  Begin by printing out dozens of copies of this message, which will be posted on and and many other websites across the world.  We ask you to give a copy to everyone you work with and every neighbor you speak with.  Hand them out on street corners.  You will be doing a great service by giving your friends and family advanced preparation for the stunning events which will unfold so rapidly before your eyes that the uninformed will be overwhelmed by the wonder and apparent impossibility of it.

Don’t miss out on the joy because you are afraid or suspicious or wary of any news that does not align with the half-truths you have been familiar with.  Do not be concerned that people will think you are a raving crack-pot.  Very shortly they will thank you with such overwhelming gratitude and relief that any fears you might have had will melt away.  You who are awake and aware must be the leaders in this time of adjustment.  People will be confused, disoriented and therefore afraid if they cannot be assured of their loving connection with God, which will anchor them and reassure them that this Shift is for the better.  Nothing will be lost; everything will go on, but in a different form, as you have been taught in the First Law of Thermodynamics.

Relationships will continue, in more loving and accepting form, and all will discover their true spiritual identity as participants in the glorious Earth project.  All children, animals and other spirit beings will ascend effortlessly.  It is the adults we are concerned with.  Time is short.  Raise your consciousness and your vibrational level by taking complete command of your thoughts, feelings and actions. Open your hearts to love without judgment.  Practice forgiveness in all your relationships, and do not permit yourself to fall into condemnation or judgment of anyone, even those who have hurt you or those who practice a different religion or ideology than your own.  All will melt away in the elevation to Oneness which comes with Ascension into higher dimensions.

Your bodies, your present identities and all you thought of as “reality” will be revealed as the brief moment in eternity it really is.  You will soon learn to feel and use your God powers, for you are indeed created in our image.  You are Gods, each and every one.  You only need accept the close connection to Us which flows through you.  We are your Creators and your biggest fans.  Unlike human parents, we never lose patience or hope or trust in your ultimate triumph as individual souls and as precious members of the great legion of intelligent, conscious beings.  It is time for you to take your place among the Galactic Federation of Light as full member representatives of your Planet Earth.

You will soon see the thousands of ships and the millions of Star Brothers and Sisters who are here to embrace you and bring you gifts.  Welcome them with open hearts and minds.  Leave behind the old concepts about warlike conquerers.  These are beings – human and otherwise, whose civilizations have evolved far beyond yours, emotionally, philosophically and technologically.  Their technology is far advanced of yours, created with Love and used only for the Greater Good.

Read our many messages to you, which have all been posted free for all the world to read on Kathryn’s website,  Take this message to the world, as a current events introduction to what is happening now in your world.  Show it to everyone you know.  Talk about what you have learned here, and supplement it with further information from the web site.  Do not jump to conclusions on the basis of this one message.  If you have questions, read further, ask questions on the BlogTalkRadio shows which are offered every Wednesday at 8:30 pm EDT and every other Saturday at 12 EDT.  (See schedules on both websites.)  Kathryn channels our messages live, along with information from Jesus and other Ascended Masters.  Join Us to help you understand what we have told you here, and what is to come.

We love you more than words can ever describe,

Your Mother/Father God

Via Kathryn May, July 24, 2013

Go to   to hear the story of Lucifer’s return, in his own words.

Source: Received by mail
Kathryn E. May, PsyD
60 Lower 27 Knolls Road
High Falls, New York, NY 12440
(914) 466-4250

Canadian Minister of Defense Paul Hellyer: We must overthrow the Illuminati, June 7, 2013 (video)






BREAKING!!! UFO ALIEN DISCLOSURE by Canadian Minister of Defense, May 2013

YouTube_BREAKING!!! UFO ALIEN DISCLOSURE by Canadian Minister of Defense May 2013

Gepubliceerd op 1 jun 2013

Hon. Paul Hellyer – Minister of National Defense
Testified knowing of 4 Alien races actively visiting Earth.
Source Channel:
Producer: Reuben Langdon


Former Special Assistant to the Executive Director of the CIA Victor Marchetti: How the CIA Views the UFO Phenomenon, Second Look, Vol. 1, No. 7, Washington, D.C. (5/1979) — “We have, indeed, been contacted — perhaps even visited — by extraterrestrial beings, and the US government, in collusion with the other national powers of the Earth, is determined to keep this information from the general public.”

Deputy Chief of the Royal Belgian Air Force Major-General Wilfred de Brouwer: “Postface” in SOBEPS’ Vague d’OVNI sur la Belgique – Un Dossier Exceptionnel, Brussels: SOBEPS (1991) — “In any case, the Air Force has arrived to the conclusion that a certain number of anomalous phenomena has been produced within Belgian airspace. The numerous testimonies of ground observations compiled in this [SOBEPS] book, reinforced by the reports of the night of March 30-31 [1990], have led us to face the hypothesis that a certain number of unauthorized aerial activities have taken place. Until now, not a single trace of aggressiveness has been signaled; military or civilian air traffic has not been perturbed nor threatened. We can therefore advance that the presumed activities do not constitute a direct menace.”
“The day will come undoubtedly when the phenomenon will be observed with technological means of detection and collection that won’t leave a single doubt about its origin. This should lift a part of the veil that has covered the mystery for a long time. A mystery that continues to the present. But it exists, it is real, and that in itself is an important conclusion.”

Japan’s Top Government Spokesperson, Chief Cabinet Secretary Nobutaka Machimura and Japan’s Defense Minister, Shigeru Ishiba :
Beliefs and Concerns about UFOs – Japan’s top government spokesperson: UFO’s definitely exist. Chief Cabinet Secretary Nobutaka Machimura said to reporters on December 18, 2007, “I definitely believe they (UFOs) exist.”
3 days later Japan’s Defence Minister Shigeru Ishiba considers how his Self Defence Forces could respond to an attack by space aliens while adhering to limits on military action under the country’s war-renouncing Constitution. “There are no grounds for us to deny there are unidentified flying objects and some lifeform that controls them”, Ishiba said. “Few discussions have been held on what the legal grounds are” for military response. (Bloomberg) by Stuart Biggs

Sworn Affidavit by a Lieutenant Walter Haut concerning his experience of the 1947 UFO crash AT Roswell, NM:
Lt. Walter Haut, public relations officer at Roswell Army Air Field in 1947 left a sworn affidavit concerning his experience with the Roswell UFO crash in 1947. His sworn affidavit was only to be opened after his death. Haut died in December 2005 and sometime in June of 2007 the text contained therein had been released. He describes seeing the UFO and the occupants consisting of alien bodies as well as a high-level meeting with Col. William Blanchard and General Roger Ramey, Commander of the Eighth Army Air Force.

Astronaut Scott Carpenter
“At no time, when the astronauts were in space were they alone: there was a constant surveillance by UFOs.” ~ Astronaut Scott Carpenter – Carpenter photographed a UFO while in orbit on May 24, 1962. NASA still has not released the photograph to the public.

Buzz Aldrin on Fox News
“We just about could have said, ‘Look, we see a UFO out the window going along with us.’ You know what would have happened? The public would have gone crazy! We were smart enough to say, ‘Where is the upper stage rocket? We think we might be looking at that out the window.”

Colonel Joseph J. Bryan III
Founding member of the CIA’s psychological warfare staff, advisor to NATO
“These UFOs are interplanetary devices systematically observing the Earth, either manned or under remote control, or both.”
“Information on UFOs, including sighting reports, has been and is still being officially withheld.”

President Jimmy Carter
Interview following his sighting of a UFO at Leary, Georgia – October 1969
“It was the darndest thing I’ve ever seen. It was big, it was very bright, it changed colors, and it was about the size of the moon. A red and green glowing orb radiated as it hurtled across the southwestern Georgia skies. We watched it for ten minutes, but none of us could figure out what it was. One thing’s for sure: I’ll never make fun of people who say they’ve seen unidentified flying objects in the sky.”

More video’s about UFO / Alien Disclosure during the Citizen Hearing of Disclosure: [].



Portal 2012: Cobra’s Update – Intel about The Event, June 5, 2013

Portal 2012_logo

You might want to get some more intel about the Event to increase your own preparedness and also to help assisting others during the time of the transition.

Most of the intel in the following website is a quite reliable interpretation of  information that came from reliable sources. Here it is:








Event Flash


As I was in the process of finishing off this article which is a combination of information from the Cobra conference in LA plus details from different blogs posted on Portal 2012 since the blog site was started by Cobra on the 31st March 2012, I came across the following 30 sentences or so which was the end of a longer blog on the 6th April 2012. I felt it was the best way to start off this hopefully very all-round picture of the coming ‘Event’.

“No human authority will decide when this is about to happen. The final word when the ‘Event’ is to happen is coming directly from the Source. This is an Event of Cosmic Importance. The last planet under the grip of the dark forces is about to be liberated and this is going to send ripples of Light throughout the Galaxy.

Just before ‘The Event’, the Source will send a pulse of Light through the Galactic Confederation and the Pleiadians will instruct the Resistance Movement to use its 300 operatives on the surface of the planet to contact the key people inside the military and law enforcement and then the operation will start.

After the operation is successfully completed, there might be people that would like to take advantage of the situation by setting their own governments, confiscating funds… Because the Cabal will be taken care of, this does not mean that human greed and lust for power will be exterminated. They are simply part of the character for a certain percentage of unenlightened human population. Rest assured that the Resistance Movement knows who those people are, their actions are being monitored and they will not be allowed to take advantage of the situation.

Until a certain degree of awareness on the planet is reached, the Resistance Movement will be working behind the scenes for the benefit of humanity. At a certain point, most likely not long before the First Contact with the positive extraterrestrials, they will make themselves public.

They have created a fund of 120 trillion dollars, which will be given to humanity along with other prosperity packages. They are in possession of very advanced technologies, mostly of extraterrestrial origin. They will provide some background assistance in putting forth 6000 inventions that were developed by geniuses around the world and then suppressed by the Cabal. After that, they will introduce some of their own technologies that are even more advanced”.

‘The Event’ is not 3D Earth Revolution-It is Divine Intervention for Overnight Change to truly begin the Golden Age of Gaia.

The details that Cobra has given us here at the top of this page are an exact description of the Order of Things when the Event happens.

This will not be a 3D Earth type Revolution where there are risks taken to innocent people’s lives. For this reason and this reason only- that there be a peaceful transition from The old 3D reality to a New World overnight – that demands the type of precision that only The Godhead Him/Herself can decide upon.

It is time now for everyone on this planet to understand that this future Golden Age coming into being is NOT in the hands of some mad people who might make wrong decisions that might lead to bloodshed.

Like Archangel Michael said on ‘An Hour with an Angel’ on the 22nd January 2013. This is the beginning of a new chapter, but it is not a day of revolution. We must now stop all the speculating regarding the figures in positions of power here on our planet right now and as to whether or not they might do this or that. It does not matter what they might try to do or not do, for this is in the hands of very capable Spiritual Beings, part of the Oneness like the rest of us. AAM said, You are talking about the old paradigm


of revolution, of the potential for bloody upheaval for armed massacre. That is not the way of the 5th Dimension, and it is certainly not the way of the 7th Dimension.”  He went on to say “Are there plans to correct some of the political, economic, and social injustices, inequities? YES.” “The most significant piece of creating Nova Earth is the letting go – that you are doing – and have done – and have been doing – of the false illusions that were created over eons by the human race. So all of these tendencies…and I have to say the letting go of war – and that is war within, it is war between individuals, and it is war within communities and nations-that is critical. Archangel Michael then asked us to use our swords another way. “Long ago, I gave you my sword and shield, and you have used these in a multitude of ways. But it is also useful to simply use it to disconnect, to cut cords to old beliefs, to old pains, old hurts, and old injuries. And I Am pleased during this time together, this night and every night, to assist you in this undertaking.

So to sum up at this point, I just need you who might read this, to understand perfectly, that this coming ‘Event’ will NOT be a bloody revolution but it will be – on the day that the Source decides- a 24 hour day, in which the entire world are informed as to there now being, Peace on Earth, and a return to Paradise on Earth, and then we will all need, all the help we can get, from all the marvellous people worldwide, working in every area under the sun to use their unique talents to give to the whole, to truly create Nova Earth-together.

So right now we should all be preparing everyone we know, for the day their talents are going to be used for something else other than trying to make ends meet etc. This is not in the hands of any one politician’s moves or decisions anywhere – so let’s stop wasting our energy on all of the speculation of this kind-also let us stop focusing our attention on the USA as if it were the only place on this planet of any importance.

The Plan for ‘The Event’.

There has always been a plan. The Light Resistance movement has been steadily working towards the manifestation of ‘The Event’. They have known there was a way to ‘hack the Matrix’ {=the Computer program that keeps us prisoners in an artificial reality}, Now we know as I write this article on the 3/02/2013 that finally the Matrix has collapsed and it will now only be a question of time, the time for the perfect moment to Initiate ‘The Event’. The increased Light is now bringing to the surface everything, on all kinds of levels that need to be transformed. Because the Matrix has now collapsed this light is now increasing daily and change is imminent. Gradually day by day the ‘matrix’ is disintergrating. The astral and etheric planes are not yet perfect. We need to use the protection of the White Light when negative things we do not have control over bombard us.

A couple of examples of the Light bringing forth the truth is the amazing bravery of the MP Louis Laurent, and his amazing 13 minute talk in the Belgian Parliament earlier this week. You can read his speech word for word by going to the link on my Introduction page. There are hundreds if not thousands of examples of this worldwide now; another is David Willcock whose Financial Tyranny exposure – the truth about all the gold etc. on this planet, has now been shown to over 120 Million people this week in Russia. As I write now it has probably already been translated to English? David was told not to tell about the TV program until it had been shown, as he has known about this for about 6 weeks. There is a link to his article on my Facebook Page. {Therese Zumi Sumner}


What is meant by the ‘Event Flash’ is exactly that – a Flash of Divine energy from the Source, which passes through the Central Sun, and then will be received by the Galactic Confederation {especially Pleiadians} who will in turn give the intelligence to Lightworkers within The Light Resistance Movement. On the receiving of the information the LRM – some 300 Operatives, will make contact with the dark forces to see if they are willing to cooperate. If they are not willing to cooperate they will not be included.

All of this will happen extremely fast. From the time of the Flash to the Event it will take 15 Minutes!

There will be no announcement. There will be no media involved. This will just happen. This will be a complete surprise to everyone not in least to the Cabal. This can happen at any time. When it does we will feel a strong energy.



In the past 25,000 years we have been inside an energetic black hole, a space time anomaly because of the activities of dark forces. 2012 marked the year that WE EXITED THIS BLACK HOLE. The moment you exit the black hole, that is known as the, Event HorizonThis is happening right now. We have forgotten what the Light is. It is so much more brilliant and exciting. WE ARE IN THE EVENT HORIZON NOW.


The Planetary Light-body Activation. The Light Resistance Movement has been working steadily and continuously taking back the vortex’s week after week around the planet. At each of the Cobra conferences there have been successful Vortex meditations. Many people are helping with this process worldwide. The moment when the whole energy grid is ready we will be ready for ‘The Event’ Flash.


In the early hours and days of the Event, there will not be any outside sources to tell you what to do; this will be a time when you must listen to your true heart feelings and Intuition. You will have to ‘know’ what to do. Rely upon yourself. There will be many who react with fear and confusion. You will be a pillar of strength to these people. Rely upon your discernment which will be needed in this time of change. Advice to Lightworkers is simply. 




The Negative groups of people involving – Jesuits, Rothschild’s, Rockefellers’ and Illuminati about 1 – 2000, people will all be removed after ‘The Event’.

The dark forces will be captured and taken from power. After the Event, members of the Cabal will be taken to prisons with zero contact with the outer world whatsoever and will be isolated from each other. An Adjudication process will then start and this will involve humanity as a whole. It will be a mass catharsis and dramatic healing process for humanity to see these criminals finally being held accountable for their actions.  Most members of the Cabal are sociopaths = not capable of the positive emotions and responses, that make us human.

Humanity as a whole will decide what will happen to those individuals so that new balance is created. Amnesty will be granted to some of them. Most of them will be taken to the central sun to be recycled. For more details as to how the Cabal will be dealt with after the Event go to the text with the title ‘Removing the Cabal’ by pressing the following link to Cobra’s article on Portal 2012. You find it in the May 2012 archive. The link is found here.

Mass arrests of the Cabal are not merely a physical operation. So many Lightworkers {and definitely understandable for some who have been working day and night for this now for many years,} have been feeling frustration over the ‘delays’ as one might express it, time and time again. Yet there has never been a date given for ‘The Event’ and several months before December 21st 2012 Cobra informed us that the 21/12 would not be ‘The Event’ date. The delay in ‘The Event’ coming into being is because Spiritual support from Above, Below {Inner Earth evolved Society etc.} and not in least here on the surface, has been necessary, and is now necessary so that when the mass arrests happen human masses will not panic.

At a certain point, energies of the Galactic Central Sun will burn through all obstacles of the Matrix on the astral and etheric planes and all negative entities will be removed. They will be replaced with angels and spiritual guides as one prophecy beautifully states.


“The Net Must Come Down, It Ends, Light Enters.

The final step is simply taking down the net. This has to be done and events will then quickly follow.

The One will put forth all that energy to destroy the net itself and events will kick in almost immediately.

The programs will have no place to hide, no portals, no equipment, nothing. They will be led off and weather pattern of luminosity will begin.”


We know now that The Event is so close because Cobra informed us only days ago*** that the Matrix has collapsed. So any Lightworker can now speed things up with their continued effort in daily meditation to ‘see’ and support the Light Forces on the etheric, astral planes leading the dark entities there to the Light. We receive regular updates from Cobra as to the present state of the ongoing work to rid the astral etheric plane around Earth of the archons who still remain there. To-day May23rd 2013 we just received an update which you can access here.*** I wrote this 3 months ago and now today we are so very much closer but if you would like to understand the delays here due to the necessity of the astral-etheric planes being ‘cleared’ before The Event read the link from Cobra today May 23rd (posted 22/5) here. The Event will NOT be on the 25th May see link here.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013 – Event Horizon –

Vortex meditations worldwide, have, in conjunction with our Galactic Family ships hovering above, as also the Light energy from the 5th Dimensional Agartahan Society and the Light Resistance Movement below surface created a positive energy grid. This has been further balanced and strenghtened by the placing of precious crystals at specific ley line positions. As you will see if you go the above link every single vortex meditation brings us a step closer to The Event. This Portal opening 2 days from now being of extreme importance. See my article on the Event Intelligence page about this.

In the first couple of hours of the Event the Galactic forces will take over the satellite and communication stations, and you will receive intelligence as to what is happening around the globe. The TV will be in the control of The Light Resistance Movement and there will be announcements made. The LRM has infiltrated 300 Operatives inside the Illuminati network mostly in top positions in the military and the intelligence agencies. These people are undetectable and the Illuminati have no idea where they are.

The Resistance movement have constant physical {not telepathic} contact with the Pleiadians and other positive ET races within the Confederation, which give them daily intelligence about every Cabal member, where they are, what they do, even what they think. The Illuminati now have nowhere to hide. Disclosure will involve the release of classified documents. 95 % of these will be released quickly. This will be a great shock to many, but after the initial chock reactions they will be very glad.

For detailed information about ‘Disclosure’ and ‘First Contact’ go ‘The Event’ 2 page. {link at bottom of this one}


At the time of ‘The Event’ there is an initial contact group of Lightworkers who will be contacted first. They will be offered the choice of doing something specific, and will have the possibility of deciding against that if they choose. If so someone else will be contacted. Later anyone might get contacted. People drawn to the Cobra conferences worldwide are potential contact persons for this happening.

The First 3-7 days Max

In the first few hours of ‘The Event’ the Galactic forces will take over the satellites and communication stations. You will be able to receive intelligence as to what is going on around the planet. The Resistance Movement will activate a virus and enter a code into the computer program that is the Rothschild’s Financial System. This has of course already been tested by removing a couple of billion dollars ‘for fun’. So they know that this will work. This virus will shut down the main frame accounts. Credit cards will not work. The banks will close.

There will be no way to transfer money at this time. It would be good to have cash, gold and silver coins.

Some stores will remain open. Some stores will accept cash, gold and silver.  When banks close, people will have a tendency to panic. There is no need for this panic. People should not throw away money, which they might not be able to use in the first week, because this money will be useful later. There will be a few days of confusion until after the arrests are complete.

Because supermarkets can literally be emptied in the timeframe of 45 minutes after the news gets out, you would be wise to have at all times from now on food available to last you from 3 to 7 days max.  A tank full of gas is probably sufficient unless you know personally that you will need to have more in reserve. A week’s supply of everything is all we need to be concerned about. Just be sure you have food and water for these days.

Within a few days there will be a new financial system put into place. Eventually the gold that has been taken by the cabal will be returned to humanity. The Cabal don’t even have real gold, they manufacture Tungsten gold {only outer layer is real gold}. We believe in their illusion and that’s why it works. It costs two cents to make a 100$ bill! When the new system is in place it will be gold backed currency. The new financial system is gold-backed.

After ‘The Event’ there will be a re-evaluation. It will be a time of transition for us all. Everyone will have the basics for everything they need.


There are numerous Divine Ascended Masters and Arch-Angels involved with these changes and supporting humanity through all of this. See bottom of this page. But right here I would like to mention One of them. Commander Ashtar is His name. His last incarnation on Earth was 25000 years ago. His main project is the Ascension of Humanity. Another of Ashtar’s projects is First Contact {with our Galactic Family} which I will also write about in the coming weeks. Another of His projects is training in telepathic communication. At ‘The Event’ He can take over the media. All the TV programs will be broadcasting the message.

No More Homeless People.

After ‘The Event’ there will no longer be any homeless people. Homes will be opened up for everyone who is in need of one.


The new financial system will be a fair and balanced ‘spiritual’ finance system. Half of your money has been going to the Cabal one way or another. The Rothschild’s system is a computer program. In June of 2012 the Light Resistance Movement broke into the banking system of the Cabal as mentioned earlier. The Cabal has a Windows operating system which has ‘a back door’ to control all financial transactions. The Cabal knows exactly how money flows. At ‘The Event’ there will be a virus activated which will shut down the main frame computers. As mentioned earlier there will be no transfers of money. The mass arrests will be taking place. Banks will close. No credit cards will work so you will need cash. All that Gold that they have looted over so many years will be going back to humanity.


The Yamashita gold that was in the hands of the Illuminati has been seized by the LRM in January and February of 2012. It is now in safe keeping in underground chambers of the Resistance Movement and will be returned to humanity after ‘The Event’, and it will serve as the basis-as a reserve, for a new currency which will mean abundance for everyone.

All the accounts belong to the Cabal will be ‘frozen’. All the money they have taken from humanity through fraud will be now used to support humanity.

We will be keeping our present currency initially. There will be re-evaluation. Dinar will not work.

LEGAL: All business agreements that are legal will hold after the event. Common law will be simple and easy to understand.

After the arrest process is over and there has been a re-set, The Federal Reserve and The IRS and BIS will be bankrupt and they will be dismantled. From now on there will only be transparent handling. There will be no 1) Fractional lending. 2) No Interests. And 3) No More Stock Market -it will close never again to open!

Your Money in the Bank

Just so that there is no misunderstanding I am rewriting the info concerning this today Thursday the 23rd May 2013. It does not matter which bank you have your money in at the time of The Event. Everyone with valid bank accounts will absolutely have full access to their money as soon as the banks re-open. Possibly this might take a bit longer for some banks than others. My feeling about this is that the banks which are already more aligned consciousness wise with the new financial system will reopen quicker. Currency rates will be balanced worldwide without any major fluctuations.

Some banks will reopen quickly and things will be transparent. Banks with ties to the Federal Reserve will be dismantled. Everyone will understand clearly what is going on, as we will be informed of the details. For the first few days the money in your bank account will be frozen. If you are Cabal you will be taken. So in line with the above it is clear that if your particular bank is one of those that will be dismantled you need have no worry because your money will still be provided via another bank as long as your account is valid.

The first money to be released will be for humanitarian purposes. A Task Group will look after this. The Resistance Movement will be guiding and watching and remember they can read your thoughts! Pleiadians track all of our actions and they know who does what.



Companies like Monsanto will be bankrupt. Microsoft has been composed of a Good and a Bad part. The Good part of it will be restructured. Some 600-800 Bankers are ‘retiring’. They have no choice they have been forced to retire or else be arrested. This has been happening now for a year or so. Many sites have posted articles about all the retiring bankers worldwide-the majority of these have been in the highest positions.

There were plans already many years ago for NESARA {a detailed re-set of the financial system}. The reason it never happened was because of 9/11 which understandably was initiated to prevent this new and better financial system from coming into existence.


We will have new governments worldwide. After ‘The Event’ we will have new parliaments worldwide. We will all meet up at the United Nations {which right now is still in the control of the Cabal.} This will be broadcast on the mass media. Humanity will be under Spiritual Guidance. Certain places on the planet are being prepared to be Cities of Light.

Regarding the United States Congress it is not a part of the Cabal. The majority of those in Congress have either been bought or blackmailed. The old political system will be closed on the day of re-set. It would not be much of a spiritual hierarchy as a true parliament should be. The Resistance will help, but they do not want to participate. The new Governments worldwide will be much faster and more effective in their decision making.

Tax in the future.

The only Tax in the future will be a 14% tax on new items. Those working within the tax authorities will be unemployed. {Though there will be so many other ‘fun’ things for them to do.}

100,000$ FOR EVERYONE.

The financial reset will not make everyone sudden millionaires. The total real value of all collateral accounts is between 500-1000 Trillion $. This means about 100,000$ will be given to each person.  There will of course be individual negotiations for each person, as some who have debt, will have to pay the debt from this sum. The Cabal will of course not receive any money whatsoever. You should be able to buy a house for 10,000$. You will not need to have concern about health issues costing you money. There will be enough for everyone to have proper housing, food and a fairly comfortable lifestyle, but not enough to spend the rest of your days sipping cocktails by the pool.


Some debt will be forgiven, cancelled out, for example house debt. Country debt will be forgiven. Mortgage debt will be cancelled. Retirement accounts, Health insurance, and Social Security will be arranged.

Lightworkers will be compensated for their work. They will no longer have money concerns or lack of resources in their lives.

Mind Controlled People.

After ‘The Event’ no mind controlled person will have power. They will need healing. An example of this would be President Obama who has been subjected to mind control since childhood. After his mind control has been removed he will be working for the Light. He may resume a powerful position after being healed. 50 % of the Illuminati are simply people who have had the misfortune to be born into these families and not dared to go against family tradition-rule etc. They will be offered healing from their mind control after the Event. There might be some totally new people on the scene.

Archangel Michael said on “An hour with an Angel” recently that President Obama is very much indeed still the President despite much speculation to the contrary. [TZ here next four sentences } I think anyone with a bit of imagination can clearly understand what an enormous role he is playing. He is a Light person who has been prepared for this role in our times. Whether or not the OPPT have another person sworn in here to this position on some official ‘whatever’ or not is pointless in wasting our time discussing. When ‘The Event’ happens President Obama will be in need of a well – deserved rest from all of the trials he has been subjected to, could be he would prefer to do something else {not quite so demanding} after ‘The Event’?


At the time of ‘The Event’ there is a possibility of some social unrest in various places around the world. These will just be isolated cases according to Cobra. The Positive Military is the most powerful positive group on the surface of our planet. They have developed their plans with the assistance of the LRM: The Resistance Movement will back up the military, mainly only with intelligence data about the Illuminati and some logistic advice, but they will mostly stay behind the scenes. The Positive military in the USA, Russia and China, will be cooperating in ‘The Event’. They have clear knowledge since way back as to what their role is in this. They will absolutely not be using weapons. There will be a certain number of Galactic family members involved and they will have the support of ‘weapons’ {for want of a better word} which can freeze people temporarily. {You may have seen this in the movies- like ‘men in black’}. The military and police forces will help out in a positive way.

Police Force Restructured

During ‘The Event’ the military will back up the civilian authority {in the USA for example through the federal marshals and worldwide through Interpol}, which will back up local law enforcement to arrest the members of the Cabal.

After ‘The Event’ the police force will be restructured. Their role will now be another role in serving humanity.

People in Prison.

Most of the people in the prison systems will be released. Some of these will receive psychological help. Tyrants will not be tolerated in our new world.

New Advanced Health System

There will be a more advanced health system introduced. Most diseases can already be cured. This information has been prevented from reaching us through the evil workings of the Cabal and the many multinational pharmaceutical companies who have been working for them.Health care will be free. Healing modalities will become more efficient and be based on true spiritual principles. And this will only be the beginning.

For your health now make sure you are consuming plenty of water daily and that it is as pure as possible. As we are all different, something that Ayurveda explains very well, it is not necessary for everyone to consume an exact amount, it will vary and be somewhere between one and two litres daily. If you would like to start the process of detoxification of your body, then it might be of use to know that good quality colloidal silver helps to eliminate toxins. Any way that you can improve the quality of your food intake etc. is important as this is the way you will receive more Light.

DO NOT GET VACCINATED. See Rothschild faction further down this page and the page ‘Dark Truths’.


The drug trade is CIA – Cabal operated. This will be changed.

New Projects of Every Kind Worldwide.

There are many amazing projects worldwide devoted to ‘fixing the world’ like the one of the same name. There are websites devoted to this, the one that comes to mind is ‘Reality Sandwich’ where people of all walks of life ‘gather’ to discuss the future of technology, engineering, art, business, science, psychology, ecology, multimedia, commons, etc. People with organisational skills will be needed worldwide for all the new projects that will be getting underway IN EVERY AREA OF LIFE after ‘The Event’. What can you contribute? It will be extremely intense after ‘The Event’ and there will be so many projects needing help. The LRM will coordinate and manifest these projects with us. The sky’s the limit!

New Advanced Technology

The first and foremost new technology to be made available worldwide will be Free Energy. This is already available but immediately after ‘The Event’ factories will be built to provide this technology.

There will be great changes in transportation. Within months of ‘The Event’ you will be able to replace the engine of your old car. Why you may wonder – well simply because it can then run on distilled water. Factories will be built fast for this. The 2nd phase will be introducing more advanced cars- levitating cars. The advanced sensors in them will prevent accidents. Keshe technology has already started development of the ‘Flying’ car. This will not be dangerous; on the contrary they will be very safe because the car will brake automatically if it gets too close to another vehicle.

There are many operational working devices that have been prevented in coming to humanity because the Cabal has been controlling their release. Many of these working devices will be immediately maid available to the masses after the Event. All of these new devices will be extremely safe. Everything will be much cheaper to produce, just about everything will be cheaper. Food will be very easy and simple to produce. Prices of nearly everything will go down. The production of energy will be almost free, as will  heating and engines. People will not be ‘greedy’ any longer.


The working day will not be any longer than this. People will finally be free to develop their creative potential. They will now also be able to focus on their Spiritual Development.  Cobra has earlier said that he thinks most humans will be happy to work for a few hours daily, because they will discover that eternal vacations can be boring. Also work will be so much more rewarding, inspiring and creative as we will no longer be slaves to the Cabal.

Gaia- Our Beloved Mother Planet Purified.

We will with new technology have the ability to clean all of the pollution on Gaia. We will clean all the chemical waste. We will purify our water supply everywhere. We will heal the ECO system. Nuclear power stations will be shut down. Free energy will replace it, and it can be distributed to us using the same system-the same buildings. There will be extensive operations to remove the chemical waste. {This might possibly be an area of work for those who will automatically be unemployed after the Event like Lawyers and Tax people?}There will be ULTRA purification of the ECO system.

A one year cycle will be necessary to replace genetically modified grains etc. Monsanto will be dissolved, all genetically modified seeds will be destroyed. Our food will be better. Also there are enough rare Earth minerals available for all our needs.

Archangel Michael said of Gaia on “An Hour with an Angel“ the other week, All of this {flooding of the energy from Mother and Father} is continuing, Gaia in her shift, is also flooding you with the sweetness of being alive, of being in your form, that you have never known before. You may have had moments when you were in a pristine forest or by a lake or an ocean or a cave where you felt this moment of pure blissful connection, but now she is flooding you and this is the new norm.”

Products from the Oil Industry.

The oil producing people and factories have all kinds of materials available. There will be a redirection of planning immediately.

The Animals on Gaia

There will be a general rise in consciousness after ‘The Event’. This will precipitate an awareness of the sacredness of all life which will come to affect the way we look upon our animals living here with us. There will be 0% tolerance to pain to animals regarding food production. Animals will be treated differently and they will be provided with much better food.


It was the Jesuits who started the original education program and with that introduced their mind control. As I write this I can hear the song ‘The Wall’ by Pink Floyd ringing in my ears. The Jesuits school program was pure brainwashing. We must unlearn what we have learned. The vast majority of what we have received is not true. We are going beyond our old programming. The Jesuits created a sophisticated mind control through their universities. Spiritual ideas such as guilt, fear, are all part of Jesuit mind control. Both physical and non physical archons cooperated to this effect.

There will be no more horror movies. After ‘The Event’ most of the movies made will be very positive.

Education will be totally transformed. It will be much more fun and much more holistic. I told my grandson 18 MThs’ ago that we would soon have ‘Harry Potter’ type schools here, and so I bought him and my granddaughter books about symbolism so they could get started. Michael Tsarion has asked of us that we reclaim all of the beautiful symbolism to its rightful use – that has been misused and sullied by the Dark Ones.

The True History of our Planet

We will start to learn the true history about our planet, via the media, in the early days of ‘The Event’. I plan to write an article shortly on this page with some of that information in the near future.


A Timeline is a possible future outcome of a situation on our planet. It is a definition for a potential future of a particular event. Most of the possible future timelines have been collapsing as we have been approaching ‘The Event’. I myself read somewhere that all Timelines ended on the 21/12/2012, which I understand now not to be the case, but that it is ‘The Event’ that is the defining factor for the end of multiple possible future timelines. Up until the 11/11/11 we still had possible negative future timelines-but they all collapsed then, and from that date there is the certainty of a positive outcome for our planet.

Our perception of time itself will change with the expansion of consciousness.

Introduction of Replicators.

Replicators will be available after ‘First Contact’. These devices will need spiritual maturity. This will be the point in our new development where money will become obsolete. The Arc of the Covenant which is an ancient replicator has been in the hands of the Cabal. Now the Cabal no longer have it. It was hidden in a tunnel and transported underground to the Resistance Movement.

Ps The Cabal are confined to the USA or Europe. They cannot move freely.


After ‘The Event’, after the mass arrests, there will be SUCH A BRAKTHROUGH FOR HUMANITY. Now we can finally begin to make our own destiny here without the oppression and control of those who were never actually invited here in the first place.

Ascension – now the real Ascension Time Period will be here.


At-during ‘The Event’ spiritual growth will be easier and people will start going to the 5th dimension. {If you are not familiar with this area see my ‘About Ascension’ Page}. We are now being flooded by the new Energy that started two months ago and will continue for some time, this energy that will awaken us more and more to who we truly are. Archangel Michael addressed the many complaints from people saying “Lord, I do not feel any different. I do not look different. And He said on January 28th this year What I suggest to you is that you take a moment with me, with all of us {Council of Love = Ascended Masters and Archangels Etc.} to reflect back, not to bring it into your being, but simply to reflect back on where you were, what you were thinking, what you were feeling one year ago, four years ago, ten years ago, and not only be the witness and the observer, but truly see where you have been, the growth that you have chosen, not simply has been bestowed upon you. You continue, you know, to be flooded by the energies of the Mother and Father.

For those ready to ascend at ‘The Event’ should understand that there are no limits to maintaining your body in the 5th Dimension. There will be many chances to either stay with Gaia in her Ascension process or go elsewhere to a 3D experience. It is impossible to go back and Cobra said he could not speak of the ‘cut off’ point at this time. There is going to be an enormous spiritual awakening at the time of ‘The Event’. At this time people will have many memories returning to them, memories of contacts with their Galactic Family etc that they have not remebered because it would have put them in  danger.

True information on spiritual matters will be released immediately. People will be given spiritual education. Cities of Light as also smaller communities of Light are being prepared in certain places around the planet.

Humanity will be under Spiritual Guidance. People will be prepared for Ascension both on an individual and on a mass basis.

For more details on this go to the text ‘The Real Ascension to 5D’ on ‘Cobra School’ page.

Someone Asked in LA.

Someone asked Cobra if this time in our history is just part of a cycle – meaning will we be here again at another time in the future? Cobra said “No this will never never happen again. We learned the lesson.” “Evolution goes forward, never backwards in reincarnation. We never go back. Golden Ages disappear, but this Golden Age will last forever because we are ending duality”.

Cobra said in LA:

He told us that he was Told not to plan anything after 21/12/2012. The focus of the next conferences worldwide would be about how to change our world. This would be after ‘The Event’. Here I will let you add the dots all by yourself!

The Order of Things {The Series of Events within ‘The Event’}

After ‘The Event’ things will follow in a certain order. *) We will have a new fair and balanced financial system. *) There will be a release of the true history of our planet. *) There will be release of new technologies especially free energy. *) There will be a new Ascension – quantum leap for humanity. *) There will be an interim Temporary Government. *) Then there will be elections. *) Then we will be gradually prepared for ‘First Contact’ with our Galactic Family.*) The first contacts we have will be with the Pleiadians. *) Then there will be official ‘First Contact’. *) Later there will be Mass Landings. *) Later still Ascended Masters will appear.

Someone in LA wondered if there would not be resistance even to the good coming in, regarding the government structure etc. Cobra replied “People all over this planet are just waiting to know the truth and all the satellites and the media will be in control of The Resistance Movement, and people will very quickly come to know the whole truth, of what has really been going on here on this planet for thousands of years. There will be droves of testimonies coming forward via the TV news.

This is NOT about another mind program. Listen to your heart, check with your own higher self how this works for you. Open your mind. Truth will remain. True happiness and true light doesn’t need anything to define itself. There will be eternal happiness in Paradise when the ‘veil’ is lifted. This is a natural right in the Universe. We have almost forgotten.

This is one of the most special and unique times in history. The Time of ‘Victory of The Light’.

The increased intensity that we feel regarding everything, is a sign that things are moving faster and faster, that we are approaching ‘The Event’.


Lightworkers worldwide are tired and somewhat disappointed that ‘nothing happened’ after all they had been promised on 21/12/12.
The following has to be understood.
As long as the Matrix – the programmed veil around this planet was in place, as long as it was full of archon and reptilian and other entities who were doing their utmost to affect our consciousness, major overnight change on this planet would not be as a harmonious an event as it could be.

Unfortunately much of the channelling done over the recent years has not always come from the Galactics, or Masters or whoever was supposedly being channelled. The reason for this being, that astral entities were affecting channels, and purposely misleading them.

THE MATRIX HAS NOW COLLAPSED. Initially many of the entities there came down to the layer closest to Earth. This layer is approx. 100 metres above and 100 m below the surface.
This area is now day by day being cleared by the LRM and by the work of people meditating worldwide, contributing to the cleansing of these entities in towns and cities all over the globe. Some Lightworkers are out in the ‘field’ doing this cleansing work.

There is now so much more light getting through to us since the collapse of the Matrix and yet as long as the surface 200 metres is still partly occupied by dark entities. The Resistance Movement will not take the chance of starting any operation, that could potentially be a disaster, because people would panic and not be prepared, because the dark ones could spread fear to them etc.

The Light Resistance Movement does not want this risk. So NO DATES WILL BE GIVEN. When the old negative grid is gone, and a new fresh Light Grid is in place, then the rising light energy will quickly bring more people to an awake state. Many more people.

It is better that we all have patience and as Lightworkers keep ourselves busy on our ‘work’. When we do this we will not have the time to feel that ‘nothing is happening’. If you do not have something specific to do then you can devote time daily to support the cleansing of the grid by the Angelics.

The clearer everything is energy wise around and below surface Gaia, the quicker ‘The Event’ can take place without the risks of people panicking. The LRM have worked so hard for so long on this plan, they are perfectionists in the truest meaning of the word. They do not like half measures.

What Will Be Will Be.

This last paragraph is my interpretation of an interview with Cobra by Maarten Horst of ET – First Contact Radio on January 31st 2013.

Archangel Michael would like to Sum Up.

Regarding our desire to start creating Nova Earth now, Archangel Michael said. That desire to see the reflection of what is truly within you in an external, large, grand manner, is becoming almost a drive, not a compulsion, but an instinctual drive. It is as if you are seeking true North and you have a compass set and you are not veering off course.

It matters not what you call yourselves, whether it is wayshowers or pillars or gatekeepers or lightholders or loveholders. You are the creator race and you step into the fullness of that role. It is not something new. If anything, it is something ancient. It is that closing of the circle and the beginning of the new.

I invite you, I hold out My arms to you as do all the Mighty Ones {Archangels}, all the Ascended Masters. The Divine Mother, the Company of Heaven, We hold out Our arms to you and say. Please join with Us now in partnership.”


Thank you to Cobra for the information and to my beloved Mentor Archangel Michael.

Many thanks to my roommate DaNell Glade for great complementary notes.


Written by        Therese Zumi Sumner          04/02/2103             1633


The following articles will be coming shortly. 1) The Light Resistance Movement. 2) Your ‘Mission’ ( as Lightworker) 2) First Contact with our Galactic Family. 3) The True History of our Planet {short}.




Holding us hostage. These are the groups, the controlling forces holding us hostage on this beautiful planet. They create violence and pain worldwide and we pay the price. If the Light Resistance Movement on any level intervenes too much they retaliate and we pay. When the ‘net’ and the surface is ‘cleared’ intervention can take place harmoniously.

¤The Jesuit Faction. Mostly found in the Vatican. Their ‘work’ is mind control – the control of the people. They have the religious indoctrination of sin and hell, and are behind many operations to control populations. They have controlled education.

¤ The Rothschild Faction. They manage the money for the Jesuits. This Cabal faction has totally infiltrated modern medicine; one example is vaccinations. We have been genetically altered through vaccines. The idea behind the Rothschild idea of medicine is to keep us all as working slaves. There are cures and healing for everything. This will all be released and balanced very soon.

The W.H.O. which is Rothschild based, developed vaccinations in the Nazi concentration camps during WW2. Between the years 1945 and 2010 we received those ‘biochips’ implanted there {if we were vaccinated}. Their function was to cut out conscious ability and make us zombie like. The Resistance Movement have now cleared these chips. TZ speaking here, I remember discussing with friends in 1989 how we would never agree to having chips implanted by any authorities. But they were in vaccinations as far back as above dates, plus we all carried bank cards and mobiles etc. so they had no problem keeping tabs on us. I will add here that the resistance movement has managed to clear out 95% of the sex trade worldwide.

¤ The Rockefeller Faction. 1-2000 people involved in Medicine, Science, Nazis and Technology. And that reminds me {TZS} of a million things like the real reason behind vaccinations but i also recall the following.

Fluoridation of our water supply has forcibly medicated an entire population with a carcinogenic chemical drug. According to ‘The Lancet’ Fluoride is a neurotoxic substance that causes the brain severe damage, and interferes with brain function. According to Harvard there is a definite link between fluoride levels and IQ levels. They have identified a link to bone cancer where the highest rates occur in populations drinking fluoridated water. The same findings as Governmwent studies going back to 1990, showing also how it causes kidney damage and impairs Tyroid function.

Therese Zumi recalls on learning about this in the 80s and remembering Mrs Thatcher speaking to the people of Northern Ireland and congratulating them on the introduction of Fluoride to their water system. Telling them how good it would be for the childrens bones and teeth, and I knew then that the main reason for this was to ‘pacify’ the population and reduce the problems Britain was encountering in the ‘North’. Makes me want to puke.

¤ Archons. Their energy field is not human. They are not Reptilian. The few left in physical bodies are to be found among black nobility families in Italy, some among politicians, some in the Vatican.

¤ Reptilians. They are the minions of the Archons. They put pressure on people’s weak spots, working to encourage people to drink more, fear more etc. We should all protect ourselves with White Light and ask for support with clearing these energies. See article ‘Healing Our-self Healing our World’ on the ‘Cobra School’ page where you can find links to people working idealistically to clear energies. Cobra said that most provocations are not part of our own process. The Reptilians can be found both on the Physical and the Astral plane. As I write this on February 14th! my feeling is that they will soon be history, as the LRM are working daily clearing out these entities. {See article ‘The Veil that hides the Truth’}

¤ Blobs. These are Amoeba like – sea-horse like – entities floating in astral space. They do what they are told to do. They connect to human fields and controll emotions. Their job is to create conflict among people especially any warm feelings between couples etc. We have the power within ourselves to reject these emotions with our will.

PS The Cabal had very advanced plans to fake an alien invasion to scare the shit out of us. These plans have all been ‘cleared’ by the Resistance.

Source of information Cobra.

Information written by       Therese Zumi             20/02/2013


Alexandra {Galactic Connection} asked Cobra if he agreed with some of the Internet ‘news’ coming out that there are different ET factions per continent on the planet? His reply was as follows; “In the Cabal yes. You have the Rothschild’s faction which is the Orion. I would say the Orion forces. You have the Rockefeller faction, which is more the Draconians. Then there is the Jesuit faction, which is a mixture of Andromedans and Reptilians. Alexandra wondered if they were basically ‘headquartered’ in various parts of the world. “Oh yes!” replied Cobra, “the Rothschild’s mostly control Europe. The Rockefellers mostly control the USA. Then you have the Jesuits who control the rest of the world.

Written by                         Therese Zumi Sumner                           01/03/2013                       1140am


The Light Resistance Movement

The Resistance Movement here on Earth is connected to a much larger confederation of Galactic beings. One could say that the Resistance Movement along with the Pleiadians is a faction within a confederation known under the name The Guardian Alliance. Cobra describes this group as a loose confederation of positive races inside of this galaxy that have different names. He points out that the important thing here is NOT the name, but the fact that there are thousands upon thousands of positive ET races that have reached a certain point in their evolution and these races have at this point – no more need for negativity. They have created a loose confederation.

At this point in this information piece I Therese Zumi would like to point out that all of the information here comes either, from my meeting with Cobra in LA in November of 2012, or from various interviews with him especially his interview with Alexandra Meadors last July 2012 – see info at the end of this piece. Also to save a thousand italics here and there whenever the text reads “I or we” it is Cobra speaking unless otherwise explained.

So the whole purpose now for the Resistance Movements work around our planet is to help to liberate humanity so that humanity can reach the same stage as mentioned above. Cobra has explained {sadly I TZ might add} that this planet is like a cancer cell in a healthy body. The last cancer cell of the galaxy has to be healed. That is why positive ET races have been and are coming here. These are beings in their physical bodies that look like you and me. They look like everyone else on the surface of the planet – but they have origins from elsewhere.

The rest of the universe has been liberated. It is not a coincidence that we are here on this planet says Cobra. This last planet has not been liberated because it was the last stronghold for the Dark Forces.

The most skilled Galactic warriors have incarnated on this planet in the last couple of hundreds of thousands of years. The reason for this is because it was known that this planet was the toughest one – the hardest one to liberate. I would say that the most advanced souls with the highest possible skills have been incarnated here exactly for this purpose.

Cobra explained that there was a certain testing that was done to determine if we were fit to incarnate here or not. He explained that there were actually not many planets in this galaxy with such strong control of the Dark Forces. Earth has been one of the toughest – an enormous challenge due both to the difficulty of liberating the planet along with the difficulty of the vibrational frequency which exists here.


The Resistance Movement was quite weakened by the constant attack of the Cabal in the time period from 1996 to 1999. The reinforcements came from planet X and now they are very very strong. When things were at their worst here the Resistance Movement were as many as 70 million people. Today they are around 20 million as in the last ten years or so, many returned to their homes as things got so much better here.

In the timeframe in between 1996 – 1999 there was a very strong war taking place underground, in underground tunnels. The Cabal was much stronger then. They had many beings infiltrated from other star systems. They had about 10 – 20 million of their representatives in their underground bases. Some reptilians are trapped in human bodies. There are some of these in the Royal Family. George W Bush Junior is one and another was the earlier finance minister of Great Britain Ted Heath. A Lady whose husband was a politician informed David Icke that she had seen him shape-shift to and from his reptilian form at a dinner in London, and what was even stranger was that “nobody blinked an eye”. It had been a great relief to her to meet David Icke and understand that this was not an isolated incidence, and she had not been hallucinating.


Planet X is a planet that orbits our sun in our solar system. it takes 850 years for planet X to circuit the sun. It is in orbit beyond Pluto in an inclined orbit. There were about 500 million people living there in underground cities. The planet was in control of the Cabal. In 1999 the Resistance Movement managed to liberate this planet. It took three weeks to do so. The people there were less programmed than us. In 1993 after they were liberated, 7 million of the inhabitant’s teleported here to Earth and began clearing reptilian bases. Between 1999 and 2003 the underground reptilian and military bases were cleared out. They also cleared out ‘Area 51’. They cleared out all of the black projects. There are no more reptilians walking around in these or any underground bases, nor is there any remaining exotic military technology.

There are 100 Billion Galaxies. 10 – 15 Galaxies were cleared of dark forces we are the last.


The Cabal has also had cloning factories which have also been cleared out. There was at one point a lot of cloning going on. The Cabal had this technology but this is all gone now. They have not been able to clone anyone now for over 5 years. There are no clones of anybody present any longer.


25,000 years ago the vast majority of the Light forces on our planet retreated underground. They developed cities and they are known as Agarthans. They stayed here to maintain balance on Gaia. They have been helping to stabilize the planet, but they did not interfere with the surface population.

In 1975 there was an intelligence agent working for the Light named Michael. At this point I TZ would like to point out that when Cobra arrived on the scene in the spring of 2012 he told us that he was working for someone called Michael – {personally I thought he meant Archangel Michael at the time, but I do believe now that it is another Michael, yet and this is my personal point of view here, I do believe Archangel Michael to be very much involved in all of this}. Michael went into the underground subway system in New York with a group of like-minded. There are secret entrances to the underground system that they know of. There they created the main operation centre of the Light Resistance Movement hundreds and hundreds of feet below the surface of New York City.

Michael came into contact with the Agarthan network and also with the Andromedans, who gave them technology. Already as far back as 1975 they made contact with people in the military for the plans for mass arrests. The original plan was a military coup. People changed this plan. In the years between 1975 and 1990 the resistance brought in computers and the Internet. Cobra has personally seen the work being done back in the 70s to develop the PCs that we use today. They have been provided from interaction with ETs underground, to connect everyone in a global network. Other technologies were introduced to connect to global communication. In 1996 there was a strong invasion of dark forces. The Cabal had many underground reptilian bases. They were close to destroying the Resistance Movement. The Ashtar Command has now taken their space fleet.

In LA Cobra thanked Michael and the Resistance movement for their work and also for his own life. They are waiting for the right time to be introduced to humanity. Cobra has been informed that they will give physical proof of his intelligence information after ‘The Event’.

Beam-up !


The Light forces below ground exist in many cavern systems which are interconnected to each other. They are connected also to the Agarthan** Society network whose cities of Light are connected to each other by high speed trains. The LRM have had a huge role to play in stabilising the situation on our planet and preventing WW3, as also clearing the threat that bio-chemical weapons pose to us.

Regarding the threat of nuclear war the Pleiadian spacecraft have blocked 90% of these weapons. Surface agents within the LRM have done the rest, deactivating these weapons, so they are not possible to activate using technology that is far beyond our understanding of technology. There is 0% risk of nuclear war now.

** The Agarthan society who went underground 25-26000 years ago has not interfered much over the millennia with the surface population. Interfering in our world here on the surface would have been extremely dangerous for them. Yet they have had a huge role to play in stabilising the situation here by projecting loving thoughts up to us. One major underground city is Telos which is under Mt Shasta. Many Ascended Masters materialise in that area. Inner Earth is part of the 5th Dimension. The 5th Dimension is aligned with higher purpose. As Gaia is now anchored in the 5th Dimension we are on our merry way as a planet to being part of this. Yet there are those not at all ready for the 5th Dimension and its vibratory frequency and they will have a choice to exist on a peaceful 3D planet. {See Tolec and the Biospheres on the Bigger Picture Page cont. :}


The Galactic Confederation in conjunction with the Ashtar Command and the various races helping us, are using high technology to hold the acupressure lines or ley lines to allow a harmonious transition. This is a time on Earth when we would have been subjected to geological upheavals. We have been spared these catastrophes so that as many as possible gain light and transfigure to a higher consciousness.


Cobra gave us information on the Galactic Super Wave that one can find much disinformation about on the Internet. He explained that every 25000 years the sun emits energy. This wave of energy started in 1975 and will continue until 2025. This wave is bringing transformation to our planet. The Cabal are well aware that they cannot control the Galaxy.  There is nothing in the Universe that can stop the Galactic superwave – it is entirely inevitable. It is very powerful energy but it is soft energy. The more Goddess presence we have on the planet, the more peaceful it can be. {See disinformation below.}


There is much dis-information bouncing around the Internet. Here are some facts Cobra has provided.

¤ Planet X is not coming – it is orbiting the Sun.

¤ Nibiru is disinformation. Nothing is going to come close to our orbit.

¤ The Galactic superwave is bringing the Light. We are right now in the middle of this wave. Without the Galactic ships protecting us as they do, by placing the ships strategically around the Sun it could be destructive. The ships are stabilising the frequency of the sun.

¤ There will not be a 3 day period of darkness at ‘The Event’. This information is a part of the Armageddon timeline which has been erased.

¤ It is the galactic pulse that triggers the magnetic polar shift. This is not dangerous. There is a question of two different events here.

Imagine this ‘Grail’ in Crystal Moldavite with 144,000 facets.


1)    The Positive military from the USA, Russia and China who will be behind the scenes providing technology, transport and logistics at ‘The Event’.

2)    Templars. Solomon’s Temple. Hidden below Solomon’s temple is info re Jesus that could threaten the church. In the past the Knights Templar were all arrested by the Cabal on one single day Friday the 13th {now we know where that came from!}. Only a few continued on, some Templars went to Scotland and started Freemasonry. At that time negative Templars went to Italy and became the Illuminati.

3)    White Dragon Society. This is a group of old-ancient Chinese families. The Rothschild’s cut off their power. They want China back. Here there are mixed feelings as some of them want to have a totalitarian China. They are involved in the financial sector fighting for a new financial system. This family also has factories that are developing free energy now. The technology involved will fit into the palm of your hand. Can you imagine what this means.

4)    Brotherhood of the Star. These are advanced beings. They work by projecting to the minds of those who are ready, to bring higher ideals of Light to the human population. There are not many of them on Earth. See This posting was made by Cobra on September 5 2012.

5)   The Order of the Star. This is a task force of 144000 beings from the time of Atlantis who volunteered to work for the purpose of transforming darkness into light. They keep reincarnating again and again to assist. Each person has a unique set of skills for planetary liberation. After ‘The Event’ there will be great need of healing of humanity which they will take part in. The group is like a complex Mandala with individual forms. The ‘Holy Grail’ a chalice made of Moldavite is a reflection of this group and has 144,000 polished facets, each which contains a code for souls to be awakened. It is in the safe keeping of the Galactic Federation.

6)   A group of 15000 Beings incarnated at the time of Atlantis to help heal the separation. They continue to incarnate again and again to this end. This group includes the Buddha, Christ, Templars and Lightworkers. Some of us belong to this group. When this planet is liberated we will enter into the 3rd Atlantis. The final Paradise on Earth with cities of Light and advanced technology. This is part of the plan. When St Germaine was incarnated as Francis Bacon he talked about this time.

7)    The White Hats The person with the code name ’Michael’ that Cobra told us went underground is a White Hat member. He was forced to ‘go underground’ when the Cabal were in pursuit of him. He had a group of agent’s working with him, they also went underground. There are members of the White Hats worldwide. One of them who is well known on the surface is Benjamin Fulford. Benjamin has had numerable attempts made on his life. He was editor in chief for ‘Forbes’ economic magazine for 20 years. Cobra has regular contact with members of this group who work in top positions within financial and administrative positions worldwide supporting the work of the Light Resistance Movement on earth.

8)   Lightworkers. People who invoke the Light and work with the Light. The backbone of the resistance Movement.

Andromeda Galaxy

Forces of Light

¤ Galactic Confederation. This group travel interdimensionally throughout the Galaxy. This group is the overseer of evolution on planets. This is a loose union of all positive races that have received LOVE as their natural state. They exist beyond war, polarities and dualities. They only desire to spread Love. There are about 200,000 species in this galaxy. 70% are humanoid. You would not recognise them; there might be some in this room! {LA Cobra conf. Nov. 2012} The main group are not present on the surface of the planet. They are orbiting our planet – cloaked so they can not be detected. Without their intervention we would have been extinct at this point.

¤ Ashtar Command.  This is a group within the Galactic Confederation. Their mission is to liberate planet Earth. They have gathered many ships around the Earth literally millions of them. Their ships are from 5 – 10 feet to thousands of feet in diameter. The fleet squadron gather on strategic positions. They are here ready to take action when the time is right. The Cabal organised a strong negative campaign against the Ashtar Command in the 90s doing their utmost to create fear among people who heard their name. Ashtar people were in-planted. Now the Light has returned and the group is stronger.

¤ Pleiadians.  Cobra is a Pleiadian incarnate. They contacted him as a child. Cobra wanted to bring Pleiadian technology to Earth and interweave it with ours. Like Dr Fred Bell and ‘our’ Robert Potter he too was in contact with Semjase. The Pleiadians have the closest ties to humanity. They have contacted the surface population many times. Dr Fred Bell was contacted on several occasions by Semjase, and Rob Potter who organised the conference in Laguna Beach and Egypt for Cobra is a contactee who has worked alongside Dr Fred Bell for many years. You can listen to the interview with Robert and Cobra on Coast to Coast Radio in January of this year here on this page. Many Pleiadians were spiritual teachers – or prophets. The Pleiadians said to Cobra that he had to go back to this planet to prevent nuclear war. Each day we are getting closer to ‘The Event’.

¤ Sirians. Some have incarnated here as humans and some as Dolphins and Whales. They are the caretakers of water. They are very aware of their purpose. Most of us involved in New Age interests – most awake beings, are aware of the enormous role our dolphin brothers and sisters have played – are playing on our planet to bring more joy and love and healing, like the healing work worldwide with autistic children.

They hide in the oceans but some get killed. See the beautiful video with Patricia Cori on my Introduction page. This beautiful Lady is a Sirian incarnate and has a website about the Sirians. They also work with balancing of the tectonic plates. They are aware of their purpose.

I {TZ} must take the opportunity at this point to speculate that the amazing author and Nobel Literature Prize winner, Mrs Doris Lessing, may be of Sirian origin, as one of her books is titled ‘The Sirian Experiments’. The first book in her amazing series ‘Canopus In Argos: Archives’ is ‘Re: Colonised Planet 5, Shikasta’. {Shikasta is our own planet – seen during an agonising epoch of its existence, through the eyes of Johor sent here by the powers that have control over this part of the universe}. The second book in this series, read during my studies at Uppsala University in 1983- 84, {see my recommend page cont.; re Doris Lessing} was the one that brought me on a path to the point I am in all of this today.

Other races helping us with our liberation in one way or another are the Andromedans {see the following articles by two Andromedan Representatives, on my ‘The Bigger Picture’ page.} Article 1) Tolec and the Biospheres. 2) Creative Communities. Another race are theArcturians and there are many more.


Extra Note of Interest. 

There are certain places on Earth where Ascended Masters materialise and pay visits to us. One of these places is in the Mount Shasta area.

The entire Universe is gathering to watch your birth at this moment, from a being of separation and fear into a being of unity, oneness and unconditional love.




The Ascended Masters are beings who have liberated themselves. They have taken the cycle of Earth incarnations but are in touch with their own I AM. Throughout the course of human history there have been about 70 who have managed to Ascend.  Some of them are:


Sananda is really two beings. Christ, who was Krishna and Jesus Christ. The Christ became enlightened as Krishna. Krishna was Jesus Mentor when he walked the Earth. Jesus Christ was in constant telepathic communication with Krishna and they worked together. The purpose and goal of their ‘union’ was to bring the concept of unconditional Love to Earth. While Jesus was living here he had contact with the Sirians especially, a number of times during his life,  as he came from there. Jesus say’s, “I am not following you and I am not leading you, I am walking with you. There is room enough for both of us and for many of us, for all of us on this path.”



This Ascended Masters purpose is to bring abundance and freedom to humanity. One of His projects is to restore and renew the Mystery Schools. Another is to reform Freemasonry. Another is to bring abundance to humanity. When He lived here on Earth He put his gold and jewels in a bank and it is now worth about ten trillion dollars. The purpose of it is to aid Light Workers. There are two parts to this trust which He has protected, 1) The original part, and 2) the money that has developed from that. That money is blocked by the Cabal. We will receive money after the breakthrough sooner or later. Cobra is working with people to do with this. One of St Germaine’s incarnations was as Sir Francis Bacon.



Born as the son of Shiva and Parvati, Sanat Kumara is the brother of Ganesh. In the Bible Sanat Kumara is known as the Ancient of Days. In the Mayan Tradition Sanat Kumara is the great Quetzalcoatl. He is a Master who blesses and protects those who ardently seek his grace. Sanat Kumara awakens our hearts to remember our true self.

Sanat Kumara is the Planetary Logos for the Earth and is its primary overseer. He is responsible for the Ascension of the Earth and Venus. He is from Venus and has assisted humanity from the Light Realms perhaps longer than any other master. See *’Breaking through to the other side’, with Sanat Kumara on the page entitled ‘About Ascension’.



This Ascended Masters mission is to bring healing to humanity, both to our physical and to our energy bodies. He is the Master behind all the projects for the new medicine a synthesis of western and natural medicine. His work is the healing of the personality and the connection of the soul.

He say’s “now is the time to lovingly care for yourself, to be gentle with yourself and your energies because you may not realise that you have just completed a major cycle of transformation.” When you feel in need of healing ask Kuthumi like this.

“Beloved Master Kuthumi, My Beloved Guides, My Beloved Soul and Beloved Creator, I ask that you observe and oversee my current process of awakening, supporting and encouraging my healing at all times”.



He works with leaders and decision makers. He has been working inside banking and the mass media. He has a tough job.  He has been searching out those of influence that can help while we are still in the Matrix, helping our liberation through telepathic impressions to the masses through the media etc.




The Buddha means ‘The Enlightened or Awakened One’. The Buddha incarnated in the year 500 BC as Prince Gautama Siddhartha.

The Buddha is a transmitter of Cosmic Energy between the Galactic Central Sun and the Ascended Masters. Buddha say’s, “The entire Universe is gathering to watch your birth at this moment. Your birth from a being of separation and fear into a being of unity, oneness and unconditonal Love”.




Ashtar’s last incarnation was 25000 years ago. He escaped before the quarantine. {See coming piece on our history} His main project is the Ascension of humanity. Another of his projects is ‘First Contact’. A third is training in telepathic communication. At ‘The Event’ Ashtar will take over the media. All the TV programs will broadcast the message. He helped to develop, the PC and the Internet. His work includes stabilising the Earth Grid – preventing 90-95% of Earth changes. The Tectonic plates are very sensitive. His ships are preventing a Polar shift. The Ashtar Command rescue teams have been involved in some Earthquake catastrophes preventing total disaster. The prevention of nuclear war is his area too. The majority of nuclear weapons were blocked by the Light in February of 2012. In June 2012 the last ones in the hands of the Jesuits were taken over. Now there is 0% chance of nuclear war. This has been a huge step forward. NB This fact is the main reason why Cobra was allowed to come forward at this time. Because of disarmament he can now speak, it was much too dangerous before that. Now their bombs cannot detonate and they will never be able to figure out the reasons why their toys don’t go off.




She is the Twin Flame of Ashtar. She was known as Inanna by the Sumerians, as Astarte by the Greeks, Isis by the Egyptians, Ishtar by the Semites and also as Aphrodite and Venus, all the same being. Her purpose is to bring the Goddess energy back to the planet. The picture is of course merely symbolic as it’s not easy to choose a ‘correct’ one.




Mother Mary was the Mother of Jesus when He incarnated here. Mother Mary tells us “You and the entire Universe of the Creator are being asked to place your trust in the Creator more than ever before. We realise that it is difficult to trust when things seem uncertain and you are unsure, as to what will occur within your Being and reality. With your passing through this ‘Initiation’ you will reap a greater trust in yourself and a stronger bond of connection in the Creator, which will serve you in the next stages of Ascension. Allow yourself to cultivate with tremendous love your trust in yourself and the Creator”.

INVOCATION: ‘I call upon my soul to activate and express the purest vibration of love into my entire being and reality on the Earth. I am my soul, I accept the love of my soul, I am ready to emanate and enact the love of my soul on the Earth’.



The Following words are the words of Archangel Michael the first time he spoke to us here on Earth via radio, via the channel called Linda Dillon. Linda works with Steve Beckow on Golden Age of Gaia {earlier 2012 Scenario}. It might seem strange to you to that AAM would want to talk to us like this, yet the entire Council Of Love including many of the Ascended Masters, Archangels, Gaia and not in least Divine Mother herself have such a great desire to communicate with us, now as we come closer to becoming One with our Galactic and Spiritual Families in a way we have not been able to for as long as we can remember. This channel Linda Dillon has been chosen for this work with In-Light radio, a long time ago when an agreement was made. I personally find these ‘sessions’ both enlightening and comforting. On many occasions I am moved to tears during the shows which are once a week, and called An Hour with an Angel. I wanted to say a few words to introduce you to AAM and ended up following the very first radio show with him on the 13th December 2011. His words then are just as important still as we get closer and closer to the Changes. The following lines are excerpts and if you would like to read or hear the entire Hour from that date just go the following link, at the bottom of the text.

AAM: Yes I Am Michael, Archangel of Peace, warrior of love, bringer of truth. And I welcome all of my beloved friends this night, this time of unfoldment upon the planet of Earth, Of Terra Gaia, and Nova Earth. Let us begin this way.

This unfoldment that you have been in has been in process for some time. I have given you this. We have travelled together through dark times and through brilliant times, which you often refer to as darkness and light. And so I want you to know this. Everything is in Divine order. We did not simply pick a year in Earth time for this unfoldment, for this plan.

If there is one thing I would ask you to do with me, with the Company of Heaven, with the Council of Love, with your own guides and friends, with your own human circle, it would be to point yourself, steer yourself, aim yourself towards the light. As we start listen with your heart, listen with your flame, and prepare yourself to step forward in peace, in truth, and in the wholeness of who you are.

For each of you are unique and part of this mosaic. Each of you are necessary. That is why you are reading or listening to this. When you are in a new relationship, whether it is with a child or a loved one, a partner or friend, there’s the beginning, and there’s the excitement and the electricity – and a little craziness. And that is what many of you felt on 11/11/11. Now with 12/12/11, feel the relationship maturing, deepening into a sense of trust and knowing that you are genuinely in a partnership.

And in that relationship – with Us, with each other, with yourself – there’s a deeper anchoring of balance and of inter-connectedness to all, to all forms, not just your human collective, to all elementals, to your Star Brothers and Sisters. This is how shift happens. It’s when trust and love are restored. Its when the heart opens enough and is balanced enough to begin to move into living in trust and in beingness. Now I use that term and it does not mean sit still.  Often I have asked you find your joy. Remember my friends you live in an infinite ever-expanding universe. That means that the joy the love is also expanding.

So I ask of you, with My sister Gabriel {Archangel Gabriel}, to sit in your heart, to feel My blue flame, and Hers of gold, and allow the joy to penetrate you.

The information about the presence of your Star Brothers and Sisters has been known for a long, long time. But there has been this very strong wave of denial. But now there is an eagerness in the air. The difficulty is the governments who would make such announcements are wondering who is going to be the first. And it’s because of some of the economic ramifications. And let me tell you about the fear with the economy. It’s because when they come, when that announcement is made, or when they simply appear and we say, oh my, we’ve visitors, they know the technology and the science that was required to get here. They have known about these gifts for a long time. When they come the global economy will shift because things that are valued today will assume a different value.



There will be new technology, new uses for resources, new understandings about cleansing the Earth, getting her ready for her journey homeward. Gaia is one of the most diverse, abundant planets anywhere. Yes her purpose is love but she was created so there would not be want or need. So those of you working as bank managers and tellers and middle management, know you are there holding the light! It will come from all kinds of sectors. Because there will be a fresh breeze that blows across the globe.

Your Galactic Brothers and Sisters will appear humanoid. Yes, they might be slightly taller, they may have distinct features, but by and large, because they also have this capacity, they will appear much like the humans that are listening. But let Me suggest to you that should someone from Andromeda be on a mission to another Universe or place, they also have the capability to shape-shift. As do you. You just haven’t realised it.

At this point Steve commented to AAM that he would like to shape-shift younger. And AAM replied. That’s part of the plan. You know, it’s a package deal. And the rejuvenation – that’s another way you can also see who has gone through the portal and gateways, {Ascended}to the fifth, to the seventh. And you can see that they look and begin to look younger and younger. They are being rejuvenated.

{Regarding Barack Obama}. Now in his desire to be conciliatory, in some cases he has not lived up to his potential and to his promise of change. He has been weighed down by the politics, and, yes, seeking the truth and the balance. But he has also been guided, as you all are – but let Us be very clear about this, it’s like a strategy that’s in unfoldment. And yes, there’s much criticism. So We say some of its legitimate.

But then I ask of you – because I spend much time walking those halls – where’s your heart? Do you abandon those you love and cherish so easily, or do you rally behind them and help them, if they’ve lost their way or miss-stepped.? Do you encourage them, as we encourage you, to go forward, to hold that line, to go forward with things that would be in some situations unpopular – such as disclosure, which will happen very soon, by the way:

There are many cities of light that are being activated all over the globe. And these will be places of equality, of compassion – of qualities that have been forgotten. It will be where all thrive and where all are welcome.

You will welcome beings from other worlds. You will share. You will walk with Masters. You will have the wisdom vision. You will see and you will hear and you will not have this belief that has been so engrained as separation.

It was never intended that you would be stuck here, on Earth, with the inability to hear us, or to see us, or to be with us. That is the plan.

It’s a plan that we are all awaiting, that’s well underway. We know sometimes you are tired, and you feel as if you have been run over and defeated. When this happens turn to me. Let us restore you. Let us lift you up and gently remind you who you are. Let us wrap you in the Mothers cloak and cuddle you until you are healed. That is what we are here for, not only to show the way, but to assist and take care of you.

When you look at the sky, see how it shifts and changes. When the announcement comes, as it will, hold the centre of peace. Do not engage in the drama. Be the voice of reason, be the anchor. Go in peace.

Excerpts chosen and reposted by                 Therese Zumi Sumner                   supported by Archangel Michael My Boss.

Link to complete text on Golden Age of Gaia. Many thanks to Steve Beckow and Linda Dillon and all the gang at In-Light Radio, for your Loving devotion.

An Ascended Master can exit and enter a body at will. At a certain point you do not need to be born. You can work with matter.

When we were gathered for the conference in LA at the end of Nov. 2012, we were still as Cobra put it ‘occupied in the matrix of quarantine – the technology based reality created by the Cabal’ which he said was about to crack at any moment. And now it has. The doorway into Oneness is open now. See

Short Situation Update’ 22/01/13 on .

SIGHTINGS WORLDWIDE. We all know that the sightings worldwide are not reported by the Rothschild controlled mainstream media. At all the Cobra conferences worldwide and indeed at other conferences of many of the sites mentioned on this website they have also had ‘visitations’. In LA Cobra informed us that there was a space platform above the building we were in about 9 miles up. He told us there were cloaked ships in the canyon. Then several of the attendees gave us their sighting experiences.

The film ‘The Matrix’ was given to Hollywood by the Resistance Movement.


Isis had just finished her afternoon with us, in which Cobra took part. Now as I write these lines I realise it was not Cobra but Isis who ended the conference with these words. { we had all 70 or so persons danced a lot of the afternoon under Isis guidance }.


When I was a girl I was always dancing. It felt very natural. Different Goddess’s entered my body and gave me different energies. Swirling to the left is feminine – to the right masculine. You turn into the spiral. When I first met Cobra he said “I will take you home”.

We dance to accept ourselves as we are, then our body starts to change. A healthy feminine aspect is that we do not compete. You live to your highest potential and you cooperate and support each other. Respect each other. We will all dance the dance of liberation the dance of joy. The new society – the Goddess energy is to respect and support each other.

When you look at another person, look at them with adoration. Learn to adore. Adore Nature adore the Ocean. It is the time for us to learn to adore. Adore another being. See the spark of God and Goddess. Have compassion for another being. If you heal your weakest points you become soft. Experience the tenderness or the extreme power and passion. Learn again the passion and compassion that lives in you, as also the joy of Light and celebration.

Goddess energy is surrendering to the Light. You can dance the Goddess dance anywhere. The Ocean is the emotion of Gaia. Hug a tree. Dance with the leaves of the air. She is everywhere, embracing everywhere, dancing everywhere. Awaken your inner Tarzan or Jane. When a man invites the Goddess energy in, he becomes more masculine. He becomes a gentle, strong respectful man that respects life and women.

Be a strong woman. Stand up to your suppression. It is so important to balance male and female energy. Say your truth with love. Don’t bother with ego. Don’t fight. Stay in your presence of who you are. Speak your truth. Feel it with love. Connect with the eyes of another person. And surrender – you are great! Thank you very much for coming.

Finally Cobra mentioned that he was Told not to plan anything beyond the 21/12/2012. He said that the focus of the next conferences worldwide would be ‘How to change the world’. This would be after ‘The Event’.

Lightning struck the Basilica in Rome a few hours after the Pope resigned.

Signs in the Sky

This information is directly from a posting that Cobra made to-day the 20/02/2103. I have just given the text and removed the links to more information on these various signs. If you want to check out the links just go to Portal 2012 to see the full post.

1)  The first sign that appeared was the lightning that stroke the dome of St. Peter’s basilica in Rome within hours after the Pope resigned:

2) The second sign was the meteorite that fell near Chelyabinsk in Russia:This meteorite was a natural body, it was not a UFO and there was no involvement of the Cabal in this event.

3)  A few hours later on the same day, another completely unrelated cosmic body made a very close approach to Earth:

4)  The next sign in the sky is the comet Panstarrs, visible in March: and another comet Lemmon, also visible in March: And towards the end of the year, another spectacular comet will be visible:

All these events are natural cosmic occurrences and are part of the plan for the planetary liberation that is coming directly from the Source. The purpose of all these signs in the sky is to lift the consciousness of the human population beyond the third dimension in order to prepare it for ‘The Event’ and the coming planetary changes.

Posted by Cobra on the 20/02/2013





Disclosure, Announcements and NESARA The Big Picture Part 4 by Elizabeth Trutwin, May 20, 2013



New Paradigm for Earth

Science unravels the mystery of nature. Far too long we have been held captive by stories of traveling the speed of light and locked in by petroleum propulsion for our planes, trains and automobiles. As we found out at the Citizen Hearing on Disclosure from Dr. Robert Wood, Dr. Thomas Valone, Dr. Steven Greer and witnesses from more than ten countries, the extraterrestrial sciences seen in space defy what we understand in physics. What is less often being told is that our science is using Zero Point Energy for propulsion and many other wonders but is being suppressed by our military industrial complex by force. This is one of the obstacles to announcing Disclosure. How do we tell Congressmen that all they have believed in, the lies they fell for based on ignorance held back our civilization from having advanced technologies and free energy? So much has been withheld that caused a lot of misery for billions of people. We will all have to forgive ourselves for not demanding the truth be told. The science we bank on today is not even one percent of the mystery of nature. This is a Cosmic Crisis because Earth depends so much on other Planets and the Civilizations which live there. The Extraterrestrials who work to help liberate Earth from a state of ignorance look forward to sharing their science which is 1 million to 100 million years ahead of what we now know. The Citizen Hearing on Disclosure was a purification preparing for the abundance to come. Preparation, renewal and a reminder of the fulfillment of those whose work it is to bring bliss to Earth.


Mischief in the Making

Some where along the line we began believing gold is the main vehicle for wealth. In this world everything else has devalued. Gold today represents wealth. Those making money since 1972 based on the petroleum economy of Earth have 100s of millions of dollars – much of it socked away in off shore accounts – more than they could ever spend – and they refuse to let go of $10 million dollars to change everything. St Germain and others have given an invitation to those with excessive wealth to open the path to liberation for the whole Planet and as of this writing they continue to refuse. Everything has become distorted. Once the invitation is extended to help then the karma becomes that of the wealthy One who refuses to help. Granting Earth the hand up clears the karma for those caught up in the Star Wars of thousands of years ago. It is an honor not to be missed.

When we have Full Galactic Disclosure then we must face up to Earthsʻ long history of engaging with Extraterrestrials. There was a period from around the 1920s to the 2009 when Extraterrestrial abductions, mutilations and hybrid implantations were widely experienced by millions of people. Back then our governments went into treaties to allow these things to happen without interference in exchange for advanced technologies. This happened due to greed of a few and this is where the money was made. It came through private companies building new technologies and gaining the boon to selling these technologies to countries over all Earth.

911 At The Pentagon – Defense Accounting Computers

Destroyed By Missile Attack


Understand. In order to implement these clandestine cooperatives new laws were written to support these activities directly. Laws effecting banks, education, medicine, governments, currencies, land ownership, illicit drugs, our militaries and intelligence were written to keep the Secret Space Program functioning while hiding the technology and the money laundering from public scrutiny. The night before NESARA Law was to be announced Donald Rumsfeld the then Secretary of Defense went on ABC news to announce that 2.3 Trillion dollars ʻhad gone missingʻ. The next day on September 11, 2001 a missile was directed into the Pentagon building and hit the servers where the military finance accounting was stored on large computers. April Gallop took this issue to court suing Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld and Richard Meyers for endangering those at the Pentagon. President Bushʻs cousin John Walker heard the case in the Second Circuit which was eventually dismissed. There was never a plane at the Pentagon. There has been a deep, deep and far reaching across the board refusal to allow the truth to come out. This is why it is called The Truth Embargo. We are seeing in the news now the IRS is coming under attack, the bribed bank officials in China are under fire, The media AP have been exposed, Eric Holder and Ben Bernanke are being held to task by Elizabeth Warren for Too Big To Jail, CIA and FBI members have been killed in different ways – all players who have kept these secrets can no longer run and hide. They are turning on each other.

President Obama hugs Gabby Giffords after her presentation to Congress

in 2013 asking for legislation on gun control.

The Truth Is Very Difficult

On April 17, 2013 an explosive wrapped in
ceramics was dropped from the International Space
Station. The Blast registered 2.1 on the Richters Scale. It was reported on 911 as ʻa bomb explodedʻ. There were
multiple buildings around there that were leveled and there was a large crater left where the bomb hit.



Immediately following this a false flag went out in Boston to cover over any speculation in West, Texas that a bomb was dropped in a place where an explosion could be perceived. Boston was a Black Op and was a diversion to take our attention off the fact that the United States had been bombed by the United States. Why? We do not fully know and it is still being investigated. The Citizen Hearing testimony made it clear that decades of information has been suppressed which would explain these relationships between those representing the United States and the Citizens who have given away their power.

Even as this is hard to receive we have evidence that something on the International Space Station is not as it appears. We know the Altimarians work with our Earth Scientists on joint projects as well as Extraterrestrials from other places. Gabrielle Giffords, former Congresswoman from Arizona had appointments on these committees when she was shot in the head: Committee on Armed Services, Subcommittee on Tactical Air and Land Forces, Subcommittee on Readiness, Committee on Science, Space and Technology, Subcommittee on Space and Aeronautics (Ranking Member) Subcommittee on Technology and Innovation. She also is married to Astronaut Mark Kelly who was Commander of ISS a number of times and whose twin brother Astronaut Scott Kelly was the current Commander of ISS January 8, 2011, the day Gabby was shot where six others died in the mass shooting. Mark and Scott and Gabby are White Knights. Disclosure will tell us what they knew about the mischief happening on the multiple International Space Stations using Extraterrestrial technology to go deep in Space and bring back high dollar payloads to the private companies and Secret Space Program benefitting from the withheld technologies.


It Gets Worse Before It Gets Better

All over the internet are paid disinformation agents, CIA Agents infiltrated into the media and false stories so it is very difficult to know what is true. Often horrific stories are told which have no truth at all and there is no way to verify them. Many dubious plans have been hatched over the years by those still wanting control over the StarGates, still waging wars for that control and wanting control over natural resources on Earth to trade in deep Space.


The Galactic Federation Is Here Now Helping Us

Those in the Ashtar Command have been helping us from many points in Space, the Pleiades, Niburu, Arcturus, Alpha Centauri and many other Civilizations with technologies vastly greater than ours. The Wing Maker Ships and Pleiadian MotherShips help us with environmental disasters and mitigating effects to the Poles preventing a shift. There are also Sun Cruiser Ships which are massive beyond your belief. These have been seen on youtubes driving past the Sun and seemingly pulling energy out of the Sun.


After many years of observing nuclear weapons proliferation on Earth Ashtar and the Legions of Light made a permanent change to Earthʻs atmosphere rendering all nukes useless. On April 22, 1999 Ashtar using two Sun Cruisers hurled two balls of light into our Sun Sol and this changed it from hydrogen based to helium based rendering all nuclear weapons duds. No nuclear weapon discharged since then has had an atmospheric effect. These technologies are millions of years advanced to what we know now.

Galactic Intervention in the form of Clones and Holograms has been a dispensation to help us move toward Disclosure since Harmonic Convergence in August 1987. Russia in the X17 facility in Siberia and the United States in Area 51 have had cloning programs. They have been used by the dark and the light. A portion of the persons original DNA is used. When it is time a remote control will shut down these clones and holograms and they will no longer exist on this timeline. When this happens the solutions will have been put into place for Disclosure, for our economies, governments and religious organizations. Last week BBC news in the UK featured advances in human cloning on the front page of their newspaper. These articles are to help us ease into the very difficult stories which will come out with Full Galactic Disclosure. Only around 65 of 535 United States Congress are still human. The others are either solid holograms or clones and that explains why they have no soul and will not move forward to change things. These Clones and Holograms are controlled by the KOS. The war criminals have been removed from power and when it is time their stand-in will be turned off. The arrests are complete now whether we are aware of it reported to the public or not.


These pictures from NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory show the three X-class flares

that the sun emitted in under 24 hours on May 12-13, 2013.

This Week A Very Large Operation Was Averted with Help From The Sun Cruiser Ships From The Ashtar Command

A failed and very elaborate operation from the International Space Station was planned during this period of an immense influx of light between the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse on April 25, 2013, the New Moon Solar Eclipse on May 10, 2013 and the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse which will be the Wesak Full Moon on May 25, 2013. The result of the intervention by the Highest Forces of Lights utilizing the Sun Cruiser Ships again were four massive CMEs launched from the Sun. These Extraterrestrials helping in this are human Galactics. They live on the Ships, not on Earth, though many have had incarnations on Earth. Some are of the Angelic Realms, some are from other Stars, some are Ascended Masters. These Extraterrestrials are our Galactic Family and we are a Galactic Civilization. When we accomplish World Peace with the enactment of NESARA Law we become eligible to join the Intergalactic Confederation of Worlds as the 33rd Member and participate as Galactic Members at the Galactic Round Table. We have been preparing for this a very long time. The CME blasts were felt on Earth about 48 hours after leaving the Sun. This was an organized and coordinated effort from the Ashtar Command which purpose was to effectively strengthen the electromagnetic grids around Earth and create a force effecting the tetrahedral core of Earth found at 19.5 degrees within Earth where the Earth Crystals of Arkansas and other places are engaging in their new role inside the mountains there. This process helps Earthsʻ stability in the physical realm. This process is preparing for a Zero Point Energy forcefield created by the grid of energy becoming activated between the Earthʻs Pyramids, Ziggurats, Obelisks, StarGates and Zero Point Modulators (ZPMs). Within this forcefield no mischief will longer be possible.

El Hierro island in the Canaries off the shores of Morocco had a large crack in the seabed under the Island going back to the nuclear explosion which destroyed the Earth Crystal during the time of Atlantis. Many who are incarnated now have returned to work out the karma associated with that event. Back then during a power struggle the Palaces of China were the target for nuclear destruction. We are playing out these scenarios today. We play with the idea of nuclear war with North Korea, South Korea and China. The nuclear destruction during the time of Atlantis 5000 years ago left a seven mile deep hole and great cracks in the floor of the ocean. Continents sunk. The one that was a very
big fissure came from the Bermuda Triangle,
where the Crystal was shattered, all across
t he Atlantic Ocean to the Azores in the Canary Islands.



These land masses today are rising and a great island is being formed by volcanic activity under the Canary Islands. If the volcano which is under great pressure blows at El Hierro it could complete the large fissure which would effect changes in Florida and all the way up the East Coast into Newfoundland. The only way this could happen would be if the dark Ops were allowed to use the technology they have on the International Space Station.



The release of the four CMEs in two days from the Sun through the technology on the Sun Cruisers averted the attack planned from the International Space Station which could have caused major trauma for thousands in the United States. It would have been like being struck byʻKatrinaʻ and ʻSandyʻ at the same time with massive flooding and destruction. An event such as this could have diverted plans for Disclosure for an unacceptable amount of time. The operation has been successfully cancelled.


Connect The Dots

This Video Links NESARA, 911, and Disclosure. Witnessed by U.S. Major General Albert (Bert) Newton Stubblebine III, U.S. Army, retired. Last job – In Charge of All Army Strategic Intelligence Forces Around The World. George W. Bush sat there in the classroom after his Chief of Staff told him the U.S. was “under attack” he just sat there continuing to read with the children for several minutes.

KOS was in the room with him watching the

largest psychological attack on the world ever.


Dick Cheney Was in Colorado on 911 at the NSA Astronaut Headquarters inside the mountain across from Air Force Academy and he Ordered the Air Defense Systems in NYC and D.C. turned OFF.

THEN he flew to D.C. and took his place in the White House 50 stories underground with NSA operatives while he commanded with a joystick the Missiles which hit the Twin Towers while “W” was with Jeb in Florida.
This was the morning Alan Greenspan was going to Announce NESARA Law Provisions in Public and the North Tower held the Computers on Floor 1 & 2 which would have changed us over to Treasury Bills throughout the Banks. Has NESARA been enacted then we would have achieved World Peace – no more war. No trouble.


Disclosure, Announcements and NESARA The Big Picture

Now that the small “d” disclosure event has come to pass April 29th – May 3rd in Washington D.C. and all the testimony has been shared with former members of Congress we are prepared for big “D” Disclosure which will be President Obama with his Military and Intelligence representatives announcing to the world that the United States has engaged with Extraterrestrials. If another Head of State from another Country goes first President Obama will have to follow quickly behind and miss his chance at being The Disclosure President. At least thirteen other Countries Air Forces all have video tapes from their Fighter Gun Video Mounts with indisputable evidence that the United States and other governments have engaged with Extraterrestrials. It is time now for an official Announcement to the public and delaying it is very foolish for those involved who will be held accountable. Twelve years after 911 preempted enactment of NESARA Law public Announcements will begin the Economic and National Security Reformation. When you watched the testimony from these very brave men who are aged and have kept their secrets for a lifetime – did you contemplate what would have kept Disclosure from happening sooner? It wasnʻt the Nazi Extraterrestrial Crafts reported to Eisenhower by the CIA. It wasnʻt time traveling War Criminals traveling through rifts in time. It wasnʻt Alien Abductions or 911. Those events are greatly important but it is so much more!

Disclosure, Announcements and the enactment of NESARA Law happen simultaneously. This will raise the collective consciousness of all on Earth. Everyone will be able to handle the Truth. We have been slowly prepared for a dozen years now. We are at a cross roads now that the final dubious plan has been averted by The Extraterrestrials working to free Earth from tyranny. It wonʻt be long now. Elizabeth Trutwin © All Rights Reserved., http://,

Listen to 911 Witnesses to Bomb dropped on West, Texas here: http://


Hi Everybody! I have built the NEW As soon as I am done loading information from I will forward all other sites to the new site. Please let me know your thoughts. Email me any questions you have I have discontinued my radio program for now because the financing is no longer available. I am looking into other free alternatives now and I will keep you updated. In the last week on air I interviewed Stephen Bassett, Senator Gravel, Ron Garner and Gary Heseltine. I am youtubing these now and will send them along in an email very soon. With these tasks behind me I am finishing the full transcripts of the Citizen Hearing on Disclosure and those will be available immediately. With these many tasks behind me I will finish the two books I have promised which were well into production at the beginning of April before I left town for some weeks. The Citizen Hearing on Disclosure has made it so that I will never be the same again. With the testimony out there for all to see I feel no one on Earth will ever be the same again. If you have not yet witnessed the testimony you may do so at for $3.80 It is not to be missed! I will start to catch up on emails and schedule readings again tomorrow.

Sending All My Love, Beth


Source Parts 1, 2, 3 and 4:



Disclosure Announcements and NESARA The Big Picture – Part 1, by Elizabeth Trutwin, March 11, 2013

Disclosure Announcements and NESARA The Big Picture

I would like to introduce myself. I have written a dozen books about the Ancient Astronauts. The focus of these is to show where it is written in Ancient Texts that we are a Galactic Society. Looking at The Ramayana, Tao Te Ching, The Book of Enoch, The Upanishads, The Pistis Sophia, The Mazzaroth, The Masnavi, The Emerald Tablets, The Jatakas, Rambansʻ Pentateuch and the Corpus Hermeticum we may see how in every religion, every culture and every aeon going back millions of years, Earth was inhabited by our Ancient Galactic Ancestors. I wrote these books to help our society as a collective to drop our insecurities. Knowing this truth makes us free from all bondage of life, free from death. Once this is understood One will no longer identify with duality and all those conditioning which makes you so unhappy. You have come to Earth from another Planet or another Dimension. The Consciousness of which you have Within. We have been visited by Extraterrestrials for a very long time.

Three years ago I gave up full time work and a regular paycheck to dedicate my life to The Truth and Advocacy Movement for Disclosure. I wrote two other books. Lord Ashtar and The Galactic Federation and StarGate Earth. There is an Extraterrestrial Presence engaging the human race. There are Extraterrestrials here. The only thing we havenʻt resolved yet is the government telling us that. Disclosure ends the Truth Embargo on this matter. The last time there was a Citizens Hearing on Disclosure was 1968. The United States Military, Civilian Agencies like NASA, Intelligence like the CIA and other governments have witnesses to Contact and it is time we Self-Disclose the truth.

Some people have been deliberately holding back the information from the public. National Security Classifications and Non-Disclosure Agreements have stood in the way. All the witnesses have made their own decision that this vital information will educate the Whole to understand We Are Not Alone.

There is a lot in this Universe we know nothing about. There are hundreds of billions of Planets in our Galaxy and hundreds of billions of Galaxies in our Universe with many potential Earths. The chances that we are the only life out there is zero. Self-Disclosure means that within the social contract between government elected officials and the people of the country who they represent that they carry out the laws of their country with transparency acknowledging to the people the truth. When elected officials refuse to conduct matters of governance reporting their activities to those they represent chaos prevails. We can no longer accept hiding the truth. Without it there is no freedom. This is more than an intellectual matter. This is a spiritual matter.

Ten years ago I became a walk-in. I was not born into this body. How it happens usually is through a severe accident or significant illness causing hospitalization. In my case I had a massive head injury. During the three days I lie unconscious was a Soul exchange. The One who left then was in a violent marriage and had she not left she would have been killed. These agreements are made far ahead between the souls involved with the intention of the Highest Good for all involved. Within 8 weeks of walking in I was divorced and alone raising three small children. I came in with my Adept abilities and memories. There are about 100 million walk-ins on Earth now who have come to be embodied Souls with Higher Knowledge to help the Galactic Citizens of Earth reclaim their freedom, their sovereignty from the few who wish to control them with lack of jobs, lack of housing, lack of money starvation and world war. It has to be done by Earth Citizens and there are many Angels, Ascended Masters and Galactics living as your neighbors, working beside you guiding you for this next step in evolution.

I began doing healings for folks. Women came to me with serious emotional and physical issues. I started to see a number of women – we only communicated through email. I did sessions for them and I was able to see the abductions, the implantation and the pregnancies. They had no memory of it. Arcturus came and he explained everything to me. I would get small and go inside the body and come back with great detail. Tom the Cat and Michael always came with me too and once I asked to see the children of this one woman. A boy and a girl. I could see that some of the childrensʻ bodies were not strong and they did not mature to adulthood. I was taken to a Colony where – for lack of a better term, forgive me, half-breeds were forced to live because they were not welcomed by their own people. I saw they live happy lives in this place. I started to understand the tragedy. I told these women straight up that I could see they were from the Group doing the Abductions and they had agreed to the whole thing to help heal the Planet. Since then Men have come too and I have heard the elaborate tales and I know of the despair held in these Souls. I have talked to one involved from the other side.

Arcturus took me back to the moment of many many surgeries and the experiments and he gave me lengthy explanations and it was beyond description. I can remember every detail. I have worked in our Countries largest teaching hospitals alongside famous doctors. I saw a lot in those years – was on the front line.  I have seen a lot of suffering.

When I wrote StarGate Earth I was given a photo to use in the book from KOS.

I got a panicked email from a reverse engineer saying he had reported me to NSA for disclosing this information (he thought it was going to come back on him) He said he had run the photo through some kind of spectral analysis (no idea what he said – some special tests) and he said ʻI figured out it is not one of mineʻ. I wrote back indignantly ʻI know its not one of yours, because its One Of MINE!ʻ Then I told him I was working under the orders of KOS in this case and assured him I had been asked to comment on it. He understood that. They use me to put out info because I can handle the repercussions.

One day I sat down to read the Mahabharata. Naturally I was Guided to a passage. I read about the God Agni who was facing the dark Hats in a battle in the forest. It actually said that Agni held up his hands out of which burned a fire and the fire melted all the bad guys and burned so hot it melted the forest down. I had an aha moment and said THAT WAS ASHTAR! They said Yes!!! Ashtarʻs Avatar form is the God Agni. This is crossed referenced in Blavatskyʻs work. As Agni in the Hierarchy of the Family names in the line of Rhaguʻs Race ~ same as Lord Rama, son of Dasharatha he is of the Holy Kumaras who are the first sons of Brahma ~ Sananda, Sanat (Ancient of Days, Ahura Mazda) Sanatana (Lord Michael) Sanaka (St Germain) as the family names unfold these Ones become Avatar forms down the lineage and we see how the Goodly Company incarnated again and again through the ages to help Humanity. That is what I am doing here now. Time is speeded up and I didnʻt need a whole lifetime to get the work done.

Ashtar in the Mahabharata. One day in 2006 Ashtar stood at the foot of my bed and said he would like to train me – Lord Arcturus was with him. They asked me if I would like to train with them. That story got back to who I call Rama Arjuna and that is how I began my mentoring with him.

Ashtar was using a weapon called the Violet Flame. You have heard about this from the I Am Discourses and St Germainʻs work.

The Violet Flame when used through the hand chakras is a kind of martial arts weapon for the Dragons. They cannot sustain that energy. It works kinda like a beam weapon and they have misfirings in the qrs wave and they look like they are having a heart attack. Its the Dragons that come here. There are many other ways they have tried to disturb me but the Paschats are unseen and always there to help me. Ashtar taught me what to do with my energy centers to use the Violet Flame this way. With that I push the envelop with the information and put myself in the position to help whenever I can.

When we look at the Ancient Texts with new eyes we see all of it is about the Ashtar Command, the Ascended Masters and the Angelic Realm. Michael and Metatron are in the Judeo-Christian writings and we know them in the Vedanta as Indra and Narada. When we compare and contrast the lives of these Ones and realize it is the Angels having human lives everything makes sense.

See, back in Akhenaton/Moses time Serapis Bey had incarnated as Amenhotep III Father of Akhenaton to undo the dark hats from the Amun Priesthood. They are the same Dragons then as they are now. Adept intergalactic travelers. Sananda incarnated then as King Tut. Grandfather, Father & Son assisted by Serapis Bey the keeper of the light codes of the Earth Grid under the Sphinx. Something went very wrong then – egos got in the way and the Plan for Earth ascension failed. Sananda came back as Jesus and Cesar and his Dragon friends still control us today under maritime law. The Law of the Land. Those Plans failed and the Ashtar Command had doubts Earth would recover. Here we are now. This time the Plan worked and we are in the final days walking out the history for the Ages – a big part of that will happen at the Press Club.

The Servant is Sananda (KOS) Admiral of the New Jerusalem. His Servants are the White Knights.  I support the White Knights in their very difficult role. It is my job to go nose to nose with those in the highest positions to be certain they are carrying out their role with integrity and at the same time fall under their orders and help them in any way they ask. I am doing that right now sending on a note.

Right now there is a whole other world you are not aware of in your wildest dreams. You think you know a thing or two about so called conspiracies but truly, you know nothing! The United States government in cooperation with other governments have fleets of extraterrestrial technologies far advanced of what you have ever seen. They explore deep space, other planets and stars and make profits for their backers. I will be discussing these things in depth on my radio program.

There are many realities within our Multidimensional Universe. Earth exists in many Dimensions simultaneously, as do you. There is the illusion of the United States Congress filibustering a law they created. There is the illusion of the bankers paying themselves million dollar per year salaries while they watch their fellow citizenʻs children starving in the streets. There is the illusion of ancient lands kept alive in the aboriginal parts of Earth now. Just like the tidal pool, the forest, the jungle, the dessert and all the tiny forms of life on Planet Earth there are millions of worlds you live with on this Planet that you know nothing about.

The thirteen families who in the past controlled the wealth of the world have had incarnate into their families for the last several thousand generations Dragons. The paintings you so of dragons doing battle are not some mythical creature. They are here today. They are the avatar form of humans alive today. These humans time travel. Not with a machine. They are Adepts and they time travel within their Mer Ka Bah bodies. This is how they control the collective and they keep everyone in slavery. They are waking up now and struggling with the idea of love and forgiveness. We have an obligation to help them by Being Love and Being Forgiveness.

The vast majority of Dragons living in human bodies on Earth are doing everything in their power in Congress, in NASA, in the CIA, in the Banks and on Wall Street to make money in operations traveling to far flung places in space bringing back payloads that would blow your mind. St. Germain has spoken to each last one individually and convinced some 105 to give away half of their billions to compensate for all they have stolen from you. See to read the perp sheet. Joining this small club has in some way served as a bargaining chip when the judgments are handed out. Love them more.

After a long struggle in the courts all the way to the Supreme Court the Black Farmers case was settled. When this happened it was determined that in order for the awards of the case to be properly paid a new law would need to be signed and enacted. This law is called N.E.S.A.R.A. The National Economic Security and Reformation Act. This act was signed into law by Bill Clinton in October of 2000. The law will be enacted when it is publicly announced. It cannot be enacted until we have Disclosure. I cannot be and it will not be. This is a spiritual matter.

We have one chance to act as Earth Citizens and demand the United States government including the bought and sold Supreme Court Justices, All members of the Senate and House of Representatives and the President reveal to us their activities in Space with Galactic representatives from other Planets and other Stars. It is much much larger than you have ever dreamed. On April 29th through May 3rd  at the National Press Club, 2 blocks from the White House in Washington D.C. witnesses from Civilian, Intelligence and Military agencies from the Unites States and government officials from other countries will testify before a panel made up of retired Congress. The event is being produced by Paradigm Research Group and Stephen Bassett. This will effectively end the Truth Embargo, however we the people demand a World Peace Treaty be signed and President Obama Announce Disclosure to the World and Enact NESARA. Your duty in this is to watch the Citizen Hearing on Disclosure  (CHD) Livestream All Week or come to the National Press Club free of charge and be an eyewitness to Disclosure. There is no charge. Seats are first come. Be there and the media will no longer be accessories to the crime of withholding the truth. Your presence demands they come clean. Many of them will go the way of the perp walk. Some will write articles and talk about CHD on the radio, on the internet and on broadcast news. Encourage them to do so.

When I was working on promoting the NESARA Petition I received an email from James Cameron seeking me out. He said he would help attain the last signatures needed to complete the We The People petition for NESARA. He said he would ask some of his friends to help me. I received emails from some of his friends enthusiastic to help. I sent them one sentence I needed to have it tweeted. I wanted it dropped into Facebook. I sent an article with a link to be posted into blogs. All who emailed me declined to help. They said it violated the media gag order and they could not do that. I violate the gag order everyday. I receive threats often. They cannot gag me and they will not gag you. Post it. Tweet it. FB it. Mark Zuckerberg  stole your personal information and traded it to Goldman Sachs for billions in profit. I suggest you use social media to support the White Knightsʻ very difficult Mission. Do you have the brass cajones to see this through? Will you renounce your slavery in this illusionary world and reclaim your sovereign status as a spiritual Galactic Citizen? Will you tell your family and friends? Will you write the media and ask they report on it? Will you be present at the National Press Club on April 29th through May 3rd in person or on livestream to witness the Disclosure? The brightest stars in UFO research, An Apollo Astronaut and the bravest men and women I have ever known will be there.

These are the witnesses:

Dr. Robert Wood

Dr. Thomas Valone

Geoffrey Torres for Dr. Milton Torres

Daniel Sheehan, JD

Donald R. Schmitt

Col. Oscar Santa-Maria (Peru)

Col. Ariel Sánchez (Uruguay)

Kevin Randle

Nick Pope (UK)

Jim Penniston

Dr. Edgar Mitchell (Capt. USN ret., NASA)

Mark McCandlish

Dr. Jesse Marcel, Jr.

Antonio Huneeus

Linda Moulton Howe

Gary Heseltine (UK)

Paul Hellyer (Canada)

J. Gevaerd (Brazil)

Stanton Friedman (Canada)

Catherine Austin Fitts

Lt. Col. Richard French (USAF, ret.)

Richard Dolan

Peter Davenport

Dr. Anthony Choy (Peru)

Grant Cameron

John Callahan

Capt. Rodrigo Bravo (Chile)

Stephen Bassett

I am going to do my part. I have re-opened Galactic Roundtable. This is an international social media website where friends gather to break the gag order as a collective to change things. I am asking you to please join and send invites to your email list for your friends to join. Galactic Roundtable when it was open before had over 5000 members in over 180 countries and when we come together there is nothing we cannot accomplish.

On March 11, 2013 I will be joined by a friend and we will hit the airwaves of internet radio. My program is called Galactic roundtable Countdown to Disclosure. Please join me there and we will discuss the Secret Space Program and why Full Galactic Disclosure is THE ISSUE that resolves all other issues such as violence on women, mass starvation and world war. We must have Disclosure or we will never have World Peace. We will also touch on the spiritual aspects of creating the New with love and only love. If you would like me to invite you personally to join please send me an email

I invite you to follow these links. I look forward to seeing you there where we will take up these discussions together. We stand our ground on these issues and ask the media do its part to end the Truth Embargo for all time. Thank you for your selfless service to Earth. This is the end time and you no longer have a choice to wait. Be there all-the-way now. © Elizabeth Trutwin All Rights Reserved.


Prime Creator Tells Us His/Her Point of View by Kathryn E. May, PsyD on May 5, 2013

Kathryn E. May

Dear Children, this is Prime Creator.

It is your first chance, now, to see your brothers and sisters of the skies.  You have been a race of beings who look at the ground beneath your feet when you walk. You look down at your watches, you search in the dirt under your feet for buried treasure.  You long for riches to appear in the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, where it touches the ground.

Your spoken words are filled with downward meanings;  You are down when you feel sad.  You are down-trodden when you give away your own freedom; you are under the weather when you are ill, and you find yourselves in the dumps when things go against you.  When life deals you a disappointment, it’s all downhill; your intemperate ways put you into a hole, and when you have more than one challenge you think you are going down the drain.  Down, may I remind you, is the opposite of Up.

I am going to tell you why it has taken so long for you to be introduced to your brothers and sisters from the skies.  It is because it has been over your heads to acknowledge that you are not the only fish in the sea, the only planet in the Universe which could sustain life.

You have clung so tightly to the precious idea that you are alone in the Universe, the Supreme intelligence of your planet, and the Masters of all you possess, and you think you possess everything you behold.  You go about your lives as if you created your own planet out of nothing, achieved what you have by the sheer force of your will, and no one else could have accomplished such a marvelous feat, ever.

This is what you would call a syndrome – an ego problem.  It makes you ego-tistical and myopic, although you are also charming in your self-glorifying ways, as a toddler who squeals when it manages to clap its two hands together, and when three consecutive steps brings a sense of triumph beyond words.

Yes, you are adorable, as you are abominable.  You love your own kind – however you define that – and you vilify and abuse others.  You rape and pillage your Mother Earth even as you glorify and celebrate her beauty in photographs and paintings, as you have done with your own human females.

You are a paradox, a noisy, squabbling, pushing and shoving gaggle of wondrously imaginative, emotionally sensitive and cleverly creative children, and you are so easily offended and so intolerant of children yourselves that you probably think I am insulting you.  I am not.

I am only trying to give you a sense of how difficult it is for Us to entrust you with decisions which could affect the entire Multiverse without simultaneously putting restrictions on your freedom of choices.  You have blown up yourselves and your planet when your considerable creativity and intelligence allowed you to develop the technology to do so.  You must admit, you love blowing things up.  You are reckless, inclined toward violence in all its forms, and endlessly imaginative in your application of cruelty to one another and to other living things, for which you have no mercy.

Now, that is only the darker side of humankind.  You are also the most passionately loving, heroically self-sacrificing, and ferociously protective of those you love.  Your capacity for loyalty and enduring emotional attachment is legendary, as is your ability to create astonishingly beautiful works of art and to be touched so deeply by music and inspiring words that you often weep with joy in their presence.

Your love for your children is so intense that you fear for their deaths every moment they live, and you cling to them with such fierce passion that you risk strangling the life out of them even as you nurture their bodies and fill their minds with endless streams of trivial information.

You have all but ignored your connection to me and to those who oversee your care – your Guides and Masters and your own Higher Selves.  In your rush to accumulate wealth and power, by Intergalactic standards you have developed the singularly obnoxious qualities of greed and selfishness, which are absolutely contrary to Universal Law.

All in all, Beloved Ones, you are what one of your clever slangsters called “a hot mess.”

And now, young gladiators, you wish to be welcomed into the exquisitely ordered and peaceful pleasures of higher dimensional life.  In your gloriously blossoming hearts you long to be a part of the trust and companionship you remember from your lives at Home, when you were not burdened by the troublesome 3 dimensional human bodies you have worn in these Earth lifetimes.

Your souls yearn for the warmth and connection to your brothers and sisters of Light, but your courageous experiment in Earthly adaptation is still evolving.  You have reached a tipping point, a watershed moment in the development of humankind.  You can taste it, and it makes you nearly frantic with desire.  Such is the quality of this, your most complex strain of human being-ness.

What you lack in self-discipline and restraint, you make up for in courage and will.  You are the hearts of my heart, the dreamers of my dream, and you are your magnificent unique selves.  You begin each incarnation as calm and resolute souls, then you blaze with glory or you crash and burn, but rarely do you fail to learn and grow.  Now you plead your case before the Councils to grant you graduation to higher levels.  Your Mother planet has been elevated and you wish to match her Ascension, thereby gaining the privileges that go with it.

I will grant you your fervent prayers, not because of their intensity alone but because they are now so generous of spirit.  You pray not for yourselves but for your civilization, for peace and for abundance for your neighbors, and many of you have learned forgiveness of your enemies.  It is you who will lead in the building of a new civilization when the doors of Heaven open and your lovely family of Beings of every shape, color and size pour forth in their enthusiasm to embrace and welcome you into the Intergalactic family.

First, you will be tested.  The ships of the Ashtar Command will be allowed to decloak, making their presence known to every man, woman and child on the planet.  The spontaneous response of the people of Gaia will determine the course of the coming era.  Are you ready for that?  Will you each sustain your Faith and be willing to embrace, once and for all, the qualities of kindness, compassion, forgiveness, Truth and Unconditional Love in all you do?

It will now be your path to be in complete command of your every thought, feeling and action, as you begin your new Golden Age.  You have earned the opportunity to try for the highest timeline you can reach for.

I give you my blessings, and I lovingly pray for your triumph.

Prime Creator

Via Kathryn May, May 5, 2013, 4 am.

Notice, folks, there are no dates, as much as we might want them.




Tonight’s Important Assignment: Create a Harmonic Convergence by Kathryn E. May, PsyD on May 04, 2013

Kathryn E. May


Dear Ones, we want to reassure you that the process of Ascension continues, and the Disclosure events you were waiting to see have not been discarded from the Plan.  Your messages as they were recorded here were calling for an uncloaking of the ships over the Press Club building where the Disclosure hearings were being held.  Ashtar himself has told you that he intended to appear in or around May 3, and we are still hopeful that this will be possible, although it may be done on a world-wide basis rather than centered in Washington D.C.

Ashtar is eager to appear to all of you and to make the landings which will allow his crew of eager twin flames to reunite with their loved ones possible.  He is so eager that he allowed his message to have a time-limited interpretation, and we have often said that we do not give dates, because humankind has a tendency to become fixed on a point in time and will be devastated if the events do not unfold as they wish.

The window of opportunity for the uncloaking of ships continues for two more days.  There are cosmic requirements, spiritual requirements and timing requirements which require the final decision to be made by Prime Creator.  We are not in control of those decisions, although we do have access to much of the information on which the decisions are made.  However, like you, we are not always in full possession of every element of knowledge at all times.  Our position is higher in the dimensional perspective than yours, but we are not the ultimate Voice.

This is a difficult position for Us, for all of you, for our channels who have trusted our word and followed our every suggestion, and for the Ascended Masters who are working in good faith, often doing their work in semi-darkness, but with determination and unfailing commitment.

It is a phenomenal project we have undertaken together, and our desire to see this crucial phase completed is weighing heavily on all of us.  Do not allow the importance of the project to allow you to be pulled back into the urgency, impatience and petulance that is 3 dimensional thinking.  We have been in this place before, on Dec. 22, when many of you were infuriated because the Ascension process did not look the way you had hoped.

Do not lose hope, and do not lose your calm determination to carry this through, Beloved Ones.  Let us consider the options over which you all have some control.  One of the requirements for this Ascension process, including the Disclosure and uncloaking events, is that humankind, of its own free will, reach a level of commitment and participation which will allow for the opening of higher dimensions to welcome them.  This opening process is a matter of group consciousness, which by our measurements has reached a much higher level in recent months.  However, the moment which will tip the balance is a matter of organic, evolutionary interplay of forces which are more intricate and complex than any human mind can possibly grasp.

Now, the truth of this is that there are also some of these complexities which are not within the grasp of even the most advanced Masters and Enlightened Beings.  We too do our jobs to guide, counsel and provide Unconditional Love and support as we all work toward increasing the vibration of the great Multiverse.  We represent Truth and Love in our dealings with you, and we keep always to the principles of Universal Law, which requires only actions which are of the Greater Good.

At this time, it is the Greater Good which is at issue.  It is never optimal for our children to be given responsibilities or privileges which are beyond their capacity to process or handle.  It is always best for the student to raise him/herself to the level of competence before graduation.  We feel the Truth of this Law at this time, and hope that we can transmit to you the sense of gratitude and hope that we feel for the patience and constant care which all beings are given, each according to their individual needs, and each according to the needs of the greater Unity.

You are just learning, Dear Ones, the meaning of Unity Consciousness. It is not a concept you have taken to easily.  The spirit of independence and free will is not contradictory to Unity, but it is a long road from “freedom” and “liberty” as many on your planet have practiced it by exercising greed and destruction of Earth’s resources, to a genuine quality of freedom which respects and nurtures the need of every living thing equally.

You may have noticed a recognition of these truths during the Citizens’ Hearings. The seemingly unanimous acceptance of the presence of benevolent “cousins” was received without objection, and the feeling of conviction that we have begun a new way of life was felt by all in the room.  The energy level was high 5th dimension, and it carried everyone along.  The threat to the status quo was absolutely evident and present.  You may have noticed that a few of the speakers were far more passionate and emboldened than they had been previously, and several were far more eloquent than they had been all week.

You may even have noticed a new use of the language of One – the idea that “we will all do this together,” and the frank declaration that your government is not run by Congress, is not representative at all, but is run by corporations.  Those ringing words were encouraged, you might say, by the presence of our Archangel Michael who worked by overlighting powerful suggestion to encourage those whose beliefs were in this direction, to speak them passionately.  They will not be aware that the words were not completely their own but were inspired by Divine Intervention because these individuals are evolving toward Unity consciousness themselves.

Now, we hope you are prepared to join the effort to make one more giant push toward tipping the balance.  We all wish and hope for the decision to reveal the presence of your Star Brothers and Sisters within this window, this week.  We ask that you take part in a group effort which will demonstrate willingness to make a sacrifice and to do your part for the Greater Good.  Here is the process which was recommended by Zorra of Hollow Earth, and which we endorse wholeheartedly.

This night, May 4 at midnight in whatever time zone you inhabit, you will begin a meditation in which you will concentrate fully (without interruption and without any electronic devices to distract you) on envisioning the glorious uncloaking of the Ashtar Command ships and the final Disclosure being officially announced by governments all across the globe.  You will concentrate for 4 full hours, foregoing the comfort and pleasure of sleep, instead dedicating yourself to the conscious joining with your friends and loved ones who are also following Zorra’s instructions through the website.  You will produce an effect similar to the Harmonic Convergence which began this phase of your Ascension process and will demonstrate your willingness to do your part.

A second offering of willingness will be to skip you evening meal, if you have not already partaken of it, and to offer instead your will, your concentration and your Love to the process of creating an energetic miracle of high vibrational consciousness which will raise the level across the planet, creating a wave of escalating energy to carry you all across the threshold to high 5th dimensional consciousness.

If you have not received this message in time to accomplish the meditation tonight, then do the same meditation tomorrow night to show your solidarity and intention to do your part for the Greater Good.  Your efforts will be equally important.

And now we ask that Kathryn post this message for all of you to read, and we send you our Unconditional Love and support in your ambitious project.

We are Mother/Father God

Via Kathryn May, May 4, 2013, 6 PM, New York








Commander Ashtar

Have you been listening to the Hearings?Here’s a peek on
Las Vegas’ Channel 8


Today is the final day of these Hearings.

Zorra told us to look for

“Uninvited Guest Speakers”
Today is the Day!

We understand these
guests speakers
will be
St. Germain
Archangel MichaelAnd in Commander Ashtar’s message above, he is assuring us we will see uncloaking today.  Mother/Father God gave us more assurance and details on their recent recorded call … it is in the beginning:

Mother/Father God Recording

Not Subscribed to the Hearings?


$3.80 Subscription and watch today!


Channel:  Ashtar/Athena
April 30 2013
3:07 PM Mountain Time


This is Lord Ashtar who serves the Most Radiant One (the Christ) in his Mission of Love.


Greetings, Family,

This is a beautiful day in the Washington DC area and the Disclosure Hearings are being heard.

My crew and I are hovering over the National Press Club watching and listening onOUR BIG COMPUTER  😉  to the Disclosure Hearings.

The facts are: they are doing a superb job of prooving that we do exist and are not harmful to mankind. The Congressmen, Military personnel, and others have testified that UFO’s have been observed all over your globe. These facts have been covered up by your government, files have been hidden away and some even destroyed; the people have been lied to, to prevent them from knowing the truth.  All of this 
has, of course, been to your government’s advantage and the advantage of other heads of state.  
Governments have been pretending that this lack of disclosure was for “safety reasons” under the Security Act.  Another justification to compensate and cover up the truth. 
Keep tuned in, beloved ones,  the real truth is being heard here. Now, if truth unfolds, we here on the ships have planned that by the end of, or around, or through the 3rd of May, watch in the skies, beloved ones!  Watch over the Press Club and all over your globe. The peoples of the world, will know that we are for real and that you are not alone! 




Commander, Ashtar
The Galactic Federation of Light


Hearings end today!
Get the word out!


Citizen Hearing On Disclosure Day 4: Global UFO Encounters Take The Stage – Live Updates – May 2, 2013

Posted: 05/02/2013 11:09 am EDT  |  Updated: 05/02/2013 1:00 pm EDT


It’s international day at the Citizen Hearing On Disclosure (CHD), in Washington, D.C., in which several individuals, including military personnel, will present testimony of UFO encounters in other countries.

At the National Press Club this week, 40 international researchers and military/agency witnesses are presenting testimony in front of a committee made up of six former members of Congress.

In the following highlight from yesterday’s testimony, researcher Grant Cameron reads from a Top Secret Canadian government memo which declares UFOs to be “the most highly classified subject in the United States”:


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In this second highlight from yesterday, former McDonnell Douglas Aerospace executive Robert Wood talks about his efforts to authenticate important UFO documents:



Cong. Kilpatrick (pictured below) appeared very moved by the testimony of the private, commercial and military pilots as well as previous panel witnesses during the week.

“[All this week], I’ve heard some of the most intelligent, scientific and universal knowledge on the topic that I didn’t know I was going to witness. Yesterday, we heard from 12 different countries who have hundreds of years of scientific intelligent information on this subject.

“It behooves us, as human beings, in what is known as the greatest country in the world, to participate in that discussion. To not act like something exists and then to further act like it’s a joke, we do a disservice to our ancestors, to God and to the people of the world.

“I want the world and the universe to continue. And if there is something out there — and I’m not a scientist — there’s a whole lot we don’t know. I think it’s ignorant of any people not to seek out what we need to know to continue the universe.

“I was convinced before this morning’s panel that there probably is something out there, and I’m willing to work the rest of my life to see that, if it is, how we can enhance the universe to see that we all have a better quality of life.”


On the fifth and final day of the Citizen Hearing On Disclosure in Washington, D.C., a group of pilots — private, commercial and military — and former FAA official John Callahan testified about a number of UFO encounters experienced by pilots, and how, in many cases, information about these incidents were deliberately kept from the public.


Gravel says it only takes one country to make a stand and to get the United Nations to open the door again to possibly creating a new agency to look into UFOs.

“Another hearing like this one, or whether it’s in the Congress, probably won’t advance our goals all that much. But there’s no reason why, with the various countries represented here — with the various scholars and military officers — that we wouldn’t try to, within our own communities, to get them to endorse a very simple, straightforward resolution, calling upon the [U.N.] General Assembly.

“All we would need is one country, but I think that we have several countries from South America, and certainly, this group here might have enough influence to get their government to go on record, and to field a resolution creating an agency of the United Nations…specifically with the goal to organize a global conference — not a hearing — of the scholars and scientists that would come together and fund it — both from public and private sources — so that, within a couple of years, we could convene a conference that would command the attention of the world.

“I have no doubt that we could field that kind of a resolution and get it adopted. We can elevate it right to where it really belongs because it’s a global issue — We could elevate it right to the General Assembly of the United Nations.”

While these congressional-style hearings are going on in Washington, there’s an ongoing influx of stories coming out in the media by writers who claim that this is just an exercise in futility among UFO buffs looking for instant publicity, and that the participants — witness panels and the committee of former members of Congress — are involved in nothing but a farce and an easy payday.

The New York Daily News today highlights a statement by U.S. Rep. Peter King of New York, in which he outright ridicules one of the military witnesses at the D.C. hearings, Ret. Air Force Capt. Robert Salas (pictured below).

Salas has a credible background as a weapons controller and launch officer of intercontinental ballistic missiles and has previously spoken about a 1967 incident at Malmstrom Air Force Base in Montana when signals went off indicating an intrusion at the missile site, followed by missiles “going into an unlaunchable, or no-go, mode,” all during the appearance of a UFO over the base.

Salas says he sent documents about this case to King, the former House Homeland Security Chairman and believes King is ignoring him. According to the Daily News, when King was asked about Salas’ claim, here’s how he responded: “I have no idea what the guy is talking about. We are always getting crazy stuff in the mail by people whose brain has been taken over by aliens or something.”

Really, Mr. King? As a representative of the people, is that the proper way to refer to one of many respected military men entrusted with the safety of our country — to just shrug him off by referring to the evidence he sent you as “crazy stuff” and to further ridicule him by basically saying his brain was “taken over by aliens”?

It’s high time that elected officials think twice before making pronouncements about things like UFOs, simply because they either have a personal bias against the subject OR they’ve been told to inflict that kind of attitude on the public.

Either way, a big reason why these people have come together in Washington this week is to try and open a serious look into a subject that doesn’t deserve the kind of ridicule that people like King throw around.


Chinese scientist Sun Shili is a retired foreign ministry official and president of the World Chinese UFO Federation.

“Our federation serves as a communication platform for the global Chinese on all aspects of UFOs, including those in Mainland China, Hong Kong, Taiwan and abroad. Chinese people consider ourselves as the descendants of dragons, which are from outer space in the Chinese culture.

“We call our land as the land of deities or gods and we seek the harmony between people and heaven. [All of these things] are very relevant with the hearing that is taking place today.”

Shili told the CHD committee that he was a government diplomat and university professor, but since the 1970s, he started looking into UFOs and the mysteries of the universe.

“Everyone on this planet is looking for our roots in the universe. We have the right to know and discover. Any attempt to cover-up is unacceptable. Also statistics of the China UFO groups [of which there are about 50,000 members] show that, out of 1.3 billion people, we have close to tens of millions of people who are UFO enthusiasts.”

The second panel consisting of international experts is offering testimony about UFOs. The individuals (being sworn-in in the image below) are (from left to right) Antonio Huneeus (Chile-U.S.), Nick Pope (U.K.), Grant Cameron (Canada), Sun Shili (People’s Republic Of China) and Roberto Pinotti (Italy).


The committee of former members of Congress appeared to be moved and highly interested to hear the testimony of the first international panel of the day, especially the riveting close encounter aerial “dogfight” described by Peruvian fighter pilot, Col. Oscar Santa-Maria.

Cong. Darlene Hooley (Dem/Oregon) closed the morning session with praise for the panel:

“I want to thank our panel for being here today. This has been really interesting and your openness and what’s happening in each of your countries has been a real eye-opener for the rest of us.”

Possibly the most intriguing testimony offered today so far came from a former 25-year Peruvian air force fighter pilot. Col. Oscar Santa-Maria (pictured below). In 1980, he was ordered to takeoff and shoot down a sphere-shaped UFO that was in restricted airspace near an air base. The encounter lasted more than 20 minutes.

“These were 22 minutes where we went up and down, it went around, and it was trying to avoid me while I was pursuing it and I was trying to fire. When I first fired, these were bursts of 30 millimeter shells — a single one can destroy a truck. And I shot 64, a barrage of fire, and nothing happened at all, and that’s what was so surprising.

“The possibility of NOT hitting my target was practically impossible. I’ve won awards for marksmanship, and that’s why they sent me up there to chase this thing. The possibility of my missing it was zero.”

The object Santa-Maria was chasing was about 30 feet in diameter with a dome on top, no visible engine, wings or windows. He told the committee he tried to figure out how to better attack the unknown craft.

“I tried different positions. When it went up, it had supersonic speed. When I moved to the side of the UFO at 1.3 Mach, it stopped, and then, in a matter of seconds, it achieved 1.2 Mach without any engines! This is something that nobody, no craft can do, to just go from zero to 1.2 Mach, vertically, to reach my same position — it was able to anticipate my moves and then follow me.

“Once I landed, I met with intelligence officers, and we looked at all catalogues to see what possible spy object this might have been, but there was nothing similar to what I had observed, and we were unaware of any type of technology [like this] on Earth that existed.”



In the first panel session of the day, former Brazilian chemistry teacher A.J. Gevaerd spoke on the many UFO cases in Brazil, specifically in the area of the Amazon. He described a committee in 1977 created by the Brazilian air force to investigate the cases. The committee was known as Operation Saucer. Gevaerd presented the committee with a 440-page report called “UFOs In The Amazon” (see below)


Today’s testimony is being presented by several officials and military personnel from different countries, including Brazil, Uruguay, Peru and Argentina.

Some technical glitches in the audio translation of several individuals made it difficult to understand what they were actually saying. Hopefully that will be fixed and not be a problem for the rest of the day.

Day 4 of the Citizen Hearing On Disclosure will offer international testimony of the UFO subject. Committee member Sen. Mike Gravel (seen below) thinks that will be significant:


“I think that the best effort we have for bringing visibility to the people of the world of this issue … we could go to the United Nations. Now, I don’t think we’d have a prayer in the Security Council, because it’s controlled by us and that just wouldn’t happen.

“But what would happen in the General Assembly if we were to introduce a resolution? I’ll bet you it would pass. They would fund some part of it — the rest of the funding could come from private sources, and we would have the most awe-inspiring world event on this subject within a couple or three years.”






Citizen Hearing On Disclosure Day 2: England Has Close Encounter, UFOs Tamper With Nuclear Sites


As day two begins at the Citizen Hearing On Disclosure (CHD) in Washington, D.C., the focus on the subject of UFOs turns to the famous multi-witness encounter that took place in 1980 at the dual air base RAF Woodbridge and Bentwaters in England.

In addition to the England case, today’s testimony will feature military personnel describing cases where UFOs reportedly tampered with nuclear missiles.

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While not an official government hearing on UFOs, the CHD is a five-day congressional-style presentation that brings 40 international researchers and military and scientific witnesses who are testifying before six former members of Congress.

On day one, discussions included the history of global UFO sightings and alleged UFO crashes, like the famous 1947 incident near Roswell, N.M.

There was also testimony of how several previous American presidents showed great interest in UFOs and, in some cases, unsuccessfully attempted to get information about specific UFO issues.

Watch this highlight video from Day 1 of the Citizen Hearing On Disclosure:

6:28 PM – Today

The second panel of the day, comprised of (from left in image below) Grant Cameron, Stanton Friedman, Linda Moulton Howe and Robert Wood present testimony on a series of documents, known as “Majestic,” that reportedly reveal the story of presidential and military authorization and cover-up of UFOs and possible alien occupants.

Wood, retired from a 43-year career at McDonnell Douglas Aerospace Corp., has spent more than 30 years investigating UFOs, including years of research to authenticate the Majestic Documents:

“The identification of one aspect of a questioned document as being anomalous often results in a skeptic accepting none of the rest of the document, even though it might be filled with accurate information. It seems to be accepted in the intelligence community that faked documents usually — if not often — contain much valid information to help get it accepted as genuine throughout.

“The conclusion I’ve come to is incredibly wild: that those in charge have been successful in keeping secret the greatest story of mankind while covertly spending staggering sums to create hidden underground resources and reverse-engineer the technology. Until we can quantify the alien threat, how can we know whether these actions are good or bad? Let us hope, maybe with the help of one race of good aliens, that God will maybe do the right thing…I think the American people deserve [the truth] — we’ve paid for it.”


Researcher Linda Moulton Howe discussed her many years investigating strange animal mutilations that have been linked to UFO sightings.

“The first global media report about this phenomena was in September of 1967 when a female horse named Lady was found dead on a ranch in southern Colorado. The horse’s entire skull and long neck had been stripped of flesh and every organ in the chest of that horse had been surgically excised, according to a medical doctor. There was no blood anywhere — not in the animal, not around the animal and nowhere nearby.”

NOTE: Astute reader (and HuffPost blogger) Alejandro Rojas pointed out that this entry was originally titled as Day 2. It has been corrected so as not to confuse anyone!

12:05 AM – Today

Lectures To End Second Day

Winding up the second day of the CHD will be evening lectures from former nuclear physicist Stanton Friedman, Canadian researcher Grant Cameron and UFO historian Richard Dolan.

Wednesday’s plate includes UFO documents and the legendary 1947 UFO crash at Roswell, NM.

Cong. Roscoe Bartlett gets a little testy about the press coverage so far about this week’s Citizen Hearing On Disclosure:

“I’ve been looking at some of the press clippings from yesterday’s session and the government has been quite successful in relegating this issue to the lunatic fringe. I’m going to comment on only one article. It says ‘The mock Congress hearing on aliens is heavy on real-life Mulders and not Scullys. In the “X-Files,” Agent Mulder believes in all things: little green men, Roswell, men-in-black, whatever, and Agent Dana Scully believes in science.

“‘Scully forces Mulder to find hard evidence that there’s a massive conspiracy to cover-up aliens’ existence. The trouble with this week’s alien panel (we’re an alien panel now) at the National Press Club is that any of the participating members of Congress who might naturally be a Scully have been incentived to suspend their disbelief. Because the Citizen Hearing foundation is paying them $20,000 plus expenses to listen to the testimony.'”

“That’s just insulting, that we can be bought for $20,000 — that’s ridiculous! It goes on to say that …’former member Roscoe Bartlett, in an opening statement, Bartlett said he hadn’t fulfilled his duty in office by failing to hold hearings on extraterresrtrials…’ I NEVER SAID THAT! … I never said that I believed in extraterrestrials. I believe that there are sightings out there that cannot be easily explained away.”

“‘Compounding the problem of eyebrow-raising testimony is that several of these politicians have reputations for being a little wacky.'”

The afternoon session focuses on the numerous cases of UFOs seen in the vicinity of American nuclear missile sites. One of the witnesses, retired Air Force Capt. Bruce Fenstermacher described seeing a cigar-shaped UFO above a Wyoming nuclear base in 1976.

UFO historian Richard Dolan talked about how the Freedom of Information Act has yielded important documents related to military encounters with UFOs.

Cong. Roscoe Bartlett engaged Sgt. James Penniston (see images below) re. the UFO he approached on the ground during the 1980 multiple witness encounter in England’s Rendlesham Forest:

Bartlett: “You were there when the craft took off?” Penniston: “Yes, sir.” Bartlett: “Was there any sound?”Penniston: “The craft generated more lighting and that concerned me. I wasn’t sure if it was going to explode, so I took a somewhat defensive position. It rose off the ground, went to tree level, momentary hovered, then took off in the blink of an eye. The things that it didn’t do was stuf that it should’ve done. I was hoping for air displacement — all aircraft do that. I was hoping for aircraft sound — all aircraft do that.”



As day two of the Citizen Hearing On Disclosure unfolds, the committee of former members of Congress are listening to the testimony of eyewitnesses to the famous 1980 Rendlesham Forest incident in England that involved many military personnel.

Later in the day, the committee will hear testimony of more military eyewitnesses to UFO activity over American nuclear missile sites.

10:51 PM – 04/29/2013

End Of The First Day

Many points of view from committee members and witnesses were offered on this first day of the Citizen Hearing On Disclosure.

With four days of testimony still to come, it would be interesting to see if any type of skepticism will rear its head and to see how the folks involved handle or approach a skeptical point of view about UFOs and a possible ET presence on Earth.

Check back on Tuesday to see…

10:14 PM – 04/29/2013

A Tale Of Two Steve’s

Dr. Steven Greer: “Everything about what extraterrestrials show of themselves would look like magic to us…if you’re dealing with civilizations that have actually arrived here from somewhere else, they’re probably doing it faster than the speed of light…possibly at the speed of thought…consciousness and mind are the real final frontier – not space. We are not alone in the universe and we need to have a peaceful interplanetary, interstellar initiative. We need to figure out how we’re going to advance.”

Political Activist Stephen Bassett talked about how the media hasn’t properly reported important UFO news. “If some very tough reporters can get out there and ask the right questions, it’s going to get really interesting.”

The following image shows Greer (L) and Bassett (R)


9:40 PM – 04/29/2013

Clinton Administration UFO Interest

Grant Cameron’s testimony on Clinton administration unsuccessful attempt to find out UFO information…

Linda Moulton Howe on reported UFO abductions and the possible manipulation of the human mind. She tells a story about a military person who told her he was on a team that, in 1978, was assigned to investigate a town that was allegedly flooded by extraterrestrials.

Researcher Grant Cameron discusses 1,000 documents he received via the Freedom of Information Act about how Rockefeller tried to get the Clinton administration to look into UFOs, especially the 1947 UFO crash in Roswell, N.M., and how President Clinton issued a challenge, saying if there was a UFO at Roswell, he was never told about it.

Cameron talks about how Bill and Hillary Clinton met with Rockefeller at his ranch to discuss UFOs.

“There are key documents from 1995 that point out how Hillary and her staff helped draft a UFO disclosure letter that would be sent to the president.”

Dr. Steven Greer began the afternoon session describing how he went from being an emergency room doctor to a leading advocate for UFO-ET disclosure. Greer is also executive producer of a new documentary, “Sirius,” which focuses on his claims of alleged existing technologies that might change the world.

“Sirius” is also about the unveiling of DNA analysis of a 6-inch-tall humanoiddiscovered 10 years ago in the Atacama Desert of Chile. Dubbed Ata, there is ongoing controversy as to its origin and what, exactly the DNA reveals, according to a new report by Greer.

Cong. Bartlett: “Whether there are UFOs or extraterrestrials is not the issue — it’s a constitutional issue more than anything else. In his final public speech as he left office, Eisenhower warned the public against the military industrial complex, but his original speech called it the military industrial congressional complex, but he took out the world congressional. I think Congress owes the American people a hearing on this subject. There may be nothing to UFOs, but you have the right to petition the government about it.”

Cong. Kilpatrick: ”I don’t know if the answer is to have another congressional hearing. I agree that coming together to acknowledge this problem is urgent. Will the Air Force ever come to this point, and what can this issue do to help all of us.”

French: “Something’s got to be done.”

Sheehan: “The altering of consciousness about UFOs will have to come through religious institutions.”

Dolan: “If there’s an energy paradigm solution to UFOs, that’s worth everything we can do to get it all out in the open.”

Sen. Gravel: “Could all of you draft a new U.N.-type proposal by the end of this week that can help us become globalists vs. nationalists?”

Cong. Roscoe Bartlett: ”It’s arrogant and presumptuous of us to believe we’re the only really intelligent species in the universe.”

French: “My primary job early on for Project Blue Book was to debunk UFOs as far as the public was concerned…I was one of those guys who said it was swamp gas! We need an organization to contact these ‘people’ from another place and say helloto them instead of trying to shoot their tails off.”

Sheehan: “It’s a world view issue…a view that must be addressed by everyone, once we acknowledge an extraterrestrial presence.”

Huneeus: “This is the next frontier, and we’ve already been conditioned by the media, but young people are very accepting of the idea that we’re being visited.”

Dolan: “Our society is going through a technological revolution, and I think something will happen that will force the UFO issue to come out. Maybe there are already controlled leaks today, but it will lead to a geo-political revolution. There needs to be a TRUE United Nations.”

“French: ”The dumbest thing we could do would be to weaponize space.”

Huneeus tells the committee about the milestone 1978 United Nations presentation on UFOs.

The following image shows a 1978 meeting with U.N. Secretary-General Kurt Waldheim discussing the upcoming UFO presentation that was produced by NBC Radio’s Lee Speigel, now a writer for The Huffington Post. This image includes, clockwise, left to right: astronaut Gordon Cooper, astronomer Jacques Vallee, astronomer Claude Poher, astronomer J. Allen Hynek, Grenada Prime Minister Eric Gairy, Waldheim, Morton Gleisner of the Special Political Committee, Speigel, researcher Leonard Stringfield and psychologist David Saunders.


5:21 PM – 04/29/2013

Second Panel Testimony On UFO History

Second panel of historian Richard Dolan, researcher/writer Antonio Huneeus, Constitutional attorney Daniel Sheehan and USAF Ret. Lt. Col. Richard French has just been sworn in and expected to offer testimony on historical UFO records.

Cong. Darlene Hooley: “Why aren’t we hearing more about sightings around the world?”

Stanton Friedman: “It’s not about how much is going on – it’s more about how much do we hear about the sightings…how many UFO reporters do you know?”

4:47 PM – 04/29/2013

UFO Pilots: Living Or Not?

Cong. Merrill Cook talks with panel about the possibility that some UFO sightings might involve a form of artificial intelligence vs. living beings piloting them.

“I am honored today to take on this assignment, and to have one of the leaders here on this topic. I’m honored to introduce Minister Louis Farrakhan.” To which, stood up to mild applause.

4:12 PM – 04/29/2013

Researcher/Producer Linda Moulton Howe

Tells committee about her documentary that focused on the numerous unexplained animal mutilations that have plagued the U.S. for many years…”Ranchers told me they had seen beams of light pick up their cattle, which would explain why there were no tracks found near the animals that had many organs removed, with no blood near the animals.”

She talked about being shown an alleged presidential briefing paper at Kirtland Air Force Base in New Mexico in 1983 that described several real UFO cases that involved small humanoid bodies.

“My greatest challenge as a journalist is to get on the record things I’m told by military personnel.”

4:01 PM – 04/29/2013

Nuclear Physicist Stanton Friedman

“I was the youngest contributor to the original 1968 congressional UFO hearings…an example of bias and ignorance about UFOs appears in this month’s issue of Astronomy…Progress comes from doing things differently…Another false myth is that the government can’t keep secrets.”

“Government cover-up isn’t just an idle concept…it’s past time for the press and scientific community to do their homework.”

3:46 PM – 04/29/2013

Canadian researcher Grant Cameron

Cameron, creator of The Presidents UFO website, is giving specific examples of past presidents or presidential candidates who have talked positively about UFOs and the ET situation.

UFO Historian Richard Dolan offers details of recent UFO cases.

“There are well over 10,000 reports every year. But not all are unexplained. The combination of astonishing performance and a lack of official acknowledgement of the phenomenon require more action.”

3:34 PM – 04/29/2013

Meet The Congressional Panel

hearing on disclusure

“We’re not alone in the universe. They have been coming here a long, long time it seems. The evidence suggests it … Let’s go forward with understanding this phenomenon.”

“The very idea of listening to the participants who will speak this week has caused quite a stir in my district … because there’s a newspaper that has covered me for 20 years that hardly ever paid attention. Well I made front page … just last week. Finally, I’m retired and they’re gonna put me at the top of the fold.

We’re gonna be sitting like we’re in committee … It’s our commitment to listen through objective ears and to ask the kinds of questions that we think the American people would like us to ask so that they can be better informed … We’d like to make the public more aware. We’re hoping that this will possibly lead to legislation … I think we’re going to have a very interesting week.”

Disclosure Celebration Plans Under Way – How to Join In? by Kathryn E. May, PsyD, April 25, 2013

Kathryn E. May


It is a transition time, a quiet pause before the storm, as you say.  But this time, the storm will be an inundation of good feelings, excitement and disbelief.  The Disclosure event that has been planned for all of you will “blow you away.”  The folks from Inner Earth are very excited to at last meet you, and many of you will be welcomed to come there for your awakening/medical treatments which will change you DNA, heal your illnesses, and make you young again.  You will be able to live for what will seem to you like an eternity, in the 5 dimensional body, in perfect health.  You will also gain enormous leaps in your intelligence, allowing you to communicate telepathically and remember everything you wish to remember, without having to write anything down.
You will have access to Universal knowledge via a combination of sensing and remembering which will put you in constant communication with Us,  and We will gladly share our knowledge with you, Dear Ones.  You will find that you are able to love more deeply, feel compassion for every living creature, and reach out in friendship to all.  This change will occur in all of you who have agreed to take the Shift into higher dimensions.
It is impossible for Us to describe to you what it is like for the higher dimensional Beings who live with Us, who communicate with each other in Love and Peace.
There will be no more wars, no more want, and no more of the painful heart-wrenching feelings of losing everyone you love every 80 years or so. You will live long enough to build your cathedrals and bridges, see your great grandchildren grow and flourish, and get to know the rules of the Universe.  You will live in the Paradise you have been promised, and the lion will truly lie down with the lamb.  As we have mentioned earlier, no one will have to eat anyone else for nourishment, so peace will truly reign among the fauna of the forests and rivers.  You will have the opportunity to experience life in a body, but it will be a body of crystalline substance, with no maintenance problems.
You will also be provided with the opportunity to meet with all the loving members of your soul family, who have traveled with you through numerous incarnations on Earth and elsewhere.  What a joyful celebration it will be when you can say to each other:  “Remember the time when we…” and you will both remember!  You will also learn the identity of your Masters and guides, those who have supported and nurtured you through this lifetime and possibly many others.  All will appear to you in colors of wondrous hues, in patterns of thought and feeling, as you discover the ability to see-feel, and to think-feel in ways you have no knowledge of now.
There will be much to do, much to discover, and the wherewithal to discover it.  You will make friends with beings of infinite variety, some humanlike, others far from human, but all with feelings, intelligence and consciousness.  There is no limit to the personal, scientific and spiritual discoveries you can pursue with others, as you come to understand the nature of Universes and the Cosmic order.
For some of you, the greatest thrills in the beginning will be seeing the teachers you have revered and studied with, coming to greet you in person.  For others, it will be the chance to learn about the Universal Laws and to experience Creation first hand.  Yet others will delight in the opportunity to cavort with animals of all shapes and sizes without any fear.  And yes, of course you will encounter your beloved pets from this and former lives, who are living in perfect contentment, waiting for another encounter with you, their beloved Master.
Of course, you are all champing at the bit, as you say, to know when.  On what date is this glorious celebration to finally begin?  The earliest timelines of possibility have already come and gone.  We continue to monitor the level of fear on the planet which would cause chaos and rejection of the opportunity to welcome your Star Brothers and Sisters.  The meter is dropping, ever so slowly.  We had hoped that the Sirius Disclosure movie would present the issue in such clear form that the population could finally accept that UFO’s are not unidentified at all, but are the ships carrying not only your Twin Flames and Masters.  It will also be the opportunity for Sananda/Jesus to make his promised appearance as he steps off the Mother Ship, the New Jerusalem, to greet his faithful followers who have waited with their hearts filled with Love and Joy to welcome his Second Coming.
Of course as many of you know it will not be his second coming but his eighth, but that is not important now.  Those of you who are old souls will remember your lifetimes in company with Sananda, the bringer of Christ Consciousness to Planet Earth.   You will be at higher levels of consciousness than you ever imagined possible for you, and the adventures which will open up to you will include travel throughout the galaxies, and lives filled with Love and companionship if that is what you choose.  For those who are exhausted by the efforts of carrying the Light for long incarnations through the Dark Times, there will be solace and quiet healing for a time.  You will be cared for in the loving arms of Angels who will provide for your every need until you are once more ready to resume the Great Adventure which is Life.
And now, Dear Children, do your parts for just a little while longer by sending on the information about the Sirius Disclosure movie website, where you can watch the movie or purchase the DVD.  Purchase a copy yourself and have a showing for all your friends.  Also go to the Citizens Hearings for Disclosure website and order the live stream of the entire hearings event and/or archives of the week’s testimony.  Call CNN and your local TV affiliate and ask if they are going to cover the proceedings, and if not why not?  It will take a groundswell of citizen action to turn the ship around, but it can be done.  Send the information to everyone on your mailing list, with a short note about how this is the most important event of the last thousand years! (See bottom of text)
Then, sit back and enjoy the fun, as the planet awakens to the realization that there are profound and wonderful changes available to all of you, and you only need to convince your friends and neighbors to accept the gifts which are being offered by the Galactic friends who await your welcome.
We love you one and all, and await with great anticipation the reunion of our Dear Ones from Inner Earth and from the far reaches of the galaxies, and it will all take place right here, on Gaia.
We are Your Mother/Father God.

Via Kathryn May,

New York [ ]







Click on the image for movie website and trailer Sirius Disclosure


Citizen Hearing on Disclosure

Click on the image for the website Citizen Hearing on Disclosure



Easter Greetings from Lord Ashtar through Elizabeth Trutwin, March 31, 2013


Greetings! This is Ashtar. As you merge your local mind with Divine Mind through the influx of Higher Light Codes upgrading your DNA strands I have come to share information about Earth History. You are now prepared to understand The Grand Experiment on Earth. Earth history goes back aeons of time. There have been 5 Earths before and we are entering the Golden Age under the 6th Sun. We will go back as far as pre-Atlantis for the sake of this discussion.

Niburu has returned to the Inner Orbit of your Solar System. Niburu is the Twin Sun to Your Sun Sol. Helios and Vesta are the Solar Logos in your Solar System and the spiritual parents of Sananda Kumara. They with Mother – Father God, also known as Mother Sekhmet and Alcyone make up the hierarchy at the Godhead. Alcyone is the Great Central Sun in your Solar System and is a StarGate to Source Energy. The Great Central Sun is an Etheric Sun which is an Etheric Force working with Source Energy and the Etheric/Magnetic Crystalline Pulse which holds all Spheres in their place in Space. Helios and Vesta are a reflection of this as the Sun Ascends along with Earth and all the Planets in your Solar System. These Beings as delusional emanations have descended to Earth to work as Extraterrestrial / Angelic Council for the Starseeds of Earth. This Grand Experiment on Earth is now ending and Every Soul is facing Mother – Father God as duality closes on Earth at the request of Gaia when nuclear weapons were deployed and the Truth Embargo began.

Earth was colonized in this Age by Lyraens and those from Dracos and those who had fallen from the Old Universe. Lyraens were Christed Extraterrestrials evolved past needing a physical body. They created the dolphins and whales in Earthsʻ Seas as their first venture into physical bodies as a mammalian race. Their first  colony on Earth was the beginning of the Atlantean Civilization on Earth. The Sirians on the Extraterrestrial / Angelic Council made a bridge race to prevent the Lyraens from being destroyed mixing the DNA of the Dracos and Lyraens (hybrid mammalian and reptilian to form new races of amphibians) These races have been spoken of in Hindu, Egyptian and Greek Pantheon of Gods as part human and part Divine – the gods. 

More and More Lyraens were tempted at this time to descend into physical bodies and therefore caused their own DNA to downgrade becoming trapped and requiring Salvation. The first Colony on Earth of the Dracos was called Lemuria. It was because of this a certain segment of the Galactic Etheric Angels agreed to incarnate into descendant bodies to help them from within the lower consciousness without losing themselves in the process. Many have incarnated now to end the Grand Experiment. These new species descended into 12 root races. The 13th is made up of Galactic Extraterrestrial hybrids who have agreed in incarnate into all 12 races thereby making a new race which is a combination of them all. By doing this they have returned The Grand Experiment back to Oneness. Over time many colonized Earth leaving the Great War on other Stars. The Orion Confederation was made up of those from Rigel and the Zeti Reticulans. The Pleiadian Council on Earth was made up of original refugees from Lyra to the Pleiadian System of 7 Stars and 16 Planets. The Amphibian races on Earth fled and made bases under Earthsʻ Seas and live there today. Other races which had been brought to Earth as slaves were taken to Inner Earth by the Christed Extraterrestrials and parts of that Group were also taken to Inner Mars where they continue today.  Earth and Mars were both colonized by the Lion People and artificial landmarks of the Sphinx and Face on Mars when overlayed are the face of Divine Feminine in the form of Mother Sekhmet. The Great White Lions form On are working with Earth now as it Ascends opening new potentials for the Planet of Unity within Diversity.

As Atlantis continued on Earth the Dracos and Lyraens with the influence from the Sirians, Pleiadians and those from Orion, all vying for power became very dark and this was their demise. Slaves races were made which were part animal/ part insect and part human. The Lemurians too altered their DNA and became part dinosaur/dragon and part human. The alteration in DNA made the reptilian brain part of the human make-up. More colonized Earth including the Arcturians, Antares, Tau Ceti, Procyon,  and Sirius B. At this time to protect themselves from negative forces those in the Inner Galaxy formed the Galactic Federation.

Alpha Centauri was part of the original formation of the Federation and is home to Commander Soltec. Korton who is also known as K17 and his Father Monka both from Mars are now working to Terra Form the Surface of Mars. The Galactic Federation with the help of Soltecsʻ Ship The Phoenix link with the Governors of the Lord Most High Council. They have been monitoring Earthsʻ progress through the Etheric City of Shambhala. Each Soul is monitored and their Soul Record from the Book of Life is recorded on the Akasha and may be recalled for review at any time. As Each One passes in and out of the physical the Extraterrestrials and Angelics work with these Souls to prepare them for their next incarnation according to their Soul Record. Soltec relays through the technologies on his Ship between Shambhala and The Watchers or Lords Most High. This are all offices within The Office of the Christ and as we move up positions are held by different Souls throughout the Ages. It is through the input from Collective Consciousness on Earth the next steps of the Plan are put into place including the DNA upgrades. Korton and Monka  at Inner Mars work through the ACIO on Earth with KOS and Tom the Ring Tail Cat and others as a Cosmic Secret Service working with the Councils to keep negative influences away from Mars and Earth allowing them to continue with the Plan. They have other roles as well.

DNA is what imprisons One in a physical body and that is why the Soul requires Salvation. To be raised up into the Light Body or the Merkaba Body. DNA is programmed by the Language of Light and Light Codes which are based on the Law of One. The DNA is programmed to upgrade at time intervals and this Easter is very special because we enter the 9th Gateway of Completion of the Revelation of upgrades for the Genetic Codes returning All On Earth to their Activated Light Bodies. Freedom. Liberation. Nirvana. An end to duality on Earth. A Completion of The Grand Experiment.
You are returned to a Christ Being no matter what your origin. Those who refuse to return to love and the Law of One will leave Earth now. Some Beings simply have altered their DNA to a point which they are unable to remember love.

The Dracos reptilians desired controlling Earth and accomplished this by incarnating into the most influential Families on Earth. There are a Group of Scientist now on Earth working with this Group who have withheld the Scientific Advances given to Earth by the Ashtar Command such as nuclear fission – designed to upgrade intelligence on Earth further keeping the races of man enslaved. Christed Extraterrestrials work with nuclear fission in anti-gravity devices but the Dragons harnessed it as weapons of mass destruction. This has prevented Earthʻs Galactic Humans consciousness from growing  and violated Universal Law. It was this atrocity which allowed the Intergalactic Confederation of Worlds to intervene on Earthʻs behalf. The jurisdiction to uphold the Law changed from the World Court to the Solar Tribunal. The Solar Tribunal is headed up by Lord Sanandaʻs consort Lady Master Nada.

Scientists at NASA continue to withhold information about their manned flights exploring the deep areas of space utilizing a kind of propulsion technologies given to them by the negative extraterrestrials making a mega ton payload weigh only a few pounds and able to travel long distances in short periods of time. Earth Astronauts in the NSA and other International Space Organizations including NASA explore deep space and now Civilian Private  Astronauts are joining them. This is a break – away society and it keeps everybody else enslaved in ignorance. 

With the coming Disclosure and Announcements and enactment of NESARA Law Earth will be free. Accountability must be made between Earth Citizens and those in the private, military, academia, courts, governments and intelligence factions benefitting form the Secret Space Program. The Ashtar Command stands by working with the Ground Crew coordinating events to unfold this final Revelation. That combined with the upgrade to your Vehicles lift you into the 5th Dimension now. 

Etheric Light Cities are being built and you will shuttle there above Earth and integrate into Etheric Living with the help of Mentors and Extraterrestrials returning to Earth to help in this its next stage of development. This is a most glorious Resurrection of Christed Souls on Earth.

Salut! This is Ashtar. I will See You on the Rainbow Bridge.


through Elizabeth Trutwin, Easter Sunday, March 31, 2013.

© All Rights Reserved.


http://GalacticRoundTable.org, http://ElizabethTrutwin.org




Citizen Hearing on Disclosure – April 29 to May 3, 2013 – Washin gton, DC

An event with historical implications will be held at the National Press Club in Washington, DC from April 29 to May 3, 2013. At that time as many as forty researchers and military/agency witnesses will testify for thirty hours over five days before former members of the United States Congress. The Citizen Hearing on Disclosure of an extraterrestrial presence engaging the human race will attempt to accomplish what the Congress has failed to do for forty-five years – seek out the facts surrounding the most important issue of this or any other time.

For this reason the motto for the Citizen Hearing on Disclosure is “If the Congress will not do its job, the people will.”

This event will be live streamed to the world via the Internet in at least four and possibly five languages. Furthermore, the entire hearing will be filmed as the basis for a forthcoming documentary – Truth Embargo.

The title of this film is fitting as the goal of the Citizen Hearing is nothing less than the end of the extraterrestrial truth embargo this year. The world’s people have waited long enough.

Over the coming weeks this site will develop rapidly with new information added daily. Check back often for updates.

This video, which provides a conceptual frame for the Citizen Hearing on Disclosure, is available in the following languages:



This video provides more of the details. The Citizen Hearing on Disclosure will bring 40 researchers and government/agency witnesses to Washington, DC to testify before former members of the U. S. Congress on events and evidence supporting the truth of an extraterrestrial presence engaging the human race and a government policy to embargo that truth. Also available in:

Time lapse footage provided by “Earth Time lapse, Amazon HD” and NASA.


Santa Fe, NM “Galactic Command Center Project” – Mike Quinsey, March 25, 2013


Hi Friends,

                  Quite recently a project was started in Santa Fe, NM with a view to setting up a Galactic Command Center, and with your interest in the City of Light, Sedona, I felt it may interest you as it is the outcome of advent of the New Age. The group have been told that such Centers will be located all over our planet, and are holding meetings and have a Newsletter plus other mailing. The above link sets out the objectives of the group with links to them, and there is also an excerpt from a supporting channeled message from St. Germain through Nancy Tate. The following extract below comes from the linked general message, and there is also a brief message from SaLuSa.

                 Mike Quinsey



Extract from linked General Message.


“We feel that others anywhere around the world might be inspired to find that they too are part of a Galactic Center or a Crystal City to be lowered into our physical world, such as the one forming over Sedona, AZ or some other 5D project and find like minded people who will come together with their intent to bring their ideas into physical manifestation for the benefit of ALL humanity and beyond”.



SaLuSa 23- March- 2013

Like other groups of people that are forming you are the pioneers for those who will follow, helping to bring the New Age into being. A feature of this building period will be the “small is beautiful” approach, as your present experiences show that ultra large groups do not necessarily function efficiently or in an acceptable way. People all over the world are rising to the occasion, as the consciousness levels increase and their awareness grows. You are catalysts for others and what you are doing is being inspired, so that it will be of great help to those with the same aspirations. We commend your foresight, but then you are doing what you came to Earth to do.

Overview of Mission

The project started with a small core group of four people (Nancy, Bob, Verona, Lucy) who came together on January 9th 2013, each having an inner knowing, or a vision that this area in which we live would be the location of what we are calling the Santa Fe, NM “Galactic Command Center Project”. Then Rev Rich and Patti came aboard the core group. Next at our meeting on March 18, 2013 we had twelve people attend.  Those who attended would agree that what the group is doing through our collective intent is anchoring an energy for the eventual physical manifestation of this proposed center. We all know that everything that we manifest in physical reality begins with a thought and then as humans focus their energy on that thought, eventually that thought is brought into our physical reality. In addition we humans are the ground crew for whatever projects that we want to manifest here in our 5D reality with the help of our space brothers and sisters as well as our brothers and sisters who reside in the inner and hollow earth.


The core group is meeting structurally as a 5D council where everyone is a leader; there is no heirarchy. Everyone is an equal contributor to this mission’s manifestation. We are in contact with the Galactics through channeled messages received during our meetings, and our own intuition. The mp3 audio files of these meetings and newsletters are available to anyone interested on the web site specifically on the following URL


At some time in the future as the project comes more into focus it will have its own web site. In addition there have been some requests that we also have the meetings available as a teleconference so those who are located afar can listen in and lend their energy to the project. With this in mind when we have our next full meeting in April it will be available through a teleconference, details to be announced.


Those who are interested in receiving the newsletter or other emailings about the project please send an email to with the words CENTER PROJECT in the subject line.


We are told that these galactic centers will be located all over planet earth. As many messages have told us mother earth, and those of us who will choose to, will be moving into the full 5D vibration with her. This planet will become a showcase for many star systems to send their representative here to see what we have done and learned in our 3D duality experience, and to share what they are doing and experiencing. All the channeled messages received thus far are available on the above URL. However below are a few excerpts from some of these messages to give a little insight as to what the galactic’s are saying about these centers.


Lord Marius through Lucy Colson 1-9-2013 Meeting (just a part of the message in text form here)

“There is much for you to do in the helping of others and as you begin as the talk has been about well we would call it a space port, you call it a convention center, what ever you want to call it, this area that is under development right now. There is not much that we can tell you about this edifice, let us call it, that is being created. It is one where others from other parts of the universe can come there will be a storage of records. You could call it a library that will be incorporated within the buildings where they will be able to research and through holographic means actually involve themselves in actual things that have taken place on earth. There is going to be much that is incorporated in this project. It is underway now but is just, acually, the beginning. As it is upon your planet things do change. The energies are changing rapidly and as energies change we too change our ideas of what is going to be incorporated into this grand plan.   The buildings themselves will not be of an earthly structure but will be made of the finest light energy. They will vibrate at a very high rate and when you first enter into them it will be as if you are entering into song filled area. The vibrations will becoming from the light energy the light factors themselves. There will be room there for healing. People from the local will be able to take part in the healing aspects and this will be of great help so this not simply an edifice or group of buildings for our use [galactic federation use]. It is for the use of humanity as well and there will be many who will come to these buildings to be trained so they may leave the earth at an approprite time and go out into the universe to be of help to those third dimensional planets that are in the process of attaining their ascension. Not quite ready and that is the reason that many from the earth will go out into these areas to be as teachers, to be as servers for those who are making an attempt to take part in the ascension process ……..9:55……”

Another excerpt from St Germain channeled by Nancy Tate 1-9-2013.

I will tell you this much and it is that as we continue with our, speculations, ideas, we will begin to uncover some deeply imbedded, or previously deeply imbedded, inspiration taht we have been on a very, lets say deep levels, creating with our aspects of energetic thought and desire. We have observed many, lets say, expressions of creation throughout the universe and beyond and we have incorporated it all in a way of our beingness that can be an example of how we can express our creative abilities in ways that harmonize with all of existence” ………….” As this all takes place, things regurgitate, then we will find that this command center, others around the world, other placements around the world that will be of service to each other, not just for the command center for the federation, but for any other aspect of life on earth will all becoming into beingness through the creativity of the people who will be living in freedom  to express what it is that they desire and what will most be in harmony with what they want in their lives . …….. ” So to coming back to this particular moment , knowing it is all those other moments at the same time, for to speak it is to live it. in some energetic level we are setting the roots right here and right now for this command center from which so many people will walk forth in their power free of all the encumbrances that they have been living and it will be an experience so incredible as to have no limits ………”

OK this is just a sampling ot the messages that have come forth from the 1-9-2013 meeting. Additional messages came forth in the meeting of 3-18-2013 and all are available in MP3 audio form at


In closing, how do we choose who will be in the core group or who by giving their energies and intent from afar will participate? If this project resonates with you then you choose yourself and you choose what part you wish to engage in, in its manifestation. There is no ego here such that the team that is forming feel that they know who is fit to become a member or who is a clear channel of whom. Each person who comes in contact with this information will discern for themselves through their heart resonance what is their truth.


We feel that others anywhere around the world might be inspired to find that they too are part of a Galactic Center or a Crystal City to be lowered into our physical world, such as the one forming over Sedona, AZ or some other 5D project and find like minded people who will come together with their intent to bring their ideas into physical manifestation for the benefit of ALL humanity and beyond.


The big question then is when is all of this going to take place? Does it not seem logical that for these 5D projects to come into our physical world that we are creating, we must wait until the wheat is separated from the chaff and humanity has moved fully into the higher levels of the 5th dimension? Then and only then will humanity be free from fear and be ready to welcome our brothers and sisters to come and work side by side with us to manifest projects that will benefit ALL of humanity and beyond.