GaiaPortal: ‘Ultracousticals permeate Gaia inhabitants of all levels…’  by ÉirePort, December 9, 2015

GaiaPortal: ‘Ultracousticals permeate Gaia inhabitants of all levels…’  by ÉirePort, December 9, 2015


Ultracousticals permeate Gaia inhabitants of all levels.

Forced withdrawals accompany the shadow operators.

Expansions of ring energetics is called.

Seasons of elevations are upon the hu-beings.

Carillons sound the call.

Gaia Energy Messages

GaiaPortal: ‘ Gaia Energetics continue to “shake off” intransigent shadow points…’ March 27, 2015

GaiaPortal: ‘Gaia Energetics continue to “shake off” intransigent shadow points…’


Leverage has been placed upon Light-resistance beings.

Breakthroughs occur at all levels in the moment.

Grand Breakthrough will follow.

All those exposed to current incoming Cosmics experience “waking” proddings.

Stellars are now in full-assist mode.


GaiaPortal: Current upgraded portal structures allow entry of energies solely intended for the Highest of all… by ÉirePort, June 22, 2013




Assets previously valued by both humanity and Hue-manity are now revealed, to both humanity and Hue-manity, to be extraneous and illusory in the scheme of Gaia Energetics and Gaia Ascension.

Current upgraded portal structures allow entry of energies solely intended for the Highest of all. All others are revealed quickly, and directed elsewhere. This revelation occurs on multiple levels with multiple individuals, groups, societies, cultures.

No one is outside of the revelation.





GaiaPortal: Dissonant Energetics Are Arising… by ÉirePort, June 10, 2013


gaia_energy1Dissonant energetics currently are arising and may be sensed by many as Gaia sheds destructive themes and slavery paradigms. Many will be “immersed” in energetic regions and physical locations undergoing the dissonant patterns.

We of Èireport community remind all that remaining observant of exposed dark themes and/or dissonant energies is most helpful at this time. Participation in the dissonance is NOT recommended, nor required for these to dissolve. This will occur simply and quickly as they are generated.

Being in Joy and living in Peace during each moment will benefit all in this period.

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GaiaPort: Streaming Energetic Constructs Shape Overall Gaia Consciousness by ÉirePort, May 23, 2013





Streaming energetic constructs shape overall Gaia consciousness as advancement in individual and collective consciousness occurs.

Severance of all non-Higher-Path-aligned timelines and intention conduits is occurring concurrently with advancement in consciousness.

Peaking of resistance to “standard human awareness” occurs in coming months, as “Hue-man Awareness” is nurtured and “standard human awareness” paradigms are dissolved.

Leaps of playful Joy are noted as “standard human awareness” paradigms are released.

