Cobra’s Update: ‘Sacred Union…’, July 8, 2018.

The Portal: Cobra’s Update: ‘Sacred Union…’, July 8, 2018.

This is the last of the “social dynamics” articles, which the Pleiadians have requested to be posted as part of preparation for the Ascension process. I have received clearance to release some “other” intel shortly after July 13th.

Sacred Union is merging of spiritual, mental, emotional, etheric, plasma and physical bodies of soulmates and twin souls:

Such merger creates a moment of no-time when the Veil is pierced, and this moment of no-time, if expanded, is the key to physical immortality and / or Ascension.

Since the fall of Atlantis, priestesses of Astara were preserving the mysteries of Sacred Union on the surface of the planet:

And inside the Agartha network:

Later, in post-Atlantean period, Sacred Union between the king and the high priestess has created resonance waves of harmony for the whole kingdom the king was the ruler of.

High priestesses of the Goddess were also able to heal the war trauma of men:

Or heal the women:

As we are approaching the moment of Compression Breakthrough, some of the most awakened priestesses will start using the energy of Sacred Union to heal others and to channel Goddess energies into the planetary Light grid.


Since the Kurgan Archon invasion more than 5000 years ago, the Archons are using etheric and plasma scalar technology to disrupt Sacred Unions. These disruptions are the source of most drama in love relationships.

They are then harvesting the psychic energy of those disruptions and are funneling it into Hassuna-Samarra vortex, which they are actively suppressing for millennia by creating wars in the region.

Their first way is to create disruptions in existing relationships and even engineer relationships themselves:

Their second method is to switch one of the pair off ad thus create great emotional pain for the other:

Their third way is to induce possessiveness, and create jealousy dramas.

Their fourth way is to use isolating scalar fields to disconnect people from each other.

Their fifth way is to create women physically passive, so a woman can never physically approach a man.

Their sixth way is to create men emotionally passive.

Their seventh way is to induce twin soul fantasy, when someone is projecting an idealized image on a partner.

And if nothing else works, they tend to kill happy couples with directed energy weapons:

Regardless of all programming attempts, the Light is pouring through the cracks in the Veil, and the Pleiadian fleet is supporting Sacred Union with the force of their spiritual Love.

Victory of the Light!


Posted July 8, 2018

The Portal: Cobra’s Unity Meditation Update…, August 19, 2017.

The Portal: Cobra’s Unity Meditation Update…, August 19, 2017.

Time is approaching for our Unity Meditation and the energies are rising as more and more people has made a decision to join us and we are gaining momentum.

This level of unity has never been reached in the awakened community before. Many groups and individuals have put their differences aside and are supporting the Unity Meditation, each in their own way:


Corey Goode:

David Wilcock:


Benjamin Fulford:

Veronica Keen:

Read more…

The Portal: Cobra’s Update ‘Event Meditation Pre-Report and Two Cobra Interviews…’ November 23, 2015

The Portal: Cobra’s Update ‘Event Meditation Pre-Report and Two Cobra Interviews…’ November 23, 2015


Our Event Meditation was a huge success with great positive influence on our future timelines. Detailed report will be released here about a week from how as I gather all intel.


In the meantime, you can read this joint Cobra/Red Dragon Ambassador interview by Rob Potter here:

Or watch the Youtube version here:

The November monthly update Cobra interview by Rob Potter has also been posted, together with the transcript, which you can see on this page:

Or listen to the Youtube version here:

You can send your questions to and many of them will be answered in the next monthly update interview.

Victory of the Light!


The Portal: Cobra’s Event Meditation Update…, November 20, 2015

The Portal: Cobra’s Event Meditation Update…, November 20, 2015


Time is approaching for our Event Meditation on Saturday November, 21 at 8:12 pm and the energies are rising as more and more people has made a decision to join us and we are gaining momentum.



Next 24 hours will be decisive for how many people join us and how much impact or meditation will have on the planetary situation. Therefore I would ask all of you to spread the news about this meditation far and wide. Youtube videos are the easiest way to make this viral and they have been translated into 28 languages:

There are many thousands of people visiting this blog daily and most have facebook profiles, averaging a few hundred friends. Therefore hundreds of thousands if not millions of people can be invited to the facebook event for our meditation:

The link to the meditation itself is here:

Let’s do this!

Victory of the Light!


The Portal: Cobra’s Update ‘URGENT! TIME SENSITIVE! MAKE THIS VIRAL! Meditation for Europe on October 25th, 2015…’

The Portal: Cobra’s Update ‘URGENT! TIME SENSITIVE! MAKE THIS VIRAL! Meditation for Europe on October 25th, 2015…’


Posted: October 23, 2015

There has been a recent development in Europe that needs our urgent attention. The refugee crisis in Europe has escalated again:

Stable Europe is crucial for geopolitical stability on the planet and one of key factors to more or less stable transition towards the Event.

Therefore it has been requested by the Light forces that as many people as possible support the people in Europe with our meditation again. This is time-sensitive and needs to go viral! We need to reach masses of people, so that the critical mass of people actually doing it is attained. It is time for us to unite in purpose so that Light will be victorious. Please post this on your websites and blogs. If you know an alternative media outlet, you can send it to them. You can share it with your iphone. You can create a Facebook group for your local group of people doing this in your part of the world. You can create a video about this and post it on Youtube.


Scientific studies have confirmed positive effects of mass meditations on human society, so each of you that will participate in this meditation can actually save human lives in Europe and worldwide:

We will be doing this meditation on Sunday, October 25th at 7:00 pm Central European Time (CET). This equals 8:00 pm EET in Cairo, 6:00 pm GMT in London, 2:00 pm EST in New York, 1:00 pm CST in Chicago, 12:00 pm (noon) MST in Denver and 11:00 am PST in Los Angeles.

You can check the time of the meditation for your time zone here:!+Meditation+for+Europe&iso=20151025T19&p1=168

The countdown clock is here:!%20Meditation%20for%20Europe


1. Use your own technique to bring you to a relaxed state of consciousness

2. State your intent to bring peace and healing to the situation in Europe

3. Visualize a beam of Light emanating from your Soul Star chakra (8 inches / 20 centimeters above your head) into the Soul Star chakras of everybody meditating


4. Visualize the now collective beam of Light expanding into the Earth energy grid and reaching Europe, connecting with Soul Star chakras of everyone involved in the situation in there, harmonizing them and inspiring them to find a peaceful solution. Visualize all refugees receiving food, water, shelter, medical assistance and humane treatment. Visualize all refugees and policemen that might turn violent calming down and choosing peaceful solutions. Visualize all members of the dark forces who are trying to infiltrate into Europe posing as refugees, to be recognized as such and detained by law enforcement. Visualize Europe keeping peace and stability that she has achieved in the last 70 years.

It is very important for people involved in situation in Europe to be aware that we will be supporting them with this meditation so that the energy of Light we send will be received and will be able to heal the situation. Therefore it has been requested by the Light forces that you inform your contacts in Europe that we will be helping them with this meditation, using email, Facebook, Twitter and other means of communication. It has also been requested that people in Europe distribute this information within their networks.

Youtube video has already been created for this meditation in many languages. Please disregard the September date in the video, meditation we are doing this weekend is exactly the same:





















If you wish to further assist in resolving the situation in Syria, which is the source of the Europan refugee crisis, you can do this very simple technique at the end of our meditation on Sunday. This technique will strengthen the Goddess vortex in Syria that the Archons are trying to suppress. Simply visualize this piece of ancient Halafian pottery rotating over the whole Syria/Iraq region, strengthening the Goddess vortex there and removing all darkness from the region:


This piece of Halafian pottery, made 7000 years ago, contains sacred geometry codes that activate Goddess presence and remove darkness from all four directions.

Updates about Meditation for Europe:


The Portal: Cobra’s Update ‘Proxy Galactic War in Syria…’, October 19, 2015

The Portal: Cobra’s Update ‘Proxy Galactic War in Syria…’, October 19, 2015


Clearing of the Chimera group continues. Not much can be said about that now publicly.

On the other hand, clearing of their Draco and Reptilian minions is now quite intense and has already reached the awareness of the mainstream population:

Here it is important to understand that Khazarians are actually Dracos who came to planet Earth in late Atlantean period through the Caucasus portal and kept reincarnating into human bodies. Caucasus portal was also the main entry point for the Reptilian warrior slave caste who came to planet Earth in human bodies in Atlantean period and later during Neolithic period through the Khurgan invasion:


And in the 4th century during the Khazar invasion:


Pleiadians and allied races were always supporting the Earth population in their fight for freedom against Chimera/Draco/Reptilian suppression. Slavic people, especially Russians, were usually quite open to Pleiadian guidance and support.

Kievan Rus, under the military command of Sviatoslav I of Kiev, have destroyed the Khazarian state around the year 965:

That was the beginning of the long animosity between the Khazarians and Russians. Since then, Khazarians were without their original homeland and have lost control of the Caucasus portal.

Pleiadians and allied races are now backing up Putin in his mission to clear Syria of the Islamic state mercenaries. Those beings actually belong to the Reptilian warrior caste which came to planet Earth thousands of years ago through the Caucasus portal and kept reincarnating in human bodies:

Many Pleiadian hostages have been rescued lately from Syria by Russian Spetsnaz agents, with those agents thinking they are just rescuing human prisoners of war from Syrian prisons. Top intelligence personnel within GRU is aware of the extraterrestrial element of the Syrian situation.

The Chimera wants to retake the Caucasus portal and this is the occult reason for the involvement of the Chechen forces in the Syrian situation:


Let me just say that Grozny (translation: the Terrible), the capital of Chechnya, is a major negative vortex in the energy grid of the planet that needs a lot of healing and is connected to Odessa in Ukraine, another negative vortex, a stronghold of the Khazarians:

The situation in Syria is the geopolitical turning point for the planetary liberation. Iranian military is proudly showing their underground military bases:

While on the opposite side, Saudi Khazarians are on the run:

Far away from the attention of the mainstream media, masses in Europe are beginning to rise in their fight for freedom.

Nearly 2 million people for independent Catalonia:

A quarter million against TPP in Germany:

Hundred thousand against austerity in Belgium:

On the financial front, the Eastern Alliance has released CIPS, an international payment system that is an alternative to SWIFT:

And USA has been forced to approve the inclusion of the Chinese Yuan into the SDR basket of currencies:

There are already positive cracks in the current financial slavery system:

As the Galactic Wars are drawing to a close with the final and definite victory of the Light forces on the horizon, soft disclosure is suddenly not so soft anymore:


As the final victory nears, some people might wish to try to escape:

They will have nowhere to go.

Victory of the Light!


The Portal: Cobra’s Update ‘The Great Forgetting of 1996…’ October 6, 2015

The Portal: Cobra’s Update  ‘The Great Forgetting of 1996…’ October 6, 2015


During the invasion of 1996, the Archons and the Chimera have put a negative barrier at the edge of the Solar System (the heliopause). All beings contained within that barrier inside the Solar System, including all surface humans, all Cabal factions, all subterranean beings (with the exception of a very few individuals), all secret space programs personnel, all Pleiadians, Sirians, Andromedans, Arcturians, Dracos, Reptilians, Zetas and all other sentient beings whatsoever were implanted with plasma implants and tied to Chimera’s AI network (the Veil). Vast majority of beings who had connection with the Ascended Masters were having that connection cut. Many memories of spiritual nature were erased with electronic dissolution of memory (EDOM). Many beings who intended to release intel to the surface population were mind programmed and in many instances false intel and memories were implanted. All channelers were implanted and most their channeling connections were severely disrupted.

Strangelet and toplet bomb mechanisms were planted if Ascended beings would reach out and make contact. This effectively made our Solar System a zone with very little Ascended contact. Event the Pleiadians within the Solar System could not reach the Ascended beings directly as the contact was extremely limited.

This is called the Great Forgetting of 1996. This forgetting was so complete that very few people actually remember their spiritual contact with their Soul and with the Ascended beings from before 1996. This forgetting was so complete that many pople will have hard time comprehending what am I talking about.

Now most of this blockage is already removed but everybody inside Solar System (including surface humans and almost all beings from subteranean and space alliances) still have that part of implants that cuts their connection with Ascended beings, tied to strangelet / toplet bomb mechanisms, controlled by the Chimera. This is the reason why I have not yet released the intel about the Ascension plan, as the situation is simply not ready.

If somebody still doubts that strangelet bombs are real, here is the physics behind strangelet conversion:

In 1999, the Light forces started constructing a Light barrier at the heliopause with the intention of containing darkness infection inside our Solar System and then later clearing it. This barrier was mostly complete in late 2014 and absolutely complete in May 2015.


Since September 2015 the Light forces made much progress regarding the removal of implants. The implants are no longer black holes rotating inside a magnetic field but just naked singularity portals still containing strangeness producing quark-gluon plasma inside implants’ singularity well. All implants are still connected with hyperdimensional plasma wormholes (Tunnels of Set) into an AI-supported network that communicates across the Solar System plasma vortex (Yaldabaoth) and is tied to plasma strangelet / toplet bombs. This network is still connected with RHIC hadron collider and to a lesser degree with LHC at CERN. Those accelerators supply strangelets into the network mostly with gluon fusion interactions:


The Light forces will now deal with the quark-gluon plasma inside implants quite easily, but the quantum primary anomaly at the center of the implants’ naked singularity, hidden inside the strong force responsible for gluon binding energy might be a bigger problem:

The implants are the main reason for psychological mechanisms of denial and projection. Those two psychological mechanisms are the two causes of constant infighting between the Lightworkers (You have a big ego! No, you have a big ego!) and Lightwarriors (You are a disinfo agent! No, you are a disinfo agent!).

Those two psychological mechanisms are further enhanced by negative non-physical entities and Archon/Chimera technology of the Veil:

The Light forces have communicated to me that an alliance / coalition of Lightworkers / Lightwarriors, working towards the common goal of planetary liberation, and refraining from constant infighting, would need to be formed on the surface of the planet. Such alliance is crucial for the successful compression breakthrough. Dragon forces have communicated that such coalition would serve as a conduit for the energies that will be released at the moment of compression breakthrough to ease the transition.

If this alliance is not formed, the Light forces have an alternative plan to carry out the compression breakthrough. That second plan is slower, but more secure. Details about that alternative plan will not be released on this blog, I will just say it will not alter much the way an average human will experience the Event.

The Resistance has communicated to me that they will contact Drake just before the Event and give him substantial intel to be released publicly.

Light forces watching the surface population are in constant frustration as the infighting between people, who are supposed to be leaders of change on the planetary surface, does not seem to end. This is why the Agarthans sometimes see the surface population as barbarian. Instead of people being in denial and projecting on Agarthans as being elitists, perhaps they could take a long hard look in the mirror, recognize the inner barbarian, and tame it. It took many Agarthan factions hundreds of years and even millennia of dedicated self improvement until they have learned to live in peace. After the Event as the strangelet bombs are removed, they will be able to help humanity directly and they will interact with people, but they will interact with caution, as they do not want to become targets of people’s projections and attacks.


I have experienced my own share of people’s attacks and projections in the second half of September. How predictable – some people are so programmed and behave as Archon’s puppets so predictably that I can now even calculate with mathematical certainty when they will erupt.

Here I would like to communicate that I release intel to empower people to think with their own head and expand their horizons, not to create followers. I release intel about the Event not to make people passively wait, but to participate in the creation of the Event actively in whatever way they feel guided. Even on the highest level, intel is highly compartmentalized and on a need to know basis, so I do not know everything and my understanding of the deepest layers of the rabbit hole evolves with time when new intel comes in. Still, my intel sources are very reliable and are not subject to personality distortions, subjectivity and mind programming that the surface intel sources exhibit.

Many people are frustrated as there are no visible drastic changes yet. Any drastic change, such as a major disclosure intel release through the mass media, or a direct physical intervention of the Light forces on the surface, would trigger a cascade of events that would lead to triggering of the strangelet bombs. Therefore, drastic actions of the Light forces will only happen when all strangelet and toplet bombs are removed and pose absolutely no threat.

Responding to the urgent need in the current planetary situation with implants, entity attachments and healing of human psyche, Dragon sources are constantly improving their technology for implant removal, entity removal, auric protection and healing of physical and non-physical bodies. This technology is now available here:!/Mandala-White-Star/p/45887832/category=11990044


There are massive geopolitical shifts taking place right now that will lead to the final defeat of the Cabal.

It is an interesting synchronicity that super-efficient Russian intervention in Syria started a mere week after I have released the Halafian pottery Syrian vortex healing meditation:

This has brought us one step closer to the resolution of the refugee crisis:

The area of the Hassuna-Samarra Goddess vortex (Syria and most likely soon Iraq) is now the playing ground for the proxy war between the Eastern Alliance and the Cabal:

The Islamic State is now trying to destroy as much beauty as possible before its final defeat:

Years ago, the Chimera has locked many physical Pleiadian hostages in prisons on the surface in Syria and Afghanistan. These hostages were captured by the Chimera forces during the invasion on 1996 throughout the Solar System and later transferred to Earth. These hostages are strategically important for the Chimera since they use them as a mechanism to block the progress of the Pleiadian fleet towards the Earth where they would like to help with the liberation of the planet. These hostages are the real occult reason behind the presence of the US negative military in Syria and Afghanistan.

For all those reasons it would be good if as many people as possible would do the Halafian pottery meditation to help stabilize the situation. The link to the meditation is here:

There are important moves taking place behind the scenes and I cannot report about them, even if I would like to. I will just say that despite the fact that nothing drastic has shifted yet, right now the foundation is being laid for the positive changes that will transform our world forever.

Victory of the Light!


The Portal: ‘September Monthly Update by Cobra…’ September 28, 2015

The Portal: ‘September Monthly Update by Cobra…’  September 28, 2015

You might want to listen to September monthly update Cobra interview by Rob Potter here:

The transcript is available at the same link.

The Youtube version will be posted here as soon as it is available.


You can send your questions to and many of them will be answered in the next monthly update interview.

As you can see, the world did not end in September, and things will appear to be business a usual until the final breakthrough. The supermoon eclipse was beautiful though and I took some pictures of the partial umbral phase:


Of the first contact moment of totality:


And of the total eclipse itself:




The Portal: Cobra’s Update ‘Meditation for Europe Report…’ September 22, 2015

The Portal: Cobra’s Update ‘Meditation for Europe Report…’ September 22, 2015

Meditation for Europe was a great success. Masses of people have responded very quickly to the call and together we have managed to stabilize the energy in Europe to a great extent. It is interesting to note that response was the greatest in countries most affected with refugee crisis: Germany and Hungary. Although the source of the refugee crisis (the Cabal) has not been removed yet, our vigilance and rapid action can counteract the consequences of their actions to a great extent.


Therefore the Light forces have requested that we keep holding the focus and do this meditation daily at the same time (7 pm Central European Summer Time) until the situation is stabilized further.

Those who feel guided to participate can find instructions here:

Time zone converter for you to find the exact time of the meditation for your location is found at the same link.

Also, there is a very simple technique to strengthen the Goddess vortex in Syria that the Archons are trying to suppress. Simply visualize this piece of ancient Halafian pottery rotating over the whole Syria/Iraq region, strengthening the Goddess vortex there and removing all darkness from the region:


This piece of Halafian pottery, made 7000 years ago, contains sacred geometry codes that activate Goddess presence and remove darkness from all four directions.

The energies in the second part of September are quite intense and they are triggering suppressed shadow aspects of personalities of people on the surface of the planet. The Light forces have requested that especially within this time frame people work on integrating their personalities and that they do NOT project their shadow side by attacking others, but rather focus on creating something positive. Also, the Light forces are waiting that September 28th mass Ascension / blood Moon tetrad eclipse / asteroid impact / end of the world / NWO inauguration meme collapses as nothing extremely drastic will happen on that day, and then they will give me green light to release quite much substantial intel.

Victory of the Light!


The Portal: ‘Cobra’s Update ‘TIME SENSITIVE! MAKE THIS VIRAL! Meditation for Europe…’ September 18, 2015

The Portal: ‘Cobra’s Update ‘TIME SENSITIVE! MAKE THIS VIRAL! Meditation for Europe…’ September 18, 2015


There has been a recent development in Europe that needs our urgent attention. The refugee crisis in Europe has escalated:

Therefore it has been requested by the Light forces that as many people as possible support the people in Europe with our meditation. This is time-sensitive and needs to go viral! We need to reach masses of people, so that the critical mass of people actually doing it is attained. It is time for us to unite in purpose so that Light will be victorious. Please post this on your websites and blogs. If you know an alternative media outlet, you can send it to them. You can share it with your iphone. You can create a Facebook group for your local group of people doing this in your part of the world. You can create a video about this and post it on Youtube.


Scientific studies have confirmed positive effects of mass meditations on human society, so each of you that will participate in this meditation can actually save human lives in Europe and worldwide:

We will be doing this meditation on Sunday, September 20th at 7:00 pm Central European Summer Time (CEST). This equals 7:00 pm EET in Cairo, 6:00 pm BST in London, 1:00 pm EDT in New York, 12:00 pm (noon) CDT in Chicago, 11:00 am MDT in Denver and 10:00 am PDT in Los Angeles.

You can check the time of the meditation for your time zone here:


1. Use your own technique to bring you to a relaxed state of consciousness

2. State your intent to bring peace and healing to the situation in Europe

3. Visualize a beam of Light emanating from your Soul Star chakra (8 inches / 20 centimeters above your head) into the Soul Star chakras of everybody meditating


4. Visualize the now collective beam of Light expanding into the Earth energy grid and reaching Europe, connecting with Soul Star chakras of everyone involved in the situation in there, harmonizing them and inspiring them to find a peaceful solution. Visualize all refugees receiving food, water, shelter, medical assistance and humane treatment. Visualize all refugees and policemen that might turn violent calming down and choosing peaceful solutions. Visualize all members of the dark forces who are trying to infiltrate into Europe posing as refugees, to be recognized as such and detained by law enforcement. Visualize Europe keeping peace and stability that she has achieved in the last 70 years.

It is very important for people involved in situation in Europe to be aware that we will be supporting them with this meditation so that the energy of Light we send will be received and will be able to heal the situation. Therefore it has been requested by the Light forces that you inform your contacts in Europe that we will be helping them with this meditation, using email, Facebook, Twitter and other means of communication. It has also been requested that people in Europe distribute this information within their networks.

Updates about Meditation for Europe:


The Portal: ‘Cobra’s Solar System Situation Update…’ September 13, 2015

The Portal: ‘Cobra’s Solar System Situation Update…’ September 13, 2015

Clearing of the Chimera group continues. The Chimera still has a very small number of key Pleiadians, Sirians, Andromedans and representatives of other Light star races held as hostages deep inside their strongholds at implant stations throughout the Solar System. This hostage mechanism is a very effective tool to hold back the aforementioned star races in their progress towards the liberation of this planet.

Many of those hostages have been liberated during the operations of the Light forces in the last few weeks and the remainder is expected to be liberated very soon.

The process of disclosure is speeding up. Some intel that was previously limited to alternative media is hitting mainstream:

Scientists are finally beginning to understand the importance of torsion fields which are actually the translations of primary anomaly into spacetime continuum. This enables them to begin to propose more accurate cosmological models which will drastically improve our understanding of the universe:


Whistleblower Corey Goode has released a quite good description of the LOC (Lunar Operations Command) as it was before 2012:

And of the life within secret space programs as it was before 2012:

Here I would like to say that there is a lot of activity of the Light forces on the Moon recently, especially on the Earth facing side. Many lunar stations are being built that will assist in the final Earth liberation operations. The Resistance has built a small but strategically important base in the area near Mersenius crater. I have made this photo of Mersenius crater area a few weeks ago and you can feel the energy:


The Light forces have communicated that we are entering the next phase of the disclosure process and that it is very important for insiders with intel to come forward and release it through alternative media. Although some of those insiders might be afraid of the consequences of coming out, they need to understand that releasing the intel gives them a lot of additional protection by the Light forces as telling the truth increases the Light flow through their energy system.

Release of reliable intel is one of crucial steps in the process of planetary liberation.

Archons are still attempting to suppress the Samarra goddess vortex in Syria / Iraq area by using Islamic State mercenaries to destroy Palymra, a beautiful Roman city in Syria:

Many of those mercenaries are now being infiltrated into Europe hidden inside waves of refugees and are actually reptilians in cloned humanoid bodies who came on Earth during Archon invasion in 1996. The plan of the Archons is to repeat what was happening with Roman empire in the 4th century with waves of invaders destroying Roman civilization. Their plan will NOT be successful this time.

Energies in the second half of September are expected to be quite intense, although the Light forces are not expecting any drastic changes within that timeframe. Stay alert, but grounded and calm.

Victory of the Light!


The Portal: ‘August Monthly Update by Cobra, September 5, 2015

The Portal: ‘August Monthly Update by Cobra, September 5, 2015

With a little delay, I am posting the August monthly update Cobra interview by Rob Potter. You can listen to it here:

The transcript and the Yotube version will be posted here as soon as they are available.


You can send your questions to and many of them will be answered in the next monthly update interview.


The Portal: Cobra’s Update ‘A New Cobra Interview by Prepare for Change…’ August 31, 2015

The Portal: Cobra’s Update ‘A New Cobra Interview by Prepare for Change…’ August 31, 2015

You can read a new Cobra interview by Prepare for Change:



August monthly update Cobra interview by Rob Potter has been recorded and will be posted on my blog as soon as it is available.

The Portal: Cobra’s Update ‘Secret of Immortality…’ August 20, 2015

The Portal: Cobra’s Update ‘Secret of Immortality…’ August 20, 2015


The secret of physical immortality is one of the deepest occult secrets of the Light forces that has never been revealed to anybody who has not reached a certain vibrational frequency, a certain inner purity and a certain degree of dedication to the Light.

I will now reveal to the surface population as much as it is wise to reveal.

Physical immortality is reached through a certain conversion process, which is done by the right combination of three factors:

1. Reversal of the entropy processes in mitochondria:

2. Reversal of the entropy processes in the energy bodies. This can be achieved by sacred union between female and male polarity with inner and outer alchemy.

3. Regular intake of the elixir of life to support the process. Of the two versions available, the mineral version is more effective and more powerful than the herbal version.

The Archons and the rest of the Cabal never understood this process in its entirety, but are searching for immortality nevertheless. They only have fragmentary understanding of the process which they stole from Memphis-Misraim masonic lodges. They fail to understand that in order to achieve physical immortality you need to reduce the entropy of your personality to the point that the goodness in you vastly overpowers the evil within you.

Physical immortality is the ultimate manifestation of the Goddess presence within the physical body and this can never be achieved through the war mentality the Cabal possesses.

The twelve elders of the Brotherhood of the Star, located in a certain undisclosed underground location in the Himalayas, are maintaining the same physical bodies for the last 26,000 years.

Brotherhood of the Star has transmitted secrets of immortality to the Blue Dragons through Xi WangMu, the Goddess of immortality, thousands of years ago:

Based on her teachings, advanced members of the Blue were able to live in the same bodies for hundreds of years.

Brotherhood of the Star has transmitted immortality teachings to the West through their member and alchemist Nicolas Flamel.

Many members of the Brotherhood of the Star in the West were very influential in Priory of Sion and within Rosicrucian circles. One of them, Rene d’Anjou, is the single key person that has changed the course of human history for the better more than anyone else in the last thousand years. He is the one that has ignited the light of the Renaissance:

His emblem, the Cross of Lorraine, is the occult symbol of triangulaton of Light and darkness, the principle of overpowering Light that absorbs darkness and by the process of alchemical transmutation, dissolves it.

The region of Lorraine is a very important Goddess vortex which together with Untersberg and Venice Goddess vortexes holds the Light for Europe. The Chimera have tried to suppress this Goddess vortex by building a complex underground system of time-space distortion chambers, now already cleared by the Light forces, which was connected with Long island:

The Light forces, especially the Brotherhood of the Star and some advanced Blue Dragons, have supported the Goddess vortex of Lorraine by inspiring Art Nouveau glass making centers in Nancy, a city in the center of Lorraine. Many pieces of art glass from that period have embedded Light codes that activate the Goddess presence. Daum, a major creator of high quality art glass from Art Nouveau period, has signed his pieces with Cross of Lorraine:

One message of the Cross of Lorraine is that in every Archon or Black nobility family there are beings of Light incarnated who secretly or openly work for the Light and against the plans of the Cabal.

One example is Francesco Colonna, member of the famous Archon Colonna family, who was guided by the Brotherhood of the Star to awaken people with coded messages through his intriguing book, Hypnerotomachia Poliphili:

This book, together with another book, the Emblem Book by Achile Bocchi, reveals some aspects of the secret of immortality.

Some of the White Nobility families, especially Este and Medici families, were contacted in the past by the Brotherhood of the Star and are actually still keepers of certain mysteries of the Goddess which are passed from generation to generation within the family. Hereby I would ask members of those two families, or other White Nobility families that are keepers of Goddess lineage, to contact me at

The Goddess wants peace and peace it will be.

The Portal: Cobra’s Update ‘Galactic Goddess…’ August 14, 2015

The Portal: Cobra’s Update ‘Galactic Goddess…’  August 14, 2015

As the energies from the Galactic Center intensify, it is important for the people to be aware of the Galactic Goddess. In the past, people were aware of the masculine energies from the Galactic Center, which manifest as Galactic superwaves, capable of shifting planetary poles, triggering drastic climate changes and making species extinct. It is time now to become aware of the Galactic Goddess, the feminine aspect of the Galactic superwave, which will manifest itself as Love, never before known on this planet.
This energy will ease our breakthrough at the time of the Event and effectively cancel out the vast majority of negativity at the peak of the transition.
More than people are aware of this energy and are able to channel it through their energy fields and their bodies, more it will be able to soften our global collective path.
This is one example how it can manifest:

It would be good if as many Sisterhood of the Rose groups as possible are formed worldwide to channel this Galactic energy. If you would like to form a group in your area, you can go here:
Or contact
The following groups are not directly connected with the Sisterhood of the Rose but are very well aligned with the essence of the Goddess and are a good example how Sisterhood of the Rose groups could operate:
The Cabal is very well aware of the power of the Goddess energy in manifesting the Event and although we are not in the Middle Ages anymore, they are still suppressing it:



Most likely you have noticed that no significant intel was released in the last few weeks. Most reliable intel sources have not received anything significant or have been asked not to release anything significant until certain operations of the Light forces are completed. This has made room for heaps of disinfo and blogosphere is full of speculations which are mainly not based on reality, and also full of people accusing each other of being »AI / mind programmed«. Please be aware that on this planet obviously everybody is mind programmed to a certain degree and yet most people are good in their essence and they try to do their best to improve the situation. This is where our focus should be. 
The situation is expected to improve in a week or two as a certain phase is completed, new intel is released and happenings from behind the scenes finally get released into the blogosphere. 
The Breakthrough is near!


The Portal: ‘Cobra’s Sublunar Operations Update…’ August 6, 2015

The Portal: ‘Cobra’s Sublunar Operations Update…’ August 6, 2015

Sublunar operations continue. Most of the plasma generators and plasma strangelet bombs on man-made satellites have been disabled, including those on the thirteen NROL-39 »octopus« satellites:

Something is beyond your reach, indeed!

This has effectively loosened the Matrix control over the surface population to the point that intel about advanced spacecraft propulsion system designs have been released both into the mainstream and the alternative media:

This intel release has additionally secured the positive future timeline for humanity and brought us one step closer to the stars. The future is bright:

Sublunar operations will now extend closer to the surface of the planet through the ionosphere and the stratosphere.

First, they will begin to disrupt the scalar weather modification programs and mind control programs of the ionospheric heaters:


Then they will extend into the stratosphere, disabling the plasma generators and plasma strangelet bombs inside the radiosondes:

The Breakthrough is near!



The Portal: Cobra’s Update ‘Galactic Wave of Love…’ July 26, 2015

The Portal: Cobra’s Update ‘Galactic Wave of Love…’  July 26, 2015

In the center of our Galaxy, there is a huge double star, the source of Light and life for this Galaxy, the Galactic Goddess, the Pleroma, the Galactic Central Sun. It breathes and pulses with a regular rhythm, each heartbeat taking 26,000 years to complete. Every time the Galactic heart beats, the Galactic center sends a wave of highly charged physical and non-physical particles throughout the Galaxy.

This Galactic heart beat has entrained the precession of the Earth axis to align with the 26,000 year cycle:

We are approaching a Galactic wave right now and it will culminate in the Event.

Previous Galactic pulses have been quite intense, as it has been very accurately described by Paul LaViolette:

He and many other people are expecting the current Galactic pulse to be quite intense:


In reality, there are powerful Light forces present inside our Solar system to ensure that the process will be much more harmonious this time.

There will still be a lot of emotional intensity and some increase in tectonic activity:

But the main aspect of this Galactic pulse will be a wave of cosmic Love. This Love energy is the basis of universal cosmic reality and is now reaching our shores. This energy has Galactic proportions and can not be stopped by the Cabal, no matter what they try to do.


This energy will completely clear the primary anomaly and the plasma octopus entity around the Earth, which was called Yaladaboth in Gnostic teachings:

Gnostic myth clearly states that Yaldabaoth was hidden in the »thick cloud« of plasmatic plane:

Pleromic energy of Galactic Love will dissolve all false teachings of the Archons, as you can read in those two excellent articles:

As we are getting closer to the Event, the energies will trigger human suppressed reactions even more. Therefore it is of the utmost importance for the people to learn how to debate constructively and stop attacking each other. You can find instructions how to do this in the following article:


American Kabuki has put it even more simply:


Many people are expecting the Galactic wave to hit us in September or even before that. This is very unlikely, as complexity wave analysis shows first increased probability peak in October-December timeframe. Complexity wave analysis is a very sophisticated computer model of the Resistance Movement which predicts future trends based on cosmic cycles and free will vector analysis.

It is important to understand that the Event is an active interaction between our global consciousness and the Galactic Center and that Galactic energies are coming to us based on our ability to receive them. This is why it is so important for as many people to awaken as soon as possible.

It is also good for you to have a personal connection with the Galactic Center in your meditations. If the energies flowing through you are too strong, you can communicate to the Galactic Center to tone them down.

Our active communication with the Pleroma, with the Galactic Center, is creating a feedback loop that will trigger the Event when the time is right.

The Breakthrough is near!



The Portal: Cobra’s July Monthly Update…, July 20, 2015

The Portal:  Cobra’s July Monthly Update…, July 20, 2015

You might want to listen to the July monthly update Cobra interview by Rob Potter here:

The transcript is available at the same link.


The Youtube version is here:

You can send your questions to and many of them will be answered in the next monthly update interview.



The Portal: Cobra’s Update ‘The Masterplan…’, published October 12, 2012

A Reminder:  ‘The Masterplan…’
Cobra’s Update on October 12, 2012

Experience especially in the last few months shows that human nature is very susceptible to Archons’ physical and non-physical influence.

Archons succeeded in fragmenting the liberation movement. Surface positive groups were infiltrated and corrupted, those that remained pure were ridiculed and attacked. Any ideas from you about how to reduce the fragmentation of positive groups and achieve more unity among them before the Event would be most welcome.

Also, there were many supposedly positive individuals and groups fighting for their control over the collateral accounts. It appeared that greed took over the motivation to bring that money back to humanity.

I have received intel from a very credible source that Keenan is not the trustee for the collateral accounts. The real trustee’s identity must remain hidden for now so that he can work for the benefit of humanity uninterrupted. There are a few positive groups working for the same goal of returning the funds back to humanity but you will not find intel about them anywhere on the net. They will not announce anything. When they are successful, things will just start happening.

All above mentioned factors were the cause of delays that frustrated many. Therefore the original Plan was expanded and will be presented here.

The first part of the Masterplan pertains to the breakthrough of Light on the non-physical planes. The Light forces use advanced vortex technology for clearing the non-physical planes. All those vortexes create a network of Light that gets stronger and stronger day by day. At a certain point a critical mass of Light will be reached and it will result in a massive arrival of the Light forces on the mental, astral and etheric non-physical planes inside the thin layer that surrounds the surface of planet Earth and now still contains a few Archons and their many reptilian minions with their negative technologies. That breakthrough will remove all remaining darkness from non-physical planes.

This is a crucial step and must happen before the Event. Otherwise the Archons and their reptilian minions would exert pressure on the psychological weak spots of humanity and this could easily lead to widespread wars and violence. Human masses are very open to regressing to violence under stress combined with Archon physical and non-physical influence, as experience with Nazi Germany and Rwanda genocide clearly shows. Under Archon influence, humans are also quick to accuse and attack and this could easily lead to witch hunts and mobs lynching people that are not to their liking. Anybody could be attacked and labeled as »cabal collaborator« or anything similar. Such things need to be prevented and therefore the Event will NOT happen before the non-physical planes are taken care of.


The second part of the Masterplan pertains to the physical part of the Event itself. Since most surface positive groups are now fragmented, they will not take part in the Event as groups. The Pleiadians and the Resistance Movement as two main non-surface positive groups will implement what is called Fluid Group Masterplan Management. First, impulse will come from the Source that the time is right for the Event to start. The Pleiadians and other positive ET races have complete overview of every human being, their thoughts and motivations and they will easily determine who can be a part of the initial fluid physical group that will trigger the Event. They will forward that intel to the Resistance Movement.

Resistance’s surface operatives will then contact key people of that fluid surface group. Some of those key people are in positions inside Russian, Chinese and US military. Those key people will be contacted in person or over the phone and will be offered a simple choice. They will be invited to be part of the Event operations. They will either accept or decline according to their free will decision. They will be given a few minutes to make that choice. If they accept, they will receive further instructions who to contact and what to do. If they decline, they will not be contacted anymore. Those people that will be then contacted directly from the key group will make their own decisions and so the fluid group will spring into action. This whole process will be very fast and it will be a surprise for the Cabal. There will most likely be no advance »Green Light« notifications over the internet because the surprise element would then be lost.

As the Event operations will progress, the Pleiadians and other ET races will have complete overview over strengths and weaknesses of every human being that will be part of the operations. According to this, they will give constant real time intel updates to the Resistance about how to shift the roles and positions of people in the fluid group. People making crucial mistakes will have to leave the group and will lose access to operations intel and other people will be accepted. Thus this fluid group will be protected from Cabal infiltration and also from negative aspects of human nature. Resistance operatives will not be directly involved in operations themselves but will only assist with intel and instructions. This whole operation needs to be coordinated by beings wiser than surface humanity to be successful.

After the Event, human masses will receive psychological help and spiritual healing to be disinfected from Archon virus. Archon virus was maintained among human masses by passing the trauma-induced mind control from generation to generation. When this will be removed, human beings will discover that violence is ugly, does NOT solve anything and is not inherently part of the human nature.

One of the key factors that was maintaining control of the dark forces was that people were taught not to support each other. One of the first lessons humanity needs to learn is the lesson of support. People will start utilizing their free will and will choose love. They will receive massive assistance from the Light forces to learn again how to love each other.

No revenge against the Cabal will be tolerated. Every member of the former Cabal will have the right to fair trial and those willing to confess and cooperate might be able to integrate into the society. The Event is not about revenge, it is about stopping ALL violence on this planet by removing the Cabal from power.

Because of all human factor induced delays, only the first part of Plan 2012 (the Event) may happen in 2012. The rest of the plan (Restructuring and First Contact) will happen later.

Posted by Cobra, October 12, 2012


The Portal: Cobra’s Update ‘Implants…’ June 19, 2015

The Portal: Cobra’s Update ‘Implants…’  June 19, 2015

If anybody is still asking why the Event hasn’t happened yet, here is the answer again:

Earth primary anomaly quantum fluctuations well, or in other words Earth primary anomaly accretion vortex, maintained by the plasma implant grid and supported by plasma strangelet and toplet bomb retaliation mechanisms is the background meta-strategy of the Chimera which maintains quarantine Earth status and still prevents the Event, Disclosure and First Contact.


Parts of the plasma accretion vortex structure were recently detected by the mainstream science:

The activity of this plasma accretion vortex gets magnified every month around the time of the full moon, when Earth-Moon plasma doorway opens:

When the Earth.Moon plasma a doorway is open, both the presence of Light and clearing of darkness get magnified.

Plasma implants were first put into surface humanity population 26,000 years ago. Each time just before an individual was incarnated, he was re-implanted again. In this way, the surface population was kept in amnesia for the whole 26,000 year cycle.

The implants were maintained by implant stations below the surface of the planet and throughout the Solar System, and kept replenished with fresh anomalous plasma from interplanetary and interstellar space.

An implant is a plasma black hole with an approximate diameter similar to the diameter of an electron (10 to the power of -17 meters). It is rotating in a strong magnetic field which produces an antigravitational effect on the plasma.

The network of implants in the plasma energy bodies of the surface humanity is the deepest hole of the collective subconsciousness and the basis of the planetary plasma anomaly accretion vortex.

The implants in the frontal lobe of the brain compromise the decision making process and keep the person separated from the Source. The implants in the reptilian brain cortex keep the person locked into survival fears and thus susceptible to become a slave worker for the central banking system. The implants above the navel separate heaven from Earth, a man from a woman, emotions from the mind and love from sexuality. They fragment the personality and block the flow of kundalini life force. They suppress the emotions, which lower their vibrational frequency from joy into pain, then further into anger, and down into sadness, further down into fear, then apathy and finally into unconsciousness. This is the reason why many people feel nothing.


Light emanating from the Galactic Central Sun dissolves the implants. Cintamani stones serve as a focal lens for that Light and they ease the plasma dissolution process.

You can accelerate the process of implant removal with this very efficient meditation:

In this meditation exercise, you put yourself in one part of the figure eight, and your implants in the other part of the figure eight, as described in the link above.

Here is another interesting protocol for implant clearing:

The concept of karma as punishment and reward system and the concept of planet Earth as a school was designed by the Archons to keep people from discovering the truth about the Archon/Chimera control system and the implant grid.

It is true that everybody is responsible for their actions and that we can learn from our mistakes, but to imply that by experiencing our present life conditions we are »paying off« karma of our past negative actions is a very subtle and deep form of manipulation and a very handy excuse for the Cabal to keep doing what they are doing, as they are simply »teaching us a lesson in the school of life«.

Primary anomaly is the root cause of all suffering, and all negative actions of all sentient beings are a chain reaction of generational trauma, originating in the original fall from grace, the original encounter with the primary anomaly millennia ago, and the original experience of the implantation process in that distant past.


All this will be resolved as a result of the energetic intervention from the Galactic Central Sun.

The Breakthrough is near!



The Portal: ‘Update – New Cobra Interview…’ June 14, 2015

The Portal: ‘Update – New Cobra Interview…’  June 14, 2015


You might be interested in this new Cobra interview, created by Untwine. You can read it on his blog here:



The Portal: Cobra’s Update ‘Cintamani…’ June 8, 2015

The Portal: Cobra’s Update ‘Cintamani…’  June 8, 2015

Cintamani is a sacred stone which came from Sirius star system. Millions of years ago, during a Galactic superwave, a planet orbiting Sirius A exploded. Its fragments traveled in all directions, some of them reaching Earth after long journey through interstellar space.


In the last 26,000 years, the positive Agarthans were guardians of Cintamani stones. Throughout the history, they have given pieces of Cintamani to some of those individuals who had the maximum potential positive influence on the human history. King Solomon, Alexander the Great and Akbar were in possession of a piece of Cintamani stone.

One piece of Cintamani, previously in Templar possession, was given to Edward Bulwer-Lytton, who revealed the existence of Agartha to humanity in his famous novel The Coming Race:

Later this same piece was given to a certain Templar group near Untersberg and then to the Vril girls (die Vrilerinnen) who channeled the technological know-how for first working space program on the surface of the planet since the fall of Atlantis.

Another piece was given to Nicholas Roerich, who attempted to achieve world peace with it. His well known Banner of Peace is a symbol related to the triple Sirius star system:

The dark forces, from Inquisition, to Jesuits, to Hitler, were trying to get a piece of Cintamani into their distorted hands, unsuccessfully.

Cintamani is the sacred stone of the Brotherhood of the Star, the last true remnant of the mystery schools of Light from Atlantis:

Many Lightworkers and Lightwarriors belong to the mandala of 144,000 star beings of Light who came to planet Earth many incarnations ago to assist in the liberation of this planet and the Shift of the Ages.

Since the opening of the IS:IS portal in December 2014, Light is flowing from the Galactic Central Sun, steered through the facets of the Moldavite chalice of the Holy Grail which is serving as a lens, directed to the 144.000 to trigger their awakening.

Cintamani stone is the next step in this energetic process. Since the start of MOSS, the Light forces have asked me to spread pieces of Cintamani stone among the most awakened Lightworkers and Lightwarriors.

At the Event, the Galactic pulse will flow through Cintamani stones. Each holder of Cintamani stone will serve as an energy conduit, transmitting energies of the compression breakthrough into the planetary energy grid. One batch of Cintamani stones has been sold, but we have reserved another batch for those Lightworkers and Lightwarriors that are struggling financially, and they will receive the stones free of charge. We just need one volunteer to process the orders. We will ship the stones, already tachionized, directly to him. People would then contact that volunteer directly, settle the shipping costs directly with him and then the volunteer would ship the stones to their addresses. A person inspired to act as a such volunteer can contact me at .

A very limited quantity of Cintamani stones was put on StratoProbe 3, a nearspace vehicle which I have launched together with my team. StratoProbe 3 has reached a maximum altitude of about 25 miles (40 km) and the photos it took at that altitude clearly show the curvature of the Earth:


I hope this is proof enough for most people that Earth is not flat, or at least that it was not flat on May 19th, 2015 when the photo was taken.

Cintamani stones are pure Light and their energy can not be misused. They help dissolving implants and strengthen your inner guidance. But be aware that they are strong amplifiers and serve as magnifying lens to show you what is inside of you, in order for you to transform it and make you more ready for your mission so that you can play your part in the planetary liberation process.

The Breakthrough is near!



The Portal: Cobra’s Free the Colonies! Report and Short Planetary Situation Update…, June 2, 2015

The Portal: Cobra’s Free the Colonies! Report and Short Planetary Situation Update…,  June 2, 2015

Free the Colonies activation was a big success. The critical mass of the surface population required for this activation was lower because we were dealing with an off-planet situation and it was reached easily. The most critical part of the Breakthrough operations for our Solar System was taking place between May 28th and June 2nd and is now complete.

The vast majority of Chimera bases and implant stations, including implant stations on Iapetus, Enceladus and Mimas, have now been removed. All hostages from those colonies have been set free. The only Chimera bases and implant stations in our Solar System now remaining are mostly located on selected asteroids (many of them Near Earth Objects – NEOs), and they are those directly controlling planet Earth and its population. They will be dealt with at a later stage of MOSS.


The main negative plasma meridian in our Solar System (the Saturn-Earth tunnel of Set) has been disintegrated.

Recent removal of Chimera implant stations at L4 and L5 Lagrange points of the Earth / Moon systems is a big victory. Proposal to build a space colony at the Lagrange points is decades old:

This proposal was rejected by the vast majority of secret space program factions as these colonies would be too big and thus easily detectable from Earth. Chimera, on the other hand, had small but powerful implant stations positioned at various Lagrange points for the last 26,000 years.


Intel about L1 and L3 implant stations is still classified.

The density of the plasma accretion vortex, originating from Earth and expanding throughout the Solar System, has been greatly reduced. The density of this primary anomaly plasma accretion vortex is practically negligible outside of the heliopause and does not extend into interstellar space anymore.

A new beautiful crop circle with encoded message about the successful completion of the operations has appeared on the day of the activation in Dorset, UK:

In a soft disclosure process, humanity is slowly being prepared for the reality of the space colonies, especially on Mars:

As the Light Forces are proceeding through the Solar System, the surface Alliance is preparing for the Event. The background preparations for the Reset are reaching their final stage:—sources-2015-3#ixzz3ZfOX3Ieb

Hopes and fears about the Reset are reaching mainstream media, especially in Russia:

As stated many times, the Jesuits are (unsuccessfully) trying to hijack the process:

It is more disturbing that Islamic State, a Jesuit creation, is trying to destroy Palmyra, an ancient Roman city in Syria, and has already demolished statues related to ancient pre-Islamic goddesses:

Apart from destroying Goddess vortexes, the agenda of this organization is to conceal the fact that Israelites were an Arabic tribe living in the territory of Saudi Arabia and Yemen, and have never set foot in Palestine, and they are suppressing and destroying archeological evidence:

Here it is interesting to note that Palmyra was an important center on a major trading route for Arabian tribes and a lot of archeological evidence about the true history of Israelites lies there.

Current war in Yemen is a Jesuit attempt to erase all evidence about the true story about the Israelites. It that story ever becomes known, it will shatter the Roman Catholic Church into pieces.

On a more positive note, new house building technologies that will revolutionize infrastructure planning and will drastically reduce the price of housing, are being introduced:

The Breakthrough is near!



The Portal: Cobra’s Update ‘ FREE THE COLONIES! on MAY 30TH, 2015…

The Portal: Cobra’s Update ‘ FREE THE COLONIES! on MAY 30TH, 2015…




MAY 30TH, 2015

It is time to take action again! It is time to take the destiny of our world and the Solar System in our own hands! Therefore we will meet in groups large and small, as individuals and couples, on May 30th this year. Many of us will gather and assist in the breakthrough of the Multidimensional Operations Solar System (MOSS) to support the Light forces which are now liberating our Solar System from the last vestiges of darkness.

In the past, many human beings were living as hostages in slavery in many of the colonies throughout the Solar System that belonged to various secret space programs. You can read a relatively accurate summary of those programs here:

In 2012, the Light forces have cleared our Solar System of all secret space programs and their colonies that were not directly protected by the Chimera group.

Unfortunately, a relatively small number of colonies and implant stations throughout the Solar System has been protected by Chimera’s strangelet bombs and human beings are still living there in slavery and generally the extent of ritual abuse in these colonies surpasses what people have experienced on Earth.

These colonies are now in the process of being cleared by the Light forces in the current phase of the MOSS, and humans who were captured there are being liberated and given healing.


A very critical and sensitive part of the liberation operations will happen on Saturday, May 30th. The Light forces have asked for the support of the surface human population, so that the liberation operations proceed as smoothly and as peacefully as possible.

Our visualization and meditation will support the Light forces operatives in achieving that goal. We can do it! It needs to go viral! We need to reach many people, so that the critical mass of people actually doing it is attained. Please post it on your websites and blogs. If you know an alternative media outlet, you can send it to them. You can create a Facebook group for your local group of people doing this in your part of the world. You can create a video about this and post it on Youtube.

Scientific studies have confirmed positive effects of mass meditations on human society, so what we are doing really does have an influence:

Our meditation will happen on May 30th, which is the point of maximum tension for the Solar System as you can see in this heliocentric astrological chart:


We will all be doing this activation at the same time, at 2 hours 11 minutes pm Pacific Daylight Time. This equals 3:11 pm MDT in Denver, 4:11 pm CDT in Chicago, 5:11 pm EDT in New York, 10:11 pm BST in London and 11.11 pm CEST in central Europe and on Sunday, May 31st at 5:11 am CST in Taipei.

You can view the exact time of the activation for many places here:!&iso=20150530T141111&p1=137


1. Relax your mind and body by watching your breath for a few minutes.

2. Visualize Light fores liberating all remaining secret space program colonies throughout the Solar System, freeing all sentient beings currently being captured there, and removing all dark entities from all those locations. Visualize this process taking place throughout the whole Solar System peacefully and smoothly. Visualize our Solar System finally being free from darkness and slavery, free from all evil beings and corrupt entities.

3. Visualize bright new future for our Solar System, with all different cosmic races living there in peace and harmony. Visualize humanity being introduced to the vastness of our Solar System, humans enjoying its beauty, traveling from moon to moon and planet to planet in vessels of Light.

I have been waiting for this moment for more than 15 years. So much time has passed since the liberation of planet X! With joy, I can finally transmit this coded message to the key persons in the colonies:

L4/Light is ON

After all the colonies are liberated, the Light forces will convert buildings and infrastructure of those places for the benefit and enjoyment of humanity, which will be able to visit those locations after the First Contact. The colonies will be thus transformed from places of suffering into places of joy. There are already projects of the Light forces behind the scenes to prepare humanity for this:


The Breakthrough for our Solar System is here, Earth comes next!

Updates about the Free the Colonies! activation:


The Portal: Cobra’s Update ‘Disclosure…’ May 16, 2015

The Portal: Cobra’s Update ‘Disclosure…’  May 16, 2015

It is time to begin the process of Disclosure. Therefore I am releasing two relatively recent genuine images, coming from the Dragon sources, related to the Disclosure process. I have been instructed by the Light forces not yet to reveal what exactly is on those two images, because human mind then starts to speculate and intellectualize. It is much more important for the people to have a direct energetic experience of the images.



In the future, whenever I will release genuine images, I will say so explicitly.

The Breakthrough is near!



The Portal: ‘Cobra’s Update European Breakthrough Conferences Report…’ May 7, 2015

The Portal: ‘Cobra’s Update European Breakthrough Conferences Report…’ May 7, 2015

The European series of conferences began with the conference in Konstanz, Germany. You can read the report from that conference here:

And read the fairly accurate notes from the conference here:

The second conference took place near Eastbourne in UK. During that weekend, there was a very important transit of Venus near the Pleiades cluster:



The energy of that transit triggered a strong infusion of Goddess energies from the Galactic Center and a very demanding purification of outdated patriarchal archetypes. Apparently the energies were too much for the organizer of the conference and to a few of with him associated people and they displayed some very disgusting behavior that is still in the process of being purified. Regardless of that, they did not manage to disturb the conference significantly and the event was still very successful.

You can read brief notes from the conference here:

The third conference took place in Naples in Italy. Naples is located near a triangle of very strong Goddess vortexes and was a strong center of Isiac positive secret societies since the Roman times.

We had a very balanced and beautiful group of dedicated people and the conference was concluded in balance, love an joy. As a consequence of this conference, the Naples Goddess vortexes triangle was activated and the Naples city energy vortex is being healed, transforming this key city into a point of Light inside the planetary network of Light.

It is interesting to note that there is a vast network of underground tunnels under Naples:

They even grow food in those tunnels, as you can see on this photo I took:


The tunnel system under Naples is part of a main tunnel »highway« that goes from Malta to the Vatican city. According to a local insider I met in Naples, a jumproom was built inside an underground military base close to Naples. This base was part of the Italian secret space program.

You might have noticed that I have not posted any significant intel in the last few weeks. This is because we are in a very delicate period where any release of significant intel could hinder the operations of the Light forces taking place behind the scenes. Soon I will be able to release more.

Let me just say that Jade Helm military exercise will give the Positive Military much needed real life simulation intel for the time of the Event. The cabal tries to spin that military exercise and disseminates fear based scenarios as part of their psychological warfare. I will calm some fears by stressing that the Light forces have said very clearly that the martial law in the US will NOT be introduced under any circumstances. They have also strongly suggested that everyone remains calm and does not engage in any conflicts the Cabal might try to engineer.

Before more intel about the planetary and exoplanetary situation is released, you can refresh your memory with this video:

Balance your energy field with this resonant frequencies music:

Or even experience healing benefits of the Tachyon chamber:

French speaking people will be happy to know that the Contact with Agartha book is now available in French:

The Breakthrough is near!



The Portal: ‘Cobra’s Monthly April Update…’ April 23, 2015

The Portal:  ‘Cobra’s Monthly April Update…’ April 23, 2015

You might want to listen to the April monthly update Cobra interview by Rob Potter here:

Or read the transcript there:


The Youtube version will be posted here when it is available.

You can send your questions to and many of them will be answered in the next monthly update interview.



The Portal: Cobra’s Update ‘The Ganymede Portal…’ on April 19, 2015

The Portal:  Cobra’s Update ‘The Ganymede Portal…’  on April 19, 2015

The Ganymede Portal on the largest moon of Jupiter is the most important location in our Solar System.

It is the strongest energetic pathway in our Solar system which leads to the Galactic Central Sun. Sirius is a midway station between the Galactic Center and the Ganymede Portal, stepping down the vibrational frequency of the Central Sun energy to the degree that our Sol system can absorb.

There is a huge Galactic Confederation underground base on Ganymede which is a central hub for all intelligent positive races working upon the liberation of our Solar system and planet Earth especially.

That base is the main stronghold of the Jupiter Command and they are operating the portal towards the Galactic Center.

The base is located near the center of the Gallileo Regio:

The Ganymede Portal is the main beacon of Light for this Solar System including our planet. Without that portal being open, humanity would not survive the Archon invasion in 1996 and would be now extinct. Exopolitical events have much more influence on geopolitical situation than most people realize. The Archons have cleverly labeled everyone with more that a passing interest in cosmos as a »lunatic« to ensure that people would not detect the real source of the problems we have on Earth.

You can read two excellent summaries of the exopolitical background of the planetary situation here:

You can also connect energetically in your meditations with the Ganymede Portal, as it is the strongest source of spiritual Light in our Solar System:


As the next phase of MOSS will be activated in May, the activity of the Ganymede Portal will increase dramatically. This portal will also be the main transmitter of energies from the Galactic Central Sun at the Event.

After the Event, members of the Cabal who do not choose or are not able to accept the Light, will be processed through a sorting facility, which is located in one section of the Ganymede underground base. Many of those Cabal members will be then taken to the Galactic Central Sun for restructuring.

The Ganymede portal is purifying the plasma accretion vortex strings (tunnels of Set) that extend from planet Earth beyond our Solar System into the Local Bubble:

While at the same time our Solar System is entering a sector of the Galaxy that will trigger more drastic changes and much sooner than scientists are willing to admit:

Scientific evidence is mounting about unusual activity in the Oort cloud. Astronomers are detecting radio signals which are coming from the Spheres since their arrival in 2001:

Powerful people with much potential positive influence upon the exopolitical and geopolitical situation are reading this blog. For this and also for other reasons I would ask people with deep intel about secret space programs to contact me at for possible future cooperation.



Recreating Balance: ‘Notes from Cobra and Isis Conference in Konstanz, 21st-22nd March 2015 – Part 2…’

Recreating Balance: ‘Notes from Cobra and Isis Conference in Konstanz, 21st-22nd March 2015 – Part 2…’


Art by Nicholas Roerich

This is the second part, written by Antares, translation and additions by Inana.
Click here for part 1

These are written as if Cobra was speaking, although these are not what he said word by word, but paraphrasing what he said. Cobra has read these notes and confirmed them.


Cobra :

The Event is a dynamic situation, a co-creation of us all, a decision on a collective level.

~The Brotherhood of the Star/Order of the Star~

The members of the Sisterhood and Brotherhood of the Star are guardians of the light on, above and below the surface of the planet. Throughout the ages they were protecting the light and keeping it alive.


The Order of the Star are 144.000 star beings of light who let the light shine and transform darkness with it. Right now, since the IS:IS Portal Activation last December, light is flowing from the Galactic Central Sun, steered through the facets of the moldavite chalice of the Holy Grail which is serving as a lens, directed to the 144.000 to trigger their awakening. We here, in this room and those, who are reading, belong to them. We “know” it and we have been trained all of our lifetimes for this momentous time, the “Shift of the Ages”. All our past incarnations are preparations for the impact we are able to have right now, in this moment. This is the reason why the light forces have decided to release the Cintamani stone to the most awakened light workers. To do so in a broad spectrum was impossible before, up to now the information about this stone always was under strict secrecy. It still is an issue that requires all of our abilities in being truly responsible: This stone shall ONLY be given to those, who really have made a clear decision for the light, for active assistance in the liberation of planet Earth, for First Contact and ascension. This stone shall ONLY be given to those, who are working very consciously and very active on their own patterns, shadows and issues to be capable to liberate this planet -with their full being. If you make this choice right now, this can be your moment. Do NOT give this stone to people who are half-hearted, not awakened and of whom only YOU might think, that they could need that stone while they are reacting out of their programming. Do not give it to people who refuse or avoid to participate actively and be self-responsible in dissolving their own-ed patterns (even if they “are” victims, this is no justification to handle this stone irresponsibly). If you would give it to those people, it would have the effect, that the dark energies they are unwillingly and unconsciously channeling, are getting even more amplified. This would have a very negative impact on you, your soul family and on the whole Network of Light and therefore for the whole planet. So please, be very careful with this stone, it is an aspect of the Holy Grail, always take care of it and have a special place for it. The best thing is to wear it day and night. This has a special reason: At the Event, the Event energies will flow through exactly this stone. This stone is THE transmitting element for the Event energies to reach exactly you. You are together with this stone the transmitters of the energies of the Event at the culmination point, the moment of the Event. This as well means, that those who have a special role at the Event, will receive the multidimensional message, what they will have to do, in the same way. Who will have a special role at the Event ? You will. You will absolutely know what to do. You will be guided divinely through this stone in a very intense and strong way. It also is a massive amplifier of your positive energy and it will fully awaken you to all aspects of your mission, every day more, from the moment on at which you have made that very conscious and unconditional 100 percent decision : the decision to surrender to your divine role, which you are embodying right now, right in this moment. It will help you to remove your blocks, traumas, unsolved patterns, implants etc., yet, again, only with your whole-hearted participation. It is not important, how “far” you might think you are developed or not, it only depends on YOUR OWN decision and will, this is the key element here.


Art by Nicholas Roerich

In this moment, we, the Network of Light around the planet, are in special focus. The light forces are working actively to stabilize this light grid for the Event. In 1996 a negative portal has been created by the Archons and at that time the Network of Light was nearly completely captured. This situation is solved and over forever. Since the invasion in 1996 the light forces are working to fully free the Network of Light. It is already now starting to work again. You can see a confirmation of this fact if you look at the dawning stabilization of systems in the political, economical and societal structures, so that very soon peacefulness and liberation and end of all wars worldwide will have been gained. The Network of Light will then have become perfectly functional which will have had the effect of stabilizing the rest of humanity in all aspects of life and on all levels. So we -and therefore as well the masses- are getting ready for the Event, right now.


~Manifestation tools~

The 3 main steps in manifesting anything -ANY-THING!- are:

1. CONSCIOUS UNCONDITIONAL DECISION (most important, as this is condition for the rest to follow !)

Everything gets prepared in the non-visible areas to manifest in the material world. This means that everything which shall manifest in the physical world, takes the steps from the higher realms to the lower ones, with boundaries merging into one another. For better understanding of this process the different layers are listed here:

1. Mental (thought)
2. Astral (soul)
3. Etheric (emotion)
4. Plasma (merging of etheric and physical)
5. Physical (body)

1. Ideas – Vision – Thought – Knowledge – Deeper Understanding – Inhabiting spiritual realms – Realization – Insight – Decision – Will – Readiness for Action on all levels: mental, astral etc. – (goes in direction of multidimensional ability : Telepathy/Access to “Universal Knowledge” = divine masculine aspect of creation)

2. Intuition, soulful participation with full presence, connecting with higher spiritual realms and beings, invocation for assistance of light beings belonging to the higher dimensions of divine light, surrender to the divine, allowing the divine to manifest through you (goes in direction of multidimensional ability : Astral projection/Astral travel = divine feminine aspect of creation)

3. Feel, taste, hear, see, breathe in the new creation, all that will manifest, be in it as if it was real already, with all your being, with all your abilities to inhabit it with your complete emotional body (goes in direction of multidimensional ability : Teleportation)

4. The same like in 3., even more physical: Think at those times in your childhood, when you wanted to make the curtain move with your pure will (goes in direction of multidimensional ability: Telekinesis)

5. Physical action: For example: Do your meditation, do your Yoga, eat healthy food, contact a person, create a website, write an e-mail, talk to people, print some flyers, look at people’s eyes and smile, give a workshop, make an important visit to another starseed, do GRIDWORK, create an Event Support group, create a Sisterhood of the Rose group, send the link of your group here :
or post it on Facebook, invite your friends per e-mail, meditate, create in meditation, etc

This of course are only examples to inspire. You know what to do by yourself, by connecting with your divine self.


I please everybody, to participate in doing gridwork at the area you are living at or anywhere else on the planet and to join or create an Event Support/Sisterhood of the Rose group. My friend Untwine is very active in that, so please contact him for further advice and information about gridwork as gridwork is one of the most important things to do right now.

(Note from Untwine : you can look at my article where i explain basic steps for anybody to be able to start doing gridwork :
If, after trying these steps, you are stuck, you can contact me at :, let me know where you are located and what you’ve done so far)

Gridwork assists massively in the full liberation of the Network of Light and this, again, is now MOST IMPORTANT, more important than anything else within the liberation process of planet Earth. And I guess everybody would like to have the Event right now. I please you to be patient anyway, because everything gets ready when it gets ready and the Event can happen when everything is in the right position.

But honestly, if you would ask me: I would wish the Event would happen immediately !

This way, in which things are getting manifested, is also the reason why in the last years all the activations have been taking place, like for instance the “Reboot of the Grid”, the “AION Portal Activation” and the “IS:IS Portal Activation”. Those activations are the anchor points within the planetary etheric body, so we -as the Network of Light- can be integrated in it. So the network of light can operate divinely. The activations have prepared the complete functioning of the Network of Light, which is now beginning to work again and it will be completed through us using the manifestation tools in an advanced way, using them for us as a planetary group. As this whole process has never happened before in this way and the consciousness on this planet has been distorted since aeons, so we need to gain deeper understanding about how this can work, how we can fulfill our individual divine role in perfect harmony within the planetary Network of Light, being conscious of every other individual being of light around the planet.

The Event is a collective decision. This means we transfer the law of manifestation to a new, higher level now. This is new for all of us. We have been programmed beyond our understanding, so we have massive problems to make conscious collective (and even individual) decisions, and the Archons are using these distortions through the media. They trigger unconscious collective decisions everyday through programming of the masses. This means WE are changing that with OUR absolute clear conscious collective decision NOW. The “higher” consciousness is always leading :

1. We now make individually an unconditional conscious decision and collectively an unconditional conscious group decision to inhabit our divine individual missions and our divine group mission: To assist the liberation of planet Earth, First Contact and ascension.

2. We invoke assistance, as individuals and as a group, beings and groups of the higher spiritual realms of light; assistance for us as individuals and assistance for us as a group for the liberation of planet Earth, First Contact and ascension.

3. Finally we act on that unconditional conscious decision as individuals belonging to a planetary group : the Network of Light. We act on the unconditional conscious decision for the liberation of planet Earth, First Contact and ascension; unique beings of light building one planetary group of light, like one diamond with many facets.

The now regained Network of Light will remain like this forever until eternity and from now on it will get better every hour, with every decision, invocation and action of you, right now, right in this moment. The Archons are now unable to ever disturb it again. The Network of Light is now becoming stable, so the likelihood for the Event to happen is increasing at every moment very fast.

~Release of top secret intel~

The situation of the planet has improved so much, that I am allowed to release an information, that has been kept top secret until this point in time, until today:
The vortexes inside of the Network of Light, which emerge from gridline cross points, are the entrance stations for the lightships at the time of the Event. This is one of the main reasons why the dark forces had captured and controlled the Network of Light. At the Event (and afterwards), First Contact will be made through this vortexes and the ships are using the higher dimensional etheric energy of these vortexes to manifest themselves into the physical. So this means, they can be seen inside of these vortexes.


Art by Erial Ali

During the Event an impulse from the Galactic Central Sun will be sent through the Spheric Motherships which are in the Oort Cloud. The Spheric Motherships transmit this impulse to the smaller ships inside of the Solar System which then transmit the energy into the planetary Network of Light, which is us. People who are sensitive to energies will experience very, VERY exciting energies. Very exciting ones. They and all others too will feel, that s o m e t h i n g is going on and they will search to find out what is happening. It will be very strong energies, quite exciting and extremely positive. There will be an intense experience, that there is something, that has happened, something new, never experienced before.


This impulse also serves to connect people, so they get informed about the Event and they get animated to communicate and meet with each other. Because of this it is so vitally important, to build the Event Support groups all around the planet; immediately, now. Numerous groups will be created, now, by you, exactly you, listening and reading right in this moment. Nobody else will do that for you. This is the challenge here, to do something, that has never been shown by someone else, which has never been done before. Therefore it is of significant importance, that you follow your inner guidance by connecting with the spiritual realms and beings and your higher self. This is, what you have been prepared for, during all your lifetimes. You have been prepared so intensely, because this situation and the resulting task is absolutely unique in the whole human history, actually in the whole cosmic history. This means: EVERYONE of you, yes, you, listening or reading, has a unique, special role at the Event, which no one else is able to fulfill. Every single one of us has a special function especially at the time of the Event and of course also before and afterwards. This is what we have tried to figure out all of our lives, this is our turn.

At the Event the Sisterhood of the Rose groups will meditate to stabilize the energy. They are the feminine aspect of the liberation process now. The masculine aspect of the liberation process are the Event Support groups. They will also meet and the Resistance Movement and the Light forces will contact the Event Support groups directly or indirectly. The light workers of the Event Support groups will receive instructions to make certain contacts, for example to the media. We here, physically present and listening or reading, have deeper understanding of what is happening than anybody else on this planet like for example politicians or other people, who usually have been in public until now. Those people, who have been in publicity until the moment of the Event, will be mostly completely confused when the Event will have been happening. They will need assistance and guidance, as they will not understand, what is going on and they will not know what exactly to tell to the masses. WE are the ones, who will have been speaking to the masses, who will have had explained what has happened, what is happening and what will happen. The future of the planet is in our hands now and from the time of the Event on as well. The infrastructure can remain functioning through our actions. We will have been the ones, that will have had informed the electrician, the man inside of the water supply, the chiefs and workers of the supermarket and of any other organisation/corporation. We will have been the ones that will have had explained what the situation is, what is coming for them and what to do. We will have been the ones who have communicated to those people around our house and area, how the situation is evolving into a positive future and how we can all play a role in this. We will have been explaining them the meaning of their role and the significance of their behavior during the crucial time, the first 1-2 weeks approximately after the Event. We will have been the ones who will have had initiated the actions that have a domino effect, the actions of all those people during the intense transition, when most people are confused and some -hopefully not- might be in panic. This is why we create now, in this exact moment, the Event Support groups all around the planet. The Event Support groups will have been the ones who will have been responsible to make sure, that the infrastructure will remain intact.

We are responsible because we know.

We know because we understand.

We understand because we are who we are: The Order of the Star.

We are responsible for the destiny of the planet. Planet Earth.

The destiny of humanity depends on how we fill in our role during the moment of the Event.

The destiny of humanity and planet Earth depends on our decision, right now, in this exact moment.

We are the ones making decisions, because everybody else is confused.

We are the ones who have the abilities, because we have trained our talents throughout all of our lifetimes, for this exact moment.
(note from the translator: to the creators of the Event Support and Sisterhood of the Rose groups : And this is “Our Cause”)

From the moment of the Event on we are building up the new society.

The Event is the Zero Point for the whole cosmos.

At the Event we start again, freshly and new, from zero on.

Again: We built the new society, from zero on, a new beginning, a new dawn, the dawn of the Golden Age, that we have been waiting for since ages ago.

And the destiny of the planet is in our hands, in the hands of every single one of us.


~Continued soon~

(to learn more about Cobra conferences click here :


Posted by untwine à 3:25 PM


Original source:

The Portal: ‘Cobra’s Short Planetary Situation Update…’ Monday, April 6, 2015

The Portal: ‘Cobra’s Short Planetary Situation Update…’ Monday, April 6, 2015

The Eastern Alliance is making good progress, especially on the financial front, as the major global powers except the US join the new Chinese-led Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB):

AIIB will support infrastructure projects of global importance:

The Eastern Alliance will also unleash some much needed capital for a soft disclosure of advanced technologies:

The Eastern Alliance has set a target date of January 1st, 2016 as the day of the financial Reset:

That proposed date may or may not be the real date of the Reset.

You might also notice that the basic composition of the new financial system (especially scenario 3) here

is extremely close to what I have leaked 3 years ago here:

In the past, I have also mentioned a secret positive group operating in Latin America. One of their main purposes is to keep Chimera-controlled US military bases off the continent:

Although there is much progress, much works still needs to be done.

First, there is still a lot of Cabal infiltration in the government structures of the leading BRICS countries, especially China and Brazil:

Second, right now there are more human slaves on the planet than at any point in human history:

Especially in India:

As we get closer to the Event, a true balance needs to be reached between the East and the West, keeping the best of both worlds and discarding the rest:

When the Event happens, the following resources may become handy:

The Breakthrough is near!

Posted by Cobra


Recreating Balance: ‘Notes from Cobra’s Conference in Konstanz, Germany — Part 1…’ by, April 6, 2015

Recreating Balance: ‘Notes from Cobra’s Conference in Konstanz, Germany — Part 1…’  by, April 6, 2015

Konstanz, Germany March 21 – 22, 2015



Original source:

These notes were taken by somebody with the codename ‘Antares’, and somebody else who also attended the conference, with the codename ‘Taygeta’, has re-read them to confirm and add missing details. This was originally posted in German on

Translated into English by Inana, some words are added with highest intent as the translator has attended the conference as well.

These are personal notes made with best intent and capability, they are not what Cobra said word by word. However, they have been read and confirmed by Cobra.
Anyway, we think and hope that you might find interest in them, and that they will lead to some new insights.Antares, Taygeta, Inana & Untwine


Part 1


At the beginning, Cobra speaks about the programming process, which we had to go through as well, although we came from different star systems. We were forced to make a soul contract with the Archons. Our purpose was always to support the transition of the planet and humanity into the Golden Age. The Archons tried from the beginning to prevent us from remembering our missions by implanting us. The first implants from the times of Atlantis -which we still have within our systems- are the cause of the belief systems of today. Details about this first layer of implants can not be disclosed right now, as the time for this has not come yet. Cobra just emphasizes that this created a separate reality which is the basis of the structure of the Matrix. We are still subject to that artificial structure.
We have been, and are still today, inside of the imprisonment of reincarnation and this is an important part of the programming.

The second layer of implants is received during every birth. This is one of the reasons that we forget our past lives. So all implants of every single birth are still present within us and every single life we do not remember is blocked by the layer of that specific incarnation.

The third layer of programming is made through our parents during our childhood, also still present in every childhood of every incarnation. These are emotional and mental patterns which are seeded in us and “provide” us with a basic form.

The fourth layer of programming is made by kindergardens and schools. It goes on later in the world of career and business we are consequently influenced in such a way that we are forced to stay inside the program of the Matrix. For example in universities, in physics, what is taught is more than 100 years old, it is ignoring the quantum physics, which by the way are also not completely up to date. Science is infiltrated with errors by intent, to prevent humanity from awakening: the second law of thermodynamics is designed in such a way to make it seem that free energy is something impossible. According to relativity theory, the speed of light is the highest speed possible. Superluminal velocity (faster than the speed of light) at which spacecrafts function, is therefore apparently not possible.

The fifth layer of programming is achieved through media, religions and organizations. This layer for example includes the program that everything related to UFO’s is considered as crazy. All this is installed to keep the masses inside of the program and to suppress open discussions about those issues. Open first contact can only happen when this barrier has been removed.

At the end of last year, the Breakthrough phase has been initialized, which will culminate into the Event. This is a process in development. The positive races have decided to accelerate that process. However, WE belong to this operation, we are supporting them with our active and conscious participation, with our decisions, intentions, will and actions.Cobra speaks about his flight outside of the Quarantine and shows a picture of himself inside of that flying object (you can also visit this fascinating article “Cobra beyond the Veil”:

He reports about the beauty and peacefulness there, and that he has understood much about the Chimera when he was there. He is certain that a bright and peaceful future is coming for humanity.


The IS:IS Portal Activation last year in December was the most difficult one – with very positive consequences. One of those is the return of the Goddess Dou Mu. She entered through a place within the Agartha Network, coming from a different star system. The Dragon families are protecting her and are caring for her wellbeing. They have a special Laser technology that sustains the functioning of her pineal gland.

At the IS:IS Portal Activation on 15th of December 2014, an astronomical triangle of light was built. In our area of the cosmos there are 20 local galaxies. The most important ones are the Milky Way Galaxy, the Andromeda Galaxy and the Triangulum Galaxy. These three galaxies are building an energetic triangle. Many billions of years ago the decision was made that these three galaxies will be serving to dissolve all spiritual darkness. The Triangulum Galaxy is something like the “oversoul”, the supervisor of polarities with the purpose to dissolve duality. Last December, Triangulum Galaxy sent a flash of light to the Milky Way Galaxy and Andromeda Galaxy, which connected the energies of these two Twinflame galaxies. This will make the last existing darkness vanish forever, as it has initialized a huge transformation-energy-technology of these two galaxies. These two galaxies are from opposite polarity and they will transform every darkness that gets in between them.


Art by Francene Hart

(You can read more about these astronomical happenings in this post:


Milky Way and Andromeda galaxies

Within the rings of the asteroid Chariklo are small motherships. On those motherships there are many females from different star systems and from the Resistance Movement, who channel Goddess energy and send it to our planet. All this energy has been transmitted through women. This has started a massive transformation of the whole solar system.

About the MOSS (Multidimensional Operations Solar System), Cobra explains that since the IS:IS Portal Activation last December, the light forces from various star systems have increasingly been entering our solar system. Every darkness will be removed from physical and non-physical planes, which include all remaining members of the Chimera.During the last Archon invasion which started at the 11th of January 1996, a negative stargate was created by subterranean nuclear explosions and particle accelerators. This energy vortex brings every remaining anomaly from the whole cosmos to Earth. The lightworkers and lightwarriors below, above and on the surface of this planet are transmutation stations of all that energy, they transform darkness. This clearing process is taking place right now.


Through the IS:IS Portal Activation, lightwaves were brought to earth, which upon their way became visible as signs in the sky. Cobra asks if participants of the conference in Konstanz have seen them and many have raised their arms. Cobra was very happy about that.

Comet Lovejoy: The name is the family name of the discoverer and it fits so well. Taking earth as viewpoint, the comet passed near the Pleiades last January. The effect of this was an increase of purification and an energy boost. Energy from the Pleiades was directed at the tail of the comet.


Secret Space Program (SSP): There will be many reports about the Secret Space Program in the near future and more and more facts will be disclosed. The SSP started at the beginning of the last century during a meeting of the Thule Society in Untersberg in Germany. A young medium was present there, Maria Orsic. She had received very detailed information about how to build a flying disc. The physicist W.O. Schumann from the university of Munich was also present at that meeting and he was the one who built those objects according to the instructions Maria Orsic had received. The flying discs where created and functional in the 20s. The first meeting of the Thule society in the described context took place in a shooting lodge near Berchtesgarden, and then others took place at different locations.

A little later, the Pleiadians came and offered their technologies with one condition: to prevent the second world war from happening. This negotiation was made, and then broken by the Nazis, so the Pleiadians retired immediately from any interactions with the Nazis. Instead of the Pleiadians, the Dracos came to the Nazis shortly after and worked together with them.

Even during the war, there was an intense phase of the SSP from which the Operation Paperclip emerged. Through the Operation Paperclip, scientists and technicians where “adopted” in the USA, brought by Wernher von Braun. Because of this, the SSP and the building of rockets was continued, now in the USA. Publicly it was mentioned as Apollo-Program, secretly it was the SSP.

In the background the USA and the Soviet Union worked together and in the 60s they already had bases on Mars and on the backside of the moon. The money for this program has been coming from two different sources : the first source is the Nazi gold and the stolen gold from Asia. The second source of that money has been coming from all of us, as there are many ways we have to give percentage of our income and general money to the state (at least 30-40 percent). Because of the global financial system, all humans are involved, not only those living in the USA. Spacecrafts are expensive, or they were very expensive especially in the beginning of the SSP (now it is forbidden to build them). Cobra mentions a number of 1 trillion Dollar, all in all. The ISS by itself costs 100 billion Dollar.

Already in the 60s there was a giant fleet of ships flying to Mars, our moon and to the moons of Saturn and Jupiter. The official name of this operation is Solar Warden (guardians of the sun) and the official reason for this operation is to protect our solar system. Some presidents of countries knew about this operation. There was a secret group inside of the UN that was monitoring it.

The true purpose of Solar Warden was to prepare the Draco invasion. Additionally the Dracos infiltrated the military, the military industrial complex, the US regime and all governments worldwide. Everything was subjected to that plan. This created something like the Trojan Horse for the Archon invasion in 1996, which was accomplished through the underground bases that had been prepared for that. Through the SSP throughout the years, a huge network of 2000 underground bases was created, worldwide, many of them in the USA.

Between 1960 and 2000 there was an intense space war going on. The light forces began to clear disturbances in outer space. In 2012 the majority of this solar system was cleared, only the Chimera group was remaining. This group represents only a few beings, yet the main problem was their connection with the Strangelet and Toplet bombs (on the physical and plasma plane).

Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld also travelled through the solar system. Multinational corporations had been participating in the construction of space crafts like for example Boeing and Airbus. The engineers working there thought they where designing airplanes, in truth their knowledge was used for insights to create space ships. Within this context Cobra shows a picture of a space shuttle that has the logo of the US Post Company on it.

Now we are in the last phase to conquer the Chimera. Many times the question arises : why has the First Contact still not happened yet, and why is there no full open disclosure yet. The Chimera group has a system of detectors, monitored from Long Island, which detects any space vehicle that would land or make contact. Also in Long Island there is still the particle accelerator and the cloning facility. The cloning facility has made it impossible to arrest key members before the Event/Reset of the financial system.

Lightforces are coming from all over the universe now into our solar system. The Ashtar Command is an alliance of different star races/nations who have the soul purpose to liberate planet earth.

The Ashtar Command had direct contact with Eisenhower in the 1950s. The contact took place inside of the Edwards AF base. The publicly announced reason of Eisenhower’s absence was an appointment with the dentist. (Cobra mentions Putin’s recent appointment with the chiropractor in Vienna – Cobra smiles). A ship landed and the Pleiadians of the Ashtar Command offered again their technological help to Eisenhower with the condition to remove all nuclear weapons worldwide. The military of the US freaked out and so the contract was not signed. The Ashtar Command released a warning that now other ET forces would enter the planet. Then the Draconians came and they offered technology as well.

With them, a contract was signed : technologies for the military, the construction of underground bases and help with the SSP was given. In return they were allowed to abduct people to study their minds and to make tests with reading their minds and deleting memories. Some races did or do not have emotions and they wanted to do research on humans. This was the wrong way.

A short while ago, David Wilcock has reported about the sphere motherships. Cobra explains that the first wave of those ships came in March 2001 to our solar system. These ships are 3000-4000 km long. They started to stabilize the energies and prevent cataclysms and those operations have been very successful. When the cabal realized what was happening, they answered with 9/11.

The second wave of motherships came last December, immediately after the IS:IS Portal Activation. There are also bigger ships involved now, which have a length of 10.000 km. Since these really big ships are too big to interact directly within the solar system, they operate energetically from the Oort Cloud and they are cloaked. They bundle the energy coming from the more and more active Central Sun, and they send it into our solar system. Cobra emphasizes that we would not be here anymore without these ships, and that the surface of the planet would be inhabitable without their operations.

The beings on these ships (which David Wilcock refers to as the Blue Avians) are members of the central civilization, which is the first and oldest intelligent life in our galaxy, therefore the most advanced. They are coming now for the final liberation of this planet. These beings are also known as the Wingmakers. They are winged angelic beings, physical angels. Iona is a Goddess from the core of our galaxy and she brought, in ancient times, the mysteries of the Goddess to Atlantis.

The time “capsules” of the wingmakers are coded and new ones will only be found when the time is right, when the lightworkers of this planet will have raised their vibrations and understanding enough to be able to integrate the knowledge and teachings.

Cobra shows a picture of the Oort Cloud with ice objects and comets in it, which function as transmitting points as well. In between there are cloaked sphere motherships. The Oort Cloud has a diameter of one lightyear.

Cobra shows another picture of our solar system with the Kuiper Belt. Smaller ships are placed there which transmit the energy from the ships in the Oort Cloud to our solar system.

Until today the beings of the spheric motherships have interacted only indirectly with earth population and they only have operated from behind the scenes, because they have the highest wisdom, so they always needed a communicator in between. The vibrational mismatch between the surface population and them was just too big. Throughout the times they were guiding the Ashtar Command and the Pleiadian fleet. Now they have chosen a more direct interaction with planet Earth.

A question : why can the Unholy Four only be removed after the removal of the Chimera ? Cobra answers : this is because of the clones.

Another question: do the sphere ships beings really want the process of liberation to be slower ? Cobra’s answer is that David Wilcock is only giving the information of his contactee called “Luke”. The sphere beings stand for equalization and balance in the highest sense.

The Central Sun is a giant giant Goddess. She is getting more and more active. She wants the liberty of all beings in the galaxy and wants to clear the whole galaxy from all darkness. This is why she is now sending out the “Ocean of cosmic Love”. Cobra soon will make a post about the Ocean of Love, emanating from the heart of the Milky Way. This is a big energy field throughout the galaxy, and this creates the great awakening.

The Central Sun is the source of all energy, the source of all subatomic particles within our galaxy. Tachyons were created as the very first particles. Cobra has been contacted by the Pleiadians with the request to make tachyons available for humanity. Now there are several tachyon chambers around the planet and Cobra also offers tachyon products that help individuals, and will also help the collective when a strong network of tachyon chambers will have been established on earth.
A question : how about the Pleiadians and the Sirians and the ascension ? The answer is that they have physical bodies and a 5th or 6th dimensional consciousness. This means they are not all “ascended”.

Cobra was asked about his first contact with the Pleiadians. His first contact took place in 1977 during which he was traveling through the solar system and he did not want to go back “home” to earth. The Pleiadians had to discuss for about 30 minutes with Cobra to convince him to go back inside of the Matrix to prevent a nuclear war to happen to humanity. He did not understand it completely at that time.

~ Continued soon!~

To learn more about Cobra conferences click here:


Source: Untwine — Recreating Balance

The Promise Revealed: ‘Cobra Interview by Robert Potter…’ 20th January 2015 (Transcript By DaNell Glade).

The Promise Revealed: ‘Cobra Interview by Robert Potter…’ 20th January 2015 (Transcript By DaNell Glade).

Audiolink: []

OK Ladies & Gentlemen. Welcome once again, to another special Victory of the Light radio show with Cobra. I’m your host Rob Potter. Today we have a very special Cobra interview. Many of us have not seen Cobra since the new society conference. We’ll be communicating with him to ask for any questions or updates in regards to our mission on\

We’re going through some electrifying violent flame purification changes on PFC and we are ramping up to the next level. I’m happy to report that we have solved the problem for the event support groups, for those of you that have followed us and have had an event support group. We were on Meet-up started charging us and we had to withdraw all of our groups. So all of you people out there around the world in the PFC event support groups, we’re going to ask you to go to and look into the “how to participate” button and we would like you to click on the button “how to create an event support group”.

In there you’re going to receive instructions. What we have decided to do is, we have a FB page called Prepare For Change all locations. We’re suggesting that you start a PFC group on Facebook that says, something like PrepareForChangeHeidelberg, Germany or PFC Clearwater, FL. for example. Then go to the Facebook preparefor change all locations and let them know. They will put you on a master list there. We also, ask that when you go to our web-site after you have created your facebook page you will please send the name of your facebook event support group to us at PFC and we will put it on our new “event support group locations” button that will be up very soon. If you are not comfortable with FB, that is OK. We ask you to create an event support group name, once again PFC(your location) and give us an e-mail address where people can contact you. We suggest an email address be created like This way your information will be kept private and people can still cotact your for your sunday meetings.

People will then be able to go to our event support group locator page and they will scroll down to the country and they will find the city where the event support group is. With this information they will click on your e-mail and or facebook page and they’ll be able to contact you. You may then decide to give them the invitation and invite them to your event support group. We thank you for continuing for the mission of PFC, to prepare for peaceful non-violent transition to a new society.

We have several other updates on PFC. One of them is we’re going to be hosting webinars on PFC, hopefully once a month. We’re going to ask all of you to keep your eyes out for that information by signing up to and receiving our information posts. Now be aware if you sign up for our newsletter and blog-post notifications, some of these may go to your spam folder in Yahoo or into your promotions folder in g-mail, so please keep an eye on those two folders to interface with us at PFC and be apprised of our webinar.

We may be doing our first webinar for free. Unfortunately this has a cost and we are all donations on PFC. We may be requiring a small fee for our webinars. If we receive extra funds beyond the costs of our webinar fees, these will go into our coffers to maintain our web-site. We have expenses every month and we need to take care of those. Also, I would like you all to go to [] and be aware of that web-site which contains a community leader’s brief. We will be, in the near future populating more information on this and hopefully providing packages for all of you event support groups. All of you who are watching what is going on in the world will realize that there are many many changes taking place in the world right now and they all are supporting the information from Cobra, myself and many other people in regards to the radical upcoming changes on the planet. These are all meant to be peaceful, non violent, harmonious, without any harm to anyone, if at all possible.

We ask you all to remember your mission to act as transmitters and information hubs of peace and calm and knowledge in regards the closing down of the banking system and the arrest of world wide criminals. We expect to be supported through the emergency broadcast networks of the world and all media stations which hopefully will be in control of positive forces in the police and military who will be effecting lawful arrests of criminals in our world’s political, financial and societal infrastructure in regards to financial malfeasance and criminal activity. This must end on our planet, and how can we make the change. Many people have asked me how we can get everyone attention and to make a change. Well, we can post you-tubes, we could go viral. We could actually have our space family of light appear in our skies and everyone would look, but this may cause confusion and fear. It is therefore deemed prudent by our galactic friends to reveal themselves to us slowly, bit by bit so we will not be blinded by the intensity of the revelation of their existence as a whole.

Many of us here are aware of their existence and welcome them, the positive benevolent forces, with open arms as they remove the criminals from our world with the help, in conjunction with our earth based white hat military police force allies. We also would like to remind you that at the time of the event we are going to encourage you to get together at your meet-up group. We will be interfacing throughout the world. We have some team members coming on board here from our world wide community of volunteers who will be acting as liaisons with us to increase our social networking and give us a presence on all forms of information download for people to follow us from different countries.

For instance in China, some people have told me that FB is not allowed in other countries. They do have something called we-chat. We will be establishing a PFC we-chat presence there and at the time of the event and possibly beforehand, every single post and information that we put out on PFC will be posted through our social media networks. We ask that you all get together, familiarize yourself with the communities leader’s brief as well as network amongst yourselves for wonderful good ideas that may be relevant within your local country, province, state, city, village, hamlet, town to facilitate peaceful, calm reliance at the time of the event.

So how can we get people’s attention. Well, guess what, as we all know, the event, by definition, signals close down of the world’s financial system as it exists. The central banking, swift bank codes system of the transference of money is controlled by the Rothcchilds’ and the Rockafellers and other criminals within the banking system and in order for us to switch over to a transparent system, we all know that this must end. How could we possibly get people’s attention and make them aware of this. Well, we can’t really do it by media which is controlled, therefore it has to be, for some people, and actually for most, a surprise. Many of you have been talking to your friends and no one believes you and all of this stuff. Worry and fear not. However the change comes and whatever time it happens, it will be organic, natural and non-fearful and non-hostile to the people of the earth. Some people who are un-educated and may not understand the situation may have some mild panic and that is our position. If you want to get everyone’s attention on the world, I can’t think of a better way than shutting down the banking system.

No CC cards, no debit cards, no cash from ATMs, no transactions on line. This will get a lot of people’s attention very quickly. This notification and realization by the public may in some sense cause a brief amount of panic or concern but for those of us who know, this is intended to be very short-lived, ideally within 24-48 hours, or 72 hrs. It has been indicated it may be as long as 2 weeks. This will definitely create some tension and hardship amongst people of the world and force them to learn how to share and to network and to get to know their neighbors and to not panic.

This is the intent (educating) and mission of PFC and we hope that you will join us. In joining an Event support group, creating a new one and first go to our information on PFC on how to join and create an event support group where we have the master list on our web-site and/or and we like you to do both – go to PrepareForChangealllocations on FB. As you add your group, it will go to our master web-site list and you can always check it there if for any reason FB shuts us down, we will have your information populated on our web-site. Please include your e-mail address in your PFC so that people can contact you and hopefully we’ll have plenty of people and groups around the world to aid and stabilize the emotional situation as well as act as liaisons to present not only the community leader’s brief, but other documents, gestation stages to be presented to the people in positions of responsibility and political control in your local area.

These include of course communication, transportation, hospital, especially the police forces and the major decision makers, whether its a mayor, governor, a chief, whoever. We ask that you reach out to those individuals and take care of that stuff. This is a little bit longer intro that we normally have. All of us encourage you all to join and sign up under us []. We are going to become more proactive into reaching out to you and asking for your suggestions and your interactions with us. Not only to post information on our website but how you feel you can contribute to bring about awareness and peace and calm for the time of the event.

We are in a very unique situation in that we are close to critical mass. When these things take place it will happen swiftly, hard and fast, 1 2 3. The more prepared we are, the more calm we are, the more relaxed we are the better we’re going to be in regards to this situation. I will appreciate for those people who sign up for our groups to begin to look for our e-mail and newsletter blasts and we may be contacting only our groups. For instance, I would contact all those people who have signed up under me in leadership who very kindly said they wanted to help and listed their skill set. We don’t have time to contact everyone but we may have group e-mails out to you in regards to certain plans and information we’d like you to keep abreast of. Also, for those of you who would like to contribute in some way and have ideas, we are definitely wanting teams to start to create little islands of light in communities, either virtually in the internet, FB or any other media network to create positive changes.

I’ve noticed many many wonderful people creating their own web-sites and blogs, sharing wonderful information and basically affirming their alliance and allegiance that we’re not alone in the universe, never have been, never will be and that there is a purpose and a cause for us to aid as a ground crew in the breaking down of the electronic fence and the veil as it’s sometimes called, to increase our vibratory light frequency to make the compression breakthrough and the liberation of the planet a tangible reality for us all. So, we would like you all to continue in your good works there and we’re very appreciative.

As you all know I sometimes talk about what’s coming up for me. I’ll be very brief here You can find all this information at [] should be []. I may be getting a slightly new look. Most of my content will remain. I’m moving some things around on the web page shortly. I’ve combined my newsletter and blog. If you sign up you’ll get both. I’d like to to check out my last blog post. We have offered a nice DVD available from my Mt. Shasta Conference, which hasn’t got a lot of sales. A lot of people recommended it, and it looks like not that many people wanted it. It’s a great job by my friend named Harold. He’s a TV producer. We paid for the cost of a certain number of DVD ‘s already in our sales. All future funds will go to him for his kind efforts and his long long beautiful efforts that he did there. All the speakers that we had.

Also, I will be appearing in Maui in Jan 31st at the temple of peace. Look in the blog and there is a link there and you can purchase tickets. You might want to hurry because we’re signing up those in the islands. It’s a one day event. It will only be 3 hours so it’s kind of a local thing. Once again, another speaking engagement, I’ll be, on March 6-8 I’ll be in Washington. And very shortly and sometime in the near future, probably sometime before April, I will be doing my own webinar’s on PFC and again charging a small fee and encouraging people to call me to answer all of your questions in regards to the event, ET’s, metaphysical questions, spiritual understandings and I will do my best to give my honest opinion and my own view point on that.

I don’t claim to be an expert and to know everything on these things, however, I have a unique perspective and I believe that one of my strong points is the ability to go from information of a spiritual nature to that of an E.T., to that of what is going on in the planetary situation right now and all of the forces that are in regards to that. I’m happy to announce I’ve been contacted by a liaison from Veterans Today and Gordon Duff is announcing his candidacy for President in 2016 and I would like to believe that the white hats in the military can make this happen and I hope he’s well protected and that this will go forward. I’ve offered my assistance to his campaign team and I personally will be supporting him if this effort of his to run for president continues. He has promised the release of free energy, full disclosure of ET. An end to warmongering, vaccination and many other things, many other truths, transparent, honest, and just financial system. Speaking of finances, it may be of note in Cobra’s last post he mentioned that Russia has created an alternative to the Swift banking system. This could very well be a precursor and the switch over to a honest just and transparent financial system replacing the central banking system very very quickly.

I can not imagine the logistics and the details of this. It’s good to know there is a plan and honest individuals in place to make this happen. Once again, on my schedule updates, I will be hoping to be creating a webinar with Omnec Onec and her beloved friend and manager Anya Schafer. This is to be determined. A date sometime in March or aprill. It will probably be 1 1/2 hrs with Omnec Onec and Miss Schafer and myself will also be sharing and presenting some information.

I would also very much like you all to, if you could, and you’re feeling the love, to support with some donations. Were very grateful. We do have costs here associated. We’ve decided we’re going with a new IT team who will be extremely advanced and powerful. They are expensive but we’ve decided this is the way to go. We’ve had some wonderful help in the past but we’ve run into some issues and we feel it’s necessary to get more professional help. Those of you who would like to become part of a team of consultants. You will not be given codes, but to help us understand and act a s a consultant helping us to move forward with some help on the internet will be appreciated.

We are looking for experts in WordPress, SQL, Widgets, Plug-ins, Web-site management. We don’t need a lot going on with PFC. We have our infrastructure up. We need to make it interactive and more viable and we want to create this on a solid foundation. For those of you out here we ask that you please consider communicating with us and I’m going to say, if you will leave a title, you can contact me and I will forward this to the appropriate web-site administrator who will act as our liaison to coordinate with you and he will work with you in teams and as you create solutions, new ideas and wonderful new productive aspect for PFC to support our mission, we will populate it to our web-site with great appreciation and thanks to all of you.

I myself will also appreciate any donations. I work very hard on my web-site and this work here for PFC. I have a donation button as well. I also have some wonderful products and I hope you enjoy my web-site : []. I also remind you that we will be having the conference at Mr. Shasta this summer. Omnec Onec, her first appearance in 25 years in the US. The woman from Venus. Also, Alex Collier has consented to appear at my presentation at Mt. Shasta, for the first time in 8 years. The wonderful talented Scott Lemriel the writer author of the Seres Agenda. Who will explain to us in depth the plans for the releasing of the quarantine for us individually and spiritually. We will be joining our forces to release techniques. James Gilliland will be heading up our night watch where we will be doing this up on Mt. Shasta near Panther Meadows. It will be a wonderful event.

We should get lots of sightings there as well as giving a wonderful presentation. The effervescent Ted Marr will be doing some MC duties as well as presenting himself. Onya Schafer, Omnec’s assistant and manager will also do a presentation and we’re keeping the list kind of short and sweet. We’re going to have yoga, meditations, excursions into nature, musical venues, We’re going to have food on site hopefully. I’m looking for a very natural, talented food chef capable of feeding 3 meals a day 100-150 people at this event in Mt. Shasta. August 19-23, 2015. I am also accepting applications for volunteers. I have a coordinator who will be working with that so if you guys are interested to come, you may certainly send in the subject line: volunteer.

We will file them away and I will hand the volunteer status off to my Mt. Shasta Interplanetary exchange conference this summer of 2015, “” is the title this year. We can’t take everyone. The one requirement is that you’re on -site from the 17-23 to prepare the venue. You don’t need to camp on site with us, but from the 17-23 to prepare the venue for our event. With all those updates in the can, I’m also going to ask you all if you’re interested in a personal session with Omnec Onec I’m going to ask you to e-mail me. Omnec Onec is very sweet person. She’s not technologically oriented and she doesn’t do computers and she doesn’t have internet connection.

The only way that her friend that she can do sessions is if her friend is by her side. In order for that to happen, she wants to fly from Germany to Omnec’s location in the United States. This costs money and basically for them to get together, they offer sessions with Omnec to support this financially. Omnec charges $200/hr for a session and she likes to see you, so you must have Skype capabilities and this will be coordinated through Anya Schafer. I’m asking you to e-mail me at: [] with your requests to have a session with Omnec Onec and I will forward this on to Anya Schafer.

Ladies and Gentlemen that is quite a bit of lead-in here today. I wanted to get this information out to you I know how many people around the world listen to this. We have some important updates for you at PFC. For those of you in Event support groups, I hope you’ll listen to this and read the transcript and pause it because this is a very valuable aspect of service. For those who have asked how the can help. This is how you can help: Join an event support group, join us for meditation for peace on Sunday and networking with your fellow brothers and sisters who have sought like minded individuals to share their awakening process, spiritually, politically and any other good forms of action that you can do together to change this world, we support you all.

With that said, I must always thank DaNell Glade who is the leader of the financial group (transcribing). We send her our love and support. She will be sending her questions in for us and we will read them on the air in just a moment. We also wish to thank Rique Seraphico who tirelessly modulates Cobra’s voice and edits this interview so you have the clearest record of Cobra interview ever. As always, Steven Smally always creating tremendously talented artistic photos’ slide shows on youtube that will come out on this.

And I personally must apologize to Rique Seraphico, we’ve had some major software glitches and he will have some extra time this well to modulate Cobra voices and sound editing. Hopefully we can do this professionally for him. He also has some music under the music button on my web-site [].

He does the lead in opening music and closing music (432 Hz, written & performed by Rique Seraphico). If you want to support him, he has a beautiful CD available (the Mysterious Spheres CD, priced U$15.00 (Choose 432 Hz or 440 Hz) / U$20.00 (432 Hz + 440 Hz) can be purchased on Pay Pal, account name

I guess that’s it folks. I didn’t mention that March 6- 8 is called the Galactic Wisdom conference. There’s also a link on my blog. I’ve also started to give out some information on a spiritual nature, as I promised. Once I get through some of these hurdles, that’s all I’m going to be doing. You can look forward to that good news coming on. In the meantime, Victory to the light and here comes the Cobra interview. Thank you.

Rob – OK thank you folks. Ladies and Gentlemen, this is Rob Potter, the Victory of the Light Radio Show. We have Cobra on here. Cobra has confirmed with me today that everything that we do on PFC is going to become very important. The information that I mentioned about PFC becoming a hub at the time of the event is very important for all you PFC event support groups to know and realize. Our language and our translation buttons are going to be populated on our site and we’re going though some revamping, so please be patient. Without further a due, our beloved emissary of light, Mr Cobra. Once again welcome to Victory of the Light radio show. We have lots going on. Thank you for coming.

COBRA –Thank you for the invitation. I’m glad to be here right now.

Rob – Yes, your last few posts are very good and we have a lot of wonderful information coming from you. I’ve talked about it before with people, we can not underestimate the scalar plasma field grid network that is influencing humanity. It is extremely important, is it not?

COBRA –Yes. It is basically one of the main factors which is actually slowing down the progress of the light forces. If this is removed things would be easier many many times over. This is one of the key issues that needs to be addressed.

Rob – OK. Thank you. I also was told by Alex Collier that a Tesla coil will remove implants. That’s what he said the Andromedeans told him. My technology involves that. Can you tell me: will that remove the other implants also.

COBRA –It can, but I need more information exactly what technology you have in mind. There are many variations and versions of this. Implants are not just on one layer. It’s like, they are different dimensions, there is the physical aspect, plasma aspect, etheric aspect and you need a combination of technologies to remove all those aspects to completely remove an implant.

Rob – OK. That’s what I was wondering. He said he could render it. What we meant was like the Nicola Tesla violet wand, which was described by Edgar Cayce which is available – I wanted to find out, would that wand disable implants. Is that going to just disrupt a physical implant. Is it going to disrupt an implant that’s invisible on the etheric and the astral. And he said both is what he thought.

COBRA –OK. It can help with the removal of the implants but by itself will not be enough to remove the implant because there is technology which re-creates the implants back again.

Rob – OK. Thank you. The technology that I use is Dr. Fred Bell’s Pleiadian technology which is the gold plated pyramids We hook up a tesla coil to the whole pyramid he entire pyramid things becomes a violet flame generator. If you walk up to it you can see the violate flame chalk and it obviously has a powerful energy force. The other thing I’m very curious about is the Nigerian situation. If the bases have been cleared of the reptilians, this horrible boko harem stuff is this all surface or is this combined astral parasites. Does this have anything to do with the Congo portal.

COBRA –It’s all surface people which are actually gathered. They are being directed to a certain location. It’s a small number, it’s not a big number of people which can actually destroy whole villages quite quickly and effectively with machine guns. It’s not a large number of people. Those are basically reptilian beings incarnated in human bodies that came through the congo portal back in 1996. Many of them were just living somewhere in Africa. The majority of those surface reptilians have been cleared but small numbers is still remaining. Many are part of the Islamic state terrorist organization.

Rob – OK. so how did they come into the surface. Are they holographically projected bodies.

COBRA –They came to the surface in 1996 and since then they stayed on the surface.

Rob – OK. So, coming to the surface what I want to know is, how did they get into human bodies.

COBRA –OK. They were basically teleported with teleportation chambers, so called, jump rooms, if you want to call them that, into the underground base, through other reptilian star systems back in 1996. They just came with their bodies to the surface and they remained on the surface till then. (in human bodies) Yes.

Rob – Not in reptilian bodies?

COBRA –It’s a human body but a reptilian entity living inside a human body. No shape shifting.

Rob – OK. This confirms my information that they have a technology that when they go into a jump room, the leave their reptilian body behind and they actually appear in a human body. Is that correct?

COBRA –Yes, this is exactly what happened and the other situation is that there were clones which were grown in underground bases and souls were actually projected in those cloned bodies. The reptilian entities were projected into human like cloned bodies.

Rob – O.K. That’s pretty “out there” stuff, but very good. Next question: we’ve seen some tremendous changes in the financial situation here. I’m very interested if you could comment. Russia has not cut off gas to Europe because that would freeze a lot of people but what they’ve done is they’ve forced them to go through Turkey. Can you explain a little bit about that.

COBRA –It is basically a pressure upon Europe to choose sides. The Cabal is having a different style of pressure. The Cabal is pressuring with terrorist actions, with military threats but Russia is simply making moves on the energy sector and the financial sector so European countries are beginning to realize that they will have to make a choice, either they support Russia and the Eastern alliance, the BRICS alliance or they support United States and Illuminati faction behind which is actually controlling the politics of the United States at this moment.

Rob – Right. Ladies and gentlemen, when he speaks about Europe and America – he’s not speaking about the people, he’s speaking about the upper echelon criminals involved there. So this is like a sanction type situation that’s taking place. I just wanted people to know that the hardship is basically to allow the Cabal members to choose to go towards the light without any harm to the innocent people in these countries, correct?

COBRA –Yes, exactly. The situation in Europe is intense because Europe is in the middle zone. It’s like a transition zone between the east and the west and this is why there is so much pressure in this situation but basically the outcome will be very positive.

Rob – OK, in regards to the financial system, they have created an alternative Swift banking system. Can you comment if this is under the control of the Resistance forces and would be an alternative at the time of the event for a smooth transition when the banking system of the Rothchilds’ is shut down and could not be interfered with.

COBRA –OK. The eastern alliance is creating an alternative financial system which the Rothchilds’ will not be able to control and this is the infrastructure which will be used at the time of the re-set, at the time of the event.

Rob – OK. That is good news. Now can I get you to confirm that the resistance will take care of this, because we know there are many many dark forces out there and even though it’s well intended to be good, is it possible that it could be hacked or that there could be any involvement with Rothchild Jesuit moles within the new system or will this completely be controlled by the Resistance and a Galactic technology.

COBRA –OK , when the event comes, of course the whole re-set will be operated and guided by the Resistance and that will contact the positive forces within this new infrastructure and yes, this infrastructure has been infiltrated by the Rothchild and Jesuit agents because they have a plan to hijack the new system but at the time of the event those people will not have any power whatsoever. Their plan will not be carried out. There is absolutely nothing to be afraid of in this situation.

Rob – Very good. That’s good to know, so the infrastructure is being put in place and being infused for the light of the Galactics to support it. (Exactly). Cobra, continue in the banking information situation here. We have very good news. BIS based in Switzerland has gone off he Euro you said. Does this mean the bankers in Switzerland are becoming compliant with the new requirement to become Basil III or a true gold back currency system?

COBRA –OK. What is happening in Switzerland has nothing to do with BIS. It is that Swiss Central Bank who decided to un-pack the swiss franc from Euro. Which means that the Swiss central bank has decided to align with the strategy of the Eastern Alliance towards the gold back currency and away from the Euro which have been basically a Jesuit creation.

Rob – OK. So if you can go a little bit deeper into that, does that mean that the Rothchilds’ no longer control the Swiss central bank?

COBRA –They still control the Swiss Central Bank to a certain degree but they have no more absolute control over the policy of the Swiss Central Bank so it’s a mixed situation. They still have quite much power in the banking system but this power is no longer absolute.

Rob – OK. So that’s a very good progress for the light forces is it not?

COBRA –Yes, exactly.

Rob – OK. We’re seeing more potential changes coming forth. One more question in regards to the financial system. Winston Strout had indicated to me previously, and some other of my contacts in the Resistance Movement (RM) in the RV group in Reno that’s talked about a lot. He actually reported to me beforehand that the gold certificates had been given to the US and I said, “why would they do that if the bad guys are still in control?” And he said, “exactly”, which means they are not in control and that Benjamin Fulford’s post which came out 3 days later after I heard it, confirmed that the gold certificates have been given to the United States. Can you explain to us a little bit about these gold certificates. Is this in place for the transference to the gold back currency and to re-set the economy at the event and is it true that it’s taken place.

COBRA –This process has many phases and while I’m sure hearing it’s like, behind the scenes agreements which are taking place without the involvement of the Cabal. But there’s no official acknowledgment of those agreements. When you are creating a new structure, first you have to have a certain agreement between the key people who are creating the structure and this is exactly what has happened, but it does not mean that this new structure is already completely created and it’s not acknowledged by all the forces. But when the time comes, this new structure will be completely solid and this agreement which has been taking place right now, will be respected. I would say, the initial phase in creating foundations for the new financial system within the United states.

Rob – Very good. This is all very positive information and we’re looking forward to big changes there, so looks like we’re positioning ourselves for the event. It’s not just going to take place in a vacuum. This is the reason it could be taking so long and we could be moving forward. You’ve also mentioned speaking of things, I guess, can you explain a little bit about the ultimatum to the Cabal that they were given to surrender and I’m sure there’s been a lot of comments on it. But they’ve been ordered to surrender by the white force military group, is this correct?

COBRA – You’re referring to my latest post?

Rob – Yea, and I’m kind of reading between the lines here. They’re either surrender, or they’ll be taken out and there were shots fired at Joseph Biden’s house.

COBRA –OK. OK. This is completely different situation. Basically the RM has issued a few warnings to the negative military and their scalar directional weapons that work to cease with those attacks and those warnings were not respected so the RM has decided to further with a certain plans. I will explain; in the past the RM was holding back certain people that wanted to start removing the Cabal from the planet. Now the RM is no longer holding back those people. Those are now on their own and they can do pretty much whatever they want. The Cabal is there no longer safe on the surface of the planet so they are not taking any direct action yet, but they are allowing action from certain other interest groups which was not supported before, so this is the first phase. The second phase is this is not enough. The RM will initialize certain actions that will lead to the arrests of the 4 key individuals that I have mentioned in my blog and there is also the third phase that I will not speak about yet.

Rob – OK. So to make it clear folks, The RM, the Galactic Federation does not believe in violence. They would like to make this a peaceful smooth transition. Due to the situation of the councils and their inability to actually to be involved in this point of time, they have changed back parts of the positive Military who were sick and tired of waiting like all of us and are willing to take down these criminals in the arrest process. If anyone goes in the arrest process and resists Police shoot them all the time. So the RM the GF is not involved with it. This is 3D military earth allies who want to get the job done and they are taking the law into their own hands a little bit and the RM is kind of standing back. Is that correct?

COBRA –That’s not entirely correct. I will not comment on which group is taking action because that is classified information. I will say the RM is not directly taking action and also the positive Military is not yet directly taking action.

Rob – OK, so there are other members that they are holding back. So generally, so the fact that they are not holding back is significant. So we’re seeing changes there. Of course anyone wants to know, is it looking like the window of our opportunity is looking more possible at this time with these positive drastic changes in these last few days in regards to the event taking place within that window of opportunity. Is it a possibility.

COBRA –It’s a possibility but it was always a possibility. Those events that are happening right now are just a reflection of everything that has been happening before or behind the scenes. It’s just not public thats the only difference.

Rob – OK, that’s kind of an update on the planetary situation. I’m going to go into . . . we do have some questions from DaNell Glade our wonderful transcriber who does all our Cobra transcription. She wanted to ask you a question: Who determines the time and the circumstances of a person’s death.

COBRA –Basically the status of the physical body of that person. When the body is in a state when it’s not a good enough to sustain life, this is basically the moment when the soul leaves the body.

Rob – This is a natural phenomena or is it determined by destiny or does a soul choose this?

COBRA –It’s a natural phenomena. The body can sustain itself for a certain period of time and then it’s too fragile or there’s too much entropy to continue.

Rob – Right. So a person with higher consciousness and lack of negative effects could live longer. Its not actually pre-determined then?

COBRA – It’s not predetermined.

Rob – Thank you. Is it spiritually helpful to try and communicate with those who have passed away.

COBRA –In some rare circumstances, yes. But mostly it’s like trapped because people that have apparent communication, usually contact different forces which are not of the light.

Rob – Ok Cobra, as you know I don’t ever give you homework. For those of you who send questions asking what does Cobra thinks about this and they send in a 2 hour video. That’s not going to happen. I did send in this one time, someone sent me a file. I sent it to Cobra. It was actually an article about sounds that are being heard recently in the air, loud booms in certain areas. There’s actually been recorded sounds. Is this part of the scalar field network being brought down. What are these sounds that have been heard in the air.

COBRA – It is basically, I would say a certain operations of the light forces which are connected to the removal of the chimera group.

Rob – Excellent. Very good news, very glad to hear that. Someone wanted to ask us about the reporters on the TV. Are some of these reptilians, the shape shifters. Is there any truth to that or is this just mind controlled people. What is going on with the media.

COBRA –The vast majority is mind controlled people. The shape shifting phenomena is actually a technology which has been given to certain very high ranking members of the Cabal which are of the reptilian origin. But this is such a rare phenomena. This is greatly over emphasized.

Rob – That’s what I thought too. Here’s a good question and I’ve heard information and evidence in regards to 9-11 that the engines that were found at the base of the towers were planted there and there has been talk, I have seen a helicopter video that there was some sort of small little probe released there. Is it possible that the Cabal used an advanced secret space program technology to project an image. So the question is; was there really a plane that crashed into the Twin towers or was there explosions set there previously and a holographic plane was used?

COBRA – It was a real plane but what actually destroyed the buildings was the main nuke explosion. The plane was just a show for the people.

Rob – Yes, it was a thermonuclear bomb at the bottom of the towers was the first one. I met the key master of the towers William Rodrigez. He spoke and I met him and he explained that there was dust, that the Jeb Bush owns Wakenhut the security firm for towers on 911. he said security made him give back the keys and for over two week-ends and two weeks the janitorial service, no one was allowed in the Twin towers while they set thermo nuclear charges inside the elevator shafts and within the staircases to bring down the towers, so thank you for confirming that there really was a bomb.

COBRA –Yes. It was a small nuke and what is interesting here is that Donald Rumsfeld has released some statements about the black budget one day before 9-11 happened and that black budget is connected to the secret space program. And basically the vast majority of evidence of this was destroyed in 9-11.

Rob – OK. Here’s a question: what would you say the odds are that Obama is playing his cards close to his chest. We know he’s mind controlled. And he’s biding his time until it’s safe for him to emerge as a light being to lead the global transformation. 1 in a million, pretty good, 50/50, not likely or forget about it.

COBRA –It’s not the highest purpose to answer this question.

Rob – OK. Can you talk a little bit, I know suicide is bad. Can you talk a little bit about that. People want to know what happens to someone who suicides them self?

COBRA – I will not give any moral judgment here, but I will say that strategically it’s a bad choice because conditions on the physical plane are better at this moment than conditions on the etheric plane for the vast majority of people, so if anybody plans to commit suicide, it’s not a wise choice because on the etheric plane, the quality of life, at this moment is much lower and being on the physical plane is a privilege, no matter how absurd that seems to be or sounds to be, the physical plane at this moment is one of the best places to be on the surface of the planet.

Rob – Yes, there’s going to be a lot of transformations and opportunities for spiritual growth to be witnessing this pure transformation, correct?

COBRA –Exactly, so when the purification happens, the etheric and astral planes will be restored back to paradise state but we are not there yet and now the intensity of purification of the etheric plane is really high, so it’s like being in the middle of a hurricane.

Rob – A person has mentioned that the black people on planet earth in African and Haiti and the USA have been heavily targeted by the Archons, Cabal and the Illuminati. Can you illuminate on why this is and how they can manifest a better reality for themselves and for the entire race.

COBRA – I would say that everybody has been heavily targeted by the Cabal so there is no particular race that has experienced worse treatment. I would say everybody has been targeted. The mentality of dividing people into races is not part of the new paradigm. It’s not part of what would be the highest perspective. I would say there are souls incarnated into different bodies and all those souls have unique experiences. The Cabal has been targeted certain groups more, but not based on race, but more based on their spiritual potential or potential for the planetary liberation.

Rob – Well there you go, and according to Omnec Onec, people from Jupiter are primarily of the black race and they are very very spiritual and work a lot with sound and music in their work here. I like to answer questions from people from different countries. PFC and this information is a world wide thing. I don’t know where these questions come from. Someone asked in particular, in Argentina, can you comment on the situation down there. They obviously are close to the Nazi stuff down there and they feel they are very censored in their media. They’re kind of curious, can you speak a little about Argentina in particular or what’s going on.

COBRA –Unfortunately Argentina has always been a fortress of the Illuminati faction and they are quite strong there still. The situation will change. I will say there is a certain secret group operating in South America that is aware of the situation and will assist in this situation as we approach closer to the event. At the moment the situation in Argentina is not ready yet.

Rob – Yes, another question, kind of related down there is about New Schwabenland. The Germans went down there. They populated that area. It’s beneath the surface of the planet. Did they find an ancient base that was abandoned by the ET’s and re-inhabited that. What happened down there.

COBRA – Not exactly. New Swabenland was part of Antarctica and they have created or built an underground base in the ’40’s. They have found some ET artifacts and this base has been cleared by the RM more than decade ago so there is nothing that is down there. It is empty.

Rob – Awesome, so there are no Nazi’s in Antarctica anymore.

COBRA – Not anymore and if you are careful, all the intel that you received about all the underground bases is more than a decade ago. All the insiders speak about old information. There are no insiders speaking about recent information. It is because recent developments are highly classified and this intel does not come to internet.

Rob – Yes, that’s good to know. Well Thank you for sharing that with our people. Speaking about underground bases. The tunnels of Set, could you please elaborate, when they were made, what they are, how deep they are and what’s going on there a little bit.

COBRA – OK. The tunnels of Set are not physical tunnels. They are not underground structures. They are structures on the plasma plane, on the quantum level.

Rob – Are these part of the plasma scalar field network or just part of the Archon and higher dimension negative ET’s where they exist.

COBRA –This is part of the anomaly of the plasma plane and I would say they are a quantum singularities which contain darkness and this is being cleared right now. It is in the process of being cleared right now.

Rob – Excellent. Here’s an interesting question: Is prince William going to have a role in the event.

COBRA – Not as much as some people expect.

Rob – OK. What do you think is the most important aspect to take into consideration at this stage on this planet in relation to the human species and the individual.

COBRA –OK. I would say that there is the middle of the liberation phase and focus upon the light and do whatever people can for the planetary liberation.

Rob – Very good. Was Howard Huges connected to the light forces.

COBRA –Yes, also. He was in the focus of many different activities. He had been heavily targeted by the dark, but also heavily inspired by the light, so he was like in the center of quite much of attention.

Rob – Yes, because of his company there. As I understand it, he basically gave the Cabal and the illuminati the thumbs down, piss off, I’m working for the light, and they basically kidnapped him and killed him. Here’s another question, we have George Van tassel, a very famous UFO contactee who’s son-in-law was Paramahansa Yogananda’s disciple. Norm Paulson, very spiritual guy, had a lot of information, did he van tassel actually create an anti-aging machine?

COBRA –OK. Van Tassel was connected and contacted by Galactic Confederation and he received certain technologies that were far ahead of the planet. And of course he had been targeted by the Cabal so those technologies were not released.

Rob – Right. I understand that. What is a wingmaker?

COBRA – The original wingmakers, it’s like a term which describes people who belong to the central civilization and the central civilization is a civilization which has evolved in the central region of this galaxy because the center of the galaxy is the source of light, the source of evolution and the first conscious light has been evolved in that sector of that galaxy so it was the first spiritually awakened race which then expanded throughout the galaxy and created the Galactic network of light and was the founder of the Galactic Confederation.

Rob – Thank you. What was the Tungusta blast in the 1800’s. Was it a UFO, a meteor or a nuclear Cabal/Illuminati nuclear bomb gone awry?

COBRA – This has happened in the early years of the 20th century and it was a comet.

Rob – It was a comet, the Tungusta blast was a comet or a meteor.

COBRA – A Comet which fell on the planet as a meteor and most of it evaporated in the atmosphere and that’s why they haven’t found any solid evidence of this actual body that crashed on the planet.

Rob – So the big squishing of the trees was really from the concussion of the meteor, it wasn’t really caused by the physical part of it hitting, or what?

COBRA – It was like . . a evaporating and it was a strong blast from the impact but the whole thing evaporated from the heat which was generated because of the friction with the atmosphere.

Rob – How long will it take after the event before we become a money-less society.

COBRA – Ok. This transition can take some time, maybe a few years. People need to first get accustomed to a fair financial exchange and become aware of the new technologies and know how to use them and then this transition to a cashless and moneyless society can begin.

Rob – Yes. I love Ben Fulford and he did report to me in one of our interviews, he just reports what people tell him. He doesn’t absolutely know everything correct or true, but he proclaimed the UK Royal family to be working with the Dragon family now and a handful of others, some goo,d some bad as a guarantor for the gold base for the currency issues, especially towards the US dollar and the US Treasury reserve notes. Is this true or pure gossip or are there negotiations going on with the Royal family?

COBRA – OK. There are certain people within the royal family that are cooperating with the Dragons and Fulford has a source which is connected with those people.

Rob – OK. Certain ones, we’re not going to name them or anything. OK.

COBRA – Name them but not everyone for sure.

Rob – Can you tell us a little bit about the Red Dragon family and can you talk about the funding project of David Schmidt. He is coming to America here and he is charging $100 and he wants people to sign up for prosperity funds if they have a 501 3c for the dispersement of prosperity funds. Is this reliable?

COBRA –OK. Regarding him people need to use their own inner guidance and as usual if you have to pay money and sign something you need to be careful. This is the first part of the question. The Red Dragon is actually a force which deals with the physical aspect of the removal of the Cabal in a certain way.

Rob – OK. Someone has asked in regards to the economic systems of the ET’s and the Political systems. I know we have universal cash-less society which will be explained to us, we can maybe go into that in another interview. When people think of the galactic confederation, could you kind of explain . . . I know that everything’s been divided down here to anarchist, communists, capitalism, democrats, republicans. Can you explain a little bit about how the politicians and the society works. Most people probably won’t have an idea of how completely different the world is without a scaler field network so it’s hard for them. Could you paint a little picture on the workings of a planet. How the administration of the society is run, the leaders and/or they’re usually masters of this nature. The difference between the spiritual and the political aspect on another world. give us a little sketch outline of that.

COBRA –The evolved societies have completely different perspectives on things and everything they do they do from a soul perspective so they do not run politics as people do on this planet. They’re decisions are based on the soul contact and higher perspective and because everybody is connected with the higher perspective, they work harmoniously without having a need to have a massive infrastructure that would support decision making. Decision making for them is very easy. Everybody feels, knows and understands the truth and the purpose. And then each person just carries out that part of the purpose that he or she is aligned with. So they don’t have political process in the same way that we know of on this planet because political process on this planet is basically just manipulation strategy of the Cabal to keep people enslaved.

Rob – Thank you. How soon will the event start after the last Chimera group location gets wiped out.

COBRA – OK. When the last Chimera location gets wiped out, the event can start immediately.

Rob – Will they still have control over the reincarnation process after the last location is deconstructed.


Rob – OK. Someone has said that they’re living in the UK and they’ve noticed a large increase in media black-outs and news from the neighboring nations and actually the British intelligence agency seems to be really doing a lot of censorship. Can you comment on that?

COBRA –This is related to the internal struggle within the power structure in the UK because as already mentioned there is a positive faction that wants to make some progress and there is quite much of a resistance to that progress and this reflects in the media. You have to understand that Rothchilds’ have a very powerful base in UK and they control the media so they resist quite strongly in a very indirect way. The resistance to change is quite strong in the media sector.

Rob – Yea, we have noticed especially in PFC and Cobra related posts. . . Eduardo had been blocked from some things. He changed his name and he was getting 39-40K views on some of his information and it turns out they shut him down and he was getting below 15. He got a notice that he was doing something that was obviously a lie. Also our dear Anya Love who spends so much time in service there also had her entire IP address of her computer blocked and I’ve heard someone else report about their phones. Can you comment on this. This is still an internal struggle between the light and the dark forces on the internet, isn’t it.

COBRA –Yes. So basically they’re trying to interfere with your computer, you can just change and use another computer.

Rob – Yea, that’s easier said than done for some people, but that’s what I said.

COBRA – It’s not so difficult. People sometimes need to just change their belief system. Because many things are possible even without large sums of money. Many things are possible.

Rob – That’s true. I didn’t believe I would be doing what I did today before I made my prayer to God to use me for the light and it’s happened. Another interesting comment; I received an e-mail from someone they told me they spoke at their school board meeting about chemtrails and there were moves made and they’ve actually taken that person’s child away from them. This will be ended at the time of the event, correct?

COBRA –Yes, that’s correct. I would advice everybody not to expose the truth in environments like School-boards. It’s not the perfect environment to release the truth.

Rob – In regards to that type of situation. Someone has a question in regards to the event and how the vibrations will change in our bodies. They want to know will people with learning disabilities and autism receive healing and changes at the time of the event or will they receive healing technology after or are they doomed to live in the bodies that have been genetically destroyed by the vaccinations.

COBRA –They will receive healing and in most cases this will be easily restored because most of that is trauma which can be healed when there is enough light present.

Rob – Will that take place naturally after the event or will this have to be organized through tachyon/healing chambers and the light.

COBRA –There will be many techniques and technologies available to address the situation and it will be a gradual process.

Rob – Here’s an interesting one. I guess I’m going to ask it. Will lots of couples get divorced immediately after the event because they will start to meet their soul mates and some of the programming will come down.

COBRA – Yes, some of the couples will get divorced.

Rob – OK. One question about the 144K. Why is it so difficult to reach the critical mass of 144K people.

COBRA –It is because people are not awakened and they are not cooperating and they’re not remembering their mission and they refuse to awaken to that part and even most people that are aware of their mission choose not to actively participate in that mission. That’s why it’s so hard to get the numbers. It’s not just the programming, it’s also the free will factor which is critical here.

Rob – Another question about the 144K. I guess I’ll ask the first question. Can you tell us something about what Sheldon Nidle calls the pa-tal. Are you familiar with that?


Rob – The Pa-tal – according to Sheldon, if I’m correct, is kind of indicating that the earth based people are actually a combination of very many different galactic races have their genetic codes here and Alex Collier said on a certain level, they consider our genetic capabilities to be kind of like a royal line of genetics. Of course we’re being jammed and right now we’re just a fractured mess, but the pa-tal would be the, I guess the collective genetic influence of the Galactics. Can you comment, is that correct? Do we have many different Galactic races in our DNA as opposed to other life in the solar system.

COBRA –Yes, there was a lot of genetic experimentation in the past and human DNA does have a lot of ET influence.

Rob – Is this more influence from different ET races than other planets in general.

COBRA – Yes.

Rob – OK. The other question is; there’s a gentleman named Lyndon LaRosche and he’s had 40 years worth of effort to defeat the Cabal. He’s had a lot of political spin against him. He’s been trying to defeat the British Empire. He’s one of the first people to uncover this type of knowledge in regards to the behind the scenes manipulations, at least in the US. Can you tell us, is he working with resistance at all?

COBRA – Not directly.

Rob – OK. Thank you very much. Can you tell us in regards to the BRICS nations alliance, are they aware of the Galactic Federation on some of these groups, or are most of this just regular political people who want financial liberty.

COBRA – Most of this is just regular financial political people that want financial liberty, but some people in certain circles of the BRICS alliance are aware of ET dimensional of the whole situation. So it’s a mixed situation. Some people are aware and some people are not.

Rob – Some people have noted that there is definitely been an increase in cell phone towers going up. These repeater stations and many of them are part of the, I guess this network. Is this increase being promoted on the 3D level to shore up the removal of the other aspect of the plasma scalar network that has been taken down recently.

COBRA – Part of this yes, but part of this is just spying networks because the alphabet agencies are hungry for data. They want to have double check and triple check everything.

Rob – Is this on an individual, triple and double check information on individuals?

COBRA – There are some targeted programs and there are also mass programs that just harvest data and just process it and analyze it and then make more or less strategically stupid decisions out of them.

Rob – I see. So these are harvesting data for strategic decisions based on listening to phone conversations and things of that nature. (YES). Oh. OK. So there’s a lot of people who are extremely paranoid of this type of activity. I personally feel that they do not target individuals unless the individual has very hard evidence or is very much interfering with their dastardly Cabal plans. But the average population person doesn’t have to freak out about what they post on the internet, right? They’re not going to be targeted in their homes for their beliefs? Or will they?

COBRA –No, No. Most of this data is just sitting on a certain server somewhere. Nobody actually reads it. It’s just analyzed with a computer program and the vast majority of this data actually never sees a human eye. It’s just sitting somewhere.

Rob – And even if it did see a human eye, they certainly don’t have the people and the resources to round up people for things like chemtrails or internet posts although they will obviously do some individual targets to try and send a message to put fear into people, correct?

COBRA – Individual targeting is very rare. It’s extremely rare. It does happen but it’s not something that happens on a massive scale and it never will.

Rob – They do have individual targeting of the plasma scale field network on light workers. There have been a lot of situations where people’s relationships are being stressed and challenged even within the light worker community. Can you please explain a little bit more about the technology in regards to how they are targeting these individuals within the light worker community. I’m not going to name names or anything. What can we do if we’re being targeted by this type of technology. How will we know it and what should we look for?

COBRA – OK. This is a more serious situation because, yes, the Cabal and the Chimera group is targeting the light workers and light warriors, especially with Plasma scalar wave directional weapons to lower down their consciousness, so if you are experiencing any unusual pressure, if you’re emotions are triggered in very strange ways. If you’re tired without explanation. If people around you are freaking out without any apparent reason. If you have strange sensations in your body, problems with your breathing, heart rate or sleeping patterns, most likely it’s a result of this. And usually the chimera group is combining the scalar wave attacks with etheric non-physical entities attacking at the same time, so people who are targeted with those facts usually have problems in their relationship which are artificially generated. People next to them turn against them. They begin to be attacked by people around them without any valid reason. People are just freaking out and people around them are freaking out because they are provoked and triggered by directional weapons and by non physical entities. This happens a lot especially with people who have a strong mission and have a strong potential to assist in the planetary liberation and those attacks can be extremely unpleasant.

Rob – They can. There are people on another level of implantation and this is kind of a question that I have personally relationship to that. I’m contacted by people who are very strongly targeted by a more powerful electronic harassment. Literally where they’ll get burns, and there’s energies running through their electrical circuits and there’s actually Cabal like vans outside their houses. Or they go across and they target beams, not invisibly, but like with physical agents and these individuals don’t have anything to do with the Cabal. Are these mind control subjects. Why are these people being so heavy harassed.

COBRA –The first possibility is they are MK ultra programmed victims and they expect them to sit back and they have a strong mission that would endanger the Cabal. Either they have a strong spiritual potential or they have some other potential that they view as a threat from the cabal. I would give a certain piece of advice here. Re-locate out of the US, if possible. And in many instances it is possible.

Rob – Yes, there are actually 2 people I’ve interviews, Magnus Olson and Melanie Richin who’s electronic harassment. She’s created a network. She’s created strong against it. I guess he spiritual or the MK Ultra answer is good enough. We’re coming towards the end of our interview I wanted to thank you for being on here. I have, I guess the last question here, maybe two more here. Bill Gates has claimed to develop a machine that turns sewage into water and electricity. Is this a possibility that he’s trying to do the right thing or is this just a little PR.

COBRA –Most likely it’s PR strategy from his side. He is actually, especially the last few years working directly with the Cabal.

Rob – Yes, absolutely. The final question for us is; what role do the Archons have, I know you don’t like the word Karma in how the law of manifestation is working here.

COBRA – They basically disseminate the belief systems that take the power from the people and limit people. The whole karma, belief system has been engineered for people to feel powerless and victims of their last incarnations. So people begin to think that because of this and this and their past life and this is happening to me. In most cases this is not correct. The Karma programming has been engineered like a spiritual debt/slavery system, as we have physical death to control people on the physical plane through the financial system, they have created a spiritual debt/slavery system like people have a certain spiritual debt they have to repay. Where the truth is people have zero spiritual debt to repay. People are free spiritually regardless of their past incarnations.

Rob – OK Cobra. I want to end on a really positive note here. We’ve talked about a lot of crazy stuff and a lot of wonderful positive changes taking place. We’re seeing real movement now and on the physical plane and things. We’ve talked about the unholy 4 and the possible chaos and the importance of PFC event support groups. We’ve asked people to sign up there. On a positive note, you mentioned that there’s an activation, I think it’s taking place today. Tell us a little more information about the comet love joy and the Pleiades and how these energetic waves are going to restructure the tunnels of Set and make way for a great transformation. Can you share the good news and what you think might come from this.

COBRA – OK. The activation is taking place tomorrow although the energies are already coming. The Pleiades emanate a very positive and loving energy and the plasma of the tail of comet love joy is right now in the line of sight as seen from earth to the Pleiades so the pleiadian energy passes through the plasma tail of the comet Love-joy before it reaches the earth. So we will actually get some very highly charged plasma particles of light reaching the surface of the planet and those highly charged positive plasma particles will infiltrate the tunnels of Set which are plasma wormholes on a quantum level and begin to transforming them. This will begin to address some primal basic situations and energetically speaking which has been keeping this planet in darkness for ages. And this is the first time this is changing ever in human history so it’s a huge thing. The consequence are hard to predict but they will be positive.

Rob – That is good news folks. Thank you so much Cobra. I appreciate your time and support here on the Victory of Light. We’re all looking forward to more wonderful information. God bless you. Thank you so much. Victory to the Light.

COBRA –Thank you everybody for listening and thank you for your support.

Music (432 Hz): Mysterious Spheres Medley (written & performed by Rique Seraphico) – Music taken from the Mysterious Spheres CD.

Source: []

Portal 2012: Weekly Liberation Meditations Phase 2 Goddess Vortex – video


Portal2012: Cobra’s Update ‘The Event Video…’, September 16, 2013


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The Event Video

You might want to watch this quite accurate video about the coming Event:



Enjoy the video and prepare for the final victory of the Light!




Portal 2012: August Monthly Update by Cobra…, September 2, 2013

 Portal 2012_logo
The August monthly update has been posted:

You might also want to listen to it here:

Or read the transcript here:
You can continue sending your questions about the planetary situation to and many of them will be answered in the next overview.

Portal2012 – Cobra’s Update for August 27, 2013: “Peace Portal Activation Report”

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I have extremely good news. We have managed to reach the critical mass! Many websites and blogs have spread the message and our Peace Portal activation video alone has reached almost one quarter million views in just a few days. Our collective consciousness at the moment of the activation has managed to strengthen the network of Light on the etheric plane to the point that the whole etheric archon grid is disintegrating fast and events will now quickly follow.
It has been requested by the Light forces that those who are so guided can continue with Peace meditation every Sunday at 11:11 pm Cairo time:
This equals 11:11 pm in Central Europe, 10:11 pm in UK, 5:11 pm EDT, 4:11 pm CDT, 3:11 MDT and 2:11 PDT. For other locations and other time zones, you can see this link:

The negative archon vortex on the etheric plane above Syria has disintegrated as a result of our mass meditation. This means that the Cabal does not have any massive energy support for creating a war in Syria anymore. Any foreign military invasion into Syria by the Cabal may now trigger an action by the Positive Military and actually start the Event. It is extremely unlikely that the Cabal will be willing to risk that, although they will most likely push the situation to the edge.
The etheric archons do not have any large scale geopolitical power of influence anymore after they lost the Egypt vortex last week and Syria vortex on Sunday. Now they are directing all their power to influence key people on the planet, such as members of the Cabal, people with financial and political power, people with media influence and also key light warriors and light workers. Whatever they do, they will not be able to delay their fall much longer.
September will be a very interesting month.


Cobra and Alexandra Meadors Transcription and Listener’s Q & A for July 30, 2013



If you feel that these interviews are providing you with an expanded perspective, more encouragement, and additional insights into our daily planetary and galactic walk, please consider donating to my website Thank you for your support! And thank you for coming by to peruse our online library of galactically oriented information and education.-A.M.


Alexandra:   Good afternoon everybody.  This is Alexandra Meadors of  Today is July 30th, 2013.  I have my regular monthly guest, Cobra.  Say hello Cobra.


COBRA:   Hello everybody.


Alexandra:  I just want to tell everybody ahead of time that I’m sorry we both had very busy busy months.  We were going to try and address more questions.  We will try to make it up to you just so you guys know.  This has been one heck of a month in regards to radical, radical changes.  Before we even dive into anything else I would love to hear your perception on yesterday’s event the Star of David merkava planetary event.  How is that going to affect us and how that is going to affect the the political situation.  As far as from a galactic perspective.


COBRA:  Yesterday’s event is the first of the two events of the same nature.  the 2nd merkabah alignment is going to happen the 25th of August this year.  We are now in the period between July 29 and August 25th.  It’s a period of balancing civilization.  This period is very important because after the end of August intense changes will happen.   Certain operations of the light forces will be triggered after August 25h.  This is just a break.  Whatever you are feeling now, the intensity.  Things will get more intense after August.  Energies that are coming through this 6 pointed star is harmonizing everything. Much needed right now.


Alexandra:   Yea, because things are so out of balance with all the things that have come to the surface.  Correct?


COBRA:  Yes. The energy of balance is one of he most needed energies on the planet right now.


Alexandra:  That is really interesting.  A lot of people have written in that there are so much confusion about the 2 earths and how they’re going to split.  One is going to remain in 3D and one is going to transition with mother earth.  Can you clarify and also, a lot of the stuff you read is still talking about whether everyone will ascend or not ascend.  I know you are not into ascension.  Generally speaking can you give us any specifics?  There is so much information that is not in alignment.  There is so much information that is not agreeing with the premise of the 2 earths.  1 remaining in 3d. 1 is  transitioning to a higher dimensional level.  (OK) People are really confused on that.


COBRA:  This idea about 2 earths is disinformation.  There is only 1 earth and it is going through a transformation.  This transformation has been taking place for many years.  The first phase of this transformation is the purification of all the dark on the planet.  When this purification phase is over then the real ascension process will start. There will not be a splitting of earths. The planet itself the earth will go through it’s own transformation process and then the humanity on the surface of the planet will go through it’s transformation process.   No one will be able to avoid the new energies coming in.  It will not be possible.


Alexandra:   So that is what is meant by no one will be left behind?


COBRA:  Yes, no one will be left behind.   If you choose to accept the light you will have a much much better life.  the cabal will have more problems they never had before.


Alexandra:   Interesting.  How do you perceive the space time continuum at this point with all the changes thus far?


COBRA:  Actually on a short scale, on a daily scale the psychological perception of time is accelerating.  We have less and less time each day.  On a long term scale, the time is not accelerating so fast.  It is simply an energetic impact of the acceleration of the energies on the psychological perception of time.  Of course the objective time which is measured by clocks is still the same.


Alexandra:   Are we truly in a unified time line?  Or are we still living on various time lines?


COBRA:  The main time-line has a been unified into one single positive time-line.  It happened at the activation of the portal on Dec 21 of last year.  All the main negative timelines have collapsed.  We still have some minor time lines like what are the exact details of the event?  What are the many different situations that will occur before the event. This is all still up to free will on the sub time-lines.  The main time-line is positive. There is zero possibility of any type of strong nuclear exchange, nuclear war, FEMA camps, marshall law etc.  This is no longer possible.  There is zero possibility for those things to happen.


Alexandra:   Excellent.  Is it true that the light workers, enlightened ones, those that have really stepped forward in their spiritual walk.  Are we the ones blazing the trail now – and affecting the rapidity, the movement forward, on this planet?


COBRA:  Yes.  The event itself can not happen with out the conscious cooperation of a certain amount of people on the surface of the planet, so called light workers.  There is a certain critical mass needed for those people to be anchors of light grid on the surface of the planet when the event happens so when the change happens it will be stable.



Alexandra:   And you and I have talked many moons ago – a year ago about the percentage of light workers.  Have we surpassed, I think you said 109,000 last year.


COBRA:  That was for a specific activation.  It has nothing to do with the general preparedness on the planet.


Alexandra:   Are we a certain percentage ahead in our light worker mission.  Do you feel there has been quite a bit of progress since March?


COBRA:  There has been much progress in removing the negative entities form the astral and etheric planes.  There has not been so much progress is awakening new people to the reality of this change.  This will happen when there is more light on the etheric and astral planes and when the light forces will be able to contact people directly through their own higher selves.


Alexandra:    That’s real interesting Cobra.  It puts more responsibility on the backs of the light workers themselves to keep up the work and the meditations.


COBRA:  Yes, it’s important for as many as possible to be aware of the situation because this will make the transition more easy.


Alexandra: One of our readers from the Netherlands said: I want to really be a part of this and I really want to support Can you give him some sort of script for when he’s in front of these people that have no clue, to be able to stand in front of people. What kind of language can he use.

COBRA: It depends on the psychological make-up of people he is contacting. I would start with the financial system.  Most people are aware of this. You can go from there. That is a starting point.

Alexandra:  So start with the Financial System.

COBRA: Everyone is aware that there is something wrong with the banking system. There is a small group of corrupt elite bankers that is robbing everybody. Most people are aware of this. Most people on the planet agree with this. You can start there and go from there.

Alexandra: That’s a really good point. Yes we are all aware of that. That affects everybody. We are all receiving a pay check.

COBRA: This is the most evident that people see. If you start with UFO’s or first contact they wouldn’t respond positively because of their previous programming. If you start with the changes in the financial system most of the human population will respond positively to this.

Alexandra:   That’s good.  Good idea and starting with the news of Ben Bernanke resigning from the Federal Reserve as of Sept 1.   This was a big headline that supposedly this came from Pope Francis.


COBRA:  I would say Sept 1 is a deadline and the rats are leaving the ship.  (Excellent)He’s not the only one to resign.


Alexandra:   Yes.  Supposedly Janet Napolitano, Federal Reserve Governors and quite a few others  (YES)  Would you say it’s the positive military has infiltrated and the resistance has infiltrated and there’s more clout or more responses.  Why do you think that is.


COBRA:  As I said before Sept 1 is the deadline for the initialization of operations for the light forces.  The other side is a little scared of it.   The middle level management is scared of this moment and would just like to save themselves.


Alexandra:   So they’re looking to just save themselves.  That’s funny.


Alexandra:   What about NSA whistle blowers one headline after the other after the other.  Why did Snowden choose Russia.


COBRA:  He did not choose Russia.  I would say the circumstances led him to Russia.  He was doing some planning before he went to Hong Kong.  It was not possible to predict the responses that were happening.  He ended up in Russia.


Alexandra:   OK.  yes, the last time we talked it was Hong Kong.  We think he’s working for the light.  Is that someone working along side the resistance.  Are you allowed to talk about that.


COBRA:  Yes, he’s working for the light.  I have heard conspiracy theories that he’s not, but he is working for the light.   Most of the people on the streets were not aware of the NSA spying on them.  He had a big impact on the masses.  They were not aware of that before.  It’s a huge change on the masses.  It’s a very positive thing.


Alexandra:   There were articles about how Germany is all riled up and people and parliament are irritated that they were being spied upon as if they didn’t know about it.   A certain document was captured and that document confirmed the spying by several countries.  What is this purpose of playing this cat/mouse game that they are not involved when it is obvious that they have been.


COBRA:  They did this maneuver to try to hide their active participation in this and they wanted to buy some positive points.  Top people in every government sign an agreement with NSA.


Alexandra:   Wow.  So basically anybody with any government position is fully aware of this?


COBRA:  Not everybody in the government position, but some people in every government and every country that has strong ties to the US for sure makes that agreement.


Alexandra:   Do you think that this been has been biting them in the butt never thinking that it would backfire of them.  They thought that they would just be surveilling us the masses.


COBRA:  All the intelligent agencies. the top level of the agencies are connected to the  Jesuits.  This is a big spying operation of the Jesuits controlling everything on the planet.  This is the matrix.  there are many good people infiltrating those agencies and working for the light.


Alexandra:   Awesome.  Right on.  Keep it going.   Did you hear about Prince Kaeeb  _____(name)  Saudi Royal family prince.  (Oh yea)  He’s come forward and broken his silence to reveal the truth about a lot of suffering under the reign of the regime.  What is your take on that and how do you feel that will affect the progress of the light on the planet?


COBRA:  Actually, I would say the light forces have been working on taking down the Cabal in Saudi Arabia for quite some time. The situation with Muslim Brotherhood and the connection between the Saudi Regime and the Muslim Brotherhood is now being disintegrated by the positive forces of light.  There are many members of Cabal which are positioned in The Saudi regime and have been for quite some time and have been working with the Rockafellers faction for some time now.   All this is now, I would say, transforming.


Alexandra:   Even those countries that have been our allies have done some atrocious things.  Their government.  People seem to think it’s Iran and Iraq, but it’s not.




Alexandra:   what do you think about the Egyptian Liberation.  President Morsee has been ousted.  It seems the shifting out of a lot of dark factions there.  How do you see that from a galactic perspective?


COBRA:  Egypt is the most important event up until now of this year. This was a monumental break-through.  This is the first large scale operation of the positive military on the planet.  (Wow) It was not a military coup.  It was the positive military supporting the will of the people and protecting them from the possibility of the Muslim Brotherhood going in the wrong direction.  Before the revolution started in end of June the Muslim Brotherhood was going to a strange Archon influence direction.  They were planing on getting involved in the Syrian conflict.  They were planning to suppress Egyptian people even more.  Enough is enough.  The plan of the Egyptian positive military was there for a long time and they were waiting for the right moment.  It was supported by the White Dragon Society, the Gnostic Illuminati,  it was supported by the positive Templars and the Resistance movement and others around the world working behind the scenes to get this ready.


Alexandra:   Wow.  so this is a monumental event to get it set up and ready to shift it, to influence it.


COBRA:  Yes and this is a rehearsal for the event .  The situation in Egypt is an indicator of what is going to happen around the at the time of the event on a planetary scale.


Alexandra:   Wow, that is fascinating.  Have we had some success with the Muslim Brotherhood?


COBRA:  There is a partial success.  It’s not just the problem is not just the Muslim Brotherhood.  The problem is there is a certain private army that it was called black water and it’s called ? Academia right now, which is the Jesuit private army which is creating problems around the world.  It was creating problems  in …. Syria, Iraq. and war in Serbia and Bosnia and now in Egypt.  It has provided snipers to shoot civilians and blaming it on the Military.  Whereas the military is not shooting civilians.  They are protecting people from the Muslim Brotherhood militia’s.  This private army wants to trigger conflict and push Egypt into a civil war.  This will not happen.


Alexandra:   Everyone is wondering the same question.  Why is the resistance not able to squash the funding for this private army?


COBRA:  You need to understand that the whole financial system is like an internet.  It’s like a huge computer program.  If you interfere with the program you interfere with the whole traffic.  The only thing you can do is shut down the whole thing. (Good point).  When you shut down the whole thing the re-set needs to happen, the Event needs to happen and if The Event happens too soon, some people would just go crazy it would not be good.


Alexandra:  We would just go backwards instead of making progress.


COBRA:  Again, when this is done the right way so there is no violence and it is done in the harmonious way.


Alexandra:   It seems like the positive military and local factions, like the sheriffs, police departments are becoming more “out there”, like showing their commitment to this.  Have you heard of the Oath-keepers? (YES).  They have started a billboard campaign.    It began in Washington DC.  It was to courage the Politicians, Federal Employees, security agencies, etc.  All the ABC agencies and they were prompting them to uphold their oaths of office.  Why now have they stepped forward.  Is the timing getting closer to the event?


COBRA:    Yes.  They were always dedicated and they had to keep a low profile until the time is ready.  There were many reasons for this.  One was their own safety.  There were instances when members of the positive media was removed by the Cabal from the physical plane – they were killed.  Those people have to be careful.  When they do something they must do it in a way that improves the plan.  there needs to be a certain level of awareness and back-up in the mass population.  That’s why General Sisi addressed the Egyptian general population they need to show with their process that they are backing up the decisions of the army.   Because the military can not act except on behalf of the people.  (That makes sense)  When the critical mass of people are awake and aware in the U.S. the same situation will happen.  The positive military will back up the will of the people.  The people have not expressed that will yet.


Alexandra:   Yea, it’s like Do they want to step out there when the majority of the people they are supposedly defending would turn on them.


COBRA:  There needs to be a certain consensus if the people really want this.


Alexandra:   Another thing I was really impressed by.  1,000 special force officers signed a petition opposing Benghazi coverup.


COBRA:  Things are coming out to the surface – it’s very good.


Alexandra:   But being special forces that’s a big deal.  They’re much more privy to the upper echelons of the black operations, wouldn’t you agree.


COBRA:  There is additional protection being available which wasn’t available months ago and more room for maneuver.  You will see much actions like this from the positive military more after Sept 1.


Alexandra:   They have not been that vocal.  For us to see the Oath keepers and the special forces to step forward.  It felt like there has been a shift.


COBRA:   It is not them that will step forward first,  The people will step forward first. it will need to be the people step forward first.  This is what happened in egypt and it needs to happen anywhere else.


Alexandra:   This whole Trayvon Martin.  You’ve heard all about that.  There’s been a lot of protests.  Do you agree that this was fully a false flag operation.  If so, Who truly was behind it.  (which one?)  They were finding that they were actors.


COBRA:  It’s a distraction.  it was a product of the mass media operation which to distract people from more important issues.  (O.K.) It’s triggering deep emotions, I know.  It’s a manipulation thing.


Alexandra:   Where do you recommend people put their money – you’ve highly recommended gold and silver.  So much controversy now with people buying gold that there is 100 day waiting period to receive physical gold.  There is no more to sell.  What do you think about that?


COBRA:  This is if you buy large amounts of gold.  If you go to a BofA or a local bank or bureau and buy 1 once, it shouldn’t be a problem at tis point.  It might be a problem soon, so hurry up.


Alexandra:   I was going to ask you if you still feel there is some available.  a lot of hype


COBRA:  If you are buying large quantities there is a problem with the distribution chain already.


Alexandra:   O.K.  What is your perception on all the changes that are coming forth from this of this new Pope and the Vatican bank.  Supposedly they were busted for money laundering.  Smuggling 26 Million dollars.  This was a Monsignor.  You talk each month how Little by little the light forces are penetrating the Vatican.  Where do you feel we are now with the Vatican.


COBRA:  First the 20 Million dollars is nothing compared to the trillions of dollars that have been laundered that went through Vatican.   This is number 1.  Number 2 slowly this pope is showing his true colors.  Good side bad side is showing.  He’s Jesuit training is strong and he is choosing the dark side. You can see he is having issues Protecting the ritual child abuse and things of that nature.


Alexandra:   Yea, then today I read a blog that he is supporting gay’s.  Go figure.  Like He’s being open and non judgmental about that.


COBRA:   You see.  The nature of Jesuits have an ability, they are trained in that way  to be very nice and open and tolerant, while they are forwarding their agenda.  This is how they infiltrated the government in China and India around the world in the 17th century.  This is how they created their global empire.


Alexandra:   It’s what you call the gray.  Not black or white, but the gray – they are the most difficult to determine.


COBRA:  Well.  The main jesuits.  I’m not speaking of the majority of the Jesuits.  you have about 17k Jesuits around the world.  Only 10% belong to the Cabal and they are some of the darkest entities on the planet. They appear to be nice on the surface, but they want to adjust to the situation, infiltrate the situation and then manipulate the situation.


Alexandra:   Ah man.  Onto another heavy topic of Fukushima.  A lot of people have written in as well as there was a post that came up that the test has shown an increase – like 90 x more in radioactive scale in the last 3 days.  Is there any validity to that?   Is it related to anything planetary.  What ever you thought.


COBRA:  When Fukushima happened – a small nuclear bomb that was detonated and triggered the event.  It did not produce much radioactivity.  Later, the cabal is deliberately putting radioactive material in that areas and also other areas around the planet and put Fuckishima as an excuse for that.  It is not coming from Fukushima.  It is coming from radioactive wast that the cabal is putting in the soil around the planet.


Alexandra:   OMG.  When you think you heard it all you just always find something else.


COBRA:  The Galactic Confederation will clean that up after the event, immediately.


Alexandra:   I’m glad you brought that up – A lot of times you’ll say: Hey don’t worry about them.  A lot of them have been been confined, etc.   In the meantime the exposures to GMO, chemtrails, vaccinations, etc.  How do people cope with that? Can they making a request to be healed? and be helped?  I have my opinion on this.


COBRA:  You can not avoid it completely but you can minimize it by 1st not worrying about it,  2nd invoking the light.  3rd proper balancing in diet and drinking pure water to purify your system and #1 if you do not fear it will not affect you as much.  The human body has a tremendous ability to regenerate if you have a strong connection to your higher self you can heal anything.


Alexandra:   Oh. Thank you, that was music to my ears.  I have shared that myself with my clients.  People are often asking me they wonder how you know so much.  They ask if you are channeling.  I want you to respond.


COBRA:  I know so much because I was always using my head, always using my mental body, training it, improving it and creating my network of information sources because I really wanted to understand what was going on on the planet. because I felt things were not right.  I wanted to come to the bottom of it.  I have my information sources.  I have my abilities which are physical nature and non-physical nature.


Alexandra:  O.K.  You are not channeling right now are you?


COBRA:  No i am just speaking to you.


Alexandra:   Ok, so everybody has that answer to that question.  Obama is executive order.  HIV tested between ages 15 and 65 if you need medical help.  It feels to me, once again like:  How much more can the American people take before the people stand up and take their power back?  Is this kind of making lemonade out of lemons as far as the way the light forces would work in this situation?


COBRA:  Actually, recently I have heard of stupid orders around the planet that are beyond belief.  For example in spain they are charging you to use solar power.  It is illegal in Spain to use solar power to obtain electricity.  (Yes) Things like that are happening everywhere.  It’s the final stupidity acts before the cabal goes down.


Alexandra:   It’s an act of desperation?


COBRA:   Yes, act of desperation.  It is not a rational response.  If they were playing long-term they would not play like that.


Alexandra:   They are taking people to court because they have raw dairy farms.


COBRA:  For example, things like that.  So the question is when do we finally have enough.


Alexandra:   how much more can people take before they figure it out?   There’s a whole bunch going on about the smart meters in the US.  They are really deadly, nasty and there has been a lot of problems with them.  Supposedly there is a federal bill being drafted to require all the power companies have to  to join this smart grid.  Is this grid tied in with the matrix. Do you know anything about this?  What it is designed to do?


COBRA:  Yes, it is tied into the grid, so is your cell phone.  The smart phones are the most infected devices that everybody has right now and very strongly connected into the matrix around the planet.


Alexandra:   Considering everyone I know has a smart phone.


COBRA:  Yes and NSA is listening to all the conversations on the smart phone.


Alexandra:   On a good note, there’s a small town called Deer Trail, Colorado that is putting out a bounty on un-manned drones for violating sovereign air space. I wanted to ask you about this whole drone thing.  It’s heating up.  Not only is undercover documents coming out but there’s evidence that over 20% of drone strikes are civilians.   They are talking about how they stun people so they become immobile.  What is your opinion on that?


COBRA:  It is under the cabal mechanism of the cabal and all those things will be cleared after the event.


Alexandra:   Is there anything they are doing to dissipate the functionality, bizarre things happening – nuclear war heads can not be launched.  A few things like that.  Could that be the light.


COBRA:  Yes, light forces are interfering with the functionality of those devices more and more


Alexandra:   I have to ask you this.  I have seen as of late a lot more rulings in favor of the citizens.  It seemed that nobody could win a law suit even if it was as logical as it can be.  Now the little guys are winning and getting rulings in their favor for a lot of things like land disputes and constitutional rights and things like that.  What is your take, has the light infiltrated finally the legal system so we can finally start seeing this type thing moving forward more and more.


COBRA:  There is 2 factors.  The first is there is Much less Archon on the physical and etheric planes on the legal proceedings.  The Archonic activity was influencing the judges and lawyers.  There are not enough Archons now to influence the judges and lawyers any more. #2  Actually all this lawyer/judge system was inter connected to the Cabal Network.  this network is not so tight any more.  Some of the lawyers and judges are beginning to listening to their own inner guidance.  This is why every citizen can now win a lawsuits.


Alexandra:   Interesting.  That leads me to another question about there’s a lot of talk about Archonic SP implants.


COBRA:  There are many different versions of this so you need to specify.


Alexandra:   This one is supposedly a Jelly fish type – it lodges in temporal lobe either right or left side of head.  Attacks the gallbladder meridian.  Supposedly, After a period of time it memorizes a person’s thought patters and voice recognition and that type of thing and will take over this individual to this point where it tells them what to do if they have a propensity to be violent.


COBRA:  Actually, everyone on the planet has been implanted by this jelly like parasite before they were born.  It is part of the birth process that the Archons have controlled.  (Wow)  It is up to your free will if you allow this interference to interfere with your decisions or not.  The frontal lobe of the brain has been (garbled).  The decision making process has been compromised by those implants for everybody on the planet.  Everyone has their free will.  It is unrealistic to know in all situations, but most situations everybody should make up their own free will.  It is unrealistic for you to expect to say “no” in every situation. But in the most important decision in your life everybody should be able to say “no” to this influence.  Make up your own free will and make up your own free will.


Alexandra:   Your connection cut out about the frontal lobe.  Can you go back?


COBRA:  The frontal lobe of the brains governs our decision making process and this is why these implants are placed in the front of our brains.


Alexandra:   Got it.  Are they really firing this up now because they are at the desperate end of their road?


COBRA:  They have been activating it the last 20 years or so, more intensely because we are getting close to the final event.


Alexandra:   How do you think is the most effective way to have them removed or can it be?


COBRA:  I could say the most important thing to do is exercise your free will.


Alexandra:   Stay in your mastery and stay in your free will.  Stay out of fear.


COBRA:  If you have Fear, it is a natural response.  Do not put too much emphasis on that fear.  Don’t dwell on it.


Alexandra:   I heard that the entire parliament of Luxembourg has resigned.  Is this correct?


COBRA:  I have not confirmed that independently so I can not say for sure.


Alexandra:   If that is correct, that is really major.  That’s a really good sign.


COBRA:  There are many resignation in other countries in Europe too.


Alexandra:   For the entire group of them.  That’s amazing.


COBRA:  I know of some but I can’t confirm all of them.


Alexandra:   Good.  There are still questions regarding about our birth charts.  We brought this up last time.  Because of the fact that our solar system is in a different location of the galaxy, wouldn’t the astrology loose it power and it’s influence over the birth charts?


COBRA:  The position of our solar system and galaxy has changed so little in our lifetime it’s negligible.  The birth axis has changed according to the stars, maybe 1 degree which can of course be taken into account.  Planets in the solar system are emitting frequencies and they do influence you.  You do have free will.


Alexandra:   I thought you said we will be blown away when we look to the sky after the event because the stars and everything will not look the same as it does now.  Did you say that before?


COBRA:  Yes, there is a tachyonic membrane around the earth which is preventing some signals from reaching the surface of the planet.  When this is removed you will see the sky as it actually looks like at this moment.  Many of the stars are hundreds of light years away and that is the light you are looking at.  After the event you will not only receive photons, you will receive tachyon.  You will see the sky as it looks like at this moment, not like it did hundreds and hundreds of years ago.


Alexandra:   Will it be different colors, will the planets be in a different locations.


COBRA:  Most of the stars will be in somewhat different locations.  You will be able to see certain things you won’t be able to see right now, like motherships which are cloaked right now.  Some other things I will not speak about yet.


Alexandra:   That is so exciting.  This individual’s question is why have they kept Obama in office?  (Who is they?) Why has Obama still remained in office.  Why hasn’t he been impeached, around his birth certificate, around the people he has chosen or appointed.  Many are involved in corruption.




Alexandra:   Why has obama been allowed to remain in office if there is such a strong light resistance.  He’s been so dark in his dealings with his executive orders, his stollen money, and all these sorts of things.  What is your opinion on that.


COBRA:  I can’t hear everything.    (garbled)  (poor connection)


Alexandra:   Why is he still in power?  If the light resistance gaining strength why have they chosen to keep Obama in power?  Is he truly a messenger of the light in the future.


COBRA:  I can not comment on his situation but he will play a major role after the event.  There will be a new government after the event.  We will have a provisional government which will just keep things running.  There will be new elections and complete new set of people elected around the planet.


Alexandra:   So I have another question about Nibiru.  Susan asks:  Could it mean that Nibiru isn’t a planet but Mother Sekmet’s mothership.


COBRA:  This name Nibiru was assigned to a certain body that was supposed to approach the planet and this is disinformation.  Sekmet has a mother ship and you can name it anything you want.


Alexandra:   (Laugh)  We have some questions about the up and coming magnetic pole shift.  You say the planet will not flip and have 3 days of darkness.  Where do we stand now?  I think they said 62 miles last month (Magnet north shifted).


COBRA:  Yes, we are having a shift.  It is still in the process.


Alexandra:   What is your feeling of the chances that our government is to confiscate our precious metals from our homes like in 1933.


COBRA:    Yes, there is a plan from the Cabal to do this, but no they will not be allowed to do that.


Alexandr: – has a web site doing investigation of the Vatican.  They say a negative ET will come forward and act as a savior.  When the new financial government comes up it will turn out to be a satanic connection.  Do you agree with this.   Anything that the illuminati to bring some sort of a stage performance with a “savior”.


COBRA:  I absolutely disagree with that. The new financial system is not coming from the cabal. It is coming from the light forces. The cabal does not have enough power to do something like this any more.


Alexandra:   This next individual is talking about:  Israel supposedly has lobbed a nuclear warhead on Syria because he got some access to some information on mushroom cloud and flashes that were seen there.   What is your opinion on that?


COBRA:  Unfortunately that happened.  It was a small nuclear warhead that destroyed a bunker in Syria.  That was 2 or 3 months ago.  (AH, that’s too bad)  There was no loss of life but there was some nuclear fallout.  They were testing the patience of the resistance movement at that point.


Alexandra:   They are starting to feel the light forces influence.


COBRA:  More and more, yes.


Alexandra:   What do you feel about the cannabis plant, marijuana.  Not of this world?


COBRA:  Not from the Sirius star system.  It is not from this planet.


Alexandra:   Do you feel it’s a sacred plant?


COBRA:  Every plant is a sacred plant.


Alexandra:   I have to read this (touched my heart):  This is Morilla from Poland:  They work very hard to spread the news and listen to you and they can’t get people to listen to them.  You say to withdraw money from the bank and save some currency to buy some precious metals.  This doesn’t work where they are.  They never have enough money to survive.  Barely enough money to pay for food.  What will happen during the days of the financial transition and there is nothing to eat.  People are not eager to help each other.  Our group has nothing to share.  What will be with people in this situation where they are alone.  There are millions of people with


COBRA:  Not only in Poland but worldwide.  Cabal is pushing people over the threshold of poverty everywhere.   If you don’t have money have a strong social network.  People can support each other and share with each other.  Together they will be stronger.  After the event everybody will receive money from the collateral accounts. Nobody will be poor any longer.


Alexandra:   This is one of the reason why you are starting the   To get groups together to help each other.  (Exactly) This next question is from a woman who is suspicious of the positive military group.  Do you feel they are of a positive nature because they represent violence and they take orders from the global elite.


COBRA:  The very name, the positive military speaks of the positive faction of the light.  Those beings have been incarnated to evolve the military from a violent group to a peace making group. (Hmmmm, Interesting)  I have some connections within that group.  They are there with that same purpose to bring peace and end the violence.


Alexandra:   To end the violence.  So the fact that they are called military is because it’s their back-ground is that what you are saying?


COBRA:  Yes, they are there to back up the transformation on the planet and to back up the event and stop the Cabal from doing more harm.


Alexandra:   OK.  Getting back to the ascension chambers, You’ve talked about them at your conferences – for healing and helping humanity.  She’s wondering why would the light workers need to go through the ascension chambers.


COBRA:  Because ascension is a huge leap in consciousness and a human being can not do that alone with out the assistance of the higher light forces.  Try walking on water and see if you can.


Alexandra:  Good point.  right.  That’s a good point.  Or walk through a wall.


COBRA:  Yes, for example.  Because then you can essentially do that.


Alexandra:   OMG.  Are you hearing that.  Technology – can you share the type of technology that is coming forward?  Any new technology that is not secretive.


COBRA:  I would say there is progress in the area of free energy technology and to bring it to the public.   A small household device that would bring energy to your house, for free.  That’s a good start.


Alexandra:   Do you feel the technologies right out the gate that we’re going to live the kind of life we are accustomed to have been living it just won’t cost money?


COBRA:  This is for a start, then for a little while until people are accustomed.  Then things will go fast.  Do not worry, you will not be bored.


Alexandra:   Wow.  Then after that we can use a replicator.  If we want something we can manifest, or replicate it.


COBRA:  This will happen after first contact.  Most advanced technology will be introduced after humanity accepts the invitation from the positive ET races for contact.


Alexandra:   OK.  What about those that are ready to receive that information before first contact?


COBRA:  Yes – there will be some individuals that will be contacted before and will be working with those races and will also receive that technology.


Alexandra:   I like to hear that.  We’re getting to the end of the hour.  Do you have any other updates regarding the progress of the light and what has shifted from the Month of July to where we are now.


COBRA:  The main breakthrough is what is happening in Egypt.  The first positive Military.  It is a huge breakthrough.  It is a physical manifestation of the same kind of energy.  It’s a huge breakthrough.  It showed us the Event was possible.  Before it was theoretical.  But now it’s not a plan any more, it’s becoming a reality right before our eyes.  This is the single most dramatic shift that is happening.  Of course we have revelations about NSA which are quite important, although that started in June.


Alexandra:   Right, right. That started in June.  Yes, is this type of experience, this victory in Egypt, has this occurred before in this type of experience when light forces have tried to un hijack the planet.


COBRA:  This has happened many times in the galaxy but not on this planet.


Alexandra:  O.K.  This type of experience where they’ve successfully been able to unite millions and millions of people together and not with a whole lot of violence.  Is this a relative new experience?


COBRA:  It is not.  On other planets it was easier because people are not so brainwashed as they are here.  It’s a common occurrence in the galaxy.


Alexandra:   Amazing.  O.K.  Cool.  Do not forget to check out to sign up with a group you feel you are in alignment with.  or help set up a group.  I don’t care where you live or what you can do or think you can not do.  We all need you.  You can also go to   That’s a sub-site for  Cobra, I thank you so much.  Sorry we couldn’t hook up in July.  I look forward to hearing of some radical shifts that are coming in August.  Do you think that is because of Lions gate?


COBRA:  I will say the big changes start in September.  I am calling on people to Start forming physical event preparedness groups.  Not just sign up on the web-site.  It is more important to get the groups and meet regularly and actually start preparing for the event.


Alexandra:   Great.  We thank you Cobra for everything you do.  Everyone has their homework and assignment.  We thank you for all you do.  We thank everybody that’s listening for all you do.  We can not do it without you.  We are all in this together.   Namaste.


COBRA:  Thank everyone for listening.  Every single person counts in this last push.


Alexandra:   Bye.


I want to thank DaNell Glade for her assistance and speedy delivery of this transcription. She has offered her support with enthusiasm, so if you need transcription services, please support her! Thank you DaNell!


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Portal2012: Cobra’s Update – Peace Portal Activation Videos, August 21, 2013

You might want to watch this video to prepare for the Pace Portal activation this Sunday. It has been translated into 14 languages.
















Transcription Cobra and Alexandra Meadors Interview, June 25, 2013

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microphone 1 Cobra and Alexandra Meadors Transcription for June 25, 2013Alexandra:  Good afternoon, this is Alexandra Meadors of  Today is June 25th, 2013.  As everyone is waiting with baited breath, I have Cobra with me to review the month of June but also some questions that we can get to.  Before I get to talking with Cobra, I just wanted to remind everyone that we have just gone through Summer solstice period where Jupiter was conjunct with the moon.  Not only did that give us an extra boost of energy, It has supposedly opened us up to more emotions and feelings being heard.  I’d like to talk to Cobra about that and when you consider that on top of the super moon being closer to the earth than normal and the Grand Trine.
Alexandra:  Hello Cobra.  How are you doing?
COBRA:  Hello everybody, I’m doing just fine.
Alexandra:  Supposedly it’s a grand trine, this is a very powerful period with the super moon and the summer solstice.  What are you thoughts?
COBRA: Yes, the summer solstice was very powerful.  It marked a big victory of the light  forces and the beginning of a very powerful offensive of the light forces on the non-physical planes which will ultimately result in the final liberation of all those on the physical plane including etheric, astral, and lower mental planes around the surface of the planet.  It’s a huge victory of the light, just at the time of the summer solstice.  It’s no coincidence that 2 days later was the super moon came.  This super moon is a portal which begins to ground cosmic energies, very positive cosmic energies that were not possible before. Those trine’s we are experiencing are harmonious aspects, astrologically speaking, bringing much needed harmony on the planetary situation.  There will be more trines in the next 2 months.
Alexandra:  Wow, Cobra, are you saying that the super moon portal, the fact that it allowed those new energies to enter the planet is that because there are more openings to the planet?
COBRA:  It’s because the clearings of the non-physical planes has reached a point where it is now possible.  This was not possible several months ago.
Alexandra: OK.  So it’s like more light can penetrate.
COBRA: Exactly.
Alexandra:  I noticed on your last note on your portal 2012 site,  “The offensive will continue until the final and complete liberation of the non-physical planes.  We will not retreat under any circumstance.”  I loved the fact that you compared it to the operation overload offensive of 1944.  We truly are are at a deciding point today, right now.
COBRA: Yes, if you compare this whole process with WWII we are in the final ending stages.  Everyone knows we will win the war, but we are not there yet completely.  We will get the final offensive on the non physical plane.  On the physical plane it will be very short and very efficient and it will happen at the event.
Alexandra:  My heart is so full.  My heart goes out to every single light worker, ground crew, Resistance member, the Galactics, etc.  It’s been such a massive undertaking.  To think that we’re finally getting close to a solution is phenomenal.
COBRA:  Yes.  We are finally getting there.
Alexandra:  Awesome.  You said something about the integration of the resistance movement into the galactic confederation.  Could you talk a little bit more about the strengthening of cosmic love between the different cosmic races.
COBRA:  Yes.  Most of the members of the resistance movement came to this planet  Earth in 1999-2000 from Planet X.  They had some limited contact with the Pleiadians.  They were not exposed to most other cosmic races.  They are having their own first contact, their first disclose, new exposure to the Cosmic races.  Not all are humanoid.   They are experiencing deep love of brotherhood and sisterhood that exists throughout the galaxy.  Our small planet is the last planet that has not experienced that.  The resistance movement is beginning experiencing this on a cosmic level.  This is one of the integral parts for them to become a member of the galactic confederation.  After their integration process will be complete then the surface population will be brought in.  There are certain operations that are scheduled for this year that will start this process, but I am not allowed to speak of them yet.  This planet is not going to be invaded.  This planet will be invited into a process of dialogue.
Alexandra:  You are saying that with such conviction and certainly, there is clearly a shift.
COBRA: Yes, certain things have happened and certain plans and details are finalized to the degree that are becoming almost completely certainty.
Alexandra:  Is this taking place within the Agarthan society?
COBRA: Yes, the deeper portions for the underground network, 3 miles and deeper.  Many different underground bases and races are making contact.  It’s a world wide process underground.
Alexandra:  Wow, this is obviously affecting the surface human race.
COBRA: Yes, in a way.  The awakened population is getting prophetic dreams, visions, inspiration about the reality of positive ET presence.
Alexandra:  Another thing that you’ve posted on your blog is that it’s going to be much easier to create the female and male polarity continuity.  It’s going to be easier for soulmate relationships to be created.  Can you talk a little bit more than that. When you say soul mate, are you talking about Divine compliments, twin flames.  I’m curious because I’m married to my twin flame.
COBRA: 1. those relationships were almost impossible in the past because of the influence of the Archons on the non-physical planes.  Now this influence is clear so that now it’s really becoming possible.  Not just the meeting of the soul mate, but the ability to stabilize that relationship in that loving frequency from the beginning until eternity with out that external influence or interference.  Twin souls are not exactly the same as soul mate.  Twin souls are one soul that was created out of the galactic central sun,  before that soul could ascend into matter it had to split.  It always happens like that.  Two beings of opposite polarity create one unified electro magnetic field.  Soul-mates are beings who belong to your soul family or belong to the soul family that is very close to your vibrational frequency and vibrational structure.  People usually meet a few of those soul mates in their lifetime.  In this incarnation because we are getting closer to the final liberation.  In the past those relationships have been quite challenging because of the influence of the non-physical negative beings because they did not want those relationships to happen.  Harmonious soul mate relationships can create a very strong resonance field of love which actually creates a hole or opening in the matrix into higher dimensions.  Not only for the couple, but the planet itself.
Alexandra:  This is so resonating to my soul.  I feel that being in a twin flame relationship is very challenging.  It’s not an easy relationship when one or the other is out of balance.
COBRA: It’s because the energies gets magnified.  It’s a strong electro-magnetic field.  Your belief systems, your patterns and especially if there’s internal influences.  It’s like a big magnifying glass.  But if you are in a harmonious state, the energies of love and light are magnified.
Alexandra:  Yes – it’s in total bliss when you’re there.
COBRA: Exactly.
Alexandra:  My gosh.  Lots of stuff to review in the month of June   What is your opinion about the ever increasing wave of riots across the planet.  Hong Kong, Turkey, Egypt, India, Malaysia, London, Brazil, Greece to just name a few.  US is still sleeping when it comes to reporting these things.  Who do you feel is behind this.  Do you feel that it Is  legitimately because of the citizens desiring liberation or is it being staged.
COBRA: It’s a combination of 2 factors.  1st is the activity of the galactic central sun which triggers the light force of Human masses.  Human masses have a tendency to be less obedient to the matrix.  They start asking questions and demanding answers. The   2 factor is certain long-term operation of certain positive group on the surface of the planet which has been planning this for a very long time.  It’s triggering this in a positive way.  I’m not allowed to disclose who it is.  They have been influencing world events for centuries in certain positive way.  This group is assisting the human masses in creating a channel to express the revolutionary spirit.  Of course the Rothschild that try to misuse this would like to influence this.  Initially positive.
Alexandra:  Thank you for that.  Because of my immense amount of blogging I’ve always believed in the benevolent forces behind the veil dropping some of these people onto the world stage.  The Asanges, the Snowden’s.  Whistle blowing.  And that sort of thing
COBRA: There’s more to this, but it’s a part of the operation.
Alexandra:  Exactly.  They’re getting a lot of media coverage so you have to think of why they are getting media coverage and why some of them are assassinated.
COBRA: There are strong forces of light protecting those people.  If this happened 10 years ago, maybe none of them would survive.
Alexandra:  What is your perception from a galactic point of view in the role Turkey plays in this entire unfolding.  They seem to be the center piece of everything that’s going on.
COBRA: Turkey is a buffer zone between Syria vortex and Europe.  The Syria vortex is an ancient Goddess vortex.  It’s the last major vortex the Cabal controls.  When they loose that one, it’s game over.
Alexandra:  Wow.  What can we do to assist to bring down that vortex in Turkey.
COBRA: It’s about clearing and purifying that vortex.  The Archons are streaming darkness into it.  When this vortex is purified it will be one of the strongest positive points on the planet.  Syria  has been triggering the rebirth after the fall of Atlantis.  1It was one of the first places to be populated after the great flood 11,500 years ago.  After some time the cabal got control of the vortex. They are keeping it and they are creating original conflict and spread it all around the world.  Of course this will not happen.   Turkey is a shield that will prevent  that conflict to that to spread around the world.
Alexandra:  Speaking of which, on the news this morning – a very large cargo of US arms carrying weapons to Syria.  The actual Cargo Ship split in half and sank.
COBRA: Yes, This happened a few days ago.  There are positive forces doing whatever they can to pacify the situation in that region.
Alexandra:  But to split?  They didn’t say there was any kind of explosion.  (no)
Alexandra:   What is your opinion of the north pole moving 161 miles in the last 6 months.  Is that accurate, will it continue.  Is the final destination point Siberia.
COBRA:  It is not the geographic or physical north pole.  It’s no the rotational axis of the planet.  It is the magnetic north pole.  It magnetic north pole is moving.  It is accelerating the last few years because we are in the initial stages of a magnetic polar shirt.  We are in the midst of magnetic polar shift in response to the energies form the galactic central sun.
Alexandra:  A big thing that has gone down this month was the Bilderburger conference.  What do you feel the cabal accomplished?  If you were sitting in that room, what is the sense of tension might be in that room?
COBRA: that conference re-confirmed the strategy that was set in place years ago.   De-population. GMO of Food, that kind of thing.  The mood in the room, according to my sources was mental control.  No chaos, No heart of emotions.  A strategic meeting that everything is normal like their plans of the NWO is going to continue on and on.  It’s completely different than the meetings the cabal had 2 months ago in Texas.
Alexandra:  Meaning/  how so?
COBRA: This Bilderburger most of the people are different faction.  Not as important.   Not as important.  Mid-level management of the Cabal have this illusion of NWO.
Alexandra:  The top dogs are being kicked off?
COBRA:  The top dogs are in panic.  The middle management is not in panic because they haven’t realized what is going on on the planet.
Alexandra:  What is your whole opinion of Snowden taking refuge in Hong Kong, trusting that the Hong Kong people would not turn him in.  That sort of thing.  What is the strategy behind that whole thing.
COBRA: He knew when he released that intel he would be persecuted and after him.    He knew that China and Hong Kong is under Jurisdiction of China is most likely to protect him and be powerful enough to offer real protection.  This was the basic motivation for that choice.
Alexandra:  I thought it was very ironic.  just go back 10 years.  I can’t imagine this kind of media attention going down that they are seeking sanctuary in China.
COBRA: The situation in China has changed drastically in the last few years.  The positive white dragons are much the positive white dragons are much more strong.  Cabal has been loosing power in China. The white dragons are much much more powerful and also in Asia and Russia.  This is another reason he went to Russia.
Alexandra:  Don’t you feel there is some irony.  We are shipping all our natural resources, higher management, all our manufacturing over to China, only to build up their economy, and they become powerful enough and now they can stand toe to toe with us.
COBRA:  Well, it’s a good thing because it’s creating a planetary balance.  After the Event it won’t matter.  It won’t be another country against the other.  The whole world will be united.
Alexandra:  I can’t wait.  What is your feeling about the SNA documents being released regarding the global spy network.  Was that the resistance movement plan of action?
COBRA:  As I said there is a positive group on the surface of the planet that is assisting is a controlled leakage of intel.  Controlled leaking because it has to go in stages.  Starting with the Mass population didn’t believe until 2 weeks ago that everyone is under surveillance.  Now it’s common knowledge.  For 2 years there were central bankers robbing the planet.  Now it’s common knowledge that someone is spying on e-mails and phone calls etc.  Part of this gradual process of disclosure.  Good that it happens before the Event so the mass can understand much more easily what is really going on. Just like putting the pieces of the puzzle together.
Alexandra:  It’s giving them an opportunity to process the information.  I think it’s ironic too, the leaking of documents is proving that very high military officials have been under surveillance, all the politicians, that EVERYBODY has been under surveillance.  (Yes, Everybody).  No one is immune.
COBRA: Yes, also the cabal is spying on other factions.  Nobody is protected from this.
Alexandra:  Yes, it’s not one group vs another.
COBRA:  It’s quite fractured at the top.
Alexandra:  What is your opinion of the resignation of Cardinal Bertoni?  Considering he’s the 2nd highest position in the Vatican.  What kind of ramifications will that bring for these change on the planet?
COBRA:  I will put it this way.  There are a few different factions in the Vatican.  The more positive, more progressive faction is gaining power  As a result of the work of other positive groups that are –  making certain moves in Rome right now.  I will not go into much detail.  There is a lot of support for the more progressive faction in Vatican right now.  The other faction is loosing power rapidly.
Alexandra:   That’s great news.
COBRA:  Not everyone in the Vatican is bad.  Not everyone in Vatican is good.
Alexandra:  That’s made this more difficult.  We don’t know who’s on which side.
COBRA:  For some people it’s quite obvious.
Alexandra:  On a local front – on the UFO, conspiracy and spiritual community.  The exposure of Dr. Steven Greer.  Did you hear about that?  (Yes) He was busted for skimming profits, for purchasing personal real estate, for having his way with underage boys, purchasing drugs.  Do you feel that has he been set up from the beginning to play this part?
COBRA: I will put it this way.  I would not put so much importance on this.  What is more important is the message he gave.  He message he gave was quite important.  He crated a a channel and opportunity for the witnesses to speak about their experiences.
Alexandra:  True.  He opened a lot of realization about UFO’s and contactees.  He’s played a phenomenal way.  It’s just reeled a lot of people
COBRA: People are putting too much attention on personality stories of people in the process.
Alexandra:  Right.  Right.  So, what you are saying is the message was delivered.
COBRA: Yes, and I would not comment on his personal issues at this moment.
Alexandra:  There was something I blogged about the econosphere – it’s full of plasma.  There’s been a lot of information on Plasma.  Can you talk about that.  Is there more available to us now because the light is penetrating the planet.  How is light different than Plasma.  What are the advantages to us in our bodies.
COBRA:  Plasma is the 4th stage of matter apart from solid, liquid and gases.  Plasma can get very easily ionized or electrified.  Because of this increase activity in our corner of the universe.  It is increasing. It can produce strange atmospheric phenomena.  This will increase as the activity of the galactic central sun gets more more drastically increasing in the next few months and years.
Alexandra:  Wow because it was going crazy this month, the sun, the solar flares.
COBRA:  This is nothing yet.
Alexandra:  OMG. Hold on everybody.
Alexandra:  Is it true Cobra, that there are 2,135 soul families on the earth?
COBRA:  Soul groups?  No, it’s not true.
Alexandra:  this one article has each group has 144,000 monads and each monad has 12 over souls.
COBRA: There are much more on the planet and much more in the universe
Alexandra:  OK.  Just curious.  What is your opinion opinion of all the planets in the solar system.  Have they essentially died off.  As if to say, has the cabal or the darker faction controlled those planets at one time and led them to their own destruction.
COBRA:  No, the only destruction that happened was the limited destruction on mars during the galactic wars, that’s all.
Alexandra:  I read something in Sheldon Nidle’s update.  He mentions that Several million sets of RNA/DNA switches will need to be reversed within us
COBRA: It is true that there will be certain healing on the RNA/DNA.  I will not speak to the number of switches needed.  There will be a certain process to reverse certain mutations, especially the ones artificially engineered  by the Cabal in the last millennium which will need to be done.  It can be achieved quite easily  It’s a simple process.
Alexandra:  When did the so-called “mis-creation or virus”, or black goop.  When do you feel that began?  If so, did that take “God” by surprise or was it allowed to unfold, and why?
COBRA:  This started million of years ago.  There was a part of a universe that was not evolving in alignment with the source.  It was developing independently in a way that it is not good for the evolution of the universe.   There was a certain error that was made and this error is being corrected for the last phase of the planetary liberation.
Alexandra:  That is what we’re ending?  (Yes)
Alexandra:  Sheldon is referring to unprecedented announcements to be broadcast soon.  He brings up the broadcast media. Do you feel that there are some changes going on in the media?  How do you see that happen?
COBRA:  Yes. There are certain positive groups on the planet which are working behind the scenes to make openings in the mass media so more truth will come through the official media channels in the future.  I will not say how soon, but we are getting closer.  Even if the media are on the Rothschild control, it doesn’t mean nothing can be published.
Alexandra:  That’s true,  we can play their own game can we not?  (Yes).  What is your take on the kidnapping of the US ambassador Robert Ford.  What was behind all of that?
COBRA: I would say there are various factions in Syria fighting for control and it’s part of their game.
Alexandra:  That’s very fragmented will.  There’s a lot of factions vying for control over there?
COBRA: y Yes
Alexandra:  I woke up to hearing that china is having banking problems.  ATM, point of sales are down.
COBRA:  Chinese banking was off-line for maybe less than 1 hour.  Maybe 50 minutes.  Happens for various reasons.
Alexandra:  I thought that was interesting because Fulford actually talked about it and said it was to go down on the 29th.
COBRA: Yes, there are certain groups that have plans to interfere with the banking system next week but they did not receive green light from on high.
Alexandra:  Is this an interference or a re-calibration of the financial system?
COBRA:  I would say, certain groups are getting impatient and would like to act on their own.  They did not receive the green light.  I wouldn’t expect anything drastic next week.   There are rumors.  Nothing life changing.
Alexandra:  Fulford’s talking how the pentagon, Chinese and the Russians have agreed not to be provoked into a war in Syria. Do you agree?
COBRA: Yes, I agree.
Alexandra:  Who is left on the central stage to promote this?   The first obvious is Israel.
COBRA:  Of course Israel, US through unofficial channels.  Provoking incidents through mercenaries, by staged events hoping that this will be enough to create a war. This will not be enough.  Most people are beginning to understand their game.
Alexandra:  Interesting.  He also goes on to say that Russians and Germans have entered a secret agreement to dominate post Cabal western Europe according to Russian sources.  This is why Germany does not support French and British efforts to get non aggressive sources of energy.
COBRA:  There are many talks and negotiations agreements, behind the scenes of how the world should look like after the event.  None of those agreements or talks will have any basis of reality.  The situation will take everyone by surprise.  There are people in high places that are aware of the changes that are about to happen and are trying to create alliances, packs and agreement.  Those agreements in most cases will not have any basis in reality.  Same with this one with Russian/German alliance.
Alexandra:  Interesting. Tell us about the Gnostic illuminati – Fulford said they want to intensify their campaign to overthrow the western establishment.  Sounds like they are making some threats.
COBRA: This is actually a faction that got power after the fall of the Romanoff dynasty in Russia.  The goal of the Rothschild was to erase all Russian Nobility.  Gnostic illuminati come from hat Russian nobility originally.  Now their main goal is to eliminate the Rothschild but their methods are not too efficient and not exactly peaceful.  This group are trying to get involved behind the scenes in certain projects, but they are not the ones making the changes.
Alexandra:  Interesting.  Is it true that is there massive behind the scenes fighting and war going on behind the scenes to get control over the central banking system’s the printing press?
COBRA:  There are so many different individuals and groups that have their own agenda around the central banking system, this is one reason it’s taking so long.  There is a lot of Greed involved.  Many attempts at manipulation. Different agenda’s.   Big mess.  This is why the taking down of the financial system will not happen like most people expect.  There will be certain surprises by the resistance and by the higher light forces.
Alexandra:  In the month of June – any major success or any major archonic forces reptilians in human form that have been removed from the planet.
COBRA: Yes, the beginning of a final offensive – which is a huge step forward.
Alexandra:  I thought it was more etheric.
COBRA:  Yes, etheric/astral.  On the physical plane – there is something going on.  There is certain physical operations going on, in the long-term that will decrease the army of the cabal, mercenaries,  academia or former private blackwater.  Those companies will loose much power in the future because of the light forces on the physical plane.  Those were taking place in June.
Alexandra:  You said a long time ago that there would be a window of energy between now and November.  Correct?
COBRA:  I’m saying that a new wave of energy coming in Oct/November – beginning of December.
Alexandra:  Aren’t we going through the last part of the big purification process between now and Nov.?  Is that how we could look at it.
COBRA: I will not say when the last part will be.
Alexandra:  Not trying to corner you into timing.  I know you don’t go there.  (yea).  I want to switch over to questions from the audience – kind of slides right in to where we left off.  LouAnn is suspicious about the positive military group.  It’s like saying they are positive murderers. I know no one is perfect living in this type of world.  After noticing and observing their energies, military groups represent violence, taking orders from the global elite and invading people’s countries and taking oil and freedom and resources from them.  Why would the Pleiadians take them into consideration for help in liberating the planet.
COBRA: It is very simple.  All those wars was the manifestation of the negative military group.  The positive military group has a different purpose.  It has a purpose of protecting the people, liberating the planet, giving logistic support for the civil law enforcement authority to arrest the Cabal.  So their primary objective is not to use violence but the primary objective is to give tactical and logistical support for the liberation operation.  Everyone has a right to defend themselves if the planet is occupied the inhabitants, the people, the population has a right to fight for their freedom.  This is the purpose of the positive military.
Alexandra:  You’re taking advantage of an already existent network and I can really respect that with what we are about to do.
COBRA:  Many of those people are incarnated in families and have been given openings to military careers so that those people could get into position for when the time is right and the time is right now.  There was a massive amount of people incarnating in the 50’s and 60’s that are part of that group.
Alexandra:  That makes a lot of sense.  I heard a lot of us are affiliated with the military in some way.
COBRA:  Many of those people were star commanders in their star nations in another incarnation before they came here.
Alexandra:  A lot of people have asked and in different ways:  Can you clarify; when is the wheat separated from the chaff, as far as the separation of the earth.  You did say that it will be after the event when we will no longer be inhabited on the actual earth as we see it now.  Can you give more clarity.
COBRA:  I don’t agree with the idea of separating 2 earths.  There is only 1 earth.  It will be liberated and will evolve further along with the population.
Alexandra:  So nobody’s leaving?
COBRA:  The only ones leaving are the members of the cabal who will be taken to the central sun.  After the first contact our pathway to the stars will be open we can travel. There will be no need to separate part of humanity from another at least in the initial stages of the transformation.
Alexandra:  You’re going to enjoy answering this:  Tracy from western Australia has really opened up to becoming a conduit for Goddess energy.  She’s been having so much anger since May 25th?  It’s been causing her a lot of discomfort.  Is this normal?  What is going on?  Is this because the portal energies allowed so much released of emotional energy.
COBRA:  Part of the answer, is certain emotions that have been long repressed are released.  2 – People who are starting to channeling Goddess energy can get interference from the astral plane.
Alexandra:  OK.  She said she’s been cleansing herself over and over.
COBRA:  There will be a breakthrough sooner or later.
Alexandra:  This was a question about timing – people are trying to get their mind around; you have the event, the arrest, the New financial system, release free energy/ technology.  Do you foresee this being a long term event or are we not able to comprehend it because once the event occurs it’s a new ball game.
COBRA:  I have answered this many times before.  The initial transformation will take a week or two. This includes the reset of the financial system and removal of the Cabal.  Then we have a long process of integration, disclosure, releasing of information introducing new technologies, setting up new financial system in details, beginning of new projects, new humanitarian projects, healing the eco system.  All this will take months and people will have plenty of time to integrate before the first contact.
Alexandra:  OK.  Months isn’t really that long.
COBRA:  Well, there’s not much time.
Alexandra:  That’s true.  This was really interesting question.  Sandra asks where RH – blood factor came from. Which races interbred with the evolutionary humans to interject this blood type.
COBRA:  It’s not about a single blood type,  It’s a very complex situation.  Not only different blood types, but many different factors in the construction of the human body.  There were many positive and many negative races involved in this especially Atlantis.  The positive races are trying to heal the damage which was created by genetic experimentation of the dark forces.
Alexandra:  She goes on to say that RH- blood can not be hypnotized or mind controlled.  They are typically of European decent.
COBRA: I would not agree with that.  There is a slight tendency, but I would not generalize that.
Alexandra:  She had a question about:  Who do you feel are the Karmic Overlords who capture our souls upon death and recycle them without the proper ascension process given as a normal evolutionary stage?
COBRA: The Lords of Karma are the Main Archons on the astral/etheric plans.  They decide the fate of the soul in their new incarnation.  They were designing the whole matrix of new incarnation and they made sure that most incarnations have lead so there would not be planetary liberation.  That’s why many people have been born into very strange conditions and very impossible situations in their families.  It was done on purpose.
Alexandra:  I knew it.  I’ve been researching this for some time.  Do you agree that we have all been mind-wiped right before re-incarnation?
COBRA: Everybody before incarnation have been subjected to a strong implantation process on the etheric plane which made them forget -It was a  trauma of implantation that made a shock.  That shock or amnesia ruled that you would not be able to remember when what happened before they incarnate.  This is why children cry when they are born.
Alexandra: OMG.  That gives you a whole new concept of birth doesn’t it?
COBRA:  It’s not a concept, it’s just a description of what happens.
Alexandra:  If that’s the case and it’s been going on for quite some time.  How many implants on average do people have? Is it for every incarnation.
COBRA:  Yes. Every incarnation and you get one and after you die if you manage to escape the Archons when you reach the higher astral planes and higher up, those implants begin to disintegrate.  Then you get new ones in a new incarnation.  This is mostly why people can not remember past incarnations and why they can’t reach their talents and access the wisdom of their past lives.
Alexandra:  You’re saying, our amnesia is in direct accordance with the implants.
COBRA:  Yes.  It’s a direct consequence of the implants and part of the archon plans.  If everyone forgets what they are here to do it serves the Archon purpose well.  This is the reason why people are asking what is their purpose.  They forget.
Alexandra:  What is the most effective way to remove implants?
COBRA:  The most effective way to remove implants is to get contact with your soul,  higher self, your soul.  Through meditation, Through contact with nature, through beauty, Through presence of love, other human beings, with source directly.  After contact with the soul is made the soul with start sending energy to dissolve the implants.
Alexandra:  Wow.  I’m kind of stunned.  Somebody else asked:  you know about the release of the book about the interview of the Roslyn crash.  Alien: Eril.  (Yes) She talked about this.  One of her comments was that even the archeological sites that are found and seen today are staged and produced by the Cabal to fill some of the historical information programmed.
COBRA: I would not say staged but the more challenging evidence has been suppressed or deliberately destroyed by the Cabal.  The process started about 100 years ago with with Rockafellers and Smithsonian institute and the network of all the Universities around the world.  The museums around the world has a connection with the Cabal and orders to suppress or destroy anything that challenges the version of true history.
Alexandra:  Interesting.  Back to where we were before – morgellions, virus inside chemtrails, 90% of the chemtrails have been brought to a halt by intervention.  What do you think about nano technology that’s been sprayed and we are exposed to.  Most of us or all of us have it in our bodies.  Do you agree with that and what can we do?
COBRA:  Nano technology is extremely dangers. If the Galactic confederation had not intervened,  humanity would not be exist now anymore.  Cabal had created very dangerous nano particle technology that Self-reproduce and multiply and would eat up every living organism. This has been prevented.   We here on the planet, the cabal still has been able to develop certain technologies, certain primitive forms of nano technology.  They have not been completely removed.  Any type of nano particles in them.  Do not use any creams, sun sprays of any types that has nano particles in them.  Educate yourself.  Find out which products that have nano technologies in them and do not use them.  They are very dangerous.
Alexandra:  Wow.  On to something financial.  People are writing in about the stock market.  Would this be a measure of the event taking place.  If it collapses is that a good element that the Event is actually happening?
COBRA:  This is a related.  The most likely scenario is the stock market will crash at the event.  Stock market and even the commodities market is completely unrelated to real economy.  It’s a fictional computer program at this point that has no basis in reality.  It’s super computers in complete control of the Cabal which plays the game.
Alexandra:  it’s an alga rhythm played on the computer.
COBRA:  Yes.
Alexandra:  What would you say to someone who has savings, retirement, inheritance, that they don’t have control over – in the stock market.  Will people be compensated.
COBRA:  They will be compensated I would say get out of the stock market anyway.
Alexandra:  One more question; there’s been a lot of concern of the radiation that has been spreading all over the planet because of Fukushima.  Do you have any comments on that.  Has there been any intervention to assist us in that area, and how?
COBRA:  Here I would have to agree with Fulford.  There has not been substantial leakage of radioactive from Fukushima.  The radiation is from the accumulated result from the nuclear explosions from the last decade on the planet.
Alexandra:  I’ve notice that UFO’s appear above these nuclear sites, the Pentagon, Scientology center.  Are they trying to neutralize the malevolent intentions?
COBRA:  They are monitoring the Cabal, they are monitoring  military and are ready to intervene if they need.
Alexandra:  Regarding radiation – go to my site and read a 10 minute clip on what you can do, both physically and nutritionally to neutralize the radiation.  Check that out.  I think we’re going to have to call it time.  Before we go – anything you wanted to say or make an announcement about.
COBRA:  Yes, we are creating a special web-site which is a platform to create an infrastructure on the surface of the planet that will prepare us for the Event.  When the web-site is ready I will post something on my blog. I will then give further instructions.  It will get pretty interesting in the next few months.
Alexandra:  Yes, and on top of that, we have the site up.  We’ve been working furiously behind the scenes to get this up.  We’ve been opening the doors to the healing community which does not mean you have to be a doctor or a nurse or a hands on healer.  It’s about keeping the time at the event calm.  if you’re interested go to  You can in-put your information in there.  Cobra – thanks again for all the work you do for the planet.  I really honor you.  I really love you. People look so forward to this.  We will be trying to do a catch up around the 10th of the month.  Catch up with all the questions that have come in. I appreciate your patience on this.  We were so buried after the conference getting the site up.  I have had limited time.  I apologize for that.  I thank you for your time.  I wish you all the best.
COBRA:  Thank you and I wish everybody a joyful day and liberation of the planet soon.
Alexandra:  Yes, we’re getting close. God bless.  Take care.
I want to thank DaNell Glade for her assistance and speedy delivery of this transcription. She has offered support with love and enthusiasm!  Thank you DaNell!
Copyright © Alexandra Silby-Meadors All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice link:
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Portal 2012: Cobra’s Liberation Meditation for Egypt – Today, July 26th, at 15:00 GMT – 17:00 Cairo time

Instructions Liberation Meditation for Egypt:
1. Relax your mind and body by watching your breath for a few minutes.

2. Visualize a pillar of electric blue Light emanating from the Galactic Central Sun, going through your body to the center of the Earth. Keep this pillar of Light active for a few minutes. Then visualize all negative entities around the Earth being removed from etheric and astral planes along with all their negative spiritual technologies and magical tools and all those entities being escorted into the Light by the non-physical freedom fighters of the Light. Visualize this process taking place worldwide peacefully and smoothly. Visualize the world finally being free from spiritual slavery, free from all evil Archons, Reptilians, demons, elementals and other negative non-physical beings. Visualize the vibration of the etheric and astral planes getting lighter and brighter until all dark beings are gone and only Light remains.

3. Visualize members of the physical dark Cabal, such as central banking criminals Rothschilds and Rockefellers, and other members of this Cabal such as Henry Kissinger, George Bush, the Jesuits etc.  peacefully surrendering and stepping down from their positions of power, releasing control over the financial system and the mass media. Visualize civil authority arresting  those members of the Cabal that do not wish to surrender. Visualize this process taking place worldwide peacefully and smoothly. Visualize the world finally being free from financial slavery, free from all evil dictators and corrupt politicians.
4. Visualize bright new future for humanity, with new and fair financial system put into place, with all debts canceled, prosperity funds for humanitarian projects released, advanced technologies introduced, ecosystem healed and human beings finally being free from all oppression. Visualize bright spiritual golden age with angels, fairies, dolphins, unicorns, spiritual guides and other beings of Light inhabiting etheric and astral planes. Visualize all wounds of humanity being healed, all humanity being inspired and guided with everybody having their own connection with their own Soul and the Source.

5. Stand up, lift your hands above your head and begin to rotate your body clockwise.

6. While doing that, sing mantra iiii (pronounced ee-ee) so that it vibrates throughout your body and visualize your body morphing into a brilliant pillar of Light, with millions of rainbow coloured stars scattered within that pillar of Light.

7. Keep singing the mantra and rotating.  After a few minutes, drop your hands close to your body and continue rotating clockwise.
8. While doing that, start singing mantra eeeaaa so that it vibrates through your body and visualize a rainbow vortex of Light expanding from your heart outwards throughout the whole planet. Call upon the presence of your spiritual guides, Ascended masters, Pleiadians, angels, twin souls, soulmates, soul families and other beings of Light. Keep singing the mantra and rotating and stay in the presence of all those beings of Light for a while. When you finish, sit down again, watch your palms for a few moments to reduce dizziness.

More about Liberation Meditations:
Liberation Meditation video:





Portal2012: Cobra’s Update – Liberation of Egypt – Important Update, July 25, 2013 – MAKE THIS VIRAL!

The situation in Egypt is reaching another tipping point on Friday, July 26th, the moment of the heliacal rising of Sirius and the beginnig of the New Year for ancient Eygptians.
In the past few weeks, the Cabal tried to interrupt the liberation process by infiltrating their mercenaries into Egypt, trying to trigger conflicts that would lead to civil war:
Mysterious snipers mentioned in the above article belong to a private mercenary firm Academi, formerly named Xe and Blackwater before that:
Blackwater/Xe/Academi is a Jesuit army, obeying the dictate of the black nobility:
The black nobility leaders (Pallavicini family) also control the Muslim Brotherhood:
You can read more about the real story of the Muslim Brotherhood here:

Now the Positive Military in Egypt has decided to remove them from Egypt. The Positive Military in Egypt has tactical support from the Resistance Movement, Positive Templars and the White Dragon Society. To make their move, members of the Positive Military need the support of the general population also. For that reason, general Sisi addressed the nation of Egypt, requesting people to protest against terrorists (namely Blackwater/Xe/Academi and some Muslim Brotherhood factions) on Friday:

When people of Egypt respond to his call, the Positive Military will make its move and remove the Jesuit-backed militias from Egypt.

To harmonize the situation and to bring more peace into the situation, the Light forces have requested that as many people as possible support the people of Egypt with our Liberation Meditation. This is time-sensitive and needs to go viral! We need to reach masses of people, so that the critical mass of people actually doing it is attained. Please post it on your websites and blogs. Scientific studies have confirmed positive effects of mass meditations on human society, so each of you that will participate in this meditation can actually save human lives in Egypt.

The meditation will take place on Friday July 26th at 5 pm Cairo time. Instructions for the meditation are here:
There is a very strong portal of Light opening on July 29th. You can see its astrological chart here:

The planets will form a six-pointed star formation, which signifies the return of Maat, the Egyptian cosmic Goddess of balance and justice.
The period between July 26th and July 29th represents a very important tipping point that will decide the destiny of Egypt and also to a great extent the course of events leading towards the Event. Egypt is a planetary key trigger point for the Event. Here the Light of Maat was extinguished during the Amarna period around 1340 BCE with the rise of monotheistic Atenism and here the Light of Maat will return now as the next phase of the return of the Goddess.
Therefore the Light forces have requested that we continue with our meditations for Egypt every day at 5 pm Cairo time until July 29th with special emphasis on July 26th and July 29th.
The events in Egypt will now quickly follow as the Egyptian army has given the Muslim Brotherhood until Saturday to sign up to the political reconciliation process:
The Goddess wants freedom for people and freedom will come!





The Event: Prepare for Change – by Dane, July 13, 2013


The Event is the Sunrise of the New Society


Earth and the inhabitants have been in 25,000 years of imprisonment and quarantine  similar to a black hole in which spiritual energy has been unable to easily come and go. We have been controlled and manipulated by the dark side – or as we call them, The Cabal. We are now to exit the black hole after 25,000 years of prison. Our planet is the last one in the galaxy to be liberated. This exit is the EVENT HORIZON, or THE EVENT.


THE EVENT will be a moment of breakthrough for the planet which will be physical and non-physical.

On the non-physical plane there will be a big wave or flash of Divine energy and light coming from the Galactic Central sun going towards the surface of the planet. (The galactic central sun is an object in the Sagittarius constellation.) It will be a flash or special kind of light from the Sun that permeates the earth and humanity. It will calm humanity in the light of love energy and end duality. It’s a magnificent energy not seen or felt before on earth. Everyone on earth will feel and know something has happened. It will be a surprise as to when it will happen, even for us. It’s never happened before. It will not be a major shock event, it will be a positive event.


On the physical plane there will be:

  • The arrest of the Cabal (already started)
  • The re-set of the Financial Systems
  • Disclosure – the release of Hidden truth/events including ET information
  • The beginning of a new fair financial system with prosperity funds for all.
  • NEW Government/Political system, Education system, Health care system, History lessons, etc. etc.
  • Awakening of humanity slowly and gradually to the existence of positive non-terrestrial races and our galactic connections.
  • Introduction of new advanced technology.
  • The release of spiritual growth and healing for every human being on the planet.
  • There is much, much more to look forward to.



What Can You Do “Before the EVENT”

We are about to enjoy both a non-violent liberation of the planet along with a bright and beautiful future for ALL of humanity.

Since we do not know the exact day, month, or year of the event (it will be soon), it would be wise to follow a few simple rules of precaution:

  1. Keep an extra 2 weeks of food on hand starting now.
  2. Make sure you and your loved ones have an up to date supply of any medicines that might be required.
  3. Keep extra cash hidden away at your home.
  4. Gas up your vehicle when the tank is ½ empty.
  5. Stay in touch with this website for updates.
  6. Educate yourself, friends and family members.
  7. Join one of the 6 task force areas – on this web-site and assist in the liberation of our beautiful planet.
  8. Get together in groups each Sunday and do the Planetary Liberation Meditation and focus on bringing in The Divine Goddess Energy. Info on


What to expect Financially “AFTER The EVENT”

Vision for New Financial System – Transition from the Old Financial System to the New Financial System.

The current Financial System is malfunctioning and is being replaced with a new financial system. Do not panic. This is a good thing. Your needs will be provided for. As with any major change, the first few days are always the most confusing. Since all major TV networks, Internet, newspapers, and radio stations will be broadcasting quality information about The EVENT you can expect to become more and more comfortable as the day moves along.


Joy and Positive  Feelings Will Link All the  Earth's People With Love



Below are instructions for the first 14 day

Day 1 – within minutes of THE EVENT happening
(The Divine Galactic energy pulse).

  • All banks will temporarily close – no access to banks for 3-7 days (up to 14 days).
  • All credit cards and ATM machines will be temporarily disabled (up to 14 days).
  • The reason for this is to cut off access of funds to the illegal owners of the central banks around the world, known as The Cabal.
  • Most businesses will be encouraged to stay open, and continue to accept cash and checks as they would in their normal course of doing business. Checks will clear as soon as the banks reopen. (1-2 weeks after THE EVENT).
  • If you do not have access to cash, and are in need of basic necessities which cannot be accessed through friends, family, community or emergency services, a voucher system will be set up in order to pay for goods and services.

This is not free money. This is basically a loan to you for up to $1000. which may be used from the day of the event for food, medicines & necessities until such time that the banks re-open. After that they become null and void, and you will be charged for the amount used. Businesses will be compensated for legitimate vouchers which they then can process through any bank. Those people who elect to use vouchers to purchase goods and services will be responsible for re-payment either through their bank, or as an offset against future earnings/compensations.

Day 2 – 14+

  • All currencies will still be alive
  • There will be a financial re-evaluation after the Event
  • There will be transparency accounting with banks that reopen.
  • Interest charges will stop.
  • Fractional banking will cease.
  • The IRS will be dismantled immediately.
  • All Banks with strong ties to The Cabal will be bankrupt.
  • The Federal Reserve will be dismantled immediately.
  • All debts will not be forgiven, meaning if you used credit cards to buy goods thinking your debts were forgiven, that will not be acceptable.
  • Food, shelter, and technology will be available for everyone.
  • No gold will be traded on the open market.
  • There will be no more homeless people.
  • There will be no more stock market.
  • Money in bank accounts will be frozen from reset to the new bank system (3-14 days). If funds were acquired legally, then the money will be kept.
  • The Cabal’s money is illegal and will be seized.

More Future Details to The Changes for The New Society:

  • The only tax will be 14% on new items purchased.
  • Humanitarianism will reign.
  • New technology will be released but electricity grids will be kept going through the conversion.
  • Everyone will receive $100,000 from collateral accounts.
  • Debts up to $100,000 will be forgiven. If over that amount, it will be analyzed. Real outstanding debt will be taken from that amount or if not enough, you will be advised to go into bankruptcy.
  • All countries debts will be forgiven.
  • Mortgages will be cancelled out.
  • Retirement accounts will be preserved.
  • Social security/retirement/health care will be changed; free health insurance will be provided for a new, advanced medical system.
  • The average work week will be 3-4 hours a day, 5 days a week.
  • Production costs will decrease.
  • All legal contracts will be respected.
  • The police force will be restructured for protection, not money collectors.
  • Common law will be respected – not distorted.
  • Most credit card debt will be cancelled.
  • Speculation will not be tolerated, and you can not rack up your credit cards now, expecting them to be cancelled out later without being on the hook. There is financial tracking.
  • Congress will close at reset. (Goes for all countries)
  • Most of Congress (U.S.) will be disbanded.
  • There will be new elections for Congress (All governments worldwide) within 4 months of RESET.
  • Monsanto, the corrupt part of Microsoft, will be bankrupt immediately. Same for other corrupt companies.
  • Most prisoners will be released and receive psychological counseling and training because they were forced to do things due to life conditions. Many will be released because they are innocent.
  • CIA operated drug trade will cease, and drastic restructuring will be needed.
  • When we are all fully ‘healed,’ we will stop eating meat (animals will be appreciated for what they are).
  • There will still be bankruptcies.
  • We won’t be able to have factories in China any longer.
  • Most Companies will keep operating.
  • Companies will buy back shares and give investors back their money.
  • The Resistance will help and advise.
  • The electrical grid will be intact, however when The Cabal goes down, we may have darkness for short intervals.

Visit Portal2012 and/or The Galactic Connection for more details of Cobra and his New Society Information.

Financial life after the “EVENT” will be vastly improved now that the bonds of debt illegally imposed by The Cabal are removed. Every person on the planet will have funds available for improving their lives.

For Further Study you may enjoy the website for The American Dream, a film about our financial history.  This is the best web-site to explain financial history. There is a lot to this site. The films are all linked on youtube.




Portal 2012: Cobra’s Update – MAKE THIS VIRAL! Event Support Groups, July 21, 2013


It has been requested from the Light forces that Event support groups begin to be formed on the surface of the planet.
Those groups will be the main nodes of the network of Light at the time of the Event and will stabilize the transition. Before the Event, these groups will hold the Light for the planet and train their members in preparedness. After the Event, these groups will assist the human masses in dealing with the transition by providing intel and counseling.

Event support groups need to be formed around the world in every country. Instructions for group formation:
1. Every Event support group needs to meet physically once a week at the same time, preferably in the same location.  Virtual meetings on Facebook or Skype are not enough.
2. It is suggested that every Event support group does the Weekly liberation meditation. Instructions for this meditation are here:
And the video here:
Therefore the best time of all Event support groups to meet is every Sunday evening.
3. It is suggested that members of every Event support group discuss their own preparedness for the Event and actively search for ways of contributing to the transition. Members of Event support groups can join our Renaissance, Technology, Financial, Leadership, Healing and Media teams here:
You can also join our translation teams to help spreading the message locally in your part of the world. Currently there are more than 200 people translating our message in 38 languages.
4. Existing Event support groups are listed here:
If you find your location listed and would like to join an existing group, you can contact our Prepare for Change team here:
They will connect you with the group nearest to you.  If there is no group close to your location, you can create one and inform our team of its existence:
You can also create a Facebook group for your local group to make its coordination easier.