The Portal: ‘September Monthly Update by Cobra…’ September 28, 2015

The Portal: ‘September Monthly Update by Cobra…’  September 28, 2015

You might want to listen to September monthly update Cobra interview by Rob Potter here:

The transcript is available at the same link.

The Youtube version will be posted here as soon as it is available.


You can send your questions to and many of them will be answered in the next monthly update interview.

As you can see, the world did not end in September, and things will appear to be business a usual until the final breakthrough. The supermoon eclipse was beautiful though and I took some pictures of the partial umbral phase:


Of the first contact moment of totality:


And of the total eclipse itself:




‘September Waves-Moving into 5th Dimensional Consciousness…’ by Diane Canfield, September 13, 2015

‘September Waves-Moving into 5th Dimensional Consciousness…’ by Diane Canfield, September 13, 2015

New Wave Energies, Visions, Light Columns, Jumping Timelines… by Diane Canfield

As we mov


e into 5th dimensional consciousness everything becomes more clear and we start to see the connections in all things. Many of us are already there, in 5D consciousness, the body still in 3D. As we transform our ability to LOVE is magnified and we become ONE with the Creator who is pure Joy and Love. This is how it begins. I have listed below some messages of higher awareness to uplift and refresh the vibration of the planet at this time.

Recently I received a vision of other realities and other people I knew here in 3D, some even family members. We were working on a project in another timeline of reality while simultaneously being in this reality. I completely understood what we were doing while there, yet when I came out of the vision the clear understanding was not as clear. This is what happens when you jump from one timeline to another. It involved activating and turning on a row of machines that were blue and there were many of these all in a row. They did not look like nor were shaped like machines that exist here, I hesitate to even use the word machine, activators is a better description.
As we were activating these machines, we were told “be careful, we need to turn them on now and they are not to know”. I was more than happy to do these activations in this other reality, it was joyous for all. When we were told, they are not to know they meant we in this reality are not to know what goes on behind the scenes, Yet they did not count on me remembering 🙂 This is our higher selves are in another reality calling the shots on this one, helping us out. Each reality is connected to other ones. We can cross these realities when our vibration is high enough or get glimpses into them and their workings.

As quickly as I was there, I was just as quickly back here. These are the spontaneous jumps into other timelines that are now occurring due to the recent increase in energies and Waves that I have talked about now occurring. These are 5th dimensional consciousness WAVES streaming in for us now to participate in and become ONE with.

For those of you who read my recent articles about the NEW Waves and the LOVE Waves coming in, we had 3 waves in 2 days time. This is a highly unusual occurrence so I was quick to get the information out to everyone. I knew it was and is still very important. It is so important because the first waves have come in and now we are in anticipation mode for the next LOVE Waves of the 5th dimension.

As I have tracked upgrades and downloads for years now, there is usually a rest between waves. This gives us time to recharge and adapt to the new energies coming in. We had a one two and three punch with these new energies and now things have settled down for transformation within the light body transformation.

We do not receive Waves everyday. This would be too much for the human body to handle. As we transform into the light body this is happening slowly and with care. We can get upgrades everyday but they won’t be as intense as a wave that is packed full of DNA changing molecules. We need time in between huge waves to integrate them into our bodies and consciousness.

Now that we are in September, these waves have changed and we may get more and more back to back as we did last week. To prepare for these waves of enlightenment it is very important to be able to receive them with no fear or resistance. We must completely surrender to them and become one with the upgrades that are transforming us into higher beings of consciousness. I talk about getting into nature as much as possible during this time below and clearing our schedules as much as possible. I have cleared my schedule of all services for the month of September just for this reason. My complete focus will be on service to others by transmitting ALL Waves as they come in. I will be reporting on all messages that come to me also through psychic awareness.

As we progress in consciousness through these Waves, DNA transformations and upgrades, these jumps into other timelines will become more frequent. This is something that is actually normal within the human consciousness. To perceive more than a 3D human. This is part of what evolving is all about. Completely what the Ascension process is about. This is the NEW energy that is brought in through these NEW waves. The ability to perceive so much more of reality while our body is still in 3D yet our consciousness has moved out of 3D and into 5D.

Happening at the same time as our Ascension, the magnetic field of the earth is weakening. This has been going on for some years. The weakening is usually preceded by a geomagnetic pole shift, the north and south poles change positions. The magnetic fields also affect humans and their emotions as well as our physical bodies as they weaken. Ear ringing and other anomalies are experienced. We have a feeling of time speeding up or slowing down due to the weakening of the magnetic shield around the Earth. As these time anomalies take place this weakening also affects the Schumann Resonance of the earth. This resonance is called the Heart beat of the Earth and humans beat at the same rate as the Earth. As the magnetic field has been decreasing the rate of the Earths heart beat has been speeding up. The Earth’s heartbeat was at 7.3HZ but it is now believed to be much higher.

The weakening magnetic shield and pole reversal that is in process leads us right into our Ascension. These are connected, as we all know everything is connected. There are no coincidences. Everything happens for a reason. Yes, everything. It is all orchestrated by our higher selves and the Creator. For we are also Master Creators and many are just now finding their True mastery of power within. It was there all the time 🙂

As we experience these higher vibrations through these new Waves we can experience more contact with higher dimensional beings, we well as visitations. I have had frequent visitors from other dimensions since 2000. I have ongoing visits with many different races all belonging to a group called the Advanced Council of Planetary Light. Many now will be able to experience this themselves as these new energies raise the consciousness of all beings Many will now start to experience things they could only dream of in the past.

Pleiadian Message
Today a new transmission came in from the Pleidians who I have an ongoing dialog with. They are part of the Advanced Council of Planetary Light. They, among other Star Races, help us with our Ascension and transformation. This message is directly related to the Waves we are receiving and transforming to 5th dimensional consciousness. The message:

Switch consciousness over to Earth Consciousness and out of 3D. Stay with Earth as she transforms.

What does this mean? It means come out of the matrix and get back into nature as much as we can. NOW. The Pleiadians are specifically talking about the Schumann Resonance and Ascension as I mentioned above. As the earth shifts, so too we shift and we must be ONE with her as she shifts.

Here are some of the ways to become ONE with Gaia:

• Ground, ground and ground again. Check my website for my grounding for Ascension under the video tab.
• Go into nature as much as possible and meditate or just sit still and listen.
• Know that there are nature spirits, devas and fairies that most can not see but they are there specifically to help humans. Do not be surprised with the frequency increasing if you are now able to see them.
• Get near water, flow with the water vibrations and sink into its cool vibrations. Water is out of this reality so it has a no time affect on our bodies. It is a great electrical conduit for psychic abilities and other timelines to jump from one to the next.

Become ONE with earth again and all the creatures and we will meld hearts as the Waves of Love continue to come in and help us with our transformation.


( Not my photo)

Light Column
Last week I saw a light column appear surrounded by clouds on many sides. It appeared and went upwards as far as my eye could see. Again I was given a glimpse into the 5th dimensional world we are moving into. As we become 5th dimensional we can ‘see’ more of reality.

Strange Sounds
The sounds heard around the world now are the Earth’s frequency rising into the 5th dimension. I have had my own experiences with these sounds, hearing them myself on 2 different occasions. They are directly linked to being able to become 5th dimensional beings.

Music of the Spheres
Music from higher dimensions is being heard now by many beings. This music comes to us from our higher awareness and is like a beautiful symphony being played. I have heard many different types but all beautiful. Be still and listen, this is the key. Tap into your 5th dimensional being and see, hear and feel what is rightfully ours to behold.

I love you all!
Diane Canfield
Spiritual Teacher-Psychic Clairvoyant Medium -Ascension Expert-Alien Face to Face Contactee
Copyright notice@Diane Canfield please include complete article when sharing including all links

“Wave X” Is Not A Mass Ascension Event, It’s A Step In The Entire Process Of Evolution…’ by Lisa Rising Berry, August 24, 2015

“Wave X” Is Not A Mass Ascension Event, It’s A Step In The Entire Process Of Evolution…’ by Lisa Rising Berry, August 24, 2015


As many of us know, there is a energetic event occurring and it will be increasing in the near future. I have been seeing what is known as Aether move in and around our planet for almost a year. This entire process is like baking a cake, as it occurs in stages, and not in just one big event. Right now there is so much talk about Wave X, and it is getting out of hand and unreasonable, just like in 2012. There are so many posts on the internet describing this wave as a mass Ascension event, and this is absolutely wrong. The original person that named and talked about this Wave X “event” NEVER said anything about mass Ascension, and his knowledge which is very based in science is being taken out of context. I am writing today to give you my take on what I have been seeing for many months now. My side is not from science, but from my clairvoyant ability and astral travels. I came here and walked into this body for the purpose of working on and making sure this planet was ready for the energy it is now receiving. I have been doing this since 2008.

We are in the very beginning of the Golden Age. In order or us to move into this new age of the galactic year, the slate needed to be wiped clean. This whole process has been like baking a cake that started around 2008, maybe a bit before. The first phase was to clean up the upper realms, and a lot of energetic work in the astral and etheric levels was done. My co-host and I did a radio show on this. The majority of this work was done between 2008 and 2013, and I have memory and written record in my personal journals of what occurred. Now, the stage was set for a clean state to be created, and the void of creation was brought to the planet. It was the black Genesis energy, better known as Aether. This occurred at the end of last year. The Aether moved in and covered our entire planet.

Aether is the 5th element and is a black and purple color, and I have written quite a bit about this subject. I saw this move in on the astral during one of my experiences there and wrote about it. This huge event went mostly unnoticed, except by one other clairvoyant writer. I am sure a few others noticed, but I am unaware of who has the astral eyes to see this. The next phase was for the black purple Aether to turn a bright Gold, which it did around April of this year. The Aether transformed into Azoth, also known as fire water. This amazing element has not been experienced on this planet for thousands of years. It is the element of the Golden Age. It represents everything in infinity, which is why the first letters are A and Z. The beginning and the end, the Alpha and the Omega.

This year is a 8 year…the year of infinity. I also wrote about this…. So, 2015 was the perfect year for the energy of Azoth to make it’s appearance. The last thing that occurred I have not talked about for fear that most will not understand or will think I am nuts. Our entire universe and beyond moved to a completely higher level of existence. The easiest way to describe what happened is to picture us below an energetic plane of energy. This is where we have been for thousands of years, this is where we fell too. We have been living in an upside down world, where things just don’t make sense…violence is entertainment etc…. Now, that the Azoth is present, we moved above that plane and we are in a new neighborhood. It will take some time for all of this to filter down into our physical world, but it will happen. Our reality is shifting to a right side up view.

Now, this brings us to what has been called Wave X. This “wave” is one of many huge increases that we will experience now that we have moved above the plane. What is being called X, is just the first. Each age in a galactic year last for about 2 thousand years, and this is the first major increase. You can image how many will occur in the next 2 thousand years! But for us, since we have been living in an upside down world, this first one is the biggest. We have been in darkness and deep density for too long, so any increase will be huge. I don’t like the word wave, because it makes it sound as though nothing was here and now the wave brings it all. We are receiving an increase in what is already in place. It’s the next step in our cake baking process. The Azoth will be turned on for the first time by the sun’s rays. This is what is being called Wave X.

This will not create a mass ascension, rapture etc… All will receive this turned on energy of the Azoth, but not all will be able to use it. Azoth is a equal opportunity employer, but you have to work for it. If you have done your physical inner alchemy then your body will vibrate at a level that will turn on your dormant DNA that will give you the ability to obtain “gifts”. These gifts are just new ways of living, it’s evolution. People when they are ready will learn how to see clairvoyantly, and will see beyond the veil, they will see the Azoth for themselves, which is like seeing God. It’s the best I can describe it from my experience. The other clair abilities will follow, such as clear smell, hearing etc… Other new evolution abilities will include levitation, creating and manifesting from the Azoth and many more. Each “gift” vibrates at a different frequency, and as you raise your vibration each one will be flipped on. Now……it is entirely possible for someone to have one or more of these dormant abilities turned on and not realize it. Once it has been turned on, then it is your responsibility to learn how to use it, and this take practice. Again, you will get out of this new energy what you put into it. No one will do it for you. Many will live here and die here without knowing what they have received. Unfortunately this will occur until we are farther into the Golden Age. So, don’t be expecting your neighbors to be manifesting items from the Azoth like you may be able to. We will still need to continue to live from our hearts. Which is a requirement for these gifts to be used in the first place. You can not create anything wrong when it’s done from the heart. Your heart does not know duality, only the mind does. If an individual is still stuck in the dramas of the mind, they will not obtain the higher abilities such as manifestation.

Will this Wave X event create a global awakening….yes and no. Yes, all will receive this energy, as all are ready for it…yes, it will force them to see things differently…will they be at the same level instantly as those that have read this article to the end? No…. Will those of us that have been working hard on our inner alchemy be ascended to a higher location to live free from those not as far on the path? No…. We are all Gaia’s children and she loves all of us, we will still be expected to co-exist and assist those that are just “waking-up”. Being of service to others is why you are here, especially if you read this article in it’s entirety.

Much love to all,

Lisa Rising Berry

Archangel Michael: “The Path of Ascension Is the Path to Freedom…” Transmitted Through Ronna Herman, LM-09-2013

Beloved masters, after you came into your individualized consciousness, realizing that you were a Divine Spark of the Supreme Creator, the ALL THAT IS, you were programmed with the knowledge that you were predestined to journey forth into the great unmanifested void as an emissary of Light. Your Divine Mission was encoded deep within your Immortal Soul-self, as well as within your Sacred Heart Seed Atom. You, along with all the other “awakened Sparks of Self-awareness,” were destined to experience all the wondrous diversity of creation for the Creator, our Father/Mother God, and all the great Beings of Light, whose predetermined mission mandated that they would remain in the higher, rarified realms of Light.

We tell you this because we wish to impress upon you how ancient and complex you are. You came into this lifetime with a wealth of knowledge and a rich, composite lineage encoded within your DNA, your cellular structure, your mental and emotional bodies, as well as an extensive chakra system of virtues, qualities and talents. You may have wondered why the members of some families can be so different physically, mentally and emotionally when, from an earthly point-of-view, they came from the same parents and lineage. The lineage of your physical family in this lifetime is only a minuscule portion of your vast history and priceless heritage–of who you truly are.

You have separated your consciousness or fragmented yourself millions of times in order to experience the great diversity of Creation, and you have also reunited with many of the multiple facets of yourself more times than you can count. Each time you did so, you added more complex information and unique experiences to your memory bank. The farther you moved away from the perfection of the Supreme Creator, and the deeper you moved into multi-dimensionality, the denser and less perfect your creations became, for you had less pure Light substance to work with. Therefore, there is no blame and there should be no feelings of guilt and failure, for each lifetime was designed as a carefully planned learning experience. However, this round of Cosmic Creative Expansion is now coming to a close. It is now time for you to reclaim your Self-mastery and the ability to create things of beauty and harmony in accordance with the original, higher-level Divine plan.

Now that you are aware that you have the power to tap into an unlimited supply of pure Cosmic Life Substance–the Love/Light of all Creation–what are you waiting for? The rejection of your Divine birthright is a travesty, and your Higher Self will not relent in its nudgings to help you awaken and reclaim your royal heritage. You, the Star Seed Souls, who are leading the way in the ascension process have reached the furthermost point in your journey of separation, and once more you are deeply immersed in the process of reunion with and integration of the many facets of your Divine Self which are scattered throughout this Sub-universe.

When you begin to comprehend the true process of creation, your reality immediately expands into a broader perspective. As a master-becoming, you will learn to become non-judgmental as you endeavor to developsilent detachment. Over time, you will develop a feeling of being disconnected from everyday drama and events. A master speaks less, listens more carefully, and maintains a detached attitude from what is occurring around him/her. You are to seek the serenity within the Sacred Heart. Therein resides your center of Power and Divine Will.

No matter what station, circumstances, or level of awareness you incarnated with in this lifetime, deep within your Soul-self there has always been a burning desire to integrate the many facets of your Beingness, even those facets that resonate to lower frequencies than those you carry in your current earthly vessel and within your auric field. These are the addictions, false truths and concepts that you have accepted as your own, along with various deep-seated feelings of dislike, vengeance or judgment that you have created in your many earthly experiences. However, they must first be healed and harmonized so that they can be filled with Light. In this way, you will not have to experience the discomfort, the challenges or the karmic interactions of these past third/fourth-dimensional experiences, for that is the old way. As you allow your Divine Self to OverLight and guide you, more and more inspired thought will come to you. There are many ways to allow Spirit to manifest through you; just let it happen naturally, dear ones. What makes your heart smile and your Soul sing? What brings you a deep sense of inner satisfaction? How do you wish to serve? There are many ways, and you have many talents (more than you will acknowledge); however, the choice is always yours as to whether or not you wish to develop and make use of the latent gifts with which you have been endowed.

It is imperative that there be Masters of Light / Warriors of Spirit ready to step into leadership roles–those who are willing to boldly lead the way into the new realms of existence that have been prepared for ascending humanity. Are you willing to step to the fore? Are you among those who are ready and willing to guide and direct, to steadfastly hold the focus of the new vision–the new Divine Blueprint for Heaven and Earth–and then to see that it is manifested for the highest good of all?

Remember, my brave ones, you must draw your cloak of invincibility around you; you must strengthen your resolve and raise your consciousness above the barbs, seeds of doubt and criticism that will be projected toward you. The masses are still bound by the repressive world of duality and the physical form. As their Souls begin to stir and nudge them to awaken, the chasm between the third-, fourth- and fifth-dimensional awareness will widen. As a result, the energies of resistance, resentment, and rebellion will be spewed forth by those still firmly in the grip of lower frequencies of negativity, limitation and a sense of helplessness. They will experience great fear of the changes taking place. They will resent being pushed out of their comfort zone, even if it is a reality of restriction and suffering. They will attempt to discredit and malign you, but you must not waver. You must stand firm in your integrity, not judging, but radiating loving energy toward all, and taking the stance of a master by blessing them, and then moving on to more fertile fields. Be aware that changes are occurring at the deepest cellular level in every species on the Earth plane–no one or no thing is immune to the higher frequencies of Creator Light that are bombarding and penetrating into the deepest core of every person, the Earth and all creation.

While in a human form, you do not leave the first four dimensions: mineral, vegetable, animal and human planes of consciousness. You must balance and harmonize them back into the designated frequencies of harmony and balance in order to tap into the higher planes of Light. The universal laws of manifestation will only allow you to integrate the energetic vibrations of higher dimensions as each lower sub-dimension is returned to the appropriate, harmonious, frequency patterns. Learning to live consciously will require much discipline in the beginning phase; however, as time passes, you will find that your mind-set has expanded into a more in-depth awareness of what is going on around you and within as well. Leaving the old world behind can be bitter sweet. Remember, you are not coming to a dead end–you are stepping through a portal into a new beginning. You must decide what you wish to take with you into your new world, and you must discern lovingly, but firmly, what you must leave behind. As you expand your consciousness and tap into the wisdom of your Sacred Mind, where the higher frequencies of God-consciousness are stored, your reality will change very quickly. The vital concepts of the ascension process are what we have been explaining to you over these many past years as we gradually conveyed to you the various teachings and techniques of Self-mastery.

As many of you who have faithfully followed our teachings are aware, each dimensional environment resonates to a specific range of frequency patterns, with each higher dimension vibrating within a more refined octave range. As you made your journey into the void of outer space and into the lower dimensions, to some degree, each level resulted in a separation of consciousness from your Higher Self. In other words, within your mental body, the frequency patterns for each level of consciousness (or dimension) were stored in what we have termed Light packets of wisdom. These were encased in membranes of Light or a veil which restricted access to the various higher dimensional awareness levels until you were, once again, resonating to that level of consciousness. It is time for the veils of unconsciousness to be lifted, beloveds, so that you can remember the vastness of who you are, the grand experiences you have had, and the bright future that is before you.

Consciousness/creation/manifestation in the higher realms are fluid and malleable, and are redefined and reconstructed at each higher-dimensional level in order to be compatible with the vibrational patterns of that reality. This is the process that is taking place on Earth, and within and around each human Being on the earthly plane at this time. The more rigid, fearful and resistant to change a person is, the more difficult the transition process will be for him/her. Beloveds, you must be willing to let go of those things in your life, which include relationships as well as material things that are no longer compatible with your new State of Being. You will find, as you move swiftly forward and upward on the path of ascension, that whatever you are leaving behind will be replaced with people and things of a more refined level, which will be much more meaningful and important in your future existence.

It is important that you have a good understanding of these advanced concepts, what they mean and how they affect all Creation in this Sub-universal experience. It behooves you to seek out and study this information until it is firmly imprinted upon your mind. As you return to Self-mastery and, once more, fully assume your role as cocreators of a new galactic experience, it is vital that you have a comprehensive understanding of the universal laws and how to effectively use your allotment of Adamantine Particles of Creator Light. As you release the imbalanced, restrictive life patterns, thoughts and actions of the lower densities, your journey into the higher realms of Light will automatically accelerate.

You can monitor and determine what kind of thought forms you are radiating forth from you by the people you draw into your awareness. Are you experiencing a lot of negative feedback or interaction with those around you? Are you still allowing people to take advantage of you in order to feel worthy? When you share your gifts of abundance and awareness with others, how often do you feel harmonious and loving afterward? How often do you feel resentful or exploited? We have stressed many times before, “It would be better to not do something for another person than to do it for the wrong reason.” Remember, it is the vibrational patterns that you are projecting that determine the rightness of an action, not the action itself. In the process of returning to balance and harmony, there must be a balance in everything. There is an energy exchange in every thought you have and everything you do. If you constantly give to another person without receiving some kind of positive energy exchange in return, an imbalance develops which soon manifests as resentment or guilt, and often a sense of superiority or inferiority. It becomes impossible to radiate unconditional love to another person under such conditions.

You must learn to enter the silence of Self in order to connect with Spirit. Your Higher Self and God Self are waiting for you to tap into the magical Light stream of Divine consciousness. We sense the yearnings of so many millions of dear Souls who wish to communicate with their Higher Self and with us. We tell you it is not nearly as difficult as most of you believe. All you have to do is state your intention and then practice going into the silence and stillness within so we can clear the pathways and strengthen the connection that is already there–a connection which has atrophied from mis-use or non-use.

We often give you new information that must be accepted or rejected via your gift of discernment. If it is to be accepted as your truth, it must be fully understood and assimilated in order to become a part of your philosophy of life, and then it must be put into practice. It is also important that we convey to you the practical applications of our wisdom teachings so that you will have a good understanding of the cause and effect situations that can arise as you strive to integrate each new level of awareness. Never forget, the mind can be a competent servant, but without its connection to the Sacred Heart, it can be a controlling and destructive master. That is why it is imperative that you gain access to, activate and empower both the Sacred Heart and the Sacred Mind.

We have taught you how to pray without words by radiating unconditional love to humanity, the world and all creation, and when you add to that thoughts of gratitude and appreciation for all the blessings that have been bestowed upon you, you are praying in the most effective way possible. As your Sacred Heart comes to life again, it will become more sensitized to the Adamantine Particles flowing into and from your Solar Power center.

You cannot know or feel our Father/Mother God or the Creator through an idea or a nebulous thought or theory. It isn’t enough to just know or think about God, you must feel the Essence, the overwhelming love of the Creator within your Sacred Heart Center. Then there is no doubt within your mind that you have reconnected with your God-Self and the Oneness of all Creation.

These are times of great change, beloveds, and you are in the midst of an accelerated process of joining with and integrating the many facets of your Divine Self. Know that the challenges, tests and opportunities before you will bring rewards beyond anything you can imagine, and so do not be afraid to step out of your comfort zone as you reach for the stars. Accept your cloak of radiant Light, for you have earned it. Follow your own path and do not fear being different from those around you.

Call on us and we will guide and assist you in every way possible. Be bold and steadfast, my brave warriors of peace. Know that I am with you always and you are loved profoundly.




Transmitted through Ronna Herman * Copy freely and share. However, I claim the universal copyright for this article in the name of Archangel Michael. WE OFFER ARCHANGEL MICHAEL’S MESSAGES ON OUR WEBSITE AS A GIFT; HOWEVER, WE DO APPRECIATE YOUR DONATIONS TO HELP DEFRAY OPERATING EXPENSES AND POSTAGE FEES FOR THE FREE LOVE PACKETS WE SEND AROUND THE WORLD.


SaLuSa from Sirius: “Keep your focus on Love and Light and all that they represent for you…” via MADAD, August 30, 2013




With September coming we feel your vibrations rising still, and also Mother Earth is ready to welcome you within her new higher reality. Your Sun seems to be shining more brightly than ever, as you are allowing yourselves to see the energies entering your world and your bodies. Look around you and you will see that the colors are more vibrant than month ago, and this is not due to coming autumn or weather change, it is happening to you, and your vision is being cleared no matter on which part of your world you are living. Enjoy this beautiful colorful sight and know that you are moving towards your desired destiny. This month will be very intense for you, and we already feel the excitement together with you, as with your inner changes comes also the outside changes, almost hand in hand because due to your powerful intention and wish for change, nothing is able to stand in the way. Realize this simple truth and you will see it happening faster than you have ever imagined. You already know that some changes cannot happen overnight, and you always need to trust your inner guidance as only it can show you, what is the best way to act in coming days.

Some of you have already experienced their wishes coming into fulfillment instantly, and we want to assure you that also those big ones are ready to be fulfilled. Keep yourselves in this wonderful higher state of mind and feel your true connections to life and family and let your body and mind be open to ever flowing energies that became part of your daily life. You might still wonder that also when you are not in meditation, you are still able to feel them, stronger each day, please know Dear Ones that you have been able to release all that old which kept your mind thinking, that you are still part of 3D reality and thus unable to be connected to us whenever you wished. But your intentions so very strong have helped you to transform yourselves to the Beings of Light that are ready to step into the next phase of this wonderful and unique process of Ascension with the very body that you are now in. Always think of your body with love, as it is enabling you to feel all these incredible energies and connections that are intensifying each moment. You need to adjust to these higher energies, because in higher realms you will be surrounded only with uplifting and loving energies of such great intensity that you are just beginning to feel and accept right now. You understand now that all the time passed was needed to prepare yourself for this.

Keep your focus on Love and Light and all that they represent for you, as we so often remind you of, and you all will feel and see the joy and happiness entering your lives either suddenly or slowly bit by bit, according everyone’s free will and choice and please know that it will stay permanently with you if you wish that so. We also remind you that this was not choice of every Human currently on Earth, as some feel not ready to let Love inside and you should accept their wish with the knowing that when they are prepared, they might call for your help, and know it would not matter where you are, you will hear them. Share your love with all, as you are not fully aware now whom you can help only by smile or few warm loving words.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius and we are very happy to see that you are accepting our energies as your own, that is what they truly are, as we are your Family and we clearly see and feel that you really feel this and including us within your reality. We are sending you our love and enjoying these moments as much as you are.


Channeller: MADAD
Webpage: SaLuSa in Love and Light


Part 188 – Mother God Tells of the Reptilians Who Lived Among and Within Us, via Kathryn E. May, August 28, 2013

Kathryn E. May

Kathryn E. May

It is very difficult for us to speak of the dissolution of the Reptilians who did not agree to come to the Light, to come back Home to us.

They were our children, all, and we loved them with all our hearts.  It is a very sad time for us.  We are in deep mourning as a result of their decision to be returned to Source rather than being restored to the loving, creative beings they were born to be.

The Reptilian race was an ancient creation, born in the Orion star system long ago.  They are powerful beings in their ability to feel deeply, as we do.  Their qualities are indeed an important part of your human make-up; there has been some combining of your genetic qualities.

Many of those who refused to be restored to wholeness, to have their DNA reactivated and restored to the state they were intended to be when they were first created, were the original children of Orion.  They were ancient souls, by your standards, the children of our hearts.

I am Mother God, and I gave birth to these Ones, just as I gave birth to all of you, my precious children.  It was our greatest hope that you, our powerful Creator Race, would be able to not only defeat the Reptilians in your midst, but to also show them the way to the Light.  You did succeed in preserving many of those who tried to take you over, to inhabit your bodies.

Many of you who came to this life with the burden of carrying a Reptilian entity within your bodies did so as a great sacrifice.  It was you who were able to provide the atmosphere of Love and Light which worked on them, little by little.  As you were able to sustain yourselves in spite of their dark and destructive actions, your influence on them was felt.  Gradually, as the energies rose on the planet and you became stronger and more able to withstand their interference in your thinking and actions, they began to change.  Your strength literally flowed through their beings, because they were attached to you in a symbiotic way that caused them to feel what you felt, and it worked to begin the process of reactivating their original DNA.

And so, many of the Reptilian children who had been lost to us were returned in the historic ceremony in which 999,000 passed through the gateway which Gabriella and Lucifer created to receive them.  It was a moment of great joy and great pain for us. Of course we had hoped to save them all. Your great work during this lifetime made this possible.  We will explain to you what your part was, and how you became the rescuers for these ones, your brothers and sisters who had gone to the Dark.

This last effort to rescue as many as possible was agreed to in our Councils with you and with Prime Creator long ago. It was a complex plan, because it involved a two-fold effort.  The Reptilians had to be convinced that their most powerful intervention would be to directly inhabit the bodies of humankind, rather than use their influence to bribe, threaten, manipulate and generally gain influence over you by violent means, externally applied.  You are familiar with their assassinations and torture skills.  They had been able to infiltrate governments around the world with their mind-control techniques and what you call black-ops systems to an enormous degree.

As you know, the systems of banking and finance had been completely corrupted by their philosophy of greed and self-interest, which was promoted as “freedom of the individual” and defined as honorable self-reliance and independence.  It was in fact, the evil agenda in fancy dress.  Their power had spread through secret societies and closely-controlled interbreeding within the powerful families who maintained their hold on their power by any means available to them; their preferred methods were torture and assassination.

Our dear St. Germain incarnated over a long period to try to dilute their influence and to lay the groundwork for the events which are evolving now.  He established the society which began as the Freemasons.  It was a powerful force for good in its early years, including many of the Founding Fathers who worked to establish democracy in America.  Unfortunately, it was eventually co-opted by the ones you call Illuminati.  We do not use this term because it implies Light; we prefer to refer to them as the Dark Hats.  You are also familiar with another of their Dark organizations called the Mafia, or Cosa Nostra, which infiltrated businesses and political organizations across the globe from the ground up.

Their power had spread to such a degree that it looked as if the entire political system in the U.S. and across the Western World was at the point of entirely succumbing to their influence, and the East was falling into their grasp through financial maneuvering and the influence of multinational corporations. Something had to be done to not only rescue the planet from their grip, but to also make one last attempt to rescue those of the Reptilians who would agree to leave the evil power structure and come to the Light.  And so our plan was agreed to, to make one last effort as Mother Earth fulfilled her own destiny to ascend to higher dimensions.

It was then determined that the only way to stop the march of the Reptilians to take over the world would be to convince them that there was a brilliant means of conquering those Lightworkers who had directly opposed them for generations.  That would be to infiltrate their ranks by inhabiting their bodies in large numbers and thereby weaken the ones who were their greatest threat.  It was a technique they had used in the past, but never enmass.  It remained to convince the Reptilian leaders that this was the reason they had not yet completely succeeded.

And so it was decided that the idea would be implanted in the minds of the most powerful Reptilians, and representatives of the Light would be sent in disguise to promote the plan.  This was a complex operation in itself, which will all be revealed to you when you raise your consciousness to higher dimensions where you can study the historical records of all the history of your planet and the Cosmos as well. For now, you can compare it to the cloak and dagger action movies you are so fond of, and know it was even more complex and intricate than The Matrix.

Eventually it was successful, and the Reptilian leaders began assigning their minions to inhabit the bodies of incarnating humans.  The great wave of Reptilian inhabitation began after the turn of the 20th Century, and steadily increased until August 22, 2013, at which time every last one of the Reptilians were removed from the planet.

The Reptilian invasion of human bodies was a success, but not for the Reptilians.  It caused an awakening in those who were experiencing the emotions and thought processes of the human they inhabited.  You see, it did have the effect we predicted.  Our Earth Children were far stronger, far more resolute and solid than the ones who had redesigned their genetic program.  They thought that by removing their capacity to love and to care, they would be stronger.  They were completely wrong.  It is the wondrous ability to love which is the great strength of humankind.

It was astonishing to the Reptilians who were trying to “possess” their human hosts that they could not defeat you.  They certainly tried.  It was a battle for the souls, the hearts and minds of both the host and the invader.  The wondrous thing was that neither was aware of this.  From the human point of view, it was a struggle to maintain balance, to keep going in spite of illness, fatigue, deep feelings of malaise, anxiety, and even despair.  For the Reptilian, it was a battle they had never expected – the gradual awakening of feelings they had great disdain for.

The great irony of this process was that the Reptilians found themselves in a place in their own culture which is similar to the discomfort many of you feel because of your greater sensitivity, your greater awareness of the feelings of those around you and your dedication to doing good work in service to others.  You are exceptional in your hard-nosed, competitive and extremely superficial culture – that culture which has been founded predominantly on Reptilian attitudes and beliefs.  And so, like you, they found themselves unable to tell their friends and family about the stirrings of their hearts.

Now it is time for the unfolding of a new way of thinking, a new way of organizing your lives.  Those among you who are the planners, the organizers and the designers will flourish.  Your skills will be needed in so many ways, as you work together to establish your new structures to care and guide your more evolved ways of living.  Teachers will be able to teach what they love, and testing and grading will be a thing of the past.  Children will learn the Socratic method from birth on, and the free exchange of information will excite and elevate all curious minds.

The gardeners and farmers will find new ways to enjoy the creation of glorious landscapes, without the arduous toil you are used to.  Inventors and scientists will have a field day working on new technologies to make life gloriously comfortable and fulfilling.  Mathematicians, physicists and astronomers will find their minds expanding to take in astonishing new concepts, where even the sky is not the limit.

It is possible, Beloved Ones, to live at peace with each other and with your dear Mother Earth.  You will return to the Eden of old, and you will find yourselves wiser, more loving and stronger than ever before. Most of the troublesome feelings and conflicts you experienced in the past will fade, as greater and greater numbers of you begin to discover your true nature as the Creator Race.  It will be a great relief and pleasure to you to learn how easy it is to be light-hearted, once the grinding Darkness is removed from your daily lives.

You are approaching your Graduation Day. We have called it Ascension, but it is truly a graduation from the old 3-dimensional life you have known to a wondrously Light and Loving experience unlike anything you have known in this incarnation.  There is a lovely September Song with the words, “Oh, the days dwindle down to a precious few, September, November…And these few precious days I’ll spend with you, these precious days I’ll spend with you…”




Enjoy your days, Dear Ones.  It is your preparation for what is ahead,

Your Mother God

Via Kathryn E. May, August 28, 2013, 12 PM. EDT

Listen to the recording of Mother God and Prince Reginald, leader of the Reptilian forces, as they tell the story in their own words, at, August 28, 2013.


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Portal2012 – Cobra’s Update for August 27, 2013: “Peace Portal Activation Report”

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I have extremely good news. We have managed to reach the critical mass! Many websites and blogs have spread the message and our Peace Portal activation video alone has reached almost one quarter million views in just a few days. Our collective consciousness at the moment of the activation has managed to strengthen the network of Light on the etheric plane to the point that the whole etheric archon grid is disintegrating fast and events will now quickly follow.
It has been requested by the Light forces that those who are so guided can continue with Peace meditation every Sunday at 11:11 pm Cairo time:
This equals 11:11 pm in Central Europe, 10:11 pm in UK, 5:11 pm EDT, 4:11 pm CDT, 3:11 MDT and 2:11 PDT. For other locations and other time zones, you can see this link:

The negative archon vortex on the etheric plane above Syria has disintegrated as a result of our mass meditation. This means that the Cabal does not have any massive energy support for creating a war in Syria anymore. Any foreign military invasion into Syria by the Cabal may now trigger an action by the Positive Military and actually start the Event. It is extremely unlikely that the Cabal will be willing to risk that, although they will most likely push the situation to the edge.
The etheric archons do not have any large scale geopolitical power of influence anymore after they lost the Egypt vortex last week and Syria vortex on Sunday. Now they are directing all their power to influence key people on the planet, such as members of the Cabal, people with financial and political power, people with media influence and also key light warriors and light workers. Whatever they do, they will not be able to delay their fall much longer.
September will be a very interesting month.