The Will to Heal – Lord Emauel Daily Message of Wisdom and Inspiration – 29th April 2013


Greetings Dear Ones!

It is I, Lord Emanuel and I AM come to be among you again this day. As always, I AM with you as you read these words, feel my presence, sense my presence, be open to receive my Love and my Blessings which pour forth from these words. Take a moment and really do it Dear Ones, take a moment to pause, be still, and be open to receive. Know that you are safe to do so. Relax, take a breath, allow me in, even if it is just for the time we have here, let me in, let me soothe you, let me heal you, let me take your burden from you, give it all to me and I will take it from you if that is your will.

And it truly has to be your will Dear Ones and here is a very important point that goes missed, something that is overlooked, is hidden and not in the conscious awareness of most and that is the will to be healed. For no further should you wander down  the path of healing if your deepest desire is not in line with what your conscious mind is aware of. Meaning, you can spend many long hours in healings, seminars, reading books and such, you can spend lots of your money on gurus and healers and all sort of external wisdom and advice but if you are not willing, if your will is not to be healed then it is all in vain. Well that is not strictly true, any path is never in vain but is richly woven, full of many lessons and experiences,  but my meaning is that it is in vain if your desired outcome is that of healing yourself. So many people go round and round and round in circles trying this method and that method, learning a great deal and having a very nice time and interesting time but no deep healing is taking place. The fundamental root of the problem is
not being addressed because the will to address it is not there. You have seen this in others, yes? And you may even see it in yourself.

What can I mean, the will is not there? Of course if a person has a problem, especially a specific physical ailment or condition, and that person goes for healing, they must want to be free of the ailment? No Dear Ones, this is not always the case. For underneath the radar of the conscious mind lies a deeper need for the illness or condition to remain. Often there is something to be gained from not healing.

Do you understand my meaning here Dear Ones? Sometimes, a person has many advantages to being ill. Perhaps there are many benefits and advantages to being this way. Yes? The biggest reason for this Dear Ones is avoidance of life in general. For
if we are too sick or injured or depressed or crippled by disease then we are ‘genuinely’ unable to fully express ourselves, unable to fully reach our highest potential, unable to be the best we can be to get out there and fulfill our dreams and our highest potential and let me tell you Dear Ones, every single one of you is capable of Great things, greater than your imagination will let you go to. There really are no limits to what you can achieve. This is the Truth.

And I have given you examples of physical illnesses Dear Ones, and while I remember, there is nothing wrong with that. There is absolutely nothing wrong with being OK with being sick or ill but perhaps it would be wiser to be honest with oneself about
it. However there is nothing wrong and there is no judgement in this, please do not judge a person for this, it is their right to live their way. So Dear Ones, I gave you specific physical examples but it runs much deeper and in much more subtle levels in all of us.

The blocks that keep us down, that keep us from living our truth, that keep us from limitless potential also keeps us ‘safe’ but it is not safe my Dear ones, it is comfort and there is a huge difference. These blocks keep us comfortable, even if that comfort is not comfortable at all!! Do you see my meaning? The blocks and the ‘stuff’ that we need to heal in order to move forward in life keep us comfortable and humans do not like to be pushed out of their comfort, even if what is waiting for them through the discomfort, on the other side, is Heaven on Earth!

My Dear Ones, are you willing to be healed? Are you willing to step into your true power and see your magnificent potential realised? My Dear Hearts do you want to  say yes to life, yes to freedom and yes to sovereignty and standing in your own  power? Yes?

Say yes to life and life will answer you faster than you can say the word. This is my Promise to you.

I AM Lord Emanuel and I Love you so much, God Bless each and every one of you.

I Love you.
Transmitted through Gillian Ruddy.
This message is a gift, please freely copy and share it. However, I claim the Universal copyright to this message in the name of the Ascended Master Lord Emanuel.
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