Jesus – You are also doing cleansing for humanity and the planet – by John Smallman, May 5, 2013


Here in the spiritual realms our pleasure is intensifying as the new energies flow across the Earth, connecting all of humanity to the divine field of Love more securely than has been the case for a very long time.  Because its connection to you all has become so strong it is practically impossible for anyone to remain unaware of it.

Of course, vast numbers of your sisters and brothers who are very deeply asleep still do not know what is going on, or what is causing the internal emotional upheavals they are experiencing.  Over-the-counter medications are not helping to suppress these unwelcome sensations, so they are having to address them, often for the first time.  Be patient, therefore, when you encounter people who are behaving strangely – angry, depressed, sad, exhausted – and be prepared to lend them an ear if they need to talk.  Otherwise, intend to send them love, compassion, forgiveness, and healing because it is what they need in the moment, and your intentions in this field are now very powerful.

You are all here to assist in the awakening process, as you very well know, but it still needs to be brought to your attention regularly and frequently, because many of you are also undergoing intense personal emotional cleansing that tends to distract you from the task you have taken on for this lifetime.  Effectively you are doing your own cleansing, and you are also doing cleansing for humanity and the planet, which is why you are so honored.

Quiet time alone in prayer, contemplation, or meditation needs to be an absolutely essential part of your daily routines, regardless of how busy you are – and we know that some of you truly are extremely busy.  While in that safe and quiet space – and you might be stuck in slow-moving traffic while taking that time out – just remind yourselves and say “I am Love,” because there is nothing else, and it need only take you a moment.  This is a very powerful affirmation because it is absolutely and undeniably true, as you know at the depths of your being, even if you to tend to discount it out of a false sense of humility.

This time on this day is the only time there is because, as you know, time is part of the illusion, so the only time that exists is Now!  For humanity experiencing life in the illusion, that statement makes no sense, and yet it is true.  When you wake up, you will move out of your awareness of time and the deadlines and limitations that it appears to impose upon you and settle into the eternal now moment where all that exists, all of creation is eternally present.  So that moment in the traffic jam, when you say “I am Love,” is the eternal never-ending now, when all that occurs does so.

By focusing on the now moment and on the truth that you are Love, inseparable from your Father, you effectively make the intention to awaken from the sleep of the illusion into the glorious brightness of God’s eternal day.  The illusion — an egoic idea to which you cling ferociously because it has convinced you that without your bodies you no longer exist — has only the power over you that you have given it, and you are very powerful beings.  Focusing on the now moment is a very powerful intention that helps you on your path to awakening, because it is You focusing on being fully aware of your divine nature, and during those quiet moments you will get occasional enticing glimpses of Reality.

Reality is your eternal Home, and you never left it.  However, you have done an extremely good job of convincing yourselves that you did.  That is a demonstration of the enormous, in fact prodigious power, with which your Father endowed you at the moment of your creation.  Within the illusory environment that appears to be your worldly home it is very easy to be distracted by the physical, by rocks and bodies and trees, because you look for and see their physical representation, and yet, as your modern physics has shown you, there is nothing physical: it is all energy waves or energy fields, temporarily frozen in time.  Frozen energy seems very solid, but physicality will dissolve when it no longer serves you, although the energy from which it is composed is everlasting. This is a very difficult concept to grasp as you observe so much death and decay all around you.  Rocks just take a little longer to dissolve or disintegrate than biological forms.

So Reality, the Home you have never left and to which you intend to return, is pure energy.  You know how powerful electricity can be when it is appropriately organized, or how powerful is the discharge from an electrical storm; well that is as nothing compared to the power of which each one of you is composed.  You are more powerful than a nuclear explosion, or your sun, or black holes.  You are infinitely powerful beings temporarily “on holiday” from Reality, and it is your destiny to awaken.  Your awakening is inevitable, so take time daily to remind yourselves of this, and let go of all the petty egoic distractions that tend to hold you to ransom. Embrace and share the Love that you are with everyone with whom you interact as you race towards Home.

Your loving brother, Jesus.





Jesus – There is a rush on as you all work overtime by John Smallman, May 3, 2013


Here in the spiritual realms, the realms where form is also possible but seldom availed of, we observe with joy and gratification the tremendous progress humanity is making as it collectively moves towards the grand awakening.  Yes, you really are moving most auspiciously and determinedly towards that exciting event, and you cannot fail to reach it.  Just continue to intend for humanity to awaken, and continue to hold love for humanity — every human without exception — in your hearts as you practice loving thoughts, words, and actions in your daily lives.

And when you think you have failed, as many of you berate yourselves far too frequently for doing – perhaps for instance because you reacted angrily or self-centeredly – forgive yourselves immediately and remake your intent to be loving at all times.  Dwelling with remorse on your apparent failures is an egoic distraction and drains your energy; it is basically an exercise in pursuing and embracing guilt which serves no useful purpose.  When a mistake has been made, correct it if possible, and then move on.

You are perfect divine beings having an embodied human experience, which means that you have chosen to experience limitation in knowledge, wisdom, intelligence, compassion, and love.  Consequently, you will make errors and do or say things that you later, or instantly, will wish that you had not.  Those are just lessons that you have chosen to learn, so note them and move forward.  Life in your limited state of consciousness is a little like learning to play a musical instrument: you have to put in lots of practice to reach an adequate stage of competence, and even when you have achieved the standard that pleases you and that you aim to maintain, you still need to practice regularly, and even then you will still make errors.  It is no big deal — it is merely life in the illusion.

After many lifetimes on Earth, humanity has collectively chosen this epoch as the one in which it will awaken.  There is a rush on as you all work overtime to release the remaining aspects of yourselves that do not serve a divine purpose, and make your final preparations for this grand event.  Whenever you feel that life is not flowing smoothly enough, that the stress and anxiety is getting to you, that you are too tired to continue, be aware of those sensations, remind yourselves that where you are is where you have chosen to be for your own highest good, and that you are in fact always and eternally a beloved child of God.

You are just having an unpleasant — terrifying, horrifying, miserable, relentlessly unsatisfactory (choose whatever adjective best suits the way you view your situation) — dream or nightmare which is coming to an end.  Then go to your place of inner quiet, that soft, safe space within.  Center yourself as best you can and ask your guides for help with the situation so that you can see it more clearly.  Add a positive spin to it or look for the humor in it (truly there is always an amusing side to practically any situation if you can stop taking yourselves too seriously), and move courageously and optimistically forwards.  You will definitely feel better after doing this.

Remember, you exist eternally within the field of divine Love which embraces all of creation.  Consequently, you can engage with it any time you choose to do so, and as a result of the new energies surrounding your planet and supporting each one of you, doing that is now much easier.  Re-engaging with it, for those of you who have been temporarily disengaged, is like starting to practice playing your musical instrument again after laying it aside for a while.  You have not forgotten how to play it, but you are a bit rusty and have to do extra practice to regain your accustomed and intended competence.  Love is your nature, and if you have not been practicing for a while then a little more focus is required.  Rest assured that you will, if you ask for it, receive an abundance of help from your guides or anyone in the spiritual realms on whom you wish to call, because our joy is to assist you in your awakening process.

To awaken is the name of the game for all of humanity.  The last stages of the game are at hand, and all the players are gathering together to encourage and support one another in these final moments.  All over the world awareness of the absolute need to treat everyone with respect, acceptance, compassion, and love is growing exponentially, and signs of that are showing up in the mainstream media.  Peaceful demonstrations to raise awareness, to raise consciousness of the plight of the suppressed, of the enslaved (yes, many are still effectively enslaved by unscrupulous and severely damaged “leaders”), and of the impoverished are occurring with increasing frequency and having a dramatic effect.

For instance the demonstrations against austerity in many countries where it seems that the rich get ever richer and the population pays, are causing the political leaders to step back and reconsider their options.  They have many more avenues open to them than they wish to acknowledge because they do not wish to publicize options which, if exercised, would reduce their power and influence. Nevertheless, economic policies that have constantly failed to level the playing field can be discarded and replaced far more easily than the leaders in this field are willing to admit.  And that is already happening.

The New Age has most definitely arrived as the new energies revive within each of you the aspects of your true selves with which you were endowed at the moment of creation: compassion, generosity, acceptance, forgiveness, and most of all, the foundation on which those all rest: LOVE!  Know that all is well, and give thanks.

Your loving brother, Jesus.




FIRST SIGNS OF PHYSICAL ASCENSION ARE HERE, Aluna Joy Yaxk’in with the Star Elders, May 2, 2013


 I was called to be on the Pacific Coast for the past 2 weeks, and I got very clear about a new experience which I have been having. This experience sparked this transmission from the Star Elders. I was told about this amazing time for many years, and, now that it is finally here, I still have a sense of disbelief and awe about it all. But myself, and others are having similar experiences in the last few weeks. The first signs of physical ascension are here.
Related Article . . . One experience I had about what it might be like when we go to the new world:

So . . . I was having these little episodes where I would find myself somewhere else, and then I was slammed dunked back into this world. This was not very fun by the way. It felt different from the dimensional shifts, OBE’s, astral travel, etc… which I have experienced in the past. It happened a few times over the course of the last few weeks. When I would come back, I could not remember anything, and thus had nothing to share as well. It was frustrating to say the least.

One day, while camping at the ocean’s edge, my partner Raphael and I, had a calling to go lay down on the sand. By the way, the sand in Southern California is silicon based and acts like an enormous crystal. We were both out almost instantly. It didn’t feel like I went to sleep. There again, I found myself in another reality that was not yet complete. I saw what I would call a description of myself anchored there. There were a lot of other things that I saw that I could not describe to you now.

Neither one of us knew how long we were gone, or if it was instantaneous. What brought me back into my body was a HUGE rush of energy that felt like it spun my brain around. I was massively dizzy, and it felt like I was going to fall off the beach. I grabbed a hand full of sand. This was followed with a huge rush of nausea. It was all gone in seconds. I opened my eyes and was confused to see where I was, and how long I had been gone. I didn’t move and tried to remember as much as I could. Then the Star Elders wanted me to share this message . . . because it is time . . .

From the Star Elders . . .
2013 is ground-breaking territory, a renaissance of sorts, in so many ways that one transmission will not graze the surface. Yet there is something newly emerging in the world that we want you to pay attention to. It is so subtle that you might have missed it . . . or it might have hit you like a huge spiritual surge. Either way, the first signs of this new cycle show us that physical ascension is already manifesting within this cycle that is new to us all.

These ascension experiences are similar to what others have experienced on their spiritual path. But what we are beginning to SEE now are not OBEs (out of body experiences), astral travel and dimensional shifts. All of these can have similar symptoms, but there is a big difference. Read more…





Méline Lafont ~ Grounding, manifesting and coping with those new intense energies of the eclipses, May 2, 2013



Haleluja, what a TIME!!  This partial moon eclipse is the hardest and most intense one EVER!  Do you feel it in your cells, your heart and entire body as well?  I am for sure!  I have been getting some messages from hearts that are a bit concerned about this entire shift at present and all the discomfort that is participating in all of this, as well as my own experiences and intense shifts, that I have decided to write about this and about grounding.


I know, we have been sharing a lot about grounding lately, so why is it that it keeps coming through and keeps being brought up every single time?  Well for me it is a clear message of how important this is in our Now moment in the midst of this all.  As Saint Germain explained quite well in his latest message (here), grounding nurtures you from the heart and spirit of Mother Earth as well and grounding helps us to manifest all we absorb and receive from our higher Spirit of Light.  So yes grounding is a part of our lives and can be very helpful too.


Grounding helps to manifest for example, manifesting all that you are and represent, all your creations and gifts..  But it helps you a lot during hard times as well.  When you are having a hard time in your life, in your relationship, work, family, friendships and so on.., grounding helps you to relax and become this state that you ARE.  It putts your feet back to the ground again on a literal way, and helps you to gain insights, inspiration and energy.  Grounding helps in all that you do and are in life.


I always been a floating type of person that prefers to be in the higher world and on a cloud as far up as I can, far away from all the disasters on this world, just feeling free and happy, in Love and safe on my little cloud up there.  But that made my life even harder at times because there is a big difference in those 2 worlds and falling back into the earthy plane always felt like a big crash into that reality, the one I always preferred to escape.


So I was teached to make it easier on myself by manifesting all that I AM and represent through grounding on this earth.  “As above so below”, so if I wanted to be and feel those things I felt while being above on my safe cloud, I just needed to be more grounded and bring it into life, my life.  Still I am often being reminded of grounding myself more, as Saint Germain does not leave me to rest with this topic and is coming in daily to say: “don’t forget to ground yourself, you need it and it is important now”.


He is been telling me this for quite a long time now and even the Archangels come in often telling me the same.  This is something that is the case for everyone and important for all of us right now.  My team and all of the Light beings have been stressing this for quite a while now and it became so clear to me as to why they kept on stressing this in messages.. Sometimes you need to experience something in order to understand it more and this is quite the case for many of you and us all at this time.


It does not matter if you are an Ascended Master or an Archangel, or a Goddess or a God Creator, an Elohim or Angel.. As long as you are forming a physical embodiment, all need to ground and ascend along with all of Humanity and Gaia in order to bring this Global awakening to completion.  That is why all are here for, to ground all that we are, all that we represent, all the Divine energies we receive and activate into manifestation on this Earthly plane in order to make this shift happen.  So whenever someone is telling you that grounding is not needed; think twice!


A few days ago my heart started to race again at a hard and quick speed that it was hurting my chest.  I felt light-headed and dizzy and an extreme hard pressure of high energies were pouring through my crown chakra, all wanting to come in at the same time (this is how I can best describe it).  AA Metatron came in with AA Michael, supporting me with this and taking some of the discomfort away so I would feel better and cope with it more while absorbing those energies.  I was laying down and trying to breathe calmly in and out, during this breathing I got a clear message to ground myself and drink water.  So I did.. As the matter of fact I had to ground myself like 5 or 6 times in less than 15 minutes in order to feel better.


This grounding really helped me to stabilize myself again very quickly, with the support of the Archangels and Saint Germain.  Grounding helped me to become calm and to canalize all these intense incoming energies right to the ground in Gaia her heart, so it could flow more through my physical being without me feeling as if I could explode.  Grounding gave a way for those transformational energies to move through me instead of building themselves up in my corps, giving me a feeling of being a ticking bomb that was about to explode.  So grounding offers you a way to cope with things more and make it easier on your physical body as well as on the mental body.


I am sure we all have quite an intense time at this moment and the ride is going to get intenser by the day! So please keep in mind to ground yourself always and as much as you can because you will be needing this in order to stay centred and balanced in your perfect being that you are by heart.  These last week I have experienced such grand shifts that my entire body was taken over in a sense, and that shocks went through me and even some parts of my body were just being moved without me doing this all.  That is how hard and intense we are being worked on.


I hope the importance of grounding makes more sense to you all now and I trust you will all be led to this guidance as well.  As a friend of mine always says: “make it a great one now” and SO IT IS.


Eyah Asher Eyah

Méline Lafont ♥



Copyright ©  by Méline Lafont. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy and distribute this material, provided the content is copied in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, and this copyright notice and links are included.  and





Archangel Michael on Core Vasanas and the Constructed Self by Steve Beckow, May 1, 2013 – Part 1 of 2

An Hour With An Angel

An Hour With An Angel


This week, we respond to Archangel Michael’s own request that we let him speak today on core issues, vasanas, and the constructed self. A second part of the interview on current events has been posted separately here.

An Hour with an Angel with Archangel Michael, April 29, 2013

Geoffrey West: Greetings and blessings to all. Welcome to another Hour with an Angel, with Linda Dillon, channel for the Council of Love and author of the book The Great Awakening.

Joining her this evening is Steve Beckow, founder of the website Golden Age of Gaia dot com and author of Building Nova Gaia: Towards an Earth that Works for Everyone.

I’m Geoffrey West, sitting in for Graham Dewyea this evening. I invite you to bring in Archangel Michael’s blue flame of truth and peace as we welcome Michael back again this evening. Michael will be covering issues relating to vasanas and the constructed self.

You can listen to the broadcast here:

With that, I turn things over to you, Steve.

Steve Beckow: Thank you very much, Geoffrey, and welcome, Archangel Michael.

Archangel Michael: And welcome to each and every one of you, my beloved friends. I am Michael, archangel of peace, warrior of love, bringer of news. And it is my joy, as always, to be here.

And it is my joy to see so many of you lighting up with the blue flame of truth, igniting it within your heart and allowing it to suffuse your mind, your will, your physicality and your entire being.

The topic that you have chosen, vasanas and the constructed self, is a topic whose time is due, which is why, of course, it is being brought forward — not only for the individuals, not only for each of you, my dear friends, but for the collective as well.

For there are individual vasanas, but there are also vasanas of humanity, triggers, belief systems, false grids that have translated into behaviors, actions, ways of being, that are not only not of love, but that are of disillusion; that are not correct or have any place in reality, either individually or collectively.

So it is a gift to each of your hearts, your minds and your beings that we speak of this subject, so that each of you may release and begin this process of release, of discovering and rediscovering the truth of who you are, which is not limited, or delimited, by history, by illusion, or by fear.

So my beloved friend, Steve, where do you wish to begin today?

SB: Well, Lord, I’m very excited about this discussion. And perhaps we could begin by your explaining for the listener what is meant by a vasana, and then perhaps making the distinction between what you just called a vasana for an individual and a vasana for the human population or the world.

AAM: A vasana is a behavior, a belief, a reaction, never of love — defensive, yes, but not of truth, that is, in general — and this is a difficult thing for an archangel to say! — based in the history of the individual, in the history of their mind, of their psyche, of their conscious, subconscious or unconscious, or that has been carried forward as bleed-through from another life, sometimes a life so long ago that it simply lives in the shadows of history.

And for some of you even those vasanas, those obstacles to who you really are, are not even based on your experience on Earth, but elsewhere.

It would be incorrect for any of you to think or believe that a vasana is only an Earth-based reality. You can carry it — in fact, many of you do — carry vasanas from other worlds, particularly from the time of the intergalactic wars.

It is a belief, and I suggest to you it is a false belief, but it is one that you hold as true, consciously or unconsciously — yes, what the channel refers to as false grids; it is the same thing — that prevents you, or encourages and supports you in behaving in a reactive rather than a proactive, free-will manner.

Now, you say to me, “Dear Michael, we have been talking about the blossoming of free will, about the alignment of individual choice, decisions, with the divine. And that is why I say to you this day is that this conversation is timely.

Because what the vasana does is it acts as a preventer from truly aligning with what your heart and your real being, your soul-self, desires. It divorces you from the truth of who you are.

And so what you do is you fall into patterns of behavior and action, and in some realm of limited creation and co-creation, that is reflective and reinforcing of that false belief, that hurt, that pain.

Now, we are not talking or discussing about a minor injury. We are talking about an event or a situation that has been so pervasive or so painfully traumatic that it has resulted in you basically putting up a shield. And while you have believed it is a shield of protection, it is in fact a shield that separates you. And it separates you, my friends, not only from each other and from us, but from yourselves.

So vasanas are, by their very nature, tragic; not sad, but tragic. So let us give you some examples so that each of you can relate to this.

In a current life, it may be that you were raised in a sexually, mentally, emotionally, physically abusive environment; that you came into a family that did not love you, cherish you, nurture you or even want you.

Now, how this has translated is into an issue of that love is not real, or that somehow you are lacking. So then you become a person who is always trying to either prove themselves, to discover your self-worth.

But more likely what you do is you begin to defend yourself against situations that might be construed, that are supposed to be, in your idea, that are supposed to be loving, but that you know, instinctively, because of the vasana, that you know it will be painful.

Perhaps you have had disability, or great injury, physical pain. And so the belief emerges that life is painful, that joy is evasive and perhaps not even possible, that hope is an illusion, that movement and creation of a different form of being in physicality is not possible. Perhaps you have been in a love relationship, or relationships, where your heart has been broken, time after time after time. And, my friends, that is even possible within the framework of one relationship, because there are times when this belief, this vasana, comes to the fore and you say, “Well, love is not supposed to be sharing and joyful and mutual; love is painful and hurtful and controlling and greedy.” And so what you do is you develop defensive behaviors.

Now, when we discuss this this night, it is important, my friends, and in this case my children, that you not be defensive, that you keep your heart wide open to not only hear what I say to thee, but also to receive what I give you this night, and that is the expansion of truth and the healing of love.

Now, there are also situations, as we say, they may be in the shadows of history. Perhaps you have always been in a situation of authority and so you carry this vasana of superiority, that you think from an ego place that somehow you are in charge not only of yourself but of others and of the planet. You have seen in history how awry that can go.

These are beliefs and situations that you have carried forward as illusions, but illusions to protect yourself. But in fact they do exactly the opposite. As we say, they separate you. They reinforce that feeling of separation, of lack of self-worth and self-love.

And it always results in your feeling less-than, even though the behavior and the reactive behavior becomes automatic and reinforced and reinforced, until you think, “Well, that’s just the way I am.” Well, dear heart, it is not just the way you are. It is the illusion, and the false illusion, of who you think you are. But your heart knows the truth of your divinity, of your divine spark of one.

So even when you are in, shall we say, the thick of a vasana there is still this part of you, perhaps only wishing, “I wish it could be different,” and that is your heart, your soul, your universal self, beckoning to you to let go of this issue, of this barrier that has been created.

Now, in terms of collective vasanas, there are some collective human collective vasanas that are also in the process of being addressed and removed, let go of. Such things — and you know that I am the archangel of peace — such as the collective belief in the essential rightness of war. There is a subtle belief that is a good-versus-evil process to engage in war. There is an overriding sense of righteousness. And there is an overriding sense of “must.” And so it is what we would refer to as negative creation.

And these are the kind of collective vasanas that have been very destructive and in fact have been the downfall of humanity and of the old 3rd dimension. Fortunately, they are being eliminated.

Another example of that would be the belief in the goodness of money. Now, this is a vasana of greed. It is a vasana that believes that somehow if you have wealth that you are essentially favored and good, and that you are in a preferred position not only vis-à-vis society, but vis-à-vis God, Source, One; that He/She has smiled on you because you are in a position to create.

But with that belief is also too often the collective belief that somehow the maintenance of wealth — which we would call greed, which we would call control — is somehow worthy, so that in your heart and your mind it justifies very abusive behavior.

Now, it is not that there is any divine restriction on abundance. Let us be very clear about that. It is the birthright of all to be abundant in every meaning and sense of the word. But to believe that you have abundance and money in order to control is complete illusion; to believe that somehow it will justify cruelty and abuse of power, and that somehow you are entitled to do that because it is necessary to preserve your favored position — and that is a collective belief — is incorrect.

Now, these are being dissolved, destroyed, eliminated. But, my sweet friends, as you have decided that you are powerful creators, as you have looked in the mirror and declared yourselves part of the elimination… in fact a very large part of the elimination is the work that you do.

And it is possible, for as you are releasing a vasana, whether it is current or ancient — and actually there are very few current vasanas that do not have reference points in other lifetimes — you also have the capacity to remove it for the collective as well.

Now, having said that, there are also vasanas that can be very positive. So let us return to this issue of abundance. And if you are of the belief that abundance is yours, and that there is no situation in which abundance is not yours, not from a place of control or greed, but as a knowing of a universal, infinite ability to simply access, then this is a positive use of a vasana.

And so one of the things you are also doing, in this process of elimination there are situations where you will be transmuting your vasana into the, shall we say, the positive side of the scale.

Each of you, unless you have reached the place of absolute clearing, of divine union, of what you think of as full Ascension, have these issues called vasanas.

But the key with vasanas is not to hoard them as if they are the crown jewels, and never to harshly judge, but rather to acknowledge, and to acknowledge from the place of self-worth and self-love, and the acknowledgement that just perhaps what you are feeling, what you are thinking, this reactive behavior is not only not of truth, but it is not what you want, and it is barring you from truly entering into a place of love and joy with your sacred self, with each other, with your community and with your planet.

So it is the willingness to begin. Now, dear hearts, I know, you say to me, “Michael, please, we have been clearing and clearing and clearing, and adjusting and suffering through Ascension symptoms, and working with the collective, and preparing for Nova Earth, and now you are saying to me, there is more?”

Dear heart, first of all, there is always more. But I do not mean that in what you would think of as a negative, defeatist way. There is always more joy, more love, more self-worth, more fulfillment, more creation for you to have, for you to enjoy, for you to embrace.

Now, especially for you who listen this night or thereafter, and who have been so diligent in your work, you are truly at a place of your core vasanas. And this is good news, because it is also a piece, a very significant piece, of the fulfillment of your Ascension process.

Now, you say to me, “Well, can I not simply pop up into the 5th dimension, of which I am already having many experiences, and let me be there? Because in that reality and dimension there are no vasanas, there is a sense of grace and purity.”

I am sorry, dear hearts, it does not work that way. Many times, and many of us have said, part of your Ascension is making peace with the 3rd, with the old 3rd, so that it can be completely eliminated and gone, not part of who you are. So this is the giant step, and this is part of going through the portal.

And then you say to me, “But, Michael, can you not with Raphael or St. Germain simply heal me of this burden?” Well, the answer is yes. We can remove many false grids, and we can help to heal the vasanas. But you, you are spiritually and emotionally mature. And so it is a far better path, particularly for you as wayshowers, as pillars, as gatekeepers, to do this with us.

Will we be in full attendance? Yes. But it is you relinquishing the illusions that have bound you. You are rising like Prometheus, like the phoenix, releasing the cords and the illusions that have limited you. And you are, in so doing, you are declaring yourself as love and as worthy and as not just accepting of joy, but joy itself.

Now, is this a rapid process? Yes, it can be. But also know, let us speak about this, around the vasana there have been many constructs, many layers that have been put in place, by you, sweet angels, to support and defend yourselves in what you have believed to be a dangerous place, a dangerous world — yes, Gaia, who defends you, who feeds you, who protects you and houses you. You have believed on some level that this is a very dangerous place. So you have erected personas, behaviors.

This is a reference to the constructed self.

So rather than allowing your true self, your divine self, to shine through and to be the, can we say, the primary operator of your life, the primary motivator, creator of your life, what you have done in this self-defensive mechanism that you may not even be aware of is you have erected these behaviors.

And let us suggest you say to me, “How do we know these behaviors? How do we recognize them?” Well, I will tell you. They are never pretty. They are not loving. They are authoritarian. They are not of equality, unity, balance, connectedness. They are not of love.

And so often what we hear when we witness these types of behaviors or actions is you think that you are doing it — because it is usually interactive — doing it for someone’s own good, because they need to learn something, because you need to protect yourself, that they need to grow up and see the truth.

All of these things are simply the faces that you have adopted so that you do not have to feel that pain, that suffering and that original insecurity, that injury, that vasana. You do not need to do this. So part of this clearing is also a self-reflective examination of how you behave.

Now, we have taken a great deal of time, and air time, to speak of divine qualities. And certainly, on our platform, we have given attention to this because it is important, it is who you are, and it is how you live in the higher dimensions, the different realms. So you begin to examine, “What are these false grids or shields that I have erected?”

Now, what does this imply? What it implies, my dear friends, is community and unity, because it is not only you doing your own internal work, clearing, letting go, with us, but it is also you giving tacit and actual permission to each other, in community, and community of heart, of higher consciousness, of heart consciousness, to call each other on such falsehoods, and to be able to say how you are speaking, behaving, reacting — and this is a key, reactive behavior, kneejerk reactions — how you are reacting does not feel, does not reflect the essence of who you are, it does not reflect the love that I know you to be.

So can we halt this? Can you go within and access the vasana? Do you need help? And the willingness to truly be in heart-to-heart communication, not from a place, ever, of judgment or criticism or punishment, but in a place of willingness to connect, communicate, and expand on a very different level.

And I know it is not only part of the Mother’s plan that these vasanas be eliminated, it is part of your plan. It is part of what you have always wished for, desired, prayed for. In this lifetime it has been exceptional for each one of you. We have told you, you have come here in your mastery.

Now, what does that mean? It means these little blips — because that’s what it is — these little blips, little blemishes, have need to be cleaned up. You have brought the fullness of your soul design, your talents, your abilities, to this lifetime, in physicality, in your expanded self.

Now, in doing that, you also brought unresolved vasanas. Is this the end of the world? No, it is the beginning. And I know you are ready to address this.

My friends, my brothers and sisters, I know your heart, and I know your willingness. I know your eagerness to go forward, once and for all. Now, I have gone on and on. I return this to you, dear Steve.

SB: Well, you may have gone on and on, Lord, but in fact you asked the questions I have on my sheet, which often happens.

Let me just say that at ten to the hour, so that’s in nine minutes, I’d like to ask you a few questions about the re-valuation and the Boston Marathon bombings. Now, do you have your Rolex on, or do you need me to come on and give you a reminder? [laugh] That’s a joke.

AAM: You will interject.

SB: I will interject. [laughs] Okay, thank you. So you’ve answered such questions as how do we know that the vasana’s gone off, and how do we know we’re in the grip of a vasana. But what I notice about myself, when a vasana goes off for me, it goes off initially, it erupts. I’m kind of crazy, but there’s a gap. It could be as much as a week before it really explodes and I absolutely get it.

Now, when I want to work with a vasana, it doesn’t work for me to project it onto another person. That just energizes it. But to be with it and experience it and let it fill me up and get the message of it, and then an insight arises and I see what it’s all about.

Can you talk a bit about the ways to work with vasanas, the ways to eradicate them? Are there any ways to really clear ourselves of vasanas as and when they go off?

AAM: Yes, and you are correct insofar as vasanas are triggered. That is why we speak of reactive behavior. And you are quite correct as well — it is like a volcano that gives off a shoot of steam, warning everybody in the vicinity of the village, “Look out!” And then it tends to simmer. And then it will explode, and heaven, literally, help anyone who is in the way of that explosion.

And you have all witnessed this, not simply you, dear Steve. But there is a point at which you know that something — you may not know exactly what — but that a vasana is being triggered, because the reaction, the defensive reaction, is so strong.

And it is not simply started, shall we say, by someone who is an enemy, someone you disagree with. It can be your best and dearest friend, your partner, a situation on the planet. But you know, because not only is your heart hurting, but your stomach, and your aura, and even your root, are churning.

So it is this sense of unease, dis-ease. And that of course is the root — that is another discussion — but that is the root of so much physical dis-ease on your planet. It is unresolved vasanas.

Now, you do not need to go into full eruption if you can begin, as you have, to identify that it is a vasana coming up, and simply go quiet. That is the key. Go into your heart, anchor in the heart of the Mother, anchor in the heart of Gaia, so that you feel, literally, stabilized, and examine — and nothing is too farfetched.

So often you tend to think of humans, “That is my imagination.” Well, in this type of situation, it isn’t. It is information your body, mind, and soul, spirit, are giving you, so that you can let it go, so that you can place it within context and understand, “Why am I feeling this way?” Because it is never comfortable. Never.

And that is why so many people on your planet tend to say, “Oh, I am driven.” Well, they are driven because they will not slow down and allow the vasana to come to the surface and release it — because it spells great relief. And that is how you know.

You invoke, you call upon us, the divine qualities, the universal laws, which Sanat has talked about just last week. You may call upon the laws, you may call upon a friend, a human friend, to help you process, to talk it through, to allow the emotion — because this is about your mental, emotional bodies — to allow the fear, the anger, the pain to come to the surface so that it can be washed away.

You can use Archangel Gabrielle’s rain of gold, my blue flame, Archangel Raphael’s emerald flame, St. Germaine’s violet flame, but the key is, in one way or another, to torch it, to burn it, and to let it go until there… even the ashes are no longer there, because it does not belong within thee. It is not the truth of who you are.

SB: Right. If I could intervene here, when we source a vasana, when we complete a vasana with a friend, then hopefully that friend can listen, rather than advising or counseling or fixing us. That’s most useful.

And also what often confuses me about whether a vasana has gone off or not is that often I think I’m standing on principle, you know, “No, no, no, this is a principled stand.” And of course it’s not.

Once I see the vasana behind it, once I become aware that it’s simply a vasana going off, then the principled stand usually disappears.

Now, it is 8:49, so perhaps we could switch over to two topics that I’ve been asked to ask you about, and maybe we could return to this discussion next week, because there’s lots more to talk about, including the derivation of the constructed self…

AAM: Yes, it would be meaningful and allow people to process…

SB: … how to come out of the constructed self….

AAM: …and allow them to think about what we have talked about. So yes. Now you may continue.

(The interview continued with a discussion of current events, whikch can be found here: .)




THIS IS A VERY POWERFUL TIME – DON’T MISS IT! by Patricia Diane Cota-Robles, May 1, 2013


May is a very powerful time of year for all of us evolving on this Planet, and we are being given some amazing opportunities during May of 2013 to add to the Light of the World. Our I AM Presence, the God Self within each of us, is intervening in our lives in new and profound ways. This is due to the incredible shifts in energy, vibration, and consciousness that have been taking place within every person’s Earthly Bodies since the beginning of this year.

Since the Birth of the New Earth, which took place in the Realms of Cause on December 22, 2012, our I AM Presence has been raising the frequency of our physical, etheric, mental, and emotional bodies exponentially. This is greatly accelerating our physical transformation from carbon-based planetary Beings into Crystalline-based Solar Light Beings. Now our I AM Presence is more accessible to our outer consciousness than ever before. This is allowing us to more tangibly work with the new 5th-Dimentional energies that are bathing the Earth.

I would like to share some information that is being given to Humanity by the Company of Heaven regarding the opportunities that are being presented to us at this time. The Divine Intent of this information is to help all of us take full advantage of the powerful energies that will bathe the Earth during the Mystical Month of May in 2013.

May has always been considered a mystical month because of very powerful activities of Light that take place during this time. These events are orchestrated by Saint Germain and Mother Mary. I will begin with Saint Germain’s activity of Light.

 Saint Germain’s Ascension Day

The 1st of May is known as Saint Germain’s Ascension Day. This year, Saint Germain and his Legions of the Violet Flame will bless the Earth with an unprecedented influx of the New 5-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Violet Flame. This is a frequency of the Violet Flame that reflects our Father-Mother God’s Infinite Perfection. This year we will experience this Sacred Fire in frequencies beyond anything we have ever been able to receive.

The Ascended Master Saint Germain has been instrumental in bringing the knowledge of the Violet Flame to the conscious minds of Humanity. In the Heavenly Realms, he is known as the Son of Freedom, and he has volunteered to sustain the Violet Flame on Earth for the benefit of all Life evolving here. In his exalted service in the Heart of our omniscient, omnipresent, omnipotent Father-Mother God—The Cosmic I AM­­—All That Is—Saint Germain is the Keeper of the Violet Flame. In this octave of Divine Service, he sustains this Gift from our Father-Mother God for all of the Sons and Daughters of God throughout the Universe.

During this critical time on Planet Earth, Saint Germain is working with the support of the entire Company of Heaven. Every Adept, Avatar, Buddha, Saint, and Christed Being that has ever walked the Earth is helping Saint Germain in his endeavor to assist Humanity and all Life evolving here to integrate the 5th-Dimensional frequencies of the New Earth.

Due to the incredible changes that have successfully taken place within Humanity’s Earthly Bodies this year, we are now capable of assimilating higher frequencies of the Violet Flame than ever before. Beginning May 1st, Saint Germain, in unison with the Legions of Light throughout Infinity who are associated with the Violet Flame, will magnetize from the very Heart of our Father-Mother God the most intensified 5th-Dimensional frequencies of the Crystalline Solar Violet Flame that Humanity and Mother Earth are capable of withstanding.

The Beings of Light associated with this Sacred Fire will breathe this unfathomable Violet Flame into the Divine Matrix of our Father Mother God. The Divine Intelligence within this Sacred Fire has been waiting for the opportunity to assist Humanity in transmuting our human miscreations back into Light since the initial impulse of our fall from Grace aeons ago.

Saint Germain and the Legions of Light associated with the Violet Flame have volunteered to sustain these intensified 5th-Dimensional frequencies of the Crystalline Solar Violet Flame for the rest of the year. Their goal is to help Humanity to transmute the maximum negativity from our human miscreations, in as short a time as possible. This accelerated purification will greatly assist in paving the way for the pattern of perfection for the New Earth to be magnetized into our daily lives.

In order for this wondrous facet of the Divine Plan to be God Victoriously accomplished, however, Saint Germain and the Legions of the Violet Flame must have our help. In alignment with Universal Law, the call for assistance must come from the realm where the assistance is needed. In order for these powerful frequencies of the Violet Flame to manifest in the physical plane of Earth, they must be drawn through the Heart Flames of people abiding in the physical plane. Even though Saint Germain and his Legions of the Violet Flame are committed to being the Open Door for these incredibly powerful frequencies of the Violet Flame, unless this Sacred Fire is drawn into the physical plane through the Heart Flames of embodied Lightworkers, we will not have access to its transmuting power on Earth.

This means, once again, that we are being called to a higher service. We are being asked by our Father-Mother God, Saint Germain, and the entire Company of Heaven if we are willing to put forth the necessary effort to be the Open Door through which this magnificent Violet Flame will enter the physical plane of Earth. This is not a monumental task. It is simply a matter of invoking these new frequencies of the Violet Flame through our I AM Presence and decreeing them into action through our Heart Flames.

At the bottom of this e-mail I have included a powerful Invocation that was given to Humanity by the Company of Heaven to help us receive the maximum benefit that Cosmic Law will allow from this amazing 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Violet Flame.

If this opportunity to transmute Humanity’s miscreations, which are causing all of the pain and suffering on Earth, resonates in your heart-of-hearts please join with Lightworkers around the world and invoke this Violet Flame as often as you can on behalf of Humanity and ALL Life evolving on this Planet.

 Mother Mary’s Temple of the Immaculate Heart

Another very important and helpful thing that takes place during the Mystical Month of May is that Mother Mary’s Temple of the Immaculate Heart in the Realms of Light is open to all Humanity. During May every year, our I AM Presence has the opportunity to take us to this Temple in our finer bodies while we are sleeping at night.

This may be a new concept for you, but there is no such thing as our soul being unconscious. When we lay our body down to rejuvenate it through sleep, our I AM Presence escorts us into the Realms of Light in our finer body. Once we are there, we have the opportunity to learn new things and to benefit from the Gifts of Light that are being administered to Humanity by the Company of Heaven. If when you go to sleep at night you ask your I AM Presence to help you remember when you wake up the experiences you had in the Inner Realms of Light, you will gradually become aware on a conscious level of what you are learning during your nightly travels.

This year, Mother Mary, in unison with the Feminine Aspect of our Mother God and all of the Feminine Aspects of Deity throughout Infinity, is providing Humanity with a powerful Gift that will help us to transcend the distorted and painful patterns of the old Earth. This Gift from On High will allow us to more effectively integrate and secure into the physical plane the patterns of Oneness and Reverence for Life associated with the 5th-Dimensional New Earth. Mother Mary said this Divine Intervention will help us to manifest our newly birthed Renaissance of Divine Love in tangible and profound ways.

During the entire Mystical Month of May in 2013, when we are escorted into Mother Mary’s Temple of the Immaculate Heart, she will invest us with the most powerful and healing frequencies of Transfiguring Divine Love that we are capable of receiving. Mother Mary said that this unprecedented Gift of Transfiguring Divine Love will heal Humanity’s wounded hearts in ways that will enable each of us to release and forgive the pain and suffering we created either deliberately or inadvertently throughout our myriad lifetimes.

Mother Mary’s activity of Light, which will be working in harmony with Saint Germain’s Gift of the intensified frequencies of the 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Violet Flame, will help us to transmute and transcend Humanity’s past transgressions of the Laws of Love and Oneness in miraculous ways.

 A New Moon Solar Eclipse Will Bless the Earth on May 10, 2013

The added influx of Light we will experience from this powerful Celestial alignment will greatly enhance all of the activities of Light taking place during the month of May. This will be an important time for each of us to redouble our efforts and to add to the Light of the World with increased invocations of the Violet Flame.

 The Good Will Festival of Humanity Will Be Celebrated May 25, 2013

During the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse

 The Third Full Moon Festival of Spring is celebrated during the Full Moon that occurs in the Sun Cycle of Gemini. This Festival is known as The Goodwill Festival of Humanity. During this Full Moon, the Divine Love of Christ and the Divine Wisdom of Buddha, which have been building in momentum since the two previous Full Moon Festivals, are intensified and greatly expanded through the Mental and Emotional Strata of Earth. This influx of Light enhances Humanity’s ability to unify our hearts and minds with the Divine Heart and Mind of our Father-Mother God. As this influx of Light adds to the Gifts of Saint Germain and Mother Mary the Light of God will increase on Earth exponentially.

5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Violet Flame Invocation

 The Violet Flame of A Thousand Suns

 This invocation is stated in the 1st person, so that you will experience this activity of Light personally and tangibly. But KNOW that you are serving as a surrogate on behalf of every man, woman, and child on Earth. As you invoke this Gift of the Violet Flame for yourself, you are simultaneously invoking this Sacred Fire on behalf of ALL Humanity. Through each person’s I AM Presence, the Violet Flame will respond in perfect alignment with each person’s Divine Plan and the highest good for all concerned.

And We Begin…

I AM my I AM Presence and I AM One with the I AM Presence of ALL Humanity.

 I AM the Open Door for the New 5th-Dimensional frequencies of the Crystalline Solar Violet Flame which are more powerful than any human miscreation.

 I AM inbreathing this Crystalline Solar Violet Flame into my Heart Flame, and I AM breathing this Sacred Fire out through my Heart Flame to bless all Life on Earth.

As I breathe the Violet Flame into the physical plane of Earth through my Heart Flame, Saint Germain and the Legions of Light associated with the Violet Flame expand and expand this Gift from my Father-Mother God until it is pulsating with the power and might of a thousand Suns.

I now decree that this exquisite Violet Flame instantaneously transmutes the human miscreations affecting every person, place, condition, or thing on Earth, whether these painful experiences were created consciously or unconsciously, in the past or present, through obvious choice or through karmic liability.

I decree that the Violet Flame transmutes every electron of precious Life energy that is in any way blocking or preventing the manifestation of the patterns of perfection for the New Earth.

 Now, through the Heart Flames of ALL Humanity, Saint Germain and the Legions of Light who are associated with the Violet Flame begin to blaze, and blaze, and blaze the Violet Flame with the intensity and power of a thousand Suns through Humanity’s human miscreations as I decree:

 Beloved Legions of Light associated with the 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Violet Flame…

a)  Blaze the Light of a thousand Suns through the thoughts, words, actions and feelings of every man, woman, and child evolving on Earth until every person individually acknowledges and accepts the Oneness of ALL Life, and every expression is a Loving benediction.

b)  Blaze the Light of a thousand Suns through all of the incoming babies, the children, their parents and guardians until ALL youth are raised up in energy, vibration, and consciousness to carry out the directives of their I AM Presence.

c)  Blaze the Light of a thousand Suns through all youth centers and activities; all schools, colleges and universities; all leaders, teachers, instructors and professors in every line of endeavor until the Flame of God Illumination and Enlightenment is manifest and eternally sustained.

d)  Blaze the Light of a thousand Suns through all religious and spiritual teachings, until Divine Love, Truth, Tolerance, and Universal Sisterhood and Brotherhood is tangibly manifest, and a Renaissance of Divine Love is the Order of the New Day on Planet Earth.

e)  Blaze the Light of a thousand Suns through all doctors, nurses, healers, hospitals, insurance companies, pharmaceutical conglomerates, and every institution associated with healing of any kind until Divine Mercy, Genuine Caring, Compassion, and Healing are manifest realities for every person.

f)  Blaze the Light of a thousand Suns through all banking and financial institutions, all economic systems, all money, and all of the people associated with monetary interactions of any kind until every person on Earth is openly demonstrating true integrity, honesty, generosity, fairness, abundance, financial freedom, and the God supply of all good things.

g)  Blaze the Light of a thousand Suns through all places of incarceration and all employed there, through every correctional institution and every judge, jury and court of law until Divine Justice is manifest and eternally sustained.

h)  Blaze the Light of a thousand Suns through all space activities throughout the world until every nation unites in cooperative service, so that God’s Will may be manifest with our sisters and brothers throughout the Universe.

i)  Blaze the Light of a thousand Suns through the physical, etheric, mental, and emotional bodies of Humanity until all disease and human miscreation, its cause and core, is dissolved and transmuted into purity, vibrant health, and physical perfection.

j)  Blaze the Light of a thousand Suns through the food and water industries and through all of the food and water used for human consumption until every particle of food and every molecule of water is filled with Light. Empower this Elemental substance to raise the vibratory action of Humanity’s physical, etheric, mental, and emotional bodies until physical perfection becomes a sustained manifest reality for every Human Being.

k)  Blaze the Light of a thousand Suns in, through, and around every remaining electron of precious Life energy associated with the Nature Kingdom, the Animal Kingdom, the Elemental Kingdom, and the Environment of Earth until ALL are purified and the perfection of the 5th-Dimensional New Earth is manifest.

I accept and know that this activity of the Violet Flame has been secured through every person’s Heart Flame by his or her I AM Presence. This Sacred Fire will increase daily and hourly with every breath I take until this Earth and ALL her Life are manifesting the perfection of the New Earth.   And so it is.

 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Violet Flame Poster

by Dominique Claire Germain
11” x 15 1/4”

In order to assist us in relating to, and experiencing, the awesome beauty and power of the 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Violet Flame, Saint Germain has inspired a beautiful poster of this exquisite Gift from our Father-Mother God.

Saint Germain has given us a vision of the Crystalline Solar Violet Flame pulsating with scintillating 5th-Dimensional frequencies. This vision was projected from the Realms of Illumined Truth and magnetized into the physical plane by a dear Lightworker named Dominique Claire Germain and a wonderful graphic artist she works with in France.

By focusing on this image when we invoke the Violet Flame and by having
the image in our homes and places of work, we will be reminded throughout
the day that we are the Open Door for this Gift from our Father-Mother God.

As the radiance of this Divine Image resonates through our environment, we will experience a shift of energy, vibration, and consciousness that will help us to quickly transmute our human miscreations. This will clear the way for the manifestation of the patterns of perfection for the New Earth and our Renaissance of Divine Love.

       Dominique has copyrighted the poster so that it will not be altered or changed in any way. If you would like to have a copy of this magnificent Violet Flame poster to bless your home or office, it is available on our website.

(If this link does not work, please copy and paste it into your browser)


Patricia Cota-Robles
New Age Study of Humanity’s Purpose
a 501 (c) 3 nonprofit educational organization

FAX: 520-751-2981
Phone: 520-885-7909

New Age Study of Humanity’s Purpose
PO Box 41883,
Tucson, Arizona 85717

This article is copyrighted, but you have my permission to share it through any medium as long as it is offered for FREE, it is not altered, and the proper credit line is included. Thank You.

©2013 Patricia Diane Cota-Robles

The information in this monthly sharing is being given to Humanity by the Beings of Light in the Realms of Illumined Truth. The Divine Intent of these celestial sharings is to encourage, empower, uplift, and inspire Humanity by allowing us to see the bigger picture during these wondrous but often challenging times.


John Smallman, May 1, 2013 with Jesus: You are each a master of what you choose to pay attention to


Well, as I have told you before, humanity is on a roll!  The awakening process for you all is proceeding very rapidly indeed, and the loving energy that you Light-bearers and wayshowers are demonstrating and sharing is proving extremely effective in helping this process along.  Keep it up, because you are doing great work — work that no one else can do — and that is why you chose to be here at this time.  You are to awaken to a great honoring of your most noble and compassionate roles in humanity’s unavoidable and inevitable awakening.  Just keep releasing all that “stuff” that keeps coming up for you, seemingly inexplicably.  Only some of it is your own, much more of it is of the collective who are still too deeply asleep to release it on their own, and their gratitude to you will astound you.

As you allow yourselves to acknowledge that change of an essential nature is taking place, then so will you be able to become increasingly aware of it.  It has not been hidden or kept secret; it is just that, to put it bluntly, you have been captivated by the bad news, the disasters and catastrophes prominently broadcast by the news media and have tended to ask, “How could God allow this to happen?”

God does not allow or disallow; He just offers a helping hand so that you can exit the illusory quagmire that has seemingly been holding you captive and involved as observers and fixers in all the unloving activities that are still going on across the world.  Take His hand.

Focus on Love – sharing It, demonstrating It, engaging with It – by looking for and seeing the Christ in everyone, for no one is without the Christ energy: it has just remained unacknowledged and therefore has not been called upon for help nearly often enough.  Too much time and energy has been spent judging, blaming, and condemning, instead of looking for the Love that is securely anchored in every earthborn living soul.  Focusing on Love has enormous power. If you could see and understand what occurs when you do just this – nothing else, just this – your amazement would overwhelm you, and you would be unable to understand why you were not doing just this in every moment of your existence.  It is what your Father does!  And you are reflections of Him, inseparable aspects of Him, eternally one with Him.

I cannot emphasize strongly enough the immense power of Love.  There isnothing stronger; it is as simple as that.  Large numbers of you have, at various times, “fallen in love,” and when this has happened to you you have been overwhelmed with joy and happiness, and with the way it seems to empower you.  You feel not only that nothing is impossible but also very intensely that the love you are feeling must be visible to everyone with whom you come in contact.  What you experience as embodied humans when that occurs is but the most infinitesimal sense of what actually awaits you when you awaken into Reality and into the Love in which your Father embraces you eternally.

Love, as you have been frequently informed, is the power, the energy, and theintelligence of creation itself.  Everything that exists was created in Love, by Love for the infinite pleasure that it would then enjoy, basking in and forever savoring the divine embrace in which all is encompassed.  So, when you want to achieve something, when you intend to achieve something, the way to do so is to engage with Love.  You are all children of Love; Love is your eternal nature, and it is by engaging with It that all that you could possibly desire not only becomes possible, but actually occurs.

By constantly behaving lovingly, compassionately, and generously you are bring humanity to awakening, although at present many of you are plagued with doubts about whether this is really possible.  There is no need for these doubts. Release them . . . because they only distract you by drawing you off your paths and into all those fearful “what if?” thoughts that can so effectively bring you to a standstill of indecision and confusion.

As humans you have become so conditioned to believe that life is an endless succession of strife-driven struggles that that is what you mostly experience. When you engage with hope and with faith in the power of Love, of God, unexpected, almost unbelievable, changes happen which relieve that strife.  But mostly you do so only momentarily before your conditioning returns you to your old beliefs, and the power and enthusiasm for the wonders of life that was building within you seems to drain away.  You become once more weighed down by the daily grind that is the life that so many of you are experiencing.

There is an amusing song that many of you may have heard: “Always look on the bright side of life,” which is obviously meant as a rather tongue-in-cheek suggestion.  Nevertheless, you are each a master of what you choose to pay attention to: you can choose to be an optimist or a pessimist.  Moods, which, like the weather, can be seen as good or bad, will flow through your lives and pass on.  But when you are tired it is very easy to cling to and travel with the bad ones — the ones that drag you along with them by worrying or depressing you.

With the new energies swirling abundantly all around you it is now much easier for you to become aware that you have become caught up in a bad mood, and then acknowledge it and release it to flow freely on its way.  You do have to make a positive decision or choice to do so, but when you do, the sense of blackness or gloom will lift quite rapidly.  So become aware of being aware of moods in which you are apparently enmeshed and choose to let them go.  As you do so, remind yourselves that you are divine beings of infinite power, and then intend very determinedly to look on and see “the bright side of life.”  It is always there for you, and it is far more enjoyable than doubting and worrying.  Go for it, look on the bright side!  After all, that is what your Father is offering you in every moment of your existence; you only have to choose to accept it.

Your loving brother, Jesus.






Archangel Gabriel: The Time is Now ~ Channeled trough Shelley Young, April 28, 2013



Archangel Gabriel

Archangel Gabriel

Greetings, Dear Ones, how pleased and honoured we are to be in your presence today. We honour you for coming to ground in the energies of the group and, of course, when we say group we mean not only those who are in the room at this time but also those who will be enjoying this transmission on your internet at a later time.

Did you know that through your participation you have created a bridge, an energetic bridge, that always exists between our energy and yours? We are available to each and every one of you whether you are in the room or experiencing this transmission in another way, whenever you may desire to feel it. We encourage you to take advantage of that and to use us as a support for you moving forward.

We understand that you are in a challenging energetic time as you are experiencing the falling away of the old and the brand new energies of the New Earth, as you are in the process of creating it. You are in a series of eclipses, which frequently can be energetically, interesting, let us say, for those of the human condition. Your sun is also in a very active phase and we understand that all of these elements can be challenging to navigate. We are not going to go in depth into these elements right now. There are a great many people in service that are doing a fine job explaining the energetics of your planet.

We will simply remind you to stay in a state of surrender and flow, of acceptance and of focused creation. Listen to your bodies. Be the nurturers of yourselves. Honour yourselves and give yourselves what you need to keep your balance, to bloom, to shine and to navigate with grace and ease. Know that while these energies can be somewhat uncomfortable, they are moving you forward, at a rapid rate, into all of the things that your hearts desire and wish to experience.

We would like to speak to you today about stepping into your mastery because the time is Now, Dear Ones. Many of you have been actively embracing your ascension process for many years now, purging and healing, shifting, assisting, transmuting energies. Many of you, because you were so very aware of the fact that you were part of this pivotal, important, magical, ascension process, understood that there were elements that you needed to wait for to occur. Many of you were focused, on that soul level, on getting past the pivotal alignments of December 21, 2012.

It was a line in the sand, if you will, between where you had been and where you were going and because many of you had been waiting for the energies that you are in right now for so very long, you have adopted the habit of waiting as part of the process. So what is happening is many of you are still feeling your mastery as being something that happens later on, something that you must continue to wait to shift into. You see your perfect health as something that will come down the road. You see living a life of joy as something that you will somehow experience but not being available to you in the Now. You see and work on your focused creations but through your belief system, you are also seeing them as something that will magically appear down the path, you are not creating it in your Now. You have developed this “one day” thinking that was very valid at one point on your journey but you are continuing it still even though it has no more purpose.

So what does that mean to you? What does the time is Now truly mean? This can be a challenging statement for many of you who are afraid to step into your authentic power. Many of you have experienced power as being an unpleasant thing. Perhaps you used power inappropriately in some of your other life expressions. Or perhaps you were suppressed by others, who lorded power over you.

As an enlightening human being, you may have a fear of the ego. You keep yourselves small because you think to step into your grandeur, into who you really are, would mean falling headlong into ego. You are far too mindful for that, Dear Ones. If you were to fall headlong into ego, you would become so uncomfortable it would be impossible for you to stay there at this point. Do you see? It is not an option for you anymore. It does not match who you are energetically. It is not you.

You are here on the planet expressing your highest alignment while staying in the body. The ego is not the enemy, it is just not part of your plan. Do you see? You are safe and you are free and you are ready to step into that authentic power. We are seeing a great many human beings who are fully prepared, fully ready to truly step into their authentic power pause because they are holding onto “one day” thinking or they have a fear of stepping into their authentic power. We would ask you to throw those old habits out today. The time is Now.

Many of you say, “Well, Gabriel, I believe that I can create. I believe that. But how do I believe something is Now when it is not part of my reality, when I don’t see it?” This is difficult because you are trying to practice a non-linear creation practice and apply it to linear time. There is a disconnect in your brains, being linear human beings, that doesn’t understand how that can happen.

In reality, your creations exist beyond time and space. You create them with your imagination and with your focus and then you anchor them into your reality. How quickly that happens is dependent upon how well you are able to stay in that flow, to ground in that energy, to believe that you are worthy, to know that you can have it Now and allow it to become part of your existence. So many of you have the habit of saying, “My money is coming soon” which always keeps it coming soon but never arriving in the Now. A powerful affirmation you may wish to try is, “My time for my creation is Now.” Then allow the universe to figure out how to make that your truth.

We wish to give you an analogy that may make this easier for you to understand. Imagine that you are going about your day and you suddenly become aware of the fact that you are hungry. You are not just a little bit hungry, this is not just you thinking that you should eat. You are truly hungry. Your vehicle requires fuel. So, with your awareness, you have identified a need to support your well-being and your comfort. So you ask yourself, “Well if I am hungry and I must take time to take care of this, what would I like to have?” You ponder and consider all of the different options that are available to you, and because you are being mindful of what you put into your body, you decide you would like to have a salad. You also want it very quickly, so you decide that you are going to go to a restaurant that has very fast service, that will give you a healthy salad to sustain yourself and allow you to be comfortable and go about your day in a manner that will support you. You do not sit and think, “Oh I am so hungry! I wish the universe would come and plunk a salad in my lap.” You identify a need and you move into action. You make it be so. You do not think, “What if the restaurant is not there? What if I get lost on the way?” Do you see? You simply launch yourself into the action that will bring it into your reality.

So you arrive at the restaurant and you go up to the server and you announce what you would like and you pay for it. Now you have fed it energetically. You have stated loudly to the universe, “It is my intention to have a salad and I would like to have it Now.” In reality, when you walk into a restaurant and you announce what you want, they don’t hand it to you in that moment, but you are still considering that you are in the act of having it Now by feeding it energetically. Do you see? This is an important part. It may not appear to you instantaneously but you are still energetically stating that you are having it Now.

You do not walk up to the server and say, “I’m hungry but I don’t know what I want” and expect her to deliver something that will be completely satisfying to you. You do not say to her, “Well I’m really hungry and I’d like to have a salad but I think I’ll have it later.” Do you see? You state your intention, you energetically feed it, and then you sit down and wait for it to arrive with the complete assurance that it will be so.

If you run into someone that you know and they come and see you and ask what you are doing, you don’t say, “Well, I’m hoping to have a salad one day.” You say, “I’m having lunch. I’m grabbing a bite to eat.” You say it in the Now, so you are still energetically supporting it and you have no doubt that it is about to happen in your Now.

Dear Ones, you do not sit at the table in angst wondering how on earth it is going to come together behind the scenes. You don’t fret over whether there is lettuce and tomatoes. You don’t wonder whether people showed up to work or what steps they are going to have to take to put it all together in a package that can come to you. You leave it in the hands of the experts, knowing it is their job and they have done it many times before. Even if it is happening behind the scenes, even if you can’t see or imagine what it looks like back there or how it is going to come together, you trust that it will.

You do not decide after three minutes that you are not worthy of salad and leave. You do not run up to the server every few minutes re-ordering salad and paying for it again. You do not call up one of your friends crying that you are not sure that the salad is coming and ask them if they could just go check. “Can you consult your cards? Is my salad really coming?” (much laughter) You are getting a glimpse of what it feels like to be us. (smiles)

If you can just sit in your knowingness, before you know it, you have the salad in front of you and you can enjoy it and you can give yourself exactly what you need. And by giving thanks to the system that allows you to have your sustenance, you ensure that it will happen time and time and time again because you are staying in that alignment.

People ask us why we use food analogies so frequently. We use food because it is something you all have in common. You all eat. We give you analogies that are simple to understand and are easy to apply. It is also such a perfect match because both food and spirituality are your sustenance. Do you see?

Dear Ones, your time is Now. Let go of all these silly games that you play with yourselves in your ego’s desire to keep you small. Live. Create. Dance. Love. Heal. Express yourselves as the wondrous creators that you are. Have fun. Lead by your glorious example. These are the times that you’ve been waiting so long to experience. Cherish them. Allow yourselves to have the full experience because there is no reason to have anything other than that. And with that, we will leave you for today. You are loved and honoured beyond measure and it has been our great pleasure.

Archangel Gabriel thru Shelley Young
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Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation, April 30, 2013



Ummac Dan

Ummac Dan


1 Oc, 18 Kank’in, 9 Eb

Selamat Balik! We come again! Everywhere, your world is shifting quietly toward its divine transformation. Heaven continues to prepare for the sacred moment when a new reality is to be proclaimed, officially. Agartha is also preparing for this moment by reminding its numerous surface operatives to get ready to reveal publicly who they truly are. Our many liaison teams, as well, are preparing to disclose the work they are doing to bring your new reality into existence. We are also working with the many Ascended Masters to bring each of their secret sacred societies into public view. A unique moment is approaching when you will be able to learn how it was that your entire globe was able to switch so quickly into a new mode of local, regional, and national governance. This changeover will be followed swiftly by a series of special official announcements, and soon thereafter by the instigation of several unprecedented social services, helmed by these same sacred society spokespersons. These programs will be your first official glimpse of what is to come. A new reality is to be born which will include formal announcements about first contact and our benevolent presence.


We are presently placing more liaison personnel on your world and they will be working closely with the Agarthans. It is important to bring out the fact that the geophysical constitution of your home world is actually far different than is believed by most of you. As you absorb these new facts and the accompanying new relationships they bring, the relevance to your lives of the activities of the sacred societies will become much clearer to you. Beginning to understand the makeup of your reality and the presence of the Agarthans can prepare you for what is to follow. We of the Galactic Federation are here primarily to get you ready for your return to full consciousness, and thus it is important that our introduction to your world be not only official but in conformation with the precepts of divine law. Your trust in us is paramount! Once we have your trust, we will be able to set the scene to prepare you on all levels for your three days of metamorphosis in your individual Light chambers. We possess many teaching modalities which will allow you to understand all aspects of what is involved in your return to full consciousness, and we are ready to go over everything with you, step by step, and to answer all of your questions and doubts.


Your return to full consciousness is something that Heaven has mandated for you all. The surface population of Gaia has always been destined to return to this blessed state of Being as soon as your reality is given the green light to lift out of the present darkness. Your unusual state of limitation was only granted on a temporary basis after Atlantis sank and its fully conscious residents fled to the stars. The resulting rapid change in the energy makeup of the surface forced Mother Earth to alter her everyday reality. On top of this, the Anunnaki decided to take up residence in your solar system and negotiated with Heaven for a divine dispensation. This was granted, and a timetable and conditions were set up for the duration. You were then appointed by your Heavenly Administrators to be prototypes for limited consciousness with a view to then being capable of helping Anchara’s children at a future date to also achieve the same divine state of Being. This is how you began a long sojourn through the shadow lands and now it is coming to its predestined end.


Your reemergence as fully conscious Beings provides a way for us to turn this immense galaxy to the Light. Your first tasks in this endeavor will be to arrange an ongoing liaison with the former star-nations of the Anchara Alliance as well as to use your good offices to help many fully conscious Beings, who are now Galactic Federation members, to interact harmoniously with one another. The goal here is eventually to produce a fully conscious realm which emits a most exquisite Light. As this new realm takes shape, you will shine and be most honored for accomplishing your grand and sacred task! Your home world will become a center for the movement that has already spread to over 50,000 galaxies? And this is just the beginning. You will be fêted and your accomplishments rejoiced in by both Heaven and physicality. Your name is to be proclaimed throughout physicality and your glorious history made known to every Being in service to the Light. Truly, you are about to catapult into the Light to create a most remarkable time for your new star-nation.


Namaste! We are your Ascended Masters! We come with a blessed message of Love, Light, and Truth! Your realm is now moving away from the darkness that has gripped it for the last 13 millennia. During this time each of us passed successfully through the various trials and tribulations that brought us to the very portal of Ascension. Once we crossed this threshold we ascended into the realm of Heaven and into the absolute joy that is divine service. What is so exceptional is that Heaven has given each of you a divine dispensation, a holy means for achieving quickly and easily what took us so long to achieve: namely, your specially created Light chambers. This work of the Most Divine is to provide you with a unique path to Immortality. In this way you can return to physical Angelhood and your vital service to the divine plan. We bless you and cry Hosannas to the Highest for the Grace and Mercy that you have been shown.


The moment has come when Heaven can lead you to a sacred, physical life full of joy, miracles, and blessings for each of you. We, too, prepare for our divine service, which is to explain the misjudgments that the dark foisted upon you those many millennia ago. The dispensation for your return to full consciousness is another indication of who you were truly created to be. Inside each of you sits the divine master appointed by the Supreme Creator to morally guide you in the holy truths of Heaven and Earth. This inner guidance was externalized by your need for an outside leader when you fell into limited consciousness and thus lost your connection to the Divine. Now the time comes for the resurrection within you of this sacred mentor. Some call it the Higher Self, while others refer to the I Am Presence. In either case, look within, blessed Hearts. What you will find is a master of Truth and integrity, who can provide you, day by day, with unerring guidance for all situations.


The coming days will be marked by a series of unusual events which are to manifest your new realm. In these messages we have been providing you with the context to enable you to understand that what is to happen is not some sort of salvation but a natural progression of events prophesied to lead you to a new land filled with prosperity and Love! Too long you have dwelled in a world of falsehoods, suspicion, and alienation. Now a wholly opposite reality is to unfold before you! Do not be in disbelief or mistrust at receiving the basics of a natural life. Your freedom and personal sovereignty are divine gifts bestowed on you when you were first conceived. Be once more the blessed children who are open to receive their divine bounty, and be willing to help your fellows as this prosperity spreads across the world. Use your talents and your Love to create a new realm gifted to you by the Heavenly Hosts. A time of great joy has arrived!


Today we talked about what is happening around your globe. We also reminded you that first contact is almost upon you. Each day we fly missions around your world which prepare us for the moment of our landings. As your inner Spirit advises you about full consciousness, so too do we remind you about what our mentoring is to provide. Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed Yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)

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Saint Germain ~ The importance of grounding and you all ~ As channeled by Méline Lafont, April 30, 2013




Greetings my beloved brothers and sisters of the Light. Thanks to the recent eclipse we have traversed another important milestone in your current life which in itself is very wondrous and joyful. Genuine shifts and absorptions of the light do their inner work gradually but steadfastly in this reality, resulting in drastic changes in the incarnations and lifestyles of many people in a positive as well as in a less pleasurable way.


Of course, this all happens for a purpose and functionality, and that’s the reason why we again stress the necessity to always stay grounded and centered. I keep on emphasizing this aspect because it is an important part of your physical incarnations. It is imperative that you become aware of the fact that you are constantly nourished from above and from below by intense energies of Light which are both having a grounding and also an uplifing effect, bringing you all to where you urgently need to go : to YOURSELF, your true nature from the heart.


Those grounding and uplifting effects and energies bring into manifestation what you deem necessary in your life’s experience and also in your current reality. Everything that functions as inspiration from on High comes in manifestation and in creation thanks to this grounding. When a state of calm is reached, this is brought further thanks to the grounding. Gaia nourishes you with all the needed energies to bring inner peace as well as enlightenment. She is the heart of reality, your current reality, so everything that connects your heart to Hers, everything you yield, everything you are will become reality through the grounding process : the connection from heart to heart.


That being said about the grounding process, it is close to my heart to divulge this as well as the knowledge pertaining to this for it is of the UTMOST importance.


What I want to digress upon, is the huge progress of the collective consciousness. We are well aware of an Earthly shift from our higher dimensional stance and more specifically we can say that Gaia and all of Her Ascension pioneers are now in the process of switching over to a higher dimension, to the 6th and even the 7th dimension. What is not currently known is that there still are a lot of souls dwelling in the 4th dimension trying to hold a grip on that level but it becomes exceedingly more difficult  to function in this lower reality.


Everything is being delegated from on High into a higher state of consciousness and that’s where you, being the Lightworkers and Ascension pioneers, come in. It will be your tasks to see to it that every soul gets the opportunity to evolve along into a higher collective consciousness and also into a personal higher consciousness. Being the mission warriors of the Light you will vouch for this and hence the utter necessity of grounding yourself because what you bring into manifestation can make the difference for this whole world of BEING.


You are the Masters of the Earthly Paradise here in these present times and from all corners of the universe you are being watched, followed up and assisted throughout this whole process. When you express your need for assistance it will be honored from the bottom of our hearts. Now you have to make the best of a tuff job in order to reap the fruits of your labour. At present you are immensely strong and wondrous in your Being and your essence and I cannot think of a better team to work with than with all of you!


Thank you so dearly for all that you have contributed so far, for your resolve and your stamina, for the spiritual side in yourself and for the Love you share with each other. You are an extremely strong team and in my vision this cannot be underlined enough! We are not quite there yet but we are doing it in the here and now and that is more than promising, for together we are a formidable team of the Light and this thanks to all of you, the ones that never give up and that keep on believing in all of you.


With all my heart and all my Love,


I AM that I AM


Saint Germain



Copyright ©  by Méline Lafont. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy and distribute this material, provided the content is copied in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, and this copyright notice and links are included. and







Aisha North: The manuscript of survival – part 304, Like a phoenix from the flames you will all rise again, April 29, 2013



As you have mayhaps noticed dear friends, the fires have been stoked now. For as we approach the first Gathering that has been set up for this upcoming weekend, many of you will feel how the heat of the fire will reach a heightened momentum now as you have agreed to take part in this world wide event. For the threads you have all so studiously gathered will already start to become a part of the great fold now. In other words, you have all been caught in this new web of light filaments, and now, we will make sure that you are all securely fastened as we start to spin the threads and weave you all seamlessly into this magnificent structure of light. This does not imply that you are prisoners in any way, quite the opposite. For this only means that you are no longer the solitary journeyer through a dense vacuum of lower densities, for now, you have all joined the party as it were, as you have all been connected to the filaments of tomorrow. And by your very actions, you have made that decision to the thus included a very long time ago. For this YES was something you gave on a soul level before you even came in, and as such, the joy you all feel in your heart comes from the realization that now, this YES will start to come into full effect.

For the journey you all had to take to bring you to this point has been a long and arduous one indeed, and for some, the trials and tribulations may not even seem to have lessened yet. But trust us when we say that your agreement to be an intrinsic part of this joyful web of light that has been started to spun, is a decision that will also cut all of the threads to the old that still feel like chains around your neck. For the net cancels the old, in every way you can think of, and when you all step into this great bright Pond together in a few days’ time, it will be like the final anointment that will wipe away the tears and the sorrow, the anger and the despair once and for all. For then, you will all be given the opportunity to really connect, not only with your own true core, but with the core of All there is. And once you get a glimpse of that, so much of the old dross will simply fade away, and it will be just like old fading photographs in an album. And even if you decide to open up that old album to take a small stroll down memory lane, it will almost be like looking at the memories of a stranger. For that used to be you, but it will not be you any longer. For now, the fires have been stoked good and well, and the heat from the flames will not only warm your hearts, but it will also burn away anything that has no place in this, the new you and the new world. For like a phoenix from the flames you will all rise again, and together you will stand shining as brilliantly as never before.

So again we say, all is well, even if you at times may feel the heat to be a little bit too high in the days ahead. For the preparations before the first Gathering are nothing if not thorough, and as such, you can all expect some interesting encounters with yourself in the days and indeed nights ahead. But breathe deeply, and know that you will not be burned by these flames of purification. For you are like the diamond still encased within a thin outer layer of carbon, and in order for the diamond to emerge completely, there may still need to be some measure of pressure and heat to bring it forth. But again we say, you are all guided closely throughout this last stage of the process, and we think you will all find a way to truly connect with the joyful part of this stage of the journey as well. For you have openend your hearts to this, and as such, you have also given yourself the permission to rejoice, not only for this Gathering, but also for yourself. For you have all started to shine more brightly than ever as you set up on this initiation, for that is what it really is. We will of course return with more on this remarkable effort you have all agreed to take part in, but for now, we will leave you all to ponder our words, and to give yourself ample time to rejoice and renew your vows to be a joyful being once again.


Archangel Michael: “THE ESSENCE OF WHO YOU ARE” Transmitted Through Ronna Herman, LM-05-2013, May 2013


Beloved masters, we have told you that “You are the Inbreath of the Creator.” These are unprecedented times whereby you have the potential to resolve all past karmic issues, to move into harmony with your vaster Being and to be an integral part of our Father/Mother God’s plan for the expansion of this Sub-universe. Are you ready, once and for all, to let go of all the old restrictions, beliefs and limitations that are keeping you from moving out of the quagmire of pain, lack and suffering? Will you allow your mind and heart to open to the higher wisdom of your Soul and Spirit? The ethers, or higher vibrational fields of consciousness, are filled with vast potential just waiting to be molded into your greatest dreams and desires.

Once again, we will review some of our teachings from the past to assist you to understand the complex Journey of the Soul every human Being is in the midst of, whether it be at an entry level of awareness or as an advanced disciple on the Path. There comes a time when the Soul has reached the furthermost point of Its experience in separation, fragmentation of Self and cocreation.
The Soul entity is then ready to begin the process of “reunification and integration” for the current cosmic round of Creation. The Soul Self is gradually infused with a Divine discontent which slowly filters into the consciousness of the human mind. Hopefully, that is when the human entity begins to turn inward, to tame the ego personality and reconnect with the Soul, the resident OverSoul/Higher Self, as well as with the multiple facets of Its greater Self. Humanity is in the midst of a mass awakening. A transformation of mass proportions has begun, which involves a global, galactic and Sub-universal reunion: the beginning of an ascension into a heightened state of Creator/Spirit-infused consciousness. At a cosmic level, the Supreme Creator is now sending down the radiance of Itself via the Great Central Suns, which is being filtered down upon Earth in great bursts of Living White Fire Essence of Life through the Sacred Heart Core of our Father/Mother God by way of the Sun of this solar system.


The Soul could be described as a small Seed Atom of pulsating Life Force energy which resides within the Sacred Heart, along with your multi-faceted Diamond Core God Cell. Your Diamond Core God Cell contains the twelve Rays of God Consciousness for this Sub-universe: the virtues, qualities, aspects and talents that you are seeking to activate once more so that you may become the proficient cocreator on the material plane that you were designed to be. The Soul may be only a small Spark of Life within the heart area in those who are still ensnared in the illusion of the lower dimensions; however, as it blooms and blossoms into its full dynamic power, it expands and becomes the “Solar Heart Center,” which encompasses the solar plexus, the heart, the thymus and throat area. In the past it was called the “Three-Fold Flame,” and the heart has been called the “Seat of the Soul”. The Soul communicates to you via both your emotional and your mental bodies: the emotions through the heart center and with the mind via the pineal gland; thereby igniting the packets of Light Wisdom stored within the higher vibrational portions of the brain called the “Sacred Mind.” When the connection is complete, the physical vessel begins to reap the rewards by way of better health and vitality, as well as a deeper connection with the Body Elemental.

We tell you empathetically that you cannot become a “lost Soul” or lose your connection with the Creator. You may lose your way, and you may become diminished in Creator Light, but your Soul is immortal and can never be lost or destroyed. You “save” yourself from pain, suffering and the illusion of being disconnected from the Creator through the integration of your Soul, the multiple facets of your Higher Self and your personal God Ray. The mass consciousness belief structure of the past is slowly being replaced with Lighter, more refined and liberating thought forms of the new Divine Plan. It is important that you understand that there are many levels on the spiral of ascension- it is never-ending as Creation ebbs, flows and evolves.

At a cosmic or Omniversal level, you are “Spirit ,” a facet or a Seed Atom of Divine Essence sent forth from the heart core of the Supreme Creator. At that level, you are fully conscious of who you are and of your connection with the Supreme Creator; you are aware of and know your “I AM” identity. At the Universal and Sub-universal levels, you are a Divine cocreator, once more sent forth on a great refracted Ray of Light to manifest worlds without end in the name of our Father/Mother God. You are aware of the overall Divine plan for this Sub-universe and the part you are to play in it; however, you may or may not remember your origins or identity at a cosmic level.

As Spirit, which we will call your “God Ray,” you are a great Being of Light who also sent forth facets or sub-rays of yourself, leaving OverSouls or parts of your Essence in different dimensions, galaxies, star systems and worlds throughout this Sub-universe, and in turn, each of these great Oversouls also sent forth Sparks or Soul fragments of their Essence. The you now incarnated in a physical body on planet Earth is one of those Soul Sparks who agreed to journey forth into the unknown void, to create diverse worlds, to inhabit them, and then to experience what you helped to create so that your unique experiences can be incorporated into the universal consciousness and ultimately into the Cosmic Mind.

When your physical vessel was first created, the Etheric Body sent forth billions of tiny Elemental Sparks throughout the bodily form. These Elemental Sparks were programmed to convey the Adamantine Particles of Light (the gift of life) to all the different parts of the body: the organs, the blood stream, muscles, tissue and bone structure (much as the Nature Elementals transmit the Adamantine Particles of Sun Light to all of the Nature Kingdom, and any facets of Creation which are not ensouled with a Sacred Seed Atom of Creator Consciousness).

The master teachers of the past often made reference to the Human Body Elemental and the Etheric Body or Etheric Web. The deep, esoteric teachings of the past were often written so that only the most advanced students on the Path could decipher the true meaning of the lessons. It is time that those teachings are revealed, upgraded and simplified so that all serious Souls on the Path of ascension can understand, and then gradually integrate them in order to expand their conscious awareness. Gaining the advanced knowledge and then integrating the wisdom from the universal teachings of the higher realms are vital components in the process of ascension.

The ancient teachings said that your physical bodies were originally created from etheric substance. You first came to Earth in your radiant Crystalline form, and gradually over many ages you developed your beautiful physical body from the Adam/Eve Kadmon Divine Blueprint for this Sub-universe. The distortions began as you sank into the density, and the ego desire body gradually took control of the mental and emotional bodies; this resulted in a good portion of your Soul Self withdrawing from your Sacred Heart Center into your Soul Star above the Crown Chakra.


In addition to the four recognized elements-fire, water, earth and air-ether is said to be the fifth element; thus comes the name “etheric.” The Etheric Body or Etheric Web, which is much finer in substance than the earthly body, refers to the invisible counterpart of the physical body. It holds the blueprint for your three lower-physical bodies (physical, mental and emotional). It is sometimes called the “memory body,” for it sustains and vitalizes the material form. It is susceptible to your thoughts and emotions, both positive and negative. Disease or debilitation occurs first in the Etheric Body and then gradually infiltrates into the physical vessel. The Etheric Body sustains and vitalizes the components of the physical body, and it controls the digestive and assimilation processes. It also repairs the damage in the physical body caused by the wear and tear of living in the third- / fourth-dimensional density.

There was a failsafe program encoded within the Etheric Body so that when you sank so deeply into the density and you were nearly to the point of self-destruction, your Body Elemental Cells went into a semi-dormant state, and they have remained in that state for thousands of years. Just as you are awakening to your true nature and your Divine state of Being, so are the Body Elemental Cells awakening, and they are gradually beginning to respond to your positive affirmations and the higher frequencies of Light you are integrating.

It is vitally important that you understand that there are subatomic dark crystals throughout the bodily form of everyone who resonates to the lower frequency thought forms. These crystals are packed with negative waste material created and recreated over many lifetimes, some of which are inherited negative patterns that you brought with you into the physical form to heal.

The subconscious mind-your subjective mind-is part of the Etheric Body consciousness, and it records and stores everything you experience, what you see, hear, think and feel emotionally. The subconscious mind takes everything literally, and it does not matter if you have experienced an event or just imagined it vividly, the subconscious mind registers it as fact. That is why it is so important to change negative, debilitating, past memories into positive memories. Your thoughts and intentions resonate to specific frequencies, and by changing the frequency patterns you project through the use of will power and conscious effort, you will gradually create the life, physical health and circumstances you desire.

You will become aware of your physical body consciousness as your Body Elemental wakes up, so to speak, and begins to work harmoniously with you to gradually correct all the miscreations you have created in your bodily form due to erroneous thoughts. Over time, you will gradually become more sensitive to your Body Elemental’s signals. Your body cells are all conscious to one degree or another. Some are disharmonious and create chaos and discomfort within, while others resonate in harmony, thereby vibrating at a higher frequency and conveying a sense of balance and well-being. Metabolizing Light is an important, intricate process that is necessary for your well-being. You might say that you have been on a starvation diet of half-spectrum God Light. Your trillions of bodily cells must relearn how to recognize and utilize Light as a vital energy source.

The reality of the senses or physical body consciousness: When you are in the flow of Spirit, you will exist very lightly in your body, often with no pain or discomfort. You may experience some diminished bodily sensations, except within the Solar Power Center and especially within the deep Sacred Heart area, where you will gradually begin to feel loving bliss and joy as they blaze forth from our Mother/Father God. More and more frequently you will experience a great sense of well-being, harmony and peace.


Dear hearts, we ask you to study what we have revealed to you over the years, and to endeavor to get the universal schematic we have created firmly established within your mind so that you will be able to understand and implement the next phase of the wondrous cosmic events which are unfolding before your eyes.


My brave ones, we know there can be much pain, discomfort and fear as you move through these accelerated processes which are causing the dramatic changes now taking place throughout your world. Know that together we will overcome all adversity. Our mission is to open the way for any dear Soul who expresses a desire to return to harmony. Know that each of you is making a difference. When you doubt, need inspiration or strength, come into your personal pyramid of Light and we will give you courage, lift you up and inspire you. When you feel lonely or unloved, move into your Sacred Heart center and we will be waiting there to fill you with the radiant love of our Mother/Father God.


***Dearest friends, I am regaining my strength and I am feeling much better. I have heard from people all over the world who have or are going through the same type of “cleansing process.” Archangel Michael told us some years ago that “a virus and/or a fever are not always a negative occurrence. Sometimes, they initiated as a means of more quickly clearing out impacted vibrational patterns that you have released within the body and that need to be transmuted.” We are preparing our bodily forms to receive more of the higher frequencies of Light that are necessary for us to integrate so that we may continue our journey into the higher dimensions and fulfill our new “Galactic mission.” I thank you all for your loving energy and prayers. I felt surrounded in your loving energy during my time of distress. Eternal love and angel blessings, Ronna



Transmitted through Ronna Herman * Copy freely and share. However, I claim the universal copyright for this article in the name of Archangel Michael. WE OFFER ARCHANGEL MICHAEL’S MESSAGES ON OUR WEBSITE AS A GIFT; HOWEVER, WE DO APPRECIATE YOUR DONATIONS TO HELP DEFRAY OPERATING EXPENSES AND POSTAGE FEES FOR THE FREE LOVE PACKETS WE SEND AROUND THE WORLD.

Watch or Buy the Sirius Disclosure Movie – The Atacama Humanoid

Link to Watch and Buy the Sirius Disclosure Movie

Link to Watch or Buy the Sirius Disclosure Movie

The Will to Heal – Lord Emauel Daily Message of Wisdom and Inspiration – 29th April 2013


Greetings Dear Ones!

It is I, Lord Emanuel and I AM come to be among you again this day. As always, I AM with you as you read these words, feel my presence, sense my presence, be open to receive my Love and my Blessings which pour forth from these words. Take a moment and really do it Dear Ones, take a moment to pause, be still, and be open to receive. Know that you are safe to do so. Relax, take a breath, allow me in, even if it is just for the time we have here, let me in, let me soothe you, let me heal you, let me take your burden from you, give it all to me and I will take it from you if that is your will.

And it truly has to be your will Dear Ones and here is a very important point that goes missed, something that is overlooked, is hidden and not in the conscious awareness of most and that is the will to be healed. For no further should you wander down  the path of healing if your deepest desire is not in line with what your conscious mind is aware of. Meaning, you can spend many long hours in healings, seminars, reading books and such, you can spend lots of your money on gurus and healers and all sort of external wisdom and advice but if you are not willing, if your will is not to be healed then it is all in vain. Well that is not strictly true, any path is never in vain but is richly woven, full of many lessons and experiences,  but my meaning is that it is in vain if your desired outcome is that of healing yourself. So many people go round and round and round in circles trying this method and that method, learning a great deal and having a very nice time and interesting time but no deep healing is taking place. The fundamental root of the problem is
not being addressed because the will to address it is not there. You have seen this in others, yes? And you may even see it in yourself.

What can I mean, the will is not there? Of course if a person has a problem, especially a specific physical ailment or condition, and that person goes for healing, they must want to be free of the ailment? No Dear Ones, this is not always the case. For underneath the radar of the conscious mind lies a deeper need for the illness or condition to remain. Often there is something to be gained from not healing.

Do you understand my meaning here Dear Ones? Sometimes, a person has many advantages to being ill. Perhaps there are many benefits and advantages to being this way. Yes? The biggest reason for this Dear Ones is avoidance of life in general. For
if we are too sick or injured or depressed or crippled by disease then we are ‘genuinely’ unable to fully express ourselves, unable to fully reach our highest potential, unable to be the best we can be to get out there and fulfill our dreams and our highest potential and let me tell you Dear Ones, every single one of you is capable of Great things, greater than your imagination will let you go to. There really are no limits to what you can achieve. This is the Truth.

And I have given you examples of physical illnesses Dear Ones, and while I remember, there is nothing wrong with that. There is absolutely nothing wrong with being OK with being sick or ill but perhaps it would be wiser to be honest with oneself about
it. However there is nothing wrong and there is no judgement in this, please do not judge a person for this, it is their right to live their way. So Dear Ones, I gave you specific physical examples but it runs much deeper and in much more subtle levels in all of us.

The blocks that keep us down, that keep us from living our truth, that keep us from limitless potential also keeps us ‘safe’ but it is not safe my Dear ones, it is comfort and there is a huge difference. These blocks keep us comfortable, even if that comfort is not comfortable at all!! Do you see my meaning? The blocks and the ‘stuff’ that we need to heal in order to move forward in life keep us comfortable and humans do not like to be pushed out of their comfort, even if what is waiting for them through the discomfort, on the other side, is Heaven on Earth!

My Dear Ones, are you willing to be healed? Are you willing to step into your true power and see your magnificent potential realised? My Dear Hearts do you want to  say yes to life, yes to freedom and yes to sovereignty and standing in your own  power? Yes?

Say yes to life and life will answer you faster than you can say the word. This is my Promise to you.

I AM Lord Emanuel and I Love you so much, God Bless each and every one of you.

I Love you.
Transmitted through Gillian Ruddy.
This message is a gift, please freely copy and share it. However, I claim the Universal copyright to this message in the name of the Ascended Master Lord Emanuel.
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Inner Worlds, Outer Worlds – 2 minute trailer (video)


In the ancient traditions the most important teachings were always given for free in order to ensure the purity of the teachings.

We have continued that practice and are making Inner Worlds, Outer Worlds free for all to watch. We encourage you to make a donation so that we can continue to make more films and to bring the ancient teachings into the world.

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Healing Energy Streams Flow from Portal to Portal… April 24, 2013


Healing energy streams flow from portal to portal as Gaia balances with Hue-manity and humanity (smaller h) energies.

Light Workers called to portal adjustments are encouraged to follow healing energy flow within, as this aligns with the Gaia Healing energy streams, and will lead each to their Gaia healing portal center.

As Hue-manity aligns, and more and more of humanity (smaller h) begins to align, with these healing energy streams, and accepts those processes within themselves, Gaia rests in the resulting peace, and needs not the “catastrophic” adjustments previously thought necessary.

Those promoting the “doom and/or gloom catastrophe” scenarios will find difficulty in expressing those ideas, as their time is over. The current energetic state of Gaia does not support, in any way, that type of energy intent.





The Healing Power of the Human Heart – A Hathor Planetary Message through Tom Kenyon, April 25, 2013


This Hathor Message is pure sound.

In other words, there are no words in this Hathor Planetary Message. It is pure Hathorian sound.

The Hathors’ primary mode of communication and method for imparting transformational information has always been through their catalytic sound work.  These pure sound-forms activate non-ordinary states of body and mind that we can use to access the multi-dimensional realities of our existence.

That, in a nutshell, is why their sounds are so potent.

Directly experiencing our multi-dimensional nature is not only freeing to the mind and heart, it can rapidly impart new insights, heighten creativity and inspire spiritual courage.

You can find a direct link to this sound meditation at the bottom of this page. You can also find a link to this sound meditation in the Listening section of our website (

This particular “sound message” was recorded live during a one-day Hathor Intensive that took place in Istanbul on April 13, 2013.  During this sound meditation our focus was in the heart chakra, and I was surprised to sense that the sounds were emanating into many underground passages that stretched underneath the vast city of Istanbul. It was my clear sense that these sounds were being broadcast from Istanbul to the rest of the world, due to both the geographical location of this ancient city and its unique energetic qualities, which bridge both Europe and Asia.

At one point during the sound meditation, I had the strong psychic impression that I was being greeted by a host of Earth Protectors who resided in the underground passages. Every one of them, without exception, informed me that the world was about to undergo a radical transformation. What they meant by this exactly was not made clear to me, but the changes will be very disruptive to our human way of life.

My feeling from these ancient beings was that humanity must face and transform its unresolved emotional wounding if it is to survive the passage into higher dimensionality.

Thus, the purpose of this meditation is to integrate aspects of yourself that you have shunned or disowned. In psychology, this type of emotional displacement is called the shadow, and un-owned shadow material can contaminate our inner life as well as our outward actions in the world.

The Hathors are adamant that we need to transform our own shadow material, both individually and collectively, as we move upward in consciousness. They also contend that our collective shadow is being acted out at an alarming rate, and in ways that threaten not only human survival, but the survival of other life forms on this planet as well.

In spite of the precarious position that humanity is now facing, the Hathors believe that the human heart (i.e., the heart chakra) has an innate ability to heal and transform our individual emotional lives no matter how difficult our past history and emotional traumas may have been. Not only this, but they are of the opinion that healing our emotional lives has a subtle yet far-reaching affect on the collective heart (i.e., our collective emotional tone) as well, which can and does affect our collective destiny.

I have listened to the recording of this sound meditation several times, and I experience a healing response in my heart chakra every time. The Hathors have asked me to post this on the website as soon as possible. And this is a sign, I think, of just how urgent and dire the Hathors consider our current situation to be.


Listening Suggestions

1) One way of listening to this sound meditation is to simply focus your attention in the area of your heart chakra, which is located in the center of your chest behind the sternum. Just keep your mental focus in this area and listen to the sounds. When your mind wanders, bring it back to your heart chakra and the sound patterns.

2) Another way of listening to this sound meditation is to imagine that a small version of you is inside your heart chakra. This shift in self-identity will create a more powerful effect for some people. Depending upon what you are dealing with, you might find your self-image inside the heart chakra standing, sitting or lying down. In some instances when you feel highly vulnerable, you might find yourself curled up in a fetal position in your heart chakra. Just keep the focus of your attention on this sense of you that is inside your heart chakra, in whatever forms it may take. Don’t be surprised if the form inside your heart changes as you move through different types of emotional material.

3) Some people will find it more powerful to breathe into their heart chakra when listening to the sounds. If you work with this method, sigh into your exhales, and let the sighs come out from your heart chakra. In other words, make an audible sigh with each exhale.

A more advanced form of this method is to allow yourself to feel the movement of energy that emanates from your heart chakra as you sigh into each exhale and to follow this movement of energy with your awareness as the energy from your heart chakra circulates throughout your entire body.

My personal suggestion is to try all three methods and choose the one(s) that work best for you. You might also find it helpful to have a notebook to write down your impressions, feelings, images and insights right after you complete a listening session. This is because the state of consciousness generated by this sound piece can generate a type of waking-dream, and like dreams they can sometimes impart significant insights, but also like dreams, they are fleeting in nature and easily forgotten.

I think of this sound meditation as a type of archaeological tool. You can use it to uncover hidden passages in your heart and to retrieve treasures of consciousness that have been obscured to your sight. And you can, just as importantly, bring to the light of your conscious awareness “things” that have been hidden by the darkness of unconsciousness.

You undertake this task for yourself. But the benefits of freeing yourself from emotional imprisonment and constraint can, and will, benefit your fellow human beings and all life as well.

Click here to listen to and/or download the Hathor Heart Chakra Healing Sound Meditation ©2013. Note that this is a live recording from the Istanbul event and there are some room noises that were picked up by the microphone.

Information Unrelated to this Message

For those of you who have studied with me in the past, and for those of you contemplating working with me in the future, I thought it might be a good idea to let you know my intentions around workshops. Beginning next year, I am changing my way of doing the Work, and there will be fewer and fewer opportunities to be in the live sound-fields that are a crucial part of my seminars.

The live sound-fields that I create during workshops are fields of subtle energy that are generated when I access other dimensions of consciousness. While recordings of these sounds certainly capture some of the energetics that are released when I channel other dimensional worlds, the full impact of these energy-fields can only be experienced in the moment when I am actually channeling the sounds and in the space where it is occurring.

There are only three workshops scheduled in the U.S. this year.

The Leviathan, will be held in the Peter Jay Sharp Theatre at Symphony Space on Broadway in New York City on May 25th. In the course of this one-day event, I will take us through many sound journeys using numerous mystical traditions as a springboard into the mystery of the transcendent Self. This event promises to be a truly life changing experience due to the juxtaposition of so many sound journeys. You can read more about this event in the Calendar on our website.

You can buy tickets online from Symphony Space by using this link:

You may also reach the Symphony Space box office at 212-864-5400, Tues – Sun from 1 PM until 6 PM. All online ticket purchases are subject to a per-ticket fee of $2.75, in addition to a $3.00 handling fee. Symphony Space takes American Express, Master Card, Visa and Discover. Tickets are non-refundable and non-transferable from either Symphony Space or from Tom Kenyon. Symphony Space sells tickets online only or at their box office. We do not register for this event in our office.

Note: This is the only event on the East Coast this year, and I am not sure if, and when, I will return to this area for another event.

In addition, to the New York event, there will be two three-day workshops in the Pacific Northwest area in October.

On October 4th -6th I will lead a Shamanic Buddhist Retreat on Orcas Island, called Entering the Mandala.And on October 25th  – 27th I will teach The Art of Egyptian High Alchemy in Seattle, Washington. You can read further information about these unique events in the Calendar section of our website (

If you wish to immerse yourself in the live sound fields that I create during public workshops, I encourage you to consider attending one of these events.

Note from Judi: Tom is not saying he is not going to teach anymore, but he is making it clear that he will teach less and less, which means there will be fewer opportunities to be in the live sound field of his voice, and there is nothing in the world like being in the live sound field of his voice. No CD can ever capture that. So if you’ve always wanted to hear Tom live, I would move mountains to attend one of these events. The live sound field is the most transformative, healing experience I’ve ever had. Hands down. It’s life changing!

©2013 Tom Kenyon   All Rights Reserved

You may make copies of this written message and distribute it in any media you wish so long as you do not charge for it, do not alter it in any waycredit the author and include this entire copyright notice.  The Hathor Heart Chakra Healing Sound Meditation, including all content in the Listening section of the website, may not be distributed or offered on any other web site, as it is for personal, individual use only and is protected by International Copyright.  Please note that any recordings of mine offered on any Internet site other than are being posted without my permission and are done so illegally.

Healing and Love – How Do I Meditate – Part 2 of 2, April 14, 2013


This is the second part of a two-part posting on how I meditate.  You can read the first part by clicking HERE.  Be sure to read the first part before reading this second post as the second post may not make sense to you without reading the first part.  I believe that I ended the first part by telling you the affirmations that I do.

Once I complete the affirmations, I say

Angels, please be with me now.  It is my deepest intention now to pull out all the love, all the light, all the peace, all the joy, all the energy, all the blessings and all the happiness from my heart.  I would like to send all of these things to my mom, to my dad, to my brother, to my wife, to my children, to my pets and to all of my extended family.

I would also like to send these beautiful things to all the souls who I have given a healing to and all the souls who are yet to receive a healing from me and to all the souls who have been touched by my web site.  Should these souls choose to accept my love, my light, my peace, my joy, my energy, my blessings and my happiness, allow it to do for them what is in their best and highest good with pure love.  Allow it to give them happiness and peace.

So with that intention angels, please reach into my heart now and pull out and send all my love, my light, my happiness, my joy, my peace, and my healing to all of these beautiful souls. Please do this now.

Then I send this by raising my vibration higher and higher.  I do this just by being and feeling with the heart.  I feel this energy leaving my body and I see the energies around me.  They are all around me.  Meditation is about just being and feeling, not thinking.

There is much more gold, and so many different energy beings around me when I do this.  Then I do another 6 breathing exercises inhaling light and exhaling love and then I send out the love bomb.  This love bomb meditation is mind-blowing for me and it works!!

Here is what I say:

Angels it is now my intention to send out a love bomb to the center of the Earth where Gaia resides.  Again, it is my deepest intention now to pull out all the love, all the light, all the peace, all the joy, all the energy, all the blessings and all the happiness from my heart.  Please pull all of this out of my heart now and allow it to be in front of me to see.

I then wait and feel it leaving my body and being in front of me.  I feel this.  I then say:

Angels, please add the energies of anyone who has agreed to add their energies to this love bomb and allow this love bomb to grow based on the addition of these energies.

I have a few people who have agreed to allow me to add their energies in the growth of this love bomb.  There is strength in numbers.

Then I say:

Saint Germaine, please be here now.  Please wrap your beautiful violet flame and energy around this love bomb giving it transformation and transmutation energies.

He will typically acknowledge me and tell me when he has done this and then I thank him.  Then I say:

Angels, please raise this love bomb just slightly above the Earth.  I now ask Arch Angel Gabrielle to make a clarion call to all the universes, multiverses and omniverses, to wherever anyone may be at so that they can hear me.

I wait a few moments and then I say:

I ask anyone wherever you may be, if you can hear me, to voluntarily send me your love, your light, your energy, your blessing, your happiness, your joy, your support, your healing.  Please merge your intentions into this love bomb, all of you!  Grow the love bomb with your love and light and blessings for humanity and Gaia.

I then wait and I just feel.  I see things that I cannot describe to you in words.  Just know that it is wonderful.    I feel as if I am a vacuum sucking up all of this love and light from everywhere and everyone, and happiness from every being there is and I am this vacuum bag getting bigger and bigger.  I then say:

I will now count down from 12 to zero and when I reach zero, we will all collectively throw this love bomb into the center of Gaia’s heart where it will explode.  Once it explodes, it will be a tidal wave of love flowing through Earth in every direction, nothing standing in its path.  It will fill every being with love, light, happiness, joy, peace, and healing.

It will affect all the world leaders and all the governments, all judicial systems, police systems, pharmaceutical systems, corporations, religious institutions, everyone and everything.  Every heart will be affected.  All wrongs will be corrected.  All animals will be free.  Every heart will be transformed and transmuted with Saint Germaine’s violet flame.

The collective consciousness will rise.  Layers of negativity and anger will be shed and peeled off and peace on Earth will rule.  Love will prosper and humanity will ascend.  As I now count down, please continue to grow this love bomb, making it stronger and stronger.

Then I do a countdown, and I start with 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0.  After I say every number, I take a deep breath inhaling light, holding it in for a three count, and then I exhale love.  Then I say a lower number, repeating the breathing until I get to zero.  My eyes are open at all times.  I envision this energy love bomb getting bigger and intensifying as all beings are sending their love to it as the countdown continues.

Their energies are in it.  After every number, the gold grows for me and more beings show up.  It is a huge spiritual party at Andy’s house and all the beings are there.  I feel their energies.  They are all looking at me and I so love this and I feel and love them.  When I get to zero I say “Checkmate,” like in the movie Independence Day.   Then I say:

Now everyone, please hold this energy love bomb and on the count of three, let’s collectively drop it in the center of Earth, and let it explode into Gaia’s heart filling all life on Earth and beyond with pure Love.  One, Two, Three.

When I say three, I see this love bomb being projected from the sky past me and blowing up and exploding in Gaia’s heart.  And let me tell you when that love bomb explodes, this wave or massive energy comes over me literally jolting me.  There is a fish tank in the room that I meditate in and the fish all flutter around and my 2 dogs bark when this love bomb explodes.  Animals are more sensitive to energies.

Then I am in a sea of love just floating around with every other energy being.  Just GOLD, GOLD, GOLD.  I see myself in the ceiling looking down seeing myself with not a care in the world.  I am blissful!!!

After I settle down, I say:

Thank you everyone who has been with me during this meditation.  Angels please reach in my heart and send out my love and gratitude to my Guardian Angels, my Ascension Angels, my Arch Angels, my Seraphim Angels, my Universal Angels and to all the Angels that are here who I have not mentioned.

Thank you to my Mom, to my Spirit Guide, to my Master Guides, to Jesus, to all the Ascended Masters, to Saint Germaine, to Lady Nada, to Sananda, to Lady Portia and to all the Company of Heaven and of course to Mother / Father God.  Please reach in my heart now angels and send this love and gratitude to yourselves now.

Again, when I do this, so much love is projected at me, and so much gold.  I just can’t describe it in words.  Then I say:

If there is anyone that is here who would like to give me message feel free to do so now.

Then various Light Beings pop in and talk to me.  I feel their energies and I see their energies.  All is communicated telepathically.  Most of the messages are about how I am doing, personal messages, what I need to be doing, who I am and what my role here is on Earth regarding ascension.

The beings that have talked to me include Lady Nada, Sananda, Jesus, Saint Germaine, Lady Portia, Arch Angel Michael, Arch Angel Metatron, Arch Angel Gabrielle, Arch Angel Raphael, and Mother / Father God.  Each has a different energy and a different telepathic voice.  It is truly amazing.  You do not have to believe me or anything that I say in this post.  I know it is real and I know it is truth.  It is not a book or channeling I am reading or a YouTube video I am watching.  I see it, and I experience it in my conscious state.  Then I say:

Angels, please release any excess energy from my body through my legs into Gaia’s heart so she can use the energy as she sees fit.

I then start coming down to Earth from my meditation.  After the meditation, I go to the bathroom and look in the mirror.  Again the energy just raises itself, gold surrounds me and I am not myself in the mirror, I am a beautiful glowing light body being, all energy and love.  Another confirmation that it is all true.

So that is my daily meditation experience.  Now you know why I am always happy when I talk to you.  It is real and it is making a difference in raising the collective consciousness.  We need this.  Meditations help so much.  Collective meditations with positive intent are even stronger.

I will be asking in another post for anyone that is interested to consciously allow me to include your energy in the love bomb.  Let’s grow the number of people who are participating in this meditation.  There is so much strength in numbers.  And I want to be reunited with very special person in my life when the twin flame reunion occurs.

You do not have to meditate with me at a certain time.  You do not have to meditate at all.  All you need to do is give me permission to include you in this meditation, to include your energy for the good of raising the collective consciousness level.  So blessings and love to you for taking the time to read these two long posts on how I meditate.  I hope it inspired you to laugh and to be happy!!


PS.  If you like this posting, click on the “Sign Me Up” button on the right side of the website and you will get an e-mail when I have a new post.  And click on the “Like” button on the right to like my Facebook Page.

Permission is given to copy and distribute this material, provided the content is copied in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, and this notice and the link below is included.

Healing and Love – How Do I Meditate – Part 1 of 2, April 14, 2013


A lot of people have been asking me how I meditate.  This posting will tell you exactly what I do when I meditate.  Feel free to use this meditation for yourself or take bits and pieces of it; whatever works for you.  I usually meditate right before I go to bed.  Everyone is asleep in my home and it is peaceful and quiet.  Time for me after a long day.

I always meditate in the same area every evening.  The lights are always on.  It is quiet and peaceful and there is no meditation music.  You could have meditation music if you like.  I do not light any candles.  Again, you could light candles as well.  I just choose not to.  That area where I meditate is on my couch in my living room.

I will sit on my couch and relax and extend my legs outward so that my legs are lying on the coffee table in front of me.  I am in a relaxed mode.  My mind is still and I ask my ego to be perched on my shoulder and only observe and not interact.  I ask my mind not to interact as well as my heart is in control.

Now, with my eyes closed, I will take a slow deep breath in through my nose and hold it in for a three count.  Then, I exhale the air slowly with my mouth.

When I breathe in, I envision light coming into my body and when I exhale I envision love flowing out of my body.  I do this inhale / exhale method twelve times to bring in Divine energy and love into my crown chakra on top of my head.

When I do this, I feel my head completely tingling like ants are walking all over the top of my head.  This is good as my crown chakra is opening up.  You want this to happen as you are connecting to Spirit.

Then I say the following in my head (or gently out loud) with my eyes closed:

Guardian Angels, please be with me; Universal Angels, please be with me; Arch Angels, please be with me; Arch Angel Michael ,please be with me; Arch Angel Raphael, please be with me; Seraphim Angels, please be with me; and all other Angels that I have not mentioned, if you are available, please be with me.

Mom, please be with me; Spirit Guides, please be with me; Master Guides, please be with me; Jesus, please be with me; Ascended Masters, please be with me; Saint Germaine, please be with me; Sananda, please be with me: Lady Nada, please be with me; Lady Portia, please be with me; And all Universal Light Beings, and the Company of Heaven, please be with me;

Elementals, please be with me; Unicorns, please be with me; Dragons, please be with me and Dolphins, please be with me.  I also ask Father / Mother God to please be with me now.

Then I wait and take a few more deep breaths, hold for a three count and exhale.  I envision Divine Light and energy coming into me on the inhale and Pure Love going out of my body on the exhale.

I then say:

Arch Angel Michael, please protect me during this meditation and throughout the night.  Please stand guard in your full presence and place me in a loving bubble.  Please fill the bubble with light and love and place protective mirrors around the outside of that bubble pointing outward so that if there are any beings, any negative thought forms, any negative elementals, any negative energy that is not for my highest and best good, not of the purest white light, let them see their own reflections in the mirrors and be moved away from me and into the light.

I ask that you place your blue protective energy around the bubble for additional protection.  I also ask my higher self to invoke the Gold Ray of Christ for my ultimate and total protection.  Lastly, I ask Arch Angel Metatron to protect me and my aura with his Orange and Gold protection energy.  It is done.  I ask that my wife and children, my pets, my home, my garage, my car, and my community be protected in the same way that I am protected.  It is done.

And now that I am protected, I ask that I be fully grounded with Mother Earth, with beautiful Gaia.  I now envision strong gold roots growing from my loving heart going through my body and through my legs deep into the center of the earth where Gaia resides.  I now envision these powerful roots, with Gaia’s permission, latching on to her beautiful and loving heart.

I envision her heart and my heart merging as one loving heart.  I envision my entire energy body merging with Gaia’s energy body becoming one soul, one body, one consciousness.  I ask to be fully grounded to beautiful Gaia so that I always come back to this couch after wherever the meditation takes me or through any night travels.  It is done.

I now ask that all the powerful energies, all the love, all the light, all the joy, all the happiness, all the healing and all the peace from Mother / Father God come in through my soul, though all of my bodies, etheric, physical, emotional, mental, through all my chakras, though every cell of my body and through my aura.  I ask that it pour though me with Divine Love and Blessings.

As it comes through my crown chakra, let it flow though my other chakras, through my root chakra and into Gaia and back up to Mother / Father God continuing in a closed loop filling me with light and pure love throughout the meditation and throughout the night.  It is done.

Then I wait and the energies rise and build.  The feeling is amazing.

Then I do another 6 breathing exercises as described above, light coming in on the in breath and love leaving my body on the outbreath.  Then I open my eyes.  When I do, I see the energies rising, gold floods my vision, gold is everywhere and the energies are everywhere.  I see energy beings, faces, bodies, you name it, I see it.  It is pure love pouring at me.  It is amazing what I see and I cannot even begin to describe this it in this post.  It feels so good and so right as love energies are radiating at me.

I then say the following:

Arch Angel Raphael, please be with me now. 

I sense his powerful energy and he will typically say “I am here Andrew.”  Then I say:

Please send down your emerald-green light and energy counter clock wise going through my crown chakra and slowly through my other chakras and organs and cells in my body.

As this energy comes in at a fast spiraling pace, please remove any diseased energy, any blocked energy, any negative elementals, any negative though forms, any cords or attachments that do not serve me, anything that does not serve my highest and best good and anything that is not of the highest and purest white light of God. 

Please place these unwanted things to the outside of my aura to be burned off  by Saint Germaine’s violet flame which I will ask for next.

I wait a few moments and see this massive Arch Angel with large wings engulf me in his green light and love; His green energy light coming in and cleansing and clearing me.  He will usually say “It is done.” and I will thank him.  Then I say the following:

Saint Germaine, please be with me. 

I hear him usually say “Yes, Andrew, I am here.” And I sense him next to me with his powerful energy and I say: 

Please place me in your violet flame and burn off permanently all of the stuff that Arch Angel Raphael just placed on the outside of my aura to be burned off.

I wait a few moments and envision this happening.  He also will say “It is done” and I thank him.

Then I say these powerful mantras three times:

I am the gold and silver violet flame, I am the flame of mercy, I am the flame of joy, I am the flame of transformation and transmutation, I am Saint Germaine, I am Arch Angel Zadkiel.

I am the Gold Ray of Christ, I am unconditional love, I am the Cosmic Heart, I am Lord Maitreya, I am the CHRIST!

Let me tell you when I say these mantras with intention and love, so much gold is around me, it is beyond description.  The room is literally moving as are the walls and pictures.  I have to stabilize it with my intention.  Truly amazing!  This is the fifth dimension.  And let me tell you, it will blow your mind away!!  Now I am ready to meditate on the Love Bomb meditation.  This will be part two of two of my meditation.  You do not want to miss this one as it is just awesome!  The love that flows from this is so unbelievable.

I hope you have enjoyed reading how I meditate.  It is personal to me but public in a sense that so many people meditate.  Everyone should meditate.  Everyone meditates differently and no one meditation is better than another.  It is the intent to meditate, the intent to make a connection, the intent to open up your heart that matters.

If you meditate daily, your heart chakra and your crown chakra will open up.  You will be more spiritual and you will connect with your spirit guides and with your angels.  You will be happier and you will be self-healing yourself as well.

But you have to set the right intention and ask for protection as you are a beacon of light attracting everyone with your light, good and bad.  But Michael will be there to protect you.  Just use my verbage and incorporate that protection in your meditation.  Nobody will harm you but you can’t be scared.  Spirit is there and wants to connect with you.  They want to help you and with the current energies flooding the planet, it is a perfect time.  We all need to connect.

That is why you are here, to release all that does not serve your highest and best good and to ascend to the higher dimensions with a higher consciousness and to be a beautiful multi-dimensional light being.

We all need to clear our baggage, our skeletons from our closet.  You cannot take this with you when you ascend.  Your higher self will not allow it.  You must release this stuff, you must forgive yourself and others and you must have happiness and love in your heart.  Meditations and healings definitely help.  Crying with intent to forgive and release helps but intention is the key.

Energy follows your intention.  You literally can transform your life and manifest heaven on earth for yourself and co-create your new reality.  No more anger, no more hurt, no more judgment and criticism and peace in your heart, in your essence of the light being that you are.  Trust and love yourself and watch miracles occur in your life as your I AM presence comes to life!!

You are that powerful and that loved as you are God’s child, regardless of what you have done in this life and past lives.  So shine your light and stand in your light!!  I hope this posting inspires you to take action and start meditating (if you are not already meditating).  Part two will be posted soon.  Blessings and love to all of you beautiful souls…



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