Magatha from Agartha ~ Introduction to some new Galactic civilisations that co-operate with us ~ As channeled by Méline Lafont, May 13, 2013



Greetings beloved brethren of Earth.


It has been a while since our last connection and as always we are most delighted to step forward in the Now and to convey a message of Love and Light. As is commonly known, the current eclipses contribute a lot and are really the trigger for everything that is now taking place on Earth.


Shifts continue to occur and they go hand in hand with an inner cleansing, with transmutations and transformations which have become a daily routine for your Being. You better get used to it for a lot more is waiting in the wings as transformation is an unending process of Ascension which will continue to happen no matter what state of consciousness you have accrued.


As to your transformation, you are never really completely finished with it because you are an energy and energy moves and changes shapes and essences indefinitely depending on what your energy adopts, creates and chooses. Therefore the process of transformation and transmutation goes along phases to lead you from one point to the next, as you always evolve infinitely into something else. That is life, that is Being.


The reason why we wish to step forward today is to give you the next update about the current state of affairs in Agartha, in Telos and in all civilizations of the Inner Earth. Our civilizations mutually forge deep ties in order to guarantee increased cooperation for Gaia and for all Her lightbeings and by the latter we mean all of you. We too are evolving more and more into a collective and consciously aware civilization that wishes nothing else than Love, a civilization that is only motivated by Love.


That is also the objective which all of you strive for : 1 collective conscious awareness and Being. We are going to assist you with this together with all the other collective groups in the cosmos, which you call the Galactic Federation of the Light. As we have mentioned before, we also cooperate closely with the Pleiadian and with the Sirian Emissaries of the Light.


We now would like to give you a few names of civilizations tightly  involved in galactic projects, amongst which is the Disclosure project and other important projects on Earth. Méline is involved but so are countless other souls in incarnation who are in the know. It is our deepest desire that humanity becomes knowledgeable of the facts that certain entities are eligible to bring forth great things officiating a trust and an unmistakable perseverance, what is now of the utmost importance.


The following groups are eligible to build and to realize certain projects in cooperation with our civilizations and Emissaries of the Light, These are just a few groups of a much larger collaboration that I am about to appoint and who I want to start with :


·        The Pleiadian Emissaries of the Light

·        The Sirian Emissaries of the Light and the Sirian Angel Kingdom

·        The Altherians

·        The Andromedans

·        The Arcturian Council of the Light

·        The Agarthans, the Telons and all civilizations of the Inner Earth

·        The Mondrians and their civilization called Mondrianon.  They bring the spiritual enrichment of light, they come from another Universe but do have a connection with the Pleiades.

·       Luminianon, a civilization of the high Light originating from the Andromedan Galaxy (Luminians) They bring high technology into force on your planet.

·        The civilization of the high Light of Orion; the Orion council of Light. There are few civilizations that are not of the Light, but this one is.

·        The galaxy of Ontheon. Located near the Rorst Universe. They bring inassets through portals which include “Sason”: a high-tech equipment that isincredibly valuable energy. This equipment provides a better environment, for example to remove Chemtrails.

·        The Suprianons, a civilization of the Galaxy of Nebadon (our Universe)They want to connect with us, they are from the light and highly developed(9D), they wish to make contact soon.

·        The Litheans, a civilization of a very distant star system called Lithiamos.  They provide better conditions for the Earth, like always feeling good.

·        The Ascended Masters of the Earth Kingdom, well known to all of you

·        The Archangelic Realm

·        The Vega civilization

·        The Ascended Beings of the Light Kingdom of Angels

·        The All transcendent Source of All That Is, our beloved Mother/Father God force, the unconditional Love


By and large, this list comprises the major cooperation groups working with all of you incarnated on Earth. Be aware that all the groups mentioned above stand for Presences of the Light having each their specific goal and essence, contributing their part in this global, solar and even universal process of Ascension. The cooperation takes place in everyone of your consciousnesses and in your Being of essence, meaning that each and everyone of you is a part of all these energetic Presences, these groups and this cooperation. You are the aspects of each essence in incarnation and you bring everything further along in manifestation by grounding all those refined energies that you are and that you receive from us; all of us forming 1 giant cooperation.  Each of you has the full integration of 22 Galactic galaxies in your entire DNA, which means that there is a connection to each galaxy.


Can you see now that you are the ones that will bring everything further along with a little help from us?! You use your embodiments and your Being to bring all of this into your reality by integrating, creating and grounding it all. We provide you with the energetic force, with enlightenment and with guidance which afterwards you integrate, become aware of, know of and which you convert into reality. All of us are you in aspects of Being, your are a part of all of us whether we refer to Agarthans or to the Pleiadian Emissaries of the Light, or to Vega or to Andromeda. It doesn’t matter as we all form 1 giant group consisting of subgroups, shaping their own specific colour, consciousness and identity.


We observe lots of events and shifts happening in your Earthly reality and it becomes clearer to many Earth brethren that it gets ever more difficult to maintain duality. This leads many people to disillusionment but also to dispair, to the feeling of being lost. The reality that was steadfastly prevalent for so many centuries disintegrates and leaves altogether, as viewed from your stance and from that of everyone now present on Earth. One person will arrive at certain insights quicker than another and one process will evolve more smoothly than another but rest assured that everything evolves as you create it according to what is at present the best way for you to learn from.


Currently we see many lost souls trying to find their way to their own truth, in search of a certain hold that offers comfort. However, this hold is illusory because everything changes eternally and one has to be flexible and open to everything that comes one’s way, whatever that might be. As long as you stay in a positive energy, positive circumstances will be experienced by you. Be powerful and clear in your thoughts/creations in a positive way and always from the heart in the purest of Love.


Gradually we are becoming your reality because you dwell in a higher reality that allows for the merger with our energies. Be patient, let go of the notion of time as this still is prominently the obstacle holding you back : time! We advise you to rather live from day to day as if everything is in the Now and there is no tomorrow, there is no yesterday; all is Now.


With lots of Love and in heartfelt friendship we greet you and we say to you : until next time. I Am Magatha of Agartha.


Copyright ©  by Méline Lafont. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy and distribute this material, provided the content is copied in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, and this copyright notice and links are included.  and






Ashtar: Bulletin From The Bridge & Mother Gaia’s Earth Day Message trough Susan Leland, April 26, 2013

Ashtar: Bulletin From The Bridge
April 26, 2013
“Greetings, Beloved Family!  It is with great Joy, and indeed, Reverence, that we present Mother Gaia’s loving message.* It is as timeless as she, and we invite you to feel the infinite Love with which she imbues it!!!
 “You are aware of the many changes which are to be made in the manner in which She is treated, and we commend you for all of your efforts in this direction!  Lest you be having any thoughts that these changes are not already in progress, or are about to be enacted, be assured that we are monitoring all activities of interaction with Mother Gaia, and we have a comprehensive list of all which are ceasing and are about to cease, along with appropriate High Dimensional replacements where needed.
“For instance, the World no longer turns on what is known as the petro dollar, even though some of the dark hats are persisting in having you believe otherwise. The Truth is that the plundering of Mother Gaia’s fossil fuels is ending forever upon Planet Earth! Yet, this is not to say that you will be without energy for heat, cooking, transportation, etc. It is simply that clean energy will be the only kind used, and it will be free to all!!! This energy is already here, and it is becoming known to more and more humans in every moment!
“And, we also repeat to you that we are intervening in the most violent of actions, so as to prevent massive destruction and annihilation of the Planet. That timeline has been replaced, and there will be no going backward!!!
“We encourage each of you to create your own visions of Paradise, with all of Mother Gaia’s pristine and radiant beauty fully available for you to enjoy. For in Truth, she already is in this state of being, as she always has been in her Higher Dimensional Self!!!
“Accept her invitation to connect and commune with Her, and you shall indeed enjoy all of her wondrous gifts to you, which are your Divine Birthright, Beloved Ones! Welcome to the Immortal Paradise of Mother Gaia!!! Salut!”
Mother Gaia’s Earth Day Message
Ashtar On The Road Teleconference April 23, 2013
(Mother Gaia was introduced by Ashtar, who was followed by The Flower that Shattered the Stone, sung by John Denver)
Mother Gaia:  “Greetings, my Beloved Children!  I am so pleased to be here with you, and I give to each and every one of you my Love, unending and infinite, and my promise to you is that, yes, together, this Paradise is coming more and more into your memories!  I have held the vision of it all through the ages, since the very beginning when Planet Earth was first created, I’ve been here.  I have welcomed those of you who have come from the stars, who have joined me in living and experiencing that which you call the third dimension, and this has been most important for you to do, for you are the teachers, and the leaders, to the entire Universe!!!

“It is for you, Beloved Children, it is for you to lead the way truly into the Golden Age, and I am here with you to do my part.  I am here to assist you in every way possible.  I am here to grow food for you.  I am here to provide you with an almost infinite array of Animals, Plants, and yes, even the Crystals.  I message to you through them, you know.  And so it is that the Crystals themselves, along with the Divas of the Plants and the Animals, and the Fairies and all of those you call the Elementals of Earth, are here to be in assistance to you in opening up our Connections into Oneness!


“It is to feel the Rhythms of Life in me, and to recognize that they are the same Rhythms that you feel in yourselves.  It is to free yourselves from all that has been put upon you, even as you assist me in freeing myself from that which has been put upon me, in what you call the third dimensional lifestyle. For the Truth of it is, I am free!  I AM free!  I not only survive – I thrive!!!


“But it is you, Beloved Ones, who are asked to lead the way, so that the consciousness of all of Humanity may join in.  I know your Hearts.  I know how you love.  And I know that you are all committed to your Ascension Process, as am I.  But there are still those who don’t know, who don’t know what it feels to fly, who don’t understand the Joy, or the beauty of a garden, or the desert, or any place upon this Planet.  They don’t feel it in their Hearts, so they don’t really know how precious it is!!!


“I’m not angry.  I have only Love for all, all, members of all of my Kingdoms.  I do not know anger, and I never have.  It is only Love, and sometimes the cleansings that I have initiated have been taken, or interpreted as anger, but really they’re just simply cleansings that need to happen for the survival of Planet Earth. Of course there are destructions which are continuing to take place.  That is something in which the Humans who are doing them are exhibiting their lack of knowing, their lack of understanding, their lack of those feelings of Connection.


“So I am here, first of all to thank you from the Heart, the very Heart of my Being, and to assure you that you are making a difference even now!  At this very moment you are making such a difference, just by being here, my Beloved Ones!!!  And if I call you my Children it is simply because I’ve always been here for each and every one of you.  Even when you were off on some other Planet, I’ve always been here to welcome you back!


“And so it is that you’re here for me, and that together we have much to do, but remember we have so many Helpers, and that every one of you, in just expressing your Love and your commitment to our connection, is making a magnificent difference for the entirety of the World!!!  I hear you always, my Children, and I feel what you feel, and most of all, I Am One with You in Love, in Service, and in Joy to the World!


“And so I thank you, my Beloved Family, my Children.  Let us continue together, let us find even more ways in which we can serve, in which we can be of help, in which we can bring great healing to all.  And when you have a moment here and there, say ‘Hello,’ and I will answer you.  I will greet you as only a Mother can greet her Child whom she loves beyond all words!


“Thank you for joining in this wondrous Communion time together!  Let us go forth together, let us help each other, let us support each other, and most of all, let us love each other always!!!  And so it is! Namaste!”





Healing and Love – How Do I Meditate – Part 1 of 2, April 14, 2013


A lot of people have been asking me how I meditate.  This posting will tell you exactly what I do when I meditate.  Feel free to use this meditation for yourself or take bits and pieces of it; whatever works for you.  I usually meditate right before I go to bed.  Everyone is asleep in my home and it is peaceful and quiet.  Time for me after a long day.

I always meditate in the same area every evening.  The lights are always on.  It is quiet and peaceful and there is no meditation music.  You could have meditation music if you like.  I do not light any candles.  Again, you could light candles as well.  I just choose not to.  That area where I meditate is on my couch in my living room.

I will sit on my couch and relax and extend my legs outward so that my legs are lying on the coffee table in front of me.  I am in a relaxed mode.  My mind is still and I ask my ego to be perched on my shoulder and only observe and not interact.  I ask my mind not to interact as well as my heart is in control.

Now, with my eyes closed, I will take a slow deep breath in through my nose and hold it in for a three count.  Then, I exhale the air slowly with my mouth.

When I breathe in, I envision light coming into my body and when I exhale I envision love flowing out of my body.  I do this inhale / exhale method twelve times to bring in Divine energy and love into my crown chakra on top of my head.

When I do this, I feel my head completely tingling like ants are walking all over the top of my head.  This is good as my crown chakra is opening up.  You want this to happen as you are connecting to Spirit.

Then I say the following in my head (or gently out loud) with my eyes closed:

Guardian Angels, please be with me; Universal Angels, please be with me; Arch Angels, please be with me; Arch Angel Michael ,please be with me; Arch Angel Raphael, please be with me; Seraphim Angels, please be with me; and all other Angels that I have not mentioned, if you are available, please be with me.

Mom, please be with me; Spirit Guides, please be with me; Master Guides, please be with me; Jesus, please be with me; Ascended Masters, please be with me; Saint Germaine, please be with me; Sananda, please be with me: Lady Nada, please be with me; Lady Portia, please be with me; And all Universal Light Beings, and the Company of Heaven, please be with me;

Elementals, please be with me; Unicorns, please be with me; Dragons, please be with me and Dolphins, please be with me.  I also ask Father / Mother God to please be with me now.

Then I wait and take a few more deep breaths, hold for a three count and exhale.  I envision Divine Light and energy coming into me on the inhale and Pure Love going out of my body on the exhale.

I then say:

Arch Angel Michael, please protect me during this meditation and throughout the night.  Please stand guard in your full presence and place me in a loving bubble.  Please fill the bubble with light and love and place protective mirrors around the outside of that bubble pointing outward so that if there are any beings, any negative thought forms, any negative elementals, any negative energy that is not for my highest and best good, not of the purest white light, let them see their own reflections in the mirrors and be moved away from me and into the light.

I ask that you place your blue protective energy around the bubble for additional protection.  I also ask my higher self to invoke the Gold Ray of Christ for my ultimate and total protection.  Lastly, I ask Arch Angel Metatron to protect me and my aura with his Orange and Gold protection energy.  It is done.  I ask that my wife and children, my pets, my home, my garage, my car, and my community be protected in the same way that I am protected.  It is done.

And now that I am protected, I ask that I be fully grounded with Mother Earth, with beautiful Gaia.  I now envision strong gold roots growing from my loving heart going through my body and through my legs deep into the center of the earth where Gaia resides.  I now envision these powerful roots, with Gaia’s permission, latching on to her beautiful and loving heart.

I envision her heart and my heart merging as one loving heart.  I envision my entire energy body merging with Gaia’s energy body becoming one soul, one body, one consciousness.  I ask to be fully grounded to beautiful Gaia so that I always come back to this couch after wherever the meditation takes me or through any night travels.  It is done.

I now ask that all the powerful energies, all the love, all the light, all the joy, all the happiness, all the healing and all the peace from Mother / Father God come in through my soul, though all of my bodies, etheric, physical, emotional, mental, through all my chakras, though every cell of my body and through my aura.  I ask that it pour though me with Divine Love and Blessings.

As it comes through my crown chakra, let it flow though my other chakras, through my root chakra and into Gaia and back up to Mother / Father God continuing in a closed loop filling me with light and pure love throughout the meditation and throughout the night.  It is done.

Then I wait and the energies rise and build.  The feeling is amazing.

Then I do another 6 breathing exercises as described above, light coming in on the in breath and love leaving my body on the outbreath.  Then I open my eyes.  When I do, I see the energies rising, gold floods my vision, gold is everywhere and the energies are everywhere.  I see energy beings, faces, bodies, you name it, I see it.  It is pure love pouring at me.  It is amazing what I see and I cannot even begin to describe this it in this post.  It feels so good and so right as love energies are radiating at me.

I then say the following:

Arch Angel Raphael, please be with me now. 

I sense his powerful energy and he will typically say “I am here Andrew.”  Then I say:

Please send down your emerald-green light and energy counter clock wise going through my crown chakra and slowly through my other chakras and organs and cells in my body.

As this energy comes in at a fast spiraling pace, please remove any diseased energy, any blocked energy, any negative elementals, any negative though forms, any cords or attachments that do not serve me, anything that does not serve my highest and best good and anything that is not of the highest and purest white light of God. 

Please place these unwanted things to the outside of my aura to be burned off  by Saint Germaine’s violet flame which I will ask for next.

I wait a few moments and see this massive Arch Angel with large wings engulf me in his green light and love; His green energy light coming in and cleansing and clearing me.  He will usually say “It is done.” and I will thank him.  Then I say the following:

Saint Germaine, please be with me. 

I hear him usually say “Yes, Andrew, I am here.” And I sense him next to me with his powerful energy and I say: 

Please place me in your violet flame and burn off permanently all of the stuff that Arch Angel Raphael just placed on the outside of my aura to be burned off.

I wait a few moments and envision this happening.  He also will say “It is done” and I thank him.

Then I say these powerful mantras three times:

I am the gold and silver violet flame, I am the flame of mercy, I am the flame of joy, I am the flame of transformation and transmutation, I am Saint Germaine, I am Arch Angel Zadkiel.

I am the Gold Ray of Christ, I am unconditional love, I am the Cosmic Heart, I am Lord Maitreya, I am the CHRIST!

Let me tell you when I say these mantras with intention and love, so much gold is around me, it is beyond description.  The room is literally moving as are the walls and pictures.  I have to stabilize it with my intention.  Truly amazing!  This is the fifth dimension.  And let me tell you, it will blow your mind away!!  Now I am ready to meditate on the Love Bomb meditation.  This will be part two of two of my meditation.  You do not want to miss this one as it is just awesome!  The love that flows from this is so unbelievable.

I hope you have enjoyed reading how I meditate.  It is personal to me but public in a sense that so many people meditate.  Everyone should meditate.  Everyone meditates differently and no one meditation is better than another.  It is the intent to meditate, the intent to make a connection, the intent to open up your heart that matters.

If you meditate daily, your heart chakra and your crown chakra will open up.  You will be more spiritual and you will connect with your spirit guides and with your angels.  You will be happier and you will be self-healing yourself as well.

But you have to set the right intention and ask for protection as you are a beacon of light attracting everyone with your light, good and bad.  But Michael will be there to protect you.  Just use my verbage and incorporate that protection in your meditation.  Nobody will harm you but you can’t be scared.  Spirit is there and wants to connect with you.  They want to help you and with the current energies flooding the planet, it is a perfect time.  We all need to connect.

That is why you are here, to release all that does not serve your highest and best good and to ascend to the higher dimensions with a higher consciousness and to be a beautiful multi-dimensional light being.

We all need to clear our baggage, our skeletons from our closet.  You cannot take this with you when you ascend.  Your higher self will not allow it.  You must release this stuff, you must forgive yourself and others and you must have happiness and love in your heart.  Meditations and healings definitely help.  Crying with intent to forgive and release helps but intention is the key.

Energy follows your intention.  You literally can transform your life and manifest heaven on earth for yourself and co-create your new reality.  No more anger, no more hurt, no more judgment and criticism and peace in your heart, in your essence of the light being that you are.  Trust and love yourself and watch miracles occur in your life as your I AM presence comes to life!!

You are that powerful and that loved as you are God’s child, regardless of what you have done in this life and past lives.  So shine your light and stand in your light!!  I hope this posting inspires you to take action and start meditating (if you are not already meditating).  Part two will be posted soon.  Blessings and love to all of you beautiful souls…



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