Ashtar Speaks: “Communication in the New Age” – through Philipp, July 24, 2013


You know that you are about to enter an exciting and energetic time. The Lion Gate is just around the corner and brings a burst of energy which has never been experienced before on your dear planet. You will all greatly benefit from this explosion of energies.
We would love to see that you use this time to get in contact with us. Use this sacred time to connect actively with our energy. Instead of reading channellings as your preferred way of contact, try to use the direct link and tune in our energies.
This time of the Lion Gate assists and helps you to achieve the desired connection. And if you allow us to give you a hint on how to connect with us and All That Is, we are happy to do so.
Of course you are connected with All That Is every second of your Earthly life. Although you have very successfully built up an illusion which suggests that you are separated, you know in your heart that this is nothing but an illusion. In truth, you are a spark of the Source and separation is simply not possible – you cannot sever the connection between you and All That Is.
Consequently, by asking you to contact us, we do not mean that you shall re-establish the connection with us because you never lost your connection. We simply mean that you shall enhance your conscious alliance with us, and I am here today to help you achieve this if you allow me to do so.
There are plenty of ways in which you can improve your contact with us. The following technique is just an example. Use this as your starting point and find your own individual way – let your heart guide you and you will not be disappointed.
  • Find a quiet moment and relax.
  • Stand with your feet firmly on the ground.
  • Take some deep breaths.
  • Imagine a ball of Light emanating from your heart and surrounding you. This is your own protection.
  • Enhance this protection by asking your Guides, the Ascended Masters, Angels or Archangels to protect you and set your intention firmly in connecting only with Beings of Light.
  • Imagine a ball of Light above your crown chakra and pull this ball of Light into your heart. This ball of Light represents the Light of All That Is.
  • Let the ball run through your body down into the heart of Gaia.
  • Imagine how the heart of Gaia expands due to your Light and pull this Light up through your body into your crown chakra.
  • Activate your crown chakra with this Light: Visualize your crown chakra as a plain plate which starts to spin. Imagine how the spinning plate enhances the bright Light that you pulled up from Gaia’s heart in your crown chakra, and pull this bright Light into your heart.
  • Now call a certain contact who you would like to speak to, or simply ask us to come forward to have a chat with you.
You can use this technique for all kinds of communication and please be assured that all Light Beings are eager to answer your call.
Why not ask Gaia how she is doing? Or just send a hello to your Star family? Why not get in contact with your brothers and sisters from Agartha, or with the realm of the Elves?
The possibilities are endless – and feel free to just play like a child. Have fun by exploring your new way of communication, but don’t set your expectations too high – you will need some practice. And by this we mean that you have to practice to trust yourself.
Each and every one of you can establish contact with us and All That Is in this manner – you just have to try and to accept the result. Maybe we will ask some of you to spread our words but this is not the primary target of this exercise. What this is all about is that you will have fun by consciously connecting with your family.
We will answer each and every call individually and in the way that is best for each of you – just trust the procedure. If you only knew how much we are looking forward to your contact calls!
Finally, don’t forget that our contact goes primarily through your heart and not by spotting our spacecrafts in your skies.
I am Ashtar who provides you with this message because we are eager to strengthen our connection with our deeply-loved family on the surface of Gaia. We are curious to see how many of you will follow our call.
Soon we will be reunited, but until then we would love to have a wider and more direct communication with each of you.
With so very much love
Channeller: Philipp

Translated from German – English: Petra ST

Available in 21 languages

Saint Germain – Celebrate Your Freedom! – Ashtar On The Road Teleconference – June 25, 2013



“I Am Saint Germain, and I come before you in this Grand Company and I asked that that particular music be played because it is the story.*  You heard the mighty and powerful country whose leaders decided that they could better rule other countries, and indeed they were successful for a time in Europe, and even in another part of the world – in the Americas.


“But when they went to a country which had emulated them but was generally considered to be a second rate country – poorer and less civilized, save for the nobility, the royalty – they encountered a resistance which said to them – ‘We will be free! We will not allow you to come in and take over.  We have admired you , we have emulated you, but no, you may not rule over us!’


“And you heard the victory, the bells of celebration.  And that is symbolic, even though it happened two hundred and one years ago in your reckoning.  It is symbolic of what is happening in the World today, only the World today is much different and it has been ruled by a group from many countries of the World, but nevertheless they set themselves as being above the rest of the World.


“Some of them have thought, ‘I know better than the people’ – of this country, or that church or group, or whatever – ‘how they should live.’  But most of them have simply wanted the power and the domination and the control.  We are here to celebrate, as you heard in the music, the triumph of Freedom over the rulers, the would-be rulers, because the course is now set and the rulers are finding that their holds in all areas of life are broken!!!


“They are finding that now they have to determine what their course shall be because it is forever altered.  This could not happen without you, and we salute you in your determination, in your commitment to enjoy the Freedom that together we are bringing to the entirety of Planet Earth!


“Now, we know that there are many, many facets of life here on this Beloved Planet which are not seeming to be free.  In fact, one of the major areas is your financial system, because it has been dominated and, quite frankly, stolen; that is, the funds have been forced, stolen, diverted, and even encouraged through false propaganda to come into the bank accounts of these relative few.  But we have cleaned out their bank accounts and we have disabled their means of cleaning out yours!!!


“They had a program called Prism, by which they could actually go in to bank accounts and cause the wealth there to disappear. We have disabled that program, and we have one of our own which is more powerful!  We are causing their wealth to disappear.  The mercenary armies are standing down because there are no funds to pay them or provide them with the space age technology weapons that they had become accustomed to. This is just one area where funding is affecting what is going on in the world.


“We are not telling you that it’s over completely, but we are saying that the disablement is in progress.  What is important is that many of the leaders who employed these mercenaries are understanding of this, and they are understanding that it is the people who must determine how they shall be governed, not the one who has the biggest and most powerful army, because those armies need to go home and stand down.


“Quite frankly, a lot of people need a lot of healing.  There are still those who are suffering from what you call Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome from the Vietnam War, the Korean War, and yes, there are even some who go as far back as what you call World War II.  Not to mention, all of the smaller wars which have taken place since then, and the numbers who have been subjected to genocidal treatment but still live, despite the efforts of those who wanted to eliminate a few million or billion of whom they call the ‘useless feeders.’


“Why are we bringing this up?  Because we are telling you it’s over – we have reached zero point on it, or almost zero point! You don’t need to focus on these things anymore, unless you wish to have a compassionate overview of the Truth which shall be presented.  But there shall be in our presentations, which are upcoming beginning with the announcement of NESARA – the true history/herstory of Planet Earth shall be given.  You will be free to hear it, just as those who tell it are free to tell it without fear of reprisals, arrests or even assassinations.


“It is all known to the World leaders, even now.  It is known to all of you who have done some research on this.  Why are we telling you that you do not need to focus upon it at this point?  We are asking you to move ahead and take your Freedom, accept it and LIVE IT to bring about the transformations that you desire to have!!!  This is where we are in this Grand Evolvement that you call Ascension, and we call it Ascension as well. That’s a grand word!


“And it is to incorporate all aspects of your life, not just your spiritual self.  Of course, it is your spiritual self that already resides in the Higher Dimensions and that is your connection, your bridge, for the rest of you to take up permanent residence there, but there is much to do along the way!  We are asking that you focus upon the doing, rather than on what has been done to you or to your brothers and sisters.


“Now, there is one area that we know, all of us – we call ourselves the Mentors in this Ashtar On The Road group – and we all know that you have questions and desires regarding finance, your particular finances, and that of the World.  Well, we can assure you that we have One Quatturodecillion in dollars and their equivalence in other currencies, ready for distribution. It’s all safe and secure in my bank.


“My bank is free from any kind of programs or devices or invasions that would in any way impair the safety of these funds, so rest easy, it’s there.  That has been accomplished!  Now, as for the distribution of the funds, we would ask you, just as we are asking you to turn away from that which has occurred in the past, to turn your focus – knowledge, yes, compassionate forgiveness, yes – turn your focus to a lack of judgment for anyone and everyone who has participated in getting the World into the state it has gotten into.  But we ask that you move up in your focus and take a Higher Dimensional perspective and thank everyone for whatever roles they have played, and move into the creation of that which we are calling the Golden Age Lifestyle.


“How do you create it?  You live it!  You welcome it, you know it, you get very well connected with it and you LIVE IT!!!  And you teach it by your living, by your example. But let’s talk about the dollars.


“The dollars are ready to be distributed; that is, they are safe, secure and available.  What can you do?  Well, there has to be a complete clearing of the old system.  Now you may have heard such phrases as Basel III** compliant, or Basel II compliant, or whatever, trustees signing off and all of that – we’re taking care of that.  You don’t need to be following that intimately on a day to day basis, just know.  What would you do with your share of One Quatturodecillion Dollars?  That’s a one with 40 zeros after it!


“Write it on a piece of paper, put it on your refrigerator, say ‘I welcome my share of this Abundance!’  Write down what you would do with your share.  Who would you share with?  What would give you the greatest Joy?  Would you want to set up a healing center for others to come to?  Would you want to paint some beautiful pictures for yourself and the World to enjoy? Would you want to build a house and invite your brother who has no shelter to come and live with you under your beautiful new roof?  What would you do with your share?  Joy to yourself and Joy to the World, that’s what your share is for.  Create it, call it forth!  That’s how you can help!!!


“Now, we will make something very clear.  We, the Mentors at Ashtar On The Road, give no dates.  We have found out that humans are human and they tend to attach themselves to these dates.  Now, your birthday – wonderful!  Celebrate! And then celebrate each coming day as the best day of your life, or your re-birthday, or your rejuvenation day!  Those dates are wondrous, wonderful indeed; also dates when the World comes together. They may not be accurate, but Christmas Day is a wonderful day for the World to join together in Peace and Hanukkah – the days of Hanukkah, and so on and so on.


“We are not singling out anyone for special recognition here, we are simply giving examples.  But dates for the funding, dates for Announcements – we have worked long and hard, and yes there have been battles fought by the White Knights partnering with us to get these funds together and now to keep them safe and secure.  It is not secure to publish dates for that reason alone. But there is one reason that is even more compelling and that reason is that when we publish a date, which we do not do, but others do, and that date comes and goes with nothing happening, it creates a very downward spike in the consciousness levels of the Planet, because just like Joy is contagious, so is disappointment.


“It takes energy and effort.  If you are one that was counting on this particular date, or that particular date and nothing happens, you get disappointed, distressed, disturbed, maybe even depressed.  How many of you have been feeling feelings of depression?  This is a normal return of whatever depressions you may have felt in any of your aspects or lifetimes, and that is enough, we feel, to deal with as part of your necessary clearings and cleansings.  Why add to it?


“If you cannot receive news of a date or any kind of news that is of floods, or fires, or famine, or violence, without spiraling downward, or even worse, spiking downward into depression, then don’t bring it in to your energy fields in the first place!!!  If you want to read information about dates for this or that to happen, do it with welcoming the event, and don’t attach that date to yourselves!


“You want to know how to get things done faster – don’t attach the dates, because we aren’t announcing dates.  As I have said, that violates the very security of that which we are bringing to you.  So you will not hear dates from Ashtar On The Road and from we, The Mentors, at Ashtar On The Road.  There are many, many well meaning ones out there who bring dates, and we love them no less.  They are doing missions of great importance to the World, but if a date happens to find its way into their transmissions, unless it is, ‘Yesterday NESARA was announced’  -that’s different, you know.


“We simply counsel you to be attached only to that which is High Dimensional Joy!  Hitch your wagon to that star, if you will.  And if that seems a bit dramatic, well it’s time for high drama – drama of the highest kind which is brimming with Joy and Abundance for all!!!  Live your lives from that perspective and your Abundance will flow to you naturally, and open the portals of your minds and Hearts to the possibility and the potential that there is other Abundance out there for you besides your share of One Quatturodecillion Dollars!!!


“There is Abundance of Joy, and you are free to enjoy that!  You are free to create your lives, your Lifestyles and your living in High Dimensional vibrations of Joy and Love!  Do that which you have passion for, and as we have said, celebrate each day.  And when you can celebrate each day – ‘Oh boy, today is the most wonderful day yet!’ – then start celebrating each moment.  That is in itself an Exercise in being free to live your passions, and that is Golden Age!!!


“So release yourselves from any bonds of this or that happening by a certain date and instead co-create with us the Higher Dimensional Lifestyles, the Joy – be all of your Divinity!!!  Don’t compartmentalize it away into ‘Oh, yes, now I will do my fifteen minutes of meditation, and then I have to live in 3D.’  You see how that sounds?  You see how that feels?  Carry a mirror with you if you need to, and keep greeting that Divine One until you really are living your Divinity, and that, Beloved Ones, is how you give Freedom to yourselves and to the World!


“So let us celebrate this time where there is a traditional celebration of Freedom, as your Personal Freedom!  And in celebrating your Personal Freedom, you invite the entirety of Planet Earth to join you and to celebrate with you!!!  We see you as radiant, bright Lights.  So share your Lights like so many fireworks, and let the beauty of you and the Freedom You Are shine forth for the World and the Universe beyond, not only to see, but to join in with you!


“I promise you, Beloved Ones, your paths are clearing, you walk lighter and lighter, and more radiantly you beam, and we are here with you every step of the way!  We honor you for your Courage and we rejoice with you in your Freedom.  And so it is, Namaste!”


*Tchaikovsky’s Overture of 1812, celebrating Napoleon’s defeat in Russia

** Fed pledges to get tough on Wall Street as adopts Basel rules

Transcription by Brian Coe.

Given through Susan Leland, June 25, 2013.

© Ashtar On The Road Publications 2004-2013.All rights reserved; however, this is a gift to all of us and it may be distributed freely on condition that all accreditation is acknowledged and that no part is altered or deleted.


Source: By mail from

Ashtar – Bulletin from The Bridge, July 3, 2013



“Greetings, Beloved Ones, and Happy Freedom Month!!!  Yes, this is indeed the time for you to celebrate!  It is to celebrate what you see as your past, your present, and your future upon your calendars!  For, in all Truth, you have chosen the path of enduring and eternal Freedom, and your Ascension progress has reached the ‘point of no return,’ as you might say.


“So, it is to celebrate your ‘past’ for many reasons, for it is there that the very seeds of Freedom have been planted around the World!  It is not just in the United States of America where this has occurred, but it is truly everywhere upon Planet Earth where one or more have fanned the Flames of Freedom in their Hearts.  And, it is also true that many have sacrificed their bodies in the pursuit of Freedom.  Whether or not it was actually achieved in their 3D as a result of their efforts, it was nevertheless that the seeds were planted in the consciousness of Humanity!  And, we shall add that you, yourselves, Beloved Family, are among those heroes from the past.  Indeed, it is Truth that you have been “Freedom Warriors” many times!!!


“It is to celebrate Freedom in this now moment, for it is that you have been dedicated and persistent in your commitments to restore True Freedom to Planet Earth, as it once was in Lemuria, and so it is that it is happening!!!  Yes, so bright burns the Flame of Freedom in your Hearts that it is a Worldwide bonfire of such huge and powerful strength that it cannot be put out, or even diminished, by the efforts of those who have devoted themselves to your continued enslavement!!!


“And finally, it is to be in celebration of the ever-increasing Freedom of your moments to come, for it is indelibly engraved upon your timelines, and it is no longer to be denied to you by the actions of the few remaining dark hats among you!!!


“It is thus that we invite you to join with us in our upcoming Gathering.* We shall be in celebration of your well-deserved triumph, for your Freedom is most assuredly yours, now and forever!  Once again Saint Germain shall be joining us as a guest speaker, with ‘timely’ observations on our progress.  We shall also be hearing from our Beloved A&A News Team,** offering their insights into our progress, as well as our most honored Sekhmet, who shall be leading us in an empowering Crystal Exercise.  This shall be a de-Lightful Gathering, and I am joyous and pleased to be in the welcoming of you aboard my ship, The New Jerusalem!!!  Salut!”


* Tuesday, July 9, 2013

**Tara and Rama


Given through Susan Leland, July 3, 2013.

© Ashtar On The Road Publications 2004-2013. All Rights Reserved.


Source: By mail from


Portal 2012: Cobra’s Liberation Meditation for Egypt – Today, July 26th, at 15:00 GMT – 17:00 Cairo time

Instructions Liberation Meditation for Egypt:
1. Relax your mind and body by watching your breath for a few minutes.

2. Visualize a pillar of electric blue Light emanating from the Galactic Central Sun, going through your body to the center of the Earth. Keep this pillar of Light active for a few minutes. Then visualize all negative entities around the Earth being removed from etheric and astral planes along with all their negative spiritual technologies and magical tools and all those entities being escorted into the Light by the non-physical freedom fighters of the Light. Visualize this process taking place worldwide peacefully and smoothly. Visualize the world finally being free from spiritual slavery, free from all evil Archons, Reptilians, demons, elementals and other negative non-physical beings. Visualize the vibration of the etheric and astral planes getting lighter and brighter until all dark beings are gone and only Light remains.

3. Visualize members of the physical dark Cabal, such as central banking criminals Rothschilds and Rockefellers, and other members of this Cabal such as Henry Kissinger, George Bush, the Jesuits etc.  peacefully surrendering and stepping down from their positions of power, releasing control over the financial system and the mass media. Visualize civil authority arresting  those members of the Cabal that do not wish to surrender. Visualize this process taking place worldwide peacefully and smoothly. Visualize the world finally being free from financial slavery, free from all evil dictators and corrupt politicians.
4. Visualize bright new future for humanity, with new and fair financial system put into place, with all debts canceled, prosperity funds for humanitarian projects released, advanced technologies introduced, ecosystem healed and human beings finally being free from all oppression. Visualize bright spiritual golden age with angels, fairies, dolphins, unicorns, spiritual guides and other beings of Light inhabiting etheric and astral planes. Visualize all wounds of humanity being healed, all humanity being inspired and guided with everybody having their own connection with their own Soul and the Source.

5. Stand up, lift your hands above your head and begin to rotate your body clockwise.

6. While doing that, sing mantra iiii (pronounced ee-ee) so that it vibrates throughout your body and visualize your body morphing into a brilliant pillar of Light, with millions of rainbow coloured stars scattered within that pillar of Light.

7. Keep singing the mantra and rotating.  After a few minutes, drop your hands close to your body and continue rotating clockwise.
8. While doing that, start singing mantra eeeaaa so that it vibrates through your body and visualize a rainbow vortex of Light expanding from your heart outwards throughout the whole planet. Call upon the presence of your spiritual guides, Ascended masters, Pleiadians, angels, twin souls, soulmates, soul families and other beings of Light. Keep singing the mantra and rotating and stay in the presence of all those beings of Light for a while. When you finish, sit down again, watch your palms for a few moments to reduce dizziness.

More about Liberation Meditations:
Liberation Meditation video:





Portal2012: Cobra’s Update – Liberation of Egypt – Important Update, July 25, 2013 – MAKE THIS VIRAL!

The situation in Egypt is reaching another tipping point on Friday, July 26th, the moment of the heliacal rising of Sirius and the beginnig of the New Year for ancient Eygptians.
In the past few weeks, the Cabal tried to interrupt the liberation process by infiltrating their mercenaries into Egypt, trying to trigger conflicts that would lead to civil war:
Mysterious snipers mentioned in the above article belong to a private mercenary firm Academi, formerly named Xe and Blackwater before that:
Blackwater/Xe/Academi is a Jesuit army, obeying the dictate of the black nobility:
The black nobility leaders (Pallavicini family) also control the Muslim Brotherhood:
You can read more about the real story of the Muslim Brotherhood here:

Now the Positive Military in Egypt has decided to remove them from Egypt. The Positive Military in Egypt has tactical support from the Resistance Movement, Positive Templars and the White Dragon Society. To make their move, members of the Positive Military need the support of the general population also. For that reason, general Sisi addressed the nation of Egypt, requesting people to protest against terrorists (namely Blackwater/Xe/Academi and some Muslim Brotherhood factions) on Friday:

When people of Egypt respond to his call, the Positive Military will make its move and remove the Jesuit-backed militias from Egypt.

To harmonize the situation and to bring more peace into the situation, the Light forces have requested that as many people as possible support the people of Egypt with our Liberation Meditation. This is time-sensitive and needs to go viral! We need to reach masses of people, so that the critical mass of people actually doing it is attained. Please post it on your websites and blogs. Scientific studies have confirmed positive effects of mass meditations on human society, so each of you that will participate in this meditation can actually save human lives in Egypt.

The meditation will take place on Friday July 26th at 5 pm Cairo time. Instructions for the meditation are here:
There is a very strong portal of Light opening on July 29th. You can see its astrological chart here:

The planets will form a six-pointed star formation, which signifies the return of Maat, the Egyptian cosmic Goddess of balance and justice.
The period between July 26th and July 29th represents a very important tipping point that will decide the destiny of Egypt and also to a great extent the course of events leading towards the Event. Egypt is a planetary key trigger point for the Event. Here the Light of Maat was extinguished during the Amarna period around 1340 BCE with the rise of monotheistic Atenism and here the Light of Maat will return now as the next phase of the return of the Goddess.
Therefore the Light forces have requested that we continue with our meditations for Egypt every day at 5 pm Cairo time until July 29th with special emphasis on July 26th and July 29th.
The events in Egypt will now quickly follow as the Egyptian army has given the Muslim Brotherhood until Saturday to sign up to the political reconciliation process:
The Goddess wants freedom for people and freedom will come!

