The Healing Power of the Human Heart – A Hathor Planetary Message through Tom Kenyon, April 25, 2013


This Hathor Message is pure sound.

In other words, there are no words in this Hathor Planetary Message. It is pure Hathorian sound.

The Hathors’ primary mode of communication and method for imparting transformational information has always been through their catalytic sound work.  These pure sound-forms activate non-ordinary states of body and mind that we can use to access the multi-dimensional realities of our existence.

That, in a nutshell, is why their sounds are so potent.

Directly experiencing our multi-dimensional nature is not only freeing to the mind and heart, it can rapidly impart new insights, heighten creativity and inspire spiritual courage.

You can find a direct link to this sound meditation at the bottom of this page. You can also find a link to this sound meditation in the Listening section of our website (

This particular “sound message” was recorded live during a one-day Hathor Intensive that took place in Istanbul on April 13, 2013.  During this sound meditation our focus was in the heart chakra, and I was surprised to sense that the sounds were emanating into many underground passages that stretched underneath the vast city of Istanbul. It was my clear sense that these sounds were being broadcast from Istanbul to the rest of the world, due to both the geographical location of this ancient city and its unique energetic qualities, which bridge both Europe and Asia.

At one point during the sound meditation, I had the strong psychic impression that I was being greeted by a host of Earth Protectors who resided in the underground passages. Every one of them, without exception, informed me that the world was about to undergo a radical transformation. What they meant by this exactly was not made clear to me, but the changes will be very disruptive to our human way of life.

My feeling from these ancient beings was that humanity must face and transform its unresolved emotional wounding if it is to survive the passage into higher dimensionality.

Thus, the purpose of this meditation is to integrate aspects of yourself that you have shunned or disowned. In psychology, this type of emotional displacement is called the shadow, and un-owned shadow material can contaminate our inner life as well as our outward actions in the world.

The Hathors are adamant that we need to transform our own shadow material, both individually and collectively, as we move upward in consciousness. They also contend that our collective shadow is being acted out at an alarming rate, and in ways that threaten not only human survival, but the survival of other life forms on this planet as well.

In spite of the precarious position that humanity is now facing, the Hathors believe that the human heart (i.e., the heart chakra) has an innate ability to heal and transform our individual emotional lives no matter how difficult our past history and emotional traumas may have been. Not only this, but they are of the opinion that healing our emotional lives has a subtle yet far-reaching affect on the collective heart (i.e., our collective emotional tone) as well, which can and does affect our collective destiny.

I have listened to the recording of this sound meditation several times, and I experience a healing response in my heart chakra every time. The Hathors have asked me to post this on the website as soon as possible. And this is a sign, I think, of just how urgent and dire the Hathors consider our current situation to be.


Listening Suggestions

1) One way of listening to this sound meditation is to simply focus your attention in the area of your heart chakra, which is located in the center of your chest behind the sternum. Just keep your mental focus in this area and listen to the sounds. When your mind wanders, bring it back to your heart chakra and the sound patterns.

2) Another way of listening to this sound meditation is to imagine that a small version of you is inside your heart chakra. This shift in self-identity will create a more powerful effect for some people. Depending upon what you are dealing with, you might find your self-image inside the heart chakra standing, sitting or lying down. In some instances when you feel highly vulnerable, you might find yourself curled up in a fetal position in your heart chakra. Just keep the focus of your attention on this sense of you that is inside your heart chakra, in whatever forms it may take. Don’t be surprised if the form inside your heart changes as you move through different types of emotional material.

3) Some people will find it more powerful to breathe into their heart chakra when listening to the sounds. If you work with this method, sigh into your exhales, and let the sighs come out from your heart chakra. In other words, make an audible sigh with each exhale.

A more advanced form of this method is to allow yourself to feel the movement of energy that emanates from your heart chakra as you sigh into each exhale and to follow this movement of energy with your awareness as the energy from your heart chakra circulates throughout your entire body.

My personal suggestion is to try all three methods and choose the one(s) that work best for you. You might also find it helpful to have a notebook to write down your impressions, feelings, images and insights right after you complete a listening session. This is because the state of consciousness generated by this sound piece can generate a type of waking-dream, and like dreams they can sometimes impart significant insights, but also like dreams, they are fleeting in nature and easily forgotten.

I think of this sound meditation as a type of archaeological tool. You can use it to uncover hidden passages in your heart and to retrieve treasures of consciousness that have been obscured to your sight. And you can, just as importantly, bring to the light of your conscious awareness “things” that have been hidden by the darkness of unconsciousness.

You undertake this task for yourself. But the benefits of freeing yourself from emotional imprisonment and constraint can, and will, benefit your fellow human beings and all life as well.

Click here to listen to and/or download the Hathor Heart Chakra Healing Sound Meditation ©2013. Note that this is a live recording from the Istanbul event and there are some room noises that were picked up by the microphone.

Information Unrelated to this Message

For those of you who have studied with me in the past, and for those of you contemplating working with me in the future, I thought it might be a good idea to let you know my intentions around workshops. Beginning next year, I am changing my way of doing the Work, and there will be fewer and fewer opportunities to be in the live sound-fields that are a crucial part of my seminars.

The live sound-fields that I create during workshops are fields of subtle energy that are generated when I access other dimensions of consciousness. While recordings of these sounds certainly capture some of the energetics that are released when I channel other dimensional worlds, the full impact of these energy-fields can only be experienced in the moment when I am actually channeling the sounds and in the space where it is occurring.

There are only three workshops scheduled in the U.S. this year.

The Leviathan, will be held in the Peter Jay Sharp Theatre at Symphony Space on Broadway in New York City on May 25th. In the course of this one-day event, I will take us through many sound journeys using numerous mystical traditions as a springboard into the mystery of the transcendent Self. This event promises to be a truly life changing experience due to the juxtaposition of so many sound journeys. You can read more about this event in the Calendar on our website.

You can buy tickets online from Symphony Space by using this link:

You may also reach the Symphony Space box office at 212-864-5400, Tues – Sun from 1 PM until 6 PM. All online ticket purchases are subject to a per-ticket fee of $2.75, in addition to a $3.00 handling fee. Symphony Space takes American Express, Master Card, Visa and Discover. Tickets are non-refundable and non-transferable from either Symphony Space or from Tom Kenyon. Symphony Space sells tickets online only or at their box office. We do not register for this event in our office.

Note: This is the only event on the East Coast this year, and I am not sure if, and when, I will return to this area for another event.

In addition, to the New York event, there will be two three-day workshops in the Pacific Northwest area in October.

On October 4th -6th I will lead a Shamanic Buddhist Retreat on Orcas Island, called Entering the Mandala.And on October 25th  – 27th I will teach The Art of Egyptian High Alchemy in Seattle, Washington. You can read further information about these unique events in the Calendar section of our website (

If you wish to immerse yourself in the live sound fields that I create during public workshops, I encourage you to consider attending one of these events.

Note from Judi: Tom is not saying he is not going to teach anymore, but he is making it clear that he will teach less and less, which means there will be fewer opportunities to be in the live sound field of his voice, and there is nothing in the world like being in the live sound field of his voice. No CD can ever capture that. So if you’ve always wanted to hear Tom live, I would move mountains to attend one of these events. The live sound field is the most transformative, healing experience I’ve ever had. Hands down. It’s life changing!

©2013 Tom Kenyon   All Rights Reserved

You may make copies of this written message and distribute it in any media you wish so long as you do not charge for it, do not alter it in any waycredit the author and include this entire copyright notice.  The Hathor Heart Chakra Healing Sound Meditation, including all content in the Listening section of the website, may not be distributed or offered on any other web site, as it is for personal, individual use only and is protected by International Copyright.  Please note that any recordings of mine offered on any Internet site other than are being posted without my permission and are done so illegally.

Clarity About the Three Full Moon Festivals of Spring, by Patricia Cota-Robles, April 25, 2013


Today, April 25, 2013, is the Full Moon Wesak Festival which is the 2nd Full Moon Festival of Spring. Even though Spring is only occurring in the Northern Hemisphere, the Light that bathes the Planet during these powerful Celestial alignments blesses ALL Life evolving on this sweet Earth. The Festival of Wesak has been celebrated on the Taurus Full Moon for millennia. This year the influx of Light from the Wesak Full Moon is being greatly enhanced by a Lunar Eclipse. The Full Moon occurs at 12:47 p.m. Pacific Daylight Time and the Lunar Eclipse immediately follows at 1:07 P.M. PDT.

The influx of Light involving the Three Full Moon Festivals of Spring begins five days before the actual Full Moons and expand for five days following the Full Moons, so there is plenty of time to assimilate these Gifts of Light from On High.

I know there is some confusion about whether the Wesak Full Moon is the Full Moon of Taurus or the Full Moon of May, but the Company of Heaven has given us some important information that will clear the confusion and help us to experience all of the Gifts that bless Humanity and the Earth during the Three Full Moon Festivals of Spring. As a note of clarity, when I refer to the Full Moon of Aries, the Full Moon of Taurus, and the Full Moon of Gemini, I am talking about the Sun Cycles in which the Full Moons of Spring occur. Please take the following information into the Flame of Truth pulsating in the Divinity of your heart and allow your I AM Presence to reveal to you the Truth of this sacred knowledge.

Springtime begins in the Northern Hemisphere with the Vernal or Spring Equinox. This takes place March 21st or 22nd every year and initiates us into the embrace of the Sun Cycle of Aries. The energies that bathe the Planet during the Celestial alignment of the Equinox pulsate with the Resurrection Flame. This Gift from our Father-Mother God is a resplendent Sacred Fire that has a Mother of Pearl radiance. The Resurrection Flame is the frequency of vibration that awakens the hibernating animals and resurrects the Nature Kingdom back to life after the respite of the long winter months. It is not by chance that the pageant of Passover and Easter took place during the time of year when the Resurrection Flame was in full force.

The first Full Moon following the Spring Equinox is celebrated as the Passover Full Moon. Easter is the first Sunday following the first Full Moon after the Spring Equinox. That Full Moon is always the Full Moon in the Sun Cycle of Aries. This is the First Full Moon Festival of Spring and it is the celebration of the Path of Divine Love that was revealed to Humanity through The Christ. Every year during this Full Moon Festival, Jesus The Christ, as well as the exponents of Christ Consciousness and the Path of Divine Love throughout Infinity, bathe the Planet with Divine Love and the sacred knowledge revealing the Oneness of ALL Life. This annual influx of Divine Love and Christ Consciousness has been occurring for millennia and has been instrumental in Humanity’s awakening process.

The Second Full Moon Festival of Spring is the Wesak Festival. This is the Full Moon that occurs in the Sun Cycle of Taurus. During this Celestial alignment the Christ and the Buddha join forces to bless the Earth and Humanity with their sacred Gifts. The Christ Light is the embodiment of Divine Love within which every particle of Life lives, moves, breathes, and has its Being. The Buddha Light is the Divine Wisdom, the Enlightenment, that emanates from the Love of God. The Wesak Full Moon Festival is designed to bring the Love of Christ and the Wisdom of Buddha into a sacred space of Oneness within the hearts and minds of Humanity.

During the Wesak Full Moon people around the world focus on the Wisdom and Enlightenment of Buddhic Consciousness brought to Earth by Gautama Buddha. Every year thousands of pilgrims travel to the Wesak Valley deep in the Himalaya Mountains of Tibet during the Full Moon of Taurus to hold the sacred space for the return and blessings of the Buddha.

The Third Full Moon Festival of Spring is celebrated during the Full Moon that occurs in the Sun Cycle of Gemini. This Festival is known as The Goodwill Festival of Humanity. During this Full Moon, the Divine Love of Christ and the Divine Wisdom of Buddha, which have been building in momentum since the two previous Full Moon Festivals, are intensified and greatly expanded through the Mental and Emotional Strata of Earth. This influx of Light enhances Humanity’s ability to unify our hearts and minds with the Divine Heart and Mind of our Father-Mother God. This year the Good Will Festival of Humanity will take place during the Full Moon in Gemini on May 25, 2013. This Full Moon will also be greatly enhanced by a Lunar Eclipse.

On rare occasions there will be two Full Moons during one Sun Cycle. This happens because a Full Moon occurs every 28 days and the Sun Cycles last between 28 and 31 days depending on which months are involved in each cycle. When a second Full Moon occurs in a Sun Cycle it is known as a Blue Moon and it is considered a wonderful bonus. A Blue Moon greatly enhances the activities of Light that were initiated with the first Full Moon of that particular Sun Cycle.

The reason there is so much confusion about the timing of the Wesak Festival is because of some decisions that were made in 1950 at the first Conference of the World Fellowship of Buddhists which was held in Sri Lanka. During that conference the Buddhists decided to make the Full Moon in the Month of May a Public Holiday to honor Buddha. Since the Wesak Festival focuses on Buddha many people began combining the Wesak Festival with the Public Holiday during the Full Moon of May. Unfortunately, that decision disregarded the other two, very important, Full Moon Festivals of Spring.

In Truth, anytime people open their hearts and invoke the blessings of Buddha, he will be there in his full regal Presence. So whether or not the Wesak Festival falls on the Full Moon of May in a particular year, Buddha will bless all who turn their attention to him and invoke the Light of God. The reason the Beings of Light in the Realms of Illumined Truth are reiterating the information about the Three Full Moon Festivals of Spring is not to dispute our present belief systems, but to enhance what we know so we can benefit from ALL of the opportunities we are given throughout the year to add to the Light of the world. This knowledge is intended to accelerate our Ascension process.  The Three Full Moon Festivals of Spring are among the most powerful opportunities given to us through Earth’s annual Celestial alignments.

Please do not let these opportunities pass you by. During these powerful Full Moon Festivals, listen to your heart. Invoke the Light of God and focus on the patterns of perfection you want to cocreate with our Father-Mother God on the recently Birthed New Earth we are all abiding upon.

When you are in a state of Listening Grace, feel the Gratitude pouring forth from our Father-Mother God and the Company of Heaven in appreciation of your willingness to add to the Light of the World. You are Blessed beyond your knowing!

Patricia Cota-Robles

New Age Study of Humanity’s Purpose

a 501 (c) 3 nonprofit educational organization



| ©2013 Patricia Diane Cota-Robles | FAX: 520-751-2981 | Phone: 520-885-7909 |

| New Age Study of Humanity’s Purpose | PO Box 41883 | Tucson, Arizona 85717 |

This article is copyrighted, but you have my permission to share it through any medium as long as it is not altered and the proper credit line is included.

The information in this monthly sharing is being given to Humanity by the Beings of Light in the Realms of Illumined Truth. The Divine Intent of these celestial sharings is to encourage, empower, uplift, and inspire Humanity by allowing us to see the bigger picture during these wondrous but often challenging times.





Earth Angels – video


Published by  HopeGirl587  April 25, 2013

Sounds of Oneness with music by Marco Missinato – combining energy fields of music, sounds and sacred geometry.……



Blossom Goodchild and the Federation of Light, April 24, 2013



Good morning to you. Quite a few people write in asking me if I can ask you about how to connect up with you, their guides and angels. I know we have addressed this before and we know the best thing to do is meditate. Yet I wonder if it is possible for you to go into more detail, as I know many find it frustrating and feel that no contact is made.

What a wonderful world you live in. Is it not that you can ‘see’ … actually ‘see’ the depth of the beauty that is there in a way that was not possible before?

I know what you mean … There seems to be a different energy in the air and indeed the stars in the night sky and the peace surrounding it are noticeably different.

Then this is how we would suggest aiding the self to connect with those not of your Earth. Let us try as best we can to give you pointers towards that which you have asked. When one is in a peaceful state of mind … the energy that emanates from their Being is one that is more compatible with the energy that one is desiring to connect with. When one is of a stressed disposition the ‘lines’ become blocked and distortion interferes.

We know that many put themselves in a peaceful state in order to connect up and yet still feel that ‘no one is home’. Yet we are. What one must accept is that there is ‘no distance’ between us … it is not as if one is in Australia and the other in England.  As we have said before ‘We are but a breath away’. What is between us however is a mass amount of energy fields! We would liken them to ‘scribble patterns’ and the more ‘tangled’ the scribble the less likely for the connection to be clear.

These patterns of your energy need to be as ‘flowing’ as possible. So we would suggest that one visualises this to be so. The best way of course would be ‘straight up’. To imagine first of all, a beam of Light coming down from above into the crown of your head. And connecting straight to the heart. Once circulating there … then allow it to fill the body . When this is done … imagine the energy that has been created to then ‘zoom’ straight back up to connect with the ‘space’ from whence it came.

What we desire to express is that … ‘upstairs’ as you so often call it Blossom … is a vast landscape , yet it is not that YOU need to find the path which leads to the soul, guide, angel , Light Being that you wish to connect with. Shall we put it that your thought arrives ‘upstairs’ … perhaps in the waiting room and the energy that is directed to the one that one wishes to connect with … is immediately ‘felt’ by that energy involved.

There is NEVER a time when a BEING whether once from Earth or elsewhere would ‘turn away’ a ‘call’. Is it not sometimes that one on your telephones is unable to hear clearly … or there is interference on the line? The connection was made … yet due to ‘energy’ surges … or lack of … it is not always possible for the connection to be as one would like.

 What we wish you to know is that ALL thoughts are FELT.

Many are feeling desperate to make that connection with us. The connection … just by having the thought … is made.

I understand this … yet there is frustration for those who feel they are not being received.

Then they must let go of this frustration for it only offers more of the same and ‘crossed lines’ can occur.

Can you clarify ‘crossed lines’? In which term do you mean that?

In the sense that the souls on Earth trying to connect ‘up’ … when FEELING there is no response, begins to ‘lose TRUST in themselves’. If they were to get a thought through … they question as to whether or not it was ‘their’ thought … or that from ‘elsewhere’.

For those who have the need to contact other realms … it really is advisable to firstly expect nothing other than the FEELING OF LOVE that is being sent to them. 
As you know … TRULY experiencing LOVE in any form is far more impactful than any written or spoken word. For when accepting of the LOVE that is offered … an enormous amount of energy … and knowledge … is ‘downloaded’ within that surge of LOVE.

All souls are part of the whole. WE ARE ONE. Therefore one cannot NOT connect with ‘others’ … for they ARE others.

There is a connection … a matrix … that binds us all. We are all part of this matrix. There is not one living thing on your planet or any other that is not connected to the ONE … which is YOU.

For those who are desperate to speak with us or others … we would implore you to let go of that desperation. For this is not of use to that which you are trying to achieve.

Does it Truly matter whether or not you ‘speak’ directly with us? For each of you KNOWS ALL that we have to say within the soulself. It is far more advisable to connect up with ones ‘Higher self’ … for in doing so, you are connecting up ‘with us all’ anyway.

Then perhaps we could pursue some pointers on that . We understand of meditation and the breath … is there anything else you could offer so that one could come out of a session and REALLY feel they have connected with that Higher part of themselves.

Firstly it is the intention … and the reason behind the desire to do so.

You are questioning are you not that there would be another desire than to ‘improve’ the aspect of the soulself that is upon the Earth? You would be surprised.

What do you mean?

In that there are some … who have an intention to connect only for gain of self in a manner that is not for the Highest good.

Really? I would have thought they had little connection … and sort of went elsewhere asking for that. Surely the Higher self is one of great power and Love and could not offer anything other than which is best for the soulself , and therefore I do not see the point of one connecting up for reasons that do not befit the self and the whole.

We did not say that they get the answers they want. For the Higher part of the soul IS only LOVE.

There are many souls who have not yet evolved in a fashion that many enlightened Beings have. So you would be surprised how and what they ask to take place.

Yet let us continue … in a Lighter vein. There cannot be a disconnection between the Higher self and the aspect that is upon Earth. It may FEEL like it at times , yet the chord cannot be snapped … until one leaves the Earthly coil and no longer has the physical body that ‘houses’ the soul. Then the Earthly connection is severed and one’s connection is ‘automatically’ in touch with the TRUE self. One’s TRUE KNOWING.

It is a good idea … after deep breathing for a while to say to the self a few times … “I KNOW WHO I AM, I KNOW WHO I AM’.

It is also … that when in meditation … and finding yourself in the place where you are ‘nowhere’ and ‘nothing’ is happening other than peace and swirling mists … that the deepest connection is made. The conversations taking place when not a word is heard … are of the upmost clarity.

This is why we remind you over and over again of the importance of your ‘quiet time’. The most suitable time to do this … is when it suits you of course. Yet we would suggest possibilities of considering sunrise and sunset.

The most deepest conversation is held when HEART TO HEART connections are felt. It is ‘heart talk’ that we are interested in. That FEELING that cannot be expressed in words is of the most valuable of all. When your heart ‘gives out’ all the LOVE that is inside it … on a constant flowing outpour to ALL … toEVERYTHING … when you allow yourselves to BE LOVE. Then Truly you would FEEL contact with us … with your guides … with ALL BEINGS.

We find it difficult to put into words! Yet we will keep trying.

When you are ‘in the zone’ … when you are ‘on top of the world’ … when you are ‘oozing joy’ and an ‘energy of laughter’ … when WHO YOU ARE FEELS the KNOWINGNESS of the wonder of BEING alive … THIS IS YOUR TRUE EXPRESSION OF SELF.

This is when you can literally FEEL your connection with ALL.

So , we do not wish to disappoint , yet we would say to you that it is far better to have the desire to be happy and KNOW THYSELF … rather than have the ‘need’ to be in touch with us or those of our kind.

Regarding your guides and angels … KNOW that each one of you has many. Just because they are not chatter boxes certainly does not mean they are not there.

Simply by saying ‘hello’ to them … the connection is made.

Do not be despondent because some folk are able to have conversations or get signs or ‘see’ their guides/friends. This does not make them any more ‘spiritual’ than you. No-one is more spiritual than anyone else … for ultimately you are all spirit.

Simply KNOW that they have chosen to be with you to assist and guide whenever they can.When you have a brilliant idea drop in … or you feel ‘guided’ to take a certain action … how do you know that this is from you or your helper … your assistant?

Dearest ones … it TRULY matters not.


You are all seeking happiness … for when it is found … Truly found … and we do not mean a ‘now and then happiness’ … but one of permanency … THEN you are in touch with the most important BEING of all. YOURSELF … and who are you? … EVERYONE!

Thank you my friends. How blessed are you?? … I’ve hardly interrupted at all today !!!

Let go of all concerns and offer them to the Highest understanding of LOVE . Give worries and fears no time in your daily lives. They have no place and seek only to confuse.

When you KNOW that you are here to express yourself … your True self … you KNOW that it is your responsibility … yours alone … to BE THE BEST THAT YOU CAN BE.


 This was your choice … You were not told to come … you asked … because you KNEW you had the credentials to fill the position.




And we Love you.  Thank you . WHAH! It’s 11.11 again.

