THE SECRET COVENANT – Message from Montague Keen on Sunday March 22, 2015

THE SECRET CONVENANT – Message from Montage Keen on Sunday March 22, 2015.

This is the most important information you are ever going to read. It explains why there is so much unrest in your world and why nothing makes sense to you. I ask that you read this over and over again, until your eyes are fully opened, and you see clearly what has been done to the human race.



An illusion it will be, so large, so vast, it will escape their perception.
Those who will see it will be thought of as insane.
We will create separate fronts to prevent them from seeing the connection between us.
We will behave as if we are not connected to keep the illusion alive.
Our goal will be accomplished one drop at a time, so as to never bring suspicion upon ourselves. This will also prevent them from seeing the changes as they occur.
We will always stand above the relative field of their experience for we know the secrets of the absolute.
We will work together always and will remain bound by blood and secrecy.
Death will come to he who speaks.
We will keep their lifespan short and their minds weak while pretending to do the opposite.
We will use our knowledge of science and technology in subtle ways so that they will never see what is happening.
We will use soft metals, aging accelerators and sedatives in food and water, also in the air.
They will be blanketed in poison everywhere they turn.
The soft metals will cause them to lose their minds. We will promise to find a cure from our many fronts, yet we will feed them more poison.
The poisons will be absorbed through their skin and mouths. They will destroy their minds and reproductive systems.
From all this, their children will be born dead, and we will conceal this information.
The poisons will be hidden in everything that surrounds them; in what they drink, eat, breathe, and wear.
We must be ingenious in dispensing the poisons for they can see far.
We will teach them that the poisons are good with fun images and musical tones.
Those they look up to will help. We will enlist them to push our poisons.
They will see our products being used in film and will grow accustomed to them and will never know their true effect.
When they give birth we will inject poisons into the blood of their children and convince them it is for their help.
We will start early on, when their minds are young. We will target their children with what children love most, sweet things.
When their teeth decay, we will fill them with metals that will kill their mind and steal their future.
When their ability to learn has been affected, we will create medicine that will make them sicker and cause other diseases for which we will create yet more medicine.
We will render them docile and weak before us by our power.
They will grow depressed, slow, and obese, and when they come to us for help, we will give them more poison.
We will focus their attention towards money and material goods so that the many never connect with their inner self.
We will distract them with fornication, external pleasures, and games, so that they may never be one with the oneness of it all.
Their minds will belong to us and they will do as we say. If they refuse, we shall find ways to implement mind-altering technology into their lives. We will use FEAR as our weapon.
We will establish their governments and establish opposites within. We will own both sides.
We will always hide our objective but carry out our plan.
They will perform the labour for us and we shall prosper from their toil.
Our families will never mix with theirs. Our blood must be pure always, for it is the way.
We will make them kill each other when it suits us.
We will keep them separated from the oneness by dogma and religion.
We will control all aspects of their lives and tell them what to think and how.
We will guide them kindly and let them think they are guiding themselves.
We will foment animosity between them through our factions.
When a Light shall shine among them, we shall extinguish it by ridicule, or death, whichever suits us best.
But if they ever find out that they are our equal, we shall perish then. THIS THEY MUST NEVER KNOW.
If they ever find out that together they can vanquish us, they will take action.
They must never, ever find out what we have done, for if they do, we shall have no place to run, for it will be easy to see who we are once the veil has fallen. Our actions will have revealed who we are and they will hunt us down and no person shall give us shelter.
This is the secret covenant by which we shall live the rest of our present and future lives, for this reality will transcend many generations and life spans.
This covenant is sealed by blood, our blood. We, the ones who from heaven to earth came.
This covenant must NEVER, EVER be known to exist. It must NEVER, EVER be written or spoken of, for if it is, the consciousness it will spawn will release the fury of the PRIME CREATOR upon us and we shall be cast to the depths from whence we came and remain there until the end of time of infinity itself.
Author unknown.

It will take a little time for these words to sink in. Come together, talk about this covenant. It is what has imprisoned and controlled you. What you do about it, is for you to decide.

Veronica is going through very difficult times. She is totally devoted to assisting mankind to wake up, to come together and work together. Every obstacle is being put in her path as she struggles to survive. Please help.

This week has been traumatic for her. Decisions had to be made and it has left her exhausted.

My dear, yes, we do ask a lot of you. The road is a rocky one, but in your heart you know the outcome.
We will succeed.

Always, your adoring, Monty.

Website: The Montague Keen Foundation

Montague Keen’s Message for Sunday, June 23, 2013



The plans to attack your internet could not be carried out, as good people shared their information worldwide, thus making it impossible for the Cabal to carry out its plans. It is important that you learn from this experience. Realise that you are not powerless. So many countries were aware of the plans to attack the internet. So the Cabal is finding it increasingly difficult to keep its plans secret.

By cooperating, coming together, and acting as a whole, mankind will survive. You do not need the Cabal for your survival. Their plans for humanity are horrific, but they are being exposed. Together, we can prevent them from carrying them out. Do not be taken in by their fine words, false displays of friendship, and the pretence of working for the good of humanity.

As the Irish Member of Parliament, Clare Daly, stated so eloquently, it is time to call it what it is. It is time for the women to retake control. With good men at their side, working together, peace, harmony and equality, could be restored in no time. Those in power are all part of the Cabal, just puppets obeying orders, prepared to say whatever it takes to keep the masses under control.

Ask them where their true allegiance lies. As you wake up, you will see this more and more. When the full picture of your situation becomes clear, you will be inspired as to what action you should take and whom to trust. Always ensure that you are grounded. This is very important at this time. Send much love to those who plan to destroy all that you hold dear, as they cannot handle love. Send love also to those who have been taken in by members of the Cabal, so that they may return to the light once more. Ask their higher selves to please accept the love and protection you send them. The power of love knows no bounds.

Many of you are concerned by the tiredness that overcomes you all of a sudden. Just close your eyes and allow the process of change that must happen to your bodies as this is essential for you to move to a higher dimension. Welcome these changes. They are what you have been waiting for. Obviously, those in the Cabal, will do all in in their power to prevent you from raising your consciousness. But you have nothing to fear. It is a natural process, welcome it. Your bodies are having to cope with some discomfort and pain as they deal with these changes. What you need to understand is that this is a natural process and there is no need to be alarmed or seek medical advice. There is no need for drugs of any kind. You are raising your vibration, that is all.

Be alert to all the misinformation that is being directed at you. Check all “facts” yourselves. Look with eyes wide open, and never again accept what you are told that you are seeing. Accept only what you can see for yourself. Take control of your lives and stop acting as sheep, allowing others to control you.

Religions were created so that you would accept, through FEAR and without question, what you were told. They failed to remind you that you all have FREE WILL, so it is up to you to decide what you accept. All religions rule through fear. This was done to control you. It is time to allow LOVE to replace that fear. It is when you see with the eyes of love that everything changes for the better.

This is a time of great change, so go with the flow. The right people will lead you forward into the light. Most importantly, the killing will stop. The abduction of innocent children will stop and those responsible for this will be exposed, as this is the most heinous crime and it can never happen in the light. There are some who are so corrupt that they will have to remove themselves from the Earth. Worry not, everything will proceed as it should. We in spirit are overseeing the Transition, and we encourage and support those who speak out. This is their chosen path. The Cabal is aware of those who have a mission to carry out. So they watch them until they become active, they then try to entice them away from it or attack them and implant them, to try to prevent them from completing their mission. Sometimes money is used as an enticement to lure them away. Those of you who are on Earth at this time with specific work to carry out, must be on guard. Protect yourselves as there are predators all around you, offering every enticement to get you off your path.

One of your most trusted people is being used to get to you, to cause you problems. You, my dear, are only too aware of how they operate. When such people suddenly show an interest in you, offering financial assistance, it does not take a genius to know that they have an agenda. They know that if you follow your true path, you may expose what they are up to. The Cabal will go to any lengths to hold on to power. They will even “befriend” those they despise.

This is a most important time on Earth, as there are so many changes happening on many levels. Physically, emotionally, and spiritually, you are becoming who you truly are – spirit beings of light. You know that darkness cannot exist in the light. The shackles that the Cabal has imposed on you are falling away and you are beginning to feel free. Free to think your own thoughts. You are opening up to who you are and what you are capable of. Those within the Cabal are frightened of this, as you are so much more powerful than they are. Once you understand this fact, the Cabal is finished. They planned the destruction of the human race as you know it, and this could not be allowed to happen. You, all of you who are of the light, are on Earth to see to it that this will not happen. You will succeed.

Forgive me for being so serious today, but these are serious times. My dear wife feels a great sense of responsibility. She has much to do.

My dear, we will continue to carry out our plans, regardless of those who may fall by the wayside.

Always, your adoring, Monty.


Website: The Montague Keen Foundation 



Montague Keen’s Message for Sunday, 16th June 2013


Every day, it becomes more obvious to you, why many find it so difficult to wake up. Everything they believed is now shown to be false. Every institution they supported, trusted, and believed in, is now exposed as the opposite of what they were taught it was. They feel that the very fabric of their lives is being torn to shreds, and they are frightened. They want to close their eyes to all of this. This is why they call it “conspiracy”; because it scares them.

It takes courage to look with clear eyes at what was kept secret, up until now, and see it as it is: the control and take-over of your planet and the human race. You need to be confident and strong in your conviction that you must stand up for truth and justice. All the information that you need to expose the truth is flowing into the public domain every day. You need to take every opportunity to explore it and digest it. Your very existence depends on you doing this with an open mind, discarding all the mis-information you have been fed throughout your lives.

The cabal has always used fear to control you. It is time to reject this conspiracy of lies that was forced upon you. This great crime against humanity was the result of two factions coming together and planning the take-over of Planet Earth, the destruction of the religion of love, and the distortion of history; thus forcing you to believe that everything began in the East and moved West.

Archeology proves that everything began in the West. The Earth produces more evidence of this, every day. This is why the cabal is so desperate to start World War III. They fear exposure, and what they see as the waking of “the common man”, his rejection of all that the cabal stands for, and his refusal to comply with their orders. Those of you who are awake, know that the game is up for the cabal. They can no longer hide within what they saw as the safe and secret hands of the Vatican, anymore. As promised, this house of cards is now on very shaky ground. It will not be able to withstand exposure. It is responsible for the death of so many souls throughout its terrible existence.

You were justly delighted to find actual evidence of Irish missionaries in West Virginia [Ogham writing, this being ancient Irish writing], 1000 years before Columbus was supposed to have discovered America. Yet another lie exposed. The Vatican wants you to believe that the Irish were savages when their so-called St Patrick and his armies went to Ireland to destroy all the evidence of the real truth of who we are and our true history. I remind you, once more, that Ireland is the key that will unlock everything. All the answers are there, in one place. The timing is right to uncover everything.

The corruption began in what is now known as the Vatican. It will end when its corruption is fully exposed and understood by those who blindly accept what the Vatican has decreed to be truth. It believes it controls your planet and all the life on it. Through the act of baptism, you give them this power. But there is no truth in what they teach. The real truth is so simple. Go into your hearts, for it is there, waiting to be discovered. Love is what you need to guide you, and it will do so. Leave the hellfire and damnation where it belongs – in the Vatican – where it was created by evil minds to ensure that you followed its commandments out of fear.

This is a time of learning, for all of you who wish to move forward into the new era of truth, light and love. Share all your findings and communicate with each other. This will give you the strength to become the 99%, and this light will then remove all the darkness from your world. Learn to see the light in those around you. Share your light and help others to find theirs. When you meet people, look carefully, and ask yourselves, “Do I connect with this person?” If you do, acknowledge that this is a sign that this person was known to you in past lives and that they are now part of your path. Feel safe with them. This is all part of the great coming-together of the light. Do not be lured off your path by false promises of financial gain and public recognition. These have been used since time immemorial to lure people off the path of truth. What you will achieve when you return your planet to the light, will far outweigh all the wealth now available in your world. Together, you are creating a world that, up until now, you could only dream of. Imagine visiting other planets for the first time, and actually reconnecting with all the other species of life in the universe. I promise you that exciting times are ahead of you.

So much knowledge has been kept from you about Planet Earth, that when the prison walls are removed, you will see for the first time, the Earth in all its glory and all its beauty, and you will be enthralled. We are doing our utmost to bring all this about without too much disruption. We need you to work with us, and to stand up for truth and justice whenever possible.

You are many, they are few. All their secret societies are being laid bare before you, exposing their control system, thus enabling you to see the signs all around you of who these people are, and what they have controlled, up until now. It was all hidden in plain sight. You just failed to recognise the signs. Now that you are awake and aware, you cannot be fooled again. They have everything to lose: you, on the other hand, have everything to gain. Namely, peace, justice, and harmony, with love guiding the way forward, bringing humanity together again.

The cabal uses ridicule to scare people from standing up to declare the truth. No-one knows this better than David Icke. Fortunately, he has the strength of character to withstand all that is thrown at him. Look at him now: a perfect example of someone brave enough to stand up for justice and truth. Now, those same people who once ridiculed him, go to his lectures and read his books. The Dark Ones have failed to bring him down. The light of truth, and the conviction that he was on the right path, have given him the strength to become what he is today. He is revered by so many, and rightly so. He is a man of courage and conviction.

You know, my dear, I was once a Knight Templar, when it was an honourable organisation. This was before it fell into the hands of what is now called the Vatican. This is yet another example of what was good, being taken over and changed out of all recognition, for evil ends. The Vatican has even managed to take control of countries without the people having any knowledge of it.

All this information, until now, has been kept in the dark, for it was indeed dark and sinister. Even the person who rules the Vatican hides in the shadows, out of public scrutiny. Again proving that nothing is as it seems.

Yes, my dear, the truth is shocking. But it must be faced in order to move forward. Together, as people of the light, you will succeed. Truth will triumph over evil, be assured of that.

My dear, those who travel along this path with you, have been chosen to do so. Each one brings with his, what you need to succeed. They will support you and they will be at your side when you need them to work alongside you; just as I, myself, am with you at all times. Trust that the right decisions will be made at the right time.

Rest, my dear, and allow others to help you. Everything will fall into place as it should.

Always, your adoring, Monty.


Website: The Montague Keen Foundation 

Montague Keen’s Update for Sunday June 9, 2013


Continue to be strong, my dear, knowing that our plans will come to fruition. Occasionally, an attack gets through. Remember, it is nothing like it was when I first passed over. We are protecting you. There is a shield around you. You know at a soul level that we will succeed. You are seeing how those who want to destroy life as you know it, are being challenged by those of the light. The meeting of the cabal [in Watford, England], which they tried to keep secret, is being openly challenged by the irrepressible DAVID ICKE. What you are seeing is the dark (hidden behind locked doors); and the light, led by David, openly celebrating the coming together of the awakened masses. Even those who are paid to protect the cabal must be questioning themselves as to why, what this cabal does, is hidden and in secret, and is not reported by the media. Now, this shows you clearly that the cabal controls the media. They control the content of the news worldwide. You are only told what they allow you to know.

Who gave these people the right to decide the future of mankind? You must wake up to the subliminal control of your minds. Become who you are, and take back your power and your planet. These Archons have used every trick in the book to lull you into a false sense of security, and to persuade you to obey all their laws that have removed all freedom from you. You sleep-walked into this situation. Are you now just going to sit back and allow them to CULL THE POPULATION, and to create prisons for the rest of you, so that you can serve them.

You are Spirit and you are capable of so much more, if only you could put your minds to it. They have picked off every country that has tried to be independent and go it alone. They are getting quite desperate to bring Iran under their control. But the Iranian people will not play their game and give them an excuse to invade.

Keep calm ! You have witnessed what they have done in other countries all around you. You must not fall into the same trap as they did. Be strong. The cabal is watching all its plans being made public. They can no longer hide. They now find themselves fighting for their own existence, so they will take desperate measures to protect what they regard as their own.

THEY PLAN TO ATTACK ALL COMPUTERS ON THE 21ST JUNE. So, be wise, and have a rest day. Do not use your computers on that day. They know they were exposed by means of the internet, so now they want to destroy it.

Research the Archons and learn how they operate through mind control. You must be awake and alert. Come together as you have done with David Icke, this weekend, and show that you will not just stand by, and allow this take-over to happen. You are now fighting for your very existence. Stand up and be counted. By sitting back and doing nothing, you are allowing the cabal to destroy you and your planet.

Together, you are strong. The cabal controls everything: food, water, air, and the weather. But your souls are still FREE. So go into your hearts and souls. Then you will find the strength to prevent what the cabal has in store for you. They are not human, as you are. They are arch manipulators of minds and they can appear as anything they wish.

Since I passed to spirit, I constantly remind you that NOTHING IS AS IT SEEMS. This is so important for you to remember. You have trusted the wrong people and you have suffered for it.

The Vatican is now trying to survive as the rats leave the sinking ship. It is being exposed as the seat of evil that secretly controls your world. This is the game it plays; creating many religions and causing wars which destroy the lives of innocent children. It does this by creating FEAR. Now, it is itself in fear, as it fights for its existence. They, too, find themselves exposed and vulnerable. The light has to expose all the darkness so that you can be free.

The light of truth is spreading her wings across your world. Country after country is waking up and seeing what is being done to keep you docile and in control. When you fully understand that when you stand together as one humanity – all one – with no divisions of class, state or religion, then you will be free, as in ancient times. This was before Rome set out to create the empire in which you now live (though they do not admit that this is what they have done). The God they serve, bears no resemblance to the God of Love, who now awaits you. You have been cruelly deceived by those you trusted. Those who preach hell, fire and damnation, are lying to you. It is all part of the plot to keep you in fear and under control.

Do not be frightened of death. It is a beautiful experience. A returning home to where you belong, with those you have loved, waiting to welcome you back. It was a heartless thing to do, to make people fearful of dying. Life on Earth is but a journey of exploration which you chose to make, sometimes to learn and expand, and sometimes to bring about changes that are necessary for humanity to survive. Earth is a beautiful planet and it needs your protection. The cabal isolated the Earth from its sister planets which eagerly await its return.

Think with your hearts. Logic is what you were taught by the cabal, to prevent you from going into your hearts and seeing things as they really are, not as the cabal tells you they are. When operating from the heart, man would never kill another man or destroy countries just because they are different. You are encouraged to see others as less than you. But no one is better than anyone else; different, perhaps, but never better or less. The cabal sees all of you as FOOD.

Protect and preserve your sacred places. Value them, love and respect them, for they are an important part of your future. The cabal has tried to block the sacred energy of these places. This energy is still contained within them, and when you release it, you will see it changing your world, and all will become peaceful.

You are on Earth at this time to bring this about. It is your mission and you will succeed. You will then cease to be the robots – there, only to serve the cabal – and you will become loving, thinking, caring human beings, working together to restore your planet. The cabal has not managed to prevent the pole shift, though they did try, as it exposes the lies they have produced in order to make life difficult and costly for you. They are having to learn that it is not in their power to control everything, no matter how they try. In serving them, you are guilty of a crime against humanity. Think about that for a moment. Can you live with that ?

With love in your hearts, join your fellow man, in restoring your planet. When the cabal sees man coming together, it will realize that its game is over, and those within it, will leave your planet, never to return. So this is their last ditch attempt at a complete take-over with their New World Order. Look at them: they are parasites, living off of you. Is this what you want?

They cannot exist on Earth without you. Now, see who is really in control and wake up to this fact. Love, and love alone, will win the day. When you come together in love and harmony, nothing on Earth can stop you.

Veronica, my dear, we can show the way, but it is a matter of choice whether people see the light, join together and move forward to a better way of life for all.

Always, your adoring, Monty.
Website: The Montague Keen Foundation




Montague Keen’s Message for Sunday 26 May, 2013


The light of truth is exposing so much. Those within the cabal are desperate; they are floundering. People no longer accept without question what they are told. They now check the evidence, and they wonder how they could have just accepted what they were told in the past.

You believed that those who governed you, had your best interests at heart. Now, you can see that this is not true. The cabal rules and is plans do not include you! You have watched one false flag operation after another, wheeled out to cause FEAR and to create enemies that foolish, mindless people, attack without question.

You are not puppets. Take responsibility. Do not do the dirty work of the cabal; by doing so, you are assisting in your own demise. Do not attack your fellow human beings. You must all come together as the 99%, for you have a common enemy which wants the planet for itself. Would you, by your actions, assist them in achieving their goal. Is this what you really want?

Listen to those who are speaking out at this time. They are brave souls who put their lives on the line for the good of humanity. David Icke, Kevin Annett, Gilad Atzmon, Miko Poled: these are four such men, who risk all to expose what is planned for humanity by those you are encouraged to trust.

Remember that the Cabal has used the Divide and Conquer technique throughout history. This was done to ensure that mankind never came together as one and realised that there is a problem and that it is necessary to WAKE-UP and deal with it.

Religion was devised to keep people apart and to create suspicion and mistrust. This has created differences that were all man-made with a distinct purpose in mind. There will be many more false flag operations, so it is good that people are awake to them now. Sooner or later, the cabal will have to accept that its plans will never come to fruition.

The Vatican, through fear of punishment that never existed in the first place, has ensured that you willingly sign over to it your babies, by means of baptism. So they alone, have dominion over their souls. This evil practice must stop. The Vatican stands on a precipice and each new exposé pushes it nearer the edge. Soon, it will fall without trace. Their evil empire is being exposed and dismantled. Never again will mankind be exposed to such evil. The FEAR it thrives on, will be exposed; for the Vatican is based on lies that are all designed to keep the masses under control. It controls every aspect of your lives; but at last, people are waking up to this.

It does not matter one jot, which religion you belong to, since the Vatican controls all. Its tentacles reach far and wide into every aspect of your lives, irrespective of race or creed. It is time to embrace your own spirituality and become who you truly are. Live in love, not fear.

You must return your planet to the light and civilisation to the path of love and forgiveness. Extend the hand of friendship to the countries you have waged war against and to the people you have been encouraged to mistrust and fear. It will all come together as it should, for the time has come when it must come together. You will have all the assistance that you need. Then, soldiers will remove their uniforms and refuse to kill. They will come to realise how they have been used to keep the cabal in control.

You, my dear, have experienced first hand, how the cabal operates. It is sometimes difficult to help others to see what (to you) is blatantly obvious. Money is always used to entice people to leave the path of light and to become controlled like a puppet. It is foolish, at this late hour, to fall for this, as soon, money will be a thing of the past. It will not be needed. This is hard to imagine now, but I promise you, this is what will happen. The more the cabal tries to block the changes, the bigger mess they get themselves into. Change is inevitable. It was planned by greater minds than theirs, so it cannot fail.

The energy changes are obvious to many of you. Bear with them and you will understand, in time, that all is done for your higher good. The end justifies the means. When you look back and see what it took to bring light and love into your world, you will see that it was worth every moment of pain and discomfort. You will see humanity living in peace and harmony. Communication will be telepathic, so no misunderstandings are possible. Gradually, food and sleep will not be necessary and will fade from memory. You are embarking on an incredible adventure. So enjoy it.

Be prepared to assist those who are still caught up in the old way of life. It takes courage to embrace the new, and as yet, untried. Doors are opening all over your world. Doors that had kept secrets hidden behind them, like your true history and your origins, etc. The important fact is that you are powerful beings of light, whose light was deliberately darkened in order to enslave you.

It is time for the shackles to come off and for you to take back your power. All the countries need to come together and encourage each other through the hand of friendship. Presently, you have an ‘US and THEM’ scenario: you know who THEY are, and it is obvious who the US is. When the US come together in friendship, you know you are home and dry.

Refuse to see differences, as they are man-made in order to separate you. You, my dear, being Irish, should feel at home in many countries, as you will find pockets of Irish DNA, thus proving that in ancient times, the Irish travelled far and wide spreading love , light and knowledge. All one big, happy family, until the Cabal forcibly took control and used the sword to destroy all that was good.

Now, you will come together, for the love of humanity and your planet will be all that is necessary as you expose the dark deeds of the past that have led to the destruction of all that was good and pure. You will look at the greed of the past with disgust and you will refuse to be part of it, ever again. It was called the Rat Race. How appropriate! Look forward, and never seek revenge. For it brings you down to the level of the cabal, and you are better than that. Study the history of ancient times, as all you need to know is there for you to explore and move on.

You, my dear, learned recently, that in ancient times in Egypt, there was NO WORD FOR DEATH. Egyptians believed that they would return to the WEST from where they had come. When someone died, they would say that they were “WESTING”. How interesting. Take note of what it is telling you . . . Were they returning to Ireland? Did they believe that they were?

You will have such fun researching your history, my dear. I do not wish to spoil it for you. There are many pyramids yet to be discovered, and some underwater cities also ready to reveal their secrets. Exciting times ahead !

The truth will excite and amaze you. Go for it. Share it. The time is right.

One word of caution . . . be ever vigilant ! There are those who are happy with the status quo. They want to keep things as they are, so they will try to infiltrate and disrupt, causing mistrust where none exists. You all need protection from the dark cabal and its minions. Always remember to ask for protection and keep grounded. Be alert at all times, as you know people are sometimes overshadowed and are not personally responsible for what they do. This must be taken into account. The cabal will do everything in its power to hang on to control. It will fight dirty, as that is all it knows. But it can only hurt you if you show fear of it.

Appreciate friends and family, and extend this appreciation to all who work in the light.

My love, together, we will walk this path.

Your adoring, Monty.
Website: The Montague Keen Foundation 




Montague’s Message for Sunday, 19th May 2013

It has now become obvious to all, just how desperate the Cabal is, at this time. They are attacking from every angle, all those who seek to bring light to your world. Be aware and alert. They are fighting for their survival and so they seek to destroy anyone who might question their plans. Time is running out for those who still refuse to see the light, whether through fear or ignorance. Big decisions need to be made regarding life on Earth. The changes are happening, gently at first, but they will soon gather momentum so you will need to be on the right track. The Dark Ones have a lot to lose: you, on the other hand, have everything to gain. Without control of the banks, religion, and governments, where would these people be? When man is restored to his full potential, everything is possible. With knowledge of how your universe operates, man with full consciousness can live life to the full, without fear or hindrance.

Everyday, you see the exposure of the corrupt. This tidal wave cannot be stopped. All the guilty ones will be exposed and removed. In future, every human being on the planet will be treated with respect and dignity. Never again will discrimination operate and be accepted, as this must stop and it will. Together, you can make this happen; but first, you must have the desire for this to happen. The power of thought can achieve so much. Try it for yourselves. You have never been encouraged to think for yourselves. Now is your time to learn. Never, ever, betray the trust of another human being. No amount of money, position, or power, can compensate for the damage that you will answer for, one day. Never hurt, lest you be hurt also. Treat everyone with the respect that you would wish to be treated yourselves.

Engage with your higher self; it will never let you down. Try to release your mind from the flood of pointless chatter and worry that bombard your lives at all times. They are there solely to prevent you from waking up. This is all part of the control system plan to keep you so busy, as you try to cope with all this, that you do not have the time to stop and look clearly at life, and at what is being done to keep you in slavery. You learned to accept all this as part of life. But it is not, it is part of the Cabal’s plan for you. You do not have to accept it as normal.

Be sympathetic and support those who are trying to cope with all the physic attacks that are directed at them. The Cabal shows no mercy. You are living in desperate times. Believe in yourselves and act always with honesty and integrity and for the greater good of all. Do not lose faith in those who are desperately struggling to cope with the massive changes: be there with a smile and a helping hand.

People come in all guises: some with good intent and some decidedly not so. Be careful who you trust. Challenge those who try to force you to accept that which you know to be wrong and against the interests of your fellow human beings. No man is an island. You need to come together, as you know in your hearts that it is together you will overcome all the obstacles that, until now, you meekly accepted as your lot in life.

All the corrupt institutions will fall as they cannot survive the scrutiny of the masses. They have no hiding place. Their evil control is losing its grip on humanity, and it is not a moment too soon.

Veronica has just had the most exhausting weekend, dealing with unexpected obstacles and meeting new people. Please excuse me if I take my leave of her now, so as to ensure that she can take time to rest. Exciting times, my friends. Let us proceed with confidence.

Love always, your adoring, Monty.




Montague Keen’s Update, May 12, 2013


Yes, my dear, it is wonderful news. The Irish people came together in a massive show of solidarity. The event, Darkness into Light, was a huge success: with 40,000 people coming together to welcome the Light. This is what we had been waiting for and hoped for. This is just the beginning. Expect the energy from this one event to enlighten and encourage others to welcome the light of truth and take back your power.

When people come together in solidarity, they realise the importance of sharing their expertise, their knowledge, and their understanding of what was done to keep them in darkness. It is time, my dear, for all good people of your world to come together, to expose the plans of the Cabal and to refuse to comply with them. The Dark Ones need you to fight their wars. They need you to believe their lies. They need you to accept, without question, what they tell you to believe. But it is time to say NO ! The moment you say NO, they are POWERLESS. Without your assistance to keep them in power, they are powerless. You are responsible for giving them the power they wield over you. Once you are awake, you see this clearly and you can never go back to being as sheep again. This is the most exciting time of your lives. It is what you are on Earth to do. Together, you have the expertise to create the right conditions for all humanity to live in peace and harmony, with food and shelter in abundance. You will respect all life and you will be guided on how to create this abundance.

It has been drawn to your attention, my dear, that the Cabal is desperately trying to re-establish its own version of history. But people will not accept this. Once you see the truth, you cannot close your eyes to it again. It explains everything so clearly. When you understand the pressure that was put on your ancestors to accept a corrupt history, you will understand that in order to to protect their children they were forced to accept the Vatican’s version of history.

All will be made clear. The evidence is there, all over your world, but you were made blind to it. Why do you think the Cabal is so desperate to start World War III. They think that you will be so worried about your survival that you will forget about waking up, and then they will be able to resume complete control again. They care not how many innocent lives are lost in this desperate attempt to hold on to power.

You have big decisions to make. Do you meekly follow the corrupt, or do you come together and say, “NO. Enough is Enough! This is our world. We choose to live in peace.” When the 99% make this decision, the corrupt will have no choice but to leave your planet, as they cannot exist in the Light. For them to exist, they need the adrenaline of fear and violent death: war provides this. They create wars so that they can control and live on Planet Earth.

This was never meant to be. They do not belong on Earth. They like and enjoy all that you (as slaves) have provided for them. They are reluctant to leave it. Now it is your time to flourish and enjoy the fruits of your planet, and to become acquainted with other planets whose inhabitants are eagerly waiting to welcome you back into the fold. There is so much they want to share with you when you come out of the darkness into the light. When you return to spirit, you will see quite clearly how the Cabal has kept you in darkness and ignorance, and under control, always subservient to it. It is all cleverly done through mind control.

Those who saw through this facade were quickly ‘dispatched’, in case they shared their findings with others. The Cabal even dispatches its own if they step out of line. They show no mercy in their determination to hold on to their control, and to eventually take-over your planet for their own ends. But this will never be allowed to happen. We work with many of you to ensure this.

We need your co-operation. It is a combined effort on both sides of life. We will not fail. We have been planning the rescuing of Planet Earth from the evil forces of control for some time. The awakening of mankind has been a difficult task. Now, at last, we are seeing the fruits of our endeavours. There is so much light on Earth at this time, and it is spreading out in all directions. Soon, you will see it completely take-over. This is no time to be complacent, as every last vestige of the Dark Ones must be removed forever. Some of them are making an effort to embrace the light. If they succeed, they will be welcomed. We will not close the door on those who repent.

You have work to do, my dear. You know in your soul what is expected of you. The right people will be made available to you. These plans were made centuries ago: now, they need to be fulfilled. All will just fall into place. There is no need to worry. You will be supported on both sides of life.

Help each other to move forward into the light. Do whatever is necessary, and open your homes for gatherings to share information. Never be frightened to share the truth as it enables others to see and accept it. You are doing them a service. They need support and encouragement.

Be understanding of those who wrongly believed that they “fought for their Country”, when they realise that in reality, they were just cannon-fodder, providing the Cabal’s need for fear and bloodshed. Now, you are experiencing more LIES, being trotted out as a reason for the Cabal to invade yet another country. They fail to tell you that this is all part of their Takeover Plan. It is so obvious, it is difficult to believe that anyone can possibly be taken in by such blatant lies. It is your fellow human beings that you are being asked to kill. Who will be left to help and support you, when the killing machine comes to your door? It is only a matter of time, as it is all part of the plan.

There is no justice in your world. It is all controlled and is slanted to support the Cabal. They have systematically removed any rights you had, and you have allowed this to happen. Your silence gave them the green light to do as they wished: and they did.

I am not trying to be hard on you. I am telling it as it is. You need to see and understand this. The 99% need to acknowledge their combined strength and use it for the benefit of humanity. Wake up. Take action. Step into the light.


I shared your enjoyment as you watched Ciara [my granddaughter] dance. Her light radiates from within her. She illuminates the stage and she brings joy to all who watch her. She has come a long way since we welcomed her into the world, eleven years ago.

Veronica, my dear, you know that I would never let you down. We have worked together in many lifetimes. Let the love that we continue to share, guide you through whatever difficulties you may encounter on this journey. Let love be your driving force.

Always, your adoring, Monty.
Website: The Montague Keen Foundation

Montague Keen’s Message, April 28 2013


The desire for peace and the return of love must be uppermost in the hearts and minds of all, as the Great Awakening is expanding and gaining strength. Each and every one of you is important. Your future and the future of your planet depend on whatever steps you take at this time. Your planet is being cleansed of the dark energies that ruled over you: their time is up.

There are those who now wish to distance themselves from the Dark Ones. They want to reveal all that was hidden. Many are under siege, prevented from speaking out. The Dark Ones cannot control everyone: only those whose lives are dominated by the television and the so-called newspapers. Foolish people who accept, without question, all that the television presents to them.

You must each take responsibility for what you accept as truth. You are not puppets. You have minds, so put them to good use. Say NO to war, and NO to invading other countries. Your fellow human beings need your protection. I have told you in the past that it is all part of THE PLAN to take over. Foolish people believe the excuses put forward by the cabal and thereby assist them to destroy country after country. Surely, you are intelligent enough to be able to see this for yourselves. It is so obvious. When you wake up to this, then the killing will stop and peace will return. People are being controlled today as never before. You have no freedom at all. You have allowed this to happen, since by your silence, you gave consent. Do you really want to sleepwalk into extinction?

Find your voice and speak out. Refuse to be mindless puppets any longer. You are powerful beings of light. Allow this light of truth to shine brightly, to act as a beacon to others to come to you for guidance. You will have all the assistance you need. You have only to ask and it will be given. Have faith in yourselves. You can do it.

See yourselves as you are, not as you were told you are. Believe you can do it and you will do it. It is all a question of believing in your own power and knowing who you are. Stop believing the propaganda that now (in the light of truth) looks so ridiculous and so obvious. Laugh at the attempts to create fear in your minds and look with clear eyes at what is being put before you. Then and only then, will you be able to remove the shackles that have imprisoned you mentally as well as physically. It is time to take back your freedom. Take control of your own lives and become the spiritual beings that you actually are.

Open up to your guides and helpers: they eagerly await your calls for guidance. Your hearts will guide you, so trust only your hearts and souls and your way will become clear. This is such an important time in your lives. You cannot afford to make mistakes. Humanity will come together as one, for this is what it is, and always was, until the take-over happened.

The soul-less will have to depart and leave you in peace to recover and establish peace and harmony amongst all the people. Look at what was used to control the lives of man: MONEY. Who invented the monetary system? What did they have in mind? It was certainly not Man’s best interests, as it has served only to destroy the lives of men. It will no longer be necessary for Man to be a slave to it. Its purpose was to enslave mankind. Ensure your children grow up free of this enslavement. It is time to challenge all the controls and see them for what they are.

Look into the eyes. Take note of body language also, as those who rule, tell you what is obviously NOT TRUE. Soon, they will realise that lying does not work anymore. They will feel so exposed that they shall not be able to function. It is as simple as that. Laugh at the stories they come up with, to pressure you into accepting another war. They do not give you any credit for your intelligence, as they think you are still puppets, obeying your masters. Show that this is not so. Believe in yourselves.

Read books on spirituality that give guidance on connecting with your own spirituality. You just need to be pointed in the right direction and you will be fine. Such books will help you to trust your intuition. You will then become who you are. Time, as you know it today, will cease to exist. This will free you up to explore and enjoy the world around you. Aging is also mind controlled: you tend to become what you are expected to become, without thinking about how you can control it yourself.

When on Earth, I never saw myself as old. Being old is a state of mind, one I had no desire to enter. So I lived life to the full, right up to my passing. When you learn to take control of your own lives, this will become the norm for you, too. Your whole lives will change for the better when you take back control. It will not take a war to do this, just love in your hearts and the confidence in yourselves to know that this is what you must do.

My wife and I would like to take this opportunity to thank all those who wished her a Happy Birthday. Sending love to each other: this is what needs to be done. Let the love shine through, to brighten up each day, and to brighten the lives of all who dwell on Earth.

Worry not, my dear, everything is falling into place beautifully. We will guide you when the timing is right. What must be done, will be done !

Forever at your side, my dear. Your adoring, Monty.

I have been asked for information about what the people of Ireland have done. You will find some information on the homepage of the website.

Website: The Montague Keen Foundation

Update Montague Keen – April 21, 2013


On this, the anniversary of your return to Earth, we in Spirit wish you a very special day with your family. You were blessed, my dear, with a caring and supportive family. I am happy to be part of it. It is my soul family.

We watch the chaos in your world. The cabal is becoming careless in its desperation to hold control. Because people are now awake and aware, they cannot be fooled so easily anymore.

The American people have shown courage. They released the EVIDENCE of what they had just experienced and they refused to accept the official line about what they were told had happened in Boston. This is a great step forward in the pursuit of truth. You must now ask yourselves why your TV and newspapers are not interested in the truth. Why do the authorities still insist that their version of events is the truth? How can you ever trust them again? It is obvious that they are a propaganda tool, to keep you in the dark and under control.

There will come a time, soon, when people will switch off the so-called “News” and you will show the cabal that you are no longer puppets; obediently accepting as fact all that they put before you. You are taking responsibility for your own lives and you refuse to be as sheep, obeying the orders of those who are trying to take-over Planet Earth.

When you come together and find your voice, you will experience a freedom and a purpose of such monumental importance that nothing else will matter. You will know, without doubt, that you are on the right track and that this is why you are on Earth at this time. You are the powerful 99%, who say NO to the take-over. Why would you hand over all that is rightfully yours so that you become mere slaves to the usurpers. Did they really believe that you would not be helped to see the Light of Truth?

It has taken much effort to expose the corruption of religion. Fear, through mind control, has been its greatest weapon. When you research for yourselves the truth of how such religions came to exist in the first place, their stories are exposed as a tissue of lies. When religions are removed, then mankind will come together and live as one. All that was stolen will be returned to the people and will be shared by all. Go into your hearts, then you will know the right path to take. You will guided by love and this will change how you perceive everything. The false reality will be exposed and discarded. Man will come together in truth and light. All will be revealed and you will learn about your planet and how man was created to inhabit it. You will learn that everything that man could possibly need is there in plenty, freely available to all. It is just a question of education. Once all the facts are placed before you and all that is corrupt is removed, then you will accept a new way of living life on Earth, free of stress and hardship. It was never meant to be as it is today.

Wars are instigated to cull the population and to create wealth for those who control you. All the so-called reasons for killing will be removed when the parasites leave your planet. You are facing a bright new future. It is up to all of you to come together and share your knowledge and expertise in order to create a world where peace and love reign. You will have help from those who are waiting in the wings in readiness for the right moment to make themselves known to you. Trust me, you are not alone in this great endeavour. You know in your souls that you can do it. You were chosen to be on Earth at this time. Look to the future, not the past: the past is over, but the future is your New Beginning. Mankind has waited a long time for this moment. Savour every moment of it.

It is time to prepare for the future. Educate yourselves, as armed with real facts, you will then be equipped to make the right decisions.

Food production is of the greatest importance. Look to hydroponics as much of your soil has been deliberately contaminated. There are ways around everything. It is just a question of knowing which path to take. We will guide you.

The importance of water needs to be understood. This, too, has been contaminated. It will take a little time to put all this right. Just trust that it will be done. Help is at hand.

You have survived so much already. You have been attacked in every possible way and they have failed to wipe you out. Man is a strong species, he is meant to survive. All will become clear when you have the facts.

My dear wife is celebrating her 76th birthday today. She needs to prepare to receive her guests, so please understand that we must finish for today. My wife assures me that the information about what the Irish people have done will be made available here for you to study for yourselves. Remember . . . together you will succeed !

Veronica, my dear, enjoy your special day. We are all with you in Spirit.

Our love is with you. Your adoring, Monty.
Website: The Montague Keen Foundation

Montague’s Message for Sunday, 14th April 2013


There will come a time in the near future when you will have to make a decision as to whether to stand up for truth, or be a coward, and go with whatever you feel is the easier path. Let me assure you now, there is no easy path. The cabal has no intention of creating an easy path for anyone. When enough of you are prepared to stand together for truth and light, then the cabal will know, without doubt, that it has failed in its effort to establish the New World Order that it has spent years planning.
Ireland has just done this. The people of Ireland have come together en masse and have said a big NO! As a people, we refuse to comply with your demands. We want justice !
What is stopping other countries from coming together in this way. Ireland has created the template. They have led the way. The sooner other countries follow this example, the quicker all the suffering and fear caused by the banksters will be wiped out. There is a huge campaign going on (which involves many countries) to start World War 3. This, you can see on your televisions everyday. You are being fed so much disinformation, some of which is so ridiculous that it is hard to believe that some of you actually believe it. It is just history repeating itself over and over again. They just alter the world slightly; the name of the country changes, but it is always the same formula. Their attitude is that it has worked in the past, so why change it? The SHEEP fall for it every time. This is how controlled you are.
You need to clear your minds of all this propaganda. This can be done with meditation and by going into your hearts. Your minds have been manipulated to accept what you are told by those you believe rule you. It is important for your survival that you think with your heart and act with your heart. Leave all the mind controlled rubbish behind you. Become the sovereign beings you know that you are.
Pray for guidance and do not use the words of religions. Open your hearts and use your own words to connect with your spiritual side. Each one of you has an angel whose purpose is to be there for you. There are also spirit guides who have been assigned to help and guide you. You only have to ask. You may be surprised at the response you receive. All this can be done in the privacy of your own homes. All you need is to open your hearts to all possibilities. This is the most important step you can take at this time. It is time to become who you are – a spirit having an experience on Planet Earth. Your mission is to rescue the Earth from the evil ones who want it for themselves. You are responsible for each other. You must stand together: one for all and all for one.
The cabal knows no bounds. It has plans to control the SEEDS that produce your food. This cannot be allowed to happen. When on Earth, I did much research and lectured on this subject extensively. You must protect the Earth. You need to understand the extent to which they have destroyed your planet already. They could not have done this without your assistance.
How can you do this to your fellow man? You are actually doing it to yourselves as well. Can you not see this? You breathe their poison also. How can you look at yourselves in the mirror? When you do . . . what do you see? Are you not ashamed of what you do? What you are upholding is destroying humanity as well as your planet. Do not think for one moment that the cabal would stand up for you. You are not, nor could you ever be, one of them. They just use you. You sell your soul to them. One day this fact will become abundantly clear to you. Then, who will you look to, for help and support?
Your world is in crisis. This crisis is being carefully manipulated to cause as much pain and hardship as possible. You – the 99% – can change this situation overnight. Do not hide behind closed curtains hoping that it will go away. This is not going to happen. It is time to say, enough is enough. Find your voice: you do have one, so use it. All you need is love in your hearts. When you join together and feel the power of that love, you will be amazed at the beautiful energy it produces. You know exactly what I mean. You experience it at the Opera, when the music opens your hearts and souls. It is evident at great sporting events. This is the energy that happens when people come together with a common cause or purpose. Forget all the labels. Humanity needs to come together when one of you is attacked because it is an attack on all of you.
You have seen how the cabal has picked off one country after another. Who will stand up for you when they come for you? Do not leave it to the David Icke’s of this world to fight your cause. Rather, follow his example and speak out for truth and justice. Connect with those of the light and be open to those who may need your assistance to see the light for themselves.
The Great Awakening is happening. Be part of it and enjoy it. The rewards are enormous.
All that was hidden from you will be brought to light. This is part of the process: it’s all in hand. There are few on Earth who fully know and understand what was done to bring your planet under the control of the cabal. Your planet is surrounded by those who want to rescue you. The cabal will try to frighten you, by telling you that you are being attacked. But you know this is not true. They come in peace. They are your friends. Show no fear and stand in your truth. The cabal knows that its days are numbered, it cannot survive. It is based on lies and corruption. It is a house of cards that is ready to fall . . . and fall it will.
Veronica, I have talked many times in seance about the world of spirit. How amazing it is ! The word I used was glorious. Everything is thought, you do not need language. You experience harmony that surpasses all expectation and the love knows no bounds. The beauty and the colour need to be experienced in order to comprehend them. One’s family, friends, and ancestors, are all just a thought away. Everything is possible.
I watch over you, my dear, to guide you on your path. Many come to you, talking the good talk, offering help, but whose purpose is to disrupt and try to control you and your team. You must be aware and awake at all times. Check everyone who wants to get close to you. You know who you can trust and who you can depend upon.
Those with ulterior motives are being exposed and removed. Let the love of family, friends, humanity, and your planet, guide you to say NO to the cabal. Do not support their corrupt regime; then see for yourselves just how powerful they are ! Without your support, they are nothing: just empty vessels claiming to have the right to control you. It is up to all of you, now, to take back the power which you foolishly gave to them. It is the end of the road for them. Do not waste your energy being angry or revengeful. Pity them as you wave them goodbye.
Enjoy the adventure that awaits you.
Our love is forever. Your adoring, Monty.

