Essential Grids Now in Place and Energized for Rectification of All Requisite Hue-Manity Up-Steps

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gaia_energy1Essential grids are now in place and energized for rectification of all requisite Hue-manity up-steps. Cosmic stream assistance comes forthwith, at appropriate moment.

Spiraling energies from Gaia Portals which are required for these up-steps will be embraced by sufficient numbers of Hue-Beings to allow Cosmic Upshift in frequencies.

Manifestations likely will include instantaneous multi-body (physical, mental, and emotional) healings as well as resolutions of prior-viewed-as “impossible” situations.

Major Gaia transformations commence with upcoming Cosmic stream influx.

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Sensational Illuminations Flow from All Gaia Ascension Portals

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gaia_energy1Sensational Illuminations are flowing from all Gaia Ascension portals after recent energetic uplifts. Such may be “sensed” by stepping into Higher Clarity Sensories.

“Sensational” refers to the grand awakening moment of humanity, already preceded by Hue-manity.

Prior acts of Light caregivers are manifesting results required for complete Ascension of all beings on Gaia, along with Gaia.

The phrase, “Sparks are flying” (“Sparkles are flying”), is most applicable at this now moment.

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What you may experience in yourselves or others as less than perfect is illusory

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Jesus through John

Humans have an interesting but most unfortunate and hurtful habit of attaching themselves rather inflexibly to their beliefs – the beliefs with which they identify and which they use to define themselves, mostly as good and honorable – and then to regulations based on those beliefs, whereupon they set out to impose them on others who have a different and “wrong” set of beliefs.  Each group attempts to disparage and destroy the beliefs of the others, first by means of “reason,” rhetoric and persuasion, and when that fails, as it inevitably does, the decision is frequently made to use force, but always most righteously and sanctimoniously!

You have been doing this for eons, but now, finally, many are aware or are becoming aware that this form of problem resolution just does not work – in fact, it is really not intended to work, just to produce a winner, my side…

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The Hathors of Earth’s Solar Astral Planes: Influential Awakenings, Accepting Unexpected Truth and Creating Collective Revolution

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Openhearted Rebellion

-Channeled through Wes Annac-

The energies Creating and sustaining your realities are being continually boosted in purity, and we mention this process at the start of our communication to let you know that it has once again been expanded upon quite exponentially.

This has been brought about because of very important celestial events that have taken place recently, and we can say with joy that plenty more will come as you find yourselves assimilating energies that are ever-increasing in purity.

The continual increase in purity of the energies you’re absorbing in every moment means that you’re reaching elevated planes of consciousness and perceptual awareness. Your perspective in every moment will begin to reflect the continual purity increases being given, but of course, this is a process that comes about in increments.

This is why the purity of energies Creating and sustaining your realities hasn’t been boosted to match the realms…

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The Purpose Of `The Event` That Will Awaken The World:

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Red Shaman Intergalactic Ascension Mission

Photo: The Purpose Of `The Event` That Will Awaken The World:  To trigger an awakening of 6 billion people in one event.  It will take place in the sky, in our hearts, and televised live to the entire world.  During this first major wave of ascension... our star family will offer their assistance at the perfect timing of the earth changes kicking in... for the first time we will see Archangels in physical earthly form, Jesus will return, and so will our other space buddies... most skeptics will silence themselves during this time (yeehaa!)... we will have access to the healing pools of the spaceships that can rejuvenate our bodies, regrow our teeth and other body parts... and restore our DNA to full 12- strand activation.  I have a feeling right afterwards, I`m going on a bit of a tour with Sananda with my big drum.....dancers, musicians and other expressionists.  Don`t fret if you feel strange and out of sorts at this time... because our Creator is assisting us, and planned for eons, an event that would awaken earthlings, which is the same event that will jazz up the entire onmi-verse... we`ve got starring roles here so stand up straight and treat yourself first, as you want others to treat you... BE WILLING TO SELF-ACTIVATE ENERGIES THAT ARE CURRENTLY DORMANT.  I doubt there will ever be a time like this ever again, where we have so much influence i all of Creation... so dream big and keep taking inspired action.  IITM  Research `The Event`

The Purpose Of `The Event` That Will Awaken The World:  To trigger an awakening of 6 billion people in one event.  It will take place in the sky, in our hearts, and televised live to the entire world.  During this first major wave of ascension… our star family will offer their assistance at the perfect timing of the earth changes kicking in… for the first time we will see Archangels in physical earthly form, Jesus will return, and so will our other space buddies… most skeptics will silence themselves during this time (yeehaa!)… we will have access to the healing pools of the spaceships that can rejuvenate our bodies, regrow our teeth and other body parts… and restore our DNA to full 12- strand activation.  I have a feeling right afterwards, I`m going on a bit of a tour with Sananda with my big drum…..dancers, musicians and other expressionists.


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BREAKING NEWS FROM AN ANGEL!: ” In the next hours and in the next days ahead you will be able to see the change”

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Red Shaman Intergalactic Ascension Mission

 Some insiders are saying around this time Nibiru will be visible to naked eye… IITM

BREAKING NEWS FROM AN ANGEL!:  ” In the next hours and in the next days ahead you will be able to see the change”

My beloved humans, this is Archangel Raphael with a new message for you. Everything is changing with an incredible speed and the focus is on ascension. We are reaching a very crucial phase in the ascension process and we had to resubmit a given message to the channel. The whole situation has changed within hours.
Now, you will ask me: “What are the changes, that you had to resubmit the message already given to you?” and this is my reply to it: “That you have changed abruptly!” Because of the permanent infusion of light the collective consciousness reached a new level. A level never reached before in human history.
Many humans have…

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The Arcturian Group channeled by Marilyn Raffaele ~ August 17, 2013

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         AUGUST 17, 2013
The Arcturian Group message today is one of hope because dear ones, many of you are losing hope.  You look out at  the world and say nothing is changing, but much is changing dear ones.  We see the light of your world becoming increasingly bright each day as more and more souls awaken to truths far different from that which you were led to believe was truth in the past.

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Compte de Saint Germain’s Blog – Ascension Will Occur – Channeled by Aruna, August 18, 2013


When the directors of human affairs completely drain God’s creation of its ability to nurture life, we will all be stepping into a new dream. It will not be a material dream, but a “next world” one.
Next world, you ask? Yes, a world where I Am That I Am brings forth new and different mastery challenges now that the “control vs. caring” dramas are drawing to a close.  The dreamers are no longer capable of continuing their lives with them. As this dream dissolves in its own dramatic way, will the Masters of the Great White Brotherhood do anything? Yes, we will ask all who can accept our call to go out of their domiciles and ascend.
I’ve not mentioned ascension as a goal on this blog, because we don’t consider it to be one. It is the next level of Mastery, not a new dream or a continuation of this one. As long as you consider any dream to be reality you are not yet a Master, just a dreamer of one drama after another. Masters are not dreamers—as they know what is real and what is not.  
Slowly but surely the doorway to heaven has been opening. Those who complete their awakening and are no longer dreaming will leave this dream full of happiness. Divine grace will lead them to the 5th, or a higher dimension. There will not be another collective attempt at a mass ascension, but to the ones still identified with the drama, still unable to accept ascension, those ascending will seem to disappear.
My dear ones, your world will become more difficult. No one can add enough caring to today’s dross to completely reverse its  condition.  One consciousness created this dross; it was not the controllers and. beings of light appearing to oppose one another. I AM THAT I AM composed the entire script for your ability to love, to gain strength of its own accord. When dross appeared there was a choice made to either clear it with love, or not. In many control driven actions the choice to go away from dross was available, but dross was chosen instead. Corporate greed has become the controller of all dramas, and caring about the choices of dreamers has come to an end.
Can another choice be made now? Not by the ones in control, they don’t care—only by those who care and can accept God as the ONE choice that ever was theirs to make. Can this choice do anything to alter the ascension call? Yes, all called can answer with an action that declares their mastery.
Controllers may appear to have destroyed the world, but in truth, their role in the big picture has always been to lead more masters to ascension. Are you a master? If you are not sure, go to an awakened teacher to complete your ascension qualifications NOW. When the dross is too dense to clear, nothing but ascension can be next. Get ready. This has to happen as a consequence of God’s choice and the choice of all who go as God.
I Am That I Am
Ascended Master Saint Germain

Channeled by Aruna