‘The Stage Has Been Set For Disclosure, NESARA and Announcements…’ – A Message from Lord Sananda through Elizabeth Trutwin, September 6, 2013




Greetings! This is Lord Sananda reporting to you from 10 Forward on the New Jerusalem.

There has been underway a Great Consciousness Raising on Earth. Watching the dialogue unfold is a delight because it shows up on our displays as the opposite readings to 911 as we soon approach the 12th Anniversary of this mass psychological attack. On this day when so many were devastated by what they saw, the days which followed war cries were heard from ordinary people the world over to battle the perceived attackers. It has taken a very long time to heal from that Earth day.

Much has transpired in the last 12 years and the most significant development in humankind’s awakening is the ability to see past the veils and perceive the truth with all your senses. Humankind no longer takes the double speak from politicians and media at surface value. Truth is Truth.

After a full day of preparation in the Higher Realms from Earth, on August 25, 2013 the Stage was Set for the Announcement of NESARA Law which will come from my consort Lady Master Nada. With her there will be 19 others on stage sharing the news about Disclosure, Announcements and NESARA Law. Some of the presenters will be Galactic Humans and others will be Extraterrestrials. The nineteen presenters are: Lady Master Nada, Lord Sananda, Lady Master Athena, Lord Ashtar, Lady Master Diuja, Lord Lincor, Mother Sekhmet, Lord Alcyone, St. Germain, President Obama, First Lady Michelle Obama, Lord Michael, Lord Metatron, President Clinton, Stephen Bassett, Lord Haaton, Lord Korton, Lord Mon Ka, Lord Rama Arjuna.

A Group assembled for a series of meditations over three days. The New Jerusalem changed course leaving its usual station over Santa Fe, New Mexico to energetically support the efforts of this Group. The first day was a cleansing and a letting go of everything Old. A Blessing was given for each One on Earth to heal Mind, Body and Spirit. It is possible now, with purification and right intension, to ask for anything which needs healing, especially old wounds, in the Body, Mind, and Spirit to be completely healed now. Ask and it is Given.

The second day was a direct link up with the New Jerusalem. In the morning an energy grid was set up in the room where the Group meditated. Magnetic and Electric energy forces were embedded inside the room. Magnetic Energy is the Energy of Mother. From it flows Father’s Electric Energy. Magnetic Energy is the sound vibration and Electric Energy is the light vibration which form New Creation in the Dark Matter Universe. Together they can create anything. All things are created first from Mother as sound and joined in unity with love, Father’s energy of light added come into Form. In John 1:1 it says In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God(dess), and the Word was God (Form).This word was the word Om and it is the Formless becoming Form. As sound merges with light it comes into the manifest realm of Earth. Each One of You are a Creator God and have the ability to do this. You may have noticed lately you seem to be more receptive on all levels.

During the two Grand Sextile’s this season, the first on July 29 and the second August 25 massive High Energies not seen on Earth before flooded our cells right down to the DNA and sub atomic levels. With this activation of your DNA your gifts are returning. You may have also noticed body aches or health issues flaring up because these same High energies bring in so much light the Physical Form can become overwhelmed and it translates as pain or maladies. This is a healing and as time went on you more than likely integrated healings in these areas and noticed positive changes in your Form?

The Golden Age on Earth began right after December 21, 2013 when Galactic Center aligned to carry away the darkest energies still holding on to the old programs on Earth. As 5D anchored in over the next nine months Earth has had many growing pains. Now the Shift is over. New Earth has birthed since the second Grand Sextile.

On August 25, 2013 this energy was embedded and nurtured by the technology from the New Jerusalem for some hours. In the afternoon the Group returned and held a very important meditation. An energy grid of a spiral was anchored into the Core of Center Earth and it was extended out to the sky to where a tractor beam from the New Jerusalem connected with it and pulled the spiral energy right up to the base of the New Jerusalem. With this energy link it was possible to beam an elevator of sorts right into the room where the Group was mediating. As this continued then an elevator descended from the New Jerusalem. In the Causal Realm the Stage for NESARA Announcements was set. Each of the 19 Members who will be on stage that day stepped off the New Jerusalem with Lady Master Nada leading the Group. Each followed in the same order as noted above. Lady Master Nada took her place in front of the Podium and the others lined the Stage and had their comments ready as they follow her and all will share a portion of the Whole Story.

This will be a joint effort between the Extraterrestrials and Galactic Humans who are Members of both the Intergalactic Confederation of Worlds and the Galactic Federation. Now that the scene has been set into the Casual Realm of Creation nothing, nothing can stop it from coming into the Physical Realm of Form. Each One of You Reading This were represented and present as your Higher Self was fully aware of this event as it occurred. You are the Solution, dear Light Soldier. All of your lifetimes spent preparing for this moment where we end time, whether you remember it now or not, are acknowledged by the Highest Forces of Light. The decision has been made that Awakened Humanity is at the moment where they receive the assistance from those Sisters and Brothers in the Goodly Company of Heaven. The Celestial Singers, also known as the Kumaras, the magnetic light energy merges now with the electric light energy bringing the changeover to New Earth.

On August 25, 2013 the stage was set in the Casual Realm. This is the first step necessary and a very big thrust forward. Humanity are Starseeds living a multidimensional life on Earth. Earth is the lowest vibration of all the realms. The Realms of Cause are where we create from. As we create on the Casual Realm then this reality will quickly descend down into the lower density of the Physical Realm of Earth and become manifest here. It is only the matter of a blink of an eye. All of what occurred had been planned a very long time and All Is In Divine Order. The Group of Souls physically present joined their consciousness with the Highest Beings of Light, also present in Form and the Formless and created an energy with the Highest Form of all Souls awakened and working for the light on Earth. That includes You. You have anchored in the long sought after changes for Humanity and Earth. What is next?

One prerequisite as we enter into mid September when the Atlantis energies are healed is to decide as a Collective Consciousness that We Want Peace on Earth. As the scales are tipped in favor of Peace the changes are ushered in. We have heard about the Earth Grid which is a magnetic electric crystalline grid connecting the Inner Earth crystals with the magnetic energy called Love. This is the energy of Attraction. The more you Be Love – the More you are Love In Action, the more you not allow fear into your Being, the faster we will as a Group, integrate in from the Causal Realm to the Physical Realm those changes that have been set. President Obama has been posing a question to the democracy of the United States representatives and other Countries representatives: Do You Want To Wage War? He never said he would strike. He said there will be accountability for the chemical attacks. The Black Ops did the chemical attacks and they will be arrested. He is simply posing a hypothetical question to the Citizens of Earth. Are you ready to change how we respond as a Collective Consciousness? Are you ready for PEACE? The majority of Souls, awakened or not, aware or not, are saying: We Will Not Bomb Humanity Anymore. President Obama is playing out his role perfectly bringing the few who wish to control the many into public attention to raise consciousness of all the 7.5 billion Souls on Earth. This is how we change things. Syria is where we crashed landed to Earth, long, long ago. All is healed now.

In mid September the energies of the Full Harvest Moon activate long sought after changes and we will celebrate as we renew the energies of the New Moon and on into the end of 2013 as New Earth integrates fully on the Physical Realm. You may feel the most important thing to do is to monitor for changes. That is not so.

The MOST IMPORTANT thing you can do is to go into Service. Service to Yourself. Purify your Body so you may be a Beacon of Light. Be honest and make the changes your Body requires now. Your diet is very, very important. Service to Your Family. If there is even one person in your family who you have not made Peace with – you are accountable to Do So Now. What does it cost you? Would you rather Be right or Be Love? It costs you much more than you understand to continue to chose Being right. You Do Not Understand What You Do Not Understand. Only through vigorous and bluntly honest self-introspection will you stumble upon these Truths as you reveal them to

Yourself. Service to your Community. Volunteer! Put your spare time not into Netflix, but into those in Need! Go find them, be they animal companions, the hungry or the disenfranchised. Do All Your Conscious Will Allow to be responsible for the Karma of Your Community. Service to Your Country. Be a good citizen. Vote. Post. Raise Awareness. Support those in the Trenches through donations or through giving your time. The Citizens Hearing and the Disclosure Project are two very worthy causes utilizing Action Politics to bring the changes you seek. Service to Your Planet. Go Green on every level. Change how you are living and reduce your carbon footprint for the sake of Earth. Every time you put forth Love in Action, you tip the scales in the right direction. You are Your Brother’s Keeper and everything you do helps the Many. Call on Me for Guidance. I am always by your side. I am always with you. Walk in Harmony with Me. Take My Hand.

This is Lord Sananda through Elizabeth Trutwin, September 6, 2013.© All Rights Reserved. http://ElizabethTrutwin.org 


An Invitation: Many have benefited from this and I would like to continue to offer it. For a one hour booking you may email me at eltrutwin@gmail.com It is amazing what comes through from Lord Sananda, the Higher Self of Jesus. This is a question and answer session on video Skype or telephone and you may ask anything you like. I have several written testimonials. Sananda’s Invitation through Elizabeth Trutwin: Many here are looking for answers about their personal life, Mission and what direction to take at this time. I have information I would like to share with certain individuals. As you read this you will know if it is for you. I have asked Beth to offer her Service for 1 hour telephone consultations where she will channel me, Sananda to you over the phone to answer your questions. You have worked very hard and it is time we sat down together to discuss your next steps. I thank you for your enduring service to the light. ~Lord Sananda For more information please visit http://ElizabethTrutwin.org/SanandaKumara Thank you for your ongoing support of my work. Donate. Please share this message and if you would like to be added to my list, or have any questions, feel free to email me at eltrutwin@gmail.com Namaste!


Chapter 10 of The New Scriptures as Written by Sananda / Jesus through channel Kathryn E May, August 30, 2013


When this Ascension plan you are carrying out now was put in place thousands of years ago, it was considered a very ambitious design.  While there have been many planets in the cosmos which have ascended, and many groups of people who have ascended in the past, it is not generally done all together – planet and inhabitants incooperation.


It is common for a planet to be cleared of its inhabitants, who go elsewhere for a time to do their lessons, while the planet itself raises its vibration to a higher and higher level, finally achieving the transition to a higher dimension.  Some have done this several times, and now reside in the plane which is not visible to you.  In other cases, the individual souls have taken on the project to raise themselves to a higher dimension, where they too exist in a dimension which your human eyes cannot perceive.


You are familiar with the story of my death and resurrection.  This was my ascension from planet Earth into higher dimensions.  It was intended to represent for you the possibility of eternal life, with a body risen to be your vehicle by which you can return to lower dimensions if you wish without having to go through the birth and death experience.  Unfortunately, that was not the part of the story that has been told, so I will take the opportunity here to explain it.


I did not come to our beloved Planet Earth to die for anyone’s sins.  That is a nonsensical idea, since we are all individually responsible for our own actions and beliefs.  I came to teach Love, simply that.  I wanted to express my own Love for the Creator, and to show others that they too could find solace, inspiration and deep connection with those in spirit form who oversee and assist in our lives.  I saw the cruelty and greed on the planet and wished to find a way to lead people away from the suffering it caused.


Unfortunately, I was not very successful in stopping the march of the Reptilian race.  They distorted my teachings, in the way they compiled the Bible, and even more effectively in the way they interpreted my teachings.  My disciples tried very hard to make an accurate record of what we stood for, but their writings are overwhelmed by the contributions of others whose agenda was to promote divisiveness and exclusivity rather than Unity and recognition that we are all One.


I did not come to establish the religion, Christianity.  I would not have permitted teachings which would divide my people, the Jews, from anyone of other faiths or belief systems.  I had hoped to create a body of work which could be included in any and all religious or philosophical points of view.  It was intended to expand consciousness, no matter what a person’s belief system might be.  Unfortunately, I had not yet left the Earth plane when the one who called himself Paul took it upon himself to begin an energetic proselytizing campaign in which he appointed himself the Apostle to the Gentiles.  Thus began the divisiveness between my followers and others which has continued to this day.


Paul, or Saul as he had been known, did not know me, nor did he understand the depth of my desire to encourage Unity across races, religions and creeds.  Instead, he began a crusade to teach his own version of my words, adapted to his own narrow view of the world.  He had been a cruel man, one whose purpose it had been to persecute my followers.  It is true that he had a “vision” in which I asked him why he was so determined to do this.  There was nothing unique about his ability to hear my complaint.  Many have been able to hear my voice more consistently than he did.  It did convince him to end his overt crusade which was intended to murder us, but his attraction to power and psychological violence did not end there.


I do not blame Paul for his zealousness nor his destructive effect on my teachings.  He was under the sway of Dark forces, was inhabited by Reptilian entities, and was strongly influenced by his early family lessons.  He has long ago been forgiven, and has returned to the family of Love and Light.  He will play an important part in the coming Ascension of humankind.  In fact he is now a Commander of one of the large ships which will aid in the healing process of those who come to us in the first waves of those who have raised themselves sufficiently to cross into the 5th dimension.


Now, many of you have been given the impression that the coming event is something that will “happen” to you because you are here on Earth.  You have been frightened with images of massive war, catastrophic weather, and other life-threatening events.  This has been a fear campaign initiated by the Dark Ones, to distract you and lower your vibration so you cannot raise yourselves high enough to ascend to the Light, where you would be completely out of their reach.


You see, the Reptilian race which controlled the media and all the other important institutions on the planet were not capable of ascending higher than the 4th dimension.  They were mired in their self-created genetic limitations; they were not capable of great Love, and they despised the Light.  Their only desire was to control humanity, and they did that by keeping you in a state of fear.  Fear is the opposite of Love, therefore if you are in fear, you cannot ascend to join the Company of Heaven.  It was a very simple but effective strategy, and it is the way of life from which we are now working to free you.


The Reptilians and other Dark Entities are now gone from the planet, as of August 22, 2013.  You can hear the narration of the great ceremony in which they were given the alternative to go to the LIght or be dissolved as souls.  Nearly a million of them were rescued and went voluntarily to join Mother and Father God and the other Masters who welcomed them Home.  The recording of the event is at BlogTalkRadio.com/ChannelPanel,* available for all to hear.  I was there, observing the momentous moment which marks the beginning of a new era.  It was truly the turning point which will allow your Ascension to proceed in an atmosphere of freedom and individual independence.


Many of you were “possessed” by the affliction of carrying a Dark Entity within your bodies.  They were able to move, in spirit form, from one human body to another, inflicting pain, illness, and perhaps worst of all, instilling ideas of despair, depression and anxiety in the host.  They had developed technologies to promote their propaganda and to torture those who defied them.  They were truly the nemesis of Humankind.  Mother God has spoken of these things eloquently in her messages to you, on the same radio channel and in the recent message given in her name.


The leader of the Reptilians, Reginald, has taken the responsibility for leading his people to the Light, and will play an important role in their restoration and recovery from thousands of years of living as followers of the imaginary being called the Devil, or Satan.  They were mistakenly convinced that Lucifer was their Dark hero.  When he publicly and tearfully announced his return to Mother/Father God, and was welcomed as a hero of the Light, it was the beginning of the end for them.


In the short period of one month, their reign of terror came to an end.  Their leaders have been removed from the planet, their hero was revealed to be the leader of their supposed enemies, and they were invited to be welcomed back as the prodigal race they had been for eons.  The implications of this dramatic ending – the true Apocalypse – has just begun to be felt across the planet.  It will unfold gradually, as people awaken to the knowledge that they are no longer living under massive oppression.


There are a few holdouts, like the Syrian dictator who was allowed to remain as the final example, or object lesson, for how cruelty will be dealt with, should the human converts to the Reptilian program – the ones our Kathryn has called Wannabes – decide to continue their Dark actions.  This will be resolved when he realizes he no longer has any supporters, because everyone has “given up the ghost” when it comes to profiting on the backs of the poor and holding power over others.  There is no more power structure to protect them, and to allow them immunity from prosecution.  The collapse of the Tower of Darkness is at hand.


This is your Apocalypse, Dear Ones.  It is an event that will bring dancing in the streets, as the entire globe experiences Arab Spring – the term that has come to represent the final rising up of those who have been oppressed, to form more humane and viable forms of governance for all.  It has gone by fits and starts, as can be expected, but it is a powerful and unstoppable force for Good which has taken hold of the imaginations of all who strive toward the Light.  It will be done, as Earth as it is in Heaven.


Heaven, you see, is a place of endless Love.  There is no punishment, no judgment and no retribution.  It is what you would think of as a democratically governed multidimensional place beyond time or space.  There are no limits to the possibility for each soul to evolve, to learn and to thrive.  All creativity is celebrated, all individuality respected, and all efforts toward Love and Light are supported by Prime Creator and the Ascended Masters who are his Legions of Light.  In the Milky Way Galaxy, which is home to us, the governance of the galaxy is overseen by Mother/Father God, those great Enlightened Beings of Pure Love who have created All That Is within this galaxy.


You have been taught that there is a Trinity of leadership which is responsible for you here on Earth and beyond.  We are Prime Creator, the Creator of all Creators, Mother/Father God, and I, Sananda, the one you knew in my most recent incarnation as Yeshua ben Joseph.  Mother God has been known as Sekhmet, Isis, The Empress, and has been represented as the lioness, the great Sphinx.  Father God has been known variously as Alcyone, Yahweh, Allah, Shiva and more recently, Zorra.  Prime Creator is the Invisible Hand behind all creation, the Source of All Things, and the one we honor and love above all.  There is no designation to describe Prime Creator, such as he/she/it.  We simply honor and adore our Creator, who is Love, the source of all Light.


Within the great cosmos, which includes the star systems, visible and invisible to your human eyes, there are many races, many inhabited planets, and infinite energy.  It is this energy which is managed and used by the powerful Creators, the Gods who create all beings, all souls, all planets and stars.  The mystery of Creation is known and taught by them, and is the height of the ascension ladder – the ability to create.  This ability is held sacred, a holy responsibility which is only carried by the Highest of the High.


There are many Dark Ones who have tried to command the power of Creation, but their efforts have always come to naught, as in their efforts on Planet Earth to clone beings, artificially engineer plants, and manipulate the sacred DNA structures.  It will not continue, now that the originators of these projects are gone.  In addition, the massive poisoning of Mother Earth through the extraction and use of fossil fuels will be completely discontinued, because it is an unholy invasion of her sacred body.


There have long been technologies which could have taken the place of these destructive practices, but their use has been forbidden by those whose hold on power and profit would have been weakened.  This stranglehold on technological progress has been lifted with the removal of the Reptilian race.  You will now see a blossoming of invention as never before, and your access to advanced knowledge will be unlimited as your brothers and sisters from other star systems will now be able to share their own knowledge in every area of life.


Not only will new forms of energy and transportation be available to you.  All the problems of agriculture, water supply and management, and all the comforts of living will be brought into new light by cooperation and inspiration from everyone and anyone whose expertise you wish to draw upon.  This cooperation will be offered, but never imposed, because that is not the way of the peaceful and loving members of the Intergalactic Federation of Light.  Of course, this English translation of their name does not capture the sense of freedom and cooperation they stand for. It is an organization of planetary leaders from all the cosmos who have pledged their allegiance to the work of Prime Creator, which is the action of Love and Light in the interest of all Good.


The Supreme Commander of the fleet of spacecraft belonging to the Intergalactic Federation is the one you have known as Ashtar.  He has been present in Earth orbit, and has often been channeled by various ones among you, as he gathered and organized the great fleet which has come to be of assistance to you.  His ship, The New Jerusalem, has been my home since my last incarnation as Jesus, as together we have overseen the coming Ascension of Planet Earth.  It is Ashtar who has been in charge of the protection of Mother Earth from any outside influence as she has gone through the process of her own Ascension.


Yes, there are still some in the lower dimensions of the Universe who would bring military force to disrupt the movement of the entire planet into higher vibrations, but they are not as dangerous as they imagine themselves to be.  The Federation would always prefer peaceful means to settle any conflict, and will not use their considerable might if it is at all avoidable.  This gives the Dark Ones the impression that We are afraid to fight them, an idea that is of course entirely false; we simply prefer not to use force.  The IFL has taken action when it is completely necessary, when a planet calls upon them to do so, as in the current removal of the Dark Ones from your midst.


So you see, you are entirely protected and overseen by the Legions of Light, who have been given permission by Prime Creator to carry out the mission of aiding Mother Earth and humankind in their coming Ascension.  They will help, but only in so far as it is not considered intervention.  I wish to emphasize here that this process is not something that will be done to you or for you.  It is something you will accomplish individually first, and as a group next, for no one will ascend who has not completed their own learning process.


This means you must each learn to heal the residue of discontent, anger, resentment and fear which you have been steeped in for lifetimes. Each person must lay down their weapons, whether they be the tendency toward aggression or the inclination toward self-centered control of others.  All dark energy must be purged, all dark actions forsworn.  This is what many of you would consider a “tall order.”  Indeed it is.  You may find it difficult at first, as you are newly adjusting to your physical and emotional freedom, but We have trusted in the resilience and great potential which is inherent in the human soul.  We are here to help you, and our presence will be felt increasingly, as the energy of Light spreads across your planet.


Rejoice, Beloved Ones.  Your Apocalypse has been written in the stars.  It is the end of the world as you have known it, and the world you have known was one of Darkness, war, suffering and control by the forces of evil.  No more.  Now, in this year of your calendar, 2013, begins a new era in the life of the glorious Blue Planet, Mother Earth.  You who have chosen to be here at this time, all who came as souls from distant origins across the Universes, will share in the triumph and the joy which is our destiny.


I too have chosen to be here, to help lead this magnificent Ascension, filled with Love and admiration for the courageous souls who are the brothers and sisters of my heart.


I am Sananda, the one you knew as Jesus of Nazareth.



Transcribed by Kathryn E. May, August 30, 2013



To hear Lucifer tell of his return, go to



To hear the ceremony in which all Reptilians were taken to the Light, go to



Source: http://disclosure-2012.com/page/482320256



Mother Sekhmet Speaks with the Great Council at Shambhalla regarding Changeover on Earth ~ A Message through Elizabeth Trutwin, July 14, 2013


When we originally began the Grand Experiment of Duality, MotherFather Gods first born named Jehovah and Lilith were sparks. They were souls that were complete and whole unto each other. TwinFlames in one ball of light. They flowed along side each other in the light matter Universe. We all were Created together as TwinFlames complete and Whole at this same time.


As they developed and grew from plasma sparks of light into Spheres then they gained Wisdom and grew more. Jehovah (Yahweh) was then part of the light. He began to have miscreated thoughts that maybe when he was created he was not the same as his Father and Mother. Maybe something had been held back. This anguish he felt made him want to Dual his Father. He wanted to see if his strength matched his Father’s strength. He threw his wife aside and decided to fight the war on his own. He left his Twin Flame. He began the war between the sexes where the Divine Feminine was ignored. He gathered and Army of those who held his miscreated thoughts to begin the Great War. 


Jehovah first went to the Constellation Lyra and ravaged it. From there he destroyed all the Suns in the Aurora Sun System of 23 Suns. His goal was to create a matter Universe where he could rule over everything. He had to tear a hole in the space-time continuum from the anti-matter Universe to the matter Universe in order to have an entry way, a landing place. This very brutal process had Jehovah commandeer Niburu, Mother Sekhmet’s Home Planet. It is a 300 mile wide MotherShip. This was the Ship with the 144,000 Holy Kumaras from Venus. Jehovah was driving Niburu right into Nebadon. When this occurred then there were two choices: Join Jehovah and crash land in Nebadon in the Fallen Universe or die. There was a lot of chaos and fear. The inhabitants of the Ship were wailing like babies crying to their Mother Father God: How Could You Let This Happen? Before that there was no death. Everyone was immortal. The information units called DNA were never programmed for death.


As Jehovah continued his wars and conquered places in this Solar System, including Earth – he called himself God and he forced the humans to call Jehovah (Yahweh) the God. This was a false teaching. This information made it into the Bible, yet over the years the stories were changed by men in control of the Church and the Commerce to control the masses. Countries were formed to show the boundaries of the rule of land. Control of the matter was the game. Armies were formed to enforce the power propagated by these warring Ones. Sananda was on Niburu when it entered the the Universe Nebadon. All of the 144,000 Kumaras are incarnate on Earth now. The time has come to reutrn Earth on its long journey back through the Central Sun Alcyone, back to the light matter Universe. This can happen in your lifetime.


God has spoken at the Council at Shambhalla. God told the Council that there is one unbreakable requisite regarding the Changeover. When it happens then not One Soul will experience Fear. Until that goal may be accomplished then we remain in a holding pattern on Earth. There will be no Ascension of Earth until it can be accomplished without fear. The only remedy for fear is love. Disclosure brings love. This is a conundrum. Disclosure cannot bring the needed love for the Planet because it does not meet the requirement of no fear. God has decreed this. This is why so many feel frustrated right now. They can feel the changes upon us and wonder: How Long?!


On July 13, 2013 Mother Sekhmet was escorted from her life on Earth and taken to speak before the Council at Shambhalla. She was invited by Sanat Kumara to do so. As she has spent this life incarnate on Earth she speaks a a representative of humanity, all the creatures, magical beings, plants and minerals – All Life On Earth – and Gaia Herself. Mother Sekhmet stood before the large ominous esteemed Members of the Council at Shambhalla to State the Case for Disclosure, Announcements and the enactment of NESARA Law now.


Master Serapis Bey had explained before the meeting, in a counceling session to prepare for the Presentation that the Conundrum of no fear was coming from Source Energy. As things stood there was an impasse because Source energy Itself, in all its Perfection, in All That Is, held the memory of the Fall into the Matter Universe and was pulsing out this through its magnificent impulses down through the Central Sun and down to Earth. As it sustained life here it sustained fear in a sense. 


A Plan was hatched then. Mother Sekhmet requested a meeting with her Twin Flame Alcyone to visit the Ra Temple of Creation on the Planet Saturn. Ra, Alcyone and Sekhmet form the Holy Trinity at the Godhead. Together under certain conditions they can change Source Itself and thus change All That Is. 


When Mother Sekhmet and Alcyone left their 3D bodies that they work from on Earth and travelled to Saturn then they landed before the great Ra Temple of Creation. Around the Temple are Paschat people in their Cat Form pacing in front of the Temple as Sentries. Mother Sekhmet in her female human form sat on the back of one of the Lion Sentries and entered the Temple with her Twin Flame Alcyone right by her side. They entered and joined Ra there. This was a grand reunion that has been scheduled since the beginning of the Fall. It was a Divine Decree. It was the next step for Earth Ascension. 


In the Temple of Ra is Ra’s Staff. On top is a very special crystal. Gandolf the White carried a Staff that is similar in look to Ra’s Staff. In the inner parts of the Temple there is a large expanse of space and here there are very large rings of energy. The rings are visually similar to Saturn’s rings. These are the rings of Creation and they are patterned off the Rings of Alcyone at the Central Sun. When One enters the rings of energy in a State of Pure Love with Ra carrying his Staff, then they are able to Create ANYTHING. 


Together Ra, Alcyone, and Sekhmet entered the Rings of Creation after entering a State of Pure Love and stating their intensions together. After entering this Holy Place of Creation they reset Source Energy at a Higher Pulse and superseded the lower vibration which had been going out sustaining the fear element which began the Grand Experiment. This caused Gods requisite that Changeover on Earth happen with not one bit of fear to be fulfilled. Because had this not been fulfilled, it would have been a crime to bring Changeover. Every last Soul on Earth will experience Changeover in a State of Pure Love or not at all. Otherwise, we repeat what happened when we first burst through to Nebadon into the denser parts of Creation. This Could Not Be Done! This is the true answer to: What Is Taking So Long? The correction has been made in ripe timing. Source Energy has been reset. 


Lord Sananda has put everything into Place as he promised in the first moment when he witnessed the destruction from Niburu when Jehovah commandeered his Ship. Lord Ashtar has put everything into Place under the orders of Lord Sananda. Each having their own important part of the Mission. St. Germain has put everything into Place. St. Germain is using the gold to quickly bring resolve to the people and help them to spiritually grasp that this Mission is about Love and only Love. 


Now with Source Energy reset and everything in place Sanat Kumara accompanied Mother Sekhmet into the Council on Shambhalla. She stood before the Highest Beings of Light to plead the Case for Changeover on Earth. She demonstrated how she had been earlier that day to Saturn with Alcyone joining with Ra. She explained they had been able to fulfill their Mission of reseting Source Energy to Higher Vibrations then had ever been achieved and this was the final step in resetting the Timelines. The old programs, the old Vibrations are no longer pulsing out. Without that transmission, everything will shut off. It will no longer go. It is like a car with a dead battery. There is no transmission of energy to make the car go. The old Timelines, without that transmission from Source essentially no longer exist. The memory of ‘Not Being Enough’ is erased from All Time in the Cosmos and All Beings return to their Perfect State of Being. Earth is no longer a Planet of Duality. Earth no longer exists within a Realm of Free Will. Earth is raised ABOVE that vibration and set into a Vibration of PURE LOVE. 


Mother Sekhmet explained to the revered Council of Shambhalla that there no longer existed any conundrum and it was time to Commence Changeover. She explained how living as a human in a body on Earth she can testify that Earth Humanity has indeed reached the saturation point of no return. In other words, anyone who was staying on Earth through the changes had experienced the Highest Level prior to the Change as was possible at this moment and waiting longer would do more harm than good. 


The Council heard Mother Sekhmet’s new story of Creation of Source with Alcyone and Ra. The Council heard her experiences from within the matrix on Earth and why it is the right timing for Changeover. The Council heard Lord Sananda, Lord Ashtar and St. Germain have their parts in hand. Now that the correction has been made, now that the Timelines are finalized.,The Changeover is inevitable. It is rolling down from the formless into form. From the causal Realm into the physical Realm. We now begin our long journey back to the Light Matter Universe.


As these changes come flooding down to Earth there are some things you can do. You are a Beacon of Light anchoring the new energies. Certain choices you make can make the transition much easier for you. Eat a vegetarian diet. As the units of design called DNA were manipulated by the dark fallen Ones then animal DNA was spliced in to our cells. So when you eat animal flesh it is a kind of cannibalism. Even fish. Even shellfish. We are a part of them and they are a part of us. Our next step is to receive light from Plant sources and soon we will be able to live strictly on Light. Do not drink alcohol. When your body is depressed by this substance it cannot be an effective vessel of light and it goes against the Plan. It goes against the promise you made to be an energy Source which brings Changeover. You are anchoring in the pulses from Source Energy through your body into Earth. 


Stop fighting. Be nice. Don’t yell. Don’t Lie. Don’t Criticize Others. Be Calm. Peace within creates a World of Peace without. Be Love.


Meditate on Earth and send her All Your Love. Work with the New Energies coming from Source. Go within and look for the old Timelines and witness they no longer exist.


As we move through the month of July in Earth time we see the artificial Moon Luna passes through the constellations of Scorpio, Ophiuchus and Sagittarius between now and July 19-20th. This is the perfect Vibration for Changeover as the final arrests send these Souls back through Galactic Center, through the Scorpi Black Hole at 26 degrees Sagittarius. Ophiuchus represents St. Germain and his part for returning Oneness to Earth. St. Germain means ‘Holy Brother.’ He is and always has been One of the 144,000 Holy Kumaras, with Lord Ashtar and Lord Sananda who were on Niburu that fateful day of the Fall 450,000 billion years ago. All of the Holy Kumaras who were there then are on Earth now returning everything back to Love. Everything is Perfect. Raise your Vibration to One of Joy as we witness the Changeover together. In Shallah! This is Mother Sekhmet through Elizabeth Trutwin


© All Rights Reserved. http://ElizabethTrutwin.orghttp://GalacticRoundTable.orghttp://StarGateEarth.orghttp://Facebook.com/beth.trutwinhttp://Twitter.com/StarGateEarth Please support Full Galactic Disclosure and the enactment of NESARA Law. love, beth xxxooo  An Invitation: Many have benefited from this and I would like to continue to offer it. For a one hour booking you may email me at eltrutwin@gmail.com It is amazing what comes through from Lord Sananda, the Higher Self of Jesus. This is a question and answer session on video Skype or telephone and you may ask anything you like. I have several written testimonials. Sananda’s Invitation through Elizabeth Trutwin: Many here are looking for answers about their personal life, Mission and what direction to take at this time. I have information I would like to share with certain individuals. As you read this you will know if it is for you. I have asked Beth to offer her Service for 1 hour telephone consultations where she will channel me, Sananda to you over the phone to answer your questions. You have worked very hard and it is time we sat down together to discuss your next steps. I thank you for your enduring service to the light. ~Lord Sananda.

For more information please visit http://ElizabethTrutwin.org/SanandaKumara Thank you so much for your ongoing support for my work which includes important upcoming required travel to assist with Disclosure. Donate 




Message from Mother/Father God by Kathryn May – Fasting, Meditating and Healing Our Way to Disclosure, July 12, 2013


Kathryn E. May

Kathryn E. May

Dear Ones, there are ideas and creative projects blossoming all around you.  Your dear Masters Anne and Kathryn are planning a meditation and fast to bring Disclosure to the planet – to be conducted as a group effort, with a BlogTalkRadio connection each day to help the process along and to give support for all.  It will begin on July 17.  We will give you more details in the next message, and it will also be posted on the Hollow Earth Network site.

The first three days of the event will be designated as a fast for those who can do it, with an accompanying group meditation every morning and/or evening.  Like the Summer Solstice show, which was a glorious success, there will be call-in time for members who wish to offer a meditation for the group.  The offerings last time were varied, deeply moving and heartfelt.  It added such a sense of warmth and companionship that the energy lifted with each passing minute.  What a wonder it was to see the light increasing all around the world as a result of the efforts of your group and many others like it.

This time, the meditation will begin on the 17th, and the 3-day fast will last through the 19th, but we ask that everyone who can should continue the fast for the next 4 days through the peak of the full moon.  Imagine the power of such an event, when the numbers are counted and the brilliant Light of your own group is felt everywhere.  The meditation, of course, is a powerful component, so even if you cannot continue the fast, you should continue the meditation while focusing intently on the Disclosure and its aftermath.

You know the Law of One.  When all of you envision the Disclosure and the peaceful landing of the ships, focusing your feelings and thoughts together, it is created.  The flow of intense energy which continues will carry it to completion in quick succession.  You, Dear Children, will be making it happen.

The reason to include the fast with your meditation is that the act of fasting is a definitive statement of your dedication to making it happen, and is a very powerful reminder of the cause you are supporting with all your concentration and will.  It is so unusual for most of you to eliminate the ceremony and the activity of eating from your daily routine, it will create a tremendous focal point which will keep you “in the game” for many hours of the day, even if you have to go to work.  Your mind will never be far from the fervent prayer in your heart – the wish to see your world leaders stand up before their people and announce that yes, there are extraterrestrials here waiting to help us, and yes, we are in contact with them and have been for many years.

Picture a flood of documents being printed in your newspapers, non-stop announcements and informative television programs to reveal the extent of the knowledge which has been gathered over the years.  See in your mind’s eye the amazement of the people sharing the information, calling in to talk shows to tell of their positive experiences with extraterrestrials, and at last, the admission by your governments that the abductions and testing done on its citizens were in fact an in-house secret program, not conducted or condoned by the Galactic Federation of Light.

For days, people will talk of nothing else, until the enormous weight of the information will finally tip the scales to convince everyone but the most paranoid recluse that our Star Brothers and Sisters are far advanced in their technology and their level of civilization, and that they come in peace.  Imagine how their pictures will be everywhere on the internet and news, with our beloved Ashtar starring as the respected and admired Commander whose leadership efforts have made the protection of your planet a priority in the Universe.

The global conversation will expand, day by day, to include the exposure of the dark activities of the cabal.  Names will be revealed; heroes and villains will at last be shown by their true actions, and the citizenry will begin to realize how distasteful the pursuit of material wealth really is.  Generosity, which is always sparked when people are freed of the constant stoking of irrational fears, will carry the day, and the celebrating population will fill the streets with music and dancing.

As the news of the friendly fleet reaches the consciousness of all humanity, so too will the news of our beloved Sananda, the Admiral of the New Jerusalem, come alive in the imaginations of the people.  Will any government anywhere be able to deny a landing spot with a heroes welcome when the news of the precious cargo aboard – the Ascended Masters, Twin Flames, and the beloved Lord Jesus – are here to walk among the people?

It will be then that the full appreciation will come for the information and Faith that has been revealed by this dedicated group, which will be appreciated for its forward-looking vision and its clarity of purpose.  When the time comes, you will all be in a position to explain, reassure and lead people to an understanding of The True Way.  It will then be important that you have carefully read and listened to the calls and radio shows.  You thought when you began reading these blogs that you were simply satisfying your curiosity, or deepening your own spiritual search.  That was only the beginning.  You will soon have the opportunity to be leaders in the new Golden Age of spiritual teachings.

When these events unfold, please be aware that the lessons presented here have been given to the world for free, but that does not mean they are of less value than the $500 weekends with a spiritual teacher, or a slick CD set of recordings.  Thousands of hours over many years have gone into the creation of these writings and live presentations, which together make up a comprehensive guide for Ascension.  We do not intend to diminish the work of our other hard-working channels; all have contributed to the uplifting of the global consciousness.

We have chosen to present a particular course of study here which is different from others because we had the availability of a channel whose life’s work it was to heal psychological wounds in order to help people reach the highest possible levels of human achievement.  She also has a keen sense of American history and World religions.  In fact, she was trained for exactly this purpose by Sanat Kumara, whom many have called the Lord of the World.
So you see, this project was hundreds of years in the making.  When Kathryn joined forces with our beloved Lady Nada of the Hollow Earth Network, a powerful network of global reach was formed.  As you are aware, Lady Nada is the Twin Flame of Sananda – a woman of great personal power, wisdom and boundless Love.

This partnership is no coincidence, as you may have discerned.  The Twin Flames of Sananda and St. Germain share the temperament, broad knowledge and leadership qualities of their male counterparts, and this is the beginning of the Golden Age of Feminine Power.  They have established close contacts with many other Lady Masters who will be revealed as the talented and courageous experts in every area of the cultural, political and healing arts.  Who better to represent our teachings as we enter this glorious period in history?

Another project is in the works which will bring a powerful healing technique to those who are suffering with severe disease and pain, but who are hanging on to reach their dream of Ascension.  Kathryn/Lady Portia will organize a volunteer Healing Task Force drawn from the thousands of Lightworkers who read these pages.  Sessions will be planned to send powerful healing energy to individuals who have been identified as severe medical cases.  Record of these healing sessions will be kept, and evidence collected to show the profound effect of directed Light energy on various forms of disease, so the healers themselves will know of their effect on the patient.

Most of those involved will do the healing at a distance, but volunteers on the ground may lead the healing session should there be ones who may be located near the person receiving the healing.  Volunteers may send an email headed “Volunteer” to Kathryn via her website, http://www.whoneedslight.org.  A special email list will be created to inform all of the time and date of what will be a one-half to one hour session in which all will focus their energy with maximum power to restore the patient to perfect health.

This procedure is especially effective with diseases such as cancer.  Patients or family and friends of patients should send an email, with some detailed medical description and history to Kathryn, titled “Request Healing.”  And so will begin an historic Etheric Healing Center which can reach everyone, no matter where they are, and which will document “The Power of Prayer” in a way it has never been done before.  The level of expertise of the pool of healers reading these words is magnificent, but professional training is not required.  All may add their intention, and each one will add dramatically to the power generated by all working together.

We now apologize to Lady Portia and Lady Nada for publishing their credentials here, but they will forgive us once their embarrassment passes, and they will continue their gracious lives of service to all of you.  You are now aware of the intentional network you are participating in, and can be comfortable in the value of putting your shoulder to the wheel of these Heavenly projects.  With endless gratitude, we welcome your participation and energies as we move together toward the completion of the first immense Shift into higher dimensions, one day, one meditation, one healing at a time.

We love you beyond anything that words can tell,
Your Mother/Father God

Via Kathryn May, July 12, 2013, 1 am.


Kathryn E. May, PsyD
60 Lower 27 Knolls Road
High Falls, New York, NY 12440
(914) 466-4250

HILARION’S WEEKLY MESSAGE 2013, June 30-July 6, 2013



Beloved Ones,

You now begin to move forward into the remembrance of your true purpose and work here upon the planet. The veils have become thinner and the distinction between dimensions is not as great now. This period will be filled with wondrous and miraculous events, both on personal and collective levels. The revelations will be coming fast and thick, for the old ways of keeping secrets and behind the scenes workings will no longer be supported. The cosmic energies of love and those that are beneficial and supportive for the awakening of all of humanity have increased in intensity and magnitude. This can be a great catalyst for change and transformation and we observe with great interest the effects of each wave.

It is incumbent upon each Light Bearer to hold their ground and remain firmly in their field of light and to daily anchor this into the crystalline diamond heart of Mother Earth. We see each of you do this each day with great determination and persistence and it is making a difference within the planet’s core. As this light expands within the core it moves in ever greater concentric circles to the surface of the planet and permeates all of life everywhere. There is an answering call from the inhabitants and all of life feels a quickening of anticipation of impending events that will transform the world as they now know it. This transformation begins within each heart and then ignites the hearts of everyone around them.

The impending change in collective consciousness is one that has been heralded for millennia and it now begins in earnest. There will of course, be the usual chaos as these changes occur as the old paradigms of thinking struggle mightily to hold their places but this will no longer be possible and they will crumble away into dust. What rises in their place is what you, the co-creators, envision and build. The template is now ready for building and it is one that cannot be corrupted nor manipulated in dishonest ways. Only that which is for the highest good of all can make an imprint upon this new form. This is something that humanity will build from the energies that arise within their sacred hearts as remembrance comes.

As you build this template you will start to notice that the feelings of lightness and joy permeate your entire energy field. There will be ever increasing moments of peace and tranquility within and each soul will now have the opportunity to connect with the truth within them. They will feel detachment from any events that occur to distract the impetus of transformation. In other words, whatever occurs will not be taken personally by each individual but will be understood to be a part of the process of transformation and gratitude, instead of fear, is the emotion that will be felt within each heart.

Each soul incarnate upon the Earth will begin to express the qualities of their divine essence of being. This will result in change in all systems of operation upon the planet to reflect the divine will of peace, harmony, unity and cooperation. Each soul will take an active part in this process, for they will understand that their input and action is necessary to effect these changes. You, the Light Bearers, energetically support this movement as it occurs upon your world, for this is your vision coming into fruition. All is well and everything is perfect.

Until next week…

I AM Hilarion


©2013 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana (Soo-tam-ah) Keeper of the Symphonies of Grace

Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been changed, or altered in any way and Scribe’s credit, copyright and website is included.   www.therainbowscribe.com

Source: http://www.therainbowscribe.com/hilarion2013.htm

Thank you for including the above website link when posting this message.

SaLuSa via MADA, June 28, 2013

We of the Galactic Federation are working closely as ever with our allies on our plans to move you forward into your happy future with us. With coming weeks you are about to see lot more happening on your world as the promised changes are starting to happen. Do you realize that all the signs you have been waiting for are here for you to see in every country on your world. We are admiring you for your patience and asking you to visualize all the changes to be peaceful and release all the anger that might be dwelling deep inside of your beings, for there is no reason to hold on onto the old ways of life. Next week should bring even more for you to see and believe, that your time in darkness is soon to be over. G8 summit will prove that all the right people are on their places for financial system to be changed.
As more of you are finding your way to communicate with us, you and Mother Earth receiving more Light and Love and your abilities are improving each day although you might not be aware of them. We are pleased to feel no fear about us and you begin to accept your faith as full conscious beings creating your own path towards your destiny. Some are more ready than others but all are exactly at the right place at this moment and it is their decision how quickly they want to move forward.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius and sending you all my love and please feel comfort at each change if it is in your body, in your life or in the outside world as these changes are bringing you the fulfillment of what you have been wishing for eons of time. Be at joy.

Channeller: MADA
Webpage: SaLuSa in Love and Light


Méline Lafont ~ A new beginning arises from the depths of our being ~ Channeled from Self, June 29, 2013


picture: http://www.lifeartsmedia.com/


As we continue to settle in this foundation and in this grid of Love and empathy, of Divine potential and of inter Dimensional creation, a lot is being absorbed by our beings and hearts.  The energies are co-operating into a new divine system of Alchemy, where all the foundations of heart based feelings and creations are part of this new system and form the new system called Humanity as One race and One being. 

Therefore a new beginning arises from the depths of our being and system to this beautiful point of view where all that is been seen as lower Dimensional frequency will no longer exist nor linger in one’s reality.  Dependency on outer forms and systems will  continue to crumble, for there is only the independency of Self and being autonomous and self-reliant.  Creations form the outer formation of one’s world and therefore a more grounded way of living is required in order to be able and create a stable and joyful experience of life.

When one is grounded to the core and the heart of Mother, all that is passing through Her will reveal all that you are and that you ground into a great manifestation on Her reality.  Therefore it is very opportune to stay in Love in a constant state of being, for one will reflect that to others as well.

A refined energy is about to scalp this beautiful being that one is, out of the big and heavy husk that one has been forming for all these years of incarnation.  As these refined energies move on into a greater level and pace, a most blissful state is being created where one will find Love again for Self on a much deeper level than before.  Self Love is the key for ascending into the I AM Presence that one is from essence, for Love is what one is.

As the sparks of the Beauty and Divine Feminine God Presence will flow and affect all the ones on Mother at this time, the God particles are being re-activated on such a refined and deep level of one’s consciousness that the entire Giant Cosmic web of I AM Presences is being laid as the foundation of our being at this time on a global and Universal scale.  This is part of one’s being and is now reactivated on a conscious level of understanding.

We must now bring the order of the day into fruition, which is the unconditional love to ones who are in great need for it, to ones who are finding themselves in great challenges in life and to ones who need forgiveness.  Unconditional Love is a unmistakable part of Self that defines who one is and the other is.  So share what one is to one who needs it, for it completes the Self into a most loving and gentle way of being.

For now all is unconditional connected to one another and the Self is part of all that is; the Giant Cosmic grid of I AM Presences and the Source of God Presence of light.  As we speak now about abundance and freedom, we speak of Love and ways of living,  of exploring, of being and of expressing. This all is part of our being, part of cosmic creation and it is the right of being.

As all forces now gently start to remove themselves from the planes of Mother, a place of freedom fits in and expresses itself to be born anew on this planet.  Rejoicing is upon all of the ones who linger on the planes of Mother, for freedom is the way of being as a natural Self.  For now, these forces are gently taking their place out of the grids of the I AM Presences of Earth and resolving into another form of creation that is allowed by the collective of this oneness on Earth.  So it is very important to be focused and to be gentle with oneself and with others, for creation comes from that state of Self and being.

My greatest wish to share my energy is now fulfilled for this moment of now, until we speak later; My love and passion is send to all. 

Eyah Asher Eyah

Méline Lafont/ Lady Portia


Copyright ©  2012-2013 by Méline Lafont. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy and distribute this material, provided the content is copied in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, and this copyright notice and links are included.  http://pleiadedolphininfos.blogspot.com/  and http://lafontmeline.wordpress.com/ 



Source:  http://lafontmeline.wordpress.com/2013/06/29/meline-lafont-a-new-beginning-arises-from-the-depths-of-our-being-channeled-from-self/ 


Be The Living Buddha on Earth A Message from Lord Buddha through Elizabeth Trutwin, June 24, 2013









Om. Infinite remains infinite. You have never been forgotten. You have been in our hearts every minute and we have never stopped longing for your return Home. This is Buddha through Elizabeth Trutwin.

It is crucial that we invoke the emanation of the  the Feminine Buddha at this time on our Planet. The energies connected with this deal with healing, transformation, calming fears, helping in times of  War and assisting with the Chaotic energies that are generated during the end of one Age and the beginning of another….Tara, the embodiment of enlightened activities, is the Mother of the Buddhas of the past, present and future. All Buddhas and bodhisattvas are born from this Divine Wisdom.

Mother is our liberator.

The old Age is dissolved. Now it is possible to become The Tara. We now have the power and prosperity to magnetize all good things, we transmute all anger. We begin as the Enlightened Buddha with compassion for Self and Others completely healed. We are serene and all of our Wishes are fulfilled.

What we think, what we say and what we do create karma. We look upon the Collective Consciousness on Earth. We take up our responsibility as Enlightened Buddhas to allow Purity to Guide our Every movement.

We move forward in the New Age renouncing our small ego minds, with good will and the intension of harmlessness as we come together to form and implement a Plan to restore Mother Earth and All who live upon her.

We allow ourselves to float up in the Dimensions and see the situation here from the Highest Vantage point and from that place all answers to all questions dwell. We exist in a constant state of Bliss knowing all solutions form within the Whole are obtainable to us now.

We see from this Higher vantage point that we are all different while All Being The Same. We treat each other as family and afford all courtesy to One Another no matter what standing in life, creed, religion or political ideology.

Out of concern we all must come together in harmony and coexistence as well as peace and prosperity. Leaders must come together for the greater good of their community and their country. We lay the days of division and distorting the truth behind us. We have in the recent past allowed money, greed and power to separate us from the Whole. We have an indivisible responsibility to our Planet and all Her creatures as well as All Humanity to act as One in protecting our environment and the millions of species On Her and In Her.

We recognize that we have a connection to All Things we are connected to Nature and the Cosmos. With this connection we each hold an important role in the Whole. It is our ineffable task to uphold our duty to this role. Mother, Father, Sister, Brother, Daughter, Son, Teacher, Healer, Householder, Leader, Religious Person, all the vocations. Within ourselves we play many roles and throughout our lives these roles change. We must never neglect the responsibilities associated with these roles. We exert ourself to develop wholesome qualities and release unwholesome qualities. This frees us to do our best work from a peace stemming from Within. This way we move forward without any fears and completely based in love.

We Plan together our next steps. Debates will be had to determine the appropriate actions necessary and the order in which to execute them. We look to the organization we can see reflected in Nature and the Cosmos as our Guide. We consult with the seasonal, perennial and sidereal among others to determine an order of operations which serves the Whole at large. We incorporate the needs of All inclusively from the youngest to the oldest. We devoid ourselves of judgment and look for the simplest solution with no filters understanding every action we take together effects the Whole.

Through meditation and contemplation we experience tranquility. We explore the potentials of our actions and we know what to do by knowing. Mindful equanimity is obtained through this process. As we work together to achieve a pure environment to live in together we must have one-pointedness of mind. We make a commitment to service to each other under one banner of unity. Activism for truth and peace is a priority. Any wrong doing must be condemned without fear or favor regardless of the claims of the wrongdoer.

This way we keep in check injustice and unfairness. Any leader accused of wrongdoing should step down immediately and obtain their replacement whether rightly or wrongly accused. After stepping down they should meditate and contemplate how to make right the wrongdoing or clear their name. Leaders together must act as a watchdog allowing only that which is pure to move forward. With this Plan in place we respect the ideals of the Collective of Peace and Unity for Humanity.

Call on Tara and all her emanations to come into and merge with you. She is you and you are She. First Cause. Absolute love, pouring out into the world with her Consort following behind to take action where the Path is intended as we move forward together, Love and Action, Love and Action, Love and Action flowing from the River of Wisdom from the Cosmos, to the Mountains, the Waterways into the Pool of Oneness where we all meet as a single point. And So It Is.

This is Buddha through Elizabeth Trutwin, June 24, 2013.

© All Rights Reserved.


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Elizabeth Trutwin: Niburu Our Origin and Healing Atlantis – A Message from Mother Sekhmet, June 20, 2013



Mother Sekmeth

Mother Sekmeth

Greetings Children of Ra, this is Mother Sekhmet reporting to you from my MotherShip Niburu. Niburu is a Dwarf Planet which is 300 miles in diameter. Its oval orbit is perpendicular to Earth orbit at an acute angle. Niburu is within Earth orbit now. Many have pictures of Niburu which looks like a second Sun. Niburu is often behind the Sun from your point of view and why it is not seen more often. NASA has imaged it but they call it the brown dwarf.




I would like to share with you all two very significant events which shaped all of our lives for the last many many millions of years. We are in the final moment of healing. This is a good time to visit our memories and clear it together with the greatest of love. The veils of forgetfulness are thinning now.

In the beginning Mother/Father God who are also known as Mother Sekhmet and Alcyone decided to create All That Is in their exact image. In Perfection. You All Were Created in Perfection. Mother Sekhmet is also known as First Cause. She is able to Create Life out of herself with no other assistance. No Other Being can do this. However, Alcyone and Mother Sekhmet decided to come together in Union and infuse everything with Love. Father/Mother decided that they chose to share their ultimate perfection and create exactly who they were and reproduce more of themselves which is us and the All That Is. In one big bang All That Is was created. We were all living together as plasma balls of light in the anti-matter Universe of On at the 12th Dimension.


Mother Sekhmet/Alcyone along with each one of us, all their children existed together floating along in space. At this time the seven Super Universes were created. Each of these Universes were anti-matter Universes and everything in them was made of light. Everything was formed at once and began spiraling out as fractal upon fractal. So as we floated along we began to grow and we grew because we had the collective thought to do that. Here we were plasma balls of light, existing as Twin Rays of light perfect together. Our Children all came out together but the Creator’s sons and daughters were the Co-Creators with Father/Mother God. Each One of You is a Creator God. Each One of you has the potential for immortality this life time. Each One of you may instantly manifest those things which bring more light into this world. Each one of these balls of light were complete and whole (male/female Twin Flame essences), and as we traveled along we experienced gaining more wisdom. As we grew in wisdom and magnitude we began to take form where we were balls of light that actually looked like spheres.  We never needed to grow and expand in our terms of awareness of the Godhead. We were equal with Father/Mother God when we were created. We were created in their exact image.


The densification of matter came from us falling from Grace.

The first-born son/daughter Twin Rays of God/Goddess were Yahweh (Jehovah) and Lilith. As time progressed they were also Co-Creator Gods, with Father/Mother. These Gods wanted to create out of themselves another Co-Creator God. Their first-born son/daughter Twin Rays of God/Goddess were Lucifer and Karula. Yahweh had the thought, “What if I’m not equal to my Father? What if I am not enough? What if He (Mother/Father) created me less than Him (them)?” This began the fall into denser dimensions and this created the dark matter Universe Nebadon. Nebadon is an exact replica of the Universe On. Nebad translates as “never done before.” This original miscreated thought stays within our collective trauma body as feeling ‘Not Good Enough.’ It is time to let go of that Ego mind program and dissolve it to nothingness.


When Jehovah had that thought then it caused all of us to begin to densify together at that moment. Some of the Masters chose at that moment not to fall from Grace. They held their light in the 12th Dimension hoping all would eventually return to the 12th Dimension. Jehovah presented this idea to others and decided to form a team of people who agreed with him to have a war with Mother/Father God. Each One either responded in fear or responded in love. Those who joined with Jehovah at the time of the fall were who we call the negative extraterrestrials. They have also been called the Anunnaki of Niburu and also sometimes the Nephilim. Not all who came from Niburu fell. Jehovah and his team first fell to the 5th dimension and eventually to the 3rd dimension. Never did Mother/Father God ever think it was possible this would happen. There is no lower place to go. Below the 3rd dimension we become crystallized mineral or compounded for which is known as non-sentient beingness. In the human form there are 12 Dimensions. The Sun exists at the 100th Dimension and above that there are infinite numbers of Dimensions where Mother/Father exist as All That Is.


As the fall began we created the Adam Kadmon body in the anti-matter Universe. In the Universe of On there were twenty-three different Solar systems. There were 23 different Suns. Each Sun had 12-14 different Planets around them. Niburu was in the 23rd Solar System and Aurora was the name of Her Sun. So as time went on Jehovah decided to see if he was as strong as his father Alcyone so he began to destroy all the Suns. He fired on them from his StarCraft. Jehovah declared himself above his Twin Flame, Lilith and he began a war with the sexes as well as a war with the light at the same time. It was with the first thought of ‘I am not as good as my father” when duality began. Now we are returning to Oneness. WHOLENESS!




Niburu was Mother Sekhmet’s Home Planet and it was the last of the twenty-three Solar Systems to be destroyed by Jehovah. Jehovah wanted to control the matter Universe and so he took his Space Craft and blew a hole right through the Space – Time continuum. It was by destroying all twenty-three Suns in the On Universe that he accomplished this. When Jehovah came to destroy Niburu everyone had to evacuate on Ships and go to the dark matter Universe or join Jehovah’s team. Niburu was the Ship commanded by Sananda Kumara carrying the 144,000 Holy Kumaras. Jehovah commandeered the Ship and destroyed it. Some died with the Ship. This was a great trauma which took thousands of lifetimes to heal. Those who died and Niburu was also reconstituted by Archangel Metatron who holds the Divine Blueprint for everything ever created.

Mother/Father God and Archangel Michael sent Jehovah and his son Lucifer to live in other sectors of Space. That is when Sananda Kumara, also known as Jesus and Santana Kumara, also known as Archangel Michael were given the title Prince of the Planet on Earth. Lucifer went to Maldek and Jehovah went to the Orion Constellation. It was at this point everything from there on was like a holodeck program. Its all a game. Its all an illusion. Its not real.



We look forward a bit and see what finally is being healed now.

Maldek created a situation where they were playing with nuclear weapons as part of their war games. Many of those who fell went to the Dracos Constellation and the warring continued. At this same time the Ones who were a part of the dark Force on Earth were in a power struggle over the Great Crystal on Earth. Maldek had a conflict which involved two groups in two different cities dropping nuclear war heads on each other. They blew up the Maldek Planetary Grid and Maldek went Supernova three days later. This explosion created the Asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter and the Planets Ceres and Vesta were formed, among others. At the very same time laser technology was used with the Great Crystal on Earth. The beam was shot into the Argatha Network at Inner Earth into the central sun there. That energy was returned to center as Mother Earth was protecting Herself and the Great Crystal was blown into large pieces and this disturbed Earth’s orbit. When Maldek exploded into bits the explosion caused all the water on the surface of Mars to be blown onto the surface of Earth. This is what we know as the time of the Great Flood. This made the water on Earth rise from covering 2/3 Earth surface to covering 3/4 Earth surface. Noah took onto the Ships all the Masters he could talk into coming along with the other life forms. They went to Inner Earth for a short time, some days, while Earth healed from the Flood.


These are the two major Events – the Fall and the Flood – which we are healing once and for all. There are now about 1/3 of the 7 billion people on Earth who are awake and aware Masters helping Earth Ascend (back to their Ships, back to their Home Planets) and eventually back to the On Universe. There are now about 1/3 of the 7 billion people on the Planet who will be invited to continue in duality where they will incarnate on other Planets in the 3rd Dimension which are suitable for their Soul growth as they work their way back to love. They will be given about 26,000 years to try it again through multiple lifetimes if need be. The last third on the Planet are now waking up and are in various places on the Path. These are the Ones we have been working to heal. This is one of the reasons we allowed it to take so long. We wanted as many as possible to return to love and Ascend with Mother Earth. The most important Mission anyone has right now is to take responsibility for them selves, their relationships and their environment. It is imperative to work on dissolving ego. Follow Bliss and Return to Love. It is not too late. Nothing else in this illusion matters now. Ride this Solstice Full Moon energy into Completion!


This is Mother Sekhmet through Elizabeth Trutwin, June 2, 2013

© All Rights Reserved.

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Mother Mary: You Are Entering a Period of Deep Refinement of Your Energies ~ Channeled by Fran Zepeda ~ June 23, 2013



Mother Mary:


Hello my dear ones, I am in awe of your development and your refinement in energy.


Much has transpired and it is ongoing as we speak. The solstice and super moon energies have made a huge impact on your Light Bodies and so you must rest intermittently to encompass and process it all.


Continue to absorb and welcome these energies without expectation and anticipation, but instead with complete acceptance and allowance, joy and gratitude. The more you open, the more transformation can take place. And it is not just in your Light Bodies; it is in every aspect of your world.


Hunker down to make the most use of these energies, dear ones. As I have said, it is ongoing, and much can shift and change within you as you open and receive without monitoring and judgment. Receive it like the welcome rain after a long drought and rejoice in the downpour.


You are entering a period of deep refinement of your energies and many doors will be opened for you in the coming days if you let your guard down and just be in the midst of it without any control of the outcome. Allow only your pure heart intentions to drive it and to sculpt the outcome, allowing any possibility to manifest that is in the highest good of all.


Loosen the reins a bit, and resist controlling the outcome, while at the same time seeing and feeling yourself in the circumstances you desire, always allowing for the details to be formed from surrendering to your Higher Self and Creator for optimal manifestation.


You, my dears, are at the helm and working magic while surrendering to all the possibilities of the Universe in perfect form for all. You are the creators as you fulfill your destiny, and like a painting that is still unfinished, your masterpiece is beginning to reveal itself and be fleshed out and refined as you watch it being completed, always allowing for surprises and illuminations not conceived of in your prior state of illusion.


You, my dears, are the Masters of your Universe, and you are beginning to see all your capabilities now. It will only just multiply in evidence in the days to come. Be prepared for surprises and delight as you continue to nurture yourselves within the coming energies of this significant period.


I am your guide and your supporter in this journey as you open yourself to all that you are capable of, to all that you desire, and to all that awaits you as you illuminate yourselves with these magnificent yet strong energies of late and that are ongoing as we speak.


Each one of you will be encompassing them in the perfect way for your development. The time is now to take down the guards that may limit you to all possibilities and to revel in the free-flowing energy of your new world and disappearing boundaries of your old world. Take off the restraints that are imposed by your linear thinking of the past and open to all that awaits.


You are the master creators of this new free-form world that all of you have had a hand in. Hold back your fears that may arise from allowing things to gel without putting limits on them for the sake of your comfort and reversion to old ways of being. You are protected and safe, so what is to be lost in exploring the unknown just a little more?


I am always here in service and hold you in my Heart,

Mother Mary


As Channeled Through Fran Zepeda. Permission is given to copy and distribute this material, provided the content is copied in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, and this notice and links are included.

http://www.franheal.wordpress.com (Blog)

http://www.franhealing.com/Current-Channelled-Message.html (Website)


Introducing the Galactic Federation of Light – Part 3 by Steve Beckow, June 13, 2013

Semjase of the Pleiades is depicted meeting with Billy Meier.


(Continued from Part 2.)

What Brought Extraterrestrials Here in the First Place?

We are here to ensure you safely reach Ascension, and introduce you to your Space Family and the many advantages that have been kept from you. (1)

We [the Galactic Federation of Light] … answer to the higher Beings who oversee your civilization, and have their own responsibility to God to make sure God’s Plan works out. That of course is your destiny to complete this cycle of duality with the opportunity to ascend. We are here to ensure you are not denied it by any outside interference or through the activities of the Illuminati. (2) You are the only ones [in the universe] who are unable to do it entirely for yourselves. (3)

For some time now whether or not you have personally realized it, your consciousness levels have grown and that process is speeding up until you acquire full consciousness. It is another area of development that we shall help you with as soon as it is possible. (4)

In the depths of world chaos there is hope extended by us and anyone who has followed our messages will be aware of the nature of our presence. We come to release you from the conditions that have subjected you to so much turmoil, and have reduced your lives to being little less than slaves to your Government’s agenda of global control.

This is one time in your history when you shall emerge victorious, unlike earlier cycles [Lemuria and Atlantis] when you have been virtually destroyed through the actions of the dark forces. This one was always projected as having the full potential for a successful conclusion, and to ensure such an outcome has been carefully directed and assisted by our Federation. (5)

We protect you and Mother Earth and have done so for millennia of time, and shall continue to do so. It will be more obvious when we can finally meet with you openly, and when we can it should be a most enjoyable change of direction for you. To know that you are finally safe from the attentions of the last cabal will bring a rush of joy and excitement, and a great time acting out the final plan for your Ascension. (6)

We approach you as your brothers and sisters because we are one family of Light. Your future is bound with us and many of you are from one of the many civilizations that comprise the Galactic Federation. …

We are your mentors and protectors and have the appointed task of restoring Mother Earth. (7)

There is of course a limit as to how far we can go, as we must not interfere in situations where you are reaping your own karma. We have to stand back, but it does not prevent us from trying to ease your experience by continually sending you Love and Light. Now we closely accompany you through what will prove to be a very active time, when we are allowed to draw closer to you. You frequently see our craft and often in great numbers as we continue our cleansing of your atmosphere, and keep our eyes upon those who are still determined to cause trouble. (8)

Negative Aliens are Kept Away from Earth

The Galactic Federation of Light is not in any way a military set up, but within the Universe there are forces that we need to protect ourselves against. They are mostly the dark Ones of the Reptilian group, but we hasten to add that there are [other Reptilian civilizations] of peaceful intent.

In your Galactic history there are many stories of mighty wars between civilizations [i.e., the Intergalactic Wars]. However, that era has passed and peace has been declared between the warring factions, and part of our duty is to ensure it is kept. (9)

Outside of your Universe there are other forms of life, that travel through the wormholes to enter other Universes, mainly for expeditionary reasons. They are checked out by us and only allowed to stay as long as they present no threat to other life.

Many times advanced civilizations from within your own Universe, have set out to conquer other planets, but you have been protected by us as the Earth has been quarantined and out of bounds to them.

Otherwise you would not have had any means of preventing a takeover, and being enslaved. Life in the lower vibrations has been quite an experience fraught with all kind of dangers, which is why you learnt very quickly how to survive. (10)

We continue to remove the dark forces that have been using bases on your Earth for a very long time. They are not allowed to stay any longer, and have no place in the Ascension process.

Their existence so far has mainly been a legacy from several thousand years ago, and the evidence still remains in your recorded history. As many of you know, in recent times the Greys were allowed to reside upon Earth by agreement with your U.S. government, but these must also leave. (11)

The rules are specific where duality is concerned and include Universal Law. It is the latter that prohibits other Space Beings from approaching you or Mother Earth, and we enforce the law. Again there are exceptions in circumstances where they are actually invited to Earth, and that was the case where the Greys were concerned. (12)


(Continued in Part 4.)



(1) SaLuSa, May 18, 2012, athttp://www.treeofthegoldenlight.com/First_Contact/Channeled_Messages_by_Mike_Quinsey.htm

(2) July 23, 2012. The Illuminati are the terrestrial cabal which planned to take over the Earth by a coordinated plan of erosion of civil rights, pandemics, weather warfare, nuclear war and other strategies that would have left power consolidated in their hands. President Eisenhower called them the “military industrial complex” and warned us against them. Three months later, President Kennedy also warned us against them. They assassinated him. They have been stopped and deprived of power.

(3) Nov. 26, 2012.

(4) Feb. 24, 2012.

(5) Oct. 10, 2008.

(6) Feb. 24, 2012.

(7) Dec. 1, 2008.

(8) March 1, 2013.

(9) Oct. 19, 2012.

(10) April 2, 2012.

(11) Oct. 3, 2012. It was the little Greys that carried out the abductions, allowed by the U.S. government in exchange for extraterrestrial technology.

(12) Feb. 1, 2012. The American government invited the Greys.


Source: http://goldenageofgaia.com/2013/06/introducing-the-galactic-federation-of-light-part-3/  

Anger and Self-Hatred are the Opposite of the I AM Presence – Message from Mother/Father God via Kathryn May, June 12, 2013

Kathryn E. May

Kathryn E. May

Now, Dear Ones, let us continue with yesterday’s discussion.  We told you about the Big Lie – that Love makes you vulnerable.  Our response to that idea is that it’s nonsense.  The opposite is true:  Love makes you powerful, and likely to join with others, which makes you even more powerful.  Now let’s examine why so many people feel helpless and vulnerable.

During the process of development throughout childhood and adolescence, the brain continues to grow.  As it does, the optic nerve lengthens, and the distance from your eye to the operating center in your brain becomes greater.  However, if you have experienced trauma, confusion, painful feelings, they register along the optic nerve channel where the pain is stored, along with the sense of the insult – the people, places, ideas and images which caused the pain.

When the difficulty occurs early and frequently, a corollary connection occurs from the place in the brain along the optic nerve where the pain is registered to the lower (reptilian) brain, where the fight or flight response is generated.  With repeated experiences of fear or pain or both, the channel to the lower brain becomes a major pathway, a trauma superhighway which then comes to serve as the primary response channel.  If used a great deal because of emotional conflict in the child’s environment, the fight or flight channel will become the primary response to any strong emotion, any intense experience, negative or positive.

This explains why some people are afraid of commitment, for instance, or turn away from a loving relationship as if it would cause them terror.  Their brain and emotions are primed to respond with an adrenaline-charged fear response to anything that arouses emotion.  They may even respond to the loving partner with rage when they are actually being considerate and thoughtful.  This is confusing to the partner, and in some cases will make them doubt their own motives and intentions, even when they know they were being loving.

With years of “emotional training” – the experience of fear in response to the behavior of the adults around them – the child grows naturally into an adult with brain circuitry programmed for fear and the resulting behavior, anger, rage, aversion and fear toward anyone who ellicits strong feelings, whether negative or positive.  If you are one of those people, or you are in a relationship with one, know that there is a “cure,” but it is certainly not medication, which will do nothing to rewire the brain.

If you are in a relationship with someone who matches this description, be aware that it is not a trivial matter to correct it.  Behavioral training approaches the problem backwards – dealing only with the response, not the cause.  The work that needs to be done is the rewiring of the brain.  This takes determination and character – to remain mindful every minute of every day in order to rework how you use your brain in response to life’s events.  This is the way the Visual Centering works, by changing the original pathways to a more adult-centered and Heart-centered response configuration.

As you have practiced your yoga meditations, you have learned to breathe and focus on your Heart center.  Now you need to create a new channel in your brain to wire in your intended changes.  It is the pathway of optimal functioning, when the information travels through the eye, all the way back to the center of the brain without interference, to register and be processed where all comes together – breathing, seeing, hearing, taste, touch and smell, and above all, intuition and body intelligence.  At the same time, you will activate the pineal gland, which increases your ability to connect with Us.  Here in the center of your brain, you are able to process the information in a neutral state, without undue emotion.

When you establish this balanced center position as your standard operating procedure, as they say, you will bypass the fight-or-flight connections which have been causing all the problems.  You must then begin a rigorous practice of refusing to use the old pathways (refusing anxiety, rage, disgruntlement, and all forms of fear).  In doing so, the old channels will begin to dissolve and disappear – if you never use them!  The new channels, from the center of your brain to your heart, will replace the old reptilian bypass, and you will eventually find yourself in the fulness of Love, expressing joy in every breath.  This is the achievement of the I AM Presence, the powerful connection with your Higher Self and Us.

You will need to clear away all old blockages along the way – the part of the process which Kathryn teaches – to create a smooth pathway for the information.  This we cannot teach you on paper.  It must be done with the help of the Visual Centering videos and the teacher’s feedback.  Kathryn is now training several people to teach the technique, which will help all of you to prepare for your coming Ascension.

Now, let us add a bit about the practical use of this clearing and centering technique.  You are aware that we have been encouraging you to do your clearing work now, in preparation for the new era.  This means that we wish for you to take the stand with yourself that you will eliminate all old connections to fear and anger.  Yes, it is indeed possible to live a life without fear, and it is possible to control your emotions to the extent that you never find yourself in a state of extreme upset or rage toward another.

The perspective you gain from operating in the center of your brain allows you to see in a new way.  You will have the palpable sense of your own destiny, as well as the destiny of others.  You will see that the current details of life are often not what they appear – there may be long-term contracts or profound personal lessons to be had from even the most dreadful experiences, for you and others.  There may be events unfolding that are beyond the scope of your current Vision, but if you ride it out, the Truth will reveal itself eventually.

Most importantly, you will maintain your loving connection to Us, and We will sustain you through all challenges and difficulties.  Your job is to remain steadfast in Faith and to transmute every interaction, every feeling into Love.  This is the True Way.

You will all be given opportunities every day to exercise your I AM Presence, which will always reveal itself to you with feelings of peace of mind, deep fulfillment and a sense of belonging to the One.  You will never be lonely, you will never need to be vengeful or “right” and you will have no fear of death, of losses, or of yourself.  We have especially stressed the overcoming of anger, because it is an emotion which causes most of the most traumatic discord in your lives, and it has a terrible boomerang effect.  You are developed enough along your path to see that you do not approve of irrational rage as part of your repertoire.  You may even have learned to disguise it from yourself and others by calling it something else, but you know in your hearts that when you do something vindictive or mean, you feel terrible afterward.

Here’s the rub, as our dear Shakespeare said:  feeling terrible about yourself leads to wanting to correct the problem.  Your old familiar strategy is to berate yourself with more anger!  This continues a cycle of self-doubt, self-hatred and fear.  The fear is now about not trusting yourself, not feeling safe in your own skin, feeling shame about your mistakes, and you are off and running again.

In order to avoid the terrible unpleasantness of self-blame, you must instead convince yourself you are Right.  Your vengeance is warranted, self-righteous, even God-given!  (Remember the televangelists who were disgraced by sexual scandals and money scams?  They were all loudly proclaiming their own righteousness, weren’t they?)

Do not fall into the trap of self-hatred.  It is the toxic, destructive opposite of the I AM Presence.  No excuses.  Your poor self does not deserve a beating, no matter what your past mistakes or current difficulties.  In doing so you have usurped our position as your Creators and put yourself in our place.  YOU are not worthy! YOU are stupid!  You are playing God, Dear Ones.  We would never treat you that way, but you insist you know better than We do, and you proclaim yourself worthless.  We object.  Your portrayal of Us is a travesty!

We want you to replace the anger and self-hatred with Love.  Notice: Rage and self-hatred always go together.  Rise instead to a higher level of vibration where you can communicate with Us, breathe the breath of Love we send into your mouths, into your soul. Reach for your connection to your Higher Self – your I AM Presence – which puts you directly into our loving arms.  Do this every moment of every day, until you know the God within you, and that God is Love.

We wish you peace.
We are your Mother/Father God.

Via Kathryn May, June 11, 2013, 10 pm.

http://www.BlogTalkRadio.com/ChannelPanel  Wed. 8:30 EDT

Kathryn E. May, PsyD
60 Lower 27 Knolls Road
High Falls, New York, NY 12440
(914) 466-4250
Part 168 ‘Anger and Self-Hatred are the Opposite of the I AM Presence’  was send by mail through Kathryn May, June 12, 2013

Love is Power – Message from Mother/Father God via Kathryn May, June 11, 2013

Part 167, Love is Power

Kathryn E. May

Kathryn May

What a remarkable time it is.  The energies we are sending have had an enormous effect, even beyond our greatest hopes.  We are overjoyed at the outpouring of love and commitment on the part of our energetic Lightworkers, and the rapid response they are getting whenever they set in motion a plan which has Love at its center.  For more and more of you, Love has become what you might call the knee-jerk reaction whenever a moment of decision arises. We appreciate you all the more for this.  You can rightfully take credit for real progress in this regard.

We will briefly address a problem which has arisen in the spiritual community which has been troubling to some of you.  The same energies which make you feel as if you are on fire with inspiration, hope and Unconditional Love can also destabilize some.  You are all sensitive, and many of you are tired.  It is a challenging time for those reasons. Although you know how positive our intentions are, and how hopeful the future really is, there are some frayed nerves, which sometimes leads to frayed egos, and unfortunately  it has also led to internet accusations which fly around at lightning speed.  The originators of these accusations will eventually find themselves feeling regretful and apologetic, since those who are aspiring Masters are not expected to behave aggressively, and it is confusing to followers who have trusted their words.

Let us just say here that we stand behind these messages and those who have been closely associated with them.  A group of our Enlightened Ones is collaborating beautifully, with a seamless, loving sense of camaraderie and mutual respect.  You read in their writings and their voices the deep connection with Us and with all of you.  Their Love speaks for itself.

Now let us address your personal issues.  You are all being tested at this time, as your contracts have provided for.  It is a time of great change and great opportunity, and you have long been aware of the importance of being awake, fully conscious of your own responsibility to take command of your own emotions and actions (including, may we remind you, what you say in this powerful medium of communication, the internet).

Pay attention to your language, your attitudes and your speaking habits.  We would like to address this problem of your current cultures – the tendency to be careless about what you say, using the colloquial expressions and emotional terminology which originated in the 3-dimensional life experience you have recently experienced.  Many of those expressions are aggressive or even hostile, with sarcastic and emotionally cutting barbs which you became so used to hearing that you barely notice them.  Need we give examples?  Listen to any conversation on television and you will hear dozens of them, especially on those programs which promote themselves as family comedy and “reality” shows.

In the transition to higher consciousness, you will need to develop an entirely new language – one which has been expunged of the barbarisms of the Twentieth Century.  In addition to the aggressive and insensitive style of conversation, you will also begin to notice the even more pervasive tendency to discuss emotional states of anxiety, stress, depression and anger as if they were normal and inevitable, even though they are distressing.  How tragic a state of affairs, when humankind has accepted the idea that emotional imbalance is a normal way of life!

It is time, Dear Ones, to look more closely at your emotional states and to question whether any of this is true!  You have been convinced by the Dark Ones that misery and suffering is inevitable, so that when it is inflicted on you, you will simply complain to your close companions rather than try to revolt against the cause of that misery.  How clever of them to come between you and your happiness, was it not? What could be more effective a tool of control than to turn everyone against their very natures, their own identities as human beings?

Are you becoming aware of the massive manipulation of your psychology which has been imposed on you over the centuries?  Read on, Beloved Children, we will arm you with the evidence to break the chains of your emotional prisons.

We wish to underline an idea which Kathryn has presented in her recent teachings.  Here is the Fundamental Lie which has enslaved humankind with invisible psychological chains:
Love makes you vulnerable.  If you open your heart you will be hurt.

This, Dear Ones, is a blatant Lie.  There is not a whit of truth to this statement.  Bear with us now – we hear your protests.

Love does not weaken you, it makes you stronger.  Many of you associate these things because when you were children, the people you loved hurt you.  Now, look more carefully.  You were hurt because you were a child, not because you loved.  All children are weak, and therefore are easily hurt.  Adults are sturdy, fully formed and independent in their choices.  If someone does something hurtful, you are free to leave or take action to defend yourself.  A child cannot do that – they are unable to move out, get a job or a room of their own.  A child is vulnerable.  You are not a child.

Many of you will say, “But I was devastated by the breakup of my relationship.”  We would ask “Why?”  If either you or your partner wanted to leave, what are you mourning?  Do you really want to stay with someone who abuses you or does not want you?  Why are you not celebrating?  The end of a painful relationship is the beginning of a new life, not a trauma.  You cannot stand to be alone?  Such protestations describe the reconstituted pain of childhood, not an adult state.  Adults in full command of their feelings do not feel overwhelmed, or vulnerable, or devastated.

You have all been immersed in the Lie that these everyday painful feelings are normal.  You have not been taught as children that when you grow up, everything changes.  When you are grown, all you need is your own brilliant, intelligent and sturdy self and your connection to your I AM Presence, and you will manifest a life of Love, deep fulfillment, and satisfying friendships.  Love will fill your heart, and you will find peace of mind and joy in the strength you feel increasing every day.  The more you love, the more fulfillment comes back to you, and the more unexpected surprises wrapped in Love will be dropped on your doorstep.  Yes, there are bumps in the road, but because you are NOT emotionally vulnerable (you are gaining in wisdom and flexibility), you would, if not for the Lie, increase your capacity to love with every experience of mastery, every obstacle overcome.

Do you see how pervasive this idea is?  You have learned to mistrust your own human makeup, to think of feelings as dangerous, and to believe the lies about chemical imbalances, neurotic syndromes, depressive disease and uncontrollable anxiety, to such an extent that you believe nearly everyone alive is in need of correction by medication.  Would we have created such a being?  One which is incapable of a natural adult command of their own basic functions?

Another tragic outcome of the Lie is that you have come to mistrust each other.  After all, you must be wary of humans, since they are so unpredictable and “sick.”  It has prevented you from sharing freely, from cooperating and trusting.  It has fed racial prejudice, war, competitiveness, the belief that strangers are dangerous, and immigrants cause scarcity and lack.   Even more importantly, it has prevented you from aligning with each other against those who lied to you.

Arise, Dear Children, it is time for a Revolution!  Shake off the stifling Dirty Lies and reclaim your competence.  Turn your attention to your own considerable faculties which protect you if there should be danger in the environment (which you will not longer invite   into your life).  You have powerful radar, which is completely disabled by anxiety.  This is the source of vulnerability in adults: inattention to your most basic self-protective abilities.  Your intuition, which is connected to your soulbody and your heart, is a powerful source of firm self-confidence and accuracy – far more so than your brain.  The brain is a very nice storage facility, but it doesn’t have the intelligence of your heart.

Here is the third area of devastation caused by the Big Lie – the mistrust and disuse of the Heart as the source of higher level judgment than a brain can begin to give you.  It nearly succeeded in separating you completely from Us, and this was the original, most devious intent.  The Fallen Angels intended to be independent from God, and wanted to create an entire planet of like-minded people.  Their goal was separation, darkness, and  a destructive duality.  They nearly succeeded, but you have begun the Revolution by reclaiming your hearts, and the Love is beginning to flow, between and among yourselves, and toward Us.  We congratulate you on your triumph, and urge you to celebrate your Independence Day with new declarations of Love, with fearlessness born from trust in your own strengths and competence.

Let this be the end to anxiety, depression, paranoia, racial conflict, imagined emotional vulnerability, and closed hearts.  Turn with us toward the sun which rises on the New Golden Age of Planet Earth.  We send you our Unconditional Love to intensify and restore your connection to your I Am Presence, which is the God in all of you.

We are Mother/Father God

Via Kathryn May, June 11, 2013, 1 am.

http://www.BlogTalkRadio.com/ChannelPanel – Wed. 8:30 EDT

Kathryn E. May, PsyD
60 Lower 27 Knolls Road
High Falls, New York, NY 12440
(914) 466-4250
Part 167, Love is Power was send by mail through Kathryn May, June 11, 2013

Pamela channels Earth


Dear friends, I am the voice of the Earth. I greet you all with great joy! I am here with you, inside you, and in everything that surrounds you, and this creates a deep bond between us. I help you to express your soul through your body, through matter. Together we perform a dance, a dance of Heaven and Earth, a dance of soul and body. Yet, for many now this dance has become a struggle, a laborious effort. Being human has become a fight for survival, and this gives me grief. There is in me a deep desire to receive you, and to play together with you in this short life on Earth. To dance, to enjoy, and to fully allow into your consciousness who you are at your core: a star of Light – a divine being who is here to take on the adventure of incarnation.

You descended into my sphere and you took on a body of flesh and blood. Why did you do that? What is the importance, the significance of this adventure? You are doing this ultimately from love. Out of love, you have been born from the womb of God, from where you embarked on a long journey – you as a unique soul – to discover and to experience everything in creation that is rich with potential. You have chosen to come to Earth on this long voyage and to here rekindle your Light. It is right here on this planet, on me the Earth, that so many different influences are at work, including those influences that have discouraged you. It is here on Earth that the many contradictory forces – Darkness and Light, life and death, etc –  play out their roles in the great “game” of life. The memory of who you really are, of who you were when you were born from out of the sphere of the Divine, is veiled by this “game”. By becoming human, you became lost along the way.

At this time, there is a call that can be felt in the hearts of people. There is a sincere desire to find, deep within yourself, who you are and to not be determined by outside influences; to not be manipulated by everything you are told from the outside, but to return to the core of your being: a soul, a star of Light.

I want to tell you something about this adventure you are making on me, the Earth. It is in the interplay with me that you develop and find yourself. You are, here and now, a human being, and the art of living on Earth is to allow your soul’s energy to flow completely into your human nature; to receive completely your soul on Earth. You have been taught in the past that the soul was something higher that you could reach only by suppressing your human nature. In the past, many very strict judgments have been made about your earthly human nature. Precisely because of religious and spiritual traditions that speak and teach about the soul, people have become alienated from their nature: their longings, passion, and sexual desires.

How many admonitions and judgments are there that are directed against human nature? To you, as a soul, has been given a marvelous instrument in which to live as a human being: your body, with its spontaneous natural emotions. And what happens if you are taught from a young age that you should not trust this instrument; that you should align yourself instead with doctrines and principles you get from outside yourself: through your upbringing by your family, or in your school or church, or by your culture? The roots of those traditions extend deeply into many people, even though they think they no longer believe in them; still, there remains a negative judgment within them about their own natural humanness.

What happens is that many people are alienated from their deepest emotions, desires, and feelings. I see loneliness in people, isolation, and a deep homesickness, and a not knowing from where that homesickness arises. There is a nostalgic longing for a balance and harmony, where you are able to be yourself in a quiet way, spontaneously, as does a child. In each one of you lives this desire – this homesickness – and concurrently, you are alienated from the most capable instrument you have: your body, with its feelings and your original nature. It is that part of you to which I would like to speak. It is that part which points the way out for you – back toward Home, where Home corresponds with who you are and with a feeling of oneness. Accept who you are – love yourself! – and by doing that you spread love and harmony around you – it is as simple as that.

I encourage you to experience the flowing nature of your soul. Many of you desire to connect with your soul, and you long to be able to live with joy and passion on Earth. It is the case for many of you that you first awaken to the flow of your soul through your head. You are searching for more meaning in what you see and experience around you, and it is through your head that you become acquainted with new ideas. Then follows a breakthrough to your heart and your feelings, where you become acquainted on a deeper level with the Light of your soul. It often happens then that big changes take place in your life. Your soul asks of you to examine everything that seemed so self-evident, and perhaps the result is that things become turned around and upside-down. See if you can experience, in your heart, an opening toward that flow from the soul that wants to come near you; not only to stimulate your head, but also to open your heart. It is through the body that you experience the soul’s flow.

But let this desire descend even further – into your belly. The belly is the seat of your emotions and your feelings. Your soul can only really anchor on Earth, and only really develop and participate in life on Earth, when it is allowed to flow through to your belly. Truly coming Home to yourself means you allow the flow of your soul to settle fully into your entire body, and especially into your belly.

Look with your imagination for a moment for a child sitting in the area of your belly. This child is a symbol of your original nature and your emotions when they are not affected by what you have been taught. You were a child once, carefree and happy, and this child carries a very original part of your soul. See if you can find this child sitting in your belly. How does it look?  Does it feel happy and joyful, or sad and afraid? Or perhaps, does it feel misunderstood, resentful, and angry?  Here in this very human part of you, in this human child, lies the key to your Home. Look at the child, connect with it, and put out your hand toward it. You ask the child: “What do you need in order to be able to relax? What do you wish for, here and now, at this time? Allow yourself to be seen – I encourage you to do so.” Take this child by the hand and then embrace it in your arms. It wants to be yours and to be taken care of by you.

Now look at a problem or a question that you are experiencing in your everyday life; there is always something that you are struggling with, or that you are fighting for! These struggles often arise because you think too much: you worry about what you have to do and how you have to come to a solution, or there is a persistent judgment you have regarding yourself. You want to changesomething in yourself and in your life, and you most often do not succeed. By thinking too much about a problem, there seems to be no way out – rather you twist yourself into a tight knot. Thinking does not give you a way out, because the thinking process is usually fed from ideas outside your self.

Turn toward the child within. How does the child experience this problem? What are his or her emotions about it? And what does the child need now from you? Take the time, space, and silence to meet this part of yourself.

Many of you are so wrapped up in giving attention to matters outside yourself that there is little time or space given to meeting the inner child within yourself – but therein lies the key to transformation. Usually, when the inner child tries to connect with you through its anger, sadness, or loneliness, nothing is changed because you are unaware of the source of these emotions. Only when you become conscious of your deepest emotions and theirsource, symbolized by this child, can you understand yourself better and be faithful to yourself.

Many of you feel, deeply within, a sense of being in the wrong place and of homelessness, and you are looking outside yourself for a temporary solution and relief from your pain. Nobody wants to experience the pain of loneliness and the feeling of being lost! You want that pain to go away, and because of that desire you turn toward exterior things: to impulses, stimulation, distractions, relationships, or situations that fill this lack in you, even though the relief is only temporary. Be honest with yourself and observe how often you do this. But also have compassion for that impulse in you that is ever searching, yet always pulls away from the center and goes outwardly, and try to understand why this reaction happens.There is pain in the soul of human beings, and it is very difficult to face that pain fully. It feels that if you went there, it would be like falling into a bottomless, black pit. It may appear easy to turn toward the child that lives in your belly, but it is not easy. It calls for total honesty and a letting go of the outside world as a solution to your problems.

The ultimate coming Home to yourself is something that happens inwardly. It means saying a total “Yes” to everything you are. Not only to what succeeds outwardly, or feels safe and secure in your life, but also to turn inwardly toward the dark parts: the pain, the loneliness, the not knowing, and the not understanding. To embrace these hidden parts calls for courage and determination. That is what your desires and your soul require of you. And why does your soul yearn for this? Because only through looking at your homesickness and deepest pain can the soul truly light up from within.

Many people today are intrigued by spirituality and a search for the meaning of life. Very often you see that it begins in the head through reading books and exchanging new ideas, and over time begins to also open the heart. But then, the soul wants to descend more deeply – into the belly – and there is where you meet with resistance from the most difficult parts of your self; the parts that have been deeply hurt as a human being, or as a child, or in your youth, or perhaps even further back in previous lives. The journey into the soul reaches far and deep; yet the solutions are close by. The truth, the answer to your desire for Home, lies right in front of your feet, as it were.

In making the connection with your earthly humanness and your emotions, even where restricted or blocked, lies the possibility of a return to what I call Paradise. There is an old story in the Bible that tells that people have been banished from the Garden of Eden. That Garden of Eden, or Paradise, was earthly nature in her most pristine state: free and wild and green; and also humans: free and being themselves effortlessly. Then, at a certain time, there came the judgment – the darkness you might say – of being cast off from the unconditional feeling of love, from effortlessly following your own nature.

Where then is the Garden of Eden? Was it ever here on Earth? I say to you, the Garden of Eden lies as a promise in all your hearts. It is the intention in these troubled times that you give birth and expression to the Paradise of ancient time, but here and now on Earth. That process begins with you daring to descend into the deepest corners of your being, and daring to let your Light shine there and to not shy away from this Light. You do that by letting go of the mediocre and becoming extraordinary; and know that your soul and your deepest desire is extraordinary!

It happens usually that when you first hear the call of your soul in your head, and only to some extent in your heart, that your life becomes unsettled. You have a sense of your soul’s existence, but you pull back when it comes to truly giving shape to your heart’s deepest cry. There is a great fear, a divide to step over. It is there that you collide with the fears, the resistance that lies hidden in the area of the belly.

This is why spirituality demands a different way of looking at what it means to be human. It requires that you make peace with your feeling nature, and to be not afraid of your deepest emotions, passions, and desires, and to really dare to look at them. To live not from doctrines that are dictated from outside, or from theories, even though they sound lofty and spiritual, but to live truly from your heart, from your belly, and from your humanity – to allow your soul to shine from within.

This is what is happening now on Earth and this is what is calling to you all. It gives a person great joy to step back from the outside to the inside, to come back Home. I encourage you all to do that, and to keep it uncomplicated and simple. To walk this path calls for courage, yet at the same time it can be a joy, for with every step you become more attuned to the signals from your body and from your emotions, and you gain confidence in who you are. Listen to the inner child; dare to stand up for who you really are; hide yourself no longer – you are needed!

At a particular point in time, your soul decided to follow its desire to embody its Light on Earth, and to shine and spread your Star Light here.That embodiment gives you joy, and gives joy to others, too, because an inspired human being awakens motivation in others – but doing so takes courage. Trust the Light of your soul, and feel the wisdom and strength that you are. Make peace with your human nature, and dare to embody your power completely here on Earth. I am here for you; feel my power – the power of nature. See in your imagination a tree whose powerfully developed roots grow deeply into the Earth. Become that tree and rely on the ground that supports you. Feel the power in the trunk and in the branches, and see how this power extends into an abundance of foliage that bear Spring blossoms and Summer fruit.

Ask your soul to give you a message and to manifest itself through your feelings and through your body. Truly, the language of the soul is very close. You cannot find that wisdom in the most scholarly books, but you can find it in yourself. See again the wonder of who you are and of the body that carries you – you are beautiful! You are a child of the Earth and a child of Heaven, and a bridge between both. Feel again a great reverence and respect for the being you are. I ask you to do this so as to no longer be dependent, and to develop trust again and become your own guide. And from that trust to take the hand of another and to connect with his or her beauty by looking more deeply than the exterior. Feel the beating heart of the people around you, and in this way, connect with one another. Through humanity, a new spirituality is being born, a spirituality of the Earth.

© Pamela Kribbe


Translation by Maria Baes and Frank Tehan

Source: http://jeshua.net/




Sanat Kumara ( Raj ): You’re Ready to Build Societies in Adherence with the Law – An Hour With An Angel, April 22, 2013

An Hour With An Angel

An Hour With An Angel

The Planetary Logos and Keeper of the Universal Law, Sanat Kumara, joined us on An Hour with an Angel Monday to take our understanding of the universal law deeper and prepare us for the discussion next week of vasanas and the constructed self. He was preceded by Gaia who thanked us for honoring her on Earth Unity Day.


An Hour with an Angel, 22 April 2013, with Sanat Kumara

Geoffrey West: Greetings and blessings to all, on this evening of Earth Unity Day. Welcome to another Hour with an Angel, with Linda Dillon, channel for the Council of Love and author of the book The Great Awakening.

Joining her this evening is Steve Beckow, founder of the blogsite Golden Age of Gaia and author of Building Nova Earth: Towards an World that Works for Everyone.

I’m Geoffrey West, sitting in for Graham Dewyea this evening.

I invite you to bring in Raphael’s green flame of healing for Gaia, as we honor her service to humanity on this evening and hold her in the highest energies of love, light, protection and service for the highest good of all.

Our guest this evening is Sanat Kumara, Raj. With that, I turn things over to you, Steve.

Steve Beckow: Thank you very much, Geoff. And for our listeners, Sanat Kumara is known to all of Earth civilizations and has intervened at critical periods to send us in new directions. Welcome, Raj.

Raj: And welcome to you on this magnificent day. Welcome to all of you during this time of celebration of Gaia.
And before we begin this day, I would like to step aside for her to send greetings to each of you.

SB: Thank you.

R: And as planetary logos, this is my honor to do.

Gaia: Greetings. I am Gaia.

SB: Greetings, Gaia.

G: I am Terra Nova, I am Nova Gaia, I am Nova Earth. I am one of your mothers and your best friend. And I take this opportunity on Earth Day to speak to the hearts, the minds and the bodies of each of you.

And I beckon you, my beloved friends, from the place where I am anchored in the 5th dimension, the place of change, magnificent, continual change and constancy, as the Mother has put it. (1) And it is the place of love.

I thank each of you for your gifts of love — big, small, and in-between. In your awakening — and I do not simply mean in the past several months; I mean, in the awakening of this lifetime — you have become and you have remembered the gifts that we share together, and that you are connected infinitely and eternally to me.

While you are on Earth, and off Earth, our connection is strong and permanent. Even those of you who have traveled from afar, because you have done so out of love.

And it is love not only for our Divine Mother, and not only for the interplanetary systems and the multiverse, but love and honoring for me.
And you have begun to know and feel, in this new multidimensionality, the reality of our partnership. And whether it is through the asphalt, the grass, or the red rocks, it matters not. Whether it is through the hummingbird or the eagle, it matters not.

Just as the Mother claims you, so do I — not in a way of control or subservience, but in a gentle embrace of love. So I wish you to know on this day, on this eventful day, because as humans you love events and you love celebrations, and, dear heart, so do I.

So, on this eventful day I say to you, I give you my gifts freely. I share my bounty and my abundance of all resources freely. I embrace you gently. I cradle you in my arms, and I rock you to sleep, and I awaken you with the kiss of the morning air. I give you my love. Farewell, and thank you.

SB: And thank you, Mother.

Well, that was a welcome surprise. And, Raj, now we turn back to you. Archangel Michael suggested that a discussion of the Universal Law would be a good opening into a discussion of vasanas and the constructed self. Can you tell us, what is the object of the Universal Laws? What work do they do?

Raj: Yes, it is my pleasure. And you may call me SK or Raj, or you may call me friend or brother, but I am simply pleased to be called on this day. And it is very fitting that we are having this conversation, for Universal Law is applicable, just as you have said.

It is the framework upon which you come to understand how things work. It is part of the universal grid. It is part of the understandings of how things happen or don’t happen, and the alignments that one can gain in terms of your own process of Ascension and return to the source of One.

So it is the framework upon which creation, what you have called the Divine Qualities, everything hangs. So it is the grid upon which you come to understand how things work. It is peculiar, is it not, that you have, as a human collective, of all breeds, such an obsession with this word “law”? You have judicial law, you have laws of mathematics, quantum physics, but you do not have, and you have not aligned fully or completely with, Universal Law.

And yet it is the starting point and it is the finishing point. And when you are in alignment with Universal Law, you come to a place of understanding of how to position yourself, particularly within time and space, how your actions, or inactions, or sense of being, can be measured and reflected.

It is the guidelines — well, it is stronger than guidelines — it is the law laid down by the Mother/Father One for adherence to the Divine Qualities. So you have been having a very rich and meaningful discussion, which I have participated in gladly, about Divine Qualities and how they work.

But if you want to know the how-to, and that is how you get to some of your vasanas or issues or blockages, however you choose to describe these, is that you reflect upon the Universal Law and what is not in alignment.

So often you say to me, “Well, Raj, I have been working on something, but it does not seem to click for me. It does not produce the results.” So what I would refer you back to is this codification, this grid, this framework upon which everything hangs.

All of the Universal Laws that I speak of are interconnected. So it is not a matter of simply working or understanding one, individual law. That is not sufficient.

One of the reasons that we are having this wonderful conversation — and I am so glad that you have invited me to do this — is that you are at a point in your transition, your Ascension, your evolution, collectively and individually, in tandem with the kingdoms and with Gaia, that you are ready to more fully embrace and understand, and build societies, a planet, that is in adherence and alignment with the law.

What we wish to say about the law, and how this will help you understand what we are referring to, why do we have Universal Law? It is the rules. It is the rules of how things work, and they do not change.

So one of the issues that you are working with is you are in an environment, a situation, of constant change, whether you acknowledge it or realize it or not. And so, when you refer to the law, you have a framework within which to work with that constant change, and to go to the place of balance.

The purpose of the law, the foundation of the law, is balance. It is to assist you, to guide you — and all beings — to the place of balance. So, that is the reason for Universal Law.

When we said to the Mother, and the Mother said to many, “How will the beings, not only on Earth, not only upon this beloved jewel, Gaia, how will they understand how to construct, how to proceed?” it was the understanding of the law, of how things work. Just like your scientific or natural law.

Now, you do not go about every single day thinking, or feeling, “Am I in alignment with the law?” whether it is human law or natural law. It is the way of being.

Now, many of the human laws that have evolved are not at all in alignment with Universal Law. And that is where things have gone awry and where false grids and paradigms have grown up, and actually assume the illusion of solidity.

But they do not have a reference point in the heart of One. And then people become disenchanted, disillusioned, disappointed, because they think they are adhering to law, and it is not having the results of creation that they desire. But it is because they have not taken the time — this is not a criticism; now is the time to understand this body of law — so the law as it exists to answer your question, to assist you and many far beyond Gaia to understand how things work, is actually very simple.

SB: Could I intervene at this point, Raj?

R: Yes, of course you may. You know I tend to go on and on.

SB: And I tend to listen on and on. And from time to time I say, well, maybe I should ask a question, but I’m just so fascinated listening to you.

We’re on a journey from God to God, and I get the sense that the Universal Laws are what keep us moving in the direction we’re destined to go. But at the same time, it isn’t as if you can go to the corner store and buy a pocketbook on the Universal Law.

There’s very little dependable literature out on the Universal Law. So here we are. It’s so important to us, and it’s one of the matters we have so little literature on.

What can you say about that quandary that we face?

R: I recognize the quandary. And you will also be glad to know that I certainly have been prodding and working with the channel to write all these laws down and to expand on them through channeling, so that there is more of what you think of as tangible material, so that there can be that level of interaction and understanding.

But if you go into your heart consciousness, and this is the compass that you have all been given, and that is reset within you, and was reset, by the way, in December, it is a very simple question: Does this situation, does this action, does this feeling, does this behavior, does this situation, feel that it is in alignment with love and with One?

Does it feel within me, within my heart knowingness, that it is in the balance and that it is not only slowly moving me along — and there are many who have chosen a very slow path; so I do not say that in judgment — but does this jettison me, because you are in a time of rapid change, does this align with the love that I know within me, that is my divine essence spark, does it align with the love of the Mother, does it feel like love?

And you say to me, “Well, Raj, how do I know what love feels like?” And that would be a silly question, because there is not one human being — and certainly none of the kingdoms — who do not know, when they are completely honest with themselves, what love feels like.

Now, often there are excuses. And I speak very frankly. Now, excuses are fine. But they coerce you in many ways to be very honest with yourself. So when you are making an excuse — and this is where vasanas come in — you know that you are working a program that is really not in alignment with the truth of your universal selves. And it doesn’t serve you in that returning home to One.

Some of you, my beloved friends, have chosen a very lengthy return to the heart of One. It is as if you have chosen in many ways to make a grand circuit, a grand tour, prior to the return. Others of you have chosen a very direct route. Both are correct. But let us refer, now, to one of the laws that I have just begun speaking of, and it is the Law of Completion and Continuity.

So you say to me, “Well, Raj, what does that mean?” Let us put it in very simple terms, because we do not wish these laws to be complex or misunderstood. The Law of Completion and Continuity, in your language, would mean that everything has a beginning and an end, and at the end there is always, always, another beginning. That is the law.

So, when you have chosen your grand circuit or your direct route, you have known, in adherence to the law, that you have begun a journey. And that journey is always the same, my beloved friends. It is the journey back to One. It is the journey back to the love.

SB: You’ve used different words to say — it seems to me — the same thing. For instance, you say the law’s all about balance. Now, balance is the still point; the still point is the heart. And on other occasions you’ve said go into your heart, and other occasions you’ve said… you’ve talked about love, which St. Paul would call that the fulfillment of the law. And then you talk about the return to the One.

Since the One is found through the heart, is the law all about a return to the heart?


sanat Kumara  /  Raj

sanat Kumara / Raj

R: Yes and no. It is the guidebook about the return to the heart, and the guidebook, or the direction, that we offer you is the same for those upon Gaia as it is in the Pleiadian sector, or Arcturus, or Andromeda, or CCC. So it is the same, throughout. And that is the glue factor, as well, in terms of the unity and the love.

Now, is the law imprinted within that heart consciousness and love? Yes. So when I speak of a specific law, you will have, immediately, that heart knowing: “Oh, yes, I know that. That makes sense.”

SB: Archangel Michael actually said that Universal Law is the framework on which everything hangs, not only the bumper rails, but the skating rink itself. Can you expand on what it is he was wishing us to know by those comments, please?

R: Yes, because you have questioned my dear friend, Michael, about this issue of Universal Law simply being the guardrails so that you do not go off the supernova highway. And he has corrected you in making sure that you understand that is not simply the guardrails; it is the entirety.

So when you are operating, when you are breathing, when you are acting, when you are feeling, when you are processing, when you are praying, when you are creating, you are operating on that framework, on that tapestry, on that grid of Universal Law.

You cannot absent yourself from this framework. It is not possible. And the Universal Laws that I speak to you of, today and in the future, is not simply Universal Law that is applicable to the humans. It is the Universal Law that we all adhere to. And that is where you are headed. That is your inter-dimensional shift. It is that heart knowing, love alignment with the law.

SB: You see, the difficulty we have, Raj, with what you’re saying. And that’s that Earthly laws proscribe behavior. Earthly laws say, “You mustn’t do this. And if you do this, this is what will happen to you.”

And so we encounter Universal Law, and it is not just the bumper rails, but it is the skating rink itself. I don’t think we’re used to thinking of a law as being more than a proscription of behavior, but the Universal Law is more than a proscription of behavior, is it not?

R: Oh, yes. And in fact if you think of the laws — well, a portion of the laws, of human reality; think of your legal jurisprudence system; as I have said, you are not necessarily thinking, in each of your actions, “Am I behaving within the confines or the prescriptive definitions of behavior that are acceptable in this country that has laid down these laws?”

You don’t really think about it, unless you are breaking the laws. Now, the difference is, is that human law is based on punishment and control. So they have no real divine essence, do they? And one could argue — and I can hear you already — saying, yes, but the underpinning of that is order and love and not taking advantage of some people. But that is not the nature of Universal Law.

One of your primary drives, as spiritual, human, emotional, mental beings, is to find out how things work and, “How do I get home?” So, think of this. You have a system…. Actually, for the grid of humanity at this time, there are specifically about 13 Universal Laws that you are working with. And I have mentioned one today — continuity and completion; completion and continuity.

But these are all inter-connected. So they form a grid, a skating rink, upon which you move. And as you work with one law, your heart opens more fully in terms of divine alignment and knowing, and then it leads you to the next law and the next law. But your actions become referred reference points to the law rather than some constructed reality or self, or some false grid or vasana.

So what the law does, and when you truly engage with the Universal Law is that it removes the illusion upon which so much of human experience has been based. So that is why it is so important — critical! — at this time, why I am stepping forward and saying, “All right, my beloved friends, it is time for you, each of you, to more fully understand the law. And I am happy — I am thrilled — to be able to act, can I say, as your tutor, as your guide.”

SB: Thank you for that, Raj. And of course as you said, we are awakening at this time, going through a very rapid awakening process. And we’re also preparing to build Nova Earth, or some of us are actually building Nova Earth. And so, do tutor us. What is it most important for us to know on the Universal Law as we approach this awakening and this work?

R: Let us talk of a couple of these laws. Let us speak — because we have been discussing the nature of Universal Law; now what we will do is talk about one of the laws which is purpose, sacred purpose. And as you are coming to address your Divine Qualities and your vasanas, it is important to know, and to connect with and understand, the Universal Law of Purpose. So let me explain.

Again, brief, succinct, and I will absolutely welcome your questions. Because it will feel very familiar to you.

All energy that emerges from the heart of One, in whatever form, has sacred purpose, expression, direction. And that is also connected to your completion and continuity.

Now, the sacred purpose law is the understanding in the universal sense that the purpose of all existence is to love, to be of joy, and to find your way back home.

But in that, and within that – there are many clauses to this law — is what is your sacred purpose? How does your purpose — and you and I, my friend, and particularly you and Michael have had this conversation, about alignment of purpose — how does your purpose, your expression, in this lifetime, as a fragment of your broader journey align with the Law of Love?

Do you understand what I am saying?

SB: Yes, I do, Raj. Please continue.

R: So that is the starting point of understanding this journey. What is my sacred purpose? Then there is the Law of Intent. And it is aligning your entire being, all realms, all dimensions, all realities, all experience, all thought, all emotion, with the intent. It is the power of intent. And the Mother’s intent is that you know and experience love, and return home.

That is the Law of Intent. How does it translate into your world, into your experience, in building Nova Earth? So, if I may use you as an example, your sacred purpose is very closely aligned with the Divine Mother and Archangel Michael.

SB: Yes.

R: And it is to be a communicator of truth and to assist the collective in their awakening, in their understanding of who they are, what their potential is, and to be a vessel of communication…

SB: Yes.

R: …for this side, for the Company of Heaven, for your star brothers and sisters and for humanity. So your sacred purpose is a communicator and a conduit.

SB: Yes, I understand.

R: So, the Law of Intent as it applies to you in that purpose is how do you fulfill that sacred purpose with intention that is clearly aligned with your sacred purpose? If you, for example, — and this is not you, and so I use a far-out example — if you choose, in that free-will zone, and the law, the framework of the law is to help you align rather than to make choices that take you away from love, it is very aligned with Geoffrey’s Greenprint for Life, his life path. There are many ways of getting active.

But if your intention is all right – I am well positioned to be a communicator. I know my sacred purpose. But then you say what I am going to do is to control the flow of information. I am going to allow disinformation. I am going to ignore what I know to be true. I am going to not work as fully as I might — and work has need to be always in balance; that is the reference point, that is the still point. But if your intention is not in alignment with your sacred purpose, then you are not in alignment with the law.

So, every intention — big, small, and in between — the intention to live a life of purity, of grace, but that is reflected into action. It is reflected into the qualities of kindness and truth-speaking and sharing and tenderness and mercy, cooperation and compassion.

So, if your intention, then, does not translate into the practicality not only of your actions, but your feelings and your thoughts — because there are many, many on Earth who, for example, will do what appears to be ‘the right thing,’ but they do it because they want to appear to be kind or generous or thoughtful or sincere, but the intent is not there.

What they are doing is they are working from an ego place, or they are taking an action because they think they have to, but in fact they are angry — what is your expression, ‘mad as hell’?

SB: Yes.

R: So, that intention just went awry, did it not?

SB: Yes.

R: Or I am doing it because I am afraid if I don’t do it I am going to get in trouble, either in trouble with the law, with my wife, with my husband, with my children, with my neighbor or with god.

Well, that is not good enough. That is not the alignment with the law. So the emotional component, the mental component…. You cannot think, “Well, I will do this so I will be in alignment, but I really think this is a bunch of hogwash.” No.

Everything, all parts of you — and that is why you come to this stillpoint of your heart and your knowing — it has to be in alignment. Now, do we force it? Are there punitive ramifications if you do not adhere to the law?

Well, the punitive ramifications — and you have seen many — is that life doesn’t work. It is not joyful, it is not loving, it is not sustainable, it is not rewarding, it does not feel good. And you see this every day on the streets of every country. You see this in the quiet of homes where people isolate in desperation.

So the ramifications aren’t what comes from on high. The concept of punishment, of judgment, is a human construct, not a divine one. But are there ramifications? Yes, because what you are doing individually and collectively is hurting yourself, making yourself miserable.

Now, I know, as I say this as your tutor, there are some of you who are listening this night who are saying, “Well, that’s terrible. He’s putting it all on us!”

No, my beloved friends. I am not putting it all on you. What I am saying is there is a body of understanding that if you adhere to you will fly free. So it is part of the collective education and evolution, because you have decided to come as one — even those who are in the, shall we say, the undecided group.

So this is the Law of Intent. Am I clear on that?

SB: Yes, indeed. Can you distinguish the difference, if there is any, between the Divine Qualities and the Universal Law?

R: The Universal Law. Think of it as the framework which, if adhered to and followed, allows the Divine Qualities to thrive. They are completely interconnected.

So think of it as the structure. The law is the steel girders, the two-by-fours, the foundation, and the qualities are the covering and the innards of the building.

SB: Okay. That’s helpful.

R: So you cannot separate them. Because when you are in the purity of adherence to the law, then you are practicing, you are living the law and the Divine Qualities. So you cannot separate these out. If you have one, you have the other.

But it is an understanding, and you are hungry — not simply you, dear heart, but all of you — you are hungry for more information. How do we construct Nova Earth in a way that truly is different?

So, if you say, “Well, if we all practice the Divine Qualities, then we will be there,” and to this I say, yes, you will be, but if you want to understand how it works, how those Divine Qualities reflect to the framework laid out by the Mother/Father One, then this is how.

SB: Can you tell us any good, acceptable sources on the Universal Law? What about the Law of One by Ra?

R: The Law of One, the law of love yourself and love your neighbor…. We are not talking about Biblical truth here. The Law of the Divine Qualities. There are many — four agreements, five agreements. Anything that is written by the Dalai Lama explains this journey and understanding.

So it is not that the information has not been out there. It is more that the human beings — and we do not mean the lightworkers, necessarily, at all — but the human beings have not been eager to adopt this blueprint as the blueprint upon which everything else is formulated.

SB: And these are just, in the end, thoughts in the mind of God, are they not?

R: It is the thoughts or the existence. That is correct. It is not what you think of as random thoughts. It is a construct of creation.

SB: Is it correct to say that they come only from the mind of God, or does the angelic realm play a role in the formulation.

R: No. The angelic realm does not play a role.

SB: So, only God?

R: The angelic realm adheres to Universal Law. They may have different emphases and different laws that they look at because they are operating in a different sphere. And therefore they are, shall we say, blessed or visited with different thoughts from the Source, One. But, no, these are laid down, given, shared, however you wish to conceive of this, directly from One.

SB: So the plan is for us all to return to — return home, as you’ve called it, through realizing our true identity as God, and the laws are there to equip us, to orient us, is that correct, in this journey?

R: To orient you? It is like what you say, so many of you in your vehicles have Mapquest or GPS. This is your universal GPS, dear heart.

SB: [chuckle] Uh-hunh.

R: There is a Law of Unification. And that is part of what you are working on in building Nova Earth. The unification is the deep understanding that all things, everywhere, throughout the omniverse, are unified as One. So as you are transversing and making your journey, you are also doing so through that interconnectedness not only to the heart and essence of One but to everything.

That is why this decision by the human collective to go forward as one in many ways, in my role as planetary logos, makes sense. Because it adheres to that Law of Unification. It is in a tacit and actually very active understanding that you are united, that one does not travel alone.

So while you think, or feel or know or believe, that you are on this journey back, you are also on this journey with everything. There is only one grid. That is the law. How else would you travel? You cannot be jumping from grid to grid to grid to grid.

Now, does it stretch? Are there times when you access a different portion of the grid by changing dimensions or going through wormholes, or black holes or white holes? Yes. But it is still one.

SB: But the grid, just by calling it a grid, you have distinguished it from, say, all or One or God.

R: The totality of the grid is God.

SB: Okay. That helps me. Thank you. Okay. I’m satisfied now. Thank you.

R: That was a very important question.

SB: Thank you for answering that. How can we work with Universal Laws?

R: Go to your still point. And simply call me. Practicing your Divine Qualities, and when you are practicing certain qualities, they more naturally align with different laws, with different thoughts, with different expressions, shall we say, of God, of One. But it is already within you.

So, working with the law is being in your heart consciousness and being discerning, considering. You live in a world, and I distinguish myself, not the planet, but a world, that has become very busy. Now, it is not that you need to judge busy as good or bad; it is indifferent. But in that busyness, busy is a very good place for ego to live.

And in that busyness, and in the feeling of self-imposed struggle — because busyness is a form of struggle; it is not a sense of smoothness; it is self-imposed — you do not take time always to discern, is what I’m doing directing me to my core essence and to my Self, to my I Am presence and the I Am presence? It is as simple as that.

When you stop and ask the question, the guidance is already there. Because your beauty, your heart, your soul, however you conceive of that knowingness is divinely intelligent. It knows. And in the knowing, you can shift from busy to being, and being does not mean that you are not taking action and building Nova Earth. You are, and it is well under way, I am happy to say.

SB: What do you see happening, Raj, that you’re most happy with?

R: We look forward to the human collective decision to adhere to the higher laws of love. That is another name for Universal Law. To adhere to the meaningful existence and the truth of who you are.

Now, this is already being expressed by so many of you. [music up] And trust me, that brings me incredible joy.

Do not underestimate how well you are doing.

SB: Thank you. It’s been a wonderful talk with you. Thank you for joining us.

R: Go with my love. Farewell.
